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Anime & Mental illness discord thread!

>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
>Looking for
>not looking for
>Discord tag
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>Mental Illnesses
tism and adhd
>Favorite Anime/Manga
monogatari, punpun, soul eater, evangelion, attack on titan, serial experiments lain
>Describe yourself
silly guy who wants long lasting relationship
>Looking for
silly ppl with autism, stim addicts, potheads and weird but chill ppl
>not looking for
trans, niggers
>Discord tag
>Anime & Mental illness discord thread
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
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active funcel kitty loving server
no niggers allowed
fun free speech we love all


I prefer someone creative, curious and intellectually honest. I'm not naturally enthusiastic about people, but can accommodate if you're interesting. I don't want people who don't temper their subjective opinions and emotions with evidence and principles. I don't generally warn people before removing them, and I don't sacrifice my own principles to be accommodating. If you're an open wound go away. If you're looking for females go away. If we've met before go away. Additionally we can trade music if you like prog metal. I can stream anime for us or we can play league.

>Mental Illnesses
Schizoid Personality Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder
Potential Autism, can't say for certain until June
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Its hard to pick one that I can definitively say is best, but I definitely like Overlord.
>Describe yourself
I like playing video games and examining the philosophy found in them. I find that I'm easily burnt out on things, and I have a hard time approaching and talking to people.
>Looking for
a friend near my age who doesn't mind putting up with a schizoid and initiates conversation alot, and preferably shares some common interests
>not looking for
people alot older than me or people that fetishize mental illness (I did not know that was a thing until 4chan)
>Discord tag
this is an alt
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>ASL - 26 f Anaheim California
>Mental Illnesses - autism, general mentally unstable-ness
>Favorite Anime/Manga - chainsaw man, blue archive the animation, Clannad.
>Describe yourself - bbw autistic terminally online neet
>Looking for - a irl bf in southern Cali
>not looking for - people who live far away from me, internet trolls, people who won't vc, people who will block me after the first or second date
>Discord tag - chickenclaw3
24 MtF USA
>Mental Illnesses
PPD + bipolar
>Favorite Anime/Manga
hunter x hunter
>Describe yourself
NEET faggot hacker bored out of her mind. Very mentally ill so thought id post here lol
>Looking for
friends or whatever
>not looking for
>Discord tag

our server is perfect for mentally ill weebs ages 18-30!!!!!!!!! everyone is welcome<333
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>>Mental Illnesses
bpd and honestly npd to a extentt. prob low iq to
>>Favorite Anime/Manga
Girls last tour and bochii da rock!!!
>>Describe yourself
male chubby bi guy looking for people to honestly talk to or new people to talk to and not ghost!!!!!!
>>Looking for
any kind of person really
>>not looking for
>>Discord tag
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>Mental Illnesses
autism, bipolar, schizoid, depression, anxiety
>Favorite Anime/Manga
King of Braves GaoGaiGar, Ashita no Joe, Getter Robo Armageddon, Mazinkaiser, Space Cobra, Lupin III, Macross 7, Heartcatch PreCure, Digimon Savers, Medarot, Kinnikuman, Yu Gi Oh GX, Akagi, Kindaichi, Kyou Kara Ore Wa, Inazuma Eleven
>Describe yourself
socially awkward loner trying to reach out to people and have fun
>Looking for
people with similar interests. besides anime i also like old games, wrestling, toku, comics, western cartoon stuff. you don't have to share all my interests but at least some of them
>Discord tag

freaky server for the freakiest out there
we love you
no blacks
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
How can we DM you if you didn't leave info?
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Wanna meet a bunch of anons and anonettes who are bored, mildly misanthropic, outside of their own culture and interested (read: desperate for) others like them? Join Anon's Anonymous (A_A) to mutually rot, vibe and bant today!

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Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me

active VC :3
if you can't fit your bullshit into a single post, you're way too fucking wordy

brevity is the soul of wit and you are outing yourself as witless

at least most of the regulars who spam every thread understand nobody's gonna read 50k words that boil down to 'i am a hopeless loser'
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24 m europe
>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
claymore, naruto, school days, rurouni kenshin
>Describe yourself
>Looking for
comfy chatting, getting to know someone
>not looking for
>Discord tag
m, east asian.

>looking for
a bio white girl who is into AMWF (raceplay), lewd, reliable, and will spam me with her unfiltered thoughts every day.

>not looking for
unresponsive, inconsistent sillies.

blah blah

>discord (introduce yourself briefly)
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>Mental Illnesses
None that I'll admit to, but as far as symptoms go sleeping on time (+ eating healthier), maintaining a wholesome worldview, keeping my fixations and obsessions in check, not mentally segregating people and not constantly fantasizing about a life where things that could be described as exciting, fantastical and/or romantic happen to me unprompted are not my strongest suits
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Monogatari, Zaregoto, Madoka, S;G, GabDro, YuYuYu, When They Cry, MahoAko, Boku no Tsuma, Kunoichi Tsubaki, Virgin Road. Honorable mention: VA-11 Hall-A
>Describe yourself
190+ cm, average build, brown messy hair, eyebags, sasquatch genes and a beard I look for any excuse to shave. Been told I have a handsome face enough times to believe it, and I've been managing to maintain a workout routine as of late. Into Animanga, TTRPGs, IT, occasional vidya (more so if it's co-op with someone I like), collecting fanart, philosophy, trying to learn Japanese. I also have my fair share of kinks if that's something on your checklist. I like to think I'm a good listener and that I can come up with a worthwhile reply to anything on a good day. I'm also extremely proud of my file organization
>Looking for
A soulmate. Someone to get me out of the funk that's been following me my entire life, and someone for whom I can hopefully do the same. The more interests and mental baggage we share the better. Gender-wise, I'm bisexual on paper, but we're probably both better off if you're as female as possible (yeah, I know). Location-wise, Belgrade would be great, but being cognizant of the shithole I live in I'll settle with a similar timezone and a faint promise we'll both work hard to meet up (and stay met up) one day
>Not looking for
A friend in a similar predicament I can talk about all this with (and not much else). I'm all tapped out on that front sadly
>Discord tag
>Search keywords
Belgrade / Beograd, Serbia / Serbian / Srbija, Balkan / Balkans
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losers lounge


Join if you're miserable.

cute and fun server for gooners, weebs, mentally ill, weebs, gamers, ages 18-30 :3

everyone is welcome!!<3
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>Mental Illnesses
autism, ADHD, silly
>Favorite Anime/Manga
lain, berserk, kakegurui, kill la kill, re:zero & nichijou
>Describe yourself
silly cat and a big bad wolf.
a lil weird (just a little)
>Looking for
neurodivergent frens who get me
>not looking for
old men, black people and eastern Europeans (Poland is an exception)
>Discord tag
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>Mental Illnesses
the sexy bpd
>Favorite Anime/Manga
I reincarnated as the 7th Prince
>Describe yourself
a shy woman with autism
>Looking for
a counterpart with a ps5
>not looking for
a counterpart with no ps5 an old man a poor man a fat man menopause man a dumb man
>Discord tag
>with a ps5
Sorry I don't talk to poors and consoomers
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kinda lonely just started wageslaving and i usually have time to kill at work so having some friends to chat with would be nice. i like video games, mostly single player shit but i’d be down to play something eventually.
>looking for
cool new friends
>not looking for
schizo fitness:

i started a cocktail of ssri, wellbutrin, stimulant, and benzo recently and just want to talk while i get stabilized

drop your contact

Psychology focused server
If you have ever:
- self administered an mmpi2
- wanted to kill yourself whenever normies talked about MBTI
- wanted to ask other cluster Bs about their experiences
- started and gave up searching for the perfect BPD princess

Come and say hi
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We need new members to join our mental illness server. It a space made specifically for people who feel like they don't belong elsewhere and are social rejects/outcasts/just plainly mentally ill. Been looking for a nook on the internet to call your home? Look no further then MIND RAVINE, join and we will embrace you with open arms. Our server is tightly knit, but can be slow at times, so if you're looking for instant dopamine and attention, look elsewhere. Social conformists and alphabet people need not apply- otherwise feel free to join, take off your mask, and act as God made you.

Server perks
*24/7 low-activity due to a lot of euros along with the regular American crowd
*Active VC, we often play games together, movie nights on occasion as well
*Chaotic theme, very low mod
*Level 3 boost so you can post whatever you want without worrying about file size
*Server gets deleted and remade whenever it fills up with too many normals or attention whores, be active to get invited to the next iteration


Welcome to MIND RAVINE, enjoy your stay, and remember, you're here forever.
>about me
Straight guy with a nice life, a few friends, and a handful of talent.
>looking for
Someone with enthusiasm for open, active conversation, spontaneity, and creativity.
>not looking for
Disinterested/closed off people, gooning, or gaming...
this nigga stole my ps5

cute and fun server for gooners, weebs, mentally ill, weebs, gamers :3

everyone is welcome!!<3
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>About me
Homebody person its been a while since Im alone but used to it, I like to describe myself as someone stuck between neet and normal person and thus I have trouble finding contacts
I like being silly, rarely serious, carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>What you're looking for
looking for genuine girls to potentially become friends with and to do frequent talks or activities together, whatever works
>not looking for
24m canada
>Mental Illnesses
Severe depression
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Anime is gay but ghibli movies
>Describe yourself
Twinkish white guy currently working a shitty office job surrounded by boomers and liberals. I act kinda emo but dont dress like it, always down to talk music or video games or anything else really
>Looking for
Similar people, someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously. I tend to get along better with women but already in a relationship so not looking for that
>not looking for
>Discord tag
Drop yours my friend requests arent working

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18/M/West Coast USA
>Mental Illnesses
ADHD, Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
I play a lot of vidya and watch a good deal of anime, I like psychological and mystery the most but I'm open to trying new genres.
>Looking for
People to talk to about anime or bullshit and/or play games with. I don't really mind what we talk about, I just lik talking with people.
>not looking for
>Discord tag
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Gonna do a one shot type post, tag yourself if you like what you read and I'll check back tomorrow to see if an replys come. Not active itt or across this board.
Couple grey beard hairs. Probably from stress not age. I'm a bloke.
>Mental Illnesses
*tap on wood* none that will present over text conversation unless specifically asked about. usually a composed dudebro but I suffer from chronic late stage Zdzisław Beksiński paintings
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Not telling, that's more telling and intimate than an mTBI or a horoscope reading.
Check out trigun and desert punk tho those are cool and normal, totally cool and very normal.
>Describe yourself

-Primary interest: plants and fungi; bonsai, vege gardens, forest restoration, herbs for cooking, herbs for medicine, horticulture as an industry, horticulture for poorfags, dumb plants that I kill for fun, cool plants that I treasure and propagate.
-Location: somewhere in the south pacific [spoiler] (NZ) [/spoiler]
-Build: tall dark handsome
-Mantra: "keep it light, keep it fun"
>Looking for
replies I guess... leading up the possible zenith of aimless sporadic messages from some anon
>not looking for
-Sad loser retards(it's okay if you are that, just saying I'm not "looking for" more of those people)
-"U up?" type digital nymphos.
-Druggos (flexy on this one)
Not looking for real friends, obligations or attachments right off the bat.
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mid-20s ftm usa
>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Anime: Katanagatari
Manga: Clinic of Horrors
>Describe yourself
serious, paranoid, impulsive, weeaboo, pc gamer, artist
>Looking for
someone to casually chat with throughout the day and night
>not looking for
VC, chuds
>Discord tag
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>Mental Illnesses
diagnosed bipolar, something trauma related, possibly autism or a pd. in the process of getting an eval for the other issues.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
haibane renmei, texhnolyze, cat soup
>Describe yourself
I'm a pretty easygoing person, I love creative work. I write and play music but not exceptionally well. I listen to a lot of music, game, and wander around. My favorite artists include Car Seat Headrest, Duster, and ecco2k. big fan of soulsborne and weird finnish games. I'm fairly responsible with a stable life at this point but I like dark and obscure shit which makes it hard to socialize irl.
>Looking for
chill people who like to talk about their lives and go beneath the surface of things. be genuine and direct, it's the internet,
>not looking for
racists, homophobes, etc. people that need constant attention or validation. people with nothing in common. nitro users/friend collectors
>Discord tag
Not accepting friend requests. Can you add me? Tag: stupidstupidface
>Looking for
someone to talk to me about suicide methods so i can gain some awareness, pick one, build up confidence, and make a plan when im ready.
>not looking for
people who will be outwardly transphobic, because that will make me want to live out of spite.
people trying to make friends or small talk.
chasers trying to knab a low self esteem girlfriend on the down low. (thats annoying and wont work)
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are you trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression
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18, male, canada
>Mental Illnesses
autism, adhd, bipolar disorder, and trauma from being sexually abused as a child.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
for manga, punpun without a doubt, and anything made by junji ito. anime is harder, but nge, made in abyss, and elfen lied are up there.
>Describe yourself
i like music a lot, mostly experimental, industrial, and indie stuff. i play the guitar and make music myself. i also write and draw cartoons. im 5 foot 10 and white with long brown curly hair and blue eyes. i play games and watch cartoons and anime. i really like horror movies as well. i also have an unironic kink for having my consent and well-being respected, like being asked if im okay and treated with care. on the other end, i also have a fetish for being degraded and humiliated, so...
>Looking for
guys or girls, don't care. non-judgemental people. people who aren't overly pushy. preferably more dominant. preferably someone interested in a relationship.
>Not looking for
anyone significantly older than me. anyone who wants pictures right off the bat. anyone who wants to call right off the bat.
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desperately trying to recreate the feeling of that server you joined that one summer years ago?

active, friendly and welcoming
vc / movie night every night

very cosy server
18+ freedom of expression

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constantly active tism chat
for frens and anime lovers
23 m ca
>mental illnesses
bdd depression adhd possible autism
>fav anime / manga
Monster and Naruto are my top 2
>desc self
sad lonely man who spends time playing way too many blizz games or trying to perfect my physique. I also edit occasionally when i feel like
>looking for
>not looking for
anything else
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27/M/USA, specifically east coast, NJ
>Mental illnesses
Depression, anhedonia, sadness and loss of hope after years of misfortune.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Impossible to pick just one favorite but I'm very fond of redline. Favorite manga would be blame!
>about me
Pic related is a good start. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Games (vidya and tabletop), anime, music, art, books, sci-fi and fantasy stuff in general. I play a lot of rpg's (I really like souls games) and enjoy tabletops too. Now a retired league player and recently got into playing magic the gathering (been playing edh so far). I know a lot of good music and enjoy quite a few other games.
>Looking for
Loving relationship, genuine and lasting happiness. I'm pretty into gentle femdom/role reversal stuff.
>Discord Tag
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I think I'm just looking for the "childhood friends" kind of kinship. I'd say ideally that I want to feel special. I'd like somebody that likes to play favourites with me. Won't mind if I feel needy at one point or whatever. I want hours of playing stuff like WoW or L4D2 or maybe exploring internet stuff.
I like writing body horror, cyberpunk and sci-fi. I make most of my money through writing so I guess it's okay to call myself a writer.
It's become increasingly difficult to justify my existence. I'm actively grossed out by my reflection in the mirror. I don't really feel valuable, or like I have anything important or thoughtful to say. Compliments don't really work. I think I enjoy feeling useful to people I like. A big amount of my self worth and confidence comes from going through pain for the sake of people I like. I feel proud at my ability to not complain or to take punishment. Not sure if it's healthy, though.
Cats are my favourite animal. They just feel weirdly dual-natured. They can be quite lazy and sleep for most of the day, or they can constantly screw around outdoors and hunt. I think it's how I'd wanna to live. I have a catsona.
I spent a lot of my life on old online games. I miss them a lot. I enjoy games that let me grind on my own to pass the time, but allow me to do something challenging with friends from time to time. I like trading, game economies and engineering games too. I'm definitely into the early/late 2000s internetcore stuff, whatever you may wanna call it. I'm currently just doing WoW, Overwatch and a few SP games.
I like writing AI characters and androids in general. I watch both western cartoons and anime, but prefer manga.
I haven't spent much time in my life inside a normal home with working appliances and stuff. I've grown to really like cooking and gardening, though.
I roleplay online, both on voice and text. I'd LARP if I could.

Join our server


Schizos, coomers and any mentally ill people welcome
25 Male USA
>Mental Illness
Autism, ADHD, bipolar that's actually probably BPD, maybe other undiagnosed stuff idk
>Favorite anime and manga
idk i could care less about that crap I just want someone to talk to
>looking for
I just put my 2 weeks in my job. I really liked working there but because I didn't work hard enough they cut my hours and duties. I knew they where fucking me over and put my 2 weeks in. I cried in the shower for like 2 hours today and still cry on and off today. Even with the applications I got for other jobs today I just know I will be jumping job to job until i'm a NEET again. I just want someone to talk to that will make me feel better.
>not looking for
emotionally stupid people or assholes who will yell at me
Schizo fitness

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cosy active server, mostly women staff & looking for a few more, ik 4chan is a bad place for this but yeah
>Mental Illnesses
Aspies and depression
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Hiking (and other outdoorsy shit), Snowboarding, Vidya (Mostly cs2 rn), Drugs, Anime and cooking.
>Looking for
Peeps to chat/game with
>not looking for
>Discord tag
26 M
Im a really great guy outside of this
(dont get too excited it balances out pretty hard)

Discord: gerogory

>about you
Lonely, i'll talk about anything.
I want to get new interests

movies(any), shows(mostly anime) ,games(anything), forums

>Looking for

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yeah i guess it fits. we got a few anime losers in here but we're cool about it tho

Unhinged fitness: https://discord.gg/eG6u3mqE
30 / M / US
>Mental Illnesses
Full schizo
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
Not larping. Aliens started talking to me in my head and fucking with my body and the world around me.
>Looking for
This is a redpill/bluepill opt in. I mostly need some to complain and open up to about this schizo shit. Someone who wants to hear about the actual state of the world from someone who has seen more than nearly anyone.
>not looking for
Full skeptics
>Discord tag
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29 m germany
>Mental Illnesses
adhd autism
>Favorite Anime/Manga
berserk, monster, pluto, hunter x hunter, welcome to the nhk, one piece, jojos, higurashi, lain, azumanga daioh, madoka, psycho pass, hajime no ippo, baki, dragon ball, aot
>Describe yourself
i look meaner than i actually am, im a pretty funny silly goofer desu. i play videogames pretty much all day or just watch anime/read manga, i smoke weed a lot, i have 3 cats and 2 dogs, i like spooky shit and getting tattoos sometimes, i play the one piece tcg at tournaments
>Looking for
someone fun to talk to, i get along with other neurodivergent people better, also pref europeans
>not looking for
just people that are boring to talk to desu, u can be mean idgaf as long as its engaging
>Discord tag
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funcel server lots to do
active VC and community
free speech. join chud

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mentally ill anime nerds welcome (●'◡'●)
come one come all!!!!
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Male25, Yurop.

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
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m 24 usa
>about me
returning to this site after a long time. i am chronicly empty, have no idea who i am anymore, ive clung for a long time to different identities but realize none of them are my own. i struggle with identifying and expression emotions. i only know how to talk to people from observation, and mirroring how others talk. i'm severely traumatized, i'm scared of other people but crave closeness. i am asexual and sex repulsed. i'm scared of the outside world but feel insane self isolating. i have very severe anxiety, paranoia, dissociation. i feel like im slowly becoming psychotic and am questioning everything i know. i dont know what im scared of being alone
>mental illnesses
autism, anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, cptsd, selective mutism
>favourite animanga
berserk, inio asano's works, monster, homunculus, serial experiments lain, haibane renmei. planning on reading the monogatari series, vagabond, GUNM/battle angel alita, witch hat atelier soon
>looking for
other lgbt and nb people, people who are sensitive too, people who are friendly, patient and empathetic despite the site we are on. people who dont mind i isolate sometimes and dont text back all the time. people to get to know and be close friends with
>not looking for
anyone not in my looking for, cis men, people who ghost
>tag (an alt)
i dont know what the hell i was writing at the last sentence of my about me. ignore it
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Anyone have POCD?
Or just bad intrusive thoughts in general
I'm lonely and really struggling to keep it together
worst one I've had is putting creamer in kool aid, do i qualify
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I don't really get what that means
just a silly personal anecdote to cheer you up, thought you could use it :)

memetics are the new ebonics
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Ah, sorry. I'm really bad at detecting jokes or sarcasm and my country doesn't have Kool Aid unless you look for it in foreign stores...
>Mental Illnesses
bpd, depression, avpd, very obsessive at times but its hard to be intimate despite craving it
>Favorite Anime/Manga
death note
>Describe yourself
shy and clingy. i get obsessive really easily
>Looking for
a girl to have an abusive and controlling friendship. i would not be the controlling one. i want to talk about everything all day and become obsessed with each other
>not looking for
guys, troons, fat girls
>Discord tag
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funcel server lots to do
active VC and community
free speech. join chud

>Mental Illnesses
>Describe yourself
I dont kmow maybr this post wjll make sense of it
>Looking for
Ive spent my years reading ALL SCIENCE and learning phenomenon of the world to develop my answers to the world and ideology to serve humanity for its betterment. But I am going to die before i got to work on my goals properly.

I want to talk about science and philosophy and everything ive learned and know as my only real contribution to the world since i will not be surviving.

O and i guess ive been bored if anyone wants to share their fav music PLEASE do

We can talk about drugs too pharmacology i lov biology
pPLEASE SCIENCE thoigh desu i dont kmow electrical physics sorry and math too im not good at practically using it
im kinda playing modded minecraff rn thats lkterally it
>not looking for
IDK dont come to my chat to post your body and ask for mine I DEAL WITH INFORMATION NOT HUMANS

Im sure there mjght be otjer things to talk about as long as anyone wants to im bored and have literally no more viable forms of entertainment
>Discord tag
>Mental Illnesses
Autism, depression
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Haibane Renmei, Texhnolyze, Garden of Sinners, Kara no Shoujo, Subahibi
>Describe yourself
Loner, when i am not sleeping i like to watch anime or read visual novels. I also occasionally write music.
>Looking for
A friendship or a relationship
>not looking for
Horny or meanie >:c
>Discord tag
Only the most truly insane and fucked up can survive in our discord hellscape. Join if insanity, crazy boys ans girls and a fun time sound like the thing for you!

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we know a guy with diagnosed schizophrenia
and we're all retarded
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>mental illnesses
I've never been diagnosed (and won't since my job is dependent on me being of sound mind) but I probably have some sort of anxiety disorder

>favorite anime
If I was only allowed to pick 10:
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise, Gasaraki, Serial Experiments Lain, Welcome to the NHK, Psycho-Pass, Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Trigun, and Patlabor 2

>favorite manga
If I was only allowed to pick 10:
Oyasumi Punpun, Gunka no Baltzar, Centaur no Nayami, Gangsta, Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko, Eden! It's an Endless World, Golondrina, Gundam THUNDERBOLT, Blood on the Tracks, and Death Note

>Describe yourself
31 y.o. KHV who likes books too much

>looking for
People to talk to

>not looking for
Unkind people

>Discord Tag
▣◎▣ l e v i 𝔞 t h 𝔞 n ▣◎▣

>Mental Illnesses

>Looking for
>not looking for
boring people
>Discord tag
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sillycore server for the neurodivergent
come join and VC and just have fun
make frens

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>Mental Illnesses
dpd, sza, mdd, gad, ocd, possible bpd
>Favorite Anime/Manga
madoka magica.. pls give me anime recs
>Describe yourself
i don't really know how. my personalty is based on whoever i'm obsessed with or interested in at the moment, but i do not have anyone right now. i am a very malleable person and i want you to manipulate me and turn me into your ideal (girl)friend. i self harm too and i would starve myself if you wanted me to.
>Looking for
manipulative people that are still kind of nice and easy to talk to, sadists, narcissists, people with god complexes
>not looking for
nsfw sorry
>Discord tag
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I like horror, old games, and the sopranos
I think swimming pools are the most beautiful things ever and i love desserts
i like death grips
don't really watch anime but i like manga. my favorites are punpun, monster, homunculus, jojo
discord: lonelypools
people in my server watch anime
this is CHANLETS an r9k oriented shitposting cope haven made in 2018.
and more
Federal Employee
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still looking for adds ^^
Legit honeypot
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ran by someone w bpd


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extremely new server
potential to be cosy summer server
freedom of expression omg
friendly and welcoming
im just looking for friends
Schizo fitness








>Mental Illnesses
autism, ADHD, OCD

>Favorite Anime/Manga
favorite manga is Tokyo ghoul, anime is Demon Slayer, I am a sucker for swordfights

>Describe yourself
Chronically online, looking for a relationship, like to watch anime and travel, especially if it is to more rural or backwoods places, not a very big city guy

>Looking for
Girls who are near my location, someone to hang out and have fun with, hopefully get into a relationship maybe but I would like to start out as friends first

>not looking for
trans or men

>Discord tag
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most active server on 4chan
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
>Mental Illnesses
Major Depressive Disorder
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Oyasumi Punpun, Berserk, Serial Experiments Lain
>Describe yourself
idk I rlly just play league and rot
>Looking for
anything really, share music w me or play games with me
>not looking for
idk just dont be a retard
>Discord tag
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sillycore server for the neurodivergent

free speech + level 3 boosted + active

come join and VC and just have fun
make frens

Schizo fitness

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22/M/Northern Europe
>Mental illnesses
Asperger, ADHD, Depression, OCD, Schizoaffective and a couple soxial anxiety disorders etc.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Code Geass, Death Note, JoJo, Besrserk. Honestly can't think of much else, I haven't watched/read anything in a good while.
>Describe yourself
Useless schizo NEET living on disability. I like listening to music, reading, writing and playing vidya. Don't really do much else these days.
>Looking for
A female friend, or something like that. I simply find it easier to talk to women than men, it's probably because I'm an insecure autist. Also would like it if you play vidya so we might be able to play together at some point.
>Not looking for
Men. People who need constant attention. People who want to voice chat immediately.
I will most likely delete this account in a few days, I will do my absolute best not to do so, but you have been warned.
>Discord tag
>Mental Illnesses
a little dissociaty
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
old chef, now IT, like food and wine
>Looking for
people to play Lethal with as the servers are down for non-friends
>not looking for
not the above
>Discord tag
>mental illness
depression and retaraded
>favorite anime/manga
i like isekiai anime, fave manga is still tokyou ghoul
>describe yourself
nursing student and hospital worker looking for someone for the future
>looking for
>not looking for
trade pics only
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Psycho fitness ^^^
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new server, cozy like that one summer trip to the beach with the homies
no mod abuse, freedom :3
close to being active, warm community, we jus need u
Underrated series. I haven't read the new stuff because the author is obviously rushing the ending but I loved it in the past.
I can't say I suffer from POCD but I do get similar intrusive thoughts. I don't like intrusive thoughts, feels like someone is in my head that shouldn't be in there, so I try to ignore them or tell myself to shut up or distract myself.
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paranoid personality disorder, some sort of tism idk i dont emote well but i feel emotions just fine
08th ms team
>Looking for
i dont know, but dont expect anything of me, im not a good person
>Not looking for
drama or politics idc. ESLs, be american or canadian plz. europeans are retarded

all i do is play call of duty and listen to music. i like camping i guess
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>Mental Illnesses
autism, quiet bpd, ocd, memory loss, dpdr, hopelessly attracted to what some would call red flags, intense yearning for codependency...
>Favorite Anime/Manga
land of the lustrous / berserk
>Describe yourself
friendly NEET dog girl, cute. very easy going/open, we could talk about literally anything so long as you want to, i love listening to what others have to say. i play fps & fighting games if not single player most of the time, watch a lot of movies/anime, maybe we could do that together~
>Looking for
other girls to talk to trans or otherwise, whether it's one conversation, a friendship or a relationship, i just want to talk, i've been very alone ;w;
>not looking for
MEN. racists, people that don't take care of themselves, anyone who is **only** ever going to talk about how much they hate themselves, want to kill themselves, not in US
>Discord tag
Got unadded for no reason so obviously they don't care about being lonely and are just looking for drama
33 male sydney
Aspgergers BPD Bi Polar and AHDH
>Looking for
dom men and women who will make me cut myself more
>Not looking for
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bump :3
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most active server on 4chan
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
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hi male 20
looking for qt autistic females and emos ^^
I love the animes: evangelion, serial experiments lain, kill la kill, berserk, punpun and nichijou.

I have autism & ADHD
don't feel shy to add me if ur a fit
I love smoking weed
my favorite artists are: bladee, joey, nosgov, d3r. hyperpop, scenecore and Skypebf

add me on discord: saiware
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32/M/Northeast USA

> brain breakage
Major depression, ADHD, anxiety, likely on the spectrum

> fav animu
Evangelion + anything Gainax, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Berserk, Rumiko Takahashi series, Rurouni Kenshin, OG Yu-Gi-Oh (lol)

> me
Shy nerd, 6’1” hairy dadbod, into film & vidya (mostly RPGs and campaign shooters) but still have a weeby soul. Live a quiet life in the suburbs with my pets (dog + cat) but write sometimes and want to try expressing myself more. Easily dragged into long philosophical debates.

> looking for
Shy cute girl with huge feelings inside to form a connection with. The nature of the connection depends on what feels right. It could just be friendship bonding over being shy nerds with Big Feels and it could be more. If you’re curious about (or knowledgeable of) older animu and foreign, cult or arthouse films and would like to watch and talk about them together over VC I’d love that. Open to co-op vidya too. If you’re creative and want to share your art or show me your favorite music or videos or poetry or whatever I’d like that too. If you’re struggling with stuff and we form a connection I’d like to be able to support you too at least in some small way.

> not looking for
People who can’t or won’t self-regulate, have violent or abusive tendencies, extremist or hateful worldviews. If you’re biologically male we can totally be friends but it probably won’t go beyond that so don’t want to give you false expectations.

> tag
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permanent link
23/M/EU (any timezone is fine)

>Mental Illness


>Favorite Anime

Berserk, Jojo, Tokyo ghoul (only because of nostalgia factor)


staying at dad's house since hes staying in the US for 2 months to take care of his 3 kittens. I work from home and i like watching documentaries, working out, and sound design in my dad's studio. I listen to nearly everything but i love industrial, alternative, and shoegaze the most. i work out and im getting more into thrifting lately.

>Looking for

pref girls with an alternative music taste and vibe, someone into true crime and documentaries and a plus if you play any online games, i dont mind timezones because i dont sleep much as a person so im always awake at night.

>Not looking for

coomers, people who make race or religion their whole personality, overall weird people


invites are paused
new server, cozy like that one summer trip to the beach with the homies
no mod abuse, freedom :3
close to being very active, warm community, we just need u
Did you want to talk?
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23/M/eastern europe

>Mental Illnesses
constant apathy and anhedonia, adhd probably too? too lazy to check it out

>Favorite Anime/Manga
top 2 is pretty easy: cowboy bebop and berserk, the last one... let's go for bleach tybw, hope it will come soon...

>Describe yourself
wake up, go to work/university, stare into void, go to sleep repeat... i love cinematography, modern philosophy, reading books (reading house of leaves rn), also recently got into dnd. Bought new gpu, so looking to play baldur's gate 3, nier automata, DMC5

>Looking for
similar people, outsiders that don't really fit perfectly anwywhere, possibly friendship or relation?

>not looking for
trans, underage

>Discord tag
20F italy

>looking for
normal people who are interested in psychology or just want to chat, i have BPD and i'd also like to meet oher cluster B ppl

>not looking for
trolls and mean people

my server perm link

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join to make close frens and chat ^^
>Mental Illnesses
Broken, trying to love myself, possible CPTSD, really bad anxiety, possibly neurodivergent, addicted to internet to get rid or avoid pain. Coward.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Atm, I am reading Tonari no Neko to Koi Shirazu, Tower Dungeon and Mieruko-chan. I've recently watched Tengoku Daimakyou that I really enjoyed.
>Describe yourself
Terrified of everything 27 yearold, who is highly sensitive and is trying to get on his feet. I do have my own place, but got laid off recently.
>Looking for
I don't know, someone that could help me back on my feet. I don't know what friends and have never been myself with anyone. I wasn't aware at all how much of myself I have been hiding. I would also enjoy casual gaming together and just hanging out.
>not looking for
Not kind or understanding people.
>Discord tag
Dam what did I do said two things and I deleted just wanted to talk about Gundam sad
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32 Male, Midwest USA

>Mental Illnesses
No diagnosis other than anxiety+depression. Strong suspicion I have mild schizophrenia and/or some other Cluster B shit

>Favorite Anime/Manga
I liked Inuyasha and Dragon Ball Z when I was a kid

>Describe yourself
I'm very isolated and strange, off-putting and grating. My girlfriend dumped me last night. I just need people I can talk with right now, I don't have much of a support network and very very few friends.

>Looking for
Comfort, warmth, kinship

>not looking for
Judgment, callousness, avoidance

>Discord tag
>mental illness
>fav anime/manga
Hunter Hunter will always be top for me, but I also like Nana and evangelion
>describe yourself
I like 90's and 2000's pop culture and early internet culture. Love youtube video essays
>looking for
anyone to talk to desu
>not looking for
political arguments
29 M USA
>mentall illness
>fav anime
MHA, I know the fight scenes are so good. I'm literally deku
>describe yourself
I'm really fucking boring actually don't add me I'm pathetic, no I mean try being my friend I want to work on my social skills
>looking for
Anyone really just don't be an asshole or try to hit on me if your a dude. it freaks me out
kek sorry for unadding you it is what it is.
I will steal your about me, I'm very similar. Wishing you all the best.
>Mental Illnesses
i struggle with cptsd more than anything else. avpd and agoraphobia too
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
i feel depressed, empty, anxious, paranoid nearly all of the time, of people, and just in general. life feels too overwhelming to me, and i pretend like the real world outside of the internet doesnt exist. i consume media, self harm and think about death and dying to cope. i think of myself as worthless
>Discord tag
Can't be that lonely

Join for discussions about mental health, typology, particularly socionics, warm atmosphere, and a bit of trolling:333

owned by a bpd icon
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Hii helloo
im a femboy, 19m (switch)
im into basically everything except poop gore kids and animals (furrys r cool tho
>fav anime
gurren lagann, fma, code geass, one piece, naruto, bleach, evangelion, death note, lain, soul eater, hajime no ippo, berserk

art music video editing fitness (not a twunk or yolked or anything im just fit) currently lewrning carpentry too. I wanna learn how to fish too and start reading more

you, all my hobbies, theology, philosophy, in general deep discussions, anything nature related, sociology, animals, space, and a lot more stuff

Im looking for a cute bf/gf, ideally be a femboy or otherwise girly if you
were born with a cock. I want something honest and not toxic. I'll love you and give you so much attention. I just wanna talk with you and be around you all day.
Watch movies, vc, play games etc.
plz msg me ill treat you so right and im cute and good at the sex stuff too... im not dry or boring either. I just want someone to give all my love to. Im a little mentally ill so its fine if youre like that just dont be defeatist or plan or killing yourself plz. At least dont admit it to me, otherwise im completely fine with how fucked up you are.

>mental illnesses
bpd adhd anxiety depression npd

>not looking for
Black/brown unless fem, 23+, boring or dry. MASC PPL!! unless youre super confident in yourself

Picrel is my plushie collection lole

>disc: saint010111
eek i lost my login but i am back! add me or msg me if i haven't responded
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mid 20s male, us nc
>Mental Illnesses
depression, anxiety, suicidal
>Favorite Anime/Manga
86, overlord, elfen lied, flcl, halo legends, vinland saga and saga of tanya the evil
>Describe yourself
hair skinny internet loser also a kissless virgin who missed out on high school love and things that made me unloveable by today's standards
>Looking for
virgin girl similar to me, who would be interested in talking and trying to meet up and house a relationship
>not looking for
guys or girls who are scared of getting attached or get bored easily
>Discord tag
>>Mental Illnesses
Autism. Probably a misdiagnoses. I think I'm a schizoid
>>Favorite Anime/Manga
Miss Kobayashis dragon maid
>>Looking for
>>Discord tag
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Hey mentally ill anime fans, I want to meet you. Join up join up please
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>Mental Illnesses
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and am afraid to make bad impressions even on strangers I won't ever meet again so I don't ever make the first move in socializing with people or in a lot of other cases I tend not to respond to people when they do try to interact with me because I immediately imagine they could be some kind of creep. To add onto this and give some context on that latter bit, I'm also a very paranoid person. I don't talk very much because I still live with my parents and don't like people listening into my conversations, even if the conversation is about the most inane topic known to man and nobody but myself could possibly give a shit about it. Whenever there's something I'm excited about and would like to chat about with a friend I usually just have a conversation with myself in my head about it. Usually stuff to do with games, what I think about (x) class in (x) game, etc.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
I'm a Business Management Major and just finished earning my Bachelors in Business Administration. I'll probably keep going to school for a bit so I can earn a certificate in IT my school offers, and was considering perusing a masters in computer science. Other than that I'd say I really like Mahjong though unfortunately there aren't any Mahjong clubs near my location.
>Looking for
I had something else written here the last time I posted in one of these threads but I just very recently got on an SSRI and I'm feeling like shit. Usually I'd be looking for someone to play co-op/multiplayer stuff with me on a regular basis but at the moment I guess I'm kind of moreso looking for someone I can whine an complain to, essentially just want someone to coddle me honestly. I've been pretty down today and stuck with insomnia.
>not looking for
Politics and philosophical stuff are my biggest vibe-killers.
>Discord tag
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23 m east coast usa. 5'8". White. College graduate.

Depressed virgin shutin. I like the original Dragon Ball and Oyasumi Punpun. I want to experience having a gf before I die.

>Mental illnesses
High functioning schizoid.
>Favourite Anime/Manga
Evangelion, Welcome to the NHK, Code Geass, Oshi no Ko, Made in Abyss, Kaguya-Sama, Oregairu, Konosuba, Chainsaw man, Steins;Gate
>About me
I like interesting conversations, videogames (JRPGs, League, Squad, Guilty Gear, etc.), existentialist philosophy, reading, music (classical, rock, japanese), training, and writing. I have Black hair and Hazel eyes. Love this gay earth.
>Looking for
Girlfriend, or girl friend. Someone with similar interests, and preferably European due to time zones.
>Not looking for
Russians, coomers, cardboard, men, miners, etc.
server for mentally ill ppl, get support here<3

hewwo everynyan :3

im 20 yrs old and me and my fwends made a positive server for people who are struggling mentally <3

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>Mental Illnesses

BPD, ADHD, depression

>About you

Programmer , 6'1, athletic/slim build, brunette and i care a lot about my own hygiene. I moved to the US for work. I live alone and i have a cats as pets as my babies.


Books, i love to read and im a huge Kafka enthusiast. I listen to metal mostly but i enjoy a wide variety of genres like rnb, hiphop, alternative rock etc. I dont watch a lot of anime or read mangas as I did before but my fav manga is berserk. I dont watch porn.

>Looking for

Its a plus if you can vc but i dont mind texting only

>Not looking for

ghosters, men, politics


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25, M, TN
>Favorite Anime
Anything Slice of Life, Low fantasy action.
>Describe yourself
total shut in, I fear interaction now and realize the only way I can change it is by exposing myself. Will this work? I dont think so but its better than doing nothing.
>looking for
Anyone patient enough to deal with this.
>not looking for
Some people; you are more liable to be bored and frustrated with me than I am to take offense to anything you say or do.

>fear any sort of genuine connection
>total shut in despite having a job
>very pessimistic and fearful

Been here since 08 and i really am a worse person for it, so naturally the only people that could help me are the people that accidentally broke me. Right? I did it to myself really...

Discord: qwerpty_1
22 M NYC


Cirque Du Freak

No one.

No idea

No idea

Psycho schizo freak fitness

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28 m west coast usa
>mental illness
OCD, anxiety, self harm, somewhere on the spectrum prob
haruhi probably but anything from late 2000's/early 2010's.https://myanimelist.net/profile/yukinagato
current neet, former adult content creator, IT, etc etc. i enjoy talking to people and learn about their hobbies/interests and lives. living a fairly low energy life at the moment but looking to build relationships and make friends! I have 3 rabbits, please send me any rabbit or animal pictures i am always psyched for them.
vidya (WoW, Cities Skylines, Strategy/Sim, FPS, Racing, RPG) anime (grew up with a lot of anime in the late 00's/early 10's), reading, cooking/baking, learning various little skills, music, nature/hiking, guilty pleasure streamers
>looking for
anyone who wants to chat, doesn't matter about what. vent to me, talk about animals, exchange music, etc im pretty open minded. playing some games or watching things with people would be fun too. some racing games :>
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Once-homeless-almost-homeless-again sillymaxxed (read: mentally ill) racist (actually not racist(actually pretty racist)) lonely (actually lonely) gay (faggot) retarded (actually really smart and cool) obscenely happy (read: hopeless(actually pretty happy hehe)) Canadian guy

Animanga, gaymes (I'm on linux please be patient with co-op/multiplayer gaymes), music/AMVs, tech stuff and piano

>looking for

>not looking for
iunno, normies

discord: kavisiliat
>Mental Illnesses
i don't have mental illnesses, i have neurological disorders. we are not the same
>Favorite Anime/Manga
idk probably black butler
>Describe yourself
an unshowered queen in a kingdom of filth
>Looking for
shadowverse: worlds beyond release date
>not looking for
don't add me if you have ever slept
>Discord tag
18 f usa
>Mental Illnesses
anorexia, depression
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
5'3 98 lbs
>Looking for
nice guys, gentlemen
>not looking for
>Discord tag
join server

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DISCORD: nomicissywitch
Im femboy slut open for a lot of stuff. Add me and we can have some fun
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freaky cord ONG
join to dominate or be nominated
love ironycord

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Hello, we're trying to make a Discord server that can be used to talk with anons and share porn to fap together with them. So can you please join, it'll be great to have you there! >.<

>about me
I just want a cute boy to obsess over and constantly talk with. all i need is a cute butt and pretty face.

I love music of all types and would love to make you a playlist. I love video games and would co-op anything you'd like, maybe we can teach each other new games!

>looking for
someone very affectionate, very talkative.
>not looking for
ghosters, people 30+, rude people!!!
>tag antsonalogyum

(ill give you my real one later)!
19 male USA
>Mental Illnesses
I’m not diagnosed but people who have autism have thought I’ve had it before, I also have depression
>Favorite Anime/Manga
I like one piece, vagabond, berserk, Monster, Vinland saga
>Describe yourself
6’3 pale, black hair, mostly black clothes, skinny, I like metal and music, video games, and seeing live music mostly metal
>Looking for
A cute mentally insane girl to obsess over me, pale, based, fav colors are pink, any age
>not looking for
Woman older than 23, lgbtq I guess a bi girl is okay, and dudes
how about fitness dick in ur mouth
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Hello, we're trying to make a Discord server that can be used to talk with anons and share porn to fap together with them. So Please join, it'll be great to have you there! >.<
- 29/M/EU
- Depression, anxiety etc
- Attack on Titan. Yugioh. DragonBall
- I'm kinda slim. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series. And cats.
I'm very lonely and want someone to connect with.
I just want a woman that is patient and kind. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
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.༻ °𖤐† l 𝖊 v i 𝖆 t h 𝖆 n †𖤐 ° ༺.

Delusional... manic... psychotic... barrel of laughs... add me... Sirk2232... (on discord)
Schizo fitness

>>Mental Illnesses.
Diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and BPD. Pyschs just threw diags at me cuz they couldn't figure out what flavor of crazy I was.
Games, science, philosophy, working out, anime people. Essentially random nerd/stereotypical guy stuff.
>>Fav Anime/Manga
Only real favorite is Evangelion since it's been a major part of my childhood. I've seen a shit ton of shit tho.
Minecraft, and idk if you add me ask for my steam and you can take a look at my library. Down to play whatever if I'm free.
>>looking for
I'm doing this to get to know other people cause /soc/ peeps tend to be interesting and/or weird. Anyone and everyone is welcome, just don't spam me.
>>not looking for
Spammers, unreasonable racists.
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mentally ill cord server ran by women very active
friendly server filled with clown girls
youll get addicted
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>Mental Illnesses
bpd, autist, supr paranoid, hppd from drugs bla bla
>Favorite Anime/Manga
oyasumi punpun or the flowers of evil
>Describe yourself
obsessive, clingy, annoying, needy, cute? maybe?
>Looking for
mostly anything
>Discord tag
>ran by women
this never lasts
Male/ 23 / Anythingsexual / European

Necrophilia, rape, guro, gore, snuff, futanari, femboy, crying, furry, robot, anthromorph, Alien, zoophilia, Bimbo, ERP-Roleplay, robot, demons, andromorph, loli-shota, muscular female, racism, femdom, humiliation, abuse, being dominated, dominating etc as such

Scat, Urination-piss.


(Looking to trade mainly porn animated/irl, ONLY WITH cis girls)
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my friends and i are all mentally ill. we like anime and want similar friends
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25m/North yurop

>Favorite anime/manga
NHK,Konosuba, Fate and other Nasu stuff (before the disaster that is FGO), Gainax stuff like TTGL/Klk, Champloo, Railgun etc.

also watching plenty of stuff from this season.

silly live alone NEET, i drink and play videogames like WoW/FF14/Rimworld or new releases, if not that probably working out or watching anime or reading. I also go to a decent amount of venues in the summer and stuff like that. also 2hu.

>looking for
other WEEBS i need WEEB friends but also just chill ppl

>not looking for
Coomers and overly mentally ill inviduals


>Mental Illnesses

>Describe yourself
I like to workout and deal with computers. I want to start my own business and amass wealth just so I don't have to work for others.

>Looking for

>not looking for
NSFW, dating

>Discord tag
.༻ °𖤐† L 𝖊 v i 𝖆 t h 𝖆 N †𖤐 ° ༺.

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new server, cozy like that one summer trip to the beach with the homies
no mod abuse, freedom :3
close to being very active, warm community
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19 nb md

bpd autism diagnosed my bpd is well managed i think depression

i am taller than average and i like to listen to music a lot mostly electronic rave type stuff but i also like punk and other electoronci genres like jungle and the like. play l4d2 league of legends (euw or na) and i like to watch crime drama a lot also love slasher movies. i like to grow mushrooms i've made my own strain of psilocybe cubensis before. like to hike and do the fun drugs not the crazy ones

looking for
people to vc, people to text a lot, people who are close to me if possible, people who are open to irl meetup in the future, dutch people (i want to move to netherlands in the future i think)

not looking for
can't message or vc often, i talk a lot and fast so if that's annoying we probably aren't a good match


please be older and from usa..

i just want to watch anime

elfiegf on discord
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i'm interested in hearing about your life

all you can eat fags and femcels 18+
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if you wanna relax and maybe smoke a joint join!
i changed my tag now im

wubstep and electronic music, camping, i play a lot of call of duty i do not play other video games really. i like tiktok and memes ig. im a boring person. i like mecha anime

im cwazy. i have paranoid personality disorder and i switch from rude to friendly back to rude though i dont really mean to sorry. im 5'1, white, 92lbs and work at chic fil a (my pleasure). idk what i want to do with my life as a job but talking to randos makes me not so insane somewhat
>looking for
femanon friends mostly. men r ok but im insane and ill probably lose it and block you esp if we have nothing in common at all
>not looking for
mananons that want a girlfriend, im too mentally ill to deal with 4chan men rn if u got alterior motives k? u prolly even already added me and i deleted u dont be suprrised

idk im crazy sry
I’m going to keep it short and sweet:
I am a 25 year old straight guy and I cannot function in relationships with healthy people. I don’t have a diagnosed mental illness, other than what I suspect to be autism. I will never really feel secure or happy in a relationship unless it’s with someone who’s borderline taking advantage of me. I’ve grown to understand that my past traumas have irreparably shaped me, and after countless therapy visits and relationships where I feel miserable, I’m just tired. I would like to be with a woman who’s more demanding, misanthropic and dominant than the rest. I just want to be useful to YOU and only you. If you are a woman who’s not really caring or affectionate, but you want someone who will be that way for you then let’s talk.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Discord tag
>Mental Illnesses
possibly have the tism
>Favorite Anime/Manga
(in no particular order) LoGH, 100kanojo, Issak, Vagabond, Heike Monogatari, Mato Seihei no Slave, Nick & Lever, Tsugumomo
>Describe yourself
well read individual, interested in learning more things. Will go on tangents if the 'tism gets tickled, good listener as well. Currently a teacher at a local university
>Looking for
People to watch anime with/discuss anime, manga or LNs/VNs or just general otaku shit
>not looking for
people who don't want to do any of the above
>Discord tag
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19 / f / can
>about you
silly little fella that lives inside ur computer!! aaaaa let me out pleaseeee!!!!!
>Mental illnesses
#1 autism haver, super duper depressed ^-^ & obsessive literally insane bpd princess
>looking for
>not looking for
relationship, anything sexual :/
discord : cutiemaggot
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M26, Southern Québec, Canada
>Mental Illnesses
ASD and almost definitely Social Anxiety.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
One Piece for Manga, Gintama for Anime.
>Describe yourself
Shut-in and a huge nerd as well as weeb. 183 cm with an average physique, autistic as fuck, and spend all my free time gaming as well as YouTube (essays make my brain go brrr).
>Looking for
Friends to hang out and do nerdy stuff with.
>not looking for
People on the other side of the world and who won't put in any effort in our conversations.
>Discord tag

join to make frens. substance users welcomed
>mental ilnesses
>favorite anime/manga
claymore and toradora
>describe yourself
>looking for
someone who isnt bored of life and a sad depressing piece of trash
>not looking for
one and done conversations and boring sexual shit
I need to speak to a manager

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