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Confess in this thread. Discuss what sins you have committed on this board.
i hate lonely threads, its always girls pretending to be lonely for attention or delusional trannies or catfish posts, along with a bunch of thirsty guys posting on every single thread possible and replying to bait posts
I'm horny as fuck rn, swear to god I could make a new hole. About to jerk my shit goon/freak style. My dick is leaking into my jcrew jeans, just sticky and throbbing.
Also I sent a random bitch a dick pic, right off the bat.
coming on here to begin with
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god i want to have sex with my nonexistent little sister, ever since i saw that coffin of andy and Leyley game its all i can think about and now i dont even want a gf because we'd never have that sweet sibling bond FUCCKKKK
I was extremely fucking naive and entered an online """""releationship""" with someone from here. Acted like a typical wholesome chungus redditor. They were seeing someone else irl the entire time. So I guess my greatest sin is trusting people.
>tfw no older brother who takes care of me

let me guess, is she a tranny? never trust trannies
>let me guess, is she a tranny? never trust trannies
Yes they were both trannies
I’m trans and I actually pass and am quite attractive I have met a guy who I have gone on 5 dates with I still have not told him I know I should but I don’t want too
dont expect anything better than that coming from a tranny. its your fault for trusting a devil

males are dumb but not retarded, he's just being polite because he wants to fuck you
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This. He knows youre a faggot, thats because he too is a faggot. None of you pass. You all look/sound/smell like men, because you are one.
said they were a bio girl
Learn to read the thread, homo.
I slept with a friend's girlfriend and we had the best sex in our lives.

This gave me a permanent fetish for NTR, but i screwed up by deciding to tell my -now- exfriend about what i did, many years after (they broke up at one point), he and my friends never wanted to speak to me again.

I dont know if i should feel like i need redemption or something, NTR is hot anyway, as long as you are on the winning side.
My brother and I had sex in high school, we were each other's firsts and it was my idea
is coffin of Andy and Leyley an accurate depiction of this type of relationship
Yeah we were really close
Damn shawty ok
the more desperate you are about it, the less she cares about it
she probably thinking about some other guy so dont waste your time if you rather be posting here
>I’m trans and I actually pass and am quite attractive
I’m the King of England
>tfw no little sister to protect and banter with
Cup size?
I don't trust women anymore.
I miss her and its killing me, quite literally.
I'm not a tranny nor do I wish to be a woman I just want to look more androgynous so people stop assuming things about me.

I have exaugurated masculine features and without working out I still have muscles for some fucking reason (Islander genes) I grow a beard really easily and my natural resting face is a scowl. I have such protruding eyebrow arches that it looks like im angry 24/7.

Thing is I'm pretty much the opposite to how I look. I like baking pastries and reading fantasy novels. Im into DND and other nerdy shit. I like softer natural aesthetics. My number one hobby is fixing vintage tech because on some level I believe if you love an inanimate object enough it can have a soul. Worst of all I have a natural soft spoken voice (Ive been compared to Michal Jackson).

My whole life to avoid making people uncomfortable I played the hyper masculine person everyone assumes I am but it makes me seriously depressed because I feel like I dont have any real friends. They just like the pretend me. I broke up with my girlfriend because I hated having sex with her because she loved aggressive and angry guys (Her kink was growling).

I dont want to be a femboy or anything I just want to be on the outside the softer more sensitive guy I am on the inside.

Born to Malewife forced to alpha chad.
you deserve better from the people around you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that and I hope somebody loves you for the sweetheart you are
I know you're not trying to be a femboy, but you should look into femboy workouts as a way to feminize your body features a bit. Maybe try lazering your facial hair if you hate it that much (or just get better at shaving). Try dressing in brighter colors.

Most importantly though, stop presenting as what you think other people want from you. If you are the softie you describe yourself as, the crowd who likes softies will find you. You're actively working against yourself being friends with them by presenting otherwise. Embrace your true self and stop living for other people.
I appreciate the kind words but I can guarantee anything you can think of to help my situation I've tried.

Tried to thicken my thighs and slim my waist = Abs and tree trunk legs

Hair removal = lasts 24 hours and makes me look like a pro wrestler.

Brighter clothes = I look like an under cover police officer trying to fit into a crowd of hippies.

I once tried to get into beige to get a librarian aesthetic but ended up looking like ted bundy.

As for the way I present myself, Its ingrained into every aspect of my life. I wish I had a better excuse but that's the truth.

Sorry I didnt really want a pity party I just wanted to confess and rant.
Got any pictures? I know a lot of nerdy women who want a manly looking man with thick thighs and abs who acts like a housewife
Honestly. You, and everyone like you, are far too obsessed with yourselves.
became a unwilling cuck with my wife, started as a normal relationship and caught her cheating but didnt leave ( for some reason ), progressed to now where we haven't had sex in over a year but she fucks multiple men multiple times per week, Never been a cuck before this or wanted it
cute thinkpad
I lost my virginity to a guy I met on here a little over a year ago,I’ve met with 4 other guys from soc since.none of them used condoms and none of them pulled out and I’m not sure if I should be worried
19/femboy for context
I stole a t-shirt from a friend. Smells like her. Can't stop cumming on it
if lying about your weird kinks is the best you have going for you, may as well just kill yourself
I made an alt for hornyposting. Then I catch feels and add them to my main. Get double ghosted.
i didnt fully read but i think i know these kind of stories. I met a guy who was just like that, typical gym bear but he was the nicest and softest guy i ever met. It was really hard for him to find a girl who would match his personality
I'd be happy to fuck your slut wife for you
I dated a girl from here with BPD but I have never been able to relate to anyone like I could with her. I eventually broke it off because there were a few emotional wedges between us that we were unable to overcome and it was hurting me to keep in contact with her. I blocked her after sending a goodbye message because I was too cowardly to bear her response. I miss her and I think about her all the time. It's been almost 2 years since we first talked. I also had a few issues trusting her because she lived far away and there was just something that didn't seem right, which lead to me being not as intimate as I would have liked on the one occasion where me met up. I've secretly hoped that she would write a letter to me since she knows where I live, but I'm guessing that she's moved on by now. I also couldn't see how we would make it work long-term due to her personal life stuff and mine. Now she's a ghost, like Casper.
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I met a girl on 4chan and we instantly hit it off, I never had a stronger connection than I did with her. After talking all day every day for months she decided to ghost me after I asked a simple question. She most likely hasn't thought about me once since that day. It's been a year and I still miss her and would take her back. I'm hopeless.
Kik: Jones17769 to share more of your confessions!
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I don't want a trophy wife. I want a woman that other people don't want but that my particular taste finds attractive. My entire personality works this way. I don't want fancy things. I had the bicycle shop build me a single speed. I hiked in flip flops until I got tendonitis. I wash my hair with baking soda and vinegar. My dream boat is a low horsepower displacement hull that costs pennies to run. I keep my eyes out for property with some major flaw that keeps other people from buying it but which makes the property even more appealing to me. I need things to appeal to my strange value system where everything needs to be undesirable to other people but very desirable to me. I could never date a bikini model. I could never date a girl that was desirable to everyone else. So I start fantasizing about women that other people wouldn't give the time of day. Bald chicks. Slightly chubby chicks with zero self esteem who only wear cargo shorts and hoodies. Crusty zonked out hippy girls with dreadlocked armpit hair. Right wing terf lesbians with mental illness and secret daddy issues. Asian girls with moon shaped faces and ultra slanty eyes that look like racist caricatures. Girls chock full of self harm scars. I'm a glacially patient person, so my dream is to find a girl that others don't want, and build comradery with her until we buoy each other's souls and our mental screwups slot together like puzzle pieces. However, I am very aware that this may not be a healthy mindset. People should desire the best bicycle, the best boat, fancy cars, fancy women, life is a dick measuring contest and you make your dick bigger by surrounding yourself with things other men want. Maybe I'm just very content with my dick size as it is and I don't want to play that game. But that game is probably 50% of the human experience and pair bonding in general. So who knows. Schizo rant over.
I post my nudes online while having a boyfriend. I love him really much but I don't know why I'm such a slut. I like men watching my body but it's just that. I've never cheated on him with anybody. I think because he's my first sexual partner and inside of me there's the fear of only having sex with one man in my whole life.
that's really hot honestly, i kinda get that you dont want to only have one sexual experience. as long as you keep it to showing online and not actually cheating on him it should be ok
But should I tell him? Now we are long-distance and now more than ever I'm posting myself all the time. When I get horny instead of just sending him nudes I post them and I also feel really bad about that but I like it.
I went thru something like this recently. I found someone on here who i thought was my perfect match and he seemed really nice in the beginning. Then he grew distant and blocked me when I messaged him too much. He didn't even say a goodbye and just shut me out. Sometimes things play out the way they do for a reason but I couldn't wrap my head around it. Sorry to make this about me just wanted to show I relate :p
>fear of only having sex with one man in my whole life
Why is this considered a bad thing though especially if he keeps you satisfied? Despite what he raging feminists say, sleeping with a bunch of others isn't as cracked up as you think it is especially when feelings start getting involved. Don't mess up a good thing just because someone told you there "might" be something better.
I feel like the girl Diana is a slut but Im not 100% sure she posts/lurks a lot on /soc, can someone verify they know a slav named Diana? :D
Idk and honestly he's such a great guy and I know i won't find anyone like him. And I am really thankful because I hear all my friends stories about shitty guys all the time. Maybe it's just that I would've like to meet him a couple of years later I guess. I know it's selfish and stupid.
>he's such a great guy and I know i won't find anyone like him
I'll never understand why women self sabotage so much. In a few years you'll be crying on tiktok about not being able to find a good man. Stop fucking over good guys.
>I know it's selfish and stupid
At least you acknowledge it but the damage is pretty much done at this point. And no matter how many people here tell you to knock it off you won't listen.
I get long distance is rough, but if you can't even be true then just break it off and stop dragging him down.
>I would've like to meet him a couple of years later I guess.
Again, why is meeting the one you love such a big issue? What is so great about being ran threw by people who don't give a shit about you just for the experience? A LOT of people, even more so in the modern dating world, don't even find love at all and you are wasting it.
I thought I could live through life peacefully with worldly neighbors, but I realize now we are a complex machination of interactions spurred on by economic forces that ultimate convert our greed into master-slave dynamics so that cycles of warfare are inevitable to end the suffering of the weak and to rid the powerful of their guilt. My brothers, I'm sorry we may fight one day. I know you know I'm genuine in my regret. I love you. Accept that as we fade out of this life and face whatever may come next.

I must also confess I'm so horny I'm not willing to fill any feminine hole. I crave a slut.
dont tell him retardette, send him the nudes but also keep some that only he sees, because after all he still is ur bf
24M Cuck sharing NN cute pics and full info of a girl I’m obsessed with. Bonus if you’re a Bull who writes well.

Telegram - HelloFriend999
>inside of me there's the fear of only having sex with one man in my whole life.
brainwashed slut
Me and my cousin had sex when we were young
Me 16 and my cousin 14 we stumbled across a gay porn web site and I bottomed for him first. We were taking turns of course. After that we both acted like never happened.
Yes, tell him. You're a bad person if you don't.
No, thanks for sharing. It's fucking hard to deal with. We're all so alone these days that when one special person leaves your life it's a catastrophe.
I add a guy, we chat a bit, they ask to exchange pics, I send a selfie, and he blocks

this has happened 3 times now and I'm coming to realize I might just be ugly

I'm not posting myself here, just wanted to vent

Is it cause your a dude prentending to be a woman?
surely it can't be that bad. Post a pic
I'm in my late 20s and have never had a gf or had sex. I'm below average looking and now my balding is starting to become noticeable too. I fear even if I get my shit together I will have already missed the prime years of 18-24 where people have the most fun and sleep around. I see cute 20 y/os and feel like I'm dying inside knowing I'll never fuck them. I know it sounds shallow, but maybe I'm just a shallow person.
I know this isn't really a thread for advice, but the number one thing stopping you from fucking sweet 18-24 y/o pussy is your defeated attitude. If you're fun to be around and self-assured, you will get laid. Maybe you need to focus on whatever is making you... not that.
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>the number one thing stopping you from fucking sweet 18-24 y/o pussy is your defeated attitude
bro just kys, nobody will know you died a virgin
im on the same train
No, I didn't say to just approach people. Having the right attitude to be considered fun to be around is a lot more nuanced than walking up to people and sperging out like you seem to lean toward by default.
Pretty much but we'll get thru it man
if it gives you any hope anon, I fucked a cute 19 year old and 20 year old multiple times as a fat, balding 32 year old purely by having a good personality and indulging in their kinks
These guys have the right idea anon.

I'm 22F, conventionally attractive. Last year I met a 40 year old man on here who's barely taller than I am (and I'm 158cm), not particularly attractive. Guess what, we ended up meeting irl and if it weren't for the very long distance between us we'd probably still be dating. I liked many things about him, both sexually and otherwise.

It's completely possible. Work on your confidence first, your appearance second, and your approach to finding women third. You might just be surprised.
Oh and, inb4 any of the following

>he's a sugar daddy
>he has a huge dick
>he groomed you

None of which apply. Have some hope!
Be the change, anon. Get out there and fuck some incels.

I'm available...
some sluts would fuck anything, you just have to find that one before somebody elses fills her tonight
also being old and balding is really attractive for girls with daddy issues, just dont expect to date them
So I like women very much, never even debated with myself about dating/sleeping with men/trans. Ngl though with how the current dating market is, as well as the raging misandrist feminists and overall flakes of women for the first time I'm starting to consider it, even if it's just a fwb type thing. Y'all girls have truly become insufferable the past years with your entitled attitudes, and the simps that feed it are no better.
girls are annoying and useless
trannies are delusional and crazy
men are gross
just pick wisely, im sure you may find a decent girl if you really arent into guys. For years I lost all hope on decent girls and about a year ago i met one, sadly we didnt match but she gave me hope there are girls out there
Someone I was interested in recently and hitting off well decided to flip the fuck out because I wasn't ok with her cuddling other people. That apparently made me insecure. Why on earth would I want who I'm with snuggled up with someone else being that close? I feel like I just don't even know where to look at this point. Even this board has so many fucking time wasters. I don't claim to be some perfect being but god damn even seeing just the SLIGHTEST bit of effort would be nice change.
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I've been catfishing losers on /soc/ for over four years now using my ex's photos. Not for monetary gain or anything. Just to do a little trolling. It's amazing how desperate some men (and """men""") get when they finally meet someone who gives them even the slightest bit of attention and continues to remind me that the majority of /soc/ deserves to be alone.
you arent better doing that retard
in fact, you deserve getting cheated on
>I've been talking dirty to men while they jerk off for four years
>they're so sad lol
The duality of man
Only had to scroll down a bit to see people screeching about troons too
Entire online experience can be summed up in a few sentences
I can only really be mad myself for wasting so much of my own time in the first place
Isn’t 4chan exclusively trannies? It’s a tranny website. If you use 4chan, you’re a tranny
I’m more unique and niche than most people, which makes me look down on them and harbour feelings of disgust, shock and disappointment that it’s even possible for them to exist in the first place. I think they should all disappear.
This guy has gotta be Japanee
i have spent way too much money paying couples to make custom tickle torture videos
I'm 27 f Australia
Married for 2.5 years and lost count of how many times I've cheated on my husband.

Tele if U want is jazzyparre
i'm kinda popular in a lot of soc servers but i've been on them since a few years ago and have been catfishing the entire time kek
had like 2 e-dating relationships and they fell for it the entire time. wasn't even my real face or body and they still fell for it. only like 50% of what i was saying was true. can't believe i got away with it too because i had so many inconsistencies that i slipped up with, niggas really just be so dumb all cause a girl is showing them a little attention!
done with it all now because i found a irl bf from it that lives nearby and he makes me happy <3 bye soc bye discord
I wish I was a virgin. I tell my friends I am one, but technically I'm not cuz I was so lonely and desperate at one point last December that I went to a hooker. Initially for a bj only, but ended up wanting to fuck her, and I did. Since then I've visited her one more time and another girl once. I've never been in a relationship and I'm simultaneously really ashamed of it and still horny, sometimes still considering doing it again.
Used to post my exes nudes a lot on b. One day someone messaged me saying he recognized her, turns out it was her best friends dad. He told me about the fantasies he's had of her over the years while I sent him all the nudes I had
Damn wut that's crazy when did this happen???
I can flirt with guys just fine but I have 0 idea how to flirt let alone talk to girls and its making me pretty depressed. I doubt women want a bi awkward asocial loser with 0 confidence anyways since theres literally thousands of guys like that so I dont even really try any more, and when I do I give up after I get maybe two response that are just one word bullshit.

Ok bitching confession done.
I'm a pretty virtuous person, but I've sucked two other dudes off in the past and I still have the temptation to do it. No sodomy though, I'm not into that.
I once made an account on a dating app back in 2017, I specifically said in my profile I was looking for a mommy gf.
Not long after, a woman responded and said she'd want to meet up. I did, she was bigger than her profile let on but she was friendly enough and took me to her friend's house. She was aware and said "I'll be your mommy gf" but I got cold feet and left before the night was over.

Looking back, I just had to go to some seminar thing with them and help them work then go back home wit her and it would've been it. I was only ~21
M 28 bi. Anyone interested in RPing a therapist? I wanna talk about my IRL experiences and this seems like a good place to post. Kik is WTF1234567891
I’ve cheated on my wife of 5 years several times with men. I suck their cocks and have visited gloryholes and have gotten fucked twice. Went to massage parlors and got happy endings maybe a dozen times.

I love her and don’t want to leave her. I feel bad about it. Had a porn addiction since I was 12. Also adhd.
I am slipping. I think I am going to kill myself
I don't think we're compatible and I feel awful about it. Maybe it's just me being emotionally avoidant, or genuine warning signs I'm getting from you, but I don't think I can go through with "us."
>I'm A pReTtY vIrTuOuS pErSoN
Get over yourself, you sound like a Christfaggot if you aren't already one. If you like dick, you like dick. There's literally nothing wrong with it, gay and bi and flexible people have always existed and it exists all over the animal kingdom. Go be happy instead of worrying about fake moralism.
Was used for sex from 13-16, it has shaped my kinks and sex life to such an extent I don't know if it's actually me or just a chase to cope with the trauma c:

M 24, before the incels start thinking they've found a girl they have a shot with
Married, male, 33. I post on soc with the intention of flirting and lewd chatting. I've been chatting with a 21 who lives about 3 hours away and she wants me to come hook up with her. She's the first person I've ever sent dick pics to and I'm seriously considering meeting up with her.
Kik sam3rp

Come tell me and talk about your confessions. I have a couple and some I've never shared before if you can be cool.
Been through a similar scenario, just do it bro. Happy to provide feedback/talk if you drop disc.
tell that to the retards who expect to find a huge amount of actual real females browsing this shithole. I know every girl is either a catfish or a tranny.
I have nothing against trannies anyways.
Why would you tell your friends you're a virgin?
Serious question, Im a virgin and I lie about it all the time. I do go out on dates with girls but I have never had actual sex with any of them.

I dont know how to flirt to girls, I go on dates and I feel so awkward. I guess im interesting to guys but not to girls. Just recently a handsome guy invited me out on a date, i met him about 5 years ago when I sold him some old rare videogames, we never chatted but we kept each other on social media. I think im gonna accept and disappoint him, I would feel bad turning him down.
i'm killing myself before june so none of this matters but i really just wanna get this out there.

i've been diagnosed with bpd recently and it made all my past relationships make sense. i would kill myself anytime a long-term serious relationship ended. they always lasts two years and it takes me another two years to get over them and date new people.

i'm 27, now and i just last year finally pursued the first boy who ever showed romantic interest in me and has been orbiting my life since 2019 until he got his own gf. he broke up with his gf last year who he already had plans to marry while my best friend who im supposed to move with to escape my abusive family died from suicide. we were both hurting. i dumped my then bf to pursue this boy.

he said things like, "i would have cut my heart open years ago just to hear you say this," when i told him i had feelings for him but that was years ago. he has no feelings for me, anymore. but like a stupid bitch, i continued being friends with benefits with him. a lot of shit happened in between that's too much to get into but.

we tried dating for real, but immediately broke up with me after a few days and then april, he was even begging to be exclusive but then asked for a breakup again a few days later. i'm just exhausted having my feelings played like this. untill i straight up asked if he had feelings for me and he said no.

even before we dated, he was the only closest friend i had next to my dead best friend. but i already know I've lost him. he's so. one moment, he wants nothing to do with me because of my bpd and then the next, he's asking if we can keep being friends because he doesn't want to do no contact.

he still cares about me but i know deep down, if i blocked him everywhere, i wouldn't matter and he'll be fine.

nobody really gives a fuck about me irl not even my family and they don't let me out because I'm fucking mentally ill and think I'll die if i go out.

I've been a meet for a good six years.
Some dark shit ITT. I just wanna watch someone cum on my wife's tits
how, as a bpd, neet, with people who cares about you, do you manage to get things work and still fuck your life so much?
you should be fucking thanksful you have people like that around, you had a bf who probably cared about you and you dumped him for a boy you friendzoned and now you wanted to ruin, I got lost on the rest of the text but you seem you're a sex addict or a slut. What else do you expect from life?

I was diagnosed as BPD around 16 and 18 years old, also had ECT because I was a lesbian, a neet since 2017, in my 30s. Never had anybody care about me, no friends, no bfs, no gfs, still a virgin. Whenever I have feelings for somebody they just bully me, make fun of me and take advantage of me.

I cant believe you're going to kill yourself because you couldnt ruin some sweet boy's life AGAIN. Just leave him alone. You're not going to kys anyways, we always say that and we never do.
literally on the exact same situation
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ive cheated on my gf several times with ppl from /soc
why did you do it L? i wasn’t joking when i threatened you
i dont know u
btw if u want to know i can tell u since its a funny story
its one of the most tragic fates a man could experience
Degenerate anons, I need help. I want to call my boyfriend daddy when he fucks be tomorrow. I am really autistic and I do have that “been sexually abused past.” I really want to just shout daddy as he plows me. I just don’t know how to ask him without it becoming awkward.
Dont ask, just do it, if he doesnt like it come back here and show us your tits/ass and we can all be the daddy you miss liking your body
Not sure if it's a sin or not honestly. Recently found images and videos of my wife blowing a friend of hers, and masterbate to them constantly.
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I can't stop getting autistic girls to send me nudes
somehow this one feels like it's for me but i hope it's not
spiritual adulterer kys though if he got with you knowing you posted them publically ever its on him t. made that mistake once
How do you do it oh wise one
where should i contact u
Sharing gf on kik wiseoldsage
Why don't you just find a girl to tickle?
24M Cuck gooning to right wing cuties. Looking for far-right Bulls from /pol/ to goon with. Bonus if you write well. Open to VC and humiliation.

Kik - SlaveOfAlpha00

Discord - YourDeepRest
Post here?
Literally last week was so good and now this week is terrible. Hate myself and thought about ending it all last night but didn't because I'm a coward. Almost ran my only good friend off because of my big mouth. Talked to a dude from here who I liked and he ghosted me. Hate my life so I'm just going back to anorexia. I hate my race and hate my preferences in men
How did you fuck it up?
Typical black woman who looks for racist white men like a dumbass
Can I take advantage of your emotional state to ask for nudes on discord/kik whatever so I can worship your body?
dunno who you are, but if you need someone to vent to, tabs34
i can but i wouldnt be able to give the full details
lol no idea why you would want to impersonate me, especially right now.
I have no idea, guess the guy decided that I was ugly the next day after I sent him a picture of me. I sent him three messages to see if he was available for vc and he never responded, but I can see that he's online. Tip from me, no matter how skinny you are, your age, if you're a virgin, or get along perfectly... Don't be ugly!!

Guy wasn't racist and I brought up my race and sent him pictures, showing my skin color multiple times. He was perfectly fine with me being black...
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"guy wasnt racist"
>initial post included race differences
"he was okay with me being black"
>doesnt realize race differences are fetishized and the core of that fetish is racism by nature
>"i sent him pictures"
dont do this unless you want to be judged for your looks you fucking moron

i swear you bitches are dumb as fuck
literally my brain's so retarded that answered the wrong post

wanted to answer this
i can but i wouldnt be able to give the full details
how can a relationship continue to grow, if you don't know what the other person looks like??
your problem is thinking youre going to find anything meaningful on here worth keeping up with, especially as a black woman in a website known for its deep rooted racist culture

you are either dumb or really fucking dumb. I have a strong feeling i know who you are
bro tf is that
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Every single fucker I met here has been a literal nightmare and I swear to god one of you is going to be the death of me.
Session lol. You prefer Kik or disc?
well since you apparently know who i am, i would like to apologize profusely. I really thought 4chan had move on past it's racist past, but... I guess not.

i want to know if im right, add me
dumb women are so hot
I got addicted to findom by accident after finding it by complete chance and have sent over $300,000 to bully girls online over the last nine years and basically destroyed my twenties. :/
>I know it is dumb af. Sorry. :(
I just want to get hugged by a girl, kiss her, and probably have sex. Am 19 and still a virgin :(
You should've just married an Arabian, Indian, Southeast Asian, Latin, African, or an Eastern European woman instead. They would've done the same thing. Also it would've been Greencardom too
What is?
I just made up this term. Getting a green card. Like dominating u to get by marriage or smth
I've catfished, edated, and ghosted (after weeks/months of assuring and proving how loyal I am, lots of crying and trauma dumping) 12 different women on here. I still have nudes from almost all of them too. Mentally ill genetic trash deserve to be punished. :)

E, M, A, C, A, C, N, A, K, R, M, B. You know who you are sweeties <3
>I really thought 4chan had move on past it's racist past, but... I guess not.
Bitch I know you're black but are you literally retarded?
Currently Married. It’s a good situation but I am sexually deviant, and fantasize about getting feminized and fucked by men.

Kik & Telegram: Serge733
Discord: mars00916

Message me if you want to talk about it, or feed into my depravity.
I'm 32, about 6 months ago I messaged a random 18 year old Korean girl at my local university on IG asking if she'd be open got sending me some more pictures of herself.

After hitting it off pretty well, she meets me anytime I ask and sucks me off. All she asks in return is that we get dinner/lunch on occasion, and maybe once in a while she'll ask for a little financial help, but it's never been more than, "hey can you cover my uber home, I don't really feel comfortable at this party".

She's back home over the summer, but when she gets back we'll be going back to our 2-3 times a week schedule. I know I probably shouldn't but she just turned 19, we're both adults, and she has gotten so good at it I can't stop, despite being twice her age. (I'm only a few years younger than her parents)
28 m, married but only ever been with my wife. Can’t help wanting to see what’s it’s like to fuck other people, but I know it’s not worth ruining my marriage. Doesn’t stop me from looking/chatting online. Feel like it’s only a matter of time before I find someone and give in
discord better
youve met a very cheap prostitute anon! youre really lucky!! get me her number
The happiest I’ve ever been was in a TPE relationship, and I don’t think I’ll ever find that again.. For the first time in my life I felt truly cared for. He was demanding, but fair. If I messed something up I would be punished, but then all would be forgiven. I live a life of otherwise very little consequences and it was wonderful to fill that void - I miss it so much, and I long to find my true master.
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Every single person that has ever messaged me from here has ghosted me. The first person was just very open about being 18 and wanting to meet up with me to take my virginity. This made me very nervous because they were so blatant about it that it seemed very deceptive. I expressed this and they laughed it off. Finally I told them that I did not trust them for this and they got pissed off, yelling that "people on 4chan are so damn paranoid! You guys are going to be virgins forever!" Then they blocked me so I couldn't respond. The second person, we talked back and forth and then, out of nowhere, they remove me from their list so I cannot talk to them anymore. Every person since then has just ghosted me. I'm so tired of all of this. If you dislike me that much, just tell me. Don't ghost. It's annoying and absurd. I have not had a single good interaction from this place. I'm starting to believe that no person is honest, no person can be trusted.
I'm now 36, still a virgin. People have told me to pay for sex. First of all, that's a crime. Second of all, people say that paying for it doesn't count so it wouldn't even matter. I just want that experience, but I suppose I was not deemed worthy of ever having it.
i badly miss having that level of responsibility and control over another human being. both of us experienced a lot of self improvement over the course of the relationship. the free use sex stuff was just the icing on the cake.
Exactly this! The sex and whatnot is super fun, don’t get me wrong, but I truly crave the discipline, something I distinctly lack. I kinda get away with doing whatever I want, which isn’t exactly as great as you’d think. I was doing so much better in basically all things when I had my master, and I feel a bit lost without one. :(

Post a picture or we don't believe you. I'm sure you're grotesque as 99.9999% trannies are
Hun, fuck everyone else. I lost my virginity late, after fighting a suicidal level of depression. Honestly it was so lackluster to finally get over that hurdle that it almost sent me back into another spiral. All that anxiety I had for a few minutes of fun, jfc. It’s such a small aspect of your life, but you make bigger in your head that until becomes this like.. make-or-break self-identifier, when you have so much more to you than that.

I’m sorry folks are ghosting you, tho - they are basically just emotionally stunted individuals (look at where you found them, we all have our probs here). It’s not necessarily anything you are doing wrong, the internets just a shitty place in general when people can more or less do w/e they want and then vanish.

If sex is that big of a major mental hurdle for you, there are def options out there, and not illegal. They tend to vary based on your preferences, but ultimately sometimes you gotta get out of your comfort zone to truly grow and get past something.
I'm pretty sure the love of my life is going to leave me. she's poly, I'm trying to grow, and i haven't been taking things well at all. she's moving so fast with him, and I feel like I'm getting left behind.
what's worse is whenever I bring it up, she gets upset because she says she hates to hurt me. so I'm upset, heartbroken, and when I try to address my pain and I hope she'll choose me she doesn't. it's like the years we spent together mean nothing now that our new relationship energy has faded, and now that she has a shiny new "garden" she can tend with him.
I think the worst part is, I'm hoping she'll magically choose *just* me. like she'll give up on loving other people just for me. maybe if I was worth it, but if I was, then she probably wouldn't have ended up talking to/ falling for another person.
it's like... I'm so not worth it she isn't even willing to try and slow things down with him. she'd rather nurture their relationship, and let ours wither.
I haven't been super helpful either. depressed, heartbroken, and so afraid our life is going to fall apart that I've basically been acting like a person standing next to a house of cards: too scared to even breath too hard for fear of destroying something so precious to me.
People just tell me that it's the end all, be all. That if you haven't gotten any by this time in my life, that you're marked forever, that other people curse and condemn you for it.
It's absurd, but it does weigh on you over time. People also tell me "Just go to Nevada brothels" or "Just go to Thailand" I'm not spending thousands and thousands of dollars for this. Does your regular everyday person have to shell out thousands just to get anything? Likely, no.
It just frustrates me. People offer to help, just to abandon me without even really trying. Am I that despicable, truly? It's why I spend my time to myself when not working. At least then, it's only about myself, without any other worries.
it sounds like you two are unfortunately fundamentally incompatible in this way, but she's also being inconsiderate and using poly as a guilt-free excuse to keep you around while she screws around behind your back. i'm sure in her heart there's still fondness for you, but an old relationship just can't be exciting the way a new one can and even if you settle back into a good routine, it'll just be until the next one sweeps her off her feet.

the relationship is already over by the way you tell it so the sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.

virginity is a made up concept that's only as important as you allow it to be to you. that's not to say you can just snap your fingers and stop caring about it, but it's certainly not going to feel any better the more you keep worrying about it so therapy or, at a minimum, meditation might be necessary.

to add to this, i always want to get a feeling out of a relationship that my gf/sub and i are working toward the same interests and on the same team, and i've never felt so secure in that feeling as in a power exchange dynamic.
This was sadly the issue with my last m/s relationship. Ultimately I loved what we had, but our goals and plans were not aligned and he didn’t plan on changing directions any time soon. It broke my heart immensely. I see those types of relationships as one where I’m willingly giving submitting myself to my master, but to the world we should be a team, on the same page, etc.
>virginity is a made up concept that's only as important as you allow it to be to you.
It's more so that I want it, more than anything else. It just annoys me when people, who got it easily, mock me for it. A full stomach likes to preach about fasting, if you will.
cringe and larp
I was the group slave for a kik group I found here. They had me take a live naked picture whenever someone said a trigger word (like Naked!). And when I didn't deliver within 60 seconds, I was punished.
Also, I had to take a different pose for each naked selfie.
Punishment was: slaps to my balls. 5 at the first mistake. 6 at the second. And so on.
are you retarded?
>17 posts in this thread
First; you're autistic, its clear from your post and im also glad you didnt met with those weirdos from 4chan
Second; being a virgin sucks
Try finding more spaces in real life or other sites that arent 4chan, good luck fellow virgin
I've started violating my sisters stuff when she's out of the house, rubbed my cock all over anything that goes near her mouth or pussy. I nearly felt bad after how bad i abused her toothbrush lol but it's so fucking hot to me
>are you retarded?
Probably yes, but you're the one larping about having a harem of slaves on /soc/
retarded and illiterate, then. get help.
I'm 33 and have never fucked anyone other than escorts, my longest relationship was with one of the escorts for 3 months (who admitted she fucked my dad who was also a client). I have cripplingly low self worth and high anxiety which repels people so I don't even try to perform socially now, I know many people just thjink me odd and too awkward to engage with (I may be autistic). I kind of gave up on the idea of relationships in general when I was 16 (I knew I was going to be alone), I mostly don't care but sometimes I see a really cute woman or a happy couple and it bring it all back to me what a sad loser I am.

I wish I could say it gets better but it kind of doesn't if you dont know what you want in life
>I mostly don't care but sometimes I see a really cute woman or a happy couple and it bring it all back to me what a sad loser I am.
thats an awful feeling
I wish i had at least the self-esteem to hire an escort but i cant even do that
>if you dont know what you want in life
most people dont know how easy they have it, being care about or be in relationships its such an ordinary thing for them that they cant think outside that normalcy bubble
Kik or disc?
Are you a Christian or Catholic Bull looking to roleplay about breeding a young, fertile woman?

24M Cuck looking to share her pics, info, and more with a Bull who can use Confession to get them out of me. Bonus if you’re religious and write well, major turn on.

Kik - SlaveOfAlpha00

Discord - YourDeepRest

Telegram - HelloFriend999
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Every girl wishes they had big brother to take care of them c: I desu would want my brother to molest me while I sleep but im crazy soooooo
(Balljointdolldotcom on Twitter if u want to be my pretend big brother LOLz pls im lonely)
tell him before he catches feelings, unless you want to risk being brutally murdered. have that conversation before either of you get invested.
I waste too much of my time masturbating while my boyfriend is at work and he has no clue about it. I definitely prefer masturbating over sex, he's the only person I've ever felt comfortable enough to have sex with but I still don't feel comfortable with him knowing about anything I do when I'm alone. I should probably stop doing it but I went over a year not doing it once and it changed nothing and just made me feel more miserable
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my ex girlfriend from high school (many years ago now) tried to kill herself after i broke up with her. apparently she OD'd and stayed in a coma for a week

i didnt feel anything back then, i just got annoyed that i was being pestered about her after i'd already broken up with her. i still dont feel anything and that concerns me a bit
same thing with my grandma who passed away and teacher that i liked who killed himself, though i wasnt as close to them
I love FTM transgender men who pass as young boys. I keep trying to find a younger FTM to date off here but they're all either t4t, black or have abandoned accounts.
no results show up, your discord maybe?
wait nvm i found you
I fucked up. I caught feelings for him, and became a panicked mess, unwilling to trust so easily after my last disaster of a relationship. Posted in a thread looking for more people to talk to because I'm too cowardly to lean into something good, but too selfish to be alone. I'm really fucking sorry. I think I should just join a nunnery.
We've never even met. What right do I have to be this upset about it? Were the warning signs real, or my paranoia? Moot point, now. I've proven us incompatible with my constant freak outs. Best I can do now is leave you alone.
just because a relationship is online doesnt mean it's not a real relationship
you and me both brother. Everybody will trigger my fight or flight before long, I have no way of knowing what's genuinely good and getting past that point.

Worst case is dying alone right? it could be worse
you sure are retarded
I had two friends that were dating each other. Bad things happened and they split up, and being friends of both I became piggy in the middle. I took her side and stood up for her, which is fine as she was in the right.
But where its not fine is that we're now dating, and her ex / my former friend is obviously very upset about it.
it gets worse
we had our talk about it and thought we came to an understanding where he said he understood, but we can't really be friends again of course and we kinda shook hands and walked away. But on sunday he sent a text out of the blue threatening to kill himself because of me and her
currently talking to her about breaking up for him
A bit late to reply here but the hooker guy here

I'm 22, pretty much everyone in my relatively small friend group either has never been in a relationship and never fucked or just been in one and had sex with this one person. I'm ashamed to admit I payed for my first time. I doubt anyone would genuinely co granulated me for that lol
Also, that friend group includes the girl I've loved for about 2 years now. Things between us are kinda complicates, she keeps telling me she doesn't know what she feels towards me. I don't want her or our mutual friends to know what I did
>that friend group includes the girl I've loved for about 2 years now.
oh thats understandable. I mean I understand being ashamed of fucking a hooker, but why lie about being virgin when you just could lie about fucking some random girl at a party or having a hookup with some dating app girl. I was in a relationship but we never had actual sex, and I have had hookups but I never had actual sex with them, I know its not the worst scenario but i still feel pretty bad about being virgin. I just tell my friends I went on a date with some hot younger girl (which so far is true) and avoid details about the rest. Im quite sure nobody really suspects im still a virgin at 32
no idea what the word jumble at the end means but just ignore suicide threats. if he decides to kill himself over something as stupid as a breakup then let him do it. you dont owe anyone a heroic rescue from themselves
(I'm a guy) A few years ago I used to post childhood photos of myself looking for pedophiles who liked me, though that was mostly on b also I'm medicated now

Now I just lurk threads wondering if I should try talking to anyone, then I don't and go to bed sad. Also sometimes upload to rate threads
I just feel that if it didn't happen when I was younger, what hope do I have now? No one wanted me when I was young, why would they want an older me?
Hence why I have devoted myself to gathering and reading forbidden knowledge. It's enticing to know things that most people can barely comprehend. No one wants me, but at least I have my books. Books don't ghost you.
im interested session didnt work so kik?
I don't like people but I keep adding even though it mostly sucks. 99% of the time it's boring and I regret it the next day, 1% of the time it's like a drug and we love each other for a good week before it crumbles
I feel quite similar. Would losing my virginity now make me feel any better or just more disappointed of myself?
I haven't committed the sin yet, but I'm thinking of cheating on my long distance girlfriend. I am so lonely and horny I need any type of pussy right now.
not mine... unfortunately
I thought I'd actually made a friend. It's been a while since I last heard from them, tried reaching out and there was nothing but silence. I don't know how to stop being so fucking weird and it's crushing me.
Show me you fetish / confession, dirtier the better -
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you:

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you.
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute.
Discord: nnaayyaa
grass is always greener on the other side. if you lose your virginity in a way that isnt meaningful to you, you'll 100% regret it. there's literally no meaningful difference between being a virgin and not being a virgin, except that you have memories associated with how you lost your virginity
unironically, hang yourself
I collect photos of my friend who I previously dated when we were younger. I don't know if it's healthy and I don't do it all the time but I have a large folder comprised entirely of her, at times I'll pleasure myself to it but most of the time I just leave it. Is it healthy? I haven't told her I do this at all nor do I plan to
I know there's a 10 year difference between you and me but I keep thinking about my potential future gf, and I think I'd rather wait long for her and have a completely honest relationship with her, rather than what I now will have to do. That is lie to her about her being my first time because it's a less messy lie than telling her I hooked up with anyone else, let alone telling her the truth.
I’m just going to assume this is about me for my own sake. And for what it’s worth anon, I forgive you. You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I hope you reach out again.
Found out my mommy/incest kink comes from my mom molesting me as a child AMA
How did it start?
As a kid I often fantasized with my mother and aunt, been jacking off to them for a long time and eventually thought that if I played my cards right I could've laid down with them easy.

Turns out one time I was speaking to my mom and she brought up that as a kid she sucked my dick cause I looked so cute, but she stopped doing so. I was disgusted by it and after my teenage years I grew distant and stranged from her.

When I'm horny sometimes I have horny/wet dreams involving her, but I'm seriously disgusted and don't want to have anything to do with her, lost my liking for straight shota afterwards (even though I got molested by an older girl as well she sucking me off too)
25M US
Got an iPod touch when I was around 13 and immediately became addicted to sending pics of my ass and little dicklet to older men online. Loved to video chat and let them tell me how much they wanted to pound my gay underage butt while they jerked off their big cocks. Married to a woman now but still addicted to sending men sexy pics.
I don't even approve friend requests anymore. I have been burned so many times, by many people who said they wouldn't and did so anyway, that I have no faith in people. Why approve them? They will just ghost me like everyone does. If you send me a friend request, prepare to be stuck in purgatory. Sorry, can't trust anyone any longer.
>none of them pulled out
>should I be worried?
You can't make this shit up. lol
I hate those niggers. I have had that happen to me, too (male). Just tell me you don't like my appearance and you'd prefer to be friends or something, don't just block me like a retard after talking for two hours.
It’s getting to the point where I think internet brain rot is destroying me permanently. I don’t know how to properly socialize with anyone internet or online anymore. My boyfriend broke up with me and I have one friend who’s slowly drifting away. I’m so fucking lonely and I don’t think I can rewire myself to be able to properly function again because I can’t even pin point where I’ve changed as a person.
M or f?
It infuriates me when I want something, seeks it, and other people go
>It's not a big deal. In fact, it's kinda boring. I wouldn't bother because it's not worth your time
Every single time, the individual telling me this has gotten that very thing that I seek. It's easy for them to say it's not a big deal, overrated, and such because they already have it. They don't have to get it, they're good on that front. When I want something, I want it. Don't fucking tell me it's not a big deal, to not try for it, let me get it for myself and decide that on my own. Since you already have it, your words hold no weight to me so stuff it.
My ex-wife ruined my career and my relationship with my kids when she accused me of repeatedly raping her. The long version of the story is boring, but the end result is that all the details she made up and told the police and the courts got me a felony record. Now the only thing I can think about when I think about her is that I want to kidnap her and her sisters and do all the things to each of them that she said I did to her while they are all forced to watch it happen--Over and over again until finally they scream for it to stop. So I make it stop.
I'm a 32 virgin and it's killing me that I missed out on the best opportunities to meet women. If I find a woman now I doubt she would even make me happy.
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you:

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute…!!
Discord: nnaayyaa
just kill her bruh
I want to have sex with "incel" teens that browse r9k or something. But I want a nice family and marriage so I'm not going to do this. Plus virgin guys are so cute I'd feel bad to take their first time even if I really liked them
i met my /soc/ stardew valley friend and we ended up falling in love basically at first sight. we got married the next day, no regrets. never been happier, the house he bought for us will be closed at the end of the month and i am happy to be starting my life as a wife and hopefully soon a mother.
Meet a guy from here and he's now basically my best friend. For whatever stupid reason I like him now. I'm not spoiling our friendship over this, so I'm just trying to force these thoughts away. Putting my head in a industrial size pencil sharpener.
the tougher pill is that how you feel about it has no bearing on her, you can be however desperate or serene as you want, it's no longer her business. No blackpill though, the best thing you can do is try to gather yourself and move forward.
your idea that people should desire the best in whatever is flawed when it comes to dating, because dating is about connection, not objective ranking of qualities. Also your value system kind of sounds like its based on some personal insecurities, like you want a girl who only you could care for so you don't have to worry about her having better prospects or something. I encourage you to just try to date in a more natural way, find someone you find attractive enough and get along with.
you are likely not as different or interesting as you think. You just have some grandiose narcissism that's blocked you from imagining that other people have internality.
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Also i've now bumped this thread enough that i'll throw my hat in. i burned myself for the first time in a while. like purposefully i mean. I feel really awful, or i have on and off for most of my life, since bpd set on around when i was 16 (im 28 now). It had been a long time since I hurt myself but I've been feeling very pathetic lately. Like even my depression is insincere, or not worth consideration or care. I just want to make the people i care for happy, but i think they don't think of me as much as they used to. I'm not scared of being alone, i've done it before, but it still hurts, you know?
I am happily married but so fucking sex starved it drives me crazy.
I don’t want to cheat, but we have sex maybe once a month. twice if it’s a wild month. And when we do it’s boring. I can barely stay hard, there are times I’ve just gone limp.
My heart hasn’t pounded for sex in years and I miss the throbbing need to fuck the girl sleeping next to me.
I’ve been looking into gfe just to get some kind of excitement back.
And any advice to talk to my wife won’t work. She acts like she has an allergy to discussing sex like an adult. Even my teenage gf back in high school was more mature about it.
I became best friends and basically groomed a teenage girl i met online during covid. We talked all day, everyday till like 5 AM sometimes. I became super obsessed, she was my entire world, everything I did revolved around her.

She's almost 19 now and cut me off about a year ago, but I'm still super unhealthily obsessed with her and practically stalk her online, i dont know how to get over this fucking kid
this shit is based as fuck and what I wanna have with my girl

just a couple more months now...
im not in the weeds rn but i have stalked MULTIPLE guys because idk relationship ocd? I think? the most latest one who is also into bdsm as i am too and he actually lets me throat his cock (but nothing else) but ive also literally stalked multiple guys i liked and he doesnt know. Its a weird life but at least im still """based and redpilled""" and have morals and all that so i tend to kind of think of myself as special (and i kind of am because im not a dumb liberal) but like at least im not violent or anything im just down extremely bad. Literally not even anymore tho. so idk why im in this thread this confession should have been like a year ago
You need to tell him. And apologize. If he stays with you, he stays, if he doesn't, he doesn't. But you know it's imperative; he'll find out eventually and it's better you tell the truth now than suffer consequences later. It'll all work out fine.
I’ve cheated my way through every aspect of life.
I’m used to getting everything i want even if i don’t deserve it and even at the expense of others.
I’ve used my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
A good example would be the position in my job that I’m at, which only people with a 30+ year experience can get, yet I got it in less than half of that. I also, have 3 rich BFs at the moment who don’t know about each other. Those r just 2 examples, there are many like it behind the scenes.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the less unfortunate. I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you, which is 99% of the adds i get

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute!!

Anyone who says this is a larp is seething that he wasn’t worthy enough for me to talk to him due to how boring he is.

Discord: nnaayyaa
its totally possible! i never thought it would happen to me and never even considered the possibility, but when you know someone is right for you, you know.
I use my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the unfortunate.
I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to ask and learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you, which is 99% of the adds i get

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you.
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute!
>NPCs, Normies, Drones or ppl that use “lol”, “haha” or anything similar at the end of every sentence or reply with “mmm” at everything.
>ppl with no entertaining chat skills, which shows by the first couple messages.

Anyone who says this is a larp is seething that he wasn’t worthy enough for me to talk to him due to how boring he is…,:.

Discord: yinaxa
>cheated on my ex gf with girl I met through a BBW contact thread
>gf was more upset the girl was much bigger than her than she was at the cheating
>still with the girl I met on here
You're very silly you know? Making a new account to listen to my music while doing a bad job of hiding the fact that it's you lol. You know that you could easily have me in your life if you would just treat me better, instead you sneak around and pine for me from a distance
Feel free to share and discuss your confessions with me!

Kik: Jones17769
Discord: jones43210
I've never used 4chan before, so excuse me if I seem judgmental.

In my culture, trans people are celebrated and recognized as a third gender. Pre-historically having roles such as teachers and healers. For my culture, being trans is not a fetish.

Seven years ago, I met my partner, who is white and bi. I was his first non-female experience, and we've been together since. Six months into the relationship, I noticed he still had dating apps on his phone. He also admitted to frequenting 4chan, which I found weird, so I asked him to stop and delete those apps, and we moved on.

However, two months ago, after catching him in several lies, he revealed that he had created a secret email four years ago. He used it to make multiple accounts on dating apps, escort sites, porn sites, and various chat platforms. In the first two years, he intended to cheat, but later shifted to online chats, fantasy, roleplay and pic sharing without meeting in person. He told me he also never stopped going on 4chan and would add people on Kik, discord, wickr and would look at raceplay threats which made him interested enought to create a raceplay Twitter which he posted pics and vids of us on while roleplaying as a "BWC Superior Slave Master", he also chatted and degraded other brown queer people aswell as femmes.

He also encouraged thoughts and feelings of settling down and having kids with cis-women (when he'd shut me down everytime I'd discuss kids with him).

He has a PhD and is "woke," and I thought we shared everything. This revelation has led to what I've learned is betrayal trauma, a form of complex PTSD.

We’re trying to work through it, but I just need to vent, I guess the website that started it all seems fitting. I just feel so dehumanised and I cant count the amount of times I've cried.
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Honestly glad he didn't want kids with you. Per capita, you brownoids diddle at a breathtaking rate. Hopefully he finds a nice girl because you have less than one year.
There's way more stuff than just that but yeah I just feel like shit. He was talking to really ugly people and engaging in fantasies about raping their families etc like soooo much shit. I'm not black, he wouldn't use any black slurs talking to subs because he felt it was too far but he'd use slurs for every other race (including mine).

I found out all of this right after we had a big move, moving for his job out of my hometown and support system. He never gave me any signs or indication that he wasn't devoted.

And while sleuthing trying to recount his depraved activities, we found his brother and dad on the same sex site he was using. Both of them cheating on their partners and while photo evidence on these sites both of them into the same depraved things that my bf was into.

I just don't trust men, especially white men after all this. It seems a cultural upbringing on gender or sexuality repression leads to a secret fetishization of these people and sneaky behavior later on.

anyway sorry for the huge wall text.
Do you have reading comprehension issues? He can't have biological kids with me, I'm trans. Comments like yours are exactly why I paint a picture about people who'd use a site like this. A repressed sexually unsuccessful weirdo.
Damn, I'm sorry these are the circumstances you find yourself in. As for working through it, good luck.
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I was explicitly suggesting that as a brown trans person you would rape any child obtained via adoption or surrogacy and cajole him into participating.
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Given everything you've just told us I'm not sure I would trust you as a judge of "sexual success"
I used to have a legitimate fetish for watersports (piss play). When I say that I mean it used to be the only thing that got me off for years lol. I’m a femanon so it’s weird to have such a fetish that it’s the only thing that made me cum for a period of time
Sexual success as in socially confident and normal, sexually healthy, not porn addicted - I'm guessing. 4chan isn't the healthiest thing and neither are the behaviors which can be encouraged because of it. Meet a girl in real life and see if she'd be impressed by your internet activity.
19 year old female really wants to play breath of the wild

i'll do anything..

playoffslut69 on kik
My gf used to be an escort for a few years before we dated. Didn't sit well with me when I first found out and struggled with it but now I get off thinking about her passed.
Fuck. My confession is... I have endometrial cancer. I'm fucking terrified.
Overall I've been too nice with you "people." most of you don't deserve good things in life.
This! I for sure would
>As in socially confident and normal

You people build this shit up too much. I'm convinced it's to make yourselves feel special. There isn't a world of difference between the people on this board and the "confident, normal" people you run into on the street. Many of them are as miserable as you are.

Also "porn addicted" lol. You scrolled past a tranny's bare ass on the catalog to get to this thread. When did people on these stupid boards all start talking like catharine mackinnon
Just over half a dozen years ago my uncle started dating a woman. They both had a daughter from their previous marriages. Our family is pretty tight nit, and we took his gfs daughter into our family very quickly. Pending a wedding ceremony she was considered family: honestly some of us treated her just as if she were blood. After 2 short years together her mother was allegedly cheating. Never confirmed sexually anything went on but she was certainly having an emotional relationship with another guy. Her daughter was ripped away at from us at first but made the effort to try to stay connected with us, attended holiday dinners with my uncle as a pseudo parent. I got a late night message from her, she had snuck out partying and her ride fell through and seen I was active on my story. She needed help getting home to sneak back in. I reluctantly volunteered to aid her in her crisis...when I picked her up she wanted to hang out a bit and sober up before she drunkenly try to sneak back into her house and get caught. After sitting in my truck for 30 mins she really pushed wanting to just head back to my house and hangout somewhere warmer and cozier (Canadian winter) took her back to my place and one thing led into another and we ended up fucking. It happened pretty quick and naturally: I felt really guilty afterwards as she was very drunk and 8 years younger than myself, on top of the fact that I was trained to think of her as my cousin. As close as all my other cousins and I had been.
I'm gonna kill myself tonight.
could i have your last word and something to remember you by? i think every life and soul should be remembered, i coule even add you to my little remembrance area like other pals who have chosen to stop living in this world if that sounds acceptable

It doesn't get better. Ever.
i will note this down, could i have an alias to mark you as?

Nah. I'm just one of countless human dead
got it, if you're suicide attempt fails or you give up please respond so i can take it down from my remembrance ^^, i wish you weren't forced to do this by the universe, i hope your passing is gentle, like the mist clearing upon sunrise
Well at least you can't get pregnant but you can definitely catch and pass on stds. I'd definitely recommend thinking about using condoms in future short-term hookups or getting tested on a regular basis
You need to tell the truth. Your relationship is never going to work out if you can't work around this or if he can't accept this side of you/a compromise or forgiveness (if you do even want the relationship to progress in the first place). Me & my partner both lost our virginity to each other and have discussed going semi-open relationship in the future. To me, sexuality is an important part of my life. If I want to stay with my current partner I'm going to have to make compromises and tell them my thoughts even if they're not going to like it. Just something to think about.
Well that escalated fast
I'm literally just here to talk about Willy Wonka
Have you tried other bi girls?
It's fucked up that because of what YOU did to me, how awful YOU treated me I have to think of you and suffer every day. Meanwhile you get to live it up, free of responsibility with whatever guy you're currently interested in, always getting away with it, never thinking about me or caring about how you murdered my spirit
You should probably go to therapy for that porn addiction and such if you want to partially save your relationship
lmfao this real
Depending on how open y'all are I would tell the wife this. As a woman myself I have the same thoughts. Ive spoken to my partner about being in a semi-open relationship in the future and it's looking viable (with sex counciling possibly, to keep communication at the forefront)
Is there a problem with you masturbating?? I do the same but I don't think it's something to be exactly guilty or ashamed of
No this is NOT HEALTHY and very creepy. You need to go to therapy or something you sound like you have a could be porn addiction
Sounds like yall might need a sex therapist to talk things out professionally and continue your sex life in a better manor
hey anon, have you considered replying to more than one post at a time?
pls don't kill yourself anon. don't leave me
i met my boyfriend off of here about 11 months ago and i want to get married to him badly. i know its too soon but if he came up to me today and proposed or simply asked if i wanted to i would happily agree. i think hes the one for me
Jesus forgive me, for I am seriously evil and retarded.
I poisoned my great grand mother when I was 5. I thought I was just giving her breakfast that my mother made. It was poisoned. I've hated living ever since. People avoid me because they're afraid of me. No one knows but I guess my aura is fucked.
You were 5. You didn't know what you were doing.
I don't blame myself. I just wish she shared her food with me that time. We would eat breakfast together every morning.
My girlfriend once told me about how her hot older sister posted nudes to reddit and how other people found them so easily. Sure enough I looked them up the next day and fapped to them. The nudes arent great but the idea of doing something like this behind her back while she sleeps is so hot. I fantasize about getting caught or forcing her to watch me fuck her sister while she's tied up. I've done it so many times now. I've done it while she sleeps in bed next to me. I could do it again right now. I'm sure I could get away with it while getting a blowjob. I wish there were more pics. The truth is I want to cuck my gf.
I use AI to face swap myself onto the bodies of women online. Particularly women with huge breasts. Lovely watching myself having big tits and voluptuous bodies.
This was like 4-5 years ago at this point but still feel terrible

Was a kissless virgin going into college, had a one night stand with a random chick just to lose virginity. Towards end of freshman year talking to this beautiful asian girl for awhile, invite me over to ‘watch movies’ at midnight. Starts with her favorite movie, halfway through start spooning, and I try to spoon harpoon her to see if she wants to fuck. Doesn’t acknowledge it, so assume she actually just wants to watch movies and chill. Watch another movie and going to sleep, still diamonds and for some reason think if I stay hard maybe she’ll want to in the morning. Eventually take L and gonna go to bed, but retard brain tells me to see if she’s wearing granny panties or lingerie and she did wanna fuck. ‘Discreetly’ adjust her pants’ waistband slightly, see thong and feel retarded for not really making a move. Find out over a year later that she was awake, and thought I was trying to rape her or something similar. Really want to kms now and think I have social anxiety and depression at this point (due to multiple other things as well). Had one other one night stand, that was nearly two years ago. Tinder/dating apps have never worked for me and at this point don’t really know how to talk girls since I’ve never had a real relationship. Kind of given up on getting a gf/fwb, but constantly think about how little experience I have with women making me more depressed
If you're a woman, hey ;)

If you're a man, ew nigga
You better leave her before you become a soulless shadow of yourself. You deserve so much better man. God bless
I read this and all I see is pride and arrogance. Kys
My goon buddy who jerks to celebs and wrestling females with me is currently my nephew.
discord: boredworker1970
telegram: lowhangwhite
Man. And I love doing it. It's sexy.
I wanna fuck my friend so badly, but she has a boyfriend.
I’m in love with my older sister; she doesn’t know how I feel. I’ve had feelings for her since I was a teenager, and those feelings have only gotten stronger with time. They started off just as sexual thoughts, like lust, but turned to love recently. I want to tell her how much I love her, but life’s messy and doesn’t run on porn logic, so I just jerk off to her and hope those feelings leave me alone for a while. I chat with online strangers about how I feel, hiding in minimal anonymity while sharing pics of her, so maybe someone else will understand my problem. Most just focus on the sexual aspect of the whole dilemma, and while that is a hot element, I do feel like the emotional side is just as important to discuss. I obviously can’t take these issues to a psychiatrist or something, because how the fuck do I look someone in the eye and confess that I’m in love with my sister? It’s a mess, I drink heavily, and distract myself with life - but nothing really works.
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I really liked how it felt when the hatchet struck his skull.
It made such a satisfying sound. The way the handle of the hatchet felt against my hand. The weight of it. The way it felt as the small vibrations traveled along the handle and into my flesh. To think, he was a child one. His years of experiences and feelings all led to the pivital moment in his life when I, simply based on opportunity, decided to end his life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My hatchet got stuck in his skull on the 5th strike. I had to tear the hatchet out of his skull with force.
He was laying there, breathing agonally. His reptilian brain commanding his body to breathe still, as the crimson blood spilled from his body. It seeped acrosss the underpass floor. Crawling in a line across the tiles of the capital center underpass.
Perhaps he felt he was safe to take a rest in the very center, after all, there must surely be cameras, right? There must surely be many people passing by to not allow for such a deed. But not at that time. Not at that moment.
Would someone be sick enough to even do this?
No, he thought. I have done this time and time again, after all, he thought. No one would risk it.
Until someone did.
Until someone needed a training dummy. And it felt wonderful.
Many speak of a vomit reflex. Of a shock.
Truth be told, I simply walked out of the underpass hastily and changed clothes, feeling hunger.
I walked into a McDonald's and ordered two Tasty Jr's with medium fries, threw in a honey mustard sauce in and a coke zero. I only ate the burger and then called a cab to get out of the vicinity, to finish my meal in my little cave.
Wonderful that night was. More wonderful than any night in the past 4 years. I enjoyed it.
Who knows, will I grow tired of this feeling? Will this remain as much of a colorful memory as first love? Who knows. This universe is filled with chaos, after all.
What I do know, is that I look forward to more in the future.

I'm pregnant and frequently cheat on my husband.
I talk to many females subtlety about my fetish and got one to send me a photo of her doing it.
I think it would feel wonderful to find you on a dating app and pose as a normal guy. To show off my achievements in art and craft. Then, one day, as you are invited to a humble abode, to slit your throat and watch you struggle, to watch you slip on your own ichor to attempt to reach the exit, to scream for help, for just anyone, anyone to come and help you. To watch as your vision goes dark, and cut out the larvae writhing in your abdomen. To crucify said infant, to skin it and see how soft its muscle is combared to its smooth, barely developed skin.
A beautiful masterpiece of infidelity. For your husband to find out about, when your body is found so caringly mutilated on a highway forest line, with your head and the head of your unborn child impaled on a stick. For him to wonder what happened to you. For him to wonder how this could happen to you. To wonder what paths you took to lead you to such an ending. To cry in the darkness and blame himself, unaware of your vile nature.
Not only do I miss a girl from this board who was perfect, but I feel like shit knowing I talked to other girls behind her back.
F22, I have an embarrassing fetish. Anyway vocaroo here I guess

Nice obvious voice changer faggot, no here is unironically into scat fetish, otherwise I'd already have one
Also, no girl is going to refer to themselves as "teenage" while simultaneously claiming to be 22, because girls typically mature faster.
Holy shit. Am I the only one who is not braindead here? I am supposed to be the retarded one here, what the fuck.
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I have nothing to confess but I wish you all the best with the weight you bare
I’m trying not to freak out, but I think I may have fucked up. I am very good at keeping my stream-identity and my real life separate, it’s something I’ve had to manage for years. I’m a bit of a slut, but that never makes it on stream.. I recently had a community member boldly reach out flirting. I was very down mentally at the time, and like an idiot I broke my own rule and reciprocated..

Fast forward a bit and now this guy has so much info about me. I couldn’t stop myself. He has photos of things I’ve never revealed to anyone in my circles (and never plan to), he knows my kinks, etc.. it scares the holy shit outta me. I don’t let people get close for many, many reasons - I see knowledge as power and I basically handed him everything he needs to control me.
No one cares about your 5 viewer stream pal
Heh I’m a partner on multiple platforms - as much of a shitty person you proooobably are, I’d be impressed if you even managed 5 viewers that weren’t your friends or senpai.
I always wanted to cheat. I love my current gf but I've never experienced other women. I feel like I'm missing out. I crave other women with sexier bodies than her. I want to indulge with another woman who feels the same way about their partner.

Always had an incest fetish too. Wishing I had a sister who I can fuck anytime I want. Wishing I had a mom with a huge ass.

Alas I have none of these things. I fucked up.
You are the retarded one here.
I love having sex with prostitutes. I have probably been with over 100. I have never cheated while in a relationship though.
i'm too autistic to carry my husband's child. i was a late diagnosis and it screwed me up so badly that i don't think it's fixable. i wanted children so badly but i couldn't do it and had to abort. i think i'm going to hell. i hate myself.
Fell for the LDR meme for 8 fucking years,
She manipulated me into staying with her this long without meeting despite meeting up with the friends from the same friend group we met in, telling me she was afraid of intimacy in person.
A month after my cat passed away she tells me she fell for someone else in that friend group and that she fucked him.

I hate her so much, and yet I hate myself even more for putting up with it.
Can't stop gooning. I'm out of control.

Love sharing my collection too. Need to delete it.

Panicgoon on kik to ask more
24M Cuckold providing full info and pics of my crush who rejected me. Looking for detailed, literate Bulls interested in in-depth discussions about her, sexuality, and psychology. Bonus if you’re into religion or philosophy as well.

Telegram - EndlessCuckold
how far are you?
was he from the UK by any chance?
>just don't expect to date them
what's the point then
27 f Australia
I've been married for a year and a half and been consistently cheating on my husband as he works away a lot.

I don't do it cause he doesn't use me right or anything of the type. I just can't stop as it's so fucking exciting to do so.

Ask me anything more
Kik is bee_chambs
second letters for K and B? curious
Why do men share pictures with strangers? This behavior has made me extremely afraid of speaking to men (also having been assaulted by my own brother as a young child xd) or having an online presence whatsoever. The thought of men’s bizarre sexual megalomania gives me really deep anxiety. If you loved her why would you do something you know she would hate you for?
not a confession but desu i love lurking through /soc/ and finding all the unique discord tags and seeing the people whove managed to claim them. seen some really cool ones and some that i wish ive thought of/collected for myself.
you have dc? i want to discuss about this topic with you.
I have similar age and experience.
I don't really know how it happened, I wasn't able to stop it in time because I didn't realize it was happening, but I think I actually fell in love with a fictional character (like a fucking moron). I'm talking I think about him every day, certain thoughts with him make me feel butterflies in my stomach or flustered, the full range. It has been this way for a long while now, and while I'm deeply in love, it also really sucks because it's not attainable, he's not real. I wish I could get an IRL partner to experience all of this physically like I want to most, but this is literally the first time I've ever been in love or experienced a strong crush of sorts, I have never in my life felt such a thing for a living person before and I'm not sure I ever will. I want to get a dakimakura of him one day, but I'm afraid that it will eventually not be enough for me. Fuck, I think I'd fall in love with the first man I find that looks like him, but I'm not sure how realistic that would be even though he's a human.
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Could be worse, in my case I knew as soon as I saw the character it was fucked for me. Can't even entertain the idea of getting with someone irl since I view it as cheating. Fuck it, I'm locked in but I wish the best for you, whether you decide on getting better or getting worse.
Thank you for the kind words, anon. I'll keep entertaining the thoughts about him as much as I can, I know I don't want it to stop, and thinking about "leaving" him makes me very sad. Probably keep looking at fanart and reading fics about him to make it a little better while I hold the false hope of finding someone that looks like him (impossible). I guess I'll keep living this fantasy until I either get bored of it (very unlikely desu) or die. I wish you the best as well, anon. Even if I previously knew there were other people that are also in love with fictional characters, it is oddly comforting to hear it in conversation.

i am into my male friend and think about him when i masturbate
kys baby killer, autism has nothing to do with you killing babies
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It frustrates when I tell a friend that I will likely have to pay for sex if I ever want it and they tell me that I shouldn't. Well, I have tried for over a decade to get in bed with someone and it has not worked out. They just ghost me. They say
>Just be happy with what you have. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. It's not shameful to be a virgin or single.
That's not why I want sex. I don't want sex so I can say
>Look at me! I got laid!
I don't care what others think on that issue. I want it because I WANT IT! Why does there have to be an ulterior motive for me to want sex. There isn't. I want it because I want to experience it. The same reason that you would want to try a food you have heard people talk about, but have never tasted yourself. You want to experience it. That's it, that's all. Also, love how this was told to me, by a friend, who has someone they can fuck. They have that option, I do not.
You`re right, I haven`t lost my virginity BECAUSE I NEVER LOSE
Uhhh? Can you take my virginity, sex-haver?PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASEEEEEE heheheheehheheh aahahaha mm oaaahhh
disc thedayofdominion
Met a girl here nearly decade ago. I was cat fishing her for nearly a year. When she eventually found out.

I faked my suicide down the phone to her, firing my shot gun on her voicemail.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I followed her career for years. Had fantasies of us being together. I emailed her work. I posted her selfies here constantly trying to her attention again.

When cat fishing other women, I still use her in my stories as my ex.

Where are you now???

I think she must have changed her name because I have no idea where she is now
Im too weak to KMS and too depressed to do anything to fix my life, just watching it get worse and worse every day. only woman i talk to is my ex who never even really liked me probably and just didnt want to hurt my feelings until she got sick of me until i gave up trying, if i dont talk to her first she doesnt talk to me anyways but im too depressed and sick of the meaningless chatter to say anything other than depressionpost on my story until she responds with a question mark.

Lost my Virginity to an onlyfans whore to be used as a prop and doubt ill ever work up the confidence to try and approach real women again for anything
I linked up with a girl on a dating app who video called to prove she was real. When I realized she was just a part of a business trying to sell crypto to lonely guys, I pretended to sound interested in buying, asked her to video call me about it, jerked off while she was on the line without her knowing, flipped the camera and showed her my dick as I came. I then proceeded to block and unmatch her.

I feel bad because to her this was most likely just a paycheck that she needs, but man was I bitter, horny, and frustrated at how stupid I was to even entertain that fake shit.
I can get into any Snapchat with access my eyes only. I am 100% legit and have the skills required to do so. I post regularly on username dedicated forums on the dark web and very well respected and trusted in all the communities there. If this interests you then let’s talk business. Add me now on Kik my username is jackleg_shark or add me on Snapchat where my username is jackleg_shark1
I desperately want to kms for being in the situation I'm currently in. I was too dumb to listen to the warnings. I confess I screwed up and made dumb choices. I just hope I can be forgiven.
I don’t know, if I could explain/justify my behaviour, maybe I’d like to find a way to fix it. It’s a sickness, at the end of the day, I’m just fucked in the head. Mix all that with a self-destructive personality and here I am; a love-sick fool with boundary issues, repulsive behaviours and desires, who should’ve probably just killed himself at 18.
I'm in another city for business next week and i'm 98% sure i'm going to fuck some prostitutes while i'm there, despite being in a long term relationship. i've already made a hotlist and just need to pick up a new phone and make the calls.

why? relationship is fine, but i'm bored and we have grown out of it having little in common we want to do anymore.
she was my first, and i'd probably break up if I wasn't so financially tied and I don't have the cash to buy her out of it. I'm not away on my own much, so its a chance to see what its like with other girls and probably give me the motivation needed to start working towards a breakup.
I feel so guilty for having a crush in a relationship. I would never cheat. I hate that it’s just human biology.
I had a 15yo GF I lost my virginity to when I was 25. I met her on a dating site where she lied about being 18, but later told me she wasn't, but I was so desperate I still did it, even though I had big reservations. I got us a hotel room and we had sex like rabbits, I got attached to her and she really liked me, I asked her if she wanted to be my GF and eventually get married and she said yes. We were together for almost a year, I had health issues in the meantime that meant I was unavailable for periods of time, while she was living with her parents and going to high school, I was at home or in hospital getting surgery. I found out she cheated on me with several older guys, one as old as 50, when I once saw messages on her phone, I digged out the backup I made of her phone months earlier that I was storing, and didn't want to snoop but my suspicions were right as I extracted all the texts and call logs from it. I tried to ignore it for a while, a month or two, we would still get together for sex. The last straw was when she said she thought she was a man and wanted to transition. I tried to support her but I knew it was wrong, I tried to reason with her and convince her not to do anything permanent. She also turned into a satanist while I was a Christian. I broke up with her and fell into a depression that lasted a long time. I started trying to find someone else after that but I found nobody, and I've been single and celibate ever since our breakup, which was 9 years ago. I often fantasized about her and girls as young as her after that, I admit she turned me into liking younger girls, even though before her I didn't, but I was desparate and she was the one who happened to be there for me, I was looking also for an emotional connection and I found that after sex (they sex pair-bonds, which is absolutely true, if you're not already damaged from previous relationships). I would still have someone like her today if I could, for a lifelong partnership.
Boy does that sound familiar. I recognized we weren't quite compatible, but if we were just a bit more, I would have pursued that. She was so damn mature. Then she went to college and suddenly she was a tiny dumb baby, because for the first time, she had friends. Friends who would accept her, as long as they follow all their insane new ways of thinking.
8 yrs is crazee
now move on and get in ya bag
motherfucker's name is Panicgoon
I cheated on every "e-gf" I had.
I don't think I'm suited for relationships because I'm a compulsive cheater. I've been trying to rein myself in but I wanna fuck every person I see. I should probably seek some kind of help for sex addiction, it ruins every relationship I have.
abortion is ok because you are bringing one less person into this filthy overcrowded world

this is also ok because he will never know
>one less person into this filthy overcrowded world
>I hate myself so everyone else shouldn't breed.
Im 30 in a relationship with a great woman and we also have a daughter together. Still i am addicted to sexting with other guys and girls (im pan) and cannot stop. Met a 17 old girl on an app and got obsessed about her. She would keep me on the hook for over a year, talking about Sex, how my gf isnt good in bed and Sending me Nudes. I was like a big brother to her, offered her advice and helped her overcome addiction. A few weeks ago i found out that she lied about much of her struggle and that the stories about her abusive bf that got her on drugs was all made up. I got so angry i insulted her, called her a stupid Junkie and Broke everything off. Now i miss that Kind of relationship (not her) and i would love to meet another teen girl to have a similar relationship (maybe even more) and i feel so ashamed about it but it still makes me feel so good.
>The world is filthy and overcrowded
>I hate myself so everyone else shouldn't breed
He shouldn't, but neither should anyone else
Good, hope you get destroyed
Are you me?

I made the mistake of getting mine into college, and she became a low IQ retard that ended up cheating on me with a soi boi because 'you can do better, girl.'
mass extinction by masturbation is the only way
Theres a catfish I have been keeping tabs on. For some reason they dont change accounts, just their discord name... so everytime they change their name, I spam their tag in different threads. They are not allowed to catfish here :)
I don't have a confession, I just feel lonely, and this deep horribly grief, and I know nothing will ever get better. I wish someone had loved me but that won't happen and I'm too much of a pussy to do what needs to be done so I'll just suffer for another 30 or so years and then nothing will matter anymore
fuck you coward, don't offer help if you aint gonna bring it
niggas be doing everything to catfish baka
when i was younger, i used to think a better idea was to play hard to get when it came to the ladies. i remember giving my number to this girl i met at a bar and she called me the next day. and when she called, i thought i'd pretend i didn't like know who she was, and she said, "well, this is suzy, and you gave your number to me, and now i'm callin ya back," and i said, "look, i don't know if this is some kind of a scam or a joke or whatever, but if you call one more time, i'm gonna call the police."
isnt a full sin i guess to some but its not something i have ever done before, i posted myself naked on here and it has really made me wonder if someone in real life will recognize me. which is a bit scary and it has been weird on my psyche…
I just want a girl to hug me and tell me she loves me.
i fucked myself over by dating a girl half my age:

i (33m) started seeing my current gf (19f) when she was only 16. at first it was perfect. she was a hot skinny tight teen. the sex was great. everything you could imagine.
eventually her mother found out about the relationship, but since at that point she had already passed the age of consent in our state, she could do nothing but kick her out.
stupidly, i offered to house her and take care of her and pay for everything.
it’s now been 2 years since then, and she’s gained 55 lbs, and im stuck with her fat gut. i cant leave because she will have nothing and i will have the guilt of ruining her life for my fucked up fantasy of fucking a young girl
Last Fall+Winter I had sex with my landlord to keep from getting kicked out. It was horrible, and I haven't told anyone about it at all.
Wouldnt feel guilty about it. If she cant stay fit it's her Fault. You're not her dad, you're not responsible for her.
Don't be a pussy you fucking bitch you're throwing your life away over trash that's too dumb to know better than to let herself go kick that fat ass bitch out you owe nobody nothing brother but yourself fuck all this shit you want something you take it that's the only one it ever happens
While in some aspects I would agree with >>33219299 if this were a normal relationship, I'd disagree that you completely break up, instead try to express your dissatisfaction with her weight, since you've been together for 3 years and she was relatively young when you got together, she'll very likely be the most loyal you can get, and that's very important, I wouldn't be with some good looking girl that cheats or abuses me over someone I've been with for 3 years even if she's gotten fat. If she doesn't want to change or you see no improvement in say a month (she should start counting restricting her calorie intake) you can start trying to find someone else, still not breaking up with her, then if you do find someone you can break up, but there's always the risk the new girl will be less loyal.
That’s why I always said that murdering men should be legalised as you all are inherently narcissistic sociopathic pedophiles. Ew.
I think about cheating on my husband all the time. We’ve been married for quite a long time and I’ve been faithful, but I got married young and he’s quite a bit older, so I feel like I missed out on a lot of fun in my youth.
Do you consider fun to be fucking multiple men, who likely won't give a shit about you aside from being a hole to jerk off in, risking disease? Seriously, you're "missing" nothing worth ruining your marriage. Just go roleplay strangers at a bar with him or something.
what is he guilty of? if his gf wants to be with him? she got fat and he's thinking of leaving her, that's pretty normal reaction regardless of anything else, it is important how he deals with it though. and 16 isn't pedophilia btw
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Kik han_flanxox
21 f Australia
Ask me anything and I'll confess the truth
Lol, but this reaction >>33219705
to this >>33219617 is completely normal, right? When a woman wants to leave a man, because he’s not what she wants is le so tragic omegad!!! When a man wants to leave a girl he no longer is interested in, that he groomed, manipulated, gaslighted and due to his selfish, narcissistic desires did not care one bit that her family will cut her off and she will be all alone in this world is so acceptable, moral, cool, God like, he is a saint, fall down on your knees and lick this hero’s feet! HA HA. Tragic. I hope you all get nuked.
To also add to this, I can bet my life that that man already is cheating on that 19 year old. He doesn’t even have to say it. I see right through people like that, they’re like an open book. But he still is just le babeeey):
I know its bad to be a guy interested in man feet but can't help it literally a addiction especially chubby male guys big chunky feet ):
Except that the woman in >>33219617
says no reason for thinking of cheating on her husband (which is worse than thinking of leaving him cause it's infidelity coupled with lying and risking pregnancy and transferring STDs to her innocent husband), other than the nebulous concept/fantasy that she "missed out on a lot of fun in her youth".
The man in >>33218903
is dissatisfied that his gf gained 55lbs and is now fat, and he still DOESN'T express the the desire to cheat or leave her, even if it's maybe in his head, there's also no indication that he's already cheating, so that's just an assumption you made up. possible, but compared to the other girl that openly expresses a desire to cheat, with no fault from the man (she doesnt't say anything about the man being the reason for her thinking about cheating), which is way worse.
it's not the fact that she got fat and he wants to leave. it's the fact he basically admits he really doesn't care for her aside from him wanting young pussy and started when she was 16 and he was 30. that's gross.
Who ever said it was bad?
Been actual years since I've fapped to anything other than cute feet :p
religious folks sadly btw got any friends with big feet that don't mind getting worshipped by me fellow man feet enjoyer 0_0
Nah sorry, I'm often told I have quite femenine feet
I wouldn't mind it tho!
I want to hurt so bad. I just wish I could find someone in my area or even close who could just do some damage inflict some scars and bruises leave them how they like and I can admire then later wondering how I got them later. I feel I'm past my age of prime for this and few and far between finding someone who has the tools is half the issues.
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Femboy 20
>Set-up (like pc, phones)
No screenshare, no mic or cam
>Favorite Pornstars
Ariella Ferrera, Ryan Conner, Romi Rain, Kendra Lust, Nicolette Shea, Allison Tyler, Ava Addams, Lela Star.
>Favorite Style of Porn (like professional or amateur or hentai)
>Things you are looking for
Would love it if someone professionally roleplayed as one of those pornstars with pics and a name and knowledge about said pornstar milk my wallet dry.
I have a habit of tipping camgirls and twitch streamers daily as well as subscribing to many OnlyFans models
Someone as pathetic as me looking to sink deeper and sink me with him.
Someone who replies quick and not talking to others. Has a plethora of pics or gifs or even vids to trade as well as having an actual discussion and not an NPC chat where all the replies r predicted and generic and boring “mmm” “hot” “fuck”
I nearly screwed someone else's 9/10 girlfriend. Good thing I didn't fell in to temptation and became a homewrecker. I wanted to at least kiss her passionately though and make her pussy cum multiple times with my fingers as a consolation which is such a waste
I'm in an age gap relationship and I'm trying incredibly hard to get my fiance pregnant before she turns 20
The instant flip around from your "scared as holy shit" of getting caught to boasting about a high viewer count gave me fucking whiplash. Are you a vtuber?? Drop us some hints cuz clearly you secretly want to get busted, deep down. Fucking whore
I have posted pics of my ex gf to attract men as I fear I'm bisexual
I message femboys on here for nudes only because I’m hopelessly addicted to porn and i can’t connect with women here or they end up being sellers, i just wanna talk to girls instead but there’s no responses no matter how hard i try
all i want to do is find a girl here & impregnate & marry them but femboys are here instead & i memed myself into thinking that’d be fine but it just isn’t the same & it don’t feel right but it feels better than nothing
I'm talking to someone who I think is a tranny but I'm too scared to confront them about it because they're the only person talking and complimenting and blowing on my soul right now and I don't want to hurt them because they seem really kind otherwise and I'd kms if it was an actual woman and I insulted her like that so I just leave the conversation lingering in this half-friendly half-flirtatious state but it's eating me inside cause I fucking hate trannies
Brotha ask them subtle questions that can tell you what gender they are...
>if you ever get pregnant and have a kid, would you want a boy a girl
If they reply with "i dont want kids" then its either a troon or a crazy liberal
You can also make some shit up about a crazy thing that happened in the boys bathroom while in school, then ask them if theyve ever seen/heard anything crazy in the girls bathroom. You can also make up some shit about a crazy troon, or just find some news article about some crazy troon and find out how they feel about them that way. Be creative. Use your noggin.
I accidentally inflicted a certain person onto this board who now posts endlessly. If you're a regular here, you've definitely seen this person or threads they've made begging for a gf and then getting extremely argumentative when called out for their unrealistic preferences. Long story short, I'm sorry you guys have had to put up with it. Lmao.
What’s your area?
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We can confess privately on Kik
>If they reply with "i dont want kids" then its either a troon or a crazy liberal
You're a fucking retard.
>You're a fucking retard.
He's not wrong. If a woman doesn't want kids, they're a liberal, or not a woman at all (a tranny), or defective goods (not worth the time or effort).
No, you're the low IQ retard, anon.
My chunky 50s widow neighbor asked me to help her move some stuff in her house. She gave me food, and said she wished she could do more for me, but she didn't have a lot of money. I told her I didn't need her money, and I was happy to help. The next time I helped her out, we ended up drinking beers in her back yard, and she told me I needed a gf, and started complimenting me. I said I didn't want a gf, and I enjoyed playing the field. She told me I could play in her field any time. I stood up and looked her in the eyes and was "okay, let's do it." She was suddenly blushing like crazy and I could tell she was a little unsure, but I just took her hand and led her inside, pulled her into me and started kissing her neck. After that, she was eager to do anything I told her to do. Ended up bending her over the couch and fucking her, and finished with a killed blow job and unloading on her big old titties. This was last summer, and 2 or 3 times a week since, I stop by and take her to pound town.
After leaving you, which was for the best, I really don't care about anything. Everything sucks without you. Who knows how long I'll feel this way? I would never tell you this because you're vindictive and gross and you'd be happy to feel like you won. I'd rather be miserable without you and know that your ego is bruised because you can't have me
This could be for me
and I did win btw
Guess I'll just confess then. Sometimes I use this board to kind of cheat on my bf. He has a lot of health issues and we don't have sex often at all. Less and less as time goes by. Need restoration for my top teeth which is a lot to ask anyone to put up with, and he hardly wants to even closed mouth kiss me. I hate it so much because it would cost me the amount of a new car to get things fixed. Jesus I can get not wanting to kiss someone like that, but he looks like he wants to gag.

Trying to fix everything for both our sakes it's just distroying what little self esteem he hel build up.
My wife's best friend just went through a really rough break up and all I can think about is setting up a threesome with her.
Woah that rules
I'm 29, living with my mom and I'm hentai addicted, I can only get off to the tamest hentai possible I wanna die
>she thinks im someone else
she really didnt know me at all lmfao
I am a semi attractive guy who has had good success with women who unironically gets turned on by fat old men. I want evil old fat perverts to ruin me slowly until I’m nothing but a toy for an old guy with a fat hairy gut.
I'm a guy and...I put the penis of a black man in my mouth. He liked it. And I'd do it again.
That’s disgusting. Did porn addiction do this to you? Would you have done such a vile thing had you been born a few decades sooner?
But I'm not addicted to porn! It's more like...what's that word for something that before you tried it, you didn't need it, but now you feel you require it to survive? Whatever that word is. Had I been born a few decades earlier, he probably would have found me "too old"...I'd be doing it to his dad, maybe? IDK...
Sucking nigger cock is not required for survival. Putrid and disappointing. Your porn-rotted brain should be put out of service.
I weep for these generations.

I know who you are. I genuinely Do Not think that this was the right thing to say online.
My ex was perfect but he kept disappearing for a few days. I understood he was busy but after noticing he would only text me first when he was horny, I left.

The saddest part is that I met him through the matchmaking thread, which most anons have success with. I would try again but I would just rather focus on myself.
You're doing it wrong. You don't pay escorts for sex, you pay them to leave after the sex
Women....so manipulative. If you're gonna feel anything feel PISSED!
Fact Check: Incorrect.
It's nice when mothers get involved in their kid's lives.
You are male.
You are a gay male.
You are not only unemployed but unemployable.
You are not interesting, charming or intelligent.
You are less than nothing, dull and quite tedious.
Is that "picture" a self portrait? You're using this site. You seem hungry. Wanna eat a pistol? Want me to feed it to you? Guess what? What you want...matters less than nothing.
Thank god this fucktard is...what?! The fucker is alive?! Last time I trust someone on 4chan saying they're gonna kill themselves. Stupid liars.
Hey, would you tell your spirit to SHUT THE FUCK UP?! Some of us are tryin' to SLEEP!
That is true. Evidence: You're praying to Jesus.
Didn't know what he was doing because it never happened. That's a pretty good reason!
Actually, he doesn't.
Of course you do! You're female, right? OK, then. Duh.
You mean "bear" and don't worry too much, none of these confessions are reality.
You should cheat. Beat her to the punch.
Maybe it's framing. Try changing your name to Relaxedgoon. I think...after that you'll be just fine.
What do you mean "likely have to pay for sex"...as opposed to...what? Getting married? That is THE steepest price to pay for mediocre sex! Money comes money goes...time keeps on ticking! Besides, you don't pay escorts for sex, you pay them to leave AFTER the sex.
Word on the street is that meth can kinda..pick you up. I'd try meth. Just...try it like..24 times and if you don't like it by then? Totally quit.
It's never too late!
Sir, this is an Arby's.
You sure about that? Seems like you just told a lot of people.
I really don't think "not having you" is going to bruise anyone's anything.
No, I would have been way too young decades ago. And my mom wouldn't have given me a ride...she's scared of the darkies.
You're disappointing. You know why? Because you believe everything you read online.
Thanks for replying to every post r*ddit. Here's your updoot and gold award!!!
My confession is op is gay
I meet a guy on here. Im trans and this was when I was in my first year of transition. I was 19. He was 34. We had spent the night talking on discord. I looked like an androgynous boy and had tits so i was nervous about meeting new ppl. I still lived with my parents so I had him come in the basement and we went in the bathroom down there. I ended up jerking him off and letting him do the same to me because I was too scared to do more. But I remember he was chubby and nerdy. He played pathfinder. He had a small uncut cock and when I took it out it was like just tons of precum. I remember even he came it lane on my toes and floot. Not a foot person just was barefoot. I cleaned it up after he left.
>it lane on my toes and floot.
oop i mean it landed on my toes and floor
Y’know, you’re right. No time like the present :)
i hate living. i do nothing worth of praise by no one and i don't wanna do anything. i don`t wanna go anywhere, eat anything, use my body or my mind. everything just tastes so pathetic. its all my fault and it seems unsavable. my thoughts, convictions and instincts are all over the place. everyone hates me and i hate them back. i will probably die alone and regretful. does anyone know some kind of christian 4chan server around here?
ykw i have the perfect solution go out and explore if this dont help nothing can or talk to a therepist
Today is the 3rd day in a row I cheat on my diet
I've thought about killing my wife before. Just convincing her to go on a hike somewhere in the mountains, finding a nice high cliff, and giving her a shove.

She makes me so happy sometimes. And then there are days when everything out of her mouth is a demand or she ignores me for a majority of the day to hang out with her online friends. I'm sitting two feet away from her and yet some days I talk to her less than her online boyfriend who spends hours at a time chatting with her.

I'm not getting the attention I want or deserve out of this relationship anymore. But I'm 39 and we don't own our own home yet because the housing market is crap in Canada.

Now I'm just ranting. Sorry.
I’ve been jerking off to my friends sister, my other friends wife, my wives friends for years now. I’ve collected hundreds of photos and videos of them and have also fucked my wife to those photos and videos while she’s been blindfolded.
glasses fetish..
this is valid tho
I got groomed as a teen (male) to jerk off for someone on Skype and as a 20smth year old (years ago I might add) I did the same to someone else. It's my biggest regret and I wish I didn't continue the same cycle that someone else did to me
I’ve been fucking my little brothers gf since she was 13. We still fuck and sext to this day and im pretty sure she’s only with him to have access to me
Hey, have either of you two ever considered killing yourselves? jw. If not, you should.

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