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Nude women with a hairy bush, armpits, legs, thighs, etc. All body types/ethnicities/hair colors welcome.
Naturalness is highly encouraged - there is no such thing as 'too hairy' here

Read the site and board rules. Mods do ban. >>17318579

>Women posting pictures of themselves ONLY. No gf/wife pic dumping.
>Timestamp if new or haven't posted in a while (pic of you with today's date written on paper)
>Asking for/posting contacts is strictly prohibited. Do that in the appropriate threads.
>No trolling, off-topic discussions, bullying, stalking, spamming, or harassing.
>No coombrain replies like 'mOaR pLS'. Keep the girls engaged by making specific requests.
>Report posts that break the thread, site, or board rules.

Upload videos here:

For short clips, use https://www.redgifs.com/
For longer videos, use https://www.erome.com/

Last Thread: >>33040100
Calix, show us your bush progress!
sexy freckled ginger girl w the cute feet pls return <3
bump for sweaty springtime pits
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Convince me not to shave it all off right now
timestamp? idk why you would shave what you sent, post the top maybe just the top could be trimmed
Shaving it would be the biggest world crime. Let that bush grow and soak all men's faces in your dripping hot pussy. Now you can make so many guys cum so quickly. If you shave it you will be another basic girl
sorry bush bros..im filming stuff and bald pussy gives better angles </3
What kind of stuff? Black Beauty II?
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hi i'll be back
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not super hairy atm. i've been keeping it trimmed.
looks nice! can i get a better look at your legs?
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sometimes they're hairy, sometimes they're not
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sexually charged (free) content yes
I really like them. You'd look good in shorts/underwear. I'd love to see them crossed.
>im filming stuff
well, where is it? are you a seller? sure smells like paywhore in here.
did you purposely skip over the word free, retard? and now i dont feel like sharing it here anymore!
Your pussy is perfect! So wet and tasty looking. It would be a crime to shave that beautiful bush!
Where do u go misspps4
He does that. He's a retard that goes around accusing camwhores of being paywhores and actually made a few girls stop posting. He got out as a payfag and a contactfag himself by another camwhore.
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Can we stone him to death?
What a hot tease!!
RIP Calix's bush. Also, he's been banned before, but constantly ban evades.
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and what a good bush it was..
Just be like "fuck camera angles" one day and grow it out fully. Bushes are nature's panties.
ayy you're back, and you're still hot as fuck! love that little peek of pussy between your thighs

can i play connect the dots with on your freckles my tongue? :3

could you do ass on soles for me please, maybe with one hand squeezing your ass as well?
Kik or disc?
Bend over so I can spank you for being bad.
Damn. More sexy
Didn't even scroll that far, bitch. I only saw the mentions of "filming stuff" unrelated to this thread and immediately replied. Like, I don't even know who you are, you're definitely not a regular to this thread and that's the first thing you post, better expect some backlash.

Besides, we don't like girls posting here who think of themselves as "providing content". The pictures are supposed to be a natural part of the interaction. You have the same self-entitled provider/consumer mindset that paywhores usually have. If you have no interest in interacting with anon and just want to farm likes and attention, reddit might be the better place for you.

If you're referring to the Swede, I have to disappoint you. Haven't seen that retarded faggot in a while and I hope he finally necked himself. Also you should know better than to defend some triggered cunt who thinks she's "providing" for us.
Oh no, what a loss.
You're literally just here to grab all the attention while skipping the interaction part. Lazy camwhoring at it's best.
go outside
Bring it back when you can!

And that's still not the worst, or most illegal thing he's done on this site

>spergs out and blogs
Calix has literally posted here before as well as /ass/, /boob/, and /sma/. She has never advertised in any of those threads, you falseflagging retard.
damn….I really dont care!
Lack of Athena breaks my heart
i should be back sometime this week. i'm growing my pubic hair out a bit for y'all... so i'll need a few more days min. for that to fully come to fruition.

idk might post tonight cus i've been drinking and that's mainly when i feel like posting...

anyway, hi.
also this is fantastic. best post i've seen in here
I'd love to see a pussy spread timelspse of your hair growing, maybe we can see the before and then when grown
hmm the before has passed. it's halfway grown out.
If you don't show me i cannot make myself an idea
I need pics of Athena walking around the house naked or bottomless.
the bushier, the better. please keep us updated.
bump 4 bush
I'll say it again: bump for sweaty springtime pits
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update (although right after i took this pic i shaved underneath because it gets itchy if i let it grow out too much).

i'm gonna see how long the top gets, though. i don't know that i've ever let it fully grow out.
looks great, but we need more pics to properly evaluate the progress so far.
Welcome back, nice to see the embers again. How would you feel about having that as a moniker while posting here, "Embers"?
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it doesn't look much different post-shave. in retrospect, i didn't need to take so much off. good thing hair grows back.
>How would you feel about having that as a moniker while posting here, "Embers"?
that's fine with me lol
why do you shave? as a guy I just trim it to about 1/2-1" (1-2cm) as anything longer gets annoying, is it the same reason or something else like feel or hygiene?
amazing puss and body btw
>in retrospect, i didn't need to take so much off. good thing hair grows back.
Take progress pics if you feel like
>that's fine with me lol
Good good ^^ feel like showing off a bit more just now?
>(although right after i took this pic i shaved underneath because it gets itchy if i let it grow out too much).
the length in the first pic is about as long as i can tolerate.
>amazing puss and body btw
thank you muchly
>feel like showing off a bit more just now?
such as?
spread pussy using the index and middle finger of one hand please? honestly, it looks so beautiful i just wanna see more <3
Would very much like to see you show off more of your ass if you can
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my butthole is hairy, but it doesn't show up on camera :/
Very nice
Even better!
Up close two-handed ass spread in that case please!
Requesting ass on soles if you're still lurking.
letting it grow out further would have stopped the itching, just saying.
Please try to make a close up to see that
Loving your figure, could you do a side pic of this positions with your boobs visibly hanging please?
wonderful <3
spread ass on soles please?
translucent hairy skeleton >>>>>
timestamp pls? love those nipples
that pussy looks absolutely delicious
could you do bum on soles for me? maybe squeezing a cheek so you leave a nice red handprint? :)
who would post a pic like that and then just leave
Hairy lips are the best part :((((
bush bump
Wow. I'm getting dizzy.
I love your ginger pussy <3
Please post more.
but i dont waaana shave for summer!
Shave legs but for bush as u wish
What's the point of having this shitty Captcha if spambots still post anyway?
Fr, mods and jannies are frauds and trannies
Whoever you are, please be real and post a timestamp.
What the fuck are you talking about those legs are peak /hgt/
You shouldn't, those legs look incredible.
Dang your pubes and leg hair are cute. ^_^
I want to caress your soft hairy legs and bush.
that lil bit of fuzz on your tummy is driving me wild
also holy FUCK that bush is glorious
what's up with these single image posters

is that just what girls do these days, drop a pic and then wait for replies?
why can't we have regulars anymore who actually interact with us :/
>>33183529 <<<i just moved to sma xd
ohh, I never check the other threads just /hgt/ lol.
bumping for bushes
i come here when i have the urge to shave so it goes away c:
bush love, heres my armpits n tits
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Very beautiful! Why would you even dare to shave that?
Bump for Calix's bush
it’s slowly but surely coming back
Nice progress. Would you be willing to do a pic of your bush, but standing up?
god i would breed n cream calix on the daily.
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length update. i don't know that'll get much longer, but we shall see.
that it'll** fml
Looking forward to the progress, thank you for keeping us updated, Embers
ohhh i like that color. also approaching the length where they get soft. very comfy.
no worries o7

the colour doesn't show up well on camera. they're more orange than golden. most accurate pic ITT is >>33183272 (You) i'd say
>they're more orange than golden
still very very beautiful color. would smoosh my face into them.
If you want to show off more than just your bush please do, more of your ass would certainly be very welcome, especially if spread >>33183397
can i run my fingers through it please?
Why are white people so hairy?
>white people
Why do americans try to make everything about race? It's fucking weird. Personally, I don't even look as people as black/white because I don't judge people by their skin color but by their personality and their actions.

To answer your question, they're not. Black people can be just as hairy.
i furiously jerk off to this holy shit this is nice
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straight pubic hair?
nice, can we see it again from below?
Mhm so pretty. Could you give us some more angles?
got one of your legs pulled back or a shot with feet in it?
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special order
Delicious (chef's kiss)
I'd sign for that package
yank on some of that hair for us if you can, that'd be hot
i don't wanna post ugly pics lol. trust that i just did it irl though.
You could take a Pic at any angle, there would be no ugly Pic. Very beautiful and sexy you are.... you know it
You have such pretty hair. And a bangin' body. Could you post a vid of you masturbating?
took this picture in the tub. I like how it looks like a heart-exclamation point
petition for more pics of wet and/or soapy/bubbly bushes
nice, would love to see this from te other angle. bush&soles style.
I really hope you grow that out a lot more, Embers. Would love to see how it looked after a month or three.
Stroking to you right now more please
timestamp please? nice treasure trail.
>No coombrain replies like 'mOaR pLS'
It would be great if people actually read the opening post.
can't blame him for going full simp, would also like to see the those panties pulled down a little more
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could you put lotion on your bush and make it look like cum?
well someone's not playing around, just like that they're gone, love it! Any chance we can see the top gone too?
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very nice! Now we have a lovely bottom and top shot! unfortunately, my photoshop skills suck to put it together, so might we get a full body shot of both? I do like the lower angle you were using here >>33202268, but feel free to mix it up
The tits might be the point of this but jfc those lips <3
thanks all
>I really hope you grow that out a lot more
i intend to. i'll see how long it'll get before it starts getting uncomfortable/irritating.
Agreed, would glaze those lips
>i intend to.
Excellent >:D
>i'll see how long it'll get before it starts getting uncomfortable/irritating.
If it does give it a week or so more in case that passes. Could end up being there's just a period of uneasiness that takes getting used to and then you find it's far more accommodating after. Long, soft pubes can be quite aesthetically and tactilely pleasing once long enough but obvi you need to wait it out until then ;p
Regardless, thank you for the ongoing updates and wonderful pics of your growing firecrotch, Embers <3
Love the hair. Is your asshole hairy as well?
r90? Really?
i like this. lookin heckin comfy.
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wet bush next, wet bush next wet buuuuushhh
next time i shower
Amazing tits, almost ghost nipples which isn't surprising since you're a redhead. Speaking of wonderful redhead features, more butt spreads and butthole please, Embers.
So hot lets see view of booty n bush from rear
damnit...okay i'll let it slide.
BUT it will cost you one wet bush and one foamy/soapy bush pic for next time.
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best i can do for ya. bush is Loading....... Loading....Loading....

see above. i don't like my butthole there's no way i'm posting a pic of it spread open at this point in time sorry lol.

also my areolas change colour depending on where i'm at in my cycle. i reckon their natural state is as seen here and then they darken in the second half of my cycle
I'd love to see you wet
mm not tonight but i shall keep this in mind

settings: approach - do not approach
>i don't like my butthole
Not an uncommon line of thought for posters, won't lie, but from the little you've hinted you don't have anything to dislike and hopefully you grow more comfortable showing off like that <3
>there's no way i'm posting a pic of it spread open at this point in time sorry lol.
>at this point in time
;D don't rush things though, go at what pace you are comfortable
Maybe ass on soles tonight though?
that perfect little pussy looks like its begging to be filled
I've hid my legs for years due to not being able to shave, and having a very unapproving boyfriend.

I always lurked these threads as a little pick-me-up, it was such a nice thought that someone out there might actually not only tolerate, but enjoy my natural self. I never actually imagined I'd ever find someone like that in person.

But it happened. Just a fuckbuddy, who turned out to absolutely love them. Getting my legs rubbed, kissed on, stared at in admiration. Years of me feeling like shit just melted away.

I'm sorry, not going to post a pic because I don't do public stuff anymore. Just wanted to say I appreciate all of you hairy girl enjoyers here, you kept my head above water for years.
did you dump the boyfriend and move on with that more accepting chap?
i have a general question
Do strippers wax?? or do i keep the bush with no care
I dumped him a few months ago thankfully. Best choice I've ever made.

I don't know if I'll end up dating this guy, I'm not completely sure my wounds are healed yet; but he's sure as fuck been helping along the way.

Damn your pubes are beautiful, seriously.
I hope your relationship with him flourishes. glad things have been going for the better though
Let it spill out or just show it off outright
>Getting my legs rubbed, kissed on, stared at in admiration. Years of me feeling like shit just melted away.
damn, need this lol. this is a sweet post tho

thanks 4 enjoying
well you just made that guy very happy. just be aware that we appreciate the fuck out of girls like you.
are you somebody who went by a name or just lurked?
I love hairy pussies. Bump for more.
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lmao at these other women posting when someone so much more superior posting kek
Morning Calix. Can you do this same pose without panties please?
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Can we see your feet’s
Can you do a full body bottomless pic please?
either wax, those hair removal creams or getting laser-removal, i would assume.
can't have stubble poking out when you're going ham.
i fucking love your pussy calix

Every. Fucking. Thread.
she doesn't do requests, let alone reply. she's just here to grab attention.
Anon, she's literally done my requests before. She straight up said sometimes she gets busy with work.
I do the requests that feel right and concise to me
I like detail and eroticism
I don't like simple MOAR PLZ requests
I also have a life off 4chan, thank you for understanding
I-I say we got an uppity one rhight heeer nawh!
Boy I'd like to tie you up reeeaalll noice and fuck the ATTITUDE righ outta ya, boy!
Then I tell ya wahut I'd chow down on that fat delectable cat like uh wuhtermelon on the mid of JU-LY ya see I see..
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You see, mon cher, I find ze anonymity of zis place… how do you say… intoxicating! Here, I am free to express ze most outrageous of opinions, to flirt with ze digital words, and to, of course, spread mon BUTTHOLE... Please bear with moi, mes amoursss
>I don't like simple MOAR PLZ requests
THANK YOU. I remember I got into an argument with an anon about this and he was like "fuck you, just let her be sexy by herself". Like, you ever wanted to smack the shit out of anon so bad?
Also, good job on your bush progress.
specifics kinda motivate you into finding the best angles and keep the threads on going so being retarded and yelling MORE PLEEEEASE, one dick on the keyboard and the other up your ass is lame
thank you dsu
I think the "moar pls" faggots are just the usual newfags/Indians/coombrains. Also requesting a bush pic where you're sitting on the floor with your legs open.
There's no need to be on the floor, there's a perfectly good sofa right behind you. Also you're adorable!
You know I'm right lol. This again please, but more relaxed and get your legs and feet in the shot (not a footfag, I promise).
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why didnt i think of that! I just have a nasty habit of dry humping anything that moves unfortunately ive been banned from the couch
This is also not a bad idea. Seconding this.
Okay, do that leg spread pose again, this time on the couch.
is this relaxed enough? im quite tense lol
Okay that's fucking awesome. I was going through no fap because I kinda have a rotation now, but this might actually make me break it lol. I wanna see if you can pull on your bush please.
hows this
Nice! Got an interesting one, but it's gonna be hard to describe: how about a standing ass pic where you let your shirt hang down and we can barely see your ass?
Damn Calix, I underestimated your thickness. How about a pic where you sit on that yoga ball?
>I underestimated your thickness.
many such cases..
Need to drain my balls in that
Same pose but put your legs and feet in the pic please?
>many such cases
Yeah, same with me. My ex thought my dick was small until she felt it lol.
Spread asshole in that position? that ass looks amazing and would love to see how pink your are on the inside <3
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>one wet bush
one (1) wet bush
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>one foamy/soapy bush
and one (1) soapy bush
We love a soapy girl!
That bush color is perfection! Let's see a spread
god that's beautiful, how old were you when it started growing?

image if you wish
I wanna pin down a hairy girl and forcibly shave her crotch with an electric shaver while she squirms and wiggles.
mhhhh absolutely wonderful, gots me diamonds
much appreciated.
need a clip of you taping your dildo to that ball and bounce away.
there's one here >>33183389. less hair tho

i need more calix toes in my life
Blessed by bush and booty

Love how vibrant the colour is, Embers
I need one with my dick inside you, holy shit you're hot. I hope you find a good guy to give you babies and kiss that beautiful bush.
i don't want kids
>inb4 muh every 20-something says this
and i'm probably infertile. but i appreciate the sentiment, thanks.
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Hi! 2 weeks without shaving :)
Looking for Cute! Can you show us the other side?
Very nice start, how long are you planning to let it grow for?
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>other side
Do you mean the ass?
Mhm I’m not sure yet. I’m not used to it I’ve been thinking of shaving the lips tho
Keep it up, why not some ass
Like what I see
There's a lot of different things you can do, best done by figuring out what you don't like and trying something else :p
>Do you mean the ass?
Seconding ass if you are ok showing that
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Not much hair in here
Very nice anus
Inviting tho
Wanna check all this out with my fingers before getin to the main c
A bendin version of the same view would help me know how your good to ride
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Ty <3
looks delicious!
would you place this juicy behind atop your bare soles please?
Need more now that I’m hella hard
Moar coz made me hella hard
U turned on too?
Was thinking about asking for a spread, very appreciative to see you take the initiative and do so on your own <3
What about some boobs, here or there>>>
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Hope this is good
Honestly yeah haha
Ty ^^
>Ty ^^
And you for generously showing off your anus <3
Can we get a 2 handed ass spread in that pose to continue things?
So gorgeous! We need some wet pussy then!
Could you maybe put something in there?
Spanking or eating you out to get u wet before shoving my hard on
Unless biting those chicks helps ;)
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Honestly I’m into a lot of things haha but I’m really turned on by spitting and very wet kisses
I’m going to sleep! Goodnight <3
Gudnight, hope we ll meet again
Beautiful! Gonna grow it out and keep us updated, right?
Perfect, thank you <3
>Honestly I’m into a lot of things
If you come back and feel like putting something in your ass I'm sure there will be many that would love to see such a thing ;)
>I’m going to sleep! Goodnight <3
Sleep well, and thank you for stopping by!
please let me breed you with my bwc
it's perfect, very cute pink soles!
you have such sexy thighs and ass, i want to kiss them all over :3
can't wait to see your bush when it's full! are you growing your pits and legs out too?
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I’m a lil chubby, hope that’s okay-! I used to post here years ago but I was thinner then.
So sexy! Can we see more of your body?
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The captchas are giving me trouble today so if I take a while to reply, it’s because my mildly high ass can’t read.
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And yes, my legs are hairy too.
What name did you go by?
yeah ok sure go ahead
You're alright in my book, Calix. Posts ass, has a good sense of humor, and you have a good grasp of how camwhoring works. Now air out that bush please.
I think Maxie? I don’t remember, it was a while ago lol
I don't remember a Maxie. Please tell me you're not a FTM, we have too many issues with trannies posting.
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yess, currently trying to fix my poop puter as well so the light is nice
I heard fixing your PC is easier when you're not wearing panties. You should try that.
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what the fuck why did that actually work
You have nice tits?;)
A person thinks better with without pants. It's scientifically proven. Think you can sit backwards in a chair with your ass out?
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Finger and thumb anus spread please, Calix!
By the way, thanks for doing those full body pics in /boob/. Never seen you fully naked before. Think you can do a Captain Morgan pose in that chair?
oh wow, where's a man find such a fuzzy peach as yourself in the wild? you're stunning
ass on soles please <3
Unironically based. Same pose with your ass to the camera please?
I like this one, it's very artsy. Um let's see....how about you sit in that chair like a dude? Imagine yourself drinking a beer and watching TV.
lay on it belly first
I like that you find my requests amusing lol. I was thinking more of an Al Bundy pose.
Seconding this.
In doggy?
That looks mad comfy and I like that you're more comfortable with doing full nudes. Hey Calix, I think you dropped something behind the couch....
i am in love
… hopefully she won’t get stuck bending over….
Holy fuck. Don't think I've been here when you first posted but I LOVE your fuzz everywhere and you have amazing boobs as well. Could you do a leg spread for me pls?
you are the hottest thing
come back please?
Bump for more bushes
Cute, I bet it'll be long and soft and pretty in a couple more weeks!

So fuzzy! ^_^ Rare to see a girl get more than a little trail up from her pussy.
can ANYONE post pls.
especially girls who don't shave anywhere.
pussy looking nice. shame there's so much hair in the way.
>shame there's so much hair in the way.
very carefully check what thread you're posting in, you complete moron.
hair is what we want here. the more untouched, the better.
Bump for Yoonal
Need some afternoon bushes
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thats a smoll bush :)
Hello! You look very beautiful! Would love to see a timestamp though. Preferably while spreading your titillating lady parts!
Ask for timestamps
You dumb pajeets.
I'm not as acquainted with porn lore as you are. Give me a break.
Always ask for timestamps. You could be talking to a man that's either dumping or wifeposting. Never automatically assume the girl posting is real.
Cute. Are you planning to grow that out any further? Are you growing out your other body hair as well? Also, a timestamp would be appreciated.
Timestamp please.
>File: 1695524157151.jpg
>posts with the image hash ‘JClLv9NfwvjB4WZptr1M8Q==’. 7 results found.
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dang you're really hot
nice tum and titties, love the bush too of course
Beautiful. Wish I could run my hands (and cock) through that soft leg hair.
I dont like hairy legs, but I love your orange pussy bush <3
As it happens, women grow hair there, too so better get used to it.
What a perfect body! I bet you feel great.
Calix, post your bush.
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Good job! Think you can you show off your bush while sitting on your knees?
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Open your legs please
Damn we got those gorgeous tits in it too. We're lucky! Would love to see from behind and spreading
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Week update:)
I think next week I will shave at least the lips
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And another one! Just wanted to drop and show progress:)
why shave? it's growing great, I'd say keep it like that
thanks ദ്ദി ( ᵔ ᴗ ᵔ )
>I bet you feel great.
not especially, but thank you.
Please, we need a spready haired pussy pic!
>I think next week I will shave at least the lips
Please don't?
Do you have bodyhair anywhere else we can see? Pits? Would also love to see pics of your head, you can block or censor your face. You're a classic beauty.
Cute! Surprised your leg hair is a little darker than the pubes but still looks soft and fuzzy.

You're just starting to get fuzzy, it's too soon to shave! Cute little freckle hidden in there though.
Thats quite nice, also thank you for closed and spread comparison. :)
Do you have pictures from right after shaving? Would be cool to see the full progress from 0 to 100% hair.
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>your leg hair is a little darker than the pubes
nah it's just the lighting. it's blonde/orange.
That's creepy as hell bro. Don't do that.
>I think next week I will shave at least the lips
ok i won't. chill the fuck out.
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I’m not sure if I’m going to trim or shave yet but atm I’m letting it grow :)
This pic is from the last time I shaved
Show me your hot little pussy with fingers in it
Hope you can resist the urge to trim and let it get as big as possible. Could we get a current bush update pls? I know it's only been like a day, but honestly I just want to jerk my cock to your pussy. :P

Also, are you growing out anything else, such as legs? pits? I'd love to see all of it. Women in their natural state drive me wild.
Need more bushes
>This pic is from the last time I shaved
Thanks. <3
Curious about the next grow progress pic :)
29 now?
No dumping.
Stop encouraging dumpers.
She's always shaved in the last couple years. I personally like both styles
its over bush bros
God I wanna breed that
Oh well, until next time when you grow it back.
Nobody cares.
Fuck you, Troll OP.
Your pussy may not be pretty anymore, but you're still a nigger.
oh no what will i do
kys little man
what a shame
I know who you mean, but I'm not the "troll OP".
I'm actually this thread's OP. The guy who wrote out all that shit you can read in the opening post, that's me. Those rules you see, I also wrote those. I wrote them because I actually care about the quality of threads. /hgt/ is in fact the only /soc/ thread I visit these days. I just bookmark this thread and don't even look at the catalog and it's been like that for a few years now.

Also, shut the fuck up. Nobody likes a whiteknight. Especially when it's a girl that's not even worth whiteknighting for. She doesn't give a shit about this thread, or being hairy for that matter. She's just hijacking this thread for attention. If it wasn't obvious enough by the fact she makes a big deal out shaving in an attempt to trigger people, as if anyone actually cared.
i thought it was funny relaxxxxxxxxxxxx. Hair grows back.
Post in /ass/, Calix. I gots requests for you.
thats the spirit
already ahead of you
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Hi there
Spread please madam?
You have a lovely fuzz. Would love to see you spread your legs to get a better look at that hot pussy of yours.
Hello here
Other hairy places or that's it?
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Here you go monsieur
In a couple of days I will post better progress pics
It is very nice. Would lick/10
You're such a hottie. I really want to eat you out.
Cute and fuzzy. ^_^
Such a beautiful hairy slit, would love to run my tongue up and down on it. Could you spread your butthole as well?
bush bump
all good, it's the thought that counts ;)
Thank you. <3
Could you make a 3rd variant next time?
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Last update before shaving
A month of growth
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Not quite a different variant but meh
Anus too, please.

Wow! A little spread, maybe? And moar of those beautiful tits, please
Any particular you want to shave?
Why are you thirsty coomer retards just asking for more pictures, while completely ignoring the devastating announcement she just made
It's like you're just here to "consume" the girls pictures while completely missing the interaction aspect
>the devastating announcement
Here's (your) interaction; stop being so overdramatic.
Looks nice, disappointing you're going to shave it.
it grows back dude

very nice, and dem pierced nips
pls post butthole too!
We need some hairy masturbation vids before you shave it!
Dream landscape u piece of …
Meat Art
Nah, it's the gf
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i know but im on my period and for me it's easier with no hair
i shaved right after posting but i recorded this before hand

i wanted to keep a bit of hair but i messed up and ended up completely shaved, i'll be growing it back as soon hahaha
Grow it out a bit more next time? Maybe like another week or so.
Yeah I think I will do that but on that vid seems more shorter than what it was but anyways I need to try and grow it again
So naturally beautiful <3 I bet you look gorgeous shaved too.
Make sure to keep us posted! Love when a triangle comes in like yours.

And +1! I know it's a hairy thread but let's see it shaved.
Thanks. It's very hot <3
And it seems that you are also slightly turned on, at least a bit. :)
Keep us posted with your next round of hair progress please.
Completely shaved poses should be an easy task?
>it's the gf
>but let's see it shaved.
No, go be a brainlet somewhere else since you already pic dumped
You have cute fingers. I'd kiss them and your bush. Thanks for sharing.
>I know it's a hairy thread but
let's stay on-topic, you thirsty-ass coomer faggot.
bro boomped
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Glad to see you are back in the thread, Embers. The cute little cluster of freckles on your knees is extremely underrated. You are going to make some lucky bastard very happy one day, and make his mates bloody jealous.

Could we please get a better look at your hair? A picture from the back or the sides or whatever you're comfortable with?
bump for more hairy girl pits
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missmatched legs
Shaving the pussy too? Any videos or more pics please
You still didn't provide a timestamp. Also, so far you just dropped a bunch of random pictures while talking to yourself without replying to a SINGLE reply that you've received.

I don't know where you think you are, but if you think this is like Reddit where women post into the void, leave and then a bunch of coomers will shower them in upvotes and attention, that is not how it works here. People come here for the interaction. And pictures are part of that interaction. If you're too lazy to even talk to us, don't even bother posting. Make a blog or something. There are more than enough places where guys can look at static nudes and that's not what we're about here.

I'll include a note about this in the opening post next time, just to make this VERY clear for girls like you. It's fucking depressing what this place has turned into.

>"I don't care who you are or that you shaved but just give me more of anything"
Neck yourself you braindead coomer. I'm not sure how you found this place but nobody wants you here.
Oh nevermind, I just realized to replied to one post so I take everything back... NOT.
Seriously though, don't even bother posting if you don't want to interact with people. We don't need any more lazyposters who only come here every once in a while to get a reaction out of people.
>The cute little cluster of freckles on your knees is extremely underrated.
Cute lol. I used to be insecure about them when I was younger. Thought they looked out of place.

>Could we please get a better look at your hair?
I don't feel comfortable showing anything super identifiable, such as. Anon fun is fun.
How's the bush looking just now, Embers?
Fair enough, dude.

I second the request for a bush update. Can you give us another POV with your panties pulled down?
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I’ve had to shave some of it. It was just too itchy regardless of bathing and trimming. It just gets that way after a while.

I haven’t taken anything off the top though.
(Re: new ID… phoneposting)
Looking very nice! Would we also be able to see more of your ass?
still the best bush in the thread
Show asshole?
kek i’ll treat you better next thread
You do need to timestamp, but he is being weird about that other stuff.
have you got any toys you could show off?
she's timestamped before btw
This is one of the greatest pussies i have ever seen! Add me on snap Random1690
We appreciate it.
In what way am I being weird? That these threads are all about the interaction?

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