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Let's get a thread going for all those people trying to reconnect after losing contact for whatever reason.

I'll start: I don't know if you still come around here at all. Your disc name was related to salt and injuries, and you told me you were a swamp witch. Last I heard of you, your grandma was having some issues, and you were struggling with some pet lizards. I miss talking to you. You're the only person I've ever talked to from here that's any sort of interesting. If you wanna reconnect, I'm still on discord : BigFingerRo#3014
no, i let my guard down and was willing to let someone in after experiencing soul-crushing betrayal, but they proved to be no different. fuck all of you.
I want him to be doing well. I hope he's happy. Doesn't matter where he is.
Another satisfied customer.
description of who im looking for:
- a brit or at least seemed to be.
- would say "saar" as a joke
- exchanged porn with me at some point
- told me he was abandoned at an orphan house
- had some blender/ps2 graphics pfp, cant quite remember
- front end coder i think? but definitely a coder

description of what i used to be like back then:
- used to edit my messages a lot after sending them

heres my tag:
Sounds like Victoria. She got some big ol' titties and fucks older dudes to help with the bills.
no, because i’m already aware of the pattern, so once i noticed it i retreated.
Come pop in and see if whoever you are looking for is here. 2K+ member strong tons of active users

>they proved to be no different
>i retreated

ok retard well done self sabotaging !
self-sabotaging? i saved myself from emotional abuse lmao.
you ruined your shot at a good thing because you invented patterns where none existed, you paranoiac. enjoy the remorse!
>talking as if knowing anything about the situation, the persons actions, behaviours, words, etc.
ah, you’re schizo, my bad
>everyone thinks i'm crazy because they're all crazy
post her name
I'm looking for a black (biracial) male whose name starts with a J that worked at an american college as a police officer maybe 2-4 years ago. I'm probably one of very many people who you talked to here but Ive always been very curious about how you might be doing.
I sincerely hope you are miserable.
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Miss you cursed one.
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this is a stupid drop in the bucket but i know evie is still out there, i just don’t know if she really lurks this website or not lol but she said she found someone off here before. we met on a different app and talked for hours straight and then just stopped talking recently, im not sure why. i have blonde long hair and i think she might know who this is if she reads it, my name starts with an A.
Kat from West Virginia, miss you after all these years, all the way to CR, i hope youre ok
Vee from Chile, I miss you mi niña
I know who that is, and I'm willing to bet I'm the one she found. She has a dog that she loves dearly and a tattoo just abive her left knee, and one inside her lower lip. She's amazing, but sadly there were some issues between us that we couldn't seem to work out and I flaked out of fear of being hurt. I sincerely hope she's doing great.

A, if you're lurking, I'm sorry for running away so abruptly.
We met on a soc thread over 10 years ago.
We immediately hit it off talking about spiders and were friends for at least a year.
You're from Murfreesboro and are into sounding.
You're probably long gone by now, but I still think about you.
if this is you, poorlytrained is my kik, can move elsewhere once I know its you
Nosgov, I don’t know why you left, and I hope to see you once more someday, but my biggest regret is never properly teaching you how to love yourself.
Your friend, phaliia
thats specific enough that it couldnt possibly be anyone else, add me
disc tag:

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I hope you're doing well, Nikita.
I just wish I knew what happened and why you deleted your account even if just to hear you hated me all along, I'm sorry if I fucked up somehow and you disappeared due to me.

girl thats name used to be rabbit, had long hair was kind of crazy
used to be in a server i forgot the name of
Avaava were you ever real?
Imp you stalker, find something better to do with your time!
Nah man, she tried to trick me too. I don't think she's even American desu.

Where did she tell YOU she's from?
I feel similarly, I wish we’d both been a bit more mature
I haven't stopped feeling miserable since Cambridge. You really did a number on me. I am incredibly stupid.
Hahaha. You knew that slut, too? Bro, she’s fucked in the head. Bitch had an among us thumb as well. I bet she got scared because someone doxxed her, so she deleted her account.
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how I wish I never woke up from the dream.
Could you elaborate? I'd like to get some closure to explain the whole thing I guess.
Also what is among us thumb even supposed to mean?
stop spamming this chick.
Maybe. Disappeared when I got controlling
I edated a guy in 2022 named Ryan and I've been constantly thinking about him. We were both 16 at the time. My name starts with N. If you're reading this, Ryan, hi. I didn't abandon you. I got raided by the police and my phone got taken. Hope you didn't kill yourself
Ixxx, I miss you so much I feel like I'm dying everyday. It's been roughly 6 months since we stopped talking to each other, and I have to use every fiber of my being not to send you a message. I know you wanted me to reach out a while ago, but I'm going to follow your original wish of no contact, really because I don't want to hurt you again or ruin your life any further. I hope you've found someone else in that femcel tradwife thread you posted in a month ago, you truly deserve to be happy. -C
ghost, szellem, surajiro, lamanguera,anhero, crevo, duh djavola.. various users he uses, but has anyone heard of him, he has a specific deep voice usually on discord, has anyone heard of him? hes american and like hangs around 4chan servers if hes even on discord rn...i dont know we went no contact he just dissapeared nd stuff, im really upset, i hope hes doing okay, i miss him everyday a whole lot desu hopefully some of yall heard of him in a vc or some shit if he has a new account or smth.. J if youre reading this i miss u please come back and text me smth anything!
Birdsarentreal I miss chatting, if you see this please put your new tag I lost my discord contacts
Mae, if you’re reading this I’m sorry I ran away. But I’ve realized how silly I’ve been and how you’re such a great person and I want to get to know you far better than I ever did. Please let me add you again. I don’t think anything will come of posting in this thread but I’m giving it a shot. Sen(ny)
Who is this?
Fuck you for ghosting
Great nudes tho
Hey S, it's me C

I kinda miss talking to you, I remember how got off to a rough start but I've been thinking about you lately. I don't know if you're still out there.
It's stupid, but here we go. you deleted your account and said you were going through a rough patch, but I miss you, Tilly. We played poker, and watched scary movies together, and I made you feel young again. Does Liar Liar ring a bell? If so, I just want to tell you that I miss you and hope you find this message in a bottle. Disc; tillybiggestfan
Rin, I don't care what they say about you.
She became an e-girl ho on r9k, she definitely doesn't even remember me anymore
I miss you so much. I don't know how to live my life without you so I spend my days getting as drunk or as high as I can to pretend I feel okay.
wish someone talked to me like this
what do i do when the drugs dont help anymore?
Switch to harder drugs
Love ya anon
love u too anon :')

you got discord?
the harder drugs are also harder to get tho :(((((
You'll find them if you look hard enough, you got this fella
Hi Rin.
Hey kino00393, I just wanna say even though it wasn't that long, you blocking me out of the blue wasn't that nice and I actually enjoyed our conversations together. You said you were alone and looking for companionship. We had the same interests and I wanted to show you my next ext I wrote, but good. You kinda made this impossible. You even showed me the new girl that you met online.
With saying that "I'm stealing her" I was making a joke but good.
If you wanna reach out back, I'm always open for a chat. If not, then enjoy your life, and go outside or just shoot me a message and say it's over.

Just unblock me Bro
Yours @nudelking

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