Is it possible to advance a scientific field by making a YouTube channel?
Are there mods on /sci/? Why don't they just ban frogposters? It would be an easy way to get rid of tons of shitposts.
>>16565206we only pan you
>>16565202Yes>inspiration makes employees think their work is worthwhile ans makes them think of it outside of work>investors might see the videos and pour more money into the tech/science>smarter students/people get into the field due to its popularity and funding
The kinds of people who are too lazy or arrogant to publish are not the people who make scientific advancements.
>>16565206>modslurk moar newfag
>>16565202Of course. Communicating ideas is vital for any scientific field.
it could get some smart kids into science so they grow up to advance things
>>16565263like sabine?
>>16565232>of course youtube channels advance science!>all we have to do is assume strict determinism