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New thread, for those interested in finding femdom/gentle femdom-gfd/mommy domme/role reversal/etc relationships. Questions and discussion are welcome.

Friendly reminders:
-Women overwhelmingly choose to lurk on here. Don't be discouraged if you see a lack of female posters, they're out there. If they like your ad then they'll contact you.
-It takes two to tango. If you don't put any effort into talking to someone, then neither of you are going anywhere.
-Be nice! Don't just ghost/delete someone over something trivial. If you don't like something someone does or feel it really isn't going to work, be honest and talk to them about it.
-Give people a chance! It takes time to adjust to one another. A real connection doesn't just "happen".

>About you
>What you're looking for
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info

27/M/USA, specifically east coast, NJ
>About you
Pic related is a good start. I'm on top, and my theoretical "ideal" gf on the bottom in case you're curious about what I find attractive. I'm a gentle guy who wants to finally find some lasting happiness. Extremely loyal and devoted once I get attached to someone.
Very gentle femdom and role reversal. Softer sexual interests include cuddling and being hugged/held/kissed/caressed/softly bitten (and doing the same to you). Very curious about pegging/anal play/prostate massaging.
>What you're looking for
Looking for a loving relationship with someone I'd want to spend my life with. I like very much like the idea of being with someone who's handsy and likes to touch me/initiate intimacy and take the lead. I also find a bit of possessiveness to be flattering, so if you have some yandere tendencies we may be a very good match. A good overlap of mutual interests is mandatory for me.
>What you're NOT looking for
Scat, pee, cuckolding, chastity, ghosts, legitimately insane people, abuse, actual penis havers (unless you somehow also have an actual vagina). Overweight is unfortunately a dealbreaker for physical attractiveness. No mutual interests is also a dealbreaker.
>Any additional info
If you have any questions feel free to add me and ask, I always try to respond asap if able. If I don't in a timely manner I am probably sleeping (or I've died and finally been freed from my suffering).
Discord: soldier69
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
>About you
Lanky kinda alt guy into music, clothes, history, philosophy anthropology a little into literature and taking pictures, big on hiking and being outside mostly normal chud stuff
I'm a switch but prefer being a service sub I like oral and facesitting suffocation, being groped, teasing, denial and worship. I think I'd do anything as long as my partner finds pleasure in it, like go from half bi to full bi, also curious about pegging and anal play but I don't do really do any of that currently.
>What you're looking for
Dominant women mostly plz I'm not picky about subject sfw, nsfw, femdom talk or whatever else is good with me
>What you're NOT looking for
My gangstalkers, I'll know it when I see it
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>Willing To Relocate Y/N?
possessiveness, restraint / total lack of control, marks, bloodplay, and so on, find out the rest yourself <3
>Looking For
(older) sadistic mommydom wife to own and lovingly abuse my entire being, i want to be hopelessly obsessed with you…
>Not Looking For
overly crude people, men!!!, bottoms, short term, anyone not in the U.S.
>Physical Description
5’6 125lbs, dirty blonde, very cute bullyable dog girl
>About / Interests
digital artist; expressing myself through whichever medium is resonant at the time, recently its been music but i create a lot. movies, animanga, games, sharing said media with each other, satisfying my masochism.
>Discord Tag
Hello :3
Physicals: 185cm, dark hair, blue-green eyes, muscular build(will send pics in dms when you do).

Hobbies: lots of hand crafting, surrounding wood, metal and leather work. Vidya, foraging/some gardening, reading.

>about you
I'm a thoughtful person, I enjoy my peace, being introverted lol. I want to find someone I can be with IRL, long term. I want to, eventually, be as self reliant as posible, thus I'm learning welding, shoemaking timber construction, gardening, etc... This will spring in to more areas to help keep up a homestead.
Would be fun to have someone to learn stuff with :) or not, I'm happy with just being quiet beside eachother.
Looking for a mature female
DM me if interested, thanks

Gentleness, romantisism

Discord : unvaxed

add me if you want to get beaten up by me irl (only europeans)
I am okay with mutual violence too
bonus points If your sign is capricorn

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>About you
six foot something skinny catboy that, to everyone's surprise, isn't gay. Into fighting games, reading, and art. Can be shy at first but will open up after a bit, afterwards talking your ear off about his intrests.
Biting, petplay, degrading, praising, hand holding.
>What you're looking for
A girl that can deal with mental illness and is sometimes willing to call so I can rant about my passions. Or someone to play Strive with.
>What you're NOT looking for
Dudes that come into my DMs calling me queer for wearing cat ears and being skinny.
>Any additional info
Uh, I guess, please try to contact me every once in awhile?
disc: distant._.dreamer
>About you
5'4 computer science student, would personally say i'm kind and caring, love j-pop, classical music, and i play piano too and read classic books, some vidya, (honkai star rail at the moment),
gentle femdom (maybe i'll discover more?)
>What you're looking for
online only for now, preferrably my age or max 23, please no insane people, share my interests or some of them, and will approach me first
>What you're NOT looking for
men, drugs, scat, piss, cutting or any of that stuff

18 M

> Kinks
Gentle Femdom, Pegging, thighs, cnc, and biting, and would love to discover more with the beautiful woman reading this

>About me
Cute, submissive yet bratty boy who is tired of subby girls that make me do everything, even carry conversations. I just want someone who puts in as much effort as I do. I just want to meet a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to take the reins every once in a while.

>About Me (Non Sexual stuff)
I love cats, i like playing video games, i am learning python

>Looking For
Im looking for a sexting buddy with hopes of a long distance relationship if the vibe mathces. would like a girl who will take lead,
someone who isn't afraid to take lead, willing to possibly spoil me a little. hell just being called a good boy would be wholesome to hear in itself.

>Not looking for:
1. Men,
2. Women who are gonna ask me to pay (Dont even bother, im looking for a sexting relationship that i hope would grow into something good, which wont work if u are in it for money)

> Contact:
kik: BlackBillHawk
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
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22/M/Eastern Europe
>About you
Aspiring game dev, spend my time either on hobbies like drawing, composing (and used to play piano), writing or programming or on gaming/anime/manga/hanging out with friends.
Shy and dealing with depression and lately been unsatisfied with life so I'm trying to work on myself every day and push myself to socialize more (started working out, going to events, learning to cook). Very affectionate towards those that are close to me. (if looks matter, I'm short and slim)
Most things that come with femdom/gentle femdom. I'm a switch/sub (probably? have no experience so idk). Look, there's a lot I'm into, but this isn't the focus of my post, just ask me more if you want.
>What you're looking for
I know most people are here just for sexting, but I'm mostly looking for actual connections. A girlfriend would be ideal and preferred, but friends would be helpful as well. Younger or older I don't care, just maybe not more than a 3 year difference. Long distance's fine for a while. Need someone that'll actually care. Y'know, sometimes I just need someone to hold me and tell me I'm good enough.
>What you're NOT looking for
Trans (sorry)
Those that just want some quick sexting
Those that can't hold a conversation/expect me to always message first.
Atheists (I'm christian and in the case of an actual relationship, it just won't work)
People that are really fat (to me, a sign that you're not doing the bare minimum to take care of yourself)
>Any additional info
Sorry for the long post, that's it! If you're reading this, hope you have a nice day :3
Discord : dantheculturedman (is an alt, I'll add you on my main if we actually have a conversation)
I use my beauty, charm and intelligence to deceive others into giving me what i rightfully but not deservingly want.
I like showing off and gloating about how fortunate and successful I am, specially to the unfortunate.
I’m not that interested in you, only i matter in this conversation and you’re here to ask and learn about me.

>Deleting u right away if the following applies to you, which is 99% of the adds i get

>starting off your messages boringly and generically instead of getting to the point and being interesting enough for me to wanna talk to you.
>repetitive and dumb questions.
>taking more than a minute to reply or adding without saying anything in the first minute!
>NPCs, Normies, Drones or ppl that use “lol”, “haha” or anything similar at the end of every sentence or reply with “mmm” at everything.
>ppl with no entertaining chat skills, which shows by the first couple messages.

Anyone who says this is a larp is seething that he wasn’t worthy enough for me to talk to him due to how boring he is…

Discord: yinaxa
Can't believe I have to add this but: girls, telling me you're going to torture me to death in your basement is NOT going to help.
This anon is a coward. If you want to torture someone to death in your basement, drop your disc.
no way, i wanna be hurt, too!
Get in line!
Wishing I could be chained up in a femanon's filthy basement as her live in pet, perfection
i'm already femboy, i'm basically designed for it!
29f Canada mommy looking for young hung obedient muscled mommys boys wanting to show off how strong and grown up they have become. Perhaps needing an edging lesson from mommy

Obedient and real boys only. Renyt8ady to play now.

KIK flexingformommy
Looking for a domme

27 F Quebec ... looking to get bred and i also have a thing for pee... looking for a breeding sex slave.. ebony here. add my kik anonymequebec

Lol, larping would be less cringe than actually posting this
21/nb amab/south america

>About you
I'm a soft-hearted person who loves hanging out with friends and explaining my dumb niche interests to anyone who will lend an ear. Conversly, I will force you to share your interests with me and tell me about your hyperfixations. I'm into kpop, specifically girl groups, consider this your only warning.

Phisically, I'm pretty, have broad shoulders, not very tall or athletic (kinda chubby), and present mostly masculine. I will send you pictures of myself if my hair doesn't look like shit.

A lot of stuff. I'll probably forget some if I make a list, but here's my attempt: everything related to anal, pubic hair, bad smells (not farts, just body odor), feet, all forms of soft domination, being a pillow princess (not all the time), creampies, impregnation. I love both praise and degradation. More will come up in conversation when I'm actually horny and actively thinking about kinks. I'm a switch and I like domming, so if you're also a switch, please let me know.

>What you're looking for
Conversation, someone who's willing to call and play videogames together.
Petite, short girls.
Not exclusively looking for women, but I'm only attracted to fem-presenting people. Basically, if you look feminine, I'm into you.
Alts of any kind are very welcome.

>What you're NOT looking for
A relationship. I doubt you'll come to my ass country in south america, and I don't do long distance.
Something entirely sexual. I want us to be friends aside from the whole "you make me cum by making me call you mommy" stuff. A healthy middle ground.
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, "conservatives", all that stuff.
Someone too old. Sorry, I find it almost impossible to strike up interesting conversation with someone who doesn't share/know about most of the culture I consume.

You can find me on discord as tawahel. I can send you my number if you'd like, after we get to know each other better
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
>About you
6'4, relatively fit and attractive, edgy writer. I can talk about just about anything and I'm pretty good at most things.
Top things I'm into is probably, Psychology, outdoors, video games, reading, kink, I love singing to music.
I'm very dominant and primal, and usually a Dom but I like calling women the M word.
Public play, CNC, rough stuff, name calling are a few.
>What you're looking for
Like I said I'm usually a Dom. But I like the idea, or possibility of a woman being so dominant that I rethink that and submit. Kind've a long shot but it's worth a try.
>What you're NOT looking for
Men(I'm straight). I'm not paying or giving money. People who can't prove they're real. I'll know if you're fake, I'm paranoid and smart.
>Any additional info
Idk. Kinda liking the idea of being cared for. I'm just so fucking tired. And I got out of a long term toxic relationship last year, so I'm sick of dishonest selfish people.
Discord: ileaptintoit
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Hi I’m a 33yo beta male who really likes fit dominant women

Looking for a long term friend. My kik is deepdive08 and discord is mtdsend22 hmu!
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26 M east coast US
>>About you
tall white guy, average build, into weeb stuff and books.
light bdsm, verbal abuse, cnc, femdom, choking, cuckshit/NTR, feet/female legwear.
>>What you're looking for
into mostly hapas or asians
>>What you're NOT looking for
fat or trans or like black/indian chicks i just ain't into it man
>>Any additional info
just add me and ask? I'm an open book.
25 f eu
>About you
i mostly just make music
music (shoegaze, breakcore, indie etc), anime, vidya, chess, philosophy, history
>Looking for
nice people to talk to and maybe vc
>Not looking for
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>About you
virgin (obviously), short (5'4), not fat, Asian (mixed), possesive and obsessive (please tell me if you are talking to other people), looking for one person only, i play tft, and genshin mostly, lowkey insane, hypersexual (no i am not looking to talk about sex all the time), not a brat i would like to believe i'm quite obidient even though i am very whiny, i am very vocal too so i would love to let you hear my voice, i can verify age/ verify if im real if u want.
edging, denial, orgasm control, basically i lowkey need someone to tell me to not jerk off all the time, teasing, pegging, forced intox, cnc, somno.
>What you're looking for
longterm dynamic with emotional connection, someone who is somewhat more experienced than me (not a tough ask as i barely have any experience irl), way overweight (few extra pounds is fine), not above the age of 30, honestly i just want someone who likes and cares about me
>What you're NOT looking for
showing my face immidiately(im ok with showing my body), men, trans woman, treating it as a service (asking me to pay for what you do basically).

discord: xbdont
telegram: xbdont
>About you
Somewhere around 5'11, white, physically fit at about 74kg currently (bulking), medium-long wavy/fluffy brown hair, ridiculous glasses prescription that makes my eyes big like an anime character's.
Working in tech on a decent wage, mostly based at home which suits me as I can spend a lot of my time doing other things.
I have a joint degree in philosophy, and like reading as much as I can. Would be nice if you knew about history as I've always wanted to learn more. Other than that I like anime, manga, VNs, movies, and music (mostly post-hardcore). I go to the gym four times a week and like cooking, which I think is necessary for my goals here - I'm trying to learn baking too but so far all I've made is cookies and brownies which is not too impressive. I also like editing videos but that's very hard to find time for.
Soft dom, I don't want to go into everything here but the idea of calling a girl "mistress" as she steps on my balls isn't what I'm looking for. Teasing, touch, cuddles, forced roleplay, and a girl taking the lead is what I'm interested in.
>What you're looking for
A girl roughly my age in roughly my location. An actual relationship; someone who I can talk to and has interests of her own and I get on with as person. I'm not completely about looks, but would prefer to exchange pictures quickly and then move on if there's no mutual attraction.
>What you're NOT looking for
Findom, girls who are 30+ years old, trans of any sort.
>Any additional info
Discord: lullabyyyye
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Experienced Domme Based in Enfield London. Im here to seek a determined submissive kinky guy that willing to undergo into long term ownership basis online or IRL.willing to try to things and explore my limits as long as i found the right guy for me. if you're interested, feel free to message me thru KIk at ExclusiveChanell
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24 M EU
>About me
185cm, grey-green eyes, lean build, dark hair
gentle femdom, role reversal, mommy stuff, praise, soft pegging, biting, etc
love me and care for me and relentlessly take what you want
>What you're looking for
nothing official. an older woman with an active imagination, loving, caring. erp, just chatting, pics - anything goes once we click
>What you're NOT looking for
abuse, wasteplay, mtfs, mentally unstable people
>Any additional info
some interests: history, fantasy, good literature with interesting style (genre can be anything), art in all its forms, foreign languages, belief and spirituality. I can make you some cool stuff once we get to know each other :3
discord jakrilim
>About you

introverted person. i like anime, video games, music, and other stuff. sometimes i take walks outside but i mostly stay indoors

gentle femdom, facesitting, (giving) oral, being stepped on, just all around degenerate things :^)
>What you're looking for
a domme with similar interests to me to be friends with, maybe a relationship but it’ll depend on location as i’m not super fond of LDRs
>What you're NOT looking for
findoms and mean people , people who don’t like anime
>Any additional info
i am silly :p
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>About you
I'm a painfully shy 27-year-old virgin. I have a job, live on my own, and I'm otherwise pretty normal. I like music, reading, and hanging out with my dog.
Being trained for your pleasure, ruined orgasms, cnc, orgasm control, possibly pegging,
>Looking for
I honestly just want to lose it for the time being. I feel like I'm not in the right place for a relationship but I'm in the right place to explore. Maybe a FWB if that works for us. I'd like to gain some sexual experience.
>Not Looking for
A serious LTR, men, scammers, people trying to sell anything, someone who is going to immediately ask me for money
> Contact
discord: randomname987987
Any cute subs in NYC or Philly? I’d also be open to moving to the west coast long term. I’m looking for a real boyfriend. My type is usually white, thin, and too smart for your own good. Drop contact
obvious troll is obvious
man AI art is fucking ugly
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18m femboy uk

kinda short, slim fem/androgynous guy

kinks: degredation, bondage, petplay, ownership

Looking for: dom mommy who can absolutely destroy me but at the same time still cares
interests: gaming, warhammer and other autist things

discord: _birdboi_77
disc: xbrucexd

sounds like I'm your type
disc: .solzh
>breath of the wild
holy shit how poor are you?
Radiohead, Bjork, Portishead, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Depeche Mode, Boards of Canada, Gorillaz, Susumu Hirasawa, Flying Lotus, Autechre
>Looking For
Downtempo, Breakbeat, Trip Hop, Big Beat, Electro, Ambient Techno, IDM, Drum and Bass, Ambient Dub, Illbient, Alternative Dance
>Not Looking For
Anything lewd

I'm near that area. Try to stay in shape. love reading and philosophy and dorky weeb stuff.
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34 M England (Midlands)
>About you
I like movies and gaming as well as playing sports and going to the gym. I am in pretty decent shape and can hold a conversation on most topics
>What you're looking for
A female led or female dominant traditional relationship. I like women who work out or who are in good shape but this isn’t a deal breaker
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info
Open to chatting and seeing where it goes.
Discord: sarkyclarky
Kik: sarkyclarky
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29/M/ Western USA

Would be willing to move somewhere else eventually. Provided everything works out. Not attached to current location by anything really.

>About you
The wordy version is in the picture provided. (I talk too much...)
TLDR: Effeminate pretty boy with a gentle, loving and sensitive soul. Loves elegance and being *fancy*. Happy to be devoted and committed to someone if they are to him.

>Kinks and Sexuality
I'm definitely more on the bottom side, pegging, chastity, anal and prostate play are all things I want to do or do on my own already. Pain also is kinda nice... I am very kinky actually and very open minded. Though I am wanting to leave that for after I get to know you. My point is that I am very compatible and very easy to condition. Play with me!

>What you're looking for
An intelligent and competent individual whom I can talk to and get along with and shares my interests and desires (and maybe has their own they want to share with me as well!). A serious LTR I suppose. I just want someone who is assertive, playful and isn't afraid to tease and take charge. Maybe even bully me a little as long as the intent isn't to be hurtful. I'd prefer this person share my interests and wants to spend time with me, because i'll want to spend time with them. I don't mind possessiveness or even clingyness. Age likewise isn't as much of an issue, I do think older women deserve love as well. Physically, i'd prefer if you were focused on maintaining an aesthetic appearance. However I am not really trying to be picky with this.

>What you're NOT looking for
Mainly just people looking only for something sexual (am I the weird one?) or who are more interested in causing pain and suffering and just being as hurtful as possible. Likewise I am not interested in being a payboy (I am way too poor for that even if I wanted to do it). Men, which should be obvious. Cuckolding

Discord: anonria (should be a pic of a smiling demon)
im exactly what you're after and on the west coast - gabeit >: )
hey i'll send you a request, i'm a little too old for anything intimate with you but i'm down for a conversation.
disc: dorkbag
hey buddy
women only
funny how you're not looking for "coomers and chasers" and then you immediately switched to saying you're a real woman lmao
save your time boy "she" has a dick
honestly the balls of these fucking trannies
(lmao, literally)
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>About you
I like pc games, discussions on theology and spirituality, developed gynophobia due to traumatic event, watch shows and movies, go to gym, and getting into goth fashion, I like disturbing memes and just memes in general.

Will tell when talking, but not that bad desu.

>What you're looking for
Honestly just girls to talk to with similar interests I can send memes and shit. Or play games with and watch me or watch movies and shows together.

>What you're NOT looking for
Honestly? I’m not that sexual but from my past experiences femdoms have been empathetic and nicer than girls who haven’t been, so really someone to talk to and be friends with.

>Any additional info
Just kind of trying to vent and make friends really. I know I probably don’t belong in this thread but fuck it, just going off my gut.


Discord: gask
>About you
Plays piano and guitar
Permanent chastity
>What you're looking for
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info
>About you
Hi im a 19 yo virgin im 5'8 white degen homophobic somewhat fit i work out every day i play a lot of video games and watch a lot of anime/movies/shows
My favourite is one piece
Milfs, orgasm control, gentle femdom, edging basically i want to have a raging boner the whole day from your messages
> what you're looking for
A bio female prefer older than me that would make me edge for hours
While i send pics of my cock and sometimes she sends some back also she wont want any payment or she wont ask to see my face body is ok
>What you're not looking for
Men, trans,women that want me to pay
Kik: iluvgirlstoomuch
29f Canada mommy looking for young hung obedient muscled mommys boys wanting to show off how strong and grown up they have become. Perhaps needing an edging lesson from mommy

Obedient and real boys only. Ready to play now

KIK is flexingformommy
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>> ASL
Gentle femdom. Anything sweet, soft and loving. I just want to melt in the arms of someone I just can't get enough of. Big tits/ass, titjobs, chubby girls, slight exhibitionism (like lewding on a beach somewhere hidden but where we *could* still be found), praise (giving and receiving), anal, lactation, and probably more I'm just forgetting
>>about me
INFP neet. Introverted, passionate, emotional, scatterbrained, imaginative, idealistic. Very heart driven, romanticizing so much in life. Maybe rose tinted glasses are glued to me. I want love more than anything in the world, and friendships that last a lifetime. That, and to just generally live a comfy life with those loved ones
Psychology, history, lost media, unsolved mysteries, spirituality/religions (particularly eastern stuff), stories, cultures, nature, animation, music, architecture/aesthetics
>>what you are looking
A gf, hopefully.
All the typical limits, I'd say
>> Contact information
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>>taking more than a minute to reply
Okay retard, sorry for not being a smart phone addict and having a life outside of 4Chinz I guess?
27 / M / Europe
>about yourself
fit/muscular body type, i like cooking, hiking, fitness, live music
>kinks and roles
edging, joi, body worship, teasing, humiliation, face sitting, CEI, cucking, light CBT,
>Looking for
women who wanna use and use a fit boy toy and some casual chat. Looking for someone who wants exchange pics/videos and or VC
>Not looking for
guys, not willing to verify
Nine Inch Nails, Rage Against the Machine, Godflesh, Primus, Rammstein, Killing Joke, Foetus, The Shizit, Ministry, Ikd-sj, Pantera
>Looking For
Industrial Metal, Nu Metal, Groove Metal, Beatdown Hardcore, Ragga, Rap Metal, Digital Hardcore, Turntablism, Funk Metal, Neue Deutsche Harte, Cyber Metal
>Not Looking For
looking for a mommy to dominate me and turn me into her little slave, make me do tasks for you ill do ANYTHING

kik hornu28
nyc add me if you're asian or hapa chickenburrito47
Going through a quarter life crisis and being bossy to guys online seems to help- or taking them under my wings so I feel less like a failure myself.
Female, England
Kik: roisinchatter
I'm Attention whole, you bet
currently on white fever
i'm notoriously without moral
just yet another asian male got kpop simps
30m cuck
Looking to get bullied/ rated by female. Will trade whatever you want. 18years plus
kik: mike4you1992
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I know these kinds of posts usually get shit on for obvious and correct reasons, but any girls interested in nursing(or abusing, if that's your thing) a lonely and broken white guy?

Beyond touch starved and honestly kind of terrified of real intimacy. Not into the mommy thing, but beyond that I'm probably open to whatever.
hey contact didn't work
I'm 22m I also make music
6ft tall hispanic, fit from biking. Spend my time either working, playing games or horny. I have more interests and if you want to know about them you can always ask.
>Sexual interests
I'm pretty vanilla but open to trying new things. I like passionate sex, breeding, anal, and anything you want to teach me.
>Looking for
A mommy who wants to give JOI, wants to take care of me sexually and who I can take care of sexually. We can cam/mic and exchange pics if you’re comfortable with it
>About you
I'm a softboy (and maybe a femboy) who is looking for an older/dom woman. My main interests are computers, music, video games, fashion, toys, and traveling.
My main kinks are pretty vanilla, but I looove femdoms and role reversal! :D
>What you're looking for
I'm looking for a generally stable relationship. I'm fine with an online relationship but I would like to meet up eventually! I'm fine with any (legal) age but I would prefer an older woman. I would also like a woman who could finance my hobbies like fashion (like a sugar momma)
>What you're NOT looking for
I'm not interested in kinks like BSDM, sissification, any drugs or hormones, anything toilet related, age play or age regression. Just nothing too extreme.
>Any additional info
I may take a little bit of time to respond to you if you're interested but I'll get around to you eventually. Just give a short introduction on who you are and why you were interested in me.
Discord: lee.lovelace
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26 M Eastern Europe

Studying graphic design, doing a lot of art projects shit but mainly drawing hentai (both for money and myself) and plamo stuff.
I'm looking for anyone interested in more serious relationship or to be friends.
I'm not very confident in myself and a bit shy so if you're looking for a bullying target I guess I'm a good fit.
Appearance wise I'm 185cm and not feminine in the slightest but I do have naturally long eyelashes and hair. Also I have a decent voice apparently so if you want any custom smut malesub audios I'd be happy to provide.
I'm mostly interested in finding a husband (female) as odd as it sounds. I always wanted to be owned by someone, whether figuratively or to be literally caged in your basement I'm fine with either way. For some reason the idea of being someone's pet/property awalys felt more proper and romantic than a regular relationship.
If you want to be physically abusive that's fine too.
I'm not looking for sexting or ERP but I don't mind sexual topics, I mostly just want some actual connection.

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Thought i'd give this a shot again.

>About you
Lately I pull blanks. I always feel like there is so much depth to me but the moment I have to put it on paper I don't know where to begin or where to end. But I think something's unraveling about me. I like things but when people ask me what it is I'm like who cares honestly.
>What you're looking for
Someone to spend some time together with, doesn't have to lead anywhere, I don't need or expect anything but a fuzzy feeling of being a little content with my day. I've been a little sick so I could use the company.
>What you're NOT looking for
Weirdo's and freaks
>Any additional info
voice: https://voca.ro/13F5qgWLAHNs
Discord: Fuckdemon

Sub cuck looking for dom

Holy shit, I love Mass Of The Fermenting Dregs.

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24, male, usa/north carolina
>>About you
internet loser who is shy and quiet, missed out on teen love and still don't know how to have a good healthy relationship. Kissless virgin, I tried e-dating a bunch but the women always leave without saying why.
femdom, role reversal, vanilla, siscest, breeding, wrestling, sweat, spit, cherry popping, rape/cnc, pet play, and biting
>>What you're looking for
looking mostly for a more domine woman to see if talking to someone who is more interested in taking the lead will help make it easier to build a good relationship with them, mostly desire a virgin like myself. I do desire good communication with each other too.
>>What you're NOT looking for
cuck stuff, guys
40 m USA

I want to be called an ugly perv as I'm teased by pretty women. Knowing I won't ever actually get anything and that they just live having my attention and knowing that I'm always there hoping.

Kik: DingusDoofer
Kik is: DooferDingus
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23/M/U.S. (EST Time Zone, just be in the U.S.)
Friendly person, becoming less of an introvert.. My goal is to make enough money to move out of the city and spend the rest of my days living in the countryside. I'm currently not going to school and am working.
>Your hobbies and interests
Retro Games, reading and writing, guitar, gardening, night drives, watching and collecting old anime box sets. Huge film nerd.
>What you're looking for in this thread.
I guess what I'm looking for could be gentle femdom. I just want someone I don't have to drag through everything. I'm tired of subby girls that make me do everything, even carry conversations. I just want someone who puts in as much effort as I do. I just want to meet a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to take the reins every once in a while.
>Would you prefer a full domme/sub? Are you okay with a switch?
Fine with a switch or domme
Handjobs, thighjobs, clothed sex.
>Tell us a bit of what you'd like out of your partner.
I'd prefer them to be in their 20s, Bio female, appearance doesn't matter much to me though black hair and bags under their eyes is a huge plus. I'd want them to be someone who's independent or doesn't let themselves be swayed by others. I want them to have hobbies and passions that they care about deeply and would do anything for. As for interests, as long as we have some common ground we’ll be fine. I'd also love to share music with someone and calling/playing games or watching stuff together is mandatory if we want to pursue a relationship.
>What would you like to do with and for your partner?
My goal would be to meet in person, but we can start things off as LDR. Some things I want to do include learning to play instruments with someone, going to arcades, and going on trips. I want someone I can do all the things I missed out on as a kid with. Someone who isn’t afraid to not act their age every once in a while and smile every so often.
>About Me
6'1, chubby big guy, small cocked. Extrovert in real life, most enjoy being around my friends and going out. Massive nerd, vidya/anime/gunpla/comics etc. Open minded. I love being super affectionate and caring with the people I'm into.
Mommydom, gentle femdom (not exclusively tho if you're not into the gentler side haha), incest, age play, pegging, feminization, sph, face sitting, piss, toys, worshipping, praising (as in praising you, love complimenting people and making them feel good), degradation etc etc I don't have any kink limit and am down to satisfy any fucked up degenerate urge you desire.
>Looking for
Any femmes of any persuasion. Don't care if you're cis/nb/trans, what you look like or if you pass. I love all bodies and I guarantee you'll be beautiful in my eyes. Femboys welcome as well. All I care about is that you are dominant. Im open to satisfying any dynamic and kinks you want. Also down to chat and genuinely get to know each other if you want to before anything sexual
Discord: boredloser7
Kik: boredloser7
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21 sub femboy looking for a femdom to break me and make me her bitch:3 im super loyal and will be at your beck and call, and will send anything you ask ;)
will share list of kinks n limits upon request!
discord: subsissyboy
kik: femboy_noelle
snap: femboi_noelle
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20/m/wherever. I travel a lot
>About you
i love drawing, writing, poetry, games, comics, stories, music, D&D and TTRPGs, cartoons, foxes and the color blue. master wordsmith and amateur paracosmologist
getting to know you (i'm really open for anything)
>What you're looking for
a friendship that could grow into more
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info
i got a full score on an autism test
30 / M / Melbourne, Australia

You will have your work cut out for you, but I can be trained.

Kik: punchskunk
30s, Female, Southern USA.

> Kinks
Anal is probably one of my favorites, both giving and receiving. Big into pegging, milking, degradation, breeding, and dirty talk! Breast worship is another. I get off on making my partner get off, so I’m usually pretty open to what my partners are into. I have a thing for toys, to say the very least. (:

> About me and what you are looking
5'10 tattooed/pierced redhead that works in law with exotic pets. Trying to get better about PC gaming and staying diligent with the gym because picking heavy things up and putting them back down again is A+ therapy in my book - I've hit a bench PR of 135# so I'm excited things are working. Looking for interesting people to talk to and if anything else happens, it happens, but I’m going to make it clear that I am not looking for a relationship.

> Limits
No clinginess because I tend to work a good bit. Other than that, I don’t have many limits other than the normal no scat or furries - not trying to judge, just not what I’m into. - and being called mommy/goddess.

> Contact information
Drop yours with a little bit about you.
>About you
I like art, anime, games, psychology, philosophy, psychedelics, biology, evolutionary science, politics (I'm an anarchist, feminist, environmentalist, antinatalist, and democratic voter)
I'm submissive actually but because Doms are hard to get I can do cucking with a submissive guy
>What you're looking for
A cuck
>What you're NOT looking for
>Any additional info
Discord: diogenes420666
Male 32, from uk.

Interested in all the kinks you have listed and your job sounds super cool too. Im 6'2 average build and a couple of tattoos.

My kik is rtonenine2 if you are interested
19, M, I live europe but I wanna leave anyways so Im willing to move in the future
Pegging,milking,cunnilingus,dirty talk,mommy stuff
>About me
Twink 5'11 dark hair and green eyes, likes games, manga and Im trying to learn cooking nowdays
>Discord(throwaway acc btw)
22 M Canada I'm lanky and kindov alt, 6' with blonde hair with a nose piercing into all the same stuff especially breast and pussy worship and I'm not too clingy. Otherwise I'm into mostly fashion, gaming, tha outdoors and normal chud stuff like history and anthropology
Discord is Frogdude9254
6ft tall hispanic, fit from biking. Spend most of my time either working, playing games or exercising. I have more interests and if you want to know about them you can always ask.
>Sexual interests
I'm pretty vanilla but open to trying new things. I like rough sex, passionate sex, breeding, and anal.
Kik: Showet12
Your kinks are very interesting and i would like to explore it with you
Disc is magnumdml
>About you
Im a 6'4, 180 pound white guy with blue eyes and brown hair. I love dogs and I work with them. I went to college for creative writing, and I can speak German. I'm a huge gamer and lover of film, TV and all things comedy.
Femdom, puppy play, anr/abf,
>What you're looking for
A domme or handler. Irl is preferred but online works too
>What you're NOT looking for
Dudes, trannies, sellers, people who want to degrade me
>Any additional info
I open mouth kissed a horse once. Also posted my face in another soc thread so just search my name to see what I look like
>white guy wannabe cuck
>looking for woman to laugh my fantasies and worship women. Also love all captions, cuck, cum, femdom, humiliation, forced chastity, forced sissy
>everyone, lets chat

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>About me
My hobbies include video games, manga, anime, motorcycles, and guns. I'm 5'7" with dark brown hair, green eyes, and relatively fit. I workout everyday after I get off work.
I like cuddling and somewhat dominant women who take the initiative.
>What I'm looking for
A girl who will game and watch anime with me. Preferably someone who values self improvement. Is nice to me and genuinely wants to spend time together.
>What I'm not looking for
Fat women, men, or any type of transgender people.
>Additional info
Idk just ask me. I'm fine answering anything.
Discord: krimwraith
im a bottom will obey u on video call if u do it rn iim into petplay and breathplay im from india but rn im in brazil im a tall fair guy im a little boy by heart and here to be spoiled

>Looking for
man women he she it they them any master whom i could please ill do anything u say me and we could be friends too we don't have to act like this all the time
ill worship u and be on my knees while talking to u i got my mothers bra and panties too to wear them for u im a femboy sissy slut please own me
>Not looking for
people who ghost (ill change myself for u and get used to ur needs)
please message me i still have no dom or master to control me ill wear thongs for u and u can take my anal virginity
seek mental help
>ASL M19 >Bio im a bottom will obey u on video call if u do it rn iim into petplay and breathplay im from india but rn im in brazil im a tall fair guy im a little boy by heart and here to be spoiled >Looking for man women he she it they them any master whom i could please ill do anything u say me and we could be friends too we don't have to act like this all the time ill worship u and be on my knees while talking to u i got my mothers bra and panties too to wear them for u im a femboy sissy slut please own me >Not looking for people who ghost (ill change myself for u and get used to ur needs) >Discord lineao please message me i still have no dom or master to control me ill wear thongs for u and u can take my anal virginity
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23/M/MS USA so we are both southern

Everything you’re into actually, dead accurate.

>abt me
5’11 curlyhaired/afro dad bodied male. Mixed race. Currently working out, I have a gaming pc already and want someone to play with, you’re currently stronger than I am. You just seem like a really interesting person to talk to.

I wanna get to know you some idk I’ve never really done anything like this before you just seem exceptional because of how close we seem fetish and interest wise so far. not into scat or watersports or anything too painful. I’m not hyper sexual but can be the type to satiate. I’m a pleaser to my partner.

Contact: discord: gask
Shit I’m gask the one above this post I forgot to reply to you when I made this. Hope you see this. Like I said everything you’re into I’m into.
She's dead on about how boring normies are tho

are you fat?
add me, we've talked before I think.
I am tall and white and thin and probably too smart for my own good( as in, my smart mouth gets me into trouble)
m19 nyc

5'10 korean bedrotter

looking for: anything you want to do

pockey7683 discord
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I'm the cutest submissive
and here is my lonesome lament

Death is all above Me
Death is all below Me
Death is all behind Me
Death is all inside Me

Why do heavens stay silent
while those sacred souls weep

Then he rejected a finest brilliant
the one I would keep

Join me boys again and again
Cursed be the first of men.

im willing to be Ur mommy but please just sext with me a lot..

discord: omaiwh2e
Biggest anal kink ever. Giving and receiving. Very chilled out and good to chat about anything

Kik: smokeyfingers
Not the person behind the acc
Recently realized I'm the male equivalent of a girl with daddy issues, I've just been too much of a shut in to engage in the degenerate behavior they usually do.

Are there girls into that?
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26/M/Southeast USA
>About you
6'5", white, very relaxed and introverted. I enjoy making people happy and taking care of them, ask me for more and get to know me!

I love music, gaming, physics and astronomy, anime/manga, cooking, and working out :3
femdom, role reversal, FLR, ask me for more cause it feels silly going into it here
>What you're looking for
Looking for someone I can get along with and have an attraction to that will potentially turn into a LTR
>What you're NOT looking for
flakes, dudes, dry texters, people who don't know what they want
>Any additional info
I get along best with terminally online shut ins
>About you
I like music (learning production), reading, cooking, /fa/ and hitting the gym.
5’7 brunette light-tan latina, big creepy eyes, typical “femcel” look, skinny w small boobs big ass.
I’m obsessive, possessive, can be toxic but I have a good heart, I’m caring, loyal, and a good listener.
I like cnc, pegging, age play, breath play, edging, humiliation.. want to try new things.
>What you're looking for
Monogamy and mutual obsession.. more than the kinky/sex part; I want to nurture and spoil a shy, clingy, nerdy boy with all my heart.
I like skinny guys with glasses the most but ofc not limited to that.
Don’t mind long distance, willing to relocate, dont mind age,race,beliefs..
>What you're NOT looking for
only interested in gooning
Polygamy, open relationships
Disc: cielollora
be respectful or I’ll block you
Opinions on edgelord racist guys that actually have a heart of gold but lash out at society because their soul has been hurt?
you need to sacrifice your life to bring back Helen, Chud.
heed this call! Evropa is calling your name.
Sorry bub... All out of vril!
Wouldn't survive the trip!
read the myth of brave Odysseus what awaits you was written is stars, Chud. dont you stray
i fuck with that heavily
That’s not a heart of gold

also this was weird samefagging that wasnt me, the torture to death person
Not really. Plenty of catfishes though.
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Ehhhhh... im bit hisotronic after wine(was even singing karaoke) let me actually try instead..
If some Dominant European woman wants to handle me, a delicate flower who is starving for the light of your presence and warmth of yours life-giving energy.
Im very cute young boy, decently muscular and tall, that will drop a contact when asked to.
thanks :)
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i have lost most of hope in life of feeling loved ever again. tough shit happened.
please just be older than me and care for me, I won't even ask for pics or something I just want a woman to care for me truly
bonus point if your personality is like shikimori's (just be nice to me)


21m, cocaineland

>About you

pathetic version:
195cm tall curly haired guy that got really fucking betrayed and now is scared of women but literally needs feeling a bit loved at very least
non pathetic (at all) version:
I'm currently learning Blender skills, found myself under a SFM porn tutorial rabbit hole and ended up wanting to animate my own stuff, maybe become pro if doing better at job pays off.
Learned english and a tad of german by myself, Im really proud of that although im not the best (yet)
I know a bit about lotta topics, not the autistic tier of knowing, but hey I know my fair share of stuff iykwim
I really like secure women, and honestly since I found that being loved and cared for this "way" is how I want it.


uhh i can send you my bdsmtest results for better understanding. Im into hardcore stuff, degrading and all that, and maybe getting it done to me if done correctly. I like the mommy vibes, but Im still way too dominant to grow a liking to it.

>What you're looking for

honestly just someone that will greet me after a long day of work or even during work and just giving me some head up to keep alive.
If you end up liking me which I highly doubt just know that im kind of a bleeding heart.
Bad stuff has happened, im afraid to trust but also don't wanna be alone anymore.

>What you're NOT looking for

troons with deep voice
men (unless you wanna talk about either f&h lore or animated porn)
pretty much anything goes just don't send me gore right off the bat.

>Any additional info

just hoping i dont get dragged for this lol
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>About you
179cm tall, short dark blond hair, a bit fit. My personality is very phlegmatic and introverted but i love going out with with my friends from time to time and behave like moron
I usually spend my time on vidya(strategic or rpg), playing ricchi mahjong, manga&anime(Aria, Ran to haiiro no sekai), reading fantasy books(Sanderson, LeGuin), workout, learning japanese(i know, very original) and recenlty baking cakes. I aslo like to play ttrpg(currently dnd and legend of 5 rings). I'm currently saving money to do some courses and change job. Currently i'm shoemaker.

Pegging, healsluting, bondage&restraints, toys, chocking and sensory depravation. I'm open to try new things. I'm mostly sub but have some switch fantasies.

>Looking for
Someone to date or just to chat
Bonus points for muscle mommies

>Not looking for
Findoms, +size girls(some fat is ok but too much is turn off for me), fembois

Discord(pref): rogal32
Kik: Bagiet
Female, in my 20s, England
Who knew that logging out made you lose all new chats? Lol
Message me if you’re entertaining and engaging. Owned guys before and always loved it.
Kik: Roisinchatter

Bro really adapted the Nu-Sphere ritual for "poetry" and made it lose all meaning. Good job.


What a weird, roundabout way of calling yourself delusional.
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Hi there, 40/m/southern US sub here. Love all of your kinks (and have toys as well).

In my free time I love to do anything outdoors, work out, read, game, travel, etc.

Disc is adamd1983 if you'd like to chat sometime!
Kik: cutopen1
20M, fit, 7 inches, looking for a mommy to take control of my cock while my gfs asleep
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While me and my friend Lucifer invented ROCK AND ROLL in Heaven! you were sitting in manner of insect making small arm movements learning to type such "critiques" internetizing your mind further.
early 30s/m/mid-atlantic US
>About you
white, greenish-blue eyes, brown wavy hair, freckles, stocky/strong build, ~5'10", full beard that is reddish/blondish/brown. usually keep my hair short but currently growing it out a bit where it's at an awkward stage of waviness

easygoing, fairly nerdy, kinda quiet, have a goofier/funnier/more playful side that opens up as I get to know someone better. work as an engineer. like vidya, outdoorsy stuff, etc. currently doing grad school while working
bondage - especially heavier forms of bondage (mummification, vacbeds, encasement etc). am likely a switch, but I lean on the submissive side. If I am confident the girl wants me, I could see myself more in the other role. minor other kinks include tight stuff (latex, nylons (more on women, spandex, zentai), feet/legs, pubic hair, freckles, cuddling, cunnilingus

like femdom - prefer it in a more gentle or a teasing manner. If I am tied up I don't really have a say in the matter though. don't mind
>What you're looking for
long-term relationship with a girl that could potentially lead to something more. someone with similar interests or at least similar values if we vibe well. would prefer a girl who is white (or maybe asian).

i wouldn't mind if a girl just wants to try stuff. Granted, I have no experience. I'm at the point in my life I might just go against my wishes and try it just to experience things once in my life.
>What you're NOT looking for
no scat/pee, no blood, findom, no trans (I want kids), don't want pegging. No tattoos (dislike them heavily). No drugs (weed is fine - can't partake)
>Any additional info
never been in a relationship. never really tried for one. always thought one would happen by chance. never did really. turned down a few opportunities in the past for a hook-up as wanted to date first. This is partially why I can't see myself in a dominant role necessarily, unless I was certain the girl liked me or wanted me.
discord: vlkyri
It wasn't samefagging, i said "too!". Too means "in addition, also". Since english is apparently not your first language, that means im not samefagging, I want the same thing.

6'1, white, pretty strong/built (~220lbs, gym everyday). I like working out, hiking and camping, and cooking

Looking for:
dominant girl who wants to own me. into humiliation, degradation, bondage, never been pegged but really want to try it. not picky about age or location. tell me a bit about yourself and we can go from there :)

disc: stencil2993
I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders!!!
For anyone who added me and remembers my post and everything, I'm slow adding people back and replying because I've been constantly sleeping because I'm injured
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>About you
I like to live life to the fullest, having a laugh, being able to joke around, banter, etc. I also like vidja, history, and going on walks through nature, including hiking. Hearing about other cultures, and faiths, is also deeply fascinating, imo, I love meeting new people, and hearing about their experiences. I occasionally drink, and such, too. NSFW-wise, I'm a sub, but I don't like offering my submission to people, and would rather have it taken from me. I'm very much into BDSM, CNC, TPE, humiliation, orgasm control/denial, etc.
Basically everything BDSM-related. Any form of domination gets me going, so even if I don't enjoy something, being forced to do it will likely make me enjoy it, regardless. I have few limits, other than the obvious (scat, incest, bestiality, and full public exposure.) Honestly, if it involves me going through some kind of torment, I'm probably into it.
>What you're looking for
It's probably pretty apparent so far that I'm probably most suited to someone who's dominant. I'd love to be able to meet someone who's sadistic, but, also someone I can spend time with. Suffice to say, I don't really expect many people want to dominate total strangers, so for now I'd rather just get to know people, and see where it goes. If there is someone who already wants to dom me, well... You're welcome to try lol
Seriously tho, no pressure to talk about anything NSFW. I just enjoy meeting interesting new people, more than anything.
>What you're NOT looking for
Findommes, MtFs, men.
>Any additional info
Sunstone is a great webcomic
Discord: Rwalaer
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>girl in other thread she wanted a 5'4 bf to play with
>tfw I am 5'4
>"I don't add randos from 4chan"
I was so close, fellas
Loved when you were my owner before
30 M EU

Athletic, good looking, well positioned in a society looking for a Fem to make use of my hormones.

Make me feel like a real slut.
When my sub-slut is taking over I will do everything to please my goddess and then after she let's me, cum all over myself.

I'm very keen to play with my ass using a butt plug or a glass dildo.
Love to show off too. I'm kinda of an attention whore.

Love you all,
Kik: aiz_ak
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Has anyone ever had luck finding a dom woman irl? Every time that I talk with a female and they open themselves they end up saying that they want to be submissive, whenever I've tried using Hinge, Tinder or Bumble it ends up in the same way.

Has anyone here ever had the chance to find a woman like this who doesn't live in the other corner of the world?
M24 Belgium Bi
Looking for a mistress/master
Preferably living in belgium
Kik: BartRogers69
Dominant women don't exist. Best you will find is dom leaning switches, but even those will have a primal desire to be submissive from time to time. If you can't switch and are 100% sub as a man, you're basically fucked.
I should kms, I'm so touch starved and I'll never find a Dom woman
same dude. Im such a perma retard I barely get any play from regular grills let alone dominant ones.
how wrong you are
Just be jewish. I refuse to white an essay when I know what I look for is rare
Also I am a man. 6'3 size 11.
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, beast. bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.

Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
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White, 6'1, glasses, short brown hair. A bit of a dad bod atm I'm trying to get rid of.
Told I have a nice voice. Virgin. Switch. Decently hung. Love to moan while I'm getting off.
Casually, I love a wide variety of video games and shows/movies. I'm a good writer, but hate doing it most of the time. Trying to learn how to draw. Will ramble to you about random shit and would love to listen to you do the same.
Kissing. Affirmation and worship. Text roleplay with great, descriptive writing. Anything M/F/F. Sexy voices, JOI. Risky/public play, exhibitionism (both watching and being watched). Especially any shower play. Love someone trying to distract me when I'm focused on something or out with friends, and love trying to distract too.
>What you're looking for
A biofem for online FWB, with the friends part intact. I want to get off with you, but I want to get to know who I'm getting off with. Text roleplay and voice messages to start, but after some time pic/video exchanging.
If you happen to be in MI, then *maybe* taking my virginity after we've done a fair amount together.
>What you're NOT looking for
Anyone in a relationship, people who don't try and take care of themselves, racists, people with "extreme" fetishes, the usual 4chan weirdos
disc: aceofsprays
May not add you back immediately, I'm only checking occasionally for the moment. But we'll chat consistently once I do.
>didn't even get yelled at for this
I can't tell if these threads have gotten worse or if I have
you didn't get yelled at because there are no girls here
So it's the threads that have gotten worse.
Yeah, that tracks. This whole site has lost it's flair.
>He's still coping
27/M/england but i’m from central europe
>about you
Shy, introverted, twinkish/fem. Skinny 170cm, 65kg with longer dark hair.
Like writing, gaming, travelling, toys and anything cute and fem
Crossdressing, feminisation, bdsm, petplay, painplay, brainwashing, chastity, anal, oral, tpe, cuckolding, CBT, being fed hormones (maybe secretly)
>what are you looking for
A sadistic girl to kidnap me and lock me up then torture, beat, peg, and abuse me until i cry then lovingly cuddle and reassure me that i’m hers forever now by branding me. Prefferably i wouldn’t be allowed to leave the house alone and i’d be forced to wear a collar with a leash at all times
>what are you not looking for
Online only, people who are hardly online or are way too busy with their lives and can’t make this happen
>any additional info
I work full time but would like to relocate. Also i’m fluent in two languages and want to learn a third one.
Discord: alex2455
M24 Belgium Bi
Looking for a mistress/master
Preferably living in belgium
Kik: BartRogers69
>About you
Pic related is a good start. I’m just a funny little guy from a cursed part of the world. I have a lot of little interests like collecting stationery and scrapbooking. Mainly though I play video games and go to the gym. I like to sing and dance but I’m pretty shy about it. Hoping to start my master’s degree this year. I work in the IT field. I’m also a pretty passionate home cook! I like sampling different cultures via their cuisines. I like greenery and nature.
I’m open to a lot of things with the exception of polyamory and findom. I have a little bit of experience in a submissive role but I would be more happy to discuss that in private.
>What you're looking for
Pleasing my partner in a non sexual setting is something that makes me genuinely happy in life and it’s something I crave. I would like to think that I am attentive and romantic. I like putting my partner’s needs before mine, it makes me feel useful. I would like to meet someone who can appreciate these aspects about my personality and who would get along with me.
>What you're NOT looking for
I have a relatively normal sleep schedule so I don’t believe I can make a long distance relationship work with someone outside of Europe. I would prefer to talk to someone around my age but I would be happy with someone older than me as well.
>Any additional info
I am the proud owner of a very lazy cat :)
Discord: natusdecem
i'm a woman that literally has never had vaginal sex because i refuse to let a man penetrate me because i see that act as too submissive on my part
Are you open with having a relationship that doesn't involve sex whatsoever? Even if things click no sex would be fine too.
19 Male USA
>About you
I’m 6’3, white, Black hair, I love metal, and I play games, I’m relatively fit
I like cnc, slapping, choking, spitting, stuff like that
>What you're looking for
A dominant woman in my life that’s short
>What you're NOT looking for
Uhhh someone who doesn’t send back
>Any additional info
Uhhh I like books
Personally I could be happy in an arrangement like that, I think femdom should be about making the female partner happy, whatever form that may take. Call me cringe or whatever but I feel strongly about this. The male partner receiving any sort of pleasure, whether emotional or physical should constitute a rare treat in a femdom dynamic, not the norm.
i don't think i would be happy long term in a completely sexless relationship, but i could be happy without certain acts and i don't need to have sex too frequently to be satisfied

i think it is about the woman controlling the man's pleasure. she can give or allow as much as she wants, but ultimately that's her decision. if i have a very good boy in my life, why wouldn't i want to shower him with praise? but it comes at my discretion, not his
I use a standing desk, and this legit made me weak at the knees. God damn
>but it comes at my discretion, not his
Exactly, that’s how it should always be.
That makes sense, gosh you sound hot too. You are exactly what look for in a woman. Assertive and smart. But, you aren't looking for a relationship right now I'm guessing.
time to retire to the fainting couch. i like short boys, so i wouldn't want to cause harm (in this manner of speaking, anyway)

i have been on 4chan for so long that coming here is more bad habit than anything. long gone are the days where i can dream about maybe meeting up one day with someone. most people on here are flakes, so i am much more an observer than an interact-er these days. doesn't mean i don't enjoy the view though :)
>retire to the fainting couch
only if you're coming with me
>short boy
I am quite short
>>I'm into short guys
>long gone are the days where i can dream about maybe meeting up one day with someone. most people on here are flakes
Aw, that sucks. Wish I could have met a woman like you years earlier. I would have been so into that. Regardless, was nice bumping into you. Gives me hope that I can meet hot and intelligent women still.
you'd probably like me but you changed you discord id
You slund like a pretty doable little twink, too bad you don't like men. I'd get gay for a cute enough 18-20 femtwink, personally, but what can ya do?
don't scare her away i'm trying to rizz her up
dc: owlmasked
i don't need the fainting couch, dear

nice trips. perhaps one day you'll meet your dream woman on here. i just doubt she is a 30+ year old leaf
You make a guy swoon and won't even cuddle him back to health? Rude
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> About You
Light-skinned, slim muscle tone, (If I put on a hat you can't really tell what race I am, it's funny to watch people guess lol.) Likes anime, manga, working out, drinking green tea, playing Street Fighter III for the umpteenth time, Mario Kart, old school music nerd, prog rock fan, introvert in person, wild and insane online, will throw memes at you, loves a strong, dominant woman who will treat me as her submissive puppy. <3

I gravitate towards dommy mommy's, bbw's, and just taller women. I'm 5'5". So having a woman towering over me and intimidating me turns me on. I like calling my dommy mommy, "Master" "Queen" or "Goddess." I like being pinned to the ground or pinned against the wall, being treated as a pet, having a collar, cuddling, hugging, and kissing. I'm sure there's A LOT more but I'm drawing a blank.
Sorry I'm nervous. ( ̄  ̄|| )

>Looking for
A nice sweet lady with a dark/scary side. Someone who shares many of my interests. Weird and obscure anime. I would like for things to start off slow online, and once I warm up to you and trust you, maybe we could meet in person and have a serious relationship. I also like a woman who is VERY controling and knows exactly what I want. Someone who makes decisions for me and scares me into following her. :^3

If you love Shaft anime like, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Monogatari, Pani Poni Dash, SoreMachi, and Arakawa Under the Bridge, I'll like you immediately. A lady who likes my goofy/dark sense of humor.

>Not Looking for
Trans women, scammers asking for money, scat, pee, etc.

Discord: neimaj or Neimaj#5574
i just think someone may be exaggerating his injuries for attention and coddling, and i have a feeling if there was a reward at the other end of the room, it wouldn't take long for him to perk up, no?
So you'd want him to suffer? All alone and vulnerable?
i'm a desperate perverted lonely loser trying to find a girl that wants to abuse and bully me for my money...

my discord is ice0143997
the suffering i inflict is done in a different way. never alone, always vulnerable
God, I wish you took in stray dogs.
Currently working as an electrical engineer, while also trying to complete a PhD. Probably a bit of a workaholic. Into science in general, reading, films, swimming and running. Also mainly looking for interesting people to chat and pass some time.
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why does every straight guy into femdom just desrcibe women in such a non woman way.
no interest in femininity and its own ways of dominance. its all porn brained shit that they slapped a woman over the role of man. im sure it ls falling upon deaf ears but its really odd.

i say this as a vers bi male. you guys want a type of woman only real in porn to dom you in a male way. almost always. its odd.
youre into a concept more than the actual practice, also forget the type of domination you want not being real (i.e amazon mommy 6'6 suplexing u and liking ur autistic hobbies literal scapegoat fantasy to defend u from imaginary bullies..........)
not to mention half of u r just fucking lazy and scared lol. i dont think any of u on average r even masochistic. ur all afraid of blood and permanent physical and mental damage.

u all just want a hug but think its not possible due to ur role as man. so u head cannon a woman into acting as a man and claiming its female dominance.
I do think that it depends on the person but I do agree that many are simply lazy.

I do work, cook, do all my chores and have "normal" hobbies but I do not know if finding a woman that is not but a "man" but instead dominant in bed or irl is possible. I'm not talking as in I'm not able to choose what I want, I do. But I feel that "dominant women" tend to look for even more dominant men which will also like to treat them as what they are , females.Which is also what I would like to treat them, I want a woman not a man.

I don't know if anyone here or overall in the net has managed to find a woman like that but from what I've read from the comments of fem doms that do bdsm, many men that seek them are very lazy.
Humiliate and degrade me please

Add my kik: Im.a.sissy.
Dont forget the dots
21 M bi sub
Into femdom/femboys/pegging/humiliation
Kik: Doonaz
i just don't really think it would be fair to either of us if you're looking for anything more than some casual conversation

i agree with this to a large extent. a lot of them are just young men who don't want any responsibility and want to extend childhood, and the easiest way for them to do this in their minds is to replace their real mom with a sexy mommy figure who still tells them when to fold their laundry, makes them lunch, and bounces them on their knee when they've had a bad day (but then also fulfills them sexually, of course)
jesus fucking christ you manlet, have some semblance of dignity.
A few. You should check out your local munch. They're usually married or in a relationship though.
19m uk
>About you
5 foot 10 brown hair blue eyes, I like going gym and playing videogames , I'm just testing the waters out here feel free to add me
Alot of things, ask me in dms
>What you're looking for

>What you're NOT looking for
Add me kn discord : brandonn2585
Looking to chat with women about my wife and our evolving femdom relationship. We are both hot if that helps

i didnt mean extend childhood. none of this societal bullshit is real. i just mean feminine essence and masculine essence. none like the ways there is dominance in a feminine essence. which is fine and u can like a woman dominant in a masculine essence. but its interesting.
this makes more sense to me. its all oddly foreign to me the way i see ppl approach things. not bad but ill nvr get it.
>none of this societal bullshit is real
>i just mean feminine essence and masculine essence
i have no idea what you're talking about then
>afraid of blood
I'll have you know I've got quite the blood kink
>mental damage
I've already got that. What else do you have?

>semblance of dignity
You must be really fun at parties.
>and bounces them on their knee when they've had a bad day
Ladies, is it bad if this is a necessity to me?
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>You must be really fun at parties.
This from the
>"h-hello ladies yes I am touch starved and I'm making an ad because I um, I uh, I need to nurse a woman because I'm terrified of intimacy and I'm broken haha?"
and supported by photographical evidence of
>"PLEASE GOD I am desperate enough to chase every single human being that will give me the time of day dontleavemealonepleasepleaseIneedmilkies"
I don't think you would even know what a "party" looks like, other than a pity party, which you probably invite yourself for every day when you look at the mirror.
I think what I want is pretty reasonable. I just want a regular woman who enjoys telling me what to do. Is that really so insane?
tall skinny fit white guy with a giant fat 9 inch cock

looking for goddesses to use me as they wish. Bio f only

discord ridgewood6619
My brother in Christ, why are you this heated over shitposts on a Peruvian llama trading site?
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>>About you
Howdy. Don't really know where to start with this but I'm 5'11, average build but trying to get into better shape. Been told I'm like a 7/10. Been NEETing for about a year now but I've been productive. I think my neet days are over now and I'm starting to look into things I can do with my life.
When it comes to interests, I like reading (a confederacy of dunces is my favorite book), zoology, paleontology and playing the guitar though I'm only an advanced beginner. Tell me what your favorite animal is when you first message me.
>>What you're looking for
Looking for a girl, bio or mtf, looking for someone to talk to and see what happens.
>>What you're NOT looking for
Not looking for guys, sorry. Not looking for jerks, degens, weirdos, all those types. Im not looking for anything sexual, at first atleast. Please put some effort into the conversation.
>>Any additional info
Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you
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19 Female Single
Natural Filipina

Kik/Telegram: asianatural6
Snapchat: goddessperky
Sup opal
Money is not mandatory
Bumping as my hormones have awaken my inner slut

Friend of mine lost a bet so now I need some people to catfish him making him think he's talking to dommes his kik is kindasushehe
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> me
6’1”, big hairy dadbod, medium-deep voice, lift & hike a bit. Enjoy cinema & vidya, curious about other artforms, get easily sucked into philosophical debates. Shy and scattered irl, get along with kids & animals better than adults. Watch & review movies regularly, write sometimes, don’t think I’m terrible but don’t have a huge amount of confidence either.

> kinks
Soft submission AND dominance; I have a deathly shy and easily flustered side and also a very proactive and controlling side and each one is fixated on bringing pleasure and warmth to my partner however I can. I want a dynamic with another switch that lets us fluidly shift power and roles as we need. Affection, gentleness and praise will melt me almost instantly if I’ve opened up to you even a little. In terms of “kinky” kinks I get weak for hairy girls, anal play, and female bisexuality (might be curious about a girl having one or more female partners besides me, or at least fantasizing about it).

> looking for
Some overlap of emotional and erotic connection with a potential for something longterm - friendship, a relationship, idk. Someone who likes the thought of taking care of one another and being accountability partners for, like… living. An intense emotional life, articulate self-expression (in words or art), deep empathy, refined taste and cute nerdiness are all very welcome. Physically I often go for petite girls and enjoy contrast dynamics (younger age, different skin color, etc.) but a strong bond in terms of personality goes a long way. Ideally we can watch movies and play games together in addition to… other possibilities.

> NOT looking for
Extreme instability, abusive dynamics, cruelty, edgelordery

> tags
Kik, Snapchat = mysterman1052

Discord = mysterman1052_2_10376
got tired of trying to talk to people and deactivated, if you're a girl add me~
same id, hope you're still around.
do you got a contact otherwise add me at sstcecho on disc u seem interesting
>>About you
5'8 light skin, skinny hispanic. I am very introverted and rarely leave my house. Never been in a relationship before, KHV
I like to Gamedev, draw, play the piano, work out, walking/playing with my dogs and ride my motorcycles. I also like to play vidya and watch anime
Pretty vanilla stuff, unless it's stuff like mini Giantess, amazons, or tomboys, but i guess those are just fantasies that can never be fulfilled
>>What you're looking for
A sweet and caring person. gentle femdom i suppose. I am very bad with social interaction and physical touch from other people. Someone that has patience, but also maybe a little assertive as I am not familiar with what to do in those situations.
>>What you're NOT looking for
Hardcore Femdom, Ball busting, findom, cucking etc. Also not looking for any LDRs. no mtf's
discord JackedSloth#5495

I love video games but as of lately I feel too hollow to play. I only play single player aaa games and the likes. But if you play an online game that I can play on my ps5 then sure.
I love talking about conspiracies and the universe, existence, death etc

I'm Very lonely and I want someone that will spend time with me and care about me slowly. I want someone to connect. I want someone to spend lots of time with and be there to each other.
Please I hate lies and people that ghost or abandon.

bi sub gamer will do anything for a femdom Kik: uzeme1
>About you
I'm tall, gentle with long hair. I like books and video games.
Femdom, being pinned down, restraining me, possessiveness, being marked, being owned.
>What you're looking for
A loving girlfriend, someone who is quite tactile.
>What you're NOT looking for
Cruel/extreme kinks
>Any additional info
If you want to message me for smth else please do
tastyorange22 on discord
very much into your vibe think we'd get along quite well. Dis c is mflux.2
Any female wanna use and abuse me? Make me into a beta faggot and let me stay pussy-free

Kik: Im.a.sissy.
Dont forget the dots ^^
Chatting with femanons about my wife and our femdom relationship

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mid 20's europe male
pale and skinny boy, my body is smooth + cute, medium length hair
>looking for
a weird mommy/son thing with a girl, i don't have any expectations though
if you're into any kind of role reversal that's cool too
i'm very submissive and obedient
>not looking for
if you're a man don't add me please
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>About you
Bit of a feral tomcreature in personality but feminine in looks. I just want to completely own a guy. Looking for something romantic, too. I know this is coomer central but don't come swinging with dick pics, I'll be the one to decide when we do anything sexual.

Once we click, we will be exclusive and you will be beneath me. This arrangement will be (consensually) toxic.

Also, I am likely younger than you.

Degradation/humiliation, manipulation, worship, sexual slavery, cnc

>What you're looking for
20+ men in the US.

>What you're not looking for
Sissy/feminization, mommy or incest stuff, pegging, ftm

Telegram: deadexmachina

If this appeals to anyone, please message me with a bit about yourself. You're also welcome to just ask questions.
If you have discord add me since telegram will alert my contacts,
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23/M/U.S. (EST Time Zone, just be in the U.S.)
Friendly person, becoming less of an introvert.. My goal is to make enough money to move out of the city and spend the rest of my days living in the countryside. I'm currently not going to school and am working.
>Your hobbies and interests
Retro Games, reading and writing, guitar, gardening, night drives, watching and collecting old anime box sets. Huge film nerd.
>What you're looking for in this thread.
I guess what I'm looking for could be gentle femdom. I just want someone I don't have to drag through everything. I'm tired of subby girls that make me do everything, even carry conversations. I just want someone who puts in as much effort as I do. I just want to meet a woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to take the reins every once in a while.
>Would you prefer a full domme/sub? Are you okay with a switch?
Fine with a switch or domme
Handjobs, thighjobs, clothed sex.
>Tell us a bit of what you'd like out of your partner.
I'd prefer them to be in their 20s, Bio female, appearance doesn't matter much to me though black hair and bags under their eyes is a huge plus. I'd want them to be someone who's independent or doesn't let themselves be swayed by others. I want them to have hobbies and passions that they care about deeply and would do anything for. As for interests, as long as we have some common ground we’ll be fine. I'd also love to share music with someone and calling/playing games or watching stuff together is mandatory if we want to pursue a relationship.
>What would you like to do with and for your partner?
My goal would be to meet in person, but we can start things off as LDR. Some things I want to do include learning to play instruments with someone, going to arcades, and going on trips. I want someone I can do all the things I missed out on as a kid with. Someone who isn’t afraid to not act their age every once in a while and smile every so often.
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>25, femboy, in the US

>Love film photography, music, especially indie, skateboarding, and always up to try new things, and make people smile. Physically, petite, 5’3, around 110lbs

>Kinks - I’m open to anything, just about NL honestly.

> Just looking for fun, to explore, and make a friend

> not looking for anything serious, but glad to have a consistent friendship

> Kik is BookmarkThePaige, telegram is LilBean89
You are perfect to me, but im not in the US :'(
May I still add you?
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Kik eriks6y upfor proposals ^^
>woman being a woman
i'm sorry, anon
based sentient male, a true femdom whiteknight warrior
18 M USA
>About you
I'm pretty short and cutish and I've been told I make a good sub since I ABSOLUTELY LOVE making others happy c:
I'm not really into a lot of stuff but just soft femdom and reassurance and pleasing you (are those even kinks?)
>What you're looking for
I'm just looking for someone reassuring, someone to tell me it's alright, someone to make me feel like I'm being taken care of and held and loved, pretty much like a mother figure, I'm not necessarily looking for anything sexual either, I just want to make you happy and that makes me happy
>What you're NOT looking for
Super sexual stuff, dudes
>Any additional info
Im ok with showing face, and I also just like talking to people or getting to know them c:
Hi everyone,

I'm 25m from France, going to visit the Netherlands next week. I'll be staying in Delft for a conference, and departing tomorrow.

I'm looking for good *female* company, to enjoy a drink/dinner, and maybe more if we get along. I'm a submissive guy and really into feet and all kinds of things, and I can enjoy switching on the occasion. I'm also into anime, games, etc... so this is one thing that we are likely to connect over.

I am *not* looking for any kind of paid services. I can find a ons on my own if need be, but I'm thinking that meeting people from 4chan should be more fun.

And if you don't fit what I'm looking for but would still go for a chat, hit me up!

Discord: mr_filish
23, male, FL
>About you
5'9 white/native guy about to graduate uni for computer science. very into vidya and movies and such, been recently swimming lately as well.
gentle femdom, mommy stuff, pegging, facesitting, oral, giving/getting marks, body worship
>What you're looking for
pref on cis women, OK with either long or short term relationships but heavy preference on long term. sexual and romantic satisfaction for both is really important to me
>What you're NOT looking for
nb/trans, cnc, findom, ghosters, toilet/diapershit
34/M/North Texas
>About you
Pretty simple guy who loves sports and video games. I'm really fat, so if that's not a problem please drop me a message.
Bondage, nipple play, light cbt, electro, spanking and gags/blindfold/hoods
>What you're looking for
A Dominant Female to train me to be Her slave.
>What you're NOT looking for
Not looking for men or trans, sorry.
>Any additional info
Remember I'm a big boy 6ft 515lbs
Discord bigboy990735
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mid 20s male, i will do anything for a femdom/findom

discord: zzzzzbleh
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36m norcal

>>About you
5'5" ~130lbs red-blonde hair w/short beard
casual fitness, hiking, gaming, travel

sub-leaning switch type, very interested in control/denial/pussy-free play, ntr, enforced chastity, teasing, oral worship/service, butt stuff, occasional cd.

>>What you're looking for
haven't done much kink play with partners, but trying to explore more so would be great to chat with anyone with similar interests. could always use more chastity encouragement

>>What you're NOT looking for
hookups, findom silliness, sissy stuff

telegram/kik: celerybat
>femdom thread
>looks inside
>it's all men
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music, anime, video games, multiplayer, tinkering with machines and tech, sleeping.. reading.. looking at dumb shit online. Cooking. learning light gardening. Biking.

>Political Views
I do not care.

>physical description
6ft, dirtyblonde-brownish hair. Used to be long hair but was cut short. Kinda hate it. Glasses, blue-greenish eyes..? Big/wide(?) frame but not fat. I think i look good when i put in effort. a good 6-7/10 maybe

>video games im into
Honestly all kinds of genres, all kinds of mario games, tarkov, metal gear, source engine games, MBTL, large multiplayer games.

>looking for
Picrel if possible... but it doesnt have to be exact.
Honesty. Be healthy but liking unhealthy foods is okay. I am that way :) lets play games. Lets talk. Lets watch stuff.. hopefully someone who likes art too n retro stuff.

>Not looking for
GUYS. I am straight. People who are friend collectors or dont wanna put in any effort. Trans folk (no hate i just am not attracted and have had bad experiences.)

>three things i hate
Dishonesty, Hypocrisy, and not being responsible when it matters most!!!

>Contact Info
konekurosawa on discord
women don't exist on the internet and yet we post.
18/M/East Coast US
>About you
I'm a young(ish) male who is into music, computers, history, gaming, and more! I also have a soft voice if you're into that.
>Looking for
I'm looking for a dommy mommy older than me that can comfort and spoil me! :3 online or in person is fine.
>NOT looking for
Men/AMABs, bsdm, sissy kinks, toilet kinks, etc.
>About you
gross, hairy, smelly femcel... Honestly dont even know why I still bother but horny is as horny does
femdom (duh), teasing, outercourse, dirty talk, erp, dom/sub stuff, restraints, orgasm control, rough sex, rape, bullying... I'm down with most stuff that isn't scat, guro or bestiality
>Looking for
horny fools. Failing that, just any cute boys, gross boys, femboys, fuck boys, retards, gooners, chronic masturbators, virigins, incels, AGP, just the worst kind of people desu who can make me feel better about myself in comparison
>Not looking for
scat, guro, vore, architecture, bestiality
My biggest fantasy lately is confessing love while he pounds me

33/M/UK (WM)

>About me

Introvert, homebody, 6'3, white guy who rides a motorcycle. Dirty mind and even dirtier imagination dark humour, and sarcasm are present! Like memes, video games, motorcycles, history, marvel.


Femdom, feet, light cbt, tease and denial, facesitting, praise, bondage, light humiliation, pet play and more.


Gentle Mommy domme, to start a monogamous relationship with, with dirty mind, high sex drive, who will praise, look after me, torture my aching balls and train me. Obviously UK only and

preferably local. Bonus points if you're darkskinned.


Men, trans, couples, cuckolding, sissification, attached women, women with kids, findom, online play, pay4play, non-monogamy.


discord: btb2690
I'm so horny rn. I need someone who knows how to act like a teenage boy to talk to me
Discord is diogenes420666

>About you
I am quite an active person, I like to do outdorsy activities and martial arts, but ironically I like to be sweet, friendly, adorable and cute behind closed doors. I like most of the nerdy stuff, board games, D&D, video games, specially older consoles like SNES. I have a tiny obsession with dinosaurs as well, I actually have a dino plushie I sleep with every night.
5'4 , 70kg, light brown eyes, brown hair, tidy beard.

GentleFemdom - MDlb - Ageplay - ABDL - hypnosis - sensory deprivation is my jam.
I like to combine bondage with stuff like plushies, and soft stuff, and lullabyes and baby powder/baby lotion smell.

>What you're looking for
Ideally a Dominant woman or a Switch woman interested in CG/l interactions, I am not opposed completely to some roughness but if your thing is violence and spit we might not be very compatible.
Next best thing would be a fellow ageplay or little to play with non sexually.

>What you're NOT looking for
underage, men, trans

>Any additional info
I like to pretend to be big and strong and independent but the moment that someone takes a stern and serious tone with me I melt like putty in her hands and I cant help to become very submissive, sometimes I tear up...
request sent

No cis girls in this thread who are interested?
love smelly girls, it's my biggest kink. just sent a request
this is a catfish, sorry brother...
you think just cuz the account is so new? Or is there something else I'm missing
Vibes in general having talked with them. They ghost anyone asking for a voice chat and sutff. Seriously dont waste your time
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Sissy M34, Europe, bi/pan!

>About me
Submissive, kinky and obedient sissy from Europe, looking to talk to fun people. Outside of sexy stuff I love learning new things, linguistics, science, technology, gaming and lots more. I'm an easy going person and would love to find longer term contacts :)

Chastity, denial, humiliation, piss, diapers, age play, rough stuff, and LOTS more, message me to get the full list :3

>What I'm looking for
Dominant girls/guys/MtF trans, who are interested in online domination, porn trade, dirty chat, making a deeper connection, etc. Any age is fine. I'm open to just start somewhere and see what happens :)

>What I'm not looking for
Furries or fake doms/people who want money

>Contact info
Kik: pervoanon
Discord: serendipitous89_39257
Snapchat: misthiosanon

Also have Session, ask on one of the other services for that address
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>About you

I really like music. I am 5ft7 and 130lbs, brunette. I sing in a band and draw a lot of stuff for my local punk scene. I am very into fitness too, I really like to bike. Nature is my best friend. I am a writer and cartoon artist too, sometimes I try to animate.


I am deeply into humiliation,
puppyplay, age play, brain washing, mind control, verbal degradation, bondage and impact play.

>What you're looking for

A woman who can be kind to be and treat me a little bit like a little kid, make me get curious and then chastised me for being a pervert. Something like that, I think I just want a mommy.

>What you're NOT looking for

Mean people, short messages, opening with hi.

>Any additional info

Not really.

disc: kawaiixerox
19 male Usa
>About you
Skinny, white, long black hair but not too long, I like music, especially metal and punk, I also like video games
Cnc, slapping, spitting, praise, degradation
>What you're looking for
Mentally ill, femcel, neet, girl to ruin me
>What you're NOT looking for
Fags,trannys, dudes
>Any additional info
Uh I’m 6’3
Damn, you sound perfect other than needing a mommy and not a daddy.

I'm a massive futa fag and sub looking for pretty much any girl that has it as their main fetish too, not being very picky. Want to share pics and be friends and stuff.

>men with maldapted romantic inclinations are coping for something
No shit einstein we already knew that. You're not a genius for figuring that out.
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26/M/Eastern EU
>About you
I am an ecocentrist and a misanthrope, I like crow watching, nature, watching people's behavior, collecting medieval weaponry, occasionally drawing, photography of nature and wildlife, occasionally enjoying gore content and occasionally creating gore content IRL
They all revolve around worship and servitude (findoms fuck off, I'm poor)
>What you're looking for
Someone ideologically similar to me first and foremost. Can start as friendship but I'm mainly looking for a relationship
>What you're NOT looking for
Findoms, underage, someone close to my age, pale and introverted
>Any additional info
I was born on Halloween
Feels illegal to bump this early
Bump! :3 Hoping to find some fun chats!
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have any guys had much luck posting ITT? Curious what kind of Dommes are lurking here but I don't want to make an effortpost then get one or two shit adds from obvious abusers.
I had some nice talks but usually it burned out and didn't last all that long, had one extremely obvious catfish (to be fair usually catfishes are extremely easy to spot because they're retarded but that moron had his real photo and name spotify linked to his discord and didn't even attempt to lie when I asked about it).
Adding women is pointless because they rarely ever even accept your invite but I mostly had positive experiences with people that added me.
Ironically, the one time I found someone that I actually had long lasting conversation with that didn't burn out or anything (though it was through abusive relationship thread and not femdom thread) she suddenly deleted her entire (few years old) discord out of nowhere after few months of talking and never contacted me again. It hurt frankly.

The chances of finding anyone here are abysmal but it's still a vastly better experience than dating apps.
>(though it was through abusive relationship thread and not femdom thread)
Have been tempted to post in that one (since I think it's obvious it's a stealth BDSM thread) but I think there are just a few too many BPD women who genuinely are highly toxic and I don't want to risk it.

>The chances of finding anyone here are abysmal but it's still a vastly better experience than dating apps.
No fucking kidding. Hope you eventually find what you're looking for anon
(also dynamic IP if it wasn't obvious)
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just looking for a smelly femcel or just a fairly quiet girl that likes weird stuff to stream this game while im high asf
i don't wanna play it alone lol
add thrifty_
I have nothing to do right now so I'll make a reply. I'm a domme (if you can even call me that) and personality wise I'm fairly masculine. I have an interest in reading, learning new things, technology, going on walks, politics, music, and movies. As for physically, I'm skinny and pale with dark hair. I'm also slightly above average height.
Honestly I was more interested in how messed up your kinks/fetishes would be, and whether you'd ever want a male sub as a live-in slave (extremely unlikely I'd ever agree to this, just trying to figure if the average Domme is more perverted than the average Dom)
Ah, well my kinks and fetishes aren't that messed up, sorry anon. I personally wouldn't want a male sub as a live-in slave but I don't have much interest in sex anyway so maybe I'm not the best person to be answering that question.
You've caught my interest. If you're up for conversations my discord is fungifred
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19 m europe(willing to relocate anywhere longterm)
>About you
Lookswise a white twink with a somewhat long hair. Im an introvert, I like mangas/animes and vidya, Im also interested in paranormal stuff.
Ropes,Collars,Pegging,Cunnilingus,orgasm controll (open to try new stuff)
>What you're looking for
Bio f with somewhat similar interests
>What you're NOT looking for
M,trans,underage( I don't mind older women but Im not okay with underage)
discord: wvi1l_55054
6’0 (183cm) mistress
An absloute excellense of domme
Do not add if you’re a normie.
Discord : breayaa
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>About you
Just a twinky golden retriever type whyte man in tech (cloud engineer!). 5'11, and nice brown hair thats super soft!

I'm honestly pretty well adjusted, social, and am not a sperg. I love working on tech, walks in the park, gayming and plenty of other little nice things.

oh boy, honestly it would be easier to say what i'm not into... I'm really innocent looking but actually love being hurt and insulted. at the same time... I love the gfd mommy stuff as well. I want to be able to be spoiled with affection, but also swiftly put into my place. Also a switch, so I have my dom side hehee.

>What you're looking for
someone my age or older preferably, goes outside, and has hobbies they're into! extra bonus points if we can play vidya. I like people that don't take themselves TOO seriously, but also has a life y'know?

>What you're NOT looking for
gross stuff mostly, and people with waaaay too much time on their hands maybe?

>Any additional info
pic related is meee - dont worry, I don't dress up like that in public, it's just a kink >.< Im still very much masculine, I'm just able to moan like a girl if needed


>About me
Extremely busy musician, theatre lover, record collector, all around music fanatic with insomnia.

Femdom, Feet, Humiliation, Degradation, Cuckolding, Forced Bi, Spit, Gags, Threesomes, and more

An open minded, kinkier-than-me dominant woman or trans woman (21 - 48) to fantasize with, and maybe get off with every now and then. I'd want to get to know you a little bit. Big big plus if you'll be edgy and kinkshame me. Like, the more degrading the better.

Underage People, Men, Non-Stop Commands and Tasks, Findom, Scat, Crazy Illegal Shit

discord: spiltmilk1993
bump i am tall pale and skinny
33 white male, Georgia 6'1

switch/versatile/ 70% submissive 30% dom

Don't contact me If you're in law-enforcement. I can give you alot more details If you're interested enough to contact me:

kik: kelsiphenix
email: fenixkelsi@gmail.com
I figure I’ll give this a try because why not.
M 25 USA, bi, into a lot of things such as feminization, worshipping, feet, the such and open to pretty much anything! I already have a couple of toys to begin with and I have dressed feminine on occasion in private but haven’t delved much further than that. If anyone by any chance is interested kik is fogata275
>obvious abusers
Idk what I do wrong, but I can't even seem to attract those from this site. I've had a couple adds from other threads, but they looked up my discord and blockede me after. The thing is the post they both highlighted wasn't even that bad imo.

Sorry for the ramble. Everything else in my life is riding high, but this side of things just continues to be a struggle.
31 mtf usa

Looking for a woman to make me her bitch. I need someone selfish and controlling who will use me and abuse me.

Not looking for men or anyone too nice.

Kik helplesslysubby
never tried my luck, but from the logical standpoint
>why women would even look for submissive guys, you can throw a stone and hit a whole team of those
>they can easily silently pick up one irl without dealing with 1001 chats from desperate guys
>submissives are usually depressed, gloomy and self-deprecating, who wants that in life, apart maybe from some psychos who are into life ruination
>you can start a findom gig and have as much submissives literally pay you for something you would do for free here
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actually true i feel like a lot of people i talked to from here are just catfishes or just people who reply to one message and then ghost. i can understand why you wouldnt even try your luck here since is just a lot of bullshit to deal with for someone looking for a genuine femdom relationship.
I find mommydom kind of cringe but I like this pic. It radiates posessive energy. It'd be nice to be so desired, to the point of jealousy and attempts at keeping you away from others to keep you just for themselves. Post more, preferably without bondage shit.
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28 m USA
>About me
Stable, good job, good relationship with my family. I like video games, extreme sports, lots of stuff really.
pegging, giving head, mild degradation and teasing. I like to please and I enjoy being called a slut.
>Looking for
cute domme gf
>Not looking for
discord: rnsam349
>About you
I'm a 5'10 white guy from east canada. My hobbies mostly consist of playing video games, reading, writing, playing tabletop rpgs, board games, magic the gathering, listening to music and everything to do with horror. I like sperging out about things that I like such as lore, SCP, creepypastas and other silly things like that.
>What you're looking for
Someone to talk with and be friends, of course a relationship would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.
>What you're NOT looking for
moralfags, ghosters or sellers
forgot contact:
discord: drnecrofeelya
>It'd be nice to be so desired
The only reason I post in these threads. I expect nothing, but the hope is there.
>Idk what I do wrong, but I can't even seem to attract those from this site.
Same but that's a good thing, you don't want to waste your time dealing with human trash

>but they looked up my discord and blockede me after.
You could just use an alt and re-word your post slightly?

>Everything else in my life is riding high, but this side of things just continues to be a struggle.
Everything else in my life is not riding high, including this side of things. Stick in there champ :^)
>but that's a good thing
It's been a long 10 years, brother
>use an alt
Yeah, at this point I think my only option is to do that. I'll give it time tho. Let whatever heat die down. Probably a good idea to take a break from /soc/ in general
>stick in there champ
I always do
kek I'm curious to see your post now, bet it's nowhere as fucked up as mine would be if I was completely candid.
possessiveness and jealousy are toxic and should be kept out the femdom community. the bondage is the good part
I've tried different styles. Some just out and open like in this thread >>33192297 And some where I try to bury the lead or come off as more normie. I hope one day the honesty option will work.
Oh wait, RIP, you meant the post that scared them off lol
I'm dumb sometimes. Luckily, I still have the screenshot from when I messaged my buddy "what did my drunk ass just get myself into?"

Sadly nothing ended up happening despite the conversation going really well for a few days.
Idk what on earth is offensive about this post. Women on this site have some pretty absurd standards
Love a good role reversal
M 28 UK
Kik: Emu2024
Yeah, it's extremely tame desu. I've made far worse ones. In their defense, they both seemed pretty "conservative" if you ignore the baggage that word can carry. It seemed more that they didn't like I made coomer posts at all, which is fair I guess.

Tbh, I only make them to blow off steam because I know nothing will come from them. I'm much more of a prude IRL
>possessiveness and jealousy are toxic
Not when you're antisocial and you'd gladly go with it and spend time mostly with your spouse and kids.
>In their defense, they both seemed pretty "conservative" if you ignore the baggage that word can carry. It seemed more that they didn't like I made coomer posts at all, which is fair I guess.
yeah but blocking you over it?
It just amazes me how flakey femanons here are, they can't stay with a conversation for more than a few days (and usually not even that long). It's transparently self-defeating, even if they do have way more choice they're not giving themselves any chance to get to know anyone. So infuriating to be on the receiving end of this and always being told it's your fault for not being perfect.
I've actually seen both anons and femanons complaining about this, which is odd. I don't understand it either. The worst is when they don't unadd you and don't respond either. Just say you're done talking to the person and unadd. It's so much simpler and easier for both parties.
>The worst is when they don't unadd you and don't respond either. Just say you're done talking to the person and unadd. It's so much simpler and easier for both parties.
Women always say it's because they're scared of how guys will react, but desu I think it's just sheer vanity most of the time. They simply don't care about the person on the other end, and there's no pressure on them to care, because a hundred other guys are waiting for them in their DMs anyway.
>scared of how guys will react
I'm talking specifically on discord. There's literally no consequences for just being straight up and honest with someone. If they sperg out it won't matter because you've unadded them. Their messages won't get through. The worst that'll happen is they'll sperg out on the board, which is literally nothing.
>I'm talking specifically on discord.
So am I dude.

>The worst that'll happen is they'll sperg out on the board, which is literally nothing.
And even this could generally be avoided if they just let them down with some respect, but the idea to these women that they're the social equivalent of the men here is unbearable for their egos (even though it's obviously true, since they wouldn't be here otherwise) so they refuse and play the victim later when guys inevitably get pissed off over it.
Bumpybump! :3
24/M/US, east coast
>About you
Blasian, 5'8. Strong, chubby build and working on getting a more androgynous but still slightly masculine look. Facewise, I'd rate myself 6-7/10. In terms of personality, I generally consider myself a playful goofy guy. I like living a simple, cozy lifestyle but also have a huge sense of wonder and openness to new things. I make a good living working a white collar job, but due to the stress from my career sometimes I need a bit of nurturing. Some of my interests include cycling, cooking, and like most on this site, anime and video games. I've also been getting into gardening recently. My friends usually describe me as an easy-going and thoughtful person. 420 friendly, but I don't drink besides an occasional few cold ones and no nic.
I'd like a chance to have some casual conversation before we talk about kinks. But to get an idea, none of it is really extreme and it mostly revolves around the psychological aspect of control.
>What you're looking for
I mostly want to make friends with dominant women and understand them more on an individual level. Not that I'm opposed to starting a relationship if we click, but I don't want to create an expectation of one. We don't have to share interests, it's more important to me that you're a kind person who demonstrates some passion and introspection.
>What you're NOT looking for
I know /soc/ is a cesspool but I've been on the imageboards for so long I just naturally get along with people with high power levels.
Naturally though, this comes with it's downsides, so please don't take it personally if takes some time for me to build up trust since we all know the kinds of freaks this place attracts. No sellers, no scammers, no age under 20.
>Any additional info
disc: laurelvesper
I've actually gotten more adds here than on basically any other thread type, which is kind of weird. They haven't worked out - the conversation very rapidly turns into the same sort of deal that it does with any other women where you talk to them and they give you a one-word answer or no answer at all - but it is better than nothing, I think.
23/M/southeast usa
>About you
I love to cook, skate, smoke, ttrpgs honestly your typical nerdy linecook
Ask me personally :p
>What you're looking for
Gfd or mommy dommes, honestly just wanna get doted on and/or bullied by women
>What you're NOT looking for
Not much is off the table
>Any additional info
Chubby women get a plus always
29f mommy looking for young hung obedient muscled mommys boys wanting to show off how strong and grown up they have become. Coming to mommys room to show her your muscles as you get excited and nervously ask mommy for an edging lesson

Obedient and real boys only. Ready to play now.

KIK flexingformommy
27/trans F/South Carolina (looking to relocate eventually...)
>About you
libra, lesbian, tall, yt, long dark brown hair and green eyes. often described as quiet, calm sensitive and kind, but I can be a chatterbox depending on the person. games(and other nerd stuff, the usual), music, reading&writing, language, art, religion/theology, meditation, revolutionary politics & anticolonialism. trying to become more active again.
open to almost everything that doesn't involve bodily waste. boobs, oral, facesitting, foreplay, bondage, praise, body worship, humiliation. really interested in pegging and puppyplay among other things. my gock is big and i don't experience discomfort from using it. pretty hard S though, every time I've tried domming it's made me dysphoric
>What you're looking for
something like an open-minded fat or chubby mommy gf who wants to break me but also wants to pamper me and gives lots of cuddles and kisses and who i can grow with as a person
>What you're NOT looking for
anyone who can't or doesn't want to communicate their needs
>Any additional info
disabled due to depression, anxiety and sleep issues. might be a little slow to respond sometimes as a result but i won't ghost you
discord: c04813

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

F early 20s UK
find taking dominant positions both erotic and fulfilling, despite being quite shy and nervous
Introduce yourself with your asl, why you like to be submissive, and any limits.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Kik: throwmeawayxx1
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ITT: delusional and socially unaware people (average male)
I am looking for a woman that will help me explore my feminine and submissive side:3 i want to be abused by you and im willing to obey your orders <33
>that pic
physically abusive gf when?

For real, I think I'll die a virgin if she does tie me down and rape me or start hitting me to the point I get so pissed I rape her instead.
Yes, I'm aware how unhinged that sounds, but what can I say, childhood can be a Hell of a drug.
>About you
Horny domm that wishes she had a little subby boy to tease :3
Restraints, milking, gloryholes, exhibitionism, cuckolding
>What you're looking for
A cute boy with a big cock that I can play with >:3
>What you're NOT looking for
Small dicks
>Any additional info
Show proof that you're at least 6+ inches
She didn't post this, don't message her
Im just obsessed with being an orally submissive partner. You want a tongue somewhere or a mouth? Yes ma’am. Obviously im fine being submissive in other fashions too, but I dont know why the oral thing is so much stronger of an urge. I guess im built to lick suck and swallow.
Disc: whatwonder22
M24 Belgium Bi
Would love to have a master or mistress, preferably from Belgium or the netherlands but others are welcome too.
I’m chubby and have a smallish cock.
Kik: BartRogers69
27 / M / Europe
>about yourself
fit/muscular body type, i like cooking, hiking, fitness, live music
>kinks and roles
edging, joi, body worship, teasing, humiliation, face sitting, CEI, cucking, light CBT,
>Looking for
women who wanna use and use a fit boy toy and some casual chat. Looking for someone who wants exchange pics/videos and or VC
>Not looking for
guys, not willing to verify
Dont listen to this loser, hes just mad his dick isn't big enough.
Bumps :3

Snap : itschnll

Discrete nurse Domme looking for a determined kinky nerd guy that willing to fully commit into long term D/s relationship Online/irl
Are there any trans mommy dommes that are interested in an enby sub?


little dick idiot showing face and small dick for exposure blackmail and humiliation jerking to wives and gf's. Love milfs.
Bi M sub 22 currently with femdom, want another Kik: sabjagg
22 M Aus
Looking for a domme to own me, humiliate me, give me sph and make me worship their feet, ass and pussy
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25 / M / West coast US
>about yourself
I'm into cooking, hiking, video games
fit/thin body type
>kinks and roles
D/s dynamic, sensory depravation, chastity, predicament bondage
>Looking for
dominant women ~my age. open to relationship/chatting/pretty much whatever
>Not looking for
Chatting with femanons about my femdom relationship with my wife, open to any questions/sharing.

Tele/kik is wbbejnamin
im mostly submissive but i would love to tie a cute boy up and make him cum over and over again while he whines and begs me to stop >.<
kik : a11d12
34 m USA married

I want a domme to turn me into her hot husband and make my wife a cuckquean

Disc - silverjay2345
Chub M looking for dommy mommy to use and abuse me gently and not so gently
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31 Male Europe.

So basically I’ve done a lot of kink stuff in the past and what not and some nsfw voice acting and then burnt myself out completely because I felt this humongous void where I’m basically always pleasing subs because of my voice but I love femdom myself. I haven’t felt an emotional connection in a long time and I’m just throwing a post out and keeping my fingers crossed that I meet someone truly wonderful.

I have long hair, sound dead inside, I enjoy fashion and art a lot. My confidence evaporated completely recently

Anyways my discord is: Fuckdemon
Which is ironic

Would love a femdommy type to just talk to I literally don’t even care about sex anymore I feel like a child throwing his controller at the screen rn

Selfie included.
Voice: https://voca.ro/13F5qgWLAHNs
that sounds amazing, you got discord?
I had a really nice relationship for a short while but she became busy with real life things and I pulled the plug on it, I regret doing that sometimes because she was sweet as anything, I honestly hope she's has someone now though
29 m real daddy

BWC. Uncut. Thick. Strong. Attractive. Masculine.

Into girls that have a kink for strong, manly smells. Also into cnc, total domination, oral worship, cheating, extremely dirty chats, taboo, AP, loli, futa, beast, getting my ass eaten, submissive girls that like being told what to do, sounding, corrupting lesbians to love cock, etc. also bi from getting molested by a cousin when younger but into girls mostly. Like bbc and forced bi. Bi fantasy is getting used by a couple/being corrupted by a girl.

You know who you are, message me with something that applies to this post.
Kik: oliverzz881 (2 z’s)
Snap/Discord: oliverz881
5'4 virgin. If you can make me feel loved I'll commit war crimes for you.
26 year old trans woman who is looking for a submissive to boss around and also have chill chats with.

kik: littlecompany
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>About you
I’m a shy black guy who likes horror n romance and comics and all that
I love the idea of a woman farting on me and degrading and humiliating me, I also like facesitting, ass worship, and being beaten up
>What you're looking for
A dom who’s willing to make me worship their ass and talk about wanting to farting in my face and call me degrading names while they do so
>What you're NOT looking for
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hiya there, just out of curiosity, how do you feel about shorter than you male subs?
I have to admit that a masculine personality, combined with liking techy stuff and doing outdoorsy stuff like walks sounds definitely something very compatible with my kind of vibe. Also, I have to admit that darker shades of hair are one of my weaknesses.

this is me btw to be honest about my kinks and all if any of that deal breakers for you
Hello /gfd/! I've come to drop the statistics:

Male: 112
Female: 15
Male-to-Female Ratio: 7.4:1

This count did not factor in obvious catfishes, which were a decent portion of the female population.
My guess is that the ratio is closer to 12:1.

Have fun finding your perfect dommy mommy!
Make sure you add all 15 women in the thread. I'm sure they don't have 100+ adds already and will add you back.
>About you
submissive queer woman my discord is weezerfemcel
not really sure but want to try everything, id really like to try bondage, waxplay and knifeplay
>What you're looking for
someone to talk to me lol
>What you're not looking for
men and submissive ppl
do you feel like a big guy now? there there anon
That's why you gotta make your own post and attract the lurkers

Lets say the ratio was the other way around. Would guys make their own post or pick and choose from the 100s of females? yeah.
>tfw no one to peg you
Why live?
Im starting to think this may never come
M 27 caged and wearing panties in public. Want to show off.

Kik needfulfountain
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Anyone feminine in appearance ideally for a relationship, but interested only in people from USA as Id like to move there.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only, people outside of USA.
Discord: aurelian4
30m virgin white
looking for women to tell me if my dick is small or not and to share what size they prefer
discord: isminesmall
thank you for your time
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25/F/near OKC
>describe yourself
Introverted girl with brown eyes, brown skin and long dark hair. Sometimes I wear glasses. When I’m not working I like to play video games (mostly Pokemon, cult of the lamb, Stellaris, hoi4, etc), read manga, read about the paranormal, cook, etc.
>looking for
Looking for someone who wants something serious and long term. Ideal partner is an introverted white guy with light colored eyes, tall and who wants to make me his entire world. Neediness and clinginess both welcomed. Preferably he has a comfortable work from home job with soft, (not too long) fluffy hair to run my fingers through while cuddling him. Provider mindset and would want to shower me in affection of all kinds. I like guys who look a bit intimidating (almost like a school shooter lol) who melt into a puppy dog when they see me.
>not looking for
NEETs, fat people (I work out), trannies, coomers, people who just want to e date or exchange nudes, women, people outside of the US (unless you can travel), non white men, balding men or people under the age of 23.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
God, I'm so drunk rn. I just want a girl to beat my ass as she takes my virginity. Is that so much to fucking ask for? Fuck.
Big bumps!!
what is your weight?
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21 f usa


not them, fake post
M24 Belgium Bi
Would love to have a master or mistress, preferably from Belgium or the netherlands but others are welcome too.
I’m chubby and have a smallish cock.
Kik: BartRogers69
22 M Aus
6’3 hung submissive boi looking to show off to a domme mommy and do as they say
Love being told what to do in the bedroom
My only goal is to please my domme mommy
26/M/Québec, Canada

6 ft, average physique, dark blonde hair. Full-time university student on Summer break, so I'm pretty free.

Looking for a dommy mommy between the ages of 30-50, can be slightly over the range, to explore sexual experiences with alongside.

Discord: seraphluci

Kik: Ghiff6996

Snap: passwordispasss

Looking forward to hearing from you!
>About you
I like to draw and cosplay. Mostly play rpg style games and watch movies at home.
Turn ons: Rough play, Facial, Cumshot, Giving Oral, Dirty talk, Public, Light BDSM, Breeding, Exhibitionist, Brainwash/Hypno, Cheating.
Turn offs: Gore, Vore, Scat, Pee, Anal, Bodily Harm, CNC, Incest, Beasts.
>What you're looking for
I am married and have a thing for cheating behind my husband, normally with guys but on the 4th of july kinda got tipsy and flirted with this single lady and it was eye opening, I wanna be a pet to a soft femdom behind his back.
>What you're NOT looking for
Irl meetups at first maaaybe down the road, more of a conversation/sext and not just demanding pics
>Any additional info
I am cheating here so if i dont respond please dont take it personal i dont wanna get caught.....yet
Kik: BlackStarkitten
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25/m/Atlanta Ga
>Physical description
5'4 110 lbs white
running, gardening, hiking, video games. recently finished building my computer. My dark fantasy is to watch anime and cuddle.
>Looking for
girlfriend or shared interests
>Not looking for
penis, self harm, raceplay
mommys needed!!! Ty love u https://discord.gg/AyfRwmjRzJ
what is that server supposed to be?
Hmm don't trust it
M24 Belgium Bi
Would love to have a master or mistress, preferably from Belgium or the netherlands but others are welcome too.
I’m chubby and have a smallish cock.
Kik: BartRogers69
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20/m/melbourne, australia
I'm born on a blue moon so I have a great excuse to be retarded and stupid.
INTP and bisexual and I watch Sleep Deprived if it means anything to you.
Video games I enjoy are csgo, PZ, lethal company, minecraft and Star Wars TCS. I'd kill for 5v5 comps on militia or assault. Or the EA Star Wars Battlefront on PS4.
As a suburban white boy I am rich enough to enjoy expensive tech hobbies. I enjoy game dev, linux (relatively new have only used CiscoIOS before), home networking and reviving weird old laptops. I also have started dabbling in DIY carpentry with my grandpa.
I also enjoy camping and drinking and and hiking and driving and am in the process of acquiring my handgun license!!! I read too, am reading the Dune Encyclopedia (lasgun and spacing guild obsession atm but before it was axolotl tanks (WTF!!!)) and A Game of Ice and Fire. No you can't borrow it.
>looking for
Frens around my age to hang out with and play games. I don't bite but I do drool.
>not looking for
Don't be super old (24+ fuck you) or be an eshay I guess. I don't mix well with 90% of people but the only way we will know if we're compatible is if we talk.
discord: popbob_minecraft
19m uk

>About you
i’ve been a closeted sub for a while and been forced to dom in my relationships but want to change that now. other than that i like playing games, watching anime and reading manga.

>What you're looking for
to be gentle femdommed

>What you're NOT looking for
anyone over 24

>Any additional info
i am very desperate

kik: tohaeiaatho1
(if we build a connection i’ll give other socials)
M24 Belgium Bi
Would love to have a master or mistress, preferably from Belgium or the netherlands but others are welcome too.
I’m chubby and have a smallish cock.
Kik: BartRogers69
>About you
i have a lot of free time
cute girls
>What you're looking for
cute girls to talk to
>What you're NOT looking for
used car salesmen
>Any additional info
i can send money
kik- kealbe
Why don't you guys just pay for escorts? Real femdoms don't really exist.
Ruin my life. I’ll give you my crush’s name, a pic of her, and a pic of myself naked. If you find her, blackmail me into liking or tributing her pics, cbt, cei, or whatever you want. I can also give you her number, if you find her.

My only condition is that you show me if you message her.

Kik: tribber26
22 M sub with toys willing to do anything you say Kik: duwoot
I’m looking for a dom that dislikes normal masculine men and is only exclusively into femboys and transgirls. Do such girls exist? Anyone ever met one?
Uhh I dont like the formatting cause Im turbotarded.
So here's my version.

23y Guy looking for at max a 35y Woman.
I live in SE America but my location doesnt really matter.
Describing my appearance is meaningless if that's all you're here for.
My life route for this year has consisted primarily of my bed, desk, bathroom, kitchen, and the grocery store.
Despite what I just said I wasn't initially an introvert but now I feel the lack of energy to do much anything anymore.

I write stories, learn new hobbies, watch tons of shows to the point I burn out on it, play games, cuddle with a full length pillow when it's lonely, miss my departed ones, list random interests and write down thoughts in extreme detail, daydream extensively. What I enjoy besides that is boats, fast and cool looking cars, camping and hiking, wanting to stay away in a cabin somewhere remote during the appropriate season(s), read interesting books with genuine value, holding a partner and melding with them in love and/or passion til we sleep.

Kinks and sexual shit is something to be explored and figured out comfortably with someone else not advertised.

If there is a special lady who's conserved herself and is interested in what I am and what they think I have to offer and think they could complement me then I'd love for you to add me and we can sort it out with a hello.

If you are not biologically female please do not contact me, same with if you are interested in me with the intent to peg, cuck me with someone else, or hurt me in any manner including sexual. One last thing to know is that I am polygamic (not polyamorous) but I do respect my partners wishes if they accept it and keep exclusive or not.

My contact is zurkon. (with the . ) on discord. If you want a more intimate or proper channel to take to me through before I give you that. Im bad with pictures but a very visual person.
I know long read but if you read it all and considered it then thank you, if not then thanks for reading.
If you want a more intimate or proper channel to take to me through before I give you that

If you want a more intimate or proper channel to talk to me through please use discord or make one beforehand so we can chat a bit before I give you an alternative.* Sorry for bad England, there was a lot more I couldve added and my lack of proofreading probably doesnt help my case but oh well.
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Hello!! A brief physical description of myself:
Pale white, brown/reddish hair and brown eyes. 5'10'' I am usually clean shaven/bit of stubble, but I have what I'd define as a stealth twink body. I exclusively wear male clothing- at least in public. My only outrageous feature is my big ass which doesn't fit my comparatively small frame.
Im not unfit or overweight, but I am only doing small workouts ATM. I am fairly well read, enjoy just talking about whatever. I was a pantry cook for a bit too, so I know a bit about cooking. I am a Taurus if that matters. I am a pretty good listener I think, and don't mind if you want to just chat and vent.

Kinks are a huge range! Looking for a fdom/msub or switch situation. Add me and message if you wanna ask any specifics. I will say my only hard nos are anything findom(lol), or any cuck stuff. I am looking to hopefully have nice monogamous relationship in the future; anything you are doing now is unrelated.

Again want to say I'm very open minded! Looking for any women who found what I offer interesting, or just wanna chat.

Disc: strifeded
want a dom egirlfriend (me)? then join and add me :p
discord: eskitten
22/M/USA, Mid-Atlantic
>About you
Hi! I'm a subby boy looking for a girl to chat with/have fun with/humor with lots of compliments and praise. I'm 5'8" and White, not chubby but a bit out of shape.
I mainly like gentle femdom and being servile. Petplay, Spanking, Domestic servitude, teasing, being called puppy, calling girls mommy, crossdressing but mainly maid outfits, chastity, cuddling, giving head, nursing
>What you're looking for
Well, I'm looking for a girl ages 22 to 37 or so. Someone who wants to talk about kinky stuff to feel happy and accepted! Preferrably one who's of average weight or chubby. Someone who will let me serve them sweets! BUT besides that, I'm looking for someone who is fine with having non-horny conversations a lot of the time.
Oh, and I guess girls who are as kinky as possible! I'm willing to try out anything
>What you're NOT looking for
Girls into abusive domination, transgender people, people who can't talk like normal and be honest, findom. The usual bad stuff!
>Any additional info
Well my main hobbies are tea, pottery, and reading. I also like to travel around & go to cafés a lot!
kik: papernapkindispenser
18/ftm/NE US or EST
>about me
I'm a cuddly, nerdy guy who wants love. I like art, vidya, music, science mainly. I'd love a talkative gf who enjoys rambling about her interests to me as well.
In terms of appearance, I'm pretty short and a bit chubby. 5'4, smooth skin, but a little hairy all over. Short wavy hair. Deep set eyes. Latino. I've started going to the gym too.
>looking for
A subby, cuddly trans girl around my age and near me who I can make my monogamous gf. I'd say I'm fine with two to three year age gaps. I also have a primal need to peg.
>not looking for
Anyone who isn't submissive
You can get my personals if we click and connect.
Oh and for kinks
Pegging (obviously), biting, bondage, marking, edging, orgasm denial, oral fixation, dirty talk, ass slapping, rimming, daddy kink, feminization, petplay, bloodplay (if you're down for that)
Also I am bi so I am down for guys too honestly. I just have a bad experience with most guys trying to convince me to be the sub when I clearly want only dom.
oh and I like sub cis girls too (of course).
Why can't I find a girl that enjoys being a girl that doesn't want to stick things in my ass that's into this. God dammit.
Looking for an F domme who will send me vc commands telling me what to do while I record and send it back

Disc: paxelyte
Snap: subaxy

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