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The true new Europe thread post your asl a little about yourself and your discord

No server posters y'all suck

19 m ireland
> About me
I don't know man I like things and stuff you should jsut add me and ask about it
Discord: vox.cxst
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>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
>Physical description
5'8, brown eyes and hair, pretty slim, sometimes glasses
Everything related to computers. I write, read, draw and play chess. I would like to learn to play some instrument in the future. Good cook, probably.
>Current occupation/Schooling
I will be graduating from high school soon.
>Life goals
To create something big/great, find soulmate and become self-sufficient as much as possible.
>Looking for
Nothing specific comes to mind.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Uses drugs/smokes, drinks a lot of alcohol, is promiscous.
20s / Man / Croatia
A former software developer who's now living on his own farm with an obsession for history, humanity, and reading.
>looking for
I'm looking for Slavs and Slavic language speakers with plenty of free time to help me translate some stuff, find me books, etc.
I'm trying to use AI and my limited knowledge of art to create free media that may revive interest in some of our more forgotten folk stories and other parts of our cultures.
You can also add me if you're just interested in seeing what I'm making or if you want to talk about interesting historical topics.
>not looking for
Anything in any way romantic or sexual, LGBT, niggers, kikes, porn addicts, cringe balkan memes
Discord: josipstiho
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26M, Europe

After trying (and ultimately rejecting) various moral systems and religious illusions, I arrived to the conclusion that what was wrong was not this or that morality, but morality itself. Having accepted that, I gradually became more and more unhinged (which is a good thing).

>describe yourself
180 cm tall, thin, Rasputin beard. Extremely well mannered and cerebral, but free of any inhibitions. Machiavellian.

>looking for
A girl/woman of any age (18 and up) meeting one or more of these requirements:

Someone who is broken.
Someone who feels ugly.
Someone who feels useless.
Someone who is mentally ill.
Someone who self-harms.
Someone who is lonely.
Someone who desperately needs something or someone to live for.
Someone who is fucked up.
Someone who has kinks that are deemed extremely unacceptable by society.
Someone who is perverted.
Someone who has always felt like an outsider.
Someone who is a loser.
Someone who is desperate to escape their current reality.
Someone who needs a kind soul to talk to.

I'm open to absolutely everything and I will not judge you. Expect me to be extremely sweet from the get-go, and be prepared to be heavily lovebombed. I want you to tell me your entire life, your opinions, your feelings, your secrets... to make you feel like the most special girl in the world. You will be _my queen_ (except in bed). I have spent a lot of time with timewasters in real life and I am getting old, so expect to be impregnated the moment we meet :)

>not looking for
Someone who is not open to a relationship, healthy and balanced people, troons, timewasters

>contact info
Discord: homer_hesiod_and_sappho
>About me
Student/neet currently, studying business management. I have done a lot of stuff but things become boring for some reason, I know a a little bit about everything basically. I feel like I don't belong in the normie circles but I also just lurk on boards and not too involved here
Things I have done in the past: Painting miniatures, Fencing, Gym
Things I currently do: TTRPG's/Vidya/Tv series/anime/Jogging
I play all sorts of vidya - probably favourite genre is strategy
>What are you looking for
Long term relationship with a femanon, hopefully someone who can chat with me on discord and game and such
>Not looking for
Only sex
Someone with nothing in common with me
discord: ew0007

Posting again
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>Long Distance ?
Only if its not too far

>Physical description
Skinny but not anorexic, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting, learning languages

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies

>Looking for
biological woman with interest in long-term dating

>ideal preferrences
short and not fat, humoristic, plays vidya, can maintain a conversation, can discuss politics

hieronymus21 (discord)
27 m N.Ireland

I play fighting games, I workout, I don't really come here.
Anyone can message me. I'm chill and friendly. If youre after something specific just lemme know in ur msg

Discord: Thaw24
Nina in Vienna may I ask for your discord?
Sure, I'm semi-bored and got time to kill

Disc: rykertrye
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my interests are video games, true crime, ARGs, pharmacology, fashion, mental illness, antipsychiatry, Pullip dolls, scenecore music

looking for anything that isn't in my not looking for list, preference for the mentally ill or girls

not looking for trannies, faggots (including bisexuals), asian lovers (im not asian but this shit is cringe), left leaning males

socrazy4u on discord

gna sleep
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Voyager Mission: Deep Space Exploration
>Sex/Gender, Age, Sexuality
Male long hair androgynous / Mostly gay / Timeless (~30)
Invertebrate keeping, plants, gaming/hardware, psychedelics, outdoor, nature
>Music: (Oldschool) Goa Trance, Techno, Industrial, Experimental, Folk, Metal, Ambient, Bhajans
Movies/Shows: Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin-, Darktide, AOE II DE, Stronghold DE, War Thunder, Warframe, Mass Effect 3/AMP, Battlefield 1/4
>About me, life goals and what I look for:
I have so little money that 'existantial minimum' is something I look up to (thanks to my ex BF but I'm emotionally over it but suffer finacially). Prove
yourself worthy and I show you my ways of survival including all the black backpack magic, repossession, salvaging and translocalization of all kinds. Be
near or ideally with me. Its not a problem to house someone just have your own legal adress and income, if you stay permanently I would also expect you to help
with electricity and internet cost. I have my own well furnitured apartment but I'm not a provider. Also no car so bring proper boots and endless stamina.
Embrace the darkness and it may embrace you <3

Not looking for lazy losers, teenagers that seek to run away from their parents or people who 'work' but have no time or money either. Be like me, no
attachments, no "friends" or family, one who is one with the void and ready to ascend even further. If you dislike humans and prefer solitude thats perfect.
Although for learning about each other you should be willing to video or at least voice chat. Its always weird in the beginning, but if you really want to
find someone we need to get through with it.
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I seek for a life partnership mainly, but my hopes are low and I'm used to be embarassed, so the focus is now to find compatible people in my age range for
summerly activities or "fwb" relation (exclusive, no one time shit). My long term goal is to get rid of this shitty rent debt (that my ex bf left me), save
and find a "holiday home" type property, build a giant greenhouse to it and live in it while becoming mostly self sustaining. No neighbors, but lots of
animals and even further adaption to the no money life. Its a lot of work, but fullfilling and not wageslaving. You reap what you sow. I would like to share
this with one cute likeminded male that never ages like me. In the best case, we would ignore the human society collapsing, although I'm very aware of the
coming events, I prepare for it and may even be able to use the changes in my favor if humans eradicate themselves.

For anything romantic / sexual: Don't be very masculine, hairy, unhygienic or fat. Long hair isn't a must but I like androgynity, ones that are 'in between' and young looking
but without the typical transgender/lgbt/fetish agenda mental illness. My fetish is true love and natural looks. If you want a "dom", "slave", "sissy" or
want to cut off body parts we are unlikely to be compatible. 25-~30 is the optimum age. Have a stable outcome for yourself, you don't need to be rich or
provide for me. For me it would already be a progress to find BF that can provide for himself and doesn't have any unresolved mental issues. No addictio
/ substance dependance, no habitual smokers (occasional hookah and hallucinogen binging is fine).

For anything else: We can likely hang out, do garden work, walks and other operations together, I can teach you many things including how to cook and grow
almost any type of plant. We can go out for deep forest nightwalks and trip together.
endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

Write at least 3 sentences why you want to contact me
20 f
chronically online, average, introvert, trol,

>looking for
anything, no nsfw

>fuck off
libtards,wokies,normies,newfags,dark people, men over 30

any Italian anons here? Planning on moving there in a year or so, wouldn't mind making friends ahead of time
Where are you moving to anon?
I'm one, but I am not currently living in Italy
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18 ftm EU
>interests / hobbies
botany, baking, hiking
>looking for
>not looking for
people who go back on their word, people with mustaches (bad experience with dog walkers in the past)
25 M Italy
I'm a graduate polyglot looking to work in tourism for the summer and later as a state language teacher.
Ancient history, theater, opera, religion (know most of them but personally I'm a buddhist), occultism, languages, occasionally visual novels and anime/manga
>looking for
Idk my discord is dead so anyone worth my time is good
>not looking for
Coombrains, trolls, girls who aren't my age or older, dogmatics, skeptics
thinking about moving to Bassano del Grappa, north of Padova - have some family there and I like the area. Might consider a larger city too like Verona or Padova, but I feel like it'll be easier to integrate if I'm in a smaller city.

where are you living anon?
31 M Slovenia
Details in pic
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I'm in California but I'm looking for someone with a British accent to be lewd friends with ~ that accent turns me on so much.

discord tag is chickenclaw3
asl is 26 f pacific time zone

Add me if you have a british accent and are willing to flirt in voice chat.

I'm severely autistic just fyi
you're also a slut because in a different post you said you were a virgin who already wanted to fuck 2 guys and now already has plans to fuck a 3rd just to lose her virginity, which is the sickest thing as a virgin man who would maybe want to to be with you, to imagine
Polish bf when?
i sent you a request, I'm the guy with the 'im just ken' wojack. im british. i would want stuff in return though.
No elo nie miej siurka i git
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exercise and sports, Nature, Vexillology, Creating music, History, countries, geography and philosophy, Movies, Politics
Self improvement and journalling, Family and cats, Cooking
>looking for
I value openness, intelligence, understanding and quick wit, looking for a VC buddy but text is fine
aš tave apšlapinsiu
>where are you living anon?
I moved to germany
>thinking about moving to Bassano del Grappa
Funnily I am from that region
M Austria

Wanna suck
Am in Germany too :p
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>About me
Homebody person its been a while since Im alone but used to it, I like to describe myself as someone stuck between neet and normal person and thus I have trouble finding contacts
I like being silly, rarely serious, carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>What you're looking for / not looking for
looking for genuine girls to potentially become friends with and to do frequent talks or activities together, whatever works
Nice dubs
Also I'm hoping you too are going to enjoy the monday off fren
Why would you prank me :(
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>Describe yourself
190+ cm, average build, brown messy hair, eyebags, sasquatch genes and a beard I look for any excuse to shave. Been told I have a handsome face enough times to believe it, and I've been managing to maintain a workout routine as of late. Into Animanga, TTRPGs, IT, occasional vidya (more so if it's co-op with someone I like), collecting fanart, philosophy, trying to learn Japanese. I also have my fair share of kinks if that's something on your checklist. I like to think I'm a good listener and that I can come up with a worthwhile reply to anything on a good day. I'm also extremely proud of my file organization
>Looking for
A soulmate. Someone to get me out of the funk that's been following me my entire life, and someone for whom I can hopefully do the same. The more interests and mental baggage we share the better. Gender-wise, I'm bisexual on paper, but we're probably both better off if you're as female as possible (yeah, I know). Location-wise, Belgrade would be great, but being cognizant of the shithole I live in I'll settle with a similar timezone and a faint promise we'll both work hard to meet up (and stay met up) one day
>Not looking for
A friend in a similar predicament I can talk about all this with (and not much else). I'm all tapped out on that front sadly
>Discord tag
>Search keywords
Belgrade / Beograd, Serbia / Serbian / Srbija, Balkan / Balkans
22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
snap Celestinroi
Discord is urang_
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Female 19 Perky Natural Asian
Medical student in training

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
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21 M EU
> About me
I'm a loser. Largely due to my less than fortunate circumstances, but also by my own choice. Yet I wish to change it.
In particular, 2 depression (in 2022 and 2023) have made me signifcantly regress cognitively in a measurable way. Similarly, despite my mood being significantly better, my motivation is still affected, and I also have other emotional issues
I'm not fine with this, and accordingly go to therapy, take drugs, and do other things. What I am not doing is being radically honest about myself
>Looking for
I hope to mainly discuss drugs (nootropics), biohacking, and therapy, and other self-improvement related things. But at the end of the day, I post here and not just look for these things IRL because real life necessitates filters.
I am looking for egoless discussions regarding self-improvement. I'll be completely honest with you, avoiding any standard self-protection mechanisms, e.g., giving an impression of being reliable when one actually isn't, etc
>Not looking for
Those incapable of forming friendship, whether it be due to complete lack of social skills or other issues
People who both aren't highly dissatisfied with their lives and lack expertise with helping those who are. In case of the former, people who don't wish to be mutually accountable to each other, etc., as to achieve our goals
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I have a lot of cars. I enjoy modern art and ultra-modern & mid-century architecture.
I'm into sewing, knitting, fashion, gardening and cooking as well as things like cars, bikes, fixing planes, DIY stuff in general.. I like to create things, like radio control models, build retro computers, make plants grow.. I don't watch anime or any shows or anything, so I wouldn't have a clue if you were gonna talk to me about it.. How about some Minecraft? I also play War Thunder and Helldivers 2..
I've got greyish green eyes, brown hair, and I'm not vaccinated!
>looking for
I'm looking for someone to talk to a lot, on a regular basis.. Ideally, someone who becomes one with me, but hey, that's just a dream!
>not looking for
You know what? Just surprise me and we'll see... I'm open to anyone if it's friendly.. If it's for more, just know that I'm straight as an arrow!
Are there ANY women in Europe? ANY???
19 F france
>about me
bored asf college student. living in my dorm all of summer
add my discord: annaj0y
i pretty much just go gym, play vidya and tinker with stuff. im a neet, mainly focused on self improvement atm. im well travelled, nonchalant about most things and introverted
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel (going to Thailand soon so if you've any tips id appreciate it)
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with over text, vc would be nice, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl and im thinking about marathoning the 3d zeldas. pls dont be offended if i dont dont add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw
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>About You/Hobbies

Love cooking, gaming (MTG, shooters, arpgs, dota, D&D, pretty much anything somewhat challenging really), learning, cinema, handywork, historical fashion, historical arms and armour, biology, heavy music (metal and dark synth are some of my favorites, but i also love Folk and a lot of other music), some anime, i'm pretty much a pit of interests, if i find something cool i end up learning about it.

I like talking to people about things they are passionate about, especially if we can learn from eachother.

If you're interested in cooking i'm always down to teach, i'm a professional cook and been developing my own recipes for about 12 years.

>Looking for
Someone to spend time with, do arts and crafts, watch movies, play games, share music, hopefully develop a meaningful relationship.
I've had a lot of bad experiences but i'm always willing to give people a chance.

>Not looking for
Men (i'm androphobic, sorry), libtards, overly religious people.

Discord: beaconoflove
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Gay twink
I like outdoorsy stuff, cooking, video games, movies, music, sports, reading
>looking for
A friend or a boyfriend
>not looking for
Dry people

pic is me :3
>took 12 years to build
>harbour - vital to rhodes - would have been blocked for some of these years
>made with 20 tons of bronze
>cast and erected? Or cast sections stacked, hoisted with scaffolding and winches
>some accounts say it straddled the harbour, others say it stood on one side
idk, I'm not convinced it ever existed, desu. The only evidence is from inconsistent anecdotes
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>about me
Chill, fun dude. Way too honest for my own good. I'm a nerd, but I won't pretend that I watch or play that much anime and games respectively. I can get a little overwhelmed at times and may not respond for a while so keep that in mind
>looking for
Acquaintanceship or hopefully friendship if I vibe with you. Maybe meeting irl if you're local, as I met someone from here recently and it was a good time.
>not looking for
Cringe. (aka: sex, incels, liars, ewhores, trad larpers/christians, typewriter tough guys, manipulators, groomers, rolling up to a metal show wearing a slipknot/korn/limp biskit tee [do this and lose ur liver!!!!!!])
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Music (speedcore, gabber, happy hardcore, mashcore, breakcore, makina, extratone, etc.), tetris, old internet, flash games, arcade shoot-em-ups, obscure youtube videos
>Looking for
someone who likes similar things to me and likes to share old websites, videos, music, games, stuff like that but mainly just general chatting
>Not Looking for
e-daters, clingy people, people who expect instant replies
29 f EU
>About me
working lots, sometimes travelling to major cities in EU for work reasons, maybe up to a few times per month
meeting up after I'm done with my work in my travels
>What you're looking for / not looking for
looking for "normal" people, who can chat normally and interested to meet
not looking for anyone outside EU sorry
female, 19

>About me
Life is not so great now (is it ever? (it is)) and I have no friends. I feel stuck in life, so the only solution is to talk to /soc/ people, obviously.
But actually, I like listening to new music, excluding hiphop, and just listening to people ramble/rambling myself. We can play minecraft (maybe) or stardew valley or watch stuff.

I suck at talking to people, so if I'm dry/boring, it's not on purpose. VC is preferred after a while :)
(I'm not into guns, I just like cool postcards.)

disc: nycti.corax
What country are you in, dipshit
Add me and you'll find out retard
"what country are you in"
"(wrong answer)"
Just save everyone the time and effort you entitled cunt
20 M Norway
>looking for
anyone who likes to play games and is interested in IT stuff
What do you consider "wrong answer"
"She" obviously doesn't want relationships and is likely just here for comparable timezones to make chatting easier or make ping lower to play together

What's the difference if "she" is in Norway, Germany, Spain or Switzerland?
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18 M Slovakia

>About me
i don't know how to talk to people
i've been quiet for so long i forgot how to hold a conversation

(be ready that most of the time you'll be the one asking questions and keeping the convo alive)

dry asf

>Looking for
don't know myself
open to everything

what's the point if you're just going to ghost
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27 M EU
Have onlineitis, like music and comfy Vidya
chats, gaming, sfw
Gays, oldfags, normies, furries, degenerates
Where did you go
M/30/ I could be Europe
I bought a VW mk6 Jetta sportwagen TDI in hopes of impressing any Germans or Austrian girls that may live in Indiana. Just found out the sunroof leaks. I guess you can a rizzler drives a drizzlers.
Add me discord
Ahaha that's prolly the funniest rizz up attempt I ever saw XD Am not in Indiana tho rip
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A NEET atm but I live alone. I like anime and weeb related stuff a lot, videogames aswell as reading LN's or philosophy/history and working out to stay fit. I'm also a 2hu enjoyer.
I mostly play Cata classic,ff14, elden ring, occasional OW with my irl oomfies and some other stuff but im open for suggestions and duo would be neat. I can be pretty autistic and ranty about stuff I find interesting and I have a MAL if u are curious.

>looking for
frens,weebs,chill people to play games and watch stuff with if we get along,

>not looking for
extreme mental illness,coomerss

>discord tag
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22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla, black metal and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
snap Celestinroi
Discord urang_
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I don't like discord but here's my Kik: bigmeancock78. I'm from Spain and I like, girls, femboys and cucks. Come talk to me
clean out the sunroof drains bro, worst case if the tubes are broken you may have to drop the headliner. don't let it leak inside the car cause it will kill the electronics and total it
Add me
My rizz can cross oceans alps and rhine.
Cut the ends off the drain hoses to see if it will flow better. It does. Only soaks my floorboards or drips from my roof during heavy rain.
oh no, is it lowered and has aftermarket wheels on it? ruined!
28, M, Poland

Basically looking for someone, anyone (though preferably F) to throw some shit at the wall, seeing what sticks and what doesn’t. Bored out of my mind, sad and kinda lonely. Can give anything in return (within reason)

I actually gave it a new tiguan suspension so it rides slightly higher than stock. The wheels are stock but plasticoates black and they are peeling.
Oh it must be designed to look like that stock then, I'm not a VW guy but a Mercedes guy
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32 male Poland searching for Woman for watching films in bed. Im 195 cm height. From small village poverty
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21 M Europe
>subjects of interest
medical student, I'll be a doctor next year which I cannot believe. time moves quickly but I don't know how I made it this far
in terms of interests, i'm passionate about all things to do with health, biology and so on. i also enjoy fitness and literature. i play video games sometimes but not very often. i love film, art and poetry. i like sociology and thinking about human behaviour and certain phenomena that go with that and would like to learn more about history. i find great pleasure in learning how different people think, discovering new perspectives and looking for patterns in things. i like thinking as deeply about essences and the nature of things as i am capable.
i tend to smile for no reason
>looking for
a friend to text back and forth as we go through our respective lives
>not looking for
stagnant losers, people without direction, people that think about sex or their gender identity too much
18/m Looking for people to rate me (preferably female) and just to talk
nothing gay pls
discord: anon0063
Fake, you’re retarded if you fall for this
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chainsaw man, roblox, valorant, aot, supplements, 3 body problem,
resident evil, alex g and many more i dont want to fill up this page just ask me.
i am open to playing any games really as long as its a game where you move your character with wasd and dont stare at a map.
>looking for
anyone that would be willing to hang out sometime, i have no irl friends and i miss going outside.
i don't do drugs but i am willing to if it'll help me make friends.
>not looking for
politics, gooners, narcissistic british people, people outtside the uk obviously
no, actually, Polish man I need you to save me..i’m a woman, pls

>About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with semi-frequently. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation.

>Looking for
General organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share at all times.

>Not looking for
/Pol/, incel stuff, hate machines

Discord tag: harmonica_
Save from what?
t. polak

Good chat, hentai and fun likeminded degenerates

>Looking for
Girls preffered but anyone with good chat


Also, bump
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poland m 18
cringe nerd shit like games anime drawing and history
>looking for
ideally fellow femboys to talk to but anyone else is fine ig
me, myself and my demons
What's the story here? Also mind telling me why specifically polish and where do you come from?
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30 M Netherlands
I'm actually from Spain, just moved out for work, I'm into hiking, traveling and a history and culture nerd. Used to do biking, kayaking and play vidya.
>Looking for
Some Dutchies which I could practice some Dutch and maybe hang out and have a beer or two, also any expats living here
>Not looking for
As long as your are not incredibly autistic you are fine
any dutchie in Tilburg tomorrow for Blind Guardian?
>about me
Can't sleep, chill talk about old movies, videogames and outdoor shit. Ama or whatever. Also pretty curious to find other Welsh people on here. Only here because I miss Omegle and talking to randos, pls try and be normal-ish lmao, no "dirty" shit
23 f Wales

- celticwhispers
This was for Kik btw baka
>Europe DISCORD thread
>Posts Kik
19f spain
let's skip the pointless bio and just talk!
as long as ur not boring it's fine

>about me
I'm tall which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4, and its currently the game I'm obsessed with, but it changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a relationship though.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
I am a male from Estonia.
Looking for: Either lonely females that want a relationship/friendship, or lonely males that want friendship.
No socials because I don't use any. If you're interested we will just have to meet up at a very public place and talk for hours, like in the old days. I'm tired of online shit. If we vibe, we can exchange contact info then and there.
182cm tall, 105kg, average looking
I am an elevator technician but currently work as a delivery driver, some stress with my boss.
I own a 75m2 apartment. I don't smoke or drink.
I have a tame sexual drive.
Some hobbies are chess, unicycling, indie games, and youtube honestly.
I'm a bit nerdy and have difficulty socialising, but I can talk about some nieche things for hours.
I don't have any extreme political beliefs.
My hygene is good, I'm a bit messy, but not filthy (god have I seen some awful tard caves here)

The bad stuff about me:
I promise I'm not a coomer, but I do have some extreme fetishes. Furry and loli, as long as it's not photorealistic.
And I'm a brony and have some merch. I'm keeping this stuff mostly to myself.
Otherwise I'm not hiding anything else.

I'm looking for woman in my rough age range for a long term relationship.
I don't care that much about your race or weight, I prefer to focus on personality. But too many tattoos are a turn off for me.
Bonus points if you are into shota.

Discord: purringearthquake
>about me
198cm, slim guy into running, reading, music and cooking. I got a corny sense of humor and I work as a paramedic. Mentally stable, got my shit together, I just like chatting to people often on shift to kill time.
Medicine, obscure music, fitness and cute girls
>looking for
Good conversations, someone to shoot the shit with. I am straight but everyone can contact as long as you have some jokes. Fellow Europeans for banter.
>not looking for
One word responses, having to carry the conversation, getting ghosted, porn addicts
Discord: djcock.
what’s the address of the meeting place? when?

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - more broad social movements than parliamentary politics. Ideologically I’m an anarchist with a conservative temperament
Programming - very interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.

>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual

Professional artist, travel photographer, fantasy enthusiast, retro film and music enjoyer. Have probably spent too much time on 4chan
>looking for
Friends, meetups, travel partners, dating
>not looking for
"i forgot your post, "i just wanted to see your art", "take my virginity"
Discord: agameofthrones
>Physical description
186cm / 6'1 tall, fit build, short blonde hair, short beard and moustache
Physical activities like working out, hiking, cycling, combat training. Yeah, I know, basic. Besides that, books, particularly about history, politics, law, but fantasy is great too. Also paranormal/horror media, wrist watches, video games. Lately, I want to try building plastic models.
>Current occupation/Schooling
In university, law student. Also serve part time in the military.
>Life goals
Start my own business.
>Looking for
Friends, ideally people with similar hobbies.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Schizos, pol types.
18/M/Eastern Europe
>open to long distance (y/n)?
>physical description
5'9, ~145-155 lbs, 71'' arm reach, athletic physique, green eyes, brown hair that is so short people think i'm a skinhead, attractive face (i mean, i like the way i look).
>life situation
life's good
martial arts, learning foreign languages, mixing cocktails, d&d, video games, reading, working out, urbex
>3 songs you like
rammstein - Haifisch, rammstein - Eifersucht, rammstein - Weit Weg
>3 movies you like
LoTR, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
>religious beliefs
i'm an atheist, but i don't really care about people's beliefs as long as they aren't fanatic about them
>political beliefs
idgaf about politics and despise anyone who's invested in that topic. i like anarchy though
>dating experience
scarce. never was in a commited relationship with a woman who wasn't on xanax/mentally ill/restarted
>looking for
a girlfriend with the emphasis on the "friend" part. it's like, yeah, i want to romance someone, but i also want us to be actual friends enjoying doing stuff together, without all the awkward bs that comes if the horny shit appears early in the relationship. i want a genuine friendship with a deeper connection that the romantic aspect provides. anyhow, my ideal gf is basically the following: smart, funny, isn't insecure and toxic, has her own hobbies/we share the same ones, doesn't play league, and isn't depressed or too mentally ill.
>not looking for
men, trans-women, /pol/tards, hateful people (racists, nazis etc)
Bump #3 and last

>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons
Another Sheep shagger? you got a discord? I don't have kik and it doesn't really appeal to me
Discord : panchothe2nd
30+ / F / Europe (But currently residing overseas for business, with occasional travels to the US)

I'm into many things. Art, music (mostly synth-y and ambient-y stuff, i don't really like rock, nigger noise or normie shit), gym (I can beat you in arm wrestling and not just that really), sci-fi, history, languages, film, lots of stuff I don't think about until I do. Sometimes i have a feeling i'm getting too old for image boards, but you fuckers won't get rid of me that easily. Pretty blunt and cynical.

>what you're looking for
Pals, people I could click with

>what you're not looking for
Anime pfp, politics as a serious topic, coomers, desperate men, spiritualists, /gfd/, people who say "anon", "frens", etc., retards who can't hold a conversation for more than 5 minutes, fags and niggers with hidden inferiority complex, severe autists, pseudo-intellectuals are not welcome.

discord: chipapipuwawa
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would be way better like this :)
II read books and enjoy philosophy (currently I am reading the RSV of the Catholic Bible, as it has some books from the others I am missing). I like a lot of anime - currently on Ergo Proxy, Dungeon Meshi, and next is Texhnolyze. I am not looking to date in particular but need friends after something unfortunate. I work in supermarket, retail. I also play video games (currently Bioshock Infinite DLC). I write and am making my own Neocities website today to collate all my work just for fun :) I love tech too.
>looking for
Anyone who needs a friend.
>not looking for
Mean or rude people.. I am nice and just want nice people to be around.
arkhi_p on discord.
Hiking (and other outdoorsy shit), Snowboarding, Vidya (Mostly cs2 rn), Drugs, Anime and cooking.
>looking for
Peeps to chat/game with long term
>not looking for
27 / M / Danmark

>Physical description
Hvid, normalt bygget, afslappet tøjstil

Hængekøje camping, motorcykel og biler, træning, lidt gaming

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Ikke danskere af alle slags.

>Looking for
Begge køn, danskere med samme interesser der har lyst til at chat og måske spille noget

Discord: 4t_5
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>physical description
179cm, thin, skinny, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, white
>About you
Currently doing exams, "planning" for university, I'm a pseudo-NEET and have asperger's, I'm a deadbeat when it comes to talking to strangers
Technology, gaming, military shit, vehicles
>religious beliefs
I'm not religious but I do find myself drawn towards to Christianity
>political beliefs
Sympathetic to communism, fascism and anything autocratic
>looking for
F under 25, friendship/dating
>not looking for
trannies, blacks, fags
hektor234 on shitcord

idk look in the archives if you want more information

>about you
Lonely, i'll talk about anything.
I want to get new interests

movies(any), shows(mostly anime) ,games(anything), forums, neet, VNs, everythingggg

>Looking for

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Games, programming (web dev, game dev), poker, reading, sleeping

>Looking for
Let's play fun games or watch TV shows. Share with me your music and I'll genuinely give it a listen, talk to me about your problems or whatever. I just wanna hang out.

Listen, you fucking faggots: nobody's going to add you, like you, nor think you're interesting. You're all so fucking self-absorbed. You think you're going to make ANY significant contact here, you're better off just FUCKING OFF immediately. Seriously, you're boring, plain, and the saddest nonrmalfags I've seen. The absolute state of this thread and this board. Fuck you ALL.

Verification not required.
/pol/tard catfish and newly created account
23 M France

Recently came back to France from Peru. I study history. Into basketball, football, I'm more interested in compiling previous performances from players/teams and I'm currently making a database of players going from the 80's.
Music (rap, reggaeton, electro...), videogames, I've been trying to get more into fantasy litterature lately.
I like to go through life as a movie spectator; seeing the different aspects of people personalities or motivations.
I speak French, English and Spanish and can have a conversation in either of these languages.

>looking for
Friends, people to talk with, a good chat, sharing new songs...

they gave me a completely different impression, what's your discord?
I think he might be that mexican guy that made awkward conversation with me and bragged about how he's been with "50-100 women" after I insinuated he's not very smart nor suave
M 44 Germany
Looking for straight sexting including live pics and vids. Younger females prefered. Age gap is great. Submissive would be perfect. No sellers, no fakes, no guys, no larpers, please!

Snap: hgw17491
Kik: 17489hgw
Discord: maxlanger
>physical description
184 cm tall, glasses, dark brown hair, blue eyes
programming, piano, electronics, anime, hentai, porn, video games, math, physics. I like problem solving and puzzles.
>looking for
a girl whom i can talk to on a daily basis and get close to. preferably with similar interests.
i also like to vc, but im autistic and socially inept, so im a bit awkward.
>Not looking for
men or trans people. ppl who takes ages to reply or ghost you, never takes initiative
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repost from sfw thread,

24/m/yuro (germany but im not qualified to teach you anything about the language lol)
terminally online involuntary neet (worker shortage my arse). kinda mentally ill
im mostly into music these days (listening and making, ill prolly spam you with halfassed covers like this https://voca.ro/195V1JbDwjkc). i grew up on this carcass of a site, i mostly identify with /mu/, /r9k/ /lit/ and /v/, prolly better than listing hobbies. i generally dont consoom a lot these days but im an unironic man of good taste so i can prolly talk about a lot of shit
>looking for
human interaction to keep myself from losing too many sanity points
>not looking for
idk unironic chuds i guess
Forgot to mention you’re a BBC lover
Tell me a secret.

Tag: g.h.e.i.s.t
>I can beat you in arm wrestling and not just that really

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Server made for everyone
regional channels

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M25, Southern Europe

I'm looking for a completely miserable girl. Someone who has not experienced a drop of actual affection in her life but is craving for it. Ideally someone who has nobody and truly needs a friend and a life partner.

I'd wife you up and make you happy, shower you with affection everyday and make you feel special and loved, in a sincere and genuine way: it's something I'd truly enjoy doing and a relationship dynamic I'd enjoy.

You must be willing to go all-in if we end up liking each other and possibly relocate (although I'd be willing to relocate for the right person, too).

If you are interested, send me a friend request and tell me something about yourself. Let's get to know each other.

Discord: fusteldecoulanges
i like to play counter strike, computer science and chatting on discord
>looking for
preferably german people to chat and make friends with
>not looking for
discord @mightbegonetomorro
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Anyone from Spain interested in chilling and talking about commong interests like music vidya and stuff?
drop your id
Sure, my discord is matterator34
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i like forensic psychology, kinda pretentious movies, and dolls.
i like to dress with dolly fashion when i can, anything from lolita to jirai kei, coquette etc.
i believe in conspiracies instantly because its fun, and like just about anything related to the paranormal, so im into exploring abandoned places because of that, and also witchcraft (but not in a tiktok way).
i read some manga too.
i'm into books as well, but not quite the /lit/ type.

im likely mildly autistic, so i take everything youre going to say literally and can be weirdly obsessive or stiff, but I try my best to be pleasant to talk to.
we can talk about anything you'd like, even if we dont share interests. i'm very curious about all sorts of different things! and i try to give well thought responses.

im not looking for sex and sex adiacent stuff so please dont steer the convo that way. i also dont like to talk to dry texters.
im not looking to date either, but if you're literally denji (minus the horniness) i could think about being your asa/makima.

im okay with talking with both guys and girls, but prefer other Fs!

with a double _

I like anime, manga, VNs, games, books. I read a lot about weird topics. I score extremely high in conscientiousness and neuroticism and people I've met irl say I'm very nice and not autistic, but I'm probably just good at masking. I'm not nihilistic. Love cats. Look like normie but have a weird mind. successful career, wholesome

searching for an intelligent woman with similar interests to befriend and then fall in love with naturally over a long period of time

discord: houtarou7
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>About you
i'm a gay white blond twink, a bottom, not hairy, about 180cm tall
i like music, fashion, horror films, art, cooking, i want to be a nurse or teacher
>looking for
gay friends, or
real men, masculine and gay only, tall tops, white, older, hairy
>not looking for
NO bisexuals, trans, femboys, short guys, fat guys, not masc/fem, creeps
people who cant introduce themselves properly, say your asl, interests, reasons for adding me, type etc or don't bother
people who think insulting/degrading/feminizing me is erotic
"i forgot what your post said"
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>About me
Martial arts neet, autistically into mma and jiu jitsu, train both, want to go pro some day, enjoy watching random shit and playing video games in my off time.

>looking for
preferably women but im up to chat about weight lifting or fighting with randoms too

feel free to push boundaries of conversation I am not easily offended

>not looking for
people who want money, people who have nothing to talk about and then get mad that the conversation isnt going anywhere.
Discord: Zoggere
dunno why this shit posted sideways
based christian who's easy to talk to
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Doesn't work.
>no bisexuals
kill yourself
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>About me
Bit of a socially awkward nerd, but always in a some what good mood, my hobbies are, MTG, D&D and pathfinder, as well as cooking food, strategy games, cocktails and what ever crap im doing these days
>looking for
Some one to hang out with a lot, some one to stream some games to, or watch stream some games, and perhaps something romantic, depends of course

>not looking for
People who dont really know how to hold a conversation or have a hard time writing back in a reasonable time frame, as well as people who just add and forget
Also since im straigt im not looking for a relationship with a guy, i know its pride month but no thanks
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Soulful white guy with a heart of gold. Enjoyer of pretentious films, all things music, guitar, cooking, having a few beers.
>looking for
Decent people who wanna hang out and watch some movies. Also interested in sharing travel experiences, especially anything Japan-related (but definitely not exclusively).
>not looking for
Dry people, rude people
22/F(MtF, Boymoder)/Germany
My passion is computer science but I like video games and talking to friends too.
>Looking for
Other Germans to chat with, play games with and be friends with.
>Not looking for
Horny people
Discord: weepuntildawn
dilate, prison gay loser
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>Looking for
Open minded people.

>Not looking for
Nothing. I accept everyone.

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25 / M / Ireland
Interested in all things scientific, pharmacology especially. Jujustu and forensic chemistry. Specific interest in reprotoxin and carcinogens.
Used to shoot but not so much anymore.
>looking for
People interested in the above
>not looking for
People not interested in the above
Hi, I'm looking for a partner.

I've had enough of feeling stuck in a rut, I want to be a better version of me, and I realize that the path to get there may be easier with some accountability, and what better than someone who wants the same for themselves.

I'm looking for a friend/partner who's fed up as I am with not being as productive/active as they could be.
If you feel done with procrastinating and want to actually try for once, this post is for you.

I don't wanna sound too corny and say I have activities planned, but I know for starters, I'd like a pal with whom I can read books about self-improvement, keeping in touch thru the day and other assorted friendly things.

If this interests you, just know that I value honesty the most, I don't wanna make a commitment out it but I'd appreciate someone who's not afraid to try and be straight up.
Voice calling is a must, not from the get go, but you have to be open for it.
I don't care about gender, but I'd prefer female anons, since its easier for me to relate.
To keep it serious, I'd prefer if you're 21 or older.

If this is something you'd like to try, leave your discord and I'll add you and see if we hit it off.
I can get into iCloud’s and Snaps. I have been doing this over three years, I’m 100% legit and gained the skills while working on the job. I use the software the tech support uses to gain access. I have also been verified on Runner Board on the dark web and a regular contributor . If this interests you then find me on Kik or Snap and let’s talk business. My username for both is on the pic with this post.
There's two kinds of people in this world: those that like Estopa and those that do not
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>about me
text me and find out (istg im interesting)
>looking for
frens or anything idc
Recently Divorced mother of 1, looking to meet people, try get back out there. chill, chat about anything :)

40 F UK - kik hopeless_t
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>about me
Recovered NEET, I am now a functioning member of society.
I like games, anime, books, music, world-building, training, and hiking.
>looking for
Girlfriend, or girl-friend. (Smart, cute, or both)
Someone to play games- watch anime- listen to music- and converse with.
Someone to save me, from this rat race! ( •̀ω•́ )
>not looking for
Men(of any sort), Russians, time-wasters, coomers, dry-texters, miners.

>about me
Actually Russian, just kinda stuck in Greece.
Trying to reverse my NEET lifestyle but that`s a hard task desu. Currently learning web dev and trying to get in some sort of shape

- Games, but since I think I`m on the spectrum it`s either cRPG`s like pathfinder or painting simulators made by Paradox. I`m also pretty good in comp shooters and, when in mood, playing MTG
- /tv/ is life so there is that, right now trying to pick a series to watch. Also I have a plan to watch whole Scorsese filmography
- English lower tiers football
- I also kinda want to get into anime but idk about it yet
- Whiny ass midwest emo rn

>looking for
Preferably for some people in Greece to hang out with but that seems impossible so I`d say just some people go watch shows/play games/discuss some random shit with. Also trying to find someone who would wanna watch euro 24 together.
ALSO would be cool if you are into anime and will give me some starter recommendations, I wanna start with something small, so no shows with 500+ episodes. Cheers

>not looking for
romantic stuff cause I`m not in the good place mentally rn

Hey there, I'm looking to chat with people from Greece (any gender). I'm bi and very kinky (ask about any kink you want), as well as imaginative. I'd love to have a roleplay or jerk off friend and just cum together, inspiring one another with our dirty minds.

Discord: SageMadle
Looking for (F) for friendship, romance.
disc: monk.xzy
matrix: @monk:matrix.thisisjoes.site
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22, Male, Europe

>about me
Diaspora/Second wave immigrant that does not feel like he relates with said origins, going trough trouble with my family because of the turmoil to find myself national identity

>looking for
Other second wave immigrants who have struggled with the same issues that i do and feel like discussing it (vc prefered but not required).
People that want to discuss their own takes and have their own arguments on my situation and feel like they want to challenge my ideas.
Bored people that want to fuck around and do goofy shit.

>not looking for
racists since that kind of defeats the purpose of my questions
people that want to play video games with me (i suck at most of them and lost interest anyways)

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>Contact info

>Media I like
Darker stories, especially tragedies that explore characters, and their ideals or beliefs like Nier, Berserk, Monster, Gantz, Fate, Saya No Uta, LISA, Girls Last Tour, and so on.

>Favorite Music
Metal, Synthwave, Game/Anime Osts, most genres can have good tracks though.
Making music, difficult/tactical/indie games, making/modding games, cooking, physical rhythm games, climbing, DnD, TCGs.

>Random Info Dump
I'm German
I love overanalyzing stuff, like breaking down media into themes, philosophical/ideological messages, or character studies.
Currently tinkering on AI stuff for games and learning music theory, (the latter is more difficult for some reason??help)
Usually pretty calm, and don't talk much, I get more heated up when something really interests/inspires me.
I really enjoy, banter, but I only do it with people who can banter back.
I gravitate towards weird and abnormal things/people.
I like dressing in different styles, usually darker-leaning.
Work out frequently, but mostly at home.
I travel around for fighting game(Blazblue) tournaments a bit.

>What are you looking for?
Optimally I'd want to make friends with women and see if anything develops further. Sharing interest in online activities, or liking to talk/argue about stuff is important for that (Play Rabbit and Steel it's a good coop game). Last time a bunch of weird people added me to rant at me, which I found very enjoyable as well, so I'm open to that too.

>What type of person am I looking for?
Most important to me is the ability to introspect and grow/adapt to one another and that we enjoy each other's company. Being weird is a plus, I far prefer interesting people with baggage over bland normies. Optimally we share common interests so we have stuff we like doing together, but if we just enjoy hanging out that's cool too.

I'm pretty open and non-judgemental, so feel free to ask anything in Discord if you are curious.
>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. Before you jump to support me, im generally ok most of time in regards to dealing with my mental health, so im okay to talk about it. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
28 Glasgow

Looking for people to chat to throughout the day (and hopefully blossom into long-term friendships)

Also looking for people to potentially play vidya with - open to pretty much anything as long as it isn't Genshin, Destiny, WoW, or Warframe (currently playing Dota, Xenoblade 1, DbD, Stardew, and Trackmania)

I'm happily taken, so no creeps please and ty

If you're any kind of -phobic then keep scrolling please; life's too short to be hateful

My one BIG request is that you're able to hold a conversation - far too many people add me and open with "Hi, how are you, good, what's up, not much, you" and are never heard from again, so *please* be at least somewhat socially competent?

Music-wise I like pretty much anything from hardcore to country to kpop...

Other interests include cryptic crosswords, webdev, reading/writing, drama and horror films/TV, and trying to be a more productive person


__eden__ on Discord (case sensitive, two hyphens either side)
bumb, still waiting
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21 biologically male UK
Hello, I'm Iop. I like philosophy. I'm a bit autistic. I want to be a wholesome friend or a partner and hopefully we can help each other. I enjoy walks, talking about life, and the books/games/films/music we have in common.
>long distance
>looking for
Partner or friendship. Any gender.
19 f greece
I currently work full time so not much energy for hobbies/interests. I do enjoy playing the sims 4 a lot, reading, watching movies and make up. I am into languages and also music from different countries, I love learning new songs in different languages
>looking for
girls in europe to talk with, preferably in greece
>not looking for
It would be in tallinn, specific place and time is up for the two parties to decide upon. I have some ideas on that, but I'd like to know if the city is a deal breaker for you first.
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vidya, programming, smoking cigarettes
>looking for
people who wanna join my tranny server, preferably spanish speakers and cigarette smokers
>not looking for
32/m/eastern europe.

Will be in estonia in 13-14 june for a conference.
and in Frankfurt 10-15 july, attenting Rammstein concert on 13

looking for:
bio female 18+ as fwb or bi female who's into threesomes. or can be an online friend or travel buddy.
I can pay for accomodation and food, but please pay for your travel lol

things about me: gaming, reading, writing, nature walks, travels, bohemian lifestyle, laidback, but can get horny.

Snap Blingtron7000
disc Kretzu3000

Slim-average build with the onset of a dad-bod. Like to show off for women who can verify. Pretty vanilla switch type, into gentle dom/sub dynamics. Can just chat about whatever too

Disc: rando_xpat284
Inerthominid (on basically every other platform)
i’m in vilnius, but travelling with a bus or train isn’t a problem. i have june 29-30 and july 6-7 weekends off, so let me know if that works for you
Im into producing music (mostly cloud or dark trap) and play games over the weekend usually, shit like Warhammer 40k Darktide or Minecraft ESO desu anything as long as its with someone else. Im pretty busy with work these days but I got time after to talk shit or play a game for a bit, I love talking about anything especially your passions or anything youre interested in, honestly pretty easy going and im in it for the long haul not really just to talk for a week and gtfo, it takes time to make a good friend
>looking for
Im engaged so I just want to make friends but ideally female cause I got enough guy friends, someone to kill time with, play games, voice chat stream games or watch stuff together, people with a sense of humor and want to make fun of just about anything. I dont mind talking about anything even if you just want to vent to me, I love to listen or just talk shit about random stuff
>not looking for
People that are ADHD riddled and treat people like they just want to get entertainment from them and leave if it gets boring, no coomer shit, people that want to kill time and got nothing to provide yet want me to keep them busy (put some effort in) and people that just want this to be a week or two long thing and leave, thats about it
>About you
Movies, books, swiming, hiking and into fitness,
>Looking for
local anons
>i’m in vilnius
my dude that's like in another nation
>but traveling with a bus or train isn’t a problem
I mean hopping form one nation to another is a big deal and severely limits potential for regular activities
>i have june 29-30 and july 6-7 weekends off,
Can't say yet, I usually have a lot of stuff I'm juggling, but I could probably make some free time in those days.
>so let me know if that works for you
Overall I am skeptical about this arrangement. But I did offer my company, so if you are lonely you can have it for a while.
We will have to agree on specific time and place on, or near the those days.
I suggest you plan to check the old town or something and meet up somewhere there as well.
>this is a test

Moid, 26, EU. Narcissist. Physically, and verbally abusive. Likes hard drugs, and domestic violence. Hates dogs. Likes cats. 6’1”, athletic, short brown hair, green eyes, pale, two small tattoos. I have good hygiene, am self aware, and am attentive. I have a nice car, steady career, and a nice place. For these reasons, moving is basically impossible for me. I like reading, writing, and cooking. I enjoy horror and action movies. My favorite bands are Pantera and Kreator, though I enjoy Lebanon Hanover too. By default I dress in black. As far as red flags go, I’ve cheated before, and for the duration of this year am busy as hell with work, so buyer beware. I view relationships as agreements. If you hold up your end of the bargain you’ll have nothing to worry about as far as fidelity goes. Shockingly, I have some soft side for some people sometimes. If you want to know something more intimate, just ask. I’m not shy.

Biological woman for a long term relationship. LDR is fine, but not forever. ASPD, NPD, and schizophrenia are good. MacDonald Triad. Criminality. Abuse of substances or other people. If you’re a victim of abuse that’ll interest me. If you’ve sold yourself, that’ll interest me. If you start shit for fun and get into fights, that’ll definitely get my attention. Self harm. Ideally black hair, and skin that’s so pale that it looks pink. If you also enjoy dressing in black, that’s good. Tattoos and piercings are good. Self awareness is a must. I like people who are attentive to details. I want someone who I can really treat like a peer and count on. Someone who knows what they want. Body type is largely irrelevant.

>don’t want
People with low self esteem (some wiggle room here). Bad texters. BPD (some wiggle room here). People who lack self awareness. Incompetent people. Obese people. Darkies and Asians. Anorexic people. Shy people. Open relationship people. Moms. Indecisive people. Losers. Dirty people.

>Disc: alimonyactual
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staying at dad's house since hes staying in the US for 2 months to take care of his 3 kittens. I work from home and i like watching documentaries, working out, and sound design in my dad's studio. I listen to nearly everything but i love industrial, alternative, and shoegaze the most. i work out and im getting more into thrifting lately.

>Looking for
pref girls with an alternative music taste and vibe, someone into true crime and documentaries and a plus if you play any online games, i dont mind timezones because i dont sleep much as a person so im always awake at night.

>Not looking for
coomers, people who make race or religion their whole personality, overall weird people



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M/26/Eastern EU
>About me
Hello, I like non-human animals, nature, pondering about the chaotic nature of this universe, wildlife photography, occasionally drawing, bloodletting, rocking back and forth and fun activities at night which I will not share here :D
>Looking for
A pale individual with misanthropic tendencies, uncorrupted by western degeneracy and brainrot, that deeply respects nature
>Not looking for
Anyone younger than 23, you are too young and weren't thoroughly raped by life yet :D

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>about me
I'm a young male from germany, looking for anyone into big age gaps. I was always fascinated by pedophilia and I'm looking to discuss it. I like detailed messaging and deep conversations. My intrests include: drawing, Heinrich Himmler, making jewlery, lego and writing.
I prefer Europeans over 30. But feel free to say hi no matter who you are.
> contact
Discord: the_onkelmachmut
Telegram: @OnkelMachmut
>pic is me
23 female bored drinking looking for fun

Disc: fillesdefilfil
sorry I meant, invite invalid
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24 M UK
>About you
Brooding aesthete, and a hard-R Romantic, I have unironically been described as Byronic by a past lover. At once intensely serious and inclined to approach every situation with a joke. Sexually dominant and extremely sadistic, I adore ruthlessly degrading and humiliating cute boys. That said, I'm also sensitive and caring when I'm not being a monster~
White, beautiful dark hair, grey eyes, not a femboy but my face is either very boyish when shaven or very patriarchal when bearded. Think Eren shaven, Zeke unshaven.
Aesthetics, Architecture, History, Literature, Music, really anything that's beautiful and moving, I'm interested in engaging with it.
Also enjoy video games/anime/etc. and if we're going to get on you probably will too.
>Looking for
Someone cute, likable, and ideally inexperienced, to be my personal TPE/CNC toilet slave boy, to use and abuse and serve me in every way I please, sexually and in life. Don't take that to mean I won't value you - I'm only sexually interested in people I like and respect, and outside of lewdness I'll often want to be caring. But I will be ruthless with you when I choose to be. You don't have to be into everything that's done to you, I actually prefer if you aren't - especially regarding toilet slavery... my pleasure will come from seeing you suffer. Even better if you have a slight switch inclination, so you find submitting even more humiliating. I like the idea of a slaveboy who serves his master and obeys even the cruelest orders out of loyalty and affection (and force). Of course, that depends on personal compatibility - I want to like you as a person when I'm not tormenting you.
Hit me up if you fancy being a classical slave boy.
>Not looking for
People who aren't at least somewhat cute, dimwits who can't make conversation, people who'll say "I think this sounds hot but I'm not into X/Y/Z", people who only think they're kinky because they're mentally ill porn addicts.
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30m, Portugal, Willing to travel
No prior relationship experience. 175, thin. I enjoy reading, I like music a lot and I am fairly emotional and intense, but I try my best not to externalize these things at all. Possibly autistic. I am trying to learn an instrument but it isn't going well. I enjoy sitting down and thinking. I live (sort of) alone, but there's a lot of stuff I'm struggling with in my day to day. I don't make much money, feel free to ask exact values if you're curious. I do not watch anime, sorry. I do like japanese phonetics, and I enjoy japanese music.
>Looking for
F, someone to talk to. Maybe in the future date / meet up or something of the sort.
>Not looking for
Unemployed people.
Discord: voidwarranties
25f / Greece. Looking for someone in Greece to exchange kinks, sexual fantasies and interests with. I like detailed conversations with creative individuals, and I'm personally bi with an endless aray of kinks. If we get along we might even roleplay, play guessing games together, or just try to make each other cum. My interests include d&d and roleplaying games, reading and writing, watching TV, and anything creative relevant to storytelling.

My discord is SageMadle. I'm not interested in real life meet ups tho, or anything non anonymous probably.
Then why the fuck do they have to be in Greece?
are there any /soc/ european general chat discord servers?

i'm lonely and want to make friends
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>asl 22 trans girl( super feminine and passing)
>from the netherlands
>hobbies video games, movies, series, outside walking and nature
>looking from people from here who wants to get to know each other and meet in real life! I want to make new connections
Discord: kittyme1707
>trans girl( super feminine and passing)
You know that's not the truth. The only way out of the hole you're in is therapy and accepting reality. You can lie to others for the rest of your life, but you can only lie to yourself for so long before it becomes impossible to delude yourself any further
>abt me
i like history, fps, music (learning guitar) and portugal ))
>looking for
just be around my age pls
>not looking for
coomers ig
No you're not.
>about me
I love learning in general and usually get interested in any subject someone is passionate about, i really like politics, economy, philosophy and science (that i love these things doesn't mean i am excellent in them, i am no einstein)

>looking for
someone to talk to in a chill way, no stress just fun discussion and debates, view opposing mine are a plus obviously (currently leaning toward libertarian)
fine with both voice and text
>not looking for
i'm not interested
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20 Female Single
Natural Perky Asian

Kik/Telegram: filipinahentai
Snapchat: hentaicomein
no one care bitch
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Looking for nerd kinky guy that willing to fully commit into long term D/s relationship.

Kik : ExclusiveChanell
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videogames,coding,game design,birds
>looking for
friends to talk and play vidya with i guess,been kinda down low lately
>not looking for
no coomers pls
Hi, I'm interested in this sort of dynamic. My tag is milk93939
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looking for anyone who knows this bitch. Czech slut from Prague. want to talk to anyone who knows her as well, bonus if you've fucked her. shes been with plenty of guys from ireland to croatia so someones gotta be out here
kik kokoro4532
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>About me
I like programing, gym, hiking, vydia, philosophy, history, old movies
>Looking for
Cool people to chat or talk with
>Not looking for
Spam or people that are younger than 24
21 m Kyiv, Ukraine
>about me
I like writing, smoking, going on dates, chilling online and hanging out with friends
>looking for
people in Kyiv to hang out with, especially fellow westeners
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21/m/eastern europe
>Favorite Music
most kinds of metal with a preference for black metal, though i don't mind listening to any kind of metal, really. fan of 80s-90s music like genesis, the misfits and oingo boingo as well. honestly i can listen to anything as long as its not rap, breakcore or most pop
mostly JRPGs, bought witch spring R recently so im looking to tackle that. also pokemon moon because ive never played gen. 7. avid blue archive enjoyer. some anime is okay too. drinking is fun, going on political/philosophical rants whle drunk is fun too
>What are you looking for?
frens with similar interests, i try to be open-minded though i am somewhat judgmental. i'd also be down to vc and/or play 100% orange juice, overwatch 2 or risk of rain 2 while we're drinking
>Who don't you want to add you?
mostly normies, overly sensitive and/or emotional people
thanks for the nice tits didn't have to block me lmao
put on some lip balm skank
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
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I like to play the violin and the guitar. I like classical music, especially the works of Strawinsky, Skrjabin, Tschaikowsky, Vivaldi, Schostakowitsch, Rachmaninow, Mussorgski, and Mendelssohn. I play volleyball and I like to lift weights sometimes, but I am not that strong just yet. I like astronomy, psychology and mathematics. I speak German, Dutch, basic Norsk and very basic Irish. I draw and I am open to drawing requests, though my work is not very good, I am rather interested in electric eels and I like to bake and cook.
>Looking for
People to encourage me to be much better, looking to start working out and studying a great deal more than I do as of now. Also looking to become much more well versed in terms of knowledge so, if you have any knowledge in other fields of science or if you have a lot to say about your life, that would be good. I ought to become the real McCoy,
I would prefer it if you were Catholic, but I do not really mind.
>Not looking for
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>What are you looking for?
Shortlived music exchanges. Add me, post 3 songs you like, I'll show you 3 and we delete each other. I just want to discover some new music.
>Not looking for
Anything else.

Come play me a song.
27 m italy

>looking for
many things, i'll list a few of them:
- concert buddies: i love music, mainly rock and metal, people with whom I could go to concerts and festivals. Per pogare io ci sono sempre, bonus se sei del centro.
- IT nerds, I work in IT, I like my job, and talking tech with other passionate people leads to growth.
- Might as well say it: a woman, probably not gonna find her in this den of degenerates, even though the idea of a woman that browses daily this shithole still fascinates me.
- Russians, people from my native country I can connect with.
- Anyone willing to chat for a bit and see if we click.

>not looking for
- people not willing to make and effort, to chat, to keep in contact, to do anything besides sit there and bitch that people on /soc/ are boring, when they're the first ones that add nothing to the conversation.

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>About me
Despite my extreme views im rather open-minded and extroverted
I'm EXTREMELY into fashion
I also like reading and watching anime
Music: metal and breakcore

>Looking for
People who share my views
People into fashion
Maybe irl meet-ups if we click

>Not looking for
People who wanna argue
Boring people
IT nerds (I hate technology)

>Burner account
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25 M Croatia

>about me
-Pretty boring person who is introverted, likes anime, mango and vidya; also love aquariums and fish/plants.
-Am obsessed with psychological horror/thriller and Korean films.
-Love going to the cinema and sometimes hiking.
-Kinda into fragrances.
-Never smoke, never drink or do drugs.
-Catholic, but disagree with the church as an institution and what the modern version of it stands for.
-healthy weight, but continuing to work hard.
-pretty short at 167cm/5'6.

>looking for
-A femanon that feels we can connect.
-Someone who is looking for stability and happiness rather than excitement and adventure.
-I don't mind mental illness and if you're a neet.

>Not looking for
Men, trans, people who just want to be friends, perverts with huge sex drive.

Discord: ashenarm0r
- 29/M/EU
- Hello. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series and cats...
I like philosophical talks and just existence and life in general.
I'm very lonely and want someone to connect with deeply. A woman that is patient and kind.
I really just want a simple life with someone else. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
18 F Scotland
deaf gamer, I love to game and watch movies. I mostly play rpgs. PVP games are fun but I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. Happy to chat about games or movies or anything really. I was home schooled so my social skills suck but looking to improve them.
>looking for
regular chat friend. someone who isn't reluctant to tell me about themselves. Also I find it easier to chat with a face, so I will be asking to swap face pic, I'm nothing special at all, just like to see who I'm talking to.
>not looking for
song recommendations.
Because he's a 27 year old greek man who's already done this a few times, lmao. Didn't even bother changing his handle.
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25 / M / Poland

Introverted but very friendly and open, I usually play construction/ logistics/ city builder video games in my free time and talk with my friends on discord. I like reading about new tech, AI, graphic design trends, random wikipedia articles, etc. I sometimes smoke weed and do other light drugs ocasionally (mdma, shrooms).
Tall (185cm) and bulky, the typical 'bear' body type.

>Looking for
Cute girls (either trans or cis), preferably thicc girls with big asses.
I'm open to LTR or FWB. You don't have to be from the same country as long as you're willing to travel.

>Not looking for
Men/masculine people of any kind, people who only want to talk online/ don't want to meet up, anyone over 30 or people who try to sell me anything

discord: @q.u.a.c.k
28 / m / Germany

Looking for chill friendship with a homie or fwb/f+ with a woman.

Discord: magnumspaniard
33 m UK
the human condition. i enjoy hearing about people's lives, and the lives of those around them. everyone has stories to tell and i'd like to hear yours
recovering sportsball faggot. i like rock music in all of its various forms and i can play the guitar reasonably well. i've spent time in lots of different countries and have a passing interest in history and movie analysis but am by no means a buff
>looking for
people to talk to when i'm bored, cos work is slow at the moment. i don't really care if we only talk a few times, or stay in touch for years. shared interests aren't that important to me either. being chatty and polite is more important
>not looking for
i'm in a relationship so nothing lewd
i enjoy and generally approve of /pol/. if you're just not into that stuff it's fine, if you're some antifa type then no.
i am not at all interested in anime or video games
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Video games, League of legends, gym, paranormal and occult stuff, breakcore, rats

>looking for
Someone to hang out with either playing games, watching me play something
or just hang out or watch something.
Also prefer to find people close to me or in EU to potentially be IRL friends but I don't
mind if you are outside of EU.

>not looking
People who add everyone randomly for no reason off the thread

I am from Germany. There are some easy requirements, but you can basically get the German citizenship after 3 years of marriage.
This is my profile if you are interested
27 F ITA
>about / looking for
I like movies, music, cooking. I'm a bit reserved initially but curious, and get along better with talkative people with a sense of humor.
Would love to get to know someone around my age (even better within the country) possibly on a deep level and form a genuine connection.
Let's chat a bit and see if we click.
>not looking for
NSFW, dry texters, people you can't joke around with, pol types
- 29/M/EU
- Hello. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series and cats...
I like philosophical talks and just existence and life in general.
I'm very lonely and want someone to connect with. A woman that is patient and kind.
- A woman that looks for someone to connect with
- Liars. People that abandon.
- panpan2755
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19 Female Single
Natural Filipina

Kik/Telegram: asianatural6
Snapchat: goddessperky
26 M Czechia
>fun fact
I sometimes feel like a functional alcoholic with a cofeine dependency and sleep depraved vampire with allergy to hemoglobin.
>looking for
Caption exchanges, writing short stories for eachother, tributes to girls I know irl, nudify, AI fakers, wankerapp subscribers to leach on. And for Slovaks and Czechs to talk about slutty starlets.
>not Iooking for
Cockrates, pedos, furries, gay role-playing, scat and smut talk, collectors, trading pics, hungaryans.
>contact info
Kik: Pergues95
Cute trans girl from the netherlands want to friends or someone to fuck me ;) only add me if you’re from the netherlands too discord: kittyme1707
which city?
Visiting Amsterdam next month, is that close enough?
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(descriptions minimised so as to make me not look narcissistic lol)
>about me
i enjoy reading & writing (particularly writing poetry). i enjoy anime naturally - psychological ones like Eva/Lain/Ergo Proxy. next one on the list is Utena. i also love tech in general - i use linux everyday, and i like being a bit of an autist over it. i also like old british comedies like shameless. i used to watch some very low-quality garbage tier content called IP2 and onlyusemeblade, where a guy would get drunk and drive and things. was just low-quality garbage shovel-in-your-mouth content. other than that, i'm a bit retarded, but it's not like i'm going to break down on you. i know boundaries. i am trying to get into voice chatting after a long time of not doing it, and i'm a little bit anxious about it.

some of my recently completed games are hollow knight, prey, bioshock infinite, 1000xRESIST, persona 3 reload.

i am a nice person who is worth people's time. i'm looking for genuinely good people to spend time with. i like to DM people a lot, so, unless you're like that that's fine. i might be up to consider a relationship, but i would like to know someone first. i'm not asking you to delay your life for me by any means, though. i am a bit of a wreck who hasn't really deserved the things that happened to me. i have always done my best to make people happy. i have been described as hot/cute/loyal/attractive.

i'm not a whore, so not really looking for sex.

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>27 F ITA
combinazione particolarmente rara. Ho due anni in eccesso e sono del sesso opposto, ti aggiugo sulla discordia per attaccare bottone come Fiordaliso.
Ti ho aggiunta
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Alright lets give it a try

Pretty normo hobbies and interests to be honest, I like playing video games, going to the gym, reading and playing Dungeons and dragons
>what you're looking for
Interesting conversation, British friends primarily but everyone is welcome, not looking for a relationship per se but if something happens it happens
>What you're not looking for
Ghosters, if you wanna dip that's fine, but atleast say bye

pic is a nice view of the Welsh coastline
26/M/ Ita
I'm a normal guy looking for some easy talk and maybe some sexting

I'm looking for a girl primarly

My discord is Dukeaaduke
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22 / M / Catalonia
>About me
Average /diy/, /k/, /g/ user combined into one. I work in the tech sector (wagie). Am talkative and only somewhat socially inept.

A strong interest for electronics, mainly microcontrollers. Occasionally some sweaty gaming, as one does.

>What are you looking for
Fellow Europeans to chat with, people who I can discuss projects with, and whose work I can follow along to pressure myself into finishing stuff for once. Shitposting buddies, people to play the video james with.

>Not looking for
Romance or sex, already taken.
People who only add me because I can speak Spanish (need more than that in common)

Discord: bombardeen_marruecos1
18 female ireland
psychoanalytic theory(*****), languages, some philosophy, delta blues, apprehending reality without the mediation of language (enlightenment), alcohol, writing posts on tumblr, hating/complaining but in a fun light-hearted way, being a now-functional person but harboring a bitterness only legible to 4chan types, grainy youtube comedy videos from the 2000s, self-identifying as "male-brained" , writing unreadable demented screeds (ccase in point: ....)
i dont want to date you or suck your penis though im aware that saying this wont stop anyone from trying to get themself dated/their penis sucked. id really like to talk to women. you should expect me to come off as autistic.
i dont know.
discord: grafelde
as in garfield
you know
the former US president
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how come Europe seems like a dying museum now?
that looks like one of my friends what the heck
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M25 norway
Let me help you goon your brain away~ i coom so much that my cum is now almost all water. I usually goon 5 times a day but my goal is always 10 (which i really need help reaching) I can also bully you with non-nude and official art
Tag: dommyshiri
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18 male from Spain

>About me
Music weirdo, metalhead. Pic related.

Music (duh), photography, literature, philosophy, learning languages, history/geography, programming, working out, videogames.

>Looking for?
Honestly, just talking about stuff. Don't mind if user is male or female.

>Not looking for?
People older than 25.

Discord: verde5158
belgian girl I miss u
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>Physical description
175cm, glasses, brown eyes/hair, 70kg
>Boards you frequent
/g/, /fit/, /trash/, /v/
>Current occupation/Schooling
wfh DevOps engineer
>Looking for
dorky 24+ yr old woman to count macros and play video games with
i despise normie dating because its often very dishonest and cringe. i like honesty.
Drugs. Just not my thing.
looking for people in Berlin on 25-27th of this month, will be there for work event, need someone for my evenings, I'm open to a lot of stuff, but not into clubbing or similar, just want to relax after work

please don't contact if you're not from Berlin especially on those days
discord is worktravelfun
Are you a prostitute?
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25 / Male / Germany
188cm, decently fit guy. I love videogames, such as the SMT games, Anime and Manga, Lifting Heavy Weights and yada yada yada...(nobody is gonna read this anyways :/)
>Looking for
Anyone* interested in talking :D We can talk about interests, VC. (Can be lewd, I'd be open for that)
If you're close and click, maybe we can meet up?
>Not looking for
Men. Chicks with Dicks. Dry People.

* if youre a bio f.

>about me
ima white boy with a huge cock and a small brain.
sitting in the rain, weed, vidya, mathematics, physics, programming and pussy.
>looking for
bio female ice cream lover.

tag is my pic
Nah, she's cool
27, Male, Germany, Bi
> Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I'm 180 cm and around 83 kg. I love playing video games with people preferably anything co-op. I recently started developing my own game. Pretty ainlessly going through life rigth now. Working IT. I feel like i have not found my personality yet. I can be a bit of a degenerate and am really open minded.
>What are you looking for in a partner
A fellow gamer. Someone who enjoys spending time with me. Someone who i can openly talk to.
>Not looking for
Permanent online / long distance relationships
>Discord Tag
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Latina F21 We can have fun if you want it honey, get to know me more
kik: angii.rar
telegram: @AngRarr
Snapchat: @angii.rar
discord: angii.rar
32, hairy top dom, french, 1m79, 69kg, need some cute sissy/cis gal to swallow my cock. can meet if in europe, otherwise camera. chubby is ok, don't be hairy tho. Currently playing elden ring dlc. discord is aloualoucam
>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
I am 192 cm, tend to be quite introverted but i try to partake in any social situation thrown my way, although that aint a lot. To no one's surprise, i play video games (mostly indies of almost any genre), and for other hobbies i like to build stuff using my 3d printer to make small mechanical things, or things that just look cool. I work as a programmer. I guess i'm kind of a nerd. I'm also a high-functioning autist, socially atleast, you wouldn't even notice unless i told you. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs at all, i like to keep a sober mind at all times. Not a degenerate.
>What are you looking for in a partner
Female, nerdy interests, European, Long-term (ideally life-partner) relationship, open to LDR but the closer the better, 22-34 years old.
>Not looking for
Male of any kind, trannies. Smokers/drug users (some alcohol use is fine, as long as you don't go overboard). mentally ill, BPD. Outside EU.
>Discord Tag
maxevigam (Burner account, will check a few times a day)
"that" I have a name you know anon
t. Watt
On what social though?????
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25 m uk
>long distance?
yeah sure
>Physical description
pale, skinny, blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair (I still get blond highlights sometimes)
cosplay and going to cons, horror films/games, games, anime, bouldering, walking about an exploring.
>looking for
biological women +points if tomboyish
29/bio female/Latina
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
>Physical description
5'0, short hair, tan, tomboyish, athletic
Everything related to language learning, religion, aliens, occult, history,rollerblading, jogging. Love cooking and listening to music
>Looking for
biological males, who have nerdy interests, are funny and want to chat to a girl who’s too busy to make friends irl, but wants to chat at night with the someone~
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Uses drugs, drinks a lot of alcohol, is violent
Discord: locus_pocus_toadkiss
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26/M/Bordeaux, France
>About you
I'm chilling at work
I'm quite ecclectic about a lot of stuff
Reading and writing
Music (Synthwave, french indie stuff, italian disco, etc)
Graphic design
>Looking for
Chill, positive people
>Not Looking for
Gays, schizos
>Disc Contact
How hairy are you?
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28 M Paris
>About you
not a regular poster. I have a busy schedule and only come here to unwind. interested in cinematography and arts. might draw you
>looking for?
genuine connection, women to rave with
>not looking for?
racists, whores
21 / M / FR
American in France for the next month, working in the middle of nowhere with no car but kinda near Avignon, mainly looking for chats and people to talk to at night or something since there's not much to do in the local town, I'm into a lot of combat sports, video games, internet bullshit, nerdy in both senses (academic and gamer) so yea, I'd prefer French people so I can work on my French but whatever works really
Discord: randomrombo
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29/M/Sussex, England

>About you
I like learning about & helping people feel happy
I am quite lonely and my sense of humour is poor

I have steady hands and lots of steady handed hobbies
currently enjoying biographies, sea rowing, watercolour painting

>Looking for
relaxed, positive people

>Not Looking for
mentally insane, trannies gays or politics

I'm bored as fuck. Anyone in Stockholm feel like meeting up?

disc: tunedintiphares
forgot 27/M/SWE
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
Yes but we have to meet eventually if things work good
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
>Physical description
6.1ft , brown eyes, black hair, jacked enough
Everything related to computer networks, i like music a lot, i play piano and im going to learn guitar also, and also reading
books and comics.
>Current occupation/Schooling
Graduated from school, going three months in Austria for Erasmus and eventually move there.
>Life goals
To create a good product in the network market and become a good musician.
>Looking for
We'll see how things gets, and then settle later.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Uses drugs/smokes. Drinkimg is fine, i'm quite the drinker myself. Not in an aggresive way tho.

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Artfag, like tech stuff, books, movies. Open minded and like new things idk
>Looking for
Someone to talk to on voice, talking is fun and makes you feel less alone.
>not looking for
>Physical description
6.2ft , brown eyes, brown hair
Computer, video games, cycling, history mainly WW
>Looking for
long term "relation" friends or more if we match, i need some company no need h24 talk but just a few messages a day( i don't want to speak a lot here add me and we see)
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
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Terminally online weirdo with no IRL social life (I'm not diagnosed with any mental illness). I'm a neet but I have my own place. I'm not feeling lonely at all but I'm open minded and happy to meet new people. I can be reserved at first but I'll open up if you give me some time. I highly value anonymity so don't expect me to VC or cam for a while.
>Looking for
I'm looking for friendship and maybe romance? Anyone's welcome to DM me on discord. I'm happy to meet new people as long as they acknowledge my bio. Being familiar with 4chan and enjoying video games is a plus but not a requirement. Be honest, be patient, be curious!
>not looking for
Mental illness (BPD, schizo, etc), highly restricted diet, ideological/religious obsession, non-monogamy.
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23/trying to be better than that/yugoslavia (1980s time traveller)

>looking for
A schizoid union of eccentrics, basically someone as detached from people as me that also desperately yearns for a connection while having absolutely noone (not
necessarily in the pure literal sense). Someone I find fun (smart, weird and playful basically). Bonus points if you're from the Balkan area. Bonus points if you're passionately angry about something related to science and then dump that on me while also sprinkling in fun info I can learn from. Minus points if you're Am*rican :(

>not looking for
People who are gross and sexual. People who aren't strong willed. Anyone who is too close to the normative values and ways of thinking, also highly preferable that you're not somehow almost objectively worse than the norm and do even more lazy biased thinking than the average person (impressive tho)

>about me
Last year psych student. I deeply love all science, it hurts me a lot when I see people fuck up statistics or have lazy biased thinking and reach wrong conclusions. Most of the time I am disgusted by the way people do science or research, but in its pure form I do love it. If I made better decisions/wanted to annoy myself less I would have probably went into a natural science (though they are nowhere near free of sin either even if its not psychology tier) or math, but at the end of the day people are still more interesting even if I have become a misanthrope in the last few years. I also really like board games or anything involving tricking or outsmarting people (but like in a wholesome trusting way where someone takes you on a fun ride... especially fun if I'm the one being tricked). Kinda sad that whatever I write here doesn't really matter since most of your perception of me will be based on your hopes and assumptions so lets just hope those end up matching whatever I am.
Also I can do a pretty convincing meow if I'm not stressed, pretty cool...

Topsy Kretts
Balls balls balls balls balls
Working north of Dublin, looking for irl buddies more on my wavelength.

Interests: I’m a closeted weeb, weightlifting, vidya.
19 Female
Europe, looking for something interesting, little bit bored. Maybe want to find friend/crush)

Forgot discord: cjmac112
why do you look so miserable
It's a man.
I know someone just like this. I just want you to know how big of a massive incel you are.
M20's Russia
>about me
Long hair, skinny (some say I'm twink and look younger, some say the opposite)
Gothic, horror movies, games, music
>looking for
Cute romanian girls for talkings and ect
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26 norway
politics, communism, minecraft, DnD, animals and cryptids
>looking for
Friendly people
>not looking for
Portugal, M19

I'm just looking for people who can think for themselves, with some respect and who are open to discussion. No fucking sex or kinks or whatever, all you people make me lose hope in society.
I like music, I draw and paint, and I like to read and write. I prefer Portuguese, German and Russian literatures. I love marital arts, I do judo but I'm taking a break because... I simply dislocated my lapella. Great success.

Does anyone wanna see Unknown Mortal Orchestra with me on July 10th in Porto, Portugal?
31M, danish, hapa dane/flip, 185cm. Fire safety engineer.
Cars and motorcycles mostly. Enjoy wrenching as much as driving them. Besides that I enjoy travelling, skiing and want to visit Australia again. Other than that I also enjoy stuff like movies, videogames, anime and reading manga. Anything sci-fi is my jam, but also enjoy pen & paper RP like Dungeons & Dragons and the likes.
Trying to get back into shape currently so always open for some tips or discussions. Used to be big into cycling and crossfit.
>looking for
A non neet girl, around my own age, preferably in the northern parts of EU, but not too picky in that regard. Don't mind a long distance thing if you're from southern Europe. Someone to go travelling with. Maybe someone active so we can motivate each other to reach our goals.
>not looking for
Dudes, trannies, excessively fat
Discord: muhtractor
22/Bi, tending towards the gayer side/Poland
>Open to long distance (y/n)?
Yeah, I plan to move out of the country after the next year of college
>About me
I work full time in a small company that makes websites, sadly just on the frontend so i'm a codemonkey, mostly because i'm quite dumb (atleast I think so).
I'm a gym rat, professional, going to the gym daily, but also on a bulk so I ain't got a six pack sorry.
I like to do /tg/ tier worldbuilding and writing in my spare time, I'm supposedly quite good at if some people are belived. I have two 80+page google docs with my rambling, if that's all You are curious about.
Extreme introvert, the reason for why I'm writing here is because I can't stand talking with normies on dating apps, or meeting people in general.
Writing / sci fi / vidya, whenever time allows
>Songs you like
Mastadon, Alkaloid, Alleagon, Avatar, Gojira, Korn, etc, etc, I like those types of metal
>Movies and tv you like
Dune (new and old), Kaiju stuff (new and old), generally sci fi
Currently on an old sci-fi show binge so if you want to talk about farscape, stargate, babylon-5, firefly, X-files, and all that stupid shit, talk to me.
>Religious beliefs
Agnostic I suppose, though I have a rather great interest in ancient religions as a source for writing.
>Dating experience
Had a partner for a few years, the relationship broke off after I said some stupid shit while drunk, other than that terminally alone.
>Looking for
Generally anyone who is as brain rotted / terminally online as me / anyone who will bother to talk, I'm not picky, that much
>Not looking for
Obese people, sorry, not into the ideal American bodytype
Guys more buff than me - I prefer twinks / femboys in males, generally just insecure about my own body so anyone more buff is a mental turnoff.
>Contact me
doom_rider_ on discord
18 mtf europe (eastern)
touhou, i love music, i love vocaloid, i love basically anything if im in the mood for it? i actually have started playing the guitar again which is nice, i love games, those from paradox are nice but im not so good, i kinda like playing osu and other stuff like project sekai but only casually, on the topic of gachas i do play a lot of them, like blue archive, azur lane, nikke, genshin and hsr, i like geopolitics and politics in general, we could talk about that maybe? history too is nice, i love learning languages (both alive ones and dead ones), i love conlangs, worldbuilding, talking and discussing religions, i love learning more and more about them, feel free to add and we can see where it goes!
>Looking for
long term friends, i want to find genuine people who will stick by my side, not toxicity, not sadness, no more of that, i want to find a great friendgroup and settle down
white girls, brown girls, femboys, men (maybe) who know how to control their libido and dont act like animals, going back to their base functions when they see anything resembling a female
>Not looking for
men who do that, psychos, terrorists, schizos (nothing wrong i get it its just most of the time it never even ends up working), bpdemons (never fucking add idgaf), idk just overly sucky people, i want good friends since i want to improve myself not someone who will drag me down to hell again
>Discord Tag
26/M/Italy (on January)

>About me
I am a fellow designer going for my masters degree in Italy next year so it wouldn't be bad to make friends early. I am mostly open minded about any topic (just don't do anything extreme nor illegal lol). NSFW are ok but let's not turn it into our friendship hook. I also draw, write, play games (RPGs, Mobas, FPS, Sandbox, etc), work out and love travelling or visiting places. I have a soft spot for architecture and geography (try me! I may even guess your country)

I am also gay and some of a furfag (but the cool type I promise) to get that out of the way.

>Looking for
As said before, mainly looking for friends, if anything goes beyond that just time will tell but I got no rush for it desu. I can also do online friends but just ensure you at least try, I don't need more ghosters/lurkers on my discord.

>Not looking for
Ghosters/Lurkers ofc. Really, if you don't think we click just tell me straight off, I better prefer for you to be frontal and delete me.

22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla, black metal and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
I just want to show to a woman
snap Celestinroi
Discord urang_
only anime pfps pls
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nice (not forced) person looking for nice (not forced) people to talk to i don't really care but i also care if you catch my drift. yeah. we don't have to and also i don't do but if that would be good. i think. in terms of i don't but you do okay thank you let's go!


>about me
Currently in my studies, focusing on maths physics and computer science
White, 5'7 with nice gray eyes imo and brown hair
I'm also very interested in philosophy (German mostly) and I love languages (French and English are OK and German and japanese are not too bad)
I also like bouldering

>looking for
A woman not gonna lie, with whom I can at least text with, I'm a bit curious with everything so you can have any interest

>not looking for
Males, trannies, catfishers or sellers


if you're a girl: hmu - any age
if you're a man: feed me (or trade) anything (i prefer skinny teens)

Discord: idfc02


> About me

aspiring goose farmer, part time facebook meme page admin

compooter science stoodent, future mysterious enigmatic blue collar worker, will get paid money to convince you that silicon chips made from sand can think and do stuff and its definitely not magic

big nerd. i mean like holy shit. giant. of a respectable size, even

7 years of journal and poetry writing experience

I listen to a lot of music and make my own, I try my best I'm getting better ok??

kino and books are great , the trojan war was real
i have a phd in fromsoft lore
dark souls? more like dork souls

I walk a lot, run, lift heavy metal objects up and then put them back down again because looking good in suits is mandatory.

supplement stacks make me feel alright. my life dream is to grow a good moustache and ride a chariot through a major metropolitan area. ideally living out the rest of my life offline.

hopepilled cheermaxxer

lorem ipsum

INTJ but not a psychopath

you're now manually breathing


> looking for

based guys and gals such as myself haha

> not looking for

look just dont be an abysmal dogshit retard and we'll get along just fine

contact :DDD


Moved from ñmerica as a programemer, so it is fine I guess, work is shit but pays well enough and the benefits of a eu wage slave.

I mostly drink but would rather have a buddy to do drugs, fellow latinx are bunch of normies.

Have been having fun fixing up my apartment and learning on the process.

Into a lot of the classic nerdcringy shit, videogames and configuring my home network, I like going on trains just for the sake of it as well as walking in the city.

Have been moving to hedonism way of "nothing matters"

> Looking for

> Not

Discord: namedisplayedhere
>Have been moving to hedonism way of "nothing matters"
lol retard just spend your money on whores and drugs then
>Implying I haven't already
NTA but even if it's a dude, I'd rather have someone close geographically.
I don't like online-exclusive shit and going for a hike together or shit is cool.
Yet again, I only come here like once every 3 months because I find that board insufferable and there's almost never someone from my country (Switzerland) so whatever.
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>About me
i have a full-time job with a poor work-life balance, so i don't have much time to go out and date. i used to work on personal projects after work for years, putting in 10-12 hours every day. these days, i'm too worn out to do anything unless i drink an energy drink. i've been conscripted to serve in the army for three years
anime, manga, hentai, gore, programming, linux, technolo/g/y, watering plants, doing the chores, cooking, going on the walks, reading technical books, playing visual novels like umineko and dating simulators like koikatu, listening to funky pop type of music on soundcloud
>What are you looking for
girlfriend or girl friend
>Not looking for
not girlfriend or girl friend
discord: pomfers1
24M, Poland
Huge music and movies lover. I'm addicted to listening to music, collecting CDs, vinyls and cassettes, goint to concerts, I have nice IMDb ratings list so I can get you some recommendations. Beside that I work remotely as backend developer and make money by doing what I love - learning new things and improving myself. I'm also into history (learning about jewish tricks and lies), economy and traditional shaving (bald head here).
Dark humor, sarcasm, wordplays
>looking for
Critically thinking persons who are less or more like me. Ideally it'd be hot 20-something girl also working in IT but I wouldn't mind other people
>not looking for
Faggots, troons, communists
discord: realbaldman

Snap : itschnll

Discrete nurse Domme looking for a determined kinky nerd guy that willing to fully commit into long term D/s relationship Online/irl
Too busy enjoying real life, probably
No longer looking - please don't bother adding
Any other contact? M 44 Germany
.Kik: 17489hgw
Telegram: HGWLER
Discord: maxlanger
Snapchat: hgw17491
Instagram: herrvanthom

M 44 Germany, looking for sexting including live pics and vids. No guys, no sellers, just a female interested in private fun and teasing each other. I'm dominant and into legal age gap, so it's not a must, but a plus, if you are submissive and/or younger.
Doesn't work
20's Boy Russia
>looking for
Girls from Europe, preferably from the UK
>not looking for
men and trannies
horror, gothic, game, music (I'll write about everything else in discord)
I don't do that nerd social shit, and if you're not brave enough to WhatsApp me, then I don't want you
>posts a phone number here on an anonymous forum that could be anyone’s
>so fucking lazy that “she” doesn’t say anything other than her age
>someone asks for a contact that’s not a fucking phone number on an forum
>decides to get uppity and call other contacts “nerd social shit” and has a go at the other person
The fucking entitlement, holy shit. This has to be a troll
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19/M/Great Poland
>About me
Just an ordinary Polish guy. I love music no matter what it is and technology. I play on a bass guitar, trying to start some band shit in a near future. I do play vidya from time to time as well.
>Looking for
Just someone to talk to from time to time. I am not looking for anything serious. If you're not autistic/retarded and don't take shit that seriously, we could definitely talk something interesting.
>Not looking for
Sexual deviants, people devoted to politics, autistic and retarded people.

This is my first time posting on this board, so it should be an interesting experience for me.
Take care everyone. Have a good day.
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>About you
Described by my friends as a caring older brother type with a soothing voice. I tend to be fairly cold at the start but will warm up to you quickly if we get along. Currently working as a guidance counselor at my local university, if that is of any interest. There is much more to know about me but learning about those things yourself is part of the fun. Soft spot for anything cute.

I love talking to and learning about new people that I meet, as much as I already do that in my job, there's a certain love in my heart for the weirdos around here. Some of the stories that people have told me have stuck with me for a long time.

The usual gaming (MMO's, Fps, Rpg's, Survival games, sadly also League etc.) and Weeb stuff like Manga and Manhwa (Dorohedoro, Saihate no Paladin, Iruma-kun, Chainsaw Man etc.)

Big fan of surreal horror, ARG's and paranormal things, anything that bends the mind.

I've been lifting for quite some time and even built my own little home gym, however I'm still in a desperate fight against my laziness to keep up my regiment and to work out every other day.

>Looking for
A nice conversation to start with, I'm an open book and will gladly talk about anything. Tell me about your greatest achievements and darkest secrets, anything out of the ordinary usually interests me. If we get along I don't mind playing games or just hanging out in voice. If you're cute I'll send you a kuromi plushie for your birthday.

Bonus points for people with tattoos and piercings, I've always enjoyed that aesthetic.

>Not looking for
Surprise me.

>About me/Hobbies
History university student. I feel bored and without a goal(even if i actually have them), sometimes that happen, i'm trying to find something, an idea or something similar that could give me a boost. I like history (ofc), video games(rpgs mostly, but i play lots of stuff), anime/manga(even if it's been a lot since i watched/read them), politics, i write sometimes and if the mood is good i like to philosophize (better with a fresh beer near).
>Looking for
Someone that can inspire me, i need something new to do or i'll get crazy, gimme ideas, propose something, usually i'm in for every shit possible.


i want someone to talk and do cool stuff with, dont care about the gender or age.

>Not looking for
As long you are not too retarded or normie is fine i guess.

discord: gigachaad69 (pls don't mind my normie username)
Forgot the image, fuck
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Repost from mental illness thread.
30m europe
>Mental Illnesses
Diagnosed depression, undiagnosed but been told by diagnosed autists I'm likely on the spectrum, into shota/loli. KHHV.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability
>Describe yourself
Loser who has realized I'll never probably have a truly good life and just kinda stopped caring about it. Not a smelly NEET, have a job and hygienic standards, just a combo of physical and mental abnormalities that means I will likely never have a normal romantic relationship in my life. But enough whining, I can be interested in nearly every topic but typically I'm heavily interested in 1 topic at a time. There are some persistent ones though - science, Fallout, cutesy depressing RPGs like Omori. I sometimes create descriptions of fictional planets in-depth trying to make them interesting and original but also scientifically possible. I love synthwave, nostalgia and weirdcore music/vibes/aesthetic.
>Looking for
Someone who actually reads this and won't be like "oh sry i don't remember ur post i reply to everyone". Someone ok with my interaction being irregular sometimes. A good natured person. Someone who'd actually be interested in shit like "oh so this planet I made up is an ocean planet getting 3x less light than Earth but due to a think hydrogen atmosphere its oceans are actually hotter than the boiling point of water at 1 atm" or me getting sentimental over anime boy characters from pixellated RPGs.I like younger femboys the most but desu you can be any age or gender. I'm bi so open to NSFW chat with either gender if we share interests but not looking for that as the main thing.
>not looking for
Boring people, scary psychos, judgemental people, people who don't really share any of my interests.
>Discord tag
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
Cars, Gambling, Slots,Roulette, Aliexpress,
Motorcycles, Racing, Sport (betting
>Current occupation/Schooling
>Life goals
Win big
>Looking for
Sugar mommy

i'm still open to new requests
preferably from Europe so it's easier to meet eventually
Kik: 17489hgw
Telegram: HGWLER
Discord: maxlanger
Snapchat: hgw17491
Instagram: herrvanthom

M 44 Germany, looking for sexting including live pics and vids. No guys, no sellers, just a female interested in private fun and teasing each other. I'm dominant and into legal age gap, so it's not a must, but a plus, if you are submissive and/or younger.
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19/M/RU (GMT+3)
Allo I am dude who just goes to uni, drinks a bunch of alcohol (johnnie walker black label, russian standard vodka and jägermeister) and sit on my pc unless I get to see my cat(Lisa).
I love to collect stuff like MTG cards, old and rare russian money and some vintage music records. Music mostly 197X-200X rock (motorhead, scorpions, sektor gaza, testament,rob zombie etc)
Sea of thieves, deep rock galactic, team fortress 2, minecraft, paladins, barotrauma terraria, DST and some other stuff.
>looking for
People to play coop games and chat
>not looking for
Total shitheads i guess? Im a patient person as long as you don't send super degen stuff.
Lol you sound even lonelier than I am
do not engage with the deutsch/russki meathead if he adds you just a fair warning
why do all the czech girls have that nose bruh
>Long distance fine, Y/N?
>Willing to relocate, Y/N?
not really
>Physical description
6'1, in shape, stache, glasses, green eyes, wavy mid-length dark hair
movies, vidya, going to pubs, listening to 40k audiobooks, playing guitar
>Current occupation/Schooling
office desk job
>Life goals
not be a wageslave all my life
>Looking for
someone who isn't completely mentally ill, knows what they want/like and are transparent about it and doesn't have an avoidant attachment style
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
gypsies, ugly old men, fat misandrist women
disc: sapiophobiaa
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22 | Female | UK

I love to expose myself here. I'm up for naughty stuffs like sext, joi, sph, gfe and camshow FT , hmu

Telegram @ lilyfreak
Kik @ preciousasiann
.Kik: 17489hgw
Telegram: HGWLER
Discord: maxlanger
Snapchat: hgw17491
Instagram: herrvanthom

M 44 Germany, looking for sexting including live pics and vids. No guys, no sellers, just a female interested in private fun and teasing each other. I'm dominant and into legal age gap, so it's not a must, but a plus, if you are submissive and/or younger.
23 / M /
Just want to let off some steam with any woman.
Kik: Reksio.
whats their username?

I'm female, 20
I know that the meme here is that desperate males add any woman but after spending time here the strategy really isn't to spam any woman cause it's more likely to be a flake if her add is retarded or lazy like this one
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Idk just wanna feel the high of seeing someone add me. Maybe we could even get along, who knows. Im just a lonely depressed dude with mild alcohol problem. People usually find me quite fun when drinking. otherwise im just a socially inept loner. Discord: gosto4918
Doesn't matter anon, the retards won't read your message anyway, and the rest will just ignore that ad
>I know that the meme here is that desperate males add any woman
Last woman I talked to from the horny thread bragged how she has 100 adds in a day and sent me a screenshot

and the twist was "she" wasn't even a woman lmao
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
ima 18 yo lithuanian (live in Vilnius, if we ever get to meet irl).. cant live without music. like talking philosophy/psychology. love creating stuff - art and music and such...planning to study for a bachelor of arts, specializing in animation. Also i do some gaming sometimes...

im looking for people, who are looking for people, who are looking for people

im shy, idk y

i dont dislike most thing people get into, but lets not eat each others ego'es. dont be a dick that what i mean

dicord me on: Radiokopf
Do you have rich parents?
You've been obsessed with my friend for almost a year now. Stop posting his picture on 4chan and leave him alone you freak
No adesso voglio sapere che intendi per /pol/.
Giusto per curiosità.
Unironically you sound like the most stereotypical fat German pedo.
36/m/LT (look it up if you don't know)
I like talks about diverse topics, couching people going through rough times, general chat, trading, gooning, cam sex, sexting, dares, creep material, trading music, talking about life experiences, etc.
>looking for
Am looking for femanons to chat with, trade pics, being fed, send me goon material, cam chat/sex sometimes (especially rp stuff), also willing to try any of my likes such as dares or trading creep stuffs.
Currently (whole of July) I'm in kids summer camps and need someone to help me satisfy my sex drive
Am also willing to try and meet if you are in my country. I'm particularly interested if you are an Erasmus student
>not looking for
Males of any variant. If you have a dick, you can skip me, regardless of how passable you may be. I will ask to photo verify
Hmu if any of these strike your interest.
P.S., I have a big D and know how to use it ;)
i really love anything art, fighting games, drawing and going to the movies
>looking for
anyone really. wanting to go to the cinema or an art museum with me would be really cool!!
>not interested in
right wingers, anyone above 22, people outside the netherlands because i want to have irl friends
Discord: paperinfernomaximum
21 (almost 22), M, Kyiv Ukraine (but I am British)
history, politics, writing, si fy, fantisy, fishtank (mde not actual fishtanks though they are cute), cooking, listening to music
>looking for
someone to move in with in Kyiv. Or perhaps someone even in an other area of Eastern Europe. My flatmate is most likely gonna kick me out cus some rich fuckwit who can pay more rent than me is moving in and wants his own space (my current space). I can live in a hostel but don't want to for months. I can pay rent, around 6000 uah per month. i can pay it monthly, weekly, daily, whatever. I like to cook so can cook for you every night. I know there will be basically no one here reading this who lives in Kyiv, and if you do, there is basically no chance you would be able to accommodate me, but I can try.
>not interested in
No, I don't care if you are a guy or a girl, young or old, speak fluent english or none at all, I just want somewhere to live that isn't a small stuffy room with a bunch of strangers.
discord - barrrelrriderrr
telegram - jaydaman
worst thing is when a troon shits on you for being male and you lurk in the discord soon enough his disgusting fetishism and mental illness becomes apparent
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28, M, Italy
> About me
28, currently applying for a phd, extremely curious and open-minded with so many interests, introverted and grotesquely depressed.
Discord: Orpheus0286
Drop your discord and I might, PTfren
hi friends!!! see u soon
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24M PT

>About me
Chronically online autist, slowly trying to find actual friends and relationships after nearly 10yrs of isolation
Stuck in the cultural asscrack between millenials and zoomers, with a stockholm syndrome relation with the chans
I decided my youth will be over when I turn 25, when that day comes I'll have to evaluate if it's worth carrying on
Open-minded and non-judgemental, love any conversation where questions don't get yes or no answers

History, philosophy, trains, early internet culture, animanga (niche), retro vidya, weird political music

>Looking for
Someone to touch grass with, people who worked their way out of traumas, kind people

>Not looking for
eDating (not willing to meet up), turbonormies, roleplaying, am*ricans
forgot tag
discord: saintwanderer
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EU Discord Server with active vc's and silly people!
no nsfw allowed!

>About me
Economy student/english teacher, interested in politics, history, good tv shows, that kinda stuff

>Looking for
Getting to know (possibly dating/meeting) MtF transpeople/femboys from EU (preferably CZ/SK/PL/GER)
>Not looking for
Creeps, furries
Discord: WealthyJester98
looking for like minded people
i like games, anime, manga, martial arts, philosophy, iceberg youtube videos
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I like reading, watching movies, walking, hiking and camping, my dog, your pets, all animals and taking nature pictures
>looking for
Nice and chill conversations about anything and everything. Tell me about you and what you're doing, show me pictures of your pets, tell me what bothers or excites you
>not looking for
Under 25, hateful and chronically negative people, racists and bigots
I'm not interested in sexual things or relationships
>no ASL
Failed the most basic task.
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Early 20s/F/Russia
I like edgy memes, movies, and a few games, cs (yes how originall) and a few others. I enjoy reading, and I’m starting to get into cosplay. Yes, weeby, I know. I don’t like people who don’t look like me, how racist, I know.
>looking for
Friends. I would like female friends who enjoy memes
>not looking for
Relationships, sexual things, people who say “what was your post” or “what’s up”
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Do you not know EU country codes, summer tourist-kun?
Go back to lereddit you stupid faggot little nigger
Seriously. Faggot.
cute schizo girl down to earth and looking to chat
animanga, video games, music mainly
>looking for
willing to be used, anyone who's interested in using me or dedicating their life to me for the same in return
>not looking for
ghosters, dry, uninteresting
Balkan server
...Anonymous (ID: P/RcFOSY)
05/18/24(Sat)18:16:12 No.33139359
Different music, video games, cars and arguing about different opinions. Also like to hear peoples stories and tey my hand at offering advice on issues.
>What are you looking for
Fembots who enjoy casual banter and offencive/stupid memes. Pretty much just to have some fun and conversations without a grand plan be it lewd or platonic.
>Not looking for
Traders, stuck up cunts
discord: miskimees

https://discord.gg/schizology PERM LINK
Join my freedom of speech server
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27m Finland
>about me
Dirty blonded, very long haired twink death experienced hazel eyed guy who's sort of fit in "lifted boxes all his adult life" way
ADHD goofball
>hobbies and interests
I enjoy /v/ and /k/ shit, also /tg/
Weird hyperfixation on Digimon and y2k aesthetics and vibes. What was cool as a kid, is still cool now.
I'm kind of up for any fun shenanigans
Often goes to raves
>looking for
Kinda whatever, sorta lonely on girl front though so that'd be cool
Last year met some cool people who visited me from other countries in these kind of threads, so rolling the dice again on that
>living situation
Inherited a place rwcently, so slightly NEETing it up after almost 9 years of constant work, gotta rest a bit
>life goals
Back to middle class, I like it easy and comfy on my own terms, also sharing it with someone I like

Discord: digileiskaus
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join my server if you want to sext w/ meee :3
discord: eskitten
(add me)
18, M, Prague
>About me
Kinda lonely, looking for a hookups, mainly to cuddle and more.
Discord: hivexx
18 m Italy
I have a huge collection of pics, I will send for free and for fun. I'm into many things like writing. I need italian people, spanish or austrian or french too but I prefer italian
Discord: decerebro
Join the best European server with Freedom of speech

Still looking, feel free to add
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anyone seeing this in porto tonight that wants to meet up?
thread still alive lol. bump i guess im still here
>Anything in any way romantic or sexual, LGBT, niggers, kikes, porn addicts, cringe balkan memes
But I'm all of these
I look like this amd talk like this, except I'm male and lgtv+

nerdy twink neet robot who secretly loves being cute
love videogames (i really love videogames),
movies, series, anime and other stuff. no zoomer games like lol or genshin.
really into 4chan and internet culture, guns, military, history and animation.
im shy and friendly, and cant be rude with people, only if they want.
im a honest person and i was hurt a lot of time, so please dont add me for hurt me, thanks.
i really prefer people who match my interest, im not a modern gamer
(souls and other zoomer genres are big no), retro gaming is better (most from 2000s)
im very competetive in discussions <3

>what im looking for
lewd af, im switch
i would love to be a bottom or top with someone who want the same!
im looking for someone who is a twink switch, nerdy, shy but secretly sex lover into kinks and fetishes.
europeans are ok, but same country is better.
people who can be cute for a same cute partner. no relationship, just friends, lewd friends or friends with benefits.
i like every kink, and i can accept most of them, except extreme (gore,scat,diapers,blood)
i would like match with someone who love being a switch, sometime i want to be doom guy under sheet, sometime
im a slut.
my perfect body match is twink, skinny (idk im 54 kg btw so similar is okay) short (im short)
shaved and clean bodies are preferred.
i trade pics only with people with same match and feeling. no pics. sorry fellow coomers.
i am looking for friends too if you think that we can be friends, lets go!
girls okay if you match interests, but no sellers. just friends!

>no looking for
creeps, weirdos, PEOPLE WHO DONT CHAT, instant cams/pics/video, only dom,
scams, very rude people, dirty people,
people with no interests, bullies, trolls, hairy, fats
no matchs with my bio.

thanks for reading!
Join the best European server and stop wasting time on people who won't even bother messaging you back in these threads

>About me
Active in the gym, studying at the moment but would like to chat to people to fill my free time.
Not looking for NSFW, just regular chat about pretty much any topic.

25 M Poland
Linguist by trade, interested in history, culture and a bunch of nerdy shit. Currently aspiring to become a professional translator
>Looking for
Friends, girlfriends, people to chat with. Not gonna turn it into a sob story, but this year I lost contact with several good friends and the feeling of loneliness is starting to creep in, I want to change that
>Not looking for
Non-euros and that's about it
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>About me
I like history, my favorite historical period is the Middle Ages, but I spent time with reading on the 20th century, I also enjoy the 19th century as well and I'm interested in everything related to history so if you want to talk about something else I'm into it. I also like collectiong things, not just books, postcards or stamps, but other small non usable things that someone would throw out. I also like music, reading, maps and many other things that others would find boring.
>looking for
>Not looking for
Non whites, fat people.
22 m France
>About me
Neet who got too much free time, I like gunpla and older anime, also I have a really big dick and yes Im looking for female like everybody else
>What you're looking for / not looking for
Looking for female, not looking for faggot
snap Celestinroi
Discord is urang_
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30m eu (I'm a sand nigger though)


Programming, playing retro games, watching cult/indie movies and classic anime, writhing with AI, tulpamancy

>Looking for

cool cats to chat with and maybe become friends

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for

cis girls, people under 22, negative people, e-dating



This is my burner account, so I might not respond for a while. I'll give you my main if ur chill.
20's M Russia (cute, long hair)
>looking for
Girl from the UK or Europe at all for chatting
>not looking for
men and trannies, selling photos
horror, gothic, games, music, photography
18 F Scotland
>hobbies, interests, whatever
Out the way first, I'm deaf. I like gaming, watching movies, tv shows, was home schooled and didn't go out until recently, so my social skills suck. Should try sleep but can't just now, so company would be nice
>looking for
Someone to talk to. Hear about your interests and life. I will probably want to swap a picture. I'm nothing special, just easier to chat with a face
>not looking for
Song recommendations, voice call spams or constantly asking my opinion on billy eilish

Do you usually use BSL in your normal day to day life? Or have you got a cochlear implant?
Join our European freedom of speech server

Oi m8, you got a license for that freedom of speech?
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22 yrs old | Petite British Next Door I love exposing myself, wanna taste me??

I'm up for Sext, Joi, Sph, Gfe, Customs, Cam-show, FaceTime || AVAILABLE 24/7

Telegram : lilyfreak
Kik : preciousasiann
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Wish you had more like-minded people to chat with or maybe you want to meet people with a completely different perspective than you?
Then look no further than our server!
We are a lively, welcoming bunch of characters from all over the world with lots of different channels to offer with interesting conversations/voice chats! Our members are from all time zones and work/live various hours, so we are almost always active; we have tradies, artists, gymbros, autists, chill folk, an abundance of memers, and even a handful of women :)
Don't be shy, come say hi: https://discord.gg/n46mVnqu
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
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23, Male, (Eastern) Europe

>hobbies, interests, whatever
Wandering in the woods, thrifting, renovating old buildings, eating raw beef

>looking for
Interesting people

>not looking for
Hateful ones

Kik: daniela_rui2717
it's a larp
my discord server permalink:
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19m UK sissy looking for someone to expose me and share my pictures around also if north east then can meet up to breed me. Kik is laurentsimone and pic is me.
24/m europe

looking for friends / people who want to play vidya / share interests!!

disc: mush.0
Join this server which is designed for women. We share fashion, tips, advice and are overall a female safe space. We allow only real women, not trannies.

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Early20s, female
>looking for
A guy around my age with a pleasant voice to VC and play WoW Cata with (European servers)
Time limited offer (or should I say "time-sensitive"?)

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very active 4chan server
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
Every expansion after wotlk sucks. Are you playing on a private server?
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Autistic bi UK guy looking to meet new people and play video games
Video games, tech, music, manga, drumming (just started lessons), movies, cooking, hiking
>Looking for
People to play games with, open to meetups if you're not a nutjob, people to have idle conversations with. I am at work a lot and would like to be able to chat whenever I can squeeze it in
>Not looking for
deranged /pol/ types, people that expect me to respond instantly,
18m from switzerland
discord: thaldum
>travel partners
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19/F/ uk
>looking for
sugar daddy mostly lol even tho its cringe
>physical description
5'0, dark black/blue hair, wasian
>not looking for
toxic relationships

its a brand new account but one cuz I got kicked out of my other lol
tag doesn't work
huh maybe I spelt something wrong
oops it is xerceseses
>Looking for
I have some stuff I would like to read, thought having a partner to read with/ look into interesting things with, could provide me with the extra motivation I need.
If you don't want to read it's okay, feel free to add me, I need some friends anyway.
>Not looking for
People who want short exchanges. Those who dont want to make friends.
28 m uk
>about me
White, 5"8 bottom gay guy. Work in marketing. Social, outgoing, not bad looking.
Music, history, politics, festivals, travelling
>looking for
Looking for a dominant guy for a relationship ideally. I want a guy who likes control and power and wants a relationship with a high level of kink and dom/sub dynamics.

Especially interested in guys who are white, and nerdy and right wing guys.
>not looking for
Bottoms, guys who just want something casual
telegram: twb96
Discord: zarabp
Kik: daddyissues796


Looking for anything realy

Into fishing outdoor and gaming also techno music
Sugar daddy in UK here. But this post makes my spider senses tingle.
>Physical description
6'0, brown eyes, black hair, glasses, 1 Month of HRT, boymoder,
Games, Tranny stuff, cooking, jogging, animals,
>Current occupation/Schooling
27 years of being a NEET which are about to end soon
>Life goals
Idk, maybe get a nice home with a loving wife and some pets
>Looking for
Other trannies, girls, femboys, just people I can relate with really,
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Most Moids in general
Not ready to hook up yet, might take a few Months or even a year until I'm ready for that
total jeep death
How many white Asians are there in the UK bro...
F4M 22 Write to me if you want to have fun with me
Snapchat: inocandy01
Does it HAVE to be cata? I'm going to give another chance to retail after that dogshit chain of expansions since legion
Join our discord server with freedom of speech and no mod abuse

Love cocktribbing german streamers and celebs

Kik: 17489hgw
Telegram: HGWLER
Discord: maxlanger
Snapchat: hgw17491
Instagram: herrvanthom

M 45 Germany, looking for sexting including live pics and vids. No guys, no sellers, just a female interested in private fun and teasing each other. I'm dominant and into legal age gap, so it's not a must, but a plus, if you are submissive and/or younger.
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most active server on 4chan
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
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25 transfem belgium
cars, general mechanics (auto, motorcycles, bycicles), computers, vidya rpg(skyrim, morrowind, the witcher, tekken 3) playing music, going to concerts
>What are you looking for
frens to hang out with, work on projects, jam, go to car meets, etc
>Not looking for
if you are gonna ask questions about trans or be weird about it in any way, pass.
24/M/East Europe
>About me
talkative, love to read all kinds of stuff (articles, publications, anything really) playing some video games, enjoing all kinds of music genres
>Looking for
Just casual chat, looking for serious relationship (side quest)
>Not looking for
trolls, tranns, homosexualls, people too deep into politics
Fair to say we are mentally ill server at this point.

gee i wish there was some place for young sensitive men like me who live in europe and love to consume fagslop!
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A hot bottom :3
>looking for
masc beefy/chubby/muscular top to send me hot pictures of their dicks (There is a reward for you if you do :3)
>Not looking for
Boring people that "need to get to now me before the can get to the fun part stop being pussies
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with
>Not looking for
M, 30s, Belgium (Flanders)
>Looking for
Locals to hang out with, play games (Counterstrike, EUIV, Hell Let Loose, whatever you like and might be interesting to me) and listen to music with (Metal, power metal, symphonic metal...)
Can be voice chat / chatting or meet ups IRL. Open to all genders
>Not looking for
Gay guys that want to send me pics or jack off to my comments or how I look
ok i found it
Balkan server
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Video games, League of legends, gym, paranormal and occult stuff, breakcore, rats

>looking for
Someone to hang out with either playing games, watching me play something
or just hang out or watch something.
Also prefer to find people close to me or in EU to potentially be IRL friends but I don't
mind if you are outside of EU.

>not looking
People who add everyone randomly for no reason off the thread

18 M Germany
>looking for
Anybody to talk to about any topic, just to have something to do.
>About me
Average Pole working in germany during the summer.
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23/(hrt) male/NL
Music, music projects like making music and mashups, vidya (i enjoy (j)rpgs a lot), guitar, fashion, cosplay, baking/cooking, movies, kino anime
>looking for
Frens, I prefer mainly in europe and around my age, would be nice if it's possible to meet up irl eventually
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M / Portugal
bi twink into computers and technology i also play tennis and a bit of chess, the vidya i play are minecraft, stardew valley, terraria, dont starve together, genshin and zzz
>looking for
friends and nice people :3
>not looking for
horny 24/7
Discord: penguinpenguin404
>25 yr old white brit boy
Want to talk about being a cuck for middle eastern / asian / indian men.
Can talk about my gf
Discord: Britboy22
27, male, Denmark

>Hobbies, interests
My hobbies are mainly gaming, hiking, my dog and trying new things I guess. Last part is something I'm still trying to get better at.
I'm overall pretty normal I think? Work full-time, have my lovely dog and just enjoying the stress-free living.
Other than that I volunteer, I love it and the helping/social aspect of it.

I am considering getting another dog though, I do want more pets as I'm in no way interested in having kids. I just don't know what race to get - or I'll end up getting a cat lol.

>Looking for
People who can keep a convo going. Prefer people from EU as well. If you are from Denmark that's even better.

>Not looking for
weirdos - you know who you are

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26 male, lt
one gf to take out, thanks <:-)
discord o.1w1
Snap? 18f balkans

>Describe yourself and your life. Your interests.
Christian, vegan, totally pro gamer, nerd, weeb, bpd, broken sleeping pattern, etc.

I'll send you trash poetry, and cold read you for free, oh and I'll give you free therapy too because I love trauma. Be mentally ill and I'll love you.

Extremely anxious and unstable, so I'll probably want to hold onto you tight enough to leave a mark while pushing you away hard enough to undo it. Attachment issues like a neutrally charged magnet. If you just talk to me, I'll obsess over you.

>What are you looking for in a partner
I want to find anyone who can prove me wrong with the idea I'll be alone forever, because I genuinely believe I will be, and have given up, but this sort of stuff gives me a reason to live, if I pretend otherwise from what I already know for certain.

>Not looking for
Guys. As much as I wouldn't care at all if you're a guy in terms of the attention, I want things like having kids one day, getting married etc, so kinda need a genuine human female for that.

>Discord Tag
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Lonely uni student. I'm into music, tech, diy and some other stuff, just ask about specific interests/hobbies or talk to me about your own to see if we share any other. Anyone can add me as long as you are not extremely mentally ill or a chud, though I have a slight preference for Spaniards/people currently in Spain because the chances of meeting up irl are greater (we don't have to thoughever).

24f fr
can't sleep send help
Join us

Reposting since the thread is dead.

> About you
Mostly looking for friends to DM with semi-frequently. I won't write too much in this post since I'd rather have a conversation.

I'm big on music and would like someone to talk to about shows and the likes. Enjoy film, wouldn't mind someone to play games with here and there.

>Looking for
General organic conversation rather than just talking about a single hobby we both share ALL the time.

>Not looking for
/Pol/,incel stuff, hate machines, server invites

Discord tag: harmonica_
>age, gender, location
18+/trans-f but boymoding/5'4 & 110lb
pan & demisexual, sub/bottom/bicurious
anime, vidya (LoL mostly), Pokemon, going out clubbing, drinking, smoking (socially)
>looking for
Friends / Meets while I'm visiting Malta

I am currently masculine presenting, but would like to get with someone who is into feminising/(lightly) bullying weaker and smaller men (ideal if you are taller / stronger than me ^_^). Looking for someone into the idea of turning me from straight -> bicurious -> femboy -> mtf -> his personal bitch. Kinks I have: size difference/bullying/gaslighting/feminisation/sissification/bimbofication

Vanilla is also cool, but I do want to get to know the person first!

>not looking for
people who live far away or are just generally unwilling to meet, as i am mostly looking for irl (unlikely to respond much if u arent uk or nl)
_vertically_challenged on disc (preferred),
Vertica11yChallenged on kik

Include asl in your opening message. I'm in Malta this weekend so open to meeting up if we hit it off, have a lot of free time....
Ajoute moi tallboyrollins
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29m norway

> About me
I like drawing, cooking/baking, chess, vidya :)

The ultra picky whore that only wants 180cm+ studs finally found her dream man? I give it a month, tops.
you sound insufferable
30m / Estonia
Nerd with a job looking to simp women ($). You don't need to show any skin.
You need to prove you are a real person. Other simps who wanna share experiences also welcome.
Discord: scarletfixxer

My interests are movies and video games, I also like books and I enjoy history but not as much as movies and video games.

My discord is guibit_

Je suis pas un tranny ou tout autre sorte de pédales j’aime pas particulièrement les asiats et j’aime pas les gauchos non plus.
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28, m, Italy
Anything gaming related, be it video games, board games, card games, sports games, is my main interest. I'm also into technology and programming, and I used to draw a lot, but lost my passion along the way. I enjoy cooking and traveling too, but anybody does so who cares. I prefer hiking on a mountain than visiting a city. I enjoy movies, series, anime and manga, but I'm not an avid consumer of those media, I prefer reading books.
>What are you looking for?
To not feel alone anymore, to find someone that I can resonate and feel comfortable with, that won't hurt me for no reason. I'd like to chat with girls, because I'm afraid of them and need to fix that to live normally. Probably this isn't the right place to look for, but I don't know where to look in the first place. Also, gaming buddies.
>Not looking for
Degeneracy and politics. Bring up that shit unsolicited and my opinion for you will drop like an anvil.
>Contact info
Discord: .dequi
Hi! I'm going to be attending uni this year and would like people to make frens with online. Currently I play Squad, War Thunder, and Mordhau along with other MP games, and would like people to game with. I am mentally ill so don't add me if you don't like people who are similar to schizos or autistic. Regardless I'll carry you :)
>Looking for
Discord, friends to game and VC with, people to talk to that are interesting. Bonus points if you want to teach me your language because I love learning.
>Not looking for
Coomers, relationships, NSFW of any sort. No porn, no fetishism. Don't try.
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27, M, Hungary

The picture speaks for itself hopefully, I got the idea from an other thread. Gooners and people under 20 please don't add me, everyone else is welcome.
Hey SmallerCabbage. Check your discord (I know you changed your name/stuff). It's the guy from Coventry. Message me for more lap pics. I know you're not a larper don't worry.
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Best European discord
Looking for a girl, partner, wife, that wants a family and children, that doesn't do drugs, self harm, doesn't have tats or piercings, isn't fat, isn't a psychopath, gold digger, whore or scammer, is honest & not manipulative, has normal hobbies, isn't addicted to gaming, isn't repulsed by sex, has had <3 previous partners (counting any sex including flings and mistakes), tolerant and understanding of different views, practices good positive morality, religious or non religious as long as not satanic or christian-hater, not a serial killer, that wants to be in a life-long partnership.
I'm kind, smart, attractive, employed, stable, understanding, middle class for where I live, willing to go to the next chapter of my life with someone.
Discord: bigj4u
kurc te gleda
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čefur na 4chanu išče normie žensko
I can get into any Snapchat and access my eyes only. I am 100% legit and have the skills required to do so. I post regularly on username dedicated forums on the dark web & very well respected and trusted in all the communities there. If this interests you then let’s talk business. Add me now on Kik my username is jackleg_shark or add me on Snapchat where my username is jackleg_shark1
>age and so
18 m Germany,
Im interested in Books , I like philosophy a lot . Gaming is fun too. I would like to play more chess , I'm really bad at strategy as of now.
I programmed a 10 Lines code once .
I enjoy nature

> Contacts
You can add me on discord :
komi čakam da me bo digitalnijezus dau na ig story. p.s. to kar iščem je nasprotje od normie ženske 2024
>About me
Normie-passing engineer traveling around Europe this summer. I will be in Poland for a week then I'm going to explore northern Italy and southern Switzerland. I plan to do lots of swimming in lakes BUT I don't have anyone to do it with. If you're down to spend some days two weeks from now going from Milan to lake towns close by then add me on Discord (girls only, sorry bros). I'll pay for the whole trip of course. If we vibe then we become life partners and sail off into the sunset and save Europe (maybe). If we don't then we fuck off to our respective countries.
Cycling, brewing coffee, racism, travel, Russian literature, history.
>Current occupation/Schooling
Worked as a software engineer but will start my masters soon.
>Life goals
Build a home decently removed from normie society so I can raise honeybees, some choice fruit trees, keep a greenhouse with peppers and vegetables and be as self-sustainable as possible. My wife can enjoy her hobbies and raise our kids. We'll help counteract the falling birthrates (5+ kids). Individual goal is also to open up a software business but family is more important.
>Looking for
A fun trip with polite consideration for a serious relationship. I legit just want to visit lakes and cathedrals and eat good food with someone.
>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
Drugs, tats, piercings, hags, non-whites.
xd let him learn before he starts chugging 1.5l corgon bottles
22, nb (amab and masc), Portugal

Specifically looking for Girls, trans Girls, trans Guys, Femboys, and Twinks

> About me
178 cm / 5'10 masc switch, decently healthy body, with a love for gaming, music, and manga and recently getting into Airsoft

Usually I'm a nice person I think, i try to be as sweet as i can and just make people comfortable when we talk.

Intimately i am a hard dom mostly, with a lot of kinks and phantasies, tho i do my best to keep it controlled and safe for everyone participating

Bondage, cnc, pet play, impact play, power play, etc

im very comfortable around sex and sexual topics since it's something I'm very interested in.

I play games like Skyrim, Fallout, Destiny 2, Minecraft etc

Speaking on music I listen to a lot of different things but Nu Metal has always been a favorite for me, right now phonk has been something I listen to a lot too

>looking for
Some friends to ACTUALLY talk to and have
CONVERSATIONS with sexually or otherwise
people to play games with and vc maybe

Trade pics of each other, if when we talk we feel like we get along and are comfortable with that

>not looking for
Hairy masc men
low effort convos
discord friend collectors

Disc ripperleviathan
Snap pedro_bwc

F 22 Student
I'll do requests and sessions
U can ask for a verification
Discord: berkhhh#8063
19m uk sissy fag looking for older dominant men to use and abuse me. Kik is laurentsimone and pic is me.
Are Italians not euros?
M 18

Intered in books philosophy gym and video games
I love nature and am open for much. I would like to get better at chess I'm horrible.

Just add me

Discord: noname10000_h
God you're so hot I really want to chat with you really fuckin bad
[Geen Nederlands]
Getting into music again after not touching it for years.
Looking for: people that play instruments or or really like music. Definitely looking for friends to steam music together.
Favorite genre is metal, I listen to literally everything and like most of it.
Not looking for: music elitists, people that like starting fights or being overly negative, bigots.
Tag: paxmortisaeternum
20f UK
discord tag: whatever4625
join our europe server 800+ members

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most active server on 4chan
run by mentally ill women
youll get addicted
posting a server with an hundreds of minors on it...on /soc/...sure is a choice to make.
25 Male Austria
Looking for other to play Games with (mainly Riot Games, so Valo, League and so on)

Discord: navimus

>looking for
Fellow gym rat buddies. Powerlifters, body builders, anyone who really likes to pick heavy stuff up and put it back down.

>interesting fact about yourself
i go to an all female gym which is neat but the demographic there is mostly middle aged moms hence why i never really made any friends. Nothing against middle aged moms, we just dont have much in common.

weight lifting (duh), 50s musical rom coms, early 2000s girly movies, tattoos, piercings, fashion, animals and bugs

>not looking for
sex pests, creeps, degens, gooners, extremely liberal ppl, ppl who dont lift but promise "they'll start for me" like, you're missing the point

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Would any English anons like to be irl friends? A lot of people here are lonely, myself included.
My two friends think I am autistic.
Enjoys: exploring London by tube, would like to take up tennis, existential despair
23/M/Near London
'cord: centre5
Pederi slovenski mater vam svima jebem

>About me
Chill dude who is just tired these days, but always in a some what good mood, my hobbies are, MTG, D&D and pathfinder, as well as cooking food, and a ton of video games

>looking for
Someone who shares my interests and want to hang out online in voice, perhaps we can play a few games or watch some anime toghter

>not looking for
People who have a hard time writing back and arent good at trying to have a convasation, i am not the best either but i at least want some effort
Also i am straight so not looking for anything sexual with men

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28, M, Northern England
>about me
Autistic game designer for a living (both of those things but that goes without saying)
Video games, music, Airsoft (new to it), new nature / hiking routes
>looking for
Meet some new peeps, have a few chats to combat work from home

25/male/eastern europe
>about me
I’m just a nerd with terminally online humor. I mainly play videogames and try to go to the gym. I have a few other small interests like collecting stationery and journaling. I like talking to people and trying to make them laugh. I’m starting a master’s degree soon.
>looking for
sharing memes, discussing interests, friends or something more, maybe someone to play TFD with
>not looking for
ghosters, I don’t care how weird you are if you try to be present at least
just don’t be too rude and we could get along
Discord: natusdecem
What's the point? Just become a dyke.
Balkanski server

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