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Thought these were cool so bringing em bk
Props to whoever invented these
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Empty version :>
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posting again for the culture
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these are always a fun pass time
Forever alone, just saying hi.
nobody yet...
Active text chats and daily VCs full of interesting people.
Feel Free to run retarded. Be the monkey to our circus
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I enjoyed doing this.
Yet I wish it was useful for something.
Interesting. I hope you realize you disqualified yourself from all guys but the most desperate or asexual with a single line. But if you do find someone, once you feel an emotional connection and you start getting physical, I think you will change your mind. Why try to wait though? Why not just get it done?
Get done the sterilization I mean
people get lost into making the meme. I got my template from a previous post, and when I was ready to post it, thread had already 404'd
Cos my parents are paying my tuition and they don't allow it rip
they look like a man, maybe ex-ftm or current mtf
are u really lurking here to see if i'd post again?
u already wormed ur way into my skull
I love you
Why? They hope you have an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy? If u get it now, do they have to know? Maybe start bringing home guys they disapprove of.
> why
They don't approve of me being child-free forever
> do they have to know?
No offense but you clearly have no clue how females are sterilized. It's pretty darn impossible to hide a procedure that leaves 3 scars and costs like 1k euros.
> guys they disapprove of
My dad still thinks I'm dating a 30+ year old I was with for 2 years when I was 16, mother thinks I got a bf from highschool. Long story lol

But yea having to deal with all this cos someone's unhappy with just a blowjob is kind of a drag at this juncture.
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>clearly have no clue
yeah clearly ha

>guys they disapprove of
date a black or muslim guy.

you could get an IUD, which is super effective.
i put this into an AI search:
compare the effectiveness of birth control methods

and this was the result. (note that the percentages are clearly inverted from the true numbers. apparently the AI switched effectiveness and failure rate):

"The effectiveness of birth control methods can vary depending on several factors, including how well they are used and the individual’s overall health. Here’s a comparison of the effectiveness of different birth control methods:

Most Effective Methods:

Intrauterine devices (IUDs): 0.2 to 0.8 percent effective
Hormonal implants: 0.1 to 0.5 percent effective
Tubal ligation: 0.5 to 1.5 percent effective
Vasectomy: 0.1 to 0.5 percent effective
These methods are considered highly effective because they prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation, fertilization, or implantation of a fertilized egg.

Moderately Effective Methods:

Hormonal birth control pills: 5 to 8 percent effective
Condoms: 2 to 10 percent effective
Diaphragms: 6 to 12 percent effective
Spermicides: 10 to 20 percent effective

or combine two methods. I think you multiply the failure rates to get the failure rate when combined. (0.5/100 failure rate (IUD average) x 5/100 failure rate (condom average)
= 0.00025% or 1/4000 chance of getting pregnant. that's a pretty damn good risk. and if the condom breaks for some reason you could still do the morning after pill.
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just post chart
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I still like using these, even in newer threads.
You have excellent taste. Our taste in music is different, but otherwise we are very similar -- or at least I'm very similar to your male counterpart. I'm just going to drop my discord anyways. randomestburnername
>even the most progressive europoors hate troons
Can’t make this shit up lmao
I'm conflicted.

On one side, you describe yourself as a literal valkyrie and I'm an almost perfect match all across the board.
On the other, you have the artistic taste of a 12yo.

Such is life.
>in the "bad" height range
Ah well, was pretty close otherwise.
I haven't gotten any adds at all
I don't hate trans people
>Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence
I never used the term adult. As I never used the term childish.

The only implied axiom in my sentence is that a 12yo cannot have good taste. Which is a fact, because good taste requires time and exposure to be developed. Which is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

It does not, then, in any way imply that being an "adult" equates automatically to have a better one.

You can be a 12yo with bad taste.
You can be an adult with bad taste.
You can be an adult with good taste.
You cannot be a 12yo with good taste.

You chose to be an adult with bad taste that resorts to red herring-ing rather than figuring out that the deep appreciation of basic media in your late 20s is a sign of an underdeveloped palate and not of the noble preservation of a child-like wonder.

Best of luck anonette - but if you ever look to improve your taste in one or more of the listed art forms, feel free to give me a ring. I'm all for supporting self-improvement journeys.
>I never used the term adult. As I never used the term childish.
Nobody said you did, you implied it.
>The only implied axiom in my sentence is that a 12yo cannot have good taste
Not an axiom.
>resorts to red herring-ing
Not a red herring either.
Ironically though, you defending your immature aversion to childish material by pointing out its lack of sufficiency is a red herring. You still treat "adult" as a term of approval by treating "childish" as a disqualifier, that is in fact how dichotomies work. Saying you don't love all "adult" taste is not a response to the accusation that you hate all childish taste.
>noble preservation of a child-like wonder
I want nothing to do with "noble" anything entertainment. There's nothing "noble" about being wowed by looking at pixels on a screen or pigment on a page. How incredibly conceited.
>feel free to give me a ring. I'm all for supporting self-improvement journeys.
No thanks, I'm not interested in advice from pretentious people who base their self-worth on the entertainment they consume.
nobody is going to be interested in you for any longer than a day if you're going to advertise yourself as bisexual AND in the military.
I see, you don't understand formal and informal logic (and related fallacies), rhetorical devices, subtext, and generally struggle with reading comprehension.

I understand now, you ARE 12yo, my bad.
Geez though, I knew child soldiers were a thing, but didn't know they made it to Europe now.

O tempora, o mores
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How do I make fremd on the internets?
patrician tastes and you seem interesting but calm down with trying to bring order to the universe. you're making wars on victimless "crimes" (e.g. tats, sex, etc).
btw your social views should probably move to the last square

email me and lmk here if you do. we can move to IM after email. I'm 30s straight male
>How do I make fremd on the internets?
it helps if you post your contacts. email me. (see last post)

can you post that chart template? i like it better
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ill post one more time
Lol, you're just a genderswapped me. It really sucks that you're in Europe!
I think we're a pretty good match
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just for fun but feel free to drop dc if it feels right~ I like girls too but I doubt I’ll ever hear from one so this is just aimed at my male preferences
Much love for that Final Fantasy 12 mention. I'm tired of pretending that it is not one of the greatest Final Fantasy Games.

You seem pretty cool aside from that too, but I'm not from North America sadly.

Hope you have a nice day and find some folk to talk to on here!
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just liek me fr
unfortunate, though you should def add me anyways because we are alike in literally every way
women, lol
not even a pity-fuck from me
If you're still around, I'd like to talk to you. I fit a lot of what you're looking for, and I'm in Canada as well. Discord: redburgundy
FF12 TZA has some of the most satisfying dualclassing out of any RPG, and gambits rule. game was way ahead of its time.
please post template
I fit pretty well add me
why are you mormon
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I'm not? Why do you think that?
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dunno what i'm expecting. also looking for just friends
>tfw no goth husbando
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Can my drawing go on the fridge?
what a kinky, interesting individual
omg we need to talk
>discord or
I emailed you

every time.
i’m sorry :’(
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Making those charts are always fun
Incredibly based macabre qt
I fit the description pretty well

add me on disc - airways3.14
How? You're a conservative looking for a tradwife
You're an edgy baby and we don't have anything in common
A fellow Mount and Blade enjoyer, I approve.
i assume this is about hitler... you just wouldnt get it
>and we don't have anything in common
damn, did i strike a nerve?
>I don’t hate trans “people”
Yeah, okay buddy ;)
What's there to get if you aren't a neonazi?
>damn, did i strike a nerve?
No, what's wrong with that statement?
arent you a bit old to be this retarded
Your interest being Hitler is retarded
you want to date a jewish woman yet ur interest is hitler... curious
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Where do you think you are, you ugly tard?
in a sad place with many like-minded Hitlery retards
Dang it you're epic but I'm Germany not UK q.q
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Normally struggle talking about myself so this was a fun exercise
Life isn’t fair
Feel free to reach out anyways, I can make the odd exception
idm chatting, just message my discord
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It's not this black and white. Just shoot me a friend request if you want
i agree, magenta and highlighter green are ugly colors. whoever started this thing with that painful color scheme should be hunted down.
got an email or session? I'm a straight male
I changed the colors for my version >>33132397
And yeah, the bright green could be replaced with a less bright color
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Aight, contributing, fun stuff
good lord that's hot
godspeed girl
I'm not goth but I have a vampire tooth and will build a burial mound for us to be entombed in, is that enough
brother, we're both straight males. why do you look for male friends on a QT thread
bump funi bread
because the chart is for fun and gives useful information for matching with new friends. in fact for most posters, there will be no romantic responders. so would you like to chat (via email or session)?
Arab women below jewish women? What's the difference?
ok good seeing u soc cya in 6 months
As a general rule I prefer Judaism over Islam, so it's more so down to just the religion itself over the actual women
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idk just seeing whats out there.

I'm open to friends and more, guys can add me if you think we'd make amenable homies
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I like the idea but the next version should really have more contrast in the colors

I am open to talk to all kinds of people as long as you are somewhat interesting :)
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this is cringe (does it anyway)
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this has been such a massive waste of time but fuck it
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Eh, it's finished enough I guess
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I mean, uh, Oslo?
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well I filled it so
LoL username
add if same interests
>boards could be taken as /a/, /d/, and /v/ or as /adv/
You seem nice but why do you have 'perfect' neaer the edges of introverted/extroverted and structured/spontaneous but only good/very good in between? You prefer that someone be one or the other (not in between) but you don't care which they are? lol
mjnimaism - adv
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this is like coloring books but for autists
rip you're epic but I'm in EU
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took me too long to do this
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Emailed you
can we chat? see >>33158658
never thought wearing glasses would get in the way of a perfect match, rip in peas

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