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I am new to /soc/ (and 4chan in general), so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
this thread is for those seeking mutual obsession, throwing yourselves at each other, being violently in love.

>looking for
>not looking for
misanthropic, yet still kind to those I like. I am not very well-versed in philosophy yet, I just think that humanity has ruined our earth and all that was good. I am autistic and mentally ill.
animals/nature, recently mmorpgs, sometimes drawing, and I just started cross-stitching
>looking for
another misanthrope to devote myself to
>not looking for
anything else
corvidwife on discord
we could be misanthropic together but your ass is in murica

such is life
I sent thingy pls add
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patient/understanding/compassionate/empathetic/funny/cool/non-judgmental/down to earth/easy to talk to

music/movies/tv shows/anime/vidya/ai/flight sim shit/conspiracy theories or the paranormal. i like talking to/knowing different people from all walks of life and hearing their stories or what they think or how they feel.

>>looking for
cool normal girls that are also caring/kind/compassionate/understanding/forgiving and respect themselves.

>>not looking for
trannies, psychopaths, perverts, the violently mentally unwell, freaks, haters and so on.

discord: leyphae
M/21/Florida, USA
Idk man just hanging out, I like to drink in vc and I'm down for watever
I like reading, but I'm slow, I maybe read one book in 2 months
I like movies and vidya, playing a lot of minecraft rn
I work at a liquor store and 'm learning lots about wine and bourbon
>>looking for
bio foids, vc and text with
>>not looking for
men, troons
Disc: kiaser
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laid back vidya anime guy. i drink and smoke weed. either watching yt or playing games most the time if im not at work. looking to workout
games (tf2 pokemon league fortnite ow2) watching new shows (smiling friends rn). general hating on popular things i dont try.
>looking for
girl who wants to start things or just wants to be alone together. wants to do something we both like together. vc very preferred.
>not looking for
men trannies niggers and dry texters
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
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>ASL - 26 f southern Cali near Ontario Cali
>interests - anime, Vidya games, j-pop, manga
>looking for - a e-boy to orbit all day and voice chat with, as the last two men I talked to ended up blocking me permanently. I would like if you're a PC gamer and can stream games for me while we flirt and talk.

I can be difficult to get along unless I get attached and I rarely do because I just get blocked. please be patient with me.

>not looking for - e-drama nor lore-seekers. trolls go away
>contact - chickenclaw3
Why did they block you lmao
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
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22 / M / Germany (NRW)

>about myself
i enjoy casual banter and conversations about any topic, play eu4, smoke weed and walk alot

>Physical description
Skinny, short black hair, 187cm height, italian looking (im half sicilian)

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, travelling, crafting

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies, non-stop NSFW

>Looking for
someone who wants to share their life with me, and who i can share mine with.

can keep a conversation going,
enjoys occasional banter,
likes to laugh alot,
not fat

hieronymus21 (discord)
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almost 19/M/Canada

To best describe, it would be a dog running some cat software with the viciousness of a honeybadger to make up for the fact im small and fragile. also extremely mentally ill. and very autistic.

dirty blonde hair that just reaches my shoulders, skinny, 5'3, and quite the feminine body shape

basically every military asset, espc tanks, vidya, military aviation, horror, paranormal, getting absolutely baked, tech related stuff, and a bunch more assorted shit

>Looking for
probably another person who is very mentally ill whom we can mutually fuel our delusions :3

>Not looking for
masc dudes

cha0sinsurgency (discord)
19 m USA (massachusetts)

uni student (mechanical engineering)
decently autistic
I really like history (all time periods and regions), STEM, competitive pokemon, adventure time, evangelion, nathan for you, yotsuba, and cycling
I fucking love azumanga daioh
favorite music artists are Fishmans, car seat headrest, King Crimson, Tricot, and the peggies
I started playing guitar 7 years ago but have been in a slump the past 8 months

>open to long distance?
preferably not but if you live somewhere on the east coast we might be able to make it work; any further than like a 5 hour drive to/from boston would be a difficult distance

>looking for
long-term relationship with someone willing to put equally high effort into making each other happy and maintaining our bond
someone who can match my energy, sense of humor, and vision of an ideal relationship
preferably also autistic
age 18-21
cis/trans girl, nonbinary, or twink

>not looking for
anyone who's polyamorous, obese, or right wing

nuclear7777 on discord
19 female aus/us
might seem cold and reserved at first but i warm up over time! i’d like to think that im kind or at least try my very best to be ^^
games, scifi, kpop, memes
>looking for
someone to regularly vc with and watch movies… idk just please be fit and hot :3
>not looking for
anyone extremely mental and negative sry :(
discord: amerieams
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account


19 femboy uk (Dumfries)

i have gave up on life soul body and mind. I wish to donate it to whatever diety, cause, idea or figure. Weather it be to have a super commited follower or just to have a Guinea pig to test rituals on or whatever is needed ect.

For me there is no limit for whatever is needed done or what type of thing you have. Weather it be semi bad or down right disgusting and awful I’ll gladly be a part of it for you.

I like every single kink. (You can test this ask me) I’m into everything so if there’s anything like that needed then I’ll gladly help. If you wish to know my favourites just ask me please.

I can’t wait to hear from you whoever you are and whatever you have. I’m ready to commit to an unbelievable length

Kik KittenBabyy69
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try to be funny and entertaining, creative, a lil depressive, ramble sometimes
video games, music (radiohead, alex g), art, writing, psychology, forest walks
>looking for
girl who's chill and shares my interests, rambles about stuff. if u add me, pls introduce urself
>not looking for
idc just be around my age or whateva
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Summarised I'm a sperg loser, but when someone opens up I'm kind. (no personality)

I like doing some crafts here and there but not much other than watching lolcows on youtube, playing online games, or listening to music.

>Looking for
Kind people, hopefully with taste and willing to share.

>Not looking for
GAYS, troons.

Discord: phreakcel
23, m, internets
I had a couple specialist trying to figure out whats wrong with me. I tend to be drifting between okayish and terrible easily, sociable and anxious, etc. Not, like, extremely, but discomfortably enough.

I'm a bit bi, tend to like girls, but find amusing to compliment soft, cute boys or brainrot, smart girls. I also like getting to know people, giving advice, listening to their problems and emanate my opinions. People say I'm smart in terms of social things and advices.
I'm a musician, i do that shit everyday, its hard. I tend to find purpose in it, even though i hate myself at times. Apart from that? I'm an office worker, occasionally i do sports, depression, vidya (leaning to indie games like no mans sky, deep rock, etc), roleplay, spicy food, weederino, massive history and linguistics nerd.. something like that.

Oh. Also im terribly horny and would do alot for a right person <3 FEET, TASTY TOMBOY FEET, SOFT SHY SOFT SUB DOGGYBOY FEET MHM.

>looking for
Internet fan. Friend?
Im really sure i can give you a good advice, help, if you'll actually talk and listen. I understand all the post irony stuff, most of brainrot memes, you name it.

I got a very fluid self image. I feel terribly pathetic and dumb when everything im doing is being perceived as shit by me. So be my fan I'll write songs to or smsn.

>not looking for
I honestly thought i could find interesting people here.
No. Most of the times i get messaged by normies or retards who just cant talk about nothing. No opinion, nothing past "how are u?"

Is my post that dumb it aint attracting no one cool? Is soc an ultra normie board? I'll never know.


Discord : moodynot
Adventure time is my comfort show btw.
I cant post pics idk why :(

Pretend ive shared some cool obscure anime, or weirdcore pic, or something like that

(´-﹏-`;) --> thats the best i can do for now
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18 / f / usa
im a chubby lesbian from the south, i have major depressive disorder but i promise im upbeat over text!
i like old jrpgs and anime. i listen to metal and jrock / jpop.
>looking for
woman, transwoman, nonbinary, agender... i dont care, as long as you dont mind that im a lesbian.
i like really awkward nerdy people, as well as obsessive people... if you related to cloud strife please msg me.
can we be the pic together? <3
>disc: everybodyknows98
22 Male NY/USA



No idea

No Idea

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INFP neet. Introverted, passionate, emotional, scatterbrained, imaginative, idealistic. Very heart driven, romanticizing so much in life. Maybe rose tinted glasses are glued to me. I want love more than anything in the world, and friendships that last a lifetime. That, and to just generally live a comfy life with those loved ones. I'm trying to better myself nowadays in any way I can, taking whatever tiny victory I can get. I think it's bearing fruit, but it would be nice to have someone by my side so we could both better ourselves together
>open to long distance?
>looking for
This'll be more of an ideal, not what I absolutely require in a lover:
Quiet, romantic, reserved, but bubbly for those that she allows in her personal life. Has a rich inner world and yearns to be truly understood. Creative, kind, and knows herself well. Wants nothing more than true love and a simple life. Has similar values and interests to me. Perhaps a neet, or something along those lines so that we can help each other get out and blossom. One of my only musts is that she must be white like me
>not looking for
Inexpressive people who can't hold a conversation beyond simple statements/words. Men, trans, adulterers/amoral folk, ghosts. Genuinely, if you're gonna friend me and never be around to talk, just don't friend me at all.
>ASL/Describe Yourself/Hobbies and interests
33m, from Texas. ADHD as fuck, hypersexual obsessive clingy yandere with crippling co-dependency with whomever I get into a relationship with. I will drown you in affection attention and love if you reciprocate in kind.
I'm tall, slender, pale and nerdy and an absolute degenerate (but a romantic one at heart.) I love talking about my hyperfixations and would love to hear yours too :) Down to VC and stream shows together, too!

some of my hobbies/interests include: Anthropology/Archaeology, nature, sci-fi/horror films, animation, psychedelics, medieval weapons, martial arts, tabletop games like Magic the Gathering or D&D

>looking for
(preferably)Autistic or BPD girls who will give me that pure, devoted, obsessive all consuming clingy love that only they can provide and drown me in attention and affection. ++Hippies/nature lovers/pagans/goths/alt girls especially.++

>not looking for
anything purely platonic or purely sexual. I want an actual genuine connection.

Introverted, generally antisocial except for the few people I like,
Gaming and music mainly, kinda curious on stuff in general so I'm into a lot of useless trivia
>looking for
Bio F, any age (18+) or body type! If you're peeping this thread and don't look like a goblin you're prob it lol
>not looking for
Men, trans F unless you're cute, you can send a pic to gauge if you want
Discord: atwahr
Tech, animanga, music, military
>looking for
Right leaning, semi obsessive possessive (((dark hair + eyes))) bf that won't block me after 24h that I forget to reply
>not looking for
large age gap if ur older than me, racemixers, guys with an asian fetish, blacks, manwhores, leftists, retards that will block out of the blue, gay or bi males, lgbt heavy on t, non-whites
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okay, let's give this a shot
22 (soon 23)/M/Eastern EU
there are two phases i cycle through constantly: one where i'm feeling overwhelmed and want nothing to do with people, and another where i get extremely clingy and want to spend all my time talking to someone. there is no in between
old school anime and manga, retro vidya games, mechs, mahjong, bosozoku culture, pro wrestling, horror movies, tokusatsu, nu-metal, visual kei, everything late 90s-early 2000s (i still watch AMVs to this day)
>looking for
a woman (preferably my age or older) to stream games and shows to, talk to throughout the day and maybe date if we get along? ideally it would be someone who's been on imageboards (and the internet as a whole) for a long time, likes touhou, likes h-doujins and doujin music and has some other niche, hyperspecific, otaku-adjacent interests that she can't shut up about
>not looking for
guys, trans
25, M, TN
>Describe yourself
total shut in, I fear interaction now and realize the only way I can change it is by exposing myself. Will this work? I dont think so but its better than doing nothing.
>looking for
Anyone patient enough to deal with this.
>not looking for
Some people; you are more liable to be bored and frustrated with me than I am to take offense to anything you say or do.

>fear any sort of genuine connection
>total shut in despite having a job
>very pessimistic and fearful

Been here since 08 and i really am a worse person for it, so naturally the only people that could help me are the people that accidentally broke me. Right? I did it to myself really...

Discord: qwerpty_1
19 M USA
I get possessive and obsessive like that but you’ll be the only one I think of. I’m sweet and will drown you in compliments
I like metal, concerts, playing video games, and listening to music
>looking for
A mentally ill/insane hot girl who’s hot
>not looking for
Ugly people, dudes, woman older than 26
Discord: Penjamin3

>about me
I just want a cute boy to obsess over and constantly talk with. all i need is a cute butt and pretty face.

I love music of all types and would love to make you a playlist. I love video games and would co-op anything you'd like, maybe we can teach each other new games!

>looking for
someone very affectionate, very talkative.
>not looking for
ghosters, people 30+, rude people
>tag antsonalogyum

(ill give you my real one later)
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19 m twink
looking for effeminate guys or mtfs


white, skinny/fit, i look good, emo/goth aesthetic. i look gay

i feel so lonely, i just want someone to love me. im nice i think, caring, funny, romantic etc etc. i just wanna fall in love with someone and think about them all day. i want someone i can just be open with and be myself, you can do the same with me obv. you can cry in my arms

i hate where im from, i wanna move out asap and ill take care of everything relocation wise. im so giving ill do anything for u i wna be with you 24/7

if i sound nice plz message me.. im so desperate lmfao

i like drawing, making music, i love fashion, design, i love animals nature movies comedy watching horror videos on yt. im a little autistic so i know a lot about a bunch of subjects

i love fighting games, i play guilty gear and smash. i also really like minecraft and wanna start a world with someone :3

>not looking for
overly masculine people appearance wise, non white or asian, boring people, plz have somethig to talk about its all im asking for
also coomers, im really fucked up and weird sexually but we can get to that after we connect a little.
i have a fucked up sense of humor so id appreciate if you werent super sensitive, just be chill
anyone older than 25
feel free to msg anyway im lonely

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Early 30s, M, South EU
A bit obsesive, devoted to those that I love, a bit gloomy and ambitious
Gym, working out, hiking, programing, dnd, gaming, poetry, literature and studying
>Looking for
Someone that wants to learn about me and chat
>Not looking for
>new to /soc/ (and 4chan in general)
if you don't mind me asking, when did you start using it and how did you find it?
I think most people just discover this place through twitter nowadays.
24, Male, USA North Carolina
boring, chill, hypersexual, brainrot, autistic sounding, shy, edgy, slightly racist internet loser
>About Me
NEET who lives with parents, I am quite attached to my family especially since I have two baby brothers and would like to be able to keep spending time with them. A sheltered child growing up so im very anxious about working and learning to drive. I help take care of my two dogs and cat. My dreams are retarded or too ambiguous so I don't think they are achievable so I have a low drive in life.
Vidya games like hardcore shooter, or multiplayer games, I like coping with my loneliness by playing with others as an escape from reality, the same reason im into anime. Massive weeb to the point where I slap anime girls on everything I can. Love war/conflict-related media/history. Into nature and animals too tho I don't go outside much ever. I do some dog shit drawling and like hanging with my cat.
>Lookin' 4
I want a girl who will contently be obsessed over me since I struggle to believe normal girls are into me since they tend to leave me. Ideally, a virgin like me who lives close by or would be willing to move in with me.
>Not Lookin' 4
BPDemons, druggies and guys, obviously
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my interests are video games, true crime, ARGs, pharmacology, fashion, mental illness, antipsychiatry, Pullip dolls, scenecore music

looking for people to talk to or to play vidya with (valorant, panicore, gmod, idk)

not looking for trannies, faggots (including bisexuals), asian lovers (im not asian but this shit is cringe), left leaning males

socrazy4u on discord
> Mutual obsession thread
>>>not looking for
psychopaths, perverts, the violently mentally unwell, freaks, haters and so on.

You sound retarded and not 32+. Please stop posting in these threads, you're an embarrassment.

0 @'s omegalul
23/m/South-Central App.
quiet, sarcastic, either absurdist or very dry humor no in between, sometimes a little airheaded, desperately touch starved, on/off depression for several years, idealistic
>other stuff
6'4", average build, brown hair/eyes, coming off of several gap years out-of-state to study a natural science, very bad at texting and don't like small talk
natural history, evolutionary biology, zoology, museums, national/state/local parks, tabletop games, video games, hiking, traveling
>looking for
feminine or andro person to experience things with, to help eachother grow, someone assertive or ambitious or strong willed, to go to museums or parks and on day trips with, to spend free time with, to cuddle after work/school and talk or watch something, someone whos love language is touch, maybe get high sometimes (totally optional)
>not looking for
someone who has no ambitions or passions, someone i dont share a whole lot of interests/ideals with, someone who lives very far away, someone overly clingy over text/social media (irl is fine, im just not much of a texter)
discord _azry_
introverted, adhd, depressed, kind of dumb and dull
conspiracy topics, astrology, kpop, sociology, philosophy
>looking for
someone to talk to and fixate over, platonic connections, spergy/rambling people, ages 20+
>not looking for
coomers, mean/rude people, people with low empathy
springrites on discord
- 29/M/EU
- Hello. I'm 1,75 79kg give or take. I like video games and movies and TV series and cats...
I like philosophical talks and just existence and life in general.
I'm very lonely and want someone to connect with deeply. A woman that is patient and kind.
I really just want a simple life with someone else. Watch the sunset together by the beach, holding hands. Watch a movie all snuggled up. Eventually start a family you know
- A woman loving and caring that wants a man to spend her rest of her life with
- Liars. People that are not willing to risk it all no matter how much time it takes.
- panpan2755
my discord account refuses to let me log in, add corvidwife2
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Hello, I am a tall, kind, and protective man who wants a loyal woman to take care of. I am capable of providing for you, and would like someone who is open to moving in with me within a year or so, assuming we begin dating.

Everything else can be discussed directly.

Discord: Shield1488 (I’m not a Nazi larper, Kek)
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32/M/Northeast USA

> personality
Shy, laconic, but intense about my feelings and opinions. Closed off to most people but when I open up I easily get obsessed, bouncing between childlike playfulness and dad-like protectiveness and nurturing when a girl reaches my softer side. Get along better with kids and animals than adults. Recently learned I may have PTSD.

> interests
Primarily cinema, second vidya, dilettantish in philosophy, politics, arts & literature. Would love to chat with someone who has detailed knowledge of and strong perspectives on the arts. Also pretty nerdy and into some weeby stuff; weeby artsy girls are really cute and have a hotline to my heart.

> looking for
An intense spark with a girl who’s similarly troubled but sweet, cut off from others but intelligent and dying to give love. A combination of emotional and erotic synergy that has us talking to one another 24/7, flirting, playing around like teenagers, pouring our hearts out and sharing our favorite things and experiencing art together and learning one another’s dreams and fantasies and hoping to make them come true. The kind of relationship that makes me feel like my lost half has been restored and time is moving forward again and inspired to be a better man for her.

> not looking for
Violent instability or abusive behavior, lack of respect for each other’s autonomy and boundaries even if we feel intensely connected.

> tag
Thats crazy. Wish I could bring you back to normality because you sound lost. Sure about continuing down this path? You might feel alone but I am here, another consciousness. Well what am I saying anyway I cant help. Be well.

30 male netherlands. All im going to say is that im betting big on a off-grid, self sufficient, frugal hippie, tiny house lifestyle. Im a normal guy and look allright. If someones out there who feels the same way lets talk and escape the rat race
>Please stop posting in these threads
i only posted one time in my entire life.

>you're an embarrassment.
no, im balling to the maximum degree. youre just upset because i described you perfectly which is why you hyperfocused on it.
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dull, introverted, tired

the usual anime/videogames/music, and consuming media like youtube/twitch, i hope you can bring new interests into my life

>looking for
i'm hoping someone can bring motivation and excitement back into my life, i'm extremely apathetic and jaded with the world

>not looking for
nsfw content, coomers, rude people, friend collectors

zzzzzbleh on discord
26/M/Eastern EU
Misanthropic and antisocial, spiteful and outright sadistic when it comes to the general population / obsessive, caring, possessive, and submissive to masochistic degrees when it comes to (You) if you have a similar ideology. Sounds like a deal?
Ecocentrism, photography of nature and wildlife, sewing, mask making, pumpkin carving, gore content (watching and creating IRL)
>looking for
A misanthropic femanon around my age, violent mental instability (not directed at me), pale skin and eye bags are a large plus
>not looking for
Anthropocentrists, humanists, underage
Agreeable, kind, empathetic etc.
Hard-working. A little immature.
The girls I work with (younger than me) call me cute for what it's worth.
Playing racing games and lord of the rings online, collecting lego, I'm working on making a video game.
I studied maths at uni, so that's a big interest of mine. I also listen to A LOT of books, especially sci-fis and mysteries.
>looking for
Women age 22~35. It would be nice if I fell in love to actually be able to meet in person one day, don't you think? So Oceania preferred.
>not looking for
Men, Immediate lewdness, or people who reply with one word answers
Discord: Angery1299
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am a neet femcel into walking, playing a wide range of vidya, music such as sewerslvt / most breakcore, and anime

>Sexual interests
Anyone who shares similar interests (doesnt matter if ur ugly or whatever :D)

>Looking for
looking for friens and maybe even a bf! :D

>Not looking for
Leftists who get offended over everything and also people who ask for nudes or whatever 5 mins after meeting eachother

join https://discord.gg/v73uvqAqqJ and add "bluepilled aunt" from the member list!
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irl im pretty reserved and quiet bc of social anxiety and overthinking every single detail of every single interaction
i think i am sweet and loving but also honest and rude, i like to make everything silly and see things in a childish way
empathetic but im also kinda evil, nihilistic and sadistic but im also considerate, abiding by the golden rule and overly aware of others and myself
i think i am a naturally lonely person
reading (i am binging Dostoevsky atm, i also rly like Japanese literature), cats, video games, ermm thats all school keeps me busy
>looking for
preferably a guy below 30, thinks and feels similarly
im kinda hopeless ive been on soc since i was 14
>not looking for
north americans since timezone is incompatible, but if u insist go ahead add me
Are you cute? what do you look like
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20m east coast

not fat, high anxiety very depresssed very bitchy cluster c shit, i like movies music books and lame shit like that,

looking for girls who are white, crazy, who cut, want to die, superiority complex, not fat, if you smoke thats hot, i will literally obsess over you if you give me any attention, you just need to be cool and dramatic.

not looking for basic sluts who just want me to hit them so fucking boring get a personality, fats, hello kitty girls, browns, men obviously

discord is .sladger
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Posting this in sleep deprivation. Please be kind.
22/M/Around NYC
INTP/ENTP I'm very insecure and have trust issues. I have BPD (not joking). Asexual (yes, it links to my trust issue), but I think I am straight. I'm also human supremacist. I think i just somehow yandere.
Painting/Drawing, thinking. Doing investigation. Reading case law.
>looking for
permanent fixation lover. People could handle me well and pat my head. Ideally, we must accept our appearance and looks.
>not looking for
unresponsive people. mean. who cannot have logical conversation. People cannot keep their words....
Whats the oldest you would date?
>ASL- 23, m, Canada
>personality- ambitious, curious, very social. Have been described as "a lot". I care a lot about people I'm close with. Stubbornly optimistic and you should be too. Most of my life is dedicated to either helping people/my community (ex military, current firefighter, possibly future military again) and trying to keep myself adequately stimulated. Big believer that either everything is funny or nothing is. Tribalist.
>interests- muay thai, outdoors, guitar (playing and writing music, specifically bluegrass), chess, literature (reading a lot of Russian stuff recently), linguistics, weightlifting, carving, history
>looking for- woman with a life (big ask I know) between ages of 20-40. Only 3 qualifications I have are be able to make me laugh, teach me something, and care about things beside yourself. Attracted to all races, but not really into overweight/underweight girls.
>not looking for- dudes, dudes who wish they were girls, underage girls, girls who aren't interested in anything beyond media and drugs
>contact- rackafracka
I'm also 6'3, 210lbs, athletic and conventionally handsome
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Sounds cool, sent you a req

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