Hello everyone, this is my first post here, and I was wondering if you could help me with ideas to make the world a better place. I’m a mechanical engineering student, and I need to work on a research project (PID). Do any of you have, know someone, or know of something with a problem you’d like to see solved?
>>16566287I want more wires in one ethernet cable, like thick cable, with many wires inside, so it would work like 10 parallel ethernet wires, but you only have to plugin one connector, also bonus point if you also make clamps for that. What do you think of this?
>>16566327Decashark Cables
>>16566350Ouch, did I forgot to mention it should have one connector? I suggest jack-like hexagon, with normal ethernet layout on every side, for sure having more divisions also in depth.Clamping that is going to be impossibru but whatever.
>>16566327The ideas will be discussed with my project partner, just out of curiosity, why did you ask for that specifically?
>>16566364I need more bandwidth, and I can connect many different network card to computer, and last thing I can afford is optical switch.