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UK thread. Just general UK thread, from anywhere in the UK, not one specific county. SFW.

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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21 M North West England / North Wales
I’m 6 foot 1, white, blue eyes, brown hair, kinda a shut in but I hang out with a friend a few times after studying for like half an hour, a few times a week. Once a month I’ll watch a movie with friends. There are a few people I talk to on discord, but seldom. So I’m not super sociable.
My last job was a native speaker at an English School. I’m studying a biology related subject. I have 2 long distance girlfriends so I don’t really count them as girlfriends cus they’re long distance.
I like exploring, smoking, eating, working on my book, doomscrolling, playing shitty games on my phone, browing so
>looking for
Well, I guess primarily a girlfriend who lives close enough to me so we can meet up regularly, and hang out with, and vc with fairly often like every day.
If not, friends are fine. Guy or girl I don’t care, if you add me then I will make an effort to talk to you and not blank you even if I feel we don’t click, and if you wanna vc or video chat then I’d do that too.
I used to be madly in love with this girl around 2 years ago for a few months. I felt so easy talking to her and I really liked her (despite how she was kinda a shitty person), and she added me back a few weeks ago. We called a few times but I didn’t feel the same way I did before, and besides I feel like she’s in the process of ghosting me.
What I’d really love is something like that again, except where she feels the same way, and we meet up. I came close when this girl from Brum added me, who sounded almost identical to the other girl, but she ghosted me too, as is the way things go on this board.
I doubt I’ll find exactly what I’m looking for but I can try, right? Like I said, even if you’re some dude from the US or China and wanna be my friend, you can add me too.
>not looking for
Lefties, people obsessed with LGBT+, people who ghost, etc
23 M SE England
>about me
I am quite solitary and have few friends, I do have a nice girlfriend though. Graduated from uni in comp sci, wasn't fun.
Hiking, programming, history. I need to take up sport.
>looking for
Just some friends. We can meet irl, maybe in London this weekend.
Creating a spacer post to separate mine from the disgusting gooners inbound.
>about me
9 inch BBC looking for hookups and maybe taking amateur vids
Reading, cooking, vidya
>looking for
Fems in London
>not looking for
Simolajo on discord and snap
22 M North West (Cumbria/South Lakeland)

>about me
6'2 slim, green eyes dark hair - work in IT

Street food, programing, walks, jungle/garage

>looking for
fwb or more, hmu I'm quite open and up for experimenting

>not looking for
men (unless you look like a woman), timewasters, ghosts

disc: physiologically
snap: wrist2245
Looking to share my British petit fiance

Jannies, this is a sfw thread
obliterate the coomers
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18/M/Manchester but down south near london in like a month
>about me
I'm just some tard looking for other tard friends and maybe a tard wife
gym,idols,cosplay, rythmn games
>looking for
anyone rlly
>not looking for
hookups or trading basically anything sexuak
asurax10 on disc
looks like you made it just in time lmao
F24 from Staffordshire

Open to chatting and if we get on, meeting up.

Recently out of a relationship so not sure what I’m looking for but just after someone who is kind, funny and good to chat with. Ideally someone who enjoys hiking and being out in nature

Kik for now but happy to share number if we get along well and consistently

Username is: Staffsmeet
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18 m Cambridge
(I'm going to stay there this summer)

>about me
5'11" twink sub (picrel is me)

hiking, running, reading, history, sometimes I play some vidya but I also enjoy things like keeping plants and cooking
(very normie things, I know, I'm sorry)

>looking for
I'd love to loose my anal virginity to a cute femboy or twink. I'd prefer to be gently dommed but if you want to rail me I'm not going to stop you

>not looking for
Masculine guys ig

discord: very_slimy_eel
I don't suppose there is anyone from Belfast/NI on?
27/m/south west
>about me
Just a dude living life, looking for frens.
Mtg, weeb stuff, reading, gaming, nature, baking, travelling
>looking for
Friends, primarily. People to talk to and see where things go!
>not looking for
Unhinged people
Nah just Cork biy
M UK 30+ East Midlands
I'm big husky hairy dad bod who Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, passionate, people who love sex in different forms I’m not very vanilla prefer expanding my looking for different experiences. Looking for genuine deviant partners here are my Kinks Slut use, abuse,spanking, age difference, humiliation, verbal-abuse, breeding, size difference, interracial, group-sex, let me know if any of them interest you.

Kik ItsMisterFixer
Tellagram devilishlyme
I'm Joseph, 28m refugee from the DRC, living in Europe (UK - Netherlands) I find white girls here and in the countries around on tinder and then fuck and photograph them


My kik is josephkilongo

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History - mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics - more broad social movements than parliamentary politics. Ideologically I’m an anarchist with a conservative temperament
Programming - very interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games - particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Any women interested in chatting.

>Not Looking For
LGBT (including transwomen), I’m heterosexual

Anonpicolo. Trading uk bitches. London ideally
21 M UK North Wales

Open for anything
Looking for anything see there it goes

Discord gameexplorer13
20 M London
>about me
golden hair, blue eyes, semi-well built imo
gym. d&d. cycling. hiking. videogames.
>looking for
any femms looking to be dominated or dominate me (i wouldnt mind trying any new fetishes) or any sort of new experience
>not looking for
guys unless its for being friends
^ forgot to add the tag
31 M UK married, bi, beta, cuck, etc.

Obsessed with the idea that I lose control of myself and am forced to submit to a dominant man who completely owns me through blackmail and uses me for fun, and to get to my wife.

If you wanna chat about this and dabble a little bit message me on Kik.

Kik: betasubcuckboy
>34/M/London Hotel

Found myself in a hotel room tonight, on my own. Looking for a suck/fuck from any girls around and willing to get here.

Late notice but tonight only.
8" white cock looking for black guys to chat with
Kik perverselogic2
Aye lad, what you looking for?
are you trading stuff you shouldnt be? like peoples gfs etc

Going to London Comic Con on Friday

Would love to possibly meet up and have some fun after/during

Discord is SloppyLover
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30 m london
>about me
Straight but into feminine in general, doesn’t matter to me what’s between your legs.
Designer, enjoy art and music, nature, hiking, gaming.

Im pretty open minded and enjoy deep conversations too, i have long hair and i like fashion/style if that’s relevant.

Recently moved back the uk from japan after living out there for a year. Used to workout a lot and have the frame for it, but been too busy to hit the gym, looking to very soon though! Gain some size and fitness back.

Ask me for more/lets chat?
>looking for
Some nice chats/convos, maybe even some nsfw type conversations, and im open to dating if it feels right.

If it’s intimate related I love people of all sizes, curvy, fit, bbw etc.
>not looking for
Scammers, people selling content, people who cant hold a conversation,
Snapchat: rahimahmed
Discord: viciousv99
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i pretty much just go gym, play vidya and tinker with stuff. im a neet, mainly focused on self improvement atm. im well travelled, nonchalant about most things and introverted
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel (going to Thailand soon so if you've any tips id appreciate it)
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with over text, vc would be nice, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl and im thinking about marathoning the 3d zeldas. pls dont be offended if i dont dont add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw
>passing hettroon who's lived in lots of different countries, kinda lonely down in the south east, despite having some friends. i'm curvy and average height, with thick wavy brown hair and green eyes.
>into art (i make a lot of digital collages and i've applied for a short filmmaking course in september, as well as listening to a lot of music and trying to watch more films and stuff), spirituality/occult stuff (don't worry if you're not, though it's a plus), politics (very left wing) and languages
>new people to talk to, maybe someone to help me learn a new language (doesn't matter what i just tend to burn out with it because i never get a chance to practice the languages i've been trying to learn, trying to learn a fourth), maybe a bf or something who knows.
>right wing freaks, sex maniacs, people who have no ability to actually talk like humans.
reply with your tag i don't like posting my contact details on these threads
Hey I posted a few posts above and would be up for chatting with you
Snapchat: rahimahmed
Discord: viciousv99

If ya interested xx

I'm into making music (electronica) and occult shit - though I'm not practicing something at the moment apart from basic ass fasting

New to the SE so it'd be nice to make contacts here, if you wanna learn Flemish (Dutch) I'm from Flanders originally

Disc: pige777
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looking for fellow degenerates to jerk off to porn and/or hentai together, longterm friends is preferable,
forgot tag
discord: hornyboi69420
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19 Female Single Asian
Filipina / German Nursing Student

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
>about me
I'm tall which is always a kicker but other than that, I am a student who studies Software Engineering, I took a gap year so I'm starting my second year in September, and I also am currently learning Japanese again, as I got too rusty and I'm doing it from the ground up. I'm also getting diagnosed with Autism and ADHD so I am a bit goofy maybe, but I try not to be obnoxious. I also work at KFC but the job is super boring whenever I do anything other than cleaning lol
I LOVE Fallout 4, and its currently the game I'm obsessed with, but it changes from time to time, I also do enjoy learning languages, and I play guitar too, which I always love to do, but I need to keep doing it more often.
>looking for
Just a nice woman around my age who its fun to talk to and is ok with me being a bit dumb lol, I guess the goal for me is a relationship though.
>not looking for
Men, people who ghost almost instantly, people who just want to trade nudes, and that kind of thing
Discord: Halvor
>about me
ADHD as fuck but love to chill, blaze and enjoy some good vibes!
Weed, games, economics, obviously hentai
>looking for
Fems who like to have fun chats preferably
>not looking for
Gay or not men plz
discord - rowdybo1
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> Please jerk and cum all over Rosie cute face !!!!!

I feed po0rn and Rosie pics 4 all buds that can jerk and tribute with screen or printing !!!!

Rosie needs ur cock and cum !!!!

Kik: rosiethomas10

Telegram: t.me/kik_rosiethomas10
31 M Manchester

orgasm control, teasing, breath play, choking, spanking, nipple play, ass play, exhibitionism , public play , facefucking, bondage, clothes control and more

>What you're looking for
Looking for an obedient sub(F) to play with.
Ideally a regular partner to get to know with each other and have fun

Discord: wazedi
Looking for guys based round Enfield north London or cheshunt area who are up for a goon or jo buddies hit me up

Kik: boredgoon362
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26 / F / Enfield

If you're a nerdy submissive kinky guy that looking to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL, i am the Domme you looking for ! Doesnt matter if you're inexperienced. ill mold you into every shape i want. Introduce yourself nicely and address me as Miss Chan !

KIK : ExclusiveChanell
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Looking for nerdy guy that willing to undergo into longterm mommy/son relationship

Kik : Princesstiffany20
24MStonehouse UK
Looking for girls for when my gf isnt here. Need to be discreet. Happy to trade her with guys maybe.

Discord: bigboiinigel
Snap: owenkitchener
28m London
>about me
6'1 Russian metalhead, glasses, long curly brown hair, 10mm gauges, tattoos (blacked out arm)
gaming, hiking, calisthenics, DIY, chess, playing piano
>looking for
anyone kinky or crazy (bpd girls with abandonment issues hmu)
>not looking for
men or fatsos
disc: airways3.14
bump :3
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>about me
silly autist retard friendless loser
roblox, valorant, ow2, dbd, resident evil, zelda, splatoon, chainsaw man, aot, 3 body problem, alex g, quannic, scm, aphex twin, current joys, many more things just ask me i am not mean or evil...
>looking for
uk friends that will eventually hang out with me irl. i don't do drugs or drink but i don't mind doing them to make friends
>not looking for
i want friends do not add me if you are looking for a boyfriend i am 171cm and ugly so do not add me just to ghost!!!!
28/m/south west
>about me
Just a dude living life, looking for frens.
Mtg, weeb stuff, reading, gaming, nature, baking, travelling
>looking for
Friends, primarily. People to talk to and see where things go!
>not looking for
Unhinged people
bumping this, i'm free this friday around cumbria

lasses, femboys, etc. hmu if ur nearby and cute
31 M Newcastle

>about me
Moved to london then moved back and now I don't know anyone and feel isolated in my hometown.

Board games, brewing, blacksmithing, HEMA

>looking for
Friends mostly, boyfriend optional

>not looking for
people begging for me to commission things for them pretending to be a friend.
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>about me
horny femboy
anime, games, programming
>looking for
dominant guys to chill with
>not looking for

>about you
Lonely, i'll talk about anything.
I want to get new interests

movies(any), shows(mostly anime) ,games(anything), forums, neet, VNs, everythingggg

>Looking for

>about me
my story begins 23.5 years ago, in the womb of my father. my father was a stern man, he did not care much for black people. however, this did stop him from becoming black himself
>looking for
amputees that can plank
>not looking for
18m Manchester. Trafford area.
New to this and looking to suck my first cock asap.
Msg on kik @matt.k249
This is a VERY long shot and very niche but hear me out, I'm hoping that this might land on the right person's screen.

I'm Alex, I'm 27 M from the Midlands (Leicester) I have an average and for whatever reason am very attractive to gay men.

I'm 100% straight. I'm not repulsed by gay stuff but it just does nothing for me - that's fine right?

At the same time, I want to be paid an embarrassingly low amount of money for you to take my anal virginity. It will hurt me, I won't be aroused, I will look and sound uncomfortable and regret it afterwards.

So if you like the idea of LEGALLY and borderline consensually raping a straight guy, hit me up! Happy to answer any questions :)

kik: FAPencouragement
31 M Gloucester

Kik: riceyboy93

Looking for anything, just make it clear what your looking for and I'll reply if I'm into it/want to
il do anything for money or free if u convince me
I broke up with my white boyfriend in 2021 to follow my dreams to travel, I’ve travelled all over the world and haven’t looked back.

Open to discussing my life and making friends, places I’ve been, my experiences, black men, anything you like.

F 22 kik - KT_Sinclair
20 F England
Looking for men to chat with, form a connection with and also explore some more private elements with. Guys who don’t mind being bossed around a bit/ northern lads/ tall guys to the front of the non-existent queue.

Kik: throwmeawayxx1
wana be frens?
Hey 24 from Cambridge, do you have something other than discord?

>Horny guy working from home, jerking to porn and irls on my breaks.

>Porn, sex, games, music, kink play etc etc

>Looking for a bud to jerk with semi regularly. Points if we know the same girls.


I'm here to find a desperate servant guy that willing to undergo into long term ownership basis.

KIK : Princesstiffany20
22 female newcastle.
Want to be my little paypig? I'll make sure to dom you nice and good.
Willing to verify, and good with sending pictures. Taboo is all good to me, but I'll see if you are worth it. Idiot~

Come message me if you want to be controlled for a price:
throwaway disc spoiltbratbella
I'm into photography and music, and currently trying to get into writing. I've been hiking recently to try get into shape.
>looking for
Anybody who can hold a conversation, I'm mainly interested in people I click with for long term friendship.
M 40 UK Leicestershire
Very sexual dominant i’m looking to talk to others in my local area I'm discrete and active in my local community. I also Part of a community that fixers group event.
For people.
happy to talk to general people in the area who needs some advice or looking for something specific don’t be shy.

Tellagram @MrDFixer
Kik ItsMisterFixer
34 M Northampton

Looking to chat to someone and if it goes well maybe meet.

I go to the gym and play sports but can hold a pretty decent conversation

Kik/telegram: sarkyclarky
Any women around Cardiff wana chat. Hmu on Snap welshdude2023
40m white guy looking for fun chats with black people
Kik perverselogic2
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>about me
new to UK
music, travel, photography
>looking for
Friends, people who want to chat, share music, and / or give advice to someone new to UK
>not looking for
22M North London
>about me
White, 5'6, straight, virgin. I don't really have any friends and am online alot, I am quite shy with abit of tism but i just try to be cool with everyone, I occasionally use drugs, I am banned from driving but am unbanned in October, I am currently unemployed but actively looking for work
I like video games; been playing paper mario the thousand year door recently, anime; I am currently watching yugioh, cars, motorbikes, and gym. It would be cool to find new interests too, ive recently been getting into cooking, raves look pretty fun to go to.
>looking for
friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
ghosts, sellers, lgbtq obsessed, timewasters
discord: witheredconsciousness
19 femboy uk Dumfries

video games, music, night walks,

>what traits you look for in a partner
preferably over 35 but close is fine. Looking for incredibly controlling men. Aggressive men. Men that don’t care about my well being

>long distance?
Perfectly fine

>Looking for
Long term extreme TPE owner.

To control all decisions such as what I eat/ if I eat. Bathroom breaks, what I wear what I do in a day. Even extreme stuff such as what I do what I watch when I’m allowed to switch YouTube video ect

Or I’d love even more extreme where I have to ask to change a video or to turn a light on

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
below 30. Shy guys. People that can’t hold a chat. Vanilla people

I love basically all kinks. You’ll come to find there is very little I won’t do or at least try.
My personal favourites are; flashing, pain, embarrassment, risk, exposure, blackmail, online/game humiliation

From June 2nd for 6 days it’s only me in my house if people are local ish they can maybe visit. I’ll be tied up and blind. Only if local and I trust you

Kik: KittenBabyy69
My kik MalaveVictoria F20

33/M/UK (WM)

>About me

Introvert, homebody, 6'3, white guy who rides a motorcycle. Dirty mind and even dirtier imagination dark humour, and sarcasm are present! Like memes, video games, motorcycles, history, marvel.


Femdom, feet, light cbt, tease and denial, facesitting, praise, bondage, light humiliation, pet play and more.


Gentle Mommy domme, to start a monogamous relationship with, with dirty mind, high sex drive, who will praise, look after me, torture my aching
balls and train me. Obviously UK only and preferably local.

Bonus points if you're darkskinned.


Men, trans, couples, cuckolding, sissification, attached women, women with kids, findom, online play, pay4play, non-monogamy.


discord: btb2690
33/m/North West
>about me
General loser/gooner
Hentai, Vidya Games, Jerk Sessions, Goon Sessions
>looking for
Jerk Buddies and Gooners
>not looking for
Close Minded people
I know posts like this are fake but girls that actually prey on lonely men to use them for money are fucking scum and need to put down in the slowest, most painful way imaginable. Fucking predator scum.
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>about me
[pic is me]
kinda lonely collage student, i play osu and minecraft, but i've played alot of horror games before [like resident evil my beloved] im also kinda autistic so hope thats not an issue :P
>looking for
somebody who lives close to me so we can hang out irl [when i trust you, nothing personal]
>not looking for
somebody ages away or somebody who wont want to meet up at some point
discord: ghostieari
Gay man
>About you
Gay bottom white man from the UK, work in marketing, not bad looking, more of a camp/fem type. Blonde hair, blue eyes, 5"8, slim/average body.
Nights out, live music, museums, culture, travelling, history, politics, psychology, kink and much more
>Looking for
Masc top dom white north American or European guys who are interested in a TPE type relationship. I especially like the dynamic of a right wing guy who has pretty opposing views to me (I'm more on the left) as I think the opposing views make the relationship more intense and hot. (By right wing, I mean guys with more extreme views rather than just guys who want to pay less tax lol).

Being kinky is essential. More into the psychological side of kinks rather than just being tied up.

Looking for a relationship, not just something online or a fling and I'd be willing to relocate for the right guy.

Prefer older but a little bit younger is okay too.

>Not looking for
Bottoms, women, people who think kinky is just rimming
Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
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20m north east
>About me
6'1 brit male autist
photography, music, numismatics, anime and manga, nature, politics
>looking for
bottoms (preferably feminine / twink), people sharing common interests and willing to hear me rant, preferably people in europe but it's ok if further, someone active
>not looking for
tops, masculine guys, normies
how do I find autist friends like me in north ireland? Not picky on gender or whatever just want to meet more people in this shithole
I can get into iCloud’s and Snaps. I have been doing this over three years, I’m 100% legit and gained the skills while working on the job. I use the software the tech support uses to gain access. I have also been verified on Runner Board on the dark web and a regular contributor . If this interests you find me on either Kik or Snap and let’s talk business. My username for both is on the pic with this post.
>resident evil my beloved
damn shame you're all the way up in manchester
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26, trans girl, mainly looking for t4t stuff, hookups or just cuddling and stuff, I'm into kink and slightly deranged stuff.

Know I have a terminal but illness so I'm not around forever but I'm not too hung up on it
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I'm not from the u.k but I'm looking for someone with a British accent to sweet talk me and be lewd friends with me. yes I know the thread says sfw only.

must be willing to vc
my interests are vtubers and PC gaming

26 f Pacific time zone

discord tag is chickenclaw3
Recently Divorced mother of 1, looking to meet people, try get back out there. chill, chat about anything..

40 F UK - kik hopeless_t
>windows phone 2015
>pic is me
So... what, That's you when you when you were 9 years old?
whereabouts are you?
Like brum area but I hop around
If you're ever in Edinburgh I'd be down for a cuddle
You also a trans girl?
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
thats from like a few months ago, i dont really use phones i just got one so i could take pics while out
kek i literally leave manchester for like 3 months in like 2 days
my acc got termed, new acc is floatinabout
M, 23, Sub, London. Small, light, thin, cute.

Want to be forced feminized, or to have a femboyfriend to slut out with. Message me if you know how Bambi sleep stuff works, or you’re into hypno.

Kik: MiniiMiniiMinii
different anon from bristol, not trans but lean twink with long blonde hair, u got a disc?
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21 biologically male UK
Hello, I'm Iop. I like philosophy. I'm a bit autistic. I want to be a wholesome friend or a partner and hopefully we can help each other. I enjoy walks, talking about life, and the books/games/films/music we have in common.
>long distance
>looking for
Partner or friendship. Any gender.
29 M UK

>In a relationship?
In a long term relationship. Engaged.

>Looking for?
A nice attractive girl in good shape on the side for online fun or meet up fun so I can finally get the satisfaction and release I deserve.

>Not looking for?
Anything other than attractive biological females

>Details about current relationship?
In love, however, she has lost her shape and enthusiasm to work out. I need someone in good shape and attractive to release my primal urges. Someone obedient and knows they're hot. I like something on the side.

AdrianCoalD on Kik. Specify why you're messaging with a pic.
Looking for Edinburgh lads to trade and jerk off over local sluts.

Discord - budbud1231
Attention UK cucks! I want your girl. Come give her to me.

Kik - WhatSheDoesNotKnow
you seem like my type :) @altill55
that's discord btw
28/m/south west
>about me
Just a dude living life, looking for frens.
Mtg, weeb stuff, reading, gaming, nature, baking, travelling
>looking for
Friends, primarily. People to talk to and see where things go!
>not looking for
Unhinged people
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6'1, long black hair, shut in but I'm actually really extroverted.

love to travel, love music, play guitar, video games and Warhammer.
Looking for frens.

tag: .ironace
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disc is barrrelrriderrr
18+ server with verification for incels,femcels,neets,hikkis,shut ins and just social outcasts and rejects in general who are living in the UK.

Come here to talk about your life situation with people with a similar experience as well as other topics such as politics,music,games,films among other different types of hobbies and interests.

While this server welcomes people with different political beliefs and different backgrounds people with leftist or anti-incel beliefs are not allowed as to avoid people with hostile attitudes to the people this server is for.

While you are allowed to talk about controversial topics and be edgy etc. please keep it civil and avoid doing anything that violates discord tos or the law.

If you are a general social reject from the UK you should join this server.
One thing I need to add is that it's brand new so it's not active ye but hopefully if more people join that will change.
31 M UK

Love chatting about IRLs, NN and girls wearing leather/shiny clothes. I'm pretty chill and have lots of pics

Tele: @corextr
Hey OP, sweet posts man!
I'll probably be in London on Saturday for like 10 hours. I should be free after like mid-day. Would anyone like to hang out? This ----> >>33145501 is me.

is this what schizophrenia looks like
If you have a discord add me, I'd love to chat!
Looking for london guys to trade bitches.. Anonpicolo
I live quite close to Manchester add me
40 m Manchester
>about me
Nerdy, active, friendly, professional guy. Very right wing. Generally tired of nato, pakis, feminism, pronouns, grooming gangs, multiculturalism, bureaucracy, biased justice, and the decline of western civilisation.
Hiking, roadtrips, history (archaeology, medieval, social history), antiques, good food, real ale, bouldering, road trips, foraging, Terry Pratchett.
>looking for
Basically, I’d love some other localish/or just anywhere UK, right wing friends to chat and vent with. Tired of shouting into the void, as my gf is conservative but not that right.
Discord: glorypotato
If you wanna hook up with a fit married cis 33y o male with a homewrecker kink, I can be reached at tallredbvll12@gmail.com
Weston super mare based.
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22 Femboy Manchester

Ideally looking for those around Manchester, but open to all!

discord femboyfae
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where do i buy cheapo dildos in london... if possible horses n dragons too!!!
preferably shops that take cash...

discord kitsuseggs if youre interested~ 22 m eastasian!!
Any women wana chat with a Welsh guy hmu, snap: Welshdude2023. Kik: nastylove85
31 M UK

Love chatting about IRLs, NN and girls wearing leather/shiny clothes. I'm pretty chill and have lots of pics.

Tele: @corextr
Kik: betasubcuckboy
mtf 21 uk
girl who likes normal things and nice people. i like arts and computer stuff and anime and dolls
>looking for
>not looking for
horny ppl
just wanna eat some pussy, I'll travel, no reciprocation needed

discord .zzizzy.

African (DRC) guy in Europe here (Netherlands)
About to fuck some little white bitch I found on tinder, taking LIVE pics and maybe vids to share with the boys.

Walking there rn and don't mind sharing other pics of girls I've fucked over the years either, doing my part for the community.

So hit me up if you're interested, my kik is: josephkilongo
Female going through a quarter life crisis
Fix it for me? Kik: roisinchatter
Looking to trade London sluts. Anonpicolo
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22 feminine twink UK
I find most nature and outdoorsy based things to be interesting, looking to become an ecologist.
other hobbies are videos games although lots of the time I prefer single player, reading books and looking through cool bookshops. I like keeping healthy with the gym and playing tennis. Some other interests!: gardening, foraging, herbal teas, learning photography, skincare, fashion, concerts, cooking and baking.
>looking for
frens maybbe more c: to spend time with, I love to go on hikes and city trips, totally open to traveling if we vibe ^-^
>not looking for
over sexual people
Notts/East Midlands
looking for a hung guy this weekend, no time wasters.
Omgg, cuddling with you would be the absolute best!!

disc: very_slimy_eel

Essex area

Happy to host, also happy to travel

Tall, decently hairy and got a gut but also got a thick cock.

Looking to get head for the first time, bisexual but have a fem preference. So women, trans, femboys, feminine twinks are def preffered

Feel free to hmu on discord; SloppyLover
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21 m South Wales

Looking for anything or anyone desu. Im tryna make some friends as I dont really have any left anymore. I like to collect and cook and walk and write and love popculture

Snap: charliecompass
why the fuck did to be honest change to desu
31 M UK

Love chatting about IRLs, NN and girls wearing leather/shiny clothes. I'm pretty chill and have lots of pics.

Looking for people who actually want to chat..

Kik: Tyler.zav

Tele: @corextr
Any contacts?
I can get into iCloud’s & Snaps. I have been doing this over three years, I’m 100% legit and gained the skills while working on the job. I use the software the tech support uses to gain access. I have also been verified on Runner Board on the dark web and a regular contributor . If this interests you then find me on Kik or Snap and let’s talk business. My username for both is on the pic with this post.
25 f north somerset
looking for other females as friends, if ya lonely would b nice to chat/hang out
no creeps pls
i love art music... lots of shid
discord: queengull_97015
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>distance is fine as long as meeting in person is the ultimate goal
>5'6" white skin, brown hair, brown eyes, above average physical shape
>life situation - grew up lower middle class now I'm a multimillionare
>hobbies/interests - travel, photography, outdoor activities in general, healthy eating and living, deep conversations, concerts, parties, books, movies, tv, sometimes retro games
>religious beliefs
Most organized religions are toxic so I tend avoid them and see them as separate from real human spirituality. I respect people who value their religion as a cultural tradition so long as they aren't xenophobic. Buddhism is alright.
>political beliefs
No politician actually cares about you or this country
>dating experience
Lots of dating and experience and long term relationships, never married
forced clotheswearing, dressup, diapers, daddy dom / little girl, ageplay, petplay, collar/leash, humiliation, humiliating outfits, and plenty of others
>looking for
Someone kinky, preferably into a lot of my listed kinks, who is also intelligent and doesn't let their kinks define their whole life.
>not looking for - porn sellers, people overly interested in me for my money
>contact - gatsby6239

In Birmingham on June 10th for work over night. I'm a bear looking for a sub who wants to suck my dick and get railed. Bonus points if you like being facefucked.
Forgot to add

Kik: spinkick1
26F London

Experienced Domme looking to a determined submissive kinky nerd guy that willing to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL . Doesnt matter if you're inexperienced, as long as you are obedient and a good listener ! i dont mind to verify since lots of fake Dommes/Girls here

KIK : ExclusiveChanell

Snap : itschnll

Damn shame you're not accepting friend requests now
31 M UK

Love chatting about real girls wearing leather/shiny clothes. I'm pretty chill and have lots of pics.

Looking for people who actually want to chat

Kik: Tyler.zav

Tele: @corextr

I'm to give you a safe space to expose yourself (f) or your partners. Slowly hand them over to me. Start easy and get more extreme.

It will all stay private. And I prefer long term ownership.

You know, I don't think /soc/ ever recovered from what happened in 2011-2014.
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24 M UK
>About you
Brooding aesthete, and a hard-R Romantic, I have unironically been described as Byronic by a past lover. At once intensely serious and inclined to approach every situation with a joke. Sexually dominant and extremely sadistic, I adore ruthlessly degrading and humiliating cute boys. That said, I'm also sensitive and caring when I'm not being a monster~
White, beautiful dark hair, grey eyes, not a femboy but my face is either very boyish when shaven or very patriarchal when bearded. Think Eren shaven, Zeke unshaven.
Aesthetics, Architecture, History, Literature, Music, really anything that's beautiful and moving, I'm interested in engaging with it.
Also enjoy video games/anime/etc. and if we're going to get on you probably will too.
>Looking for
Someone cute, likable, and ideally inexperienced, to be my personal TPE/CNC toilet slave boy, to use and abuse and serve me in every way I please, sexually and in life. Don't take that to mean I won't value you - I'm only sexually interested in people I like and respect, and outside of lewdness I'll often want to be caring. But I will be ruthless with you when I choose to be. You don't have to be into everything that's done to you, I actually prefer if you aren't - especially regarding toilet slavery... my pleasure will come from seeing you suffer. Even better if you have a slight switch inclination, so you find submitting even more humiliating. I like the idea of a slaveboy who serves his master and obeys even the cruelest orders out of loyalty and affection (and force). Of course, that depends on personal compatibility - I want to like you as a person when I'm not tormenting you.
Hit me up if you fancy being a classical slave boy.
>Not looking for
People who aren't at least somewhat cute, dimwits who can't make conversation, people who'll say "I think this sounds hot but I'm not into X/Y/Z", people who only think they're kinky because they're mentally ill porn addicts.
21 F current US, but want to move to the UK by the end of 2025
>about me
Goth, southern accent, nice thighs/ass from what I'm told, graduating soon and looking to move to the UK permanently
Horror movies, all kinds of art, jewelry making, some anime, overly long YouTube essays/documentaries
>looking for
Someone willing to sponsor me (will most likely require marriage). I'd rather it be a real relationship, but if only as friends, that works for me. Willing to go 50/50 on bills and house work.
>not looking for
People wanting a sex slave
Respond with yours if interested
33 m UK
Kik: opentoallandeveryone
Ignore the coomer shit its only way people tend to talk on Kik as its dead af
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24 m UK. Also gothic, loves horror films
Disc: Abigore0941
Hey I'd be interested in this add me on discord if ur interested and wanna get to know eachother brandonn2585 is my discord
M24 Cardiff. Love wearing gfs clothes have a couple of pics of me I’m happy to share, down to trade, rp, sext, trade, goon or whatever else you want. Not showing off gf.

Really looking for a meet, can drive and meet half way x
Pic related, Is me
22/m/london atm

>>about me
>kind of normie style & kind of metal also but i make it look good, i work for a living.

>i love nature & cooking also every blue moon going to gigs/raves. also photography, historical stuff & art in general.

>>looking for
>i would love to find a gf on here but i don't have high hopes, a fwb or just actual normal friends would be fine too (m inc.) >>33196468 i will split rent with you / do whatever to pay less money

>>not looking for
literal gay sex or sexting someone i will never meet.

>disc: hugboxer
I didn't mean to >make every line green
>want to move to the UK by the end of 2025
hi anon, can i ask what it is that makes you want to move here?
also avoid london like the plague, most cities are worth avoiding but london is just next level
What's your tag? I'm in the area

7.5" girthy BWC(no 0.03% e-statting). Short fade, beard, athletic. Grew up pretty council estate but had an actual brain, naturally good at most things but with zero discipline or motivation. Mercenary/underachiever but content, live alone in a 3 bed on my terms. I don't need anything from anyone else to make me happy, I just have an uncontrollable urge to fuck wives/moms and Asian/Indian women. I will send you back home exhausted, stretched and sore but satisfied. I can be lazy, temperamental and selectively social if you want an honest balance to above. I'm a good person and do have good intentions for all but very callously honest and stoic.

I cringe at lit erotica and intellectual foreplay, but I do enjoy nasty degrading dirty talk in person. Dirty Asian/paki slut, cheating whore, laugh about your husbands small dick e.t.c. No cuck stuff though, big turn off, role play is not for me. Prefer real, authentic encounters. Not interested in men at all unless you are beyond feminine

KIK is Ineverlose


Sorry, I’m a Dumb fuck and didn’t add it lol
Less humidity
Less car centric
More work life balance
I can only speak English

Funny enough I've been told to avoid living in Birmingham, Liverpool, and now London.
understandable, those are good reasons!
can i ask which southern accent is it you have? i love southern accents c:
and here I could really use US citizenship...
38 Business Man

Very tall, lean, masculine well kept with a cut BWC.

Traveling to London/Cambridge in the next month, looking for NSA hookup in my comfortable hotel.

Snap cal231552
Looking to trade London bitches. Anonpicolo
If only we could switch
19/m/ Belfast & surrounding area

Driving, swimming, boating, exploring looking for friends, just someone to hang out with really, open to most anything, send us a snap sure and we can go from there is
kevbelfast1 Snapchat
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
If you're considering Wales
my disc is: issni
has anyone met anyone from /soc/? has it been safe? scared as a foid to put my details here in case i end up beheaded

i met my ex-gf off soc. unbelievably a beautiful, intelligent, and hilarious girl, from the kik dick pic thread. i have no idea how on earth that happened. we only broke up because we couldn't keep the long-distance thing going.
26 M Scotland,

if you like long video essays a good channel from the UK is called münecat.

only real bills I have are energy and food as I own my house outright

big into alternative style, alternative music etc.

got two cats.

discord: roguelitedom
34 M London

>About Me
University professor, friendly, honest, open and good-natured, good with small talk. 5'11", mixed, big shaggy black hair.

Languages, reading, music (playing: guitar, drums, sax / listening: electronic, rap, folk), football and basketball, porn, girlsmell

>Looking for
A girl jerkbud to share a cosy, horny space with. IRL but I wouldn't expect that right away. Preferably a bit of a shut-in, and I'll also be open to paying your way a bit.


Anyone want to meet and suck each other cocks

Kik is frowaway299
are there any uk based discord servers with an older crowd
Yeah, although it probably doesn't mean much to you since I'm a man and the person I met was a small woman. I'd imagine that there are dudes like me who are not frothing at the mouth to fuck or kill anything that moves, but I'd highly advise that you get to know the person first before even entertaining the idea of meeting up. If I were a woman, I'd likely not feel comfortable with the idea of meeting up with 95% of the dudes here too.
21F UK
>about you
Only looking for friends and SFW stuff. Ideally you're from the UK, Germany or EU in general, but anywhere is fine as long as we get along! I don't really talk about it but I am right wing so if you're lgbt please don't bother.
I'm into cute lego sets. I love fashion. I have a guitar coming in the next few days, I haven't played since I was 17 so we'll see how good I am or aren't. I'm learning German. I'm currently reading LOTR. I like to read and I like to draw. I have a few other random interests such as comics and horror movies.
>lookimg for
A mate, that's it. I don't care about your gender
>not looking for
Sex, pretentious people, people who can't leave me alone for more than two minutes
anyone like Hot Chip?
going to see the DJ set next month in london
Stick to the common sense rules about meeting anyone on the internet desu, public place, get to know them for a few weeks beforehand and you'll be absolutely fine
19m uk,
>about me
Tall lanky brit, filmmaker so quite a fan of horror movies too ofc, planning to be in the south this summer on a CampUS thing.
>looking for
A genuine relationship.
>not looking for
kik: JayB2723
Join our discord, we want whites only. 18+
.cosmol on discord

Very interested in discussing making this happen for you, let's chat and see if we would get along
22M North London
>about me
White, 5'6, straight, virgin. I don't really have any friends and am online alot, I am quite shy with abit of tism but i just try to be cool with everyone, I occasionally use drugs, I am banned from driving but am unbanned in October, I am currently unemployed but actively looking for work
I like video games; been playing paper mario the thousand year door recently, anime; I am currently watching yugioh, cars, motorbikes, and gym. It would be cool to find new interests too, ive recently been getting into cooking, raves look pretty fun to go to.
>looking for
friends or a girlfriend
>not looking for
ghosts, sellers, lgbtq obsessed, timewasters
discord: noddingoffinmychair
Trading London butches on kik . Anonpicolo
Says you're not accepting friend requests
My mistake, fixed that now
why the fuck do you want to come to this shithole, especially from the southern us
29 uk male looking for obedient worthless whore you use online and maybe in person send a picture and your age kik reeseuk97 Telegram @reeseuk97
pretty dead server you got there
Yeah I'm down if you're trans, socials?

last time i got added by so many people entirely outside of my preferences so i am not posting my shit lmao

sure post yours and we can see if we click ig
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22 M England
>looking for
It's a long shot, but fuck it. I am potentially (meaning not guaranteed) looking for someone to go to a metal music video shoot with in Southampton on the 23rd of this month, since my friend will likely not be able to make it. Entry is free, and you're free to spend some nights at my place if needed.

However, there's a caveat. If you're not a metalhead, that's fine. But you must dress somewhat metal. If you're a dude, PLEASE have long hair and look like you're somewhat into metal (chains, leather, etc). If you're a chick, I don't really care, just wear black and/or maybe gothic clothing if you're into that. Oh, and if you live in Manchester and meet the above critera, I can get you a free ride down here. Oh, and don't be weird/creepy also k tnx
I do have kik if you want
Biggest live pic of a uk cock gets my wife’s tits

Kik: midlandsman40
28/m/south west
>about me
Just a dude living life, looking for frens.
Mtg, weeb stuff, reading, gaming, nature, baking, travelling
>looking for
Friends, primarily. People to talk to and see where things go!
>not looking for
Unhinged people
Trading London butches on kik . Anonpicolo
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20 Female Single
Natural Perky Asian

Kik/Telegram: filipinahentai
Snapchat: hentaicomein
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24 M Cardiff / South Wales
>about me
6'4, work online and not into sports/drinking culture and generally get the feeling like I'm wasting my time if I go out of my way to socialise or meet someone normally - I run and read and watch youtube essays and enjoy my own company instead of that of normies I guess
answered above but also video games. civ, overwatch, have a wii and playstation. currently reading junger
>looking for
a decent woman. not ran through. not lgbtq. not mind fucked by tiktok/social media, feminism, netflix etc. has values and isn't just a soulless hedonistic caricature
>not looking for
arem99 disc
Just don’t reveal stuff about you and don’t meet up with anyone. Maybe after a long time of talking you might start to think about that.

If you indeed are the family guy shirt girl I’d be more concerned about getting into an abusive relationship, girls like you are a prime target for that. Stay safe kid. Your problems are easily fixable btw.
21/M Gwynedd/ North Wales
>About me
5'8 like classic cars and every thing old, i play some video games
>looking for
Anyone really

Discord gameexplorer13
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British people wanted
Whites only server, 18+
If that’s you then definitely, or snap or telegram if you have them.
and yeah, that’s me :)
Sirk2232 on discord
Add me nigga

Don't give away your personal details, face pics, or anything else until you're really sure they're not malicious. Most people here are harmless nerds and people who just be horny and have fun, although a lot of their social skills may leave a lot to be desired

I made one of my best friends on here through a dumb kik hornypost. Once we'd seen each others bits and got off with each other a few times we kept in touch and now we're close friends. We call each other 2-3 times a week and have nice friendly chats and mutually supportive friendship. She's a great source of consolation and friendship and I love her loads. It's been over a year now and we're hoping to meet up over summer.

It took a year of friendship and trust building to get to this point, and 99% of the girls I've chatted to here I probably wouldn't have been interested in doing that with, but she's great and I trust her enough to meet her now.

She's in the USA, and she said she felt a little more comfortable chatting to someone knowing they couldn't like stalk her, so that probably helped a bit. I'd suggest the same to you if it weren't for the fact the American lads on here are useless at holding a conversation with anyone female.

I'm on kik - EroticBingoNight - if you want to chat about my experiences or ask for any advice or guidance.
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M24 North London, UK.

5'6, real nerdy looking, long hair glasses, asian-looking but actually Hispanic. Used to be told I look girly but not so much anymore (maybe the workouts are kicking in? Lol). Into anime, many shows, porn, music diverse, deep chats, talking and building connections.

Into MILF, GILF, BBW, ahegao, trans, futa, femboy, hardcore, cnc, mating press, hentai, irl nude swapping, gooning, anything really within reason. Shy

Ditto with the above. Idm friendships and a connection really. I like those. Into anyone really hehe

Idk what I'm NOT looking for? Someone who won't even talk? Time wasters hahah

discord tag: littlebiganimal
Well I live close by, also resident evil 8 speed runner

Discord: asleepen
My man, if she has turned off friend requests, that means she is not interested. No idea what you hope to achieve here.
Trading London sluts. Anonpicolo
Kik anonpicolo
Hi UK bros. Just looking for someone who is willing to degrade my chubby Indian ex girlfriend on vid/mic whilst jacking off to her

Kik: LongBrownshaft
God you look as tender as a flower.
If you want to add me, my disc is:
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19 Female Single
Natural Filipina

Kik/Telegram: asianatural6
Snapchat: goddessperky
If, and only if, you live in North East England... add me!
I'm female
On discord, that is.

anywhere near staffordshire? i'm a trans girl from there, 32, also into weird shit and cuddling.
discord: splotnik.

captcha makes me wanna kms
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32 m London

Bouldering, ice skating, gaming (smash bros / Hades, other FOTMs), anime, movies, love horror, need a horror buddy

>Your own description
Slim tall fit white guy, clean shaven. Mix of introvert and extrovert, ambivert. Bisexual and quite liberal but i do not follow the news. Drugs yes, diseases no.
I'm a switch depending on who I'm with. Usually very subby leaning.

>What you're looking for
a dude, a bud, a pal, a sexy friend. Something casual, i am in an open relationship

>What you're NOT looking for
Not looking for anyone too hairy or overweight.

>Socials & tags
Don't need dildos if you have dicks. horses and dragons are so expensive. I've een eyeing up bad dragon for a while but difficult to commit.

Harmony shop near Oxford Circus is pretty good but they are all human penises.
Looking for a sugar daddy 718 650 5588
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
Morning U.K. anons. I can get into any Snapchat and access my eyes only. I am 100% legit and have the skills required to do so. I post regularly on username dedicated forums on the dark web and very well respected and trusted in all the communities there. If this interests you then let’s talk business. Add me now on Kik my username is jackleg_shark or add me on Snapchat where my username is jackleg_shark1
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23 M Pup Oxford

Looking for other pups or people into/curious about Pupplay.

Telegram: @pupranger2001
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>description of self
incredibly swag
lift heavy shit (training to compete in powerlifting), play classical piano, play videogames, work 9-5 in software engineering, I also babysit a discord daycare filled 50/50 with lads that lift and women that just chat random shit so that occupies some time
>looking for
friends that I can chat shit with, optimally play videogames or do whatever else and hang out
>NOT looking for
really dry people. also I’m not making this post to get new members to the server, I just want some friends

also where tf is the regular discord thread what happened to this board
Trading London slutz.

Disc: lolshare_44314
Kik: anonpicolo
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19m in north east looking for someone to abuse me and treat me like a girl. Kik is laurentsimone and pic is me.
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>about me
big nerd, gamer, the usual.
totally fucked in the head.
you, cnc, attention, sh, fem shit
>looking for
hookups, showing off, being used
currently at a hotel before i kms so use me as you please
>not looking for
discord: oomf.owo
i can install other socials if ur too much of a fag
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join and add for nudes :3
discord: eskitten
schizophrenic tranny that constantly spams their onlyfans everywhere
Met my bf from soc, he's lovely and would never harm me. You just have to be cautious in the intial chats with soc users
Bump, am around and down for anything
How long have you been on HRT?
F20UK. North.
Bored and lonely at the same time. Hit me up if you can help change that.
Talk to me about something interesting? Politics maybe?
Kik: throwmeawayxx1
31 M England, Gloucester

Hmu and ask, I'm open about anything

Kik: riceyboy93
>More work life balance
LMAO who told you that
>less humidity

Unless you live in New Orleans or something you might find yourself disappointed on this front, especially when you discover barely anyone here as A/C
Post thick thighs and ass so we can actually tell if you're worth importing
Femboy in lincoln,,,
kik - karmsee
quick and discrete


HMU for chats, truth or dare, anything really
24 M Glasgow

Looking for big titty F to show of my cock and cum for.

Must be 18+

Kik - FCSh
Femboy in lincoln, lost access to old account. Here is new Kik
Looking for all

Looking for quick meets asap for femboy
kik - harleyelra

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are you the server with Lucien8 and Ella_is_evil?
I am "miaow". Why thefuck do you keep on booting me off the server?
You probably suck
Where? Newcastle here
27 M Yorkshire
>about me
6"4, 8", English, all round pretty sweet guy, definitely not a rapist and/or murderer
>looking for
Sexy friends of the female variety for online fun maybe you'll get piped down irl if you're lucky
Cucks with hots wives
>not looking for
dunno, chances are if you add me I'll atleast humour you for a bit so whatever
discord: chimpblimp
>Sexy friends of the female variety
You are the worst type of person
says the troglodyte who sits and earnestly responds to people's posts in a chan soc thread.
Here's your (you) you worthless sack of shit
nah they're right, you're a subhuman
Bro owns a thesaurus and thinks it makes him sound smart
hey buddy, post nut clarity hit and I figured I'd just give you some advice.
Firstly, it isn't hard to change ID.
Secondly, do you think that it's reasonable to assume that in a thread that gets bumped maybe once every hour or so, that the second you confront someone another ID with no posts comes out of the woodwork to defend him 90 seconds later?
Thirdly, troglodyte and earnestly are hardly fancy words, the only people who mock others for using "smart" words are, surprisingly, pretty dull and/or ESL.
Fourthly, who fucking owns a thesaurus when google exists you mug
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God you're such an insufferable faggot
I'm really not bothered enough about you to switch IDs to agree with myself, and I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise, you've made up your mind on that, and if that helps you feel better, that's ok, just as likely that you switched IDs to defend me, as it's really neither here nor there because anyone can do that, it's a level playing field.

Idk what to tell you, just the way you type makes me want to strangle you, you're reddit coded, full of self-satisfaction, having to say you're not a murderer or rapist is so weird and tells me that you're extremely self conscious of how women perceive you, it's your worst nightmare to be perceived as a creep or a predator because so much of your self worth comes from women seeing you as non threatening. I'm certain you think you're the funny one of your friend group, but I promise they talk about you when you're gone, they think you're fucking weird, you say shit like "sexy friends of the female variety", which is anti charming, it makes me sick, it betrays how mouth frothingly horny you are, but how much you want to appear casual and unbothered. The "so whatever" in your not looking for section confirms that you are so desperate to be perceived how you perceive yourself.

I never said they were fancy words, just that you think they are, but you just sound like you're trying to copy something witty you saw on TV like Blackadder, but it comes out really unnatural and makes you look so shallow and stilted, because your identity is constructed from media you consume that you self insert yourself in, there is no original part of you, you imagine yourself as the hero in every situation. I wasn't mocking you for using smart words, I'm mocking you for being a tryhard, and it's pretty projective of you to make it about other people being dull.

And the thing about the thesaurus wasn't literal, it's figurative, please get diagnosed for autism, it will change your life.
Lmao I wish I was this concise
Kik: Bibfortuna2
Mature Daddy looking for naughty and nice girls to see where things go.
I can be whatever you want,RP, dirty talk, advice, Daddy, Master or just someone who listens to you.

Kik: Bibfortuna2

get a room you two
You want to come watch?
>1933 character paragraph
pressed af
No u
>piped down irl if you're lucky
This guy defintiely does not fuck lmao
Bump! Still looking for some abusive men
Nah I just want to make sure no one sleeps with your dusty ass
Also your post history is interesting https://archived.moe/_/search/boards/soc.de.rp.talk/text/Chimpblimp/ the dates don't add up for your age, so that kind of screams predator, and your first post you mention not wanting to be the kind of guy to trade on his big dick, but then it doesn't take long for that to go out the window. You are pathetic.
this nigga OBSESSED
Yeah pretty much, I haven't got much going on right now, and hating feels good
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༻ °𖤐.† L 𝖊 v i 𝖆 t h 𝖆 N †.𖤐 ° ༺

Are you into diapers?
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27/M/ London

Looking to go dancing with someone (ideally tomorrow at some anime rave in camden, very last minute I know lol.) I love all things net aesthetic and recently been trying to meet up with online oddballs and been having a blast, love going out to raves but sadly lack a consistent friend group to go out with. Would also just like to chat with /soc/ users, been on 4chan for a good decade but never really used this board, think it would be funny to say I met up with someone from 4chan once.

>about me
Open minded, non judgmental, a bit hyper and intense at times, might take a bit to let my shoulders sag around you first time we meet.

>looking for
Cool interweb stranger to meet in meatspace and dance the soul clean with, ideally have some dumb talks about life and the internet.

>not looking for

angh311 on discord.
I'm looking to move to the states myself, had two friends who said they would marry me for citizenship but life gets in the way sadly.

Would't mind spit balling with you about your plans and such, most likely nothing will come of it but at this point i'm "joking" with my US coworker about marrying them so we can both get the citizenships we want eventually.

My profile is above, angh311 on discord if you wanna exchange ideas.
If u recognize kik Anonpicolo
Or disc lolshare_44314
My kik MalaveVictoria F20
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really loving this pointless internet drama . find me on everything @ohhmarea . would like a bf . picrel is me
M 21 London

Idk how to feel about going out to events with my older sister and stuff happening whilst I stay a virgin ://

Either kik yungballg or disc seanym03
35 m uk for depraved F slut for online play behind my girlfriends back.

Loce to corrupt and explore your nastiest fantasies - I have a library of very taboo videos to share.

Discord / kik: flingsterguy6
Sc: risierib
Up for anything, surprise me
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Join discord.gg/solsturne

Many based British people, sexy fit birds, lots of bants, based and redpilled

26/M Here from Czech Rep. Looking for British GF/Fwb

So I love the UK and I like to visit at least once a year to meet my friends however I would love to have a reason to fly over more then just to see them therefore I would like to meet someone there who I could cultivate a relationship with and possibly move to live with in the foreseeable future.
Little about me:
5’6”, Brown hair, Green Eyes, Sexy European Accent(I’ve been told), Stable job in Electrical Engineering, Bit adhd
Like: Reading, driving, playing video and board games, walks (Right now I’m playing a bit of Destiny 2 and lot of Magic the gathering) Doctor who, Harry potter and Star wars (well what those used to be I guess)
I’ll gladly send a photo if we get talking
Looking for pretty much anything if we have a good connection and conversation I’ll be happy.
Hope someone responds …

Discord: .rbc
Snap: rainbowcorp
39 M Hampshire

Laid back and easy going

Looking for an F interested in being FWB

Kik is StripeUK85
29 m UK here.

I'm straight but drunk and curious, looking to take or be taken advantage of..... I'm rough when in control but I'm not sure if that's what I want if you feel like making a straight guy beg.

Let's talk...

Kik: flatcreborn

In London for a few more days for work..... Work is boring, help me make it fun
London and Birmingham are immigrant central. Liverpool is just shit. Stoke where I'm from has a lot of bobs and vagenes. If you like rain everyday a lot of places in Scotland are mostly white, but I can barely understand them myself.

Just do a little research as there are legit nice places to live. Work life is like anywhere else, just have to find the right job.
Femboy from Lincoln
Looking for women preferably who are fine with femboys, but all are welcomed
Kik - harleyelra

18m, want a hookup, NW London and home alone this week
kik: kye_2612
females only
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>about me
Very horny but shy whiteboy that wants to visit UK for a daddy to be used and trained by him, maybe shoot something
Reading, deep sloppy throat fuck , vidya,
>looking for
>not looking for
groups (for now)
41 / M / Lincolnshire

>about me
Perpetually bored, constantly feeling old, bored of work and doing my best to stop having existential crisis in Tesco. Open minded for someone my age

Gaming, board games, table top stuff, cars, Car restoration, Politics, Decent conversation

>looking for
Conversation, distraction, meeting for a beer or a smoke, mates

>not looking for
Anyone to unhinged

kik - notthebatman101
I'm Carrie, I'm looking for a preferable older, tall dark and handsome British man to take me in and away from this hellhole I call home (Oklahoma)
My discord handle is: daisysmom1
P.S Will degrade myself for citizenship or money.
30 M Nottingham BWC
Add me on kik: dyingonacid
29 m South Wales
cars, bikes, programming, lifting, vidya
>looking for
Curious and bored, looking for guys to hook up with or to just chat

kik: samc53
38 m from Cardiff, just looking to chat to whoever. Kik nastylove85, snap welshdude2023
18 F Scotland
deaf gamer, I love to game and watch movies. I mostly play rpgs. PVP games are fun but I'm at a bit of a disadvantage. Happy to chat about games or movies or anything really. I was home schooled so my social skills suck but looking to improve them.
>looking for
regular chat friend. someone who isn't reluctant to tell me about themselves. Also I find it easier to chat with a face, so I will be asking to swap face pic, I'm nothing special at all, just like to see who I'm talking to.
>not looking for
song recommendations.
Discord - smallercabbage
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>about me
University student. Twink-y with a girly voice.

Love sports (football particularly), electronic music, bad movies, and history. Like talking about politics, world events/current events. Play a lot of Apex and HOI4. Wouldn’t mind getting into another FPS.

>looking for
Something lewd. I have a very specific kink that I really enjoy engaging in. Basically, competition. I love wagers, bets, forfeits, people being embarrassed or humiliated after losing. Ideally with a partner we’d make bets over a game we’d compete in, or the result of a sport, and the loser would have to do something lewd for the winner. I’m a switch and would mind winning or losing. I also enjoy mutual teasing, generally being bratty and a lil’ mean to whoever I’m competing against. Also don’t mind CD and some exhibitionism.

Looking for other twinks/femboys/girly boys/girls to try this out with me.

>not looking for
Pure subs or doms. People who can’t write in full sentences or type and act like total tards. People who are boooooooring. Old men.

Also, down to meet up in person if I like you.
ALSO also that’s a discord tag
M 21 London

I hate being a virgin while my older sister is bringing guys over to place ffs. Plus all my friends are getting laid too ://

Kik yungballg
can this larp fuck off already. No 18 year old female is posting every day looking for people to talk to.
Kik: daniela_rui2717
stops responding after a day

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