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>>16571750 (OP)
>We even named it Moon.
it's Luna dude...
>>16571750 (OP)
It is sort of ironic. It might be the most boring place in the solar system despite being near the most interesting. I mean every other moon has something notable about it, but our moon is just a static grey sphere
>every other moon has something notable about it
really? EVERY OTHER MOON? doesn't jupiter or saturn have like 80 moons? I think you're just cherry picking the most interesting out of hundreds of moons and thinking these represent the majority of moons.
>has the incredible chance to have a natural satellite
>only spends a few week-ends on it
>leaves trash behind
>doesn't elaborate
Mankind doesn't deserve the Moon.
>>16571750 (OP)
It's not so boring when it hits your eye like a big pizza pie.
b-but nowhere else in the universe can you see a perfect eclipse b-because the moon and the sun are like 400 times blablooey to each other blablabla
This. Also the moon isn't even a true moon. It's a planet.
>>16571750 (OP)
The moon is 30% the density of the earth. It's hollow. That's pretty interesting.
Leave the moon alone. We like it just the way it is.
it's Luna you inbred monkeys
I hate moon fags so much its unreal
they treat the moon like its the weirdest or most unique thing in existence
>>16571750 (OP)
I don’t know man, people wrote a whole book about why it shouldn’t exist. Doesn’t sound boring at all.
Why should anything exist?
>The moon is 30% the density of the earth.
It's 60%
>>16571750 (OP)
I think it's neat.
It's pretty, and I like to look at it.
>>16571750 (OP)
Her name is Luna and she's adorable. Like Earth's only Waifu.
Except for those times where extrasolar bodies decide to linger around and try to be a second moon like the whores they are. The Earth is Luna's only husbando and she's very protective of him, jealous even.
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that's a moray
lol, dare I say, kek, even.
The Moon is the most unique moon in the solar system, and new papers suggest it may be the most unique moon in the Universe.

The most unique aspect of our Moon is in how it affects Earth’s obliquity—its orbital axis as it revolves around the Sun. Due to precession—the change in Earth’s axial tilt, like that of a spinning child’s top that loses energy—the axial tilt with respect to the y-axis (an imaginary vertical line running through the planet, mathematically) will change by a degree every several hundred thousand years or so. No other planet in the observable universe has ever been found so far to have a moon large enough to stabilise that obliquity. Without the Moon, some astronomers have hypothesised that the Earth’s axis could swing as much as 85-degrees during periods of precession, putting it over the poles and then swinging back over the equator, which would create devastating effects to climate. As it is, precession of one-degree is the known reason for previous ice ages.

As others have noted, its planet-to-moon ratio is that of a hundred times greater than for any other planet-statellite system. But that isn’t the thing that makes it unique.

Its formation also makes it unique, as models have suggested (read doesn’t make it fact) that a Mars-like planet smashed into a young Earth and gravity gathered up the pieces. But for the gas giants, gravity simply pulled them out of the air and coalesced them into their respective systems beyond the frost line.

But then a new paper in 2015 in the Journal Icarus by a team from Zurich modeled just how unlikely this would be, because the end result was that instead of the 8 planets and moons we have, the impact theory produced 180 planets, but most too small to be planets, which dwindled down to 15 that were comparable to our current solar system—still no match.
>papers suggest it may be the most unique moon in the Universe.
Stopped reading here
There are loads more interesting moons
yeah, thats a silly thing to say
>>16571750 (OP)
>Why is our moon so boring?
>We even named it Moon.
From Christian point of view it's perfect both look/name-wise.
"Boring", grey, dreamy texture and colors are made to symbolize night time, time to rest and sleep, and without the moon the night ski would've been really incomplete, empty, dark, so there had to be a small "night sun" for people, like a table night light loving parents leave in their kids' bedroom.
The name "moon" is also perfect, because just by saying it you yawn and feel sleepy, means it's time to go to bed.
https://youtu.be/psGDf2VrvK8?t=44 [Embed]
B-but… it’s so round! It’s just the right size for a perfect eclipse! Nowhere else in the universe is it like this! Nowhere else in the universe would you see such a perfect solar eclipse!
>>16571750 (OP)
The Moon was it's name.
Then retards started calling other small planets orbiting other planets "moons" and NASA just ran with it.
Luna is our sister planet. Earth/Moon is a dual planet system and anyone who doesn't understand this is retarded.
>Nowhere else in the universe is it like this!
>Nowhere else in the universe would you see such a perfect solar eclipse!
> thats a silly thing to say
Yeah, now you're getting it!
>Earth/Moon is a dual planet system and anyone who doesn't understand this is retarded.
>>16571750 (OP)
projecting a swastika onto the moon with lasers
No, the center of gravity of the Earth-Moon system is within the Earth's body. It is a planet with a moon.
Pluto and Charon are the closest thing we have to a dual planet system, albeit with dwarf planets.
>The Moon was it's name.
It's Luna, from latin. Moon is from old english "Mōna", and thus it's not a valid name outside your bullshit.
They prefer to be called Little Planets.
>>16571750 (OP)
the name is Selene
you didn't google this. you've had this ready for years
>gyros ramblings
romans won
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>>16571750 (OP)
>Why is our moon so boring? We even named it Moon.
We named our planet "dirt," anon.
I want a Luna-chan/Earth-kun romcom right now.
Luna and Tellus
Average shitpost in the year 2075
it came to me in a blast of inspiration
>The Moon is the most unique moon in the solar system, and new papers suggest it may be the most unique moon in the Universe.
This reads like a Reddit headline
It's a planet not a moon
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>has the incredible chance to have a natural satellite at home
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100% agree somehow whatever the moon is made of can reflect light at a modest level to keep the night navigatable
It's worth pointing out we're speaking English, not Latin. It's call the Moon, much like the Sun's called the Sun and the Earth's called the Earth.
Yes, you're retarded.
The center of gravity doesn't matter at all.
The IAU is ran by midwits who are more comparable to a religious cult than a science organization.
Way to miss the point.
doesn't mean it doesn't sound retarded lol
There's a man in the moon and his name is Yakub
Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health, said putting Kennedy in charge of a health agency would be like "putting a flat earther in charge of NASA".

As of January 24, 2025, more than 80 organizations had voiced their opposition to Kennedy's nomination.
>>16571750 (OP)
Our moon is quite unique within our solar system in that it is massive relative to it's planet. Other planets like Jupiter and Saturn have larger moons, but they are tiny relative to their planets.

Because our moon is so large relative to Earth, it has a much larger influence on Earth than other moons have on their respective planets. It stabilizes the Earth's axial tilt, and nearly all life on Earth is adapted to it's presence in some way. It's very possible that life would not have formed in the first place without it.
Its name in English is The Moon. Our sun is The Sun
>Our moon is quite unique within our solar system in that it is massive relative to it's planet
It’s because the moon is a planet and the scientific community is a bunch of fags
>It's very possible that life would not have formed in the first place without it.
That’s a bit of a stretch. It’s possible, but it’s still a bit of a stretch.
Mate do you even theia? Are planet collisions now a bore to the Gen Alpha (denizens of this board I assume)?

I think big ol' impact hypothesis is getting some competition now, but a moon bigger than the moon in the sky banged into the fledgling earth. And it was more the size of a bleeding planet like mars.I'd like to see that from a safe perch somewhere up the hill. Oh wait, I'd be fucked. But not bored. Well maybe, dead is kinda bored.

But maybe what is now "Luna" shot its bolt all in one pump and dump and now it's all over and we're happy with no more drama.
It was a PLANET you dumb fuck, and it still arguably IS a planet / pseudo planet
Anon, you have to read the end of a post sometimes. I know getting rustled makes you wanna respond and send a diss right there, right then. But you have to hold your horn, or risk blundering again....

>And it was more the size of a bleeding planet like mars
>It was a PLANET you dumb fuck,

Now I'm sure you'll argue that I didn't mean planet I just said size of planet. But I'm all about scientific knowledge here mate. No more games. No more tom foolery.

BTW It's not a planet any more though anon. Not my decision.
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The asteroid belt used to be a planet.
Something (maybe a comet) fractured it.
Then it turned into rubble, over the centuries.

"The asteroid belt is a torus-shaped region in the Solar System, centered on the Sun and roughly spanning the space between the orbits of the planets Jupiter and Mars."
holy shit that was a planet in that orbit, isn't it? and Trojans/Greeks/Hildas were picked up from that orbit? holy shit imagine that bang
>Its name in English is The Moon.
irrelevant sounds like shit, it's Luna anyway.
>lunar whatever
it's quite clearly Luna. it's not "Moonar surface", its "LUNAr surface"
>BTW It's not a planet any more though anon.
Blah blah blah. Next you’re going to tell me Pluto isn’t a true planet. Fuck you in advance.
>Not my decision.
Lol, you and your consensus.
Is there some kind of subtle difference between planet, pseudo-planet and true planet in your proposal?
Your system is taking shape before my mind's eye, as I type. And I can say, it's looking good.
I reckon you should submit this to your school and have them send it to the space man on TV and he'll probably change it your way. Seems legit. Seems fair.
>It was a PLANET you dumb fuck,
It wasn't, a planet has to clear its orbit, and obviously it didn't if it crashed into Earth
>and Trojans/Greeks/Hildas were picked up from that orbit?
yes, by Jupiter
any estimate on the mass of all that crap? what size rocky planet would it add up to?
"The Titius–Bode law (sometimes termed simply Bode's law) is a formulaic prediction of spacing between planets in any given planetary system. The formula suggests that, extending outward, each planet should be approximately twice as far from the Sun as the one before. The hypothesis correctly anticipated the orbits of Ceres (in the asteroid belt) and Uranus, but failed as a predictor of Neptune's orbit. It is named after Johann Daniel Titius and Johann Elert Bode.

Later work by Mary Adela Blagg and D.E. Richardson significantly revised the original formula, and made predictions that were subsequently validated by new discoveries and observations."
>Mary Adela Blagg and D.E. Richardson
"In a 1945 Popular Astronomy magazine article, the science writer D.E. Richardson apparently independently arrived at the same conclusion as Blagg: That the progression ratio is 1.728 rather than 2."
>>16579460 me
apparently it's some 1% of Mars's mass so couldn't have been a planet. current theory is that's shit that didn't manage to coalesce into a single body because Jupiter kept fucking with it.
~ e – 1
>some 1% of Mars's mass
maybe now or currently
but what was it millennia ago?

a lot of asteroids or meteors were drawn off by, and crashed into, planets
over time

some crashed into Jupiter
some crashed into Mars
some tried to crash into Earth, but disintegrated in the atmosphere
some crashed into the Moon, creating craters
some crashed into the Sun
>>16571750 (OP)
It's only named "moon" in English. In other languages Earth's Moon is "Luna", and other planet's moons are "Satellites".
Lol’ing at all the triggered moon fags itt
Without the moon you don't have tides and the seasons would be non-existent or at least irregular.
It's impossible to say for certain of course, but those two things likely played a significant role in the early evolution of life, if not the origin of life.
Sun, I am disappoint.
Even fucking moonlets like Metis or Pan are more interesting than our moon.
>The moon is a planet.
I like the cut of your jib.
If the moon is tidally locked with earth how does it have craters on the earth facing side that are direct hits?
Thermal vents. Life finds a way. Be more imaginative.
Hot springs maybe, not deep sea vents. The earliest life would be the simplest life, which would not yet be adapted for extreme environments.
Tide pools seems the most likely to me.
it didn't start out tidally locked
>how does it have craters on the earth facing side that are direct hits?
Maybe the craters, which are on the Earth-side of the Moon, aren't impact craters after all.
Was the Moon a sphere of boiling lava, eons ago?
If yes, then maybe those craters are cooled-off boiling lava instead.
>>16571750 (OP)
because it's hollow and synthetic
it's Sol. SOLar
>how does it have craters on the earth facing side that are direct hits?
Everyone knows, that the Earth rotates once every 24 hours.
But not everyone knows, that the Moon rotates once every 28 days.
Thus the Earth doesn't permanently shield or protect half of the Moon.
except it doesn't, moon is always facing Earth.
The meteors can simply approach the Moon from an angle that doesn't go through the Earth
>from an angle that doesn't go through the Earth
No, that doesn't count, because he wrote:
>direct hits
Which means a perpendicular impact.
>you're wrong because of this definition I made up
What makes you think those craters hit perpendicularly?
>this definition I made up
What else does his "direct hits" mean?
Here's everything which he wrote:
>If the moon is tidally locked with earth how does it have craters on the earth facing side that are direct hits?
Thus he meant, that "direct hits" are perpendicular impacts.

>What makes you think those craters [got] hit perpendicularly?
Q: Where did I deny, that "non-perpendicular impacts are possible"?
A: Nowhere!
Luna means moon
In what langauge they don't call the moon moon?
For example, it's "Uranus' satellites" and NOT "Uranus' moons".
Either they were on the Earth-facing side but not directly pointing toward the Earth (you have a full 180 degrees to work with), or they were non-direct hits. Given the distance of the Moon from the Earth, you could probably hit right between the Moon and Earth and only be a few degrees off perpendicular
>Earth-facing side
1959, 1969, 1999,...
>a few degrees off perpendicular
What are the angles given r, d, and R?
>new papers suggest
Yours, on viXra?
The impacts aren't tangental they are head on.
>The impacts aren't tangent[i]al they are head on.
No, they're tangential, perpendicular, or in between.
But if the Earth is in the way, then some angles are eliminated or impossible.
But a tangential impact isn't much of an impact.
you must be thinking of natural satellites. Luna is the name of our natural satellite. you're just stupidly calling it "the Moon". when its name is Luna.
>Natural satellites are colloquially referred to as moons
>>16571750 (OP)
How can you say that?? It is wonderful and beautiful in its desolation. It is close to full moon now, do go out and have a look.
>the Earth is in the way
Earth subtends only about 2 degrees as seen from the moon, that is insignificant.
>Earth subtends only about 2 degrees as seen from the moon, that is insignificant.
The following poster probably didn't know this, since he wrote:
>If the moon is tidally locked with earth how does it have craters on the earth facing side that are direct hits?
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Serious question, where can I learn about using a telescope and stargazing? I have a telescope but don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Can't talk to anyone, and reddit is gay
The moon is pretty and has a lovely surface
I asked what telescope you have and you didn't answer. at this point you should admit you enjoy the pain of being retarded
Clair D. Lune
LOL sorry I went to bed. Celestron 6SE
did you set time/date and location into its interface?
what do you mean?
>>16571750 (OP)
It needs a city
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Ïf it is 5 degrees off, wouldn't it still be seen as a "direct hit"? We are not taling ping pong balls so hits are direct. I guess you mean a hit that is not glancing and in that case it can be a bit off the perpendicular.
And considering all the motions in our solara system, a perpendicular hit is not realistic.
actually, i don't even care how impacts are, or should be, classified
that one poster started this by writing "direct hits"
>>16571750 (OP)
Our moon is the only one we know of in the universe that perfectly eclipses the local star. This is purely by coincidence, since the moon is just the right distance away to take up the same amount of area in the sky as the sun. This fact has actually been crucial in early estimates of the distance between the earth and the sun, and by extension our estimates for the scale of the whole solar system. Since the moon is gradually getting farther away, someday total eclipses will not exist.
the telescope has a computer, you have that controller on it. it says so on its webpage "computerized telescope".
you need to set time date and GPS location, so it knows how to track the sky when you're looking through it.
if you don't, whatever you're looking at will quickly drift out of view.
>cool giant craters
>iconic giant lava fields
>very different hemispheres
>big enough so we can see its surface
>same apparent size as the Sun producing kino eclipses and not lame little transits
>does cool tides that you can directly experience
>useful light at night
>umbrellas against space pebbles
it's pretty cool, only Io would be cooler. Titan would be lamer because it would look boringly smooth.
Actually the proper term is natural satellite and Moon is a proper noun for Earth's satellite. Yes, moon is used for other natural satellites too, but it's just laziness.
it seems that burgers made an agency which decided for the rest of the planet that it's called Moon lol. lmao even.
I don't have a GPS
sell your telescope before you break it, retard
this >>16584721
your phone has one. you might have a list of cities around the world instead, choose the closest.
>>16571750 (OP)
I like its little poophole at the bottom
I indeed meant perpendicular.
Surface Normal if they're so autistic they need a definition applicable to an oblate spheroid.

The moon is a sister planet.
The IAU are retards and their definition of planet is beyond retarded. If it's a spherical body in space and not a star it's a planet. There are some very interesting stars out there but main stream science can't even get the local solar model correct so they aren't ready for the more bizarre stars out there.

Hell, they can't even figure out cepheids.
It’s just another big ass space orb to ponder
It was caused by the great flood during Noah's time. Water trapped below the Earth's crust was suddenly released and these great geysers sent water into space, which subsequently froze and impacted the moon.
Evolutionists deny this because they're pseudo-intellectual retards who hate G*d and his chosen people.
>ponder sun
>go blind
>>16571750 (OP)
It’s conveniently pretty. Hypnotic even. The body is round.
>The body is round.
It's Selene, get it right nigga. Luna/Diana/Artemis/Mona is all a cope.
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>>16571750 (OP)
It's spooky
see >>16575050
>>16571750 (OP)
its pretty
>>16571750 (OP)
You're not aware of the stories of the Moon, that's why you think it's boring.
>>16571750 (OP)
moon is the name dumbass, it's a natural satellite
strange noise sounds like cows. anyway, it's called Luna.
That's-a Theia . . .
>>16571750 (OP)
its not boring, its cute
>>16571750 (OP)
aliens stole all the green cheese.
It's one of God's anal beads
Ranjit, we talked about this.
This. It scares me.
The moon vaguely caries the image of a fetus within it
>>16571750 (OP)
it single-handedly saves the night from being pitch black and all you do is complain?? you should be thanking the moon, its rich in beauty, and projects that beauty unto earth during its time in the night
>>16571750 (OP)
Its literally made of cheese dude. How is that not interesting?!
fucking weirdos, the moon is chill and soothing and offers light at night, which can be helpful.
Supposedly it's because mean ayys are on it that we can't go check it out more. If these ayys are mean, maybe we should just use infrastructure to magnetically decouple the moon from us so it and the evil ayys get sent off into deep space. Otherwise it's never really been expressed why we haven't done more with it.
Are you suggesting Ayys made the moon? Or are they just stationed on it? If it’s the former, what else can they make? If it’s the latter, why does it matter?
>why does it matter
Earth’s history is the product of aliens, from beginning to end, along with countless other things in the universe.
>>16571750 (OP)
i love you moon
>>16571750 (OP)
It's a moonplanet
There are moon men up there you know
And their name is Yakub
>luna doesn't mean moon
>ponder means look
I hadn't stepped to /sci/ in several years. I kneel at the level of general literacy here, you are all truly based retards, free from the struggle of >95 IQ peoples.
You're living in it fren. Your paper in the romcom is that of a shortlived gnat in Earth-kun's inner left elbow but you WILL appear on the full credits!
Enjoy the ride
>No other planet in the observable universe
Retarded hyperbole. We literally cannot detect most earth-sized planets even in our own galaxy, let alone their moons.
Pondering can and does coincide with looking at something, even if it's in the mind.
those are the just L4/L5 points which interstellar or astroidbelt objects have collected at, we would need to send sample missions to see if any of the objects are related
Pondering is another word for contemplation.
Luna is a cat
So let's go to the moon.
Why are you all talking about it but not going there?
It can't be that hard
shit traction
How do you actually get there? I wanna go to the moon.
Do you really need a rocket and chemical propulsion?
Always fear the dark moon, Ranni.
no, I meant shit traction once on the moon. miss me with that shit. it's like the shit dreams when you try to run and barely move.
Contact the Sigmund corp
>>16571750 (OP)

The Moon is awesome and it would have taken us a fucking long time to discover all sort of stuff about the universe without it.
>it would have taken us a fucking long time to discover all sort of stuff
or even pop up.
So it’s more convenient than awesome.
The moon might not be necessary for life. Just a particular brand of life.
>it's Luna
Would have been prettier with two moons, but don’t mind me, just saying the obvious here.
oh my god i've never thought about this but it absolutely would, you've opened my eyes
The body is round.
greeks lost, it's Luna
Sadly it's Luna, also there might be some other trolls but if this person is really luring everyone to get clicks they'll be karma whoring themselves right out of the game
>>16571750 (OP)
The Moon is kino. You just don't know much about it.
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every night i take a solid 10 minutes to sit or stand outside with no distractions. it's quite relaxing, the moon is very nice
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Mewn uwu
Are there really blue stars? Wouldn’t that hurt the eyes?

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