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Why haven't they made a cure for this yet? The only things we have are finasteride and minoxidil and they are only preventative and require ongoing use to maintain. Why aren't there scientists and big wigs working around the clock to cure this? They would make an ungodly amount of money.
At least I can still feel superior to you.
They already did, use magic word + baldness + pubmed in google and it spits out the cure for baldness.
>what are transplants
>what are hair systems (wigs)
Let me guess, you're too poor for a transplant and don't want to deal with a wig. There's a number of solutions to not go bald, enough for intelligent people, you're just a retard.
I can sell you ways to get your hair back...
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>Why haven't they made a cure for this yet?
Because "they" aren't me, I have and it's picrel. This is the closest you'll find in the literature, and it's with some weaksauce oxidizer: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-4-431-67038-4_28
How did finasteride maintain the hair of all the men in the 10 year japan study if finasteride only blocks 60% to 70% DHT?
Low natural levels of DHT is japanese population, maybe? Do we have any stats on how often they go bald compared to other populations?
Because you don't need to block all of it to maintain hair?
DHT sensitivity is what causes baldness, why do you not need to block all of it to maintain hair? there would still be 30%-40% DHT attacking your hair.
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Because, save costly implants that need maintenance, we just don't know how without massively fucking you up hormonally. Don't you think frigging Jeff Bezos wouldn't sport a full head of hair if there *was* a surefire way to cure it?
They can't make money off of cures. They only make money on subscription models.
What do you think of pp405? Do you think it'll be the holy grail cure that everyone is making it out to be? I find it suspicious that Pelage's website is secretive about it.
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>Why haven't they made a cure for this yet?
Its chlorine dioxide. Applied topically and drank (Kalcker protocol C).
>what are implants

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