which one solves problems from classical mechanics better?
>>16566377They both hallucinate when asked about a(3) https://oeis.org/A284287> what is the number of chains which can be arranged according to the rules from a standard domino set<SNIP>After carefully analyzing the problem using graph theory concepts, particularly the BEST theorem, we determined that:the number of chains that can be arranged according to the rules from a standard domino set is:16807 × 5040 ^ 7 = 1388365953944356525178880000000This represents the total number of valid domino chains using all 28 tiles exactly once, forming a closed loop where each tile connects appropriately with matching numbers.
>>16566411This is the solution of o1. I don't know if its correct, I don't really know math.
>>16566457the correct answer is 7959229931520listed as a(3) in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences https://oeis.org/A284287o1 hallucinates as well
>>16566377Probably no one
booo classical mechanics boo hisss`