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PNW Thread: New and Improved Edition
Leave your bio, location, and interests
30m/Eugene here
Here for a little while, looking for some friends in the area to show me some local spots.
Love the hiking and coastline out here
33 m Seattle
>about me
I'm a weeb who enjoys anime, cooking, video games, gardening, and board games. I can be socially awkward but working on improving it.
>what are you looking for
I'm looking for people to chat with, friends, cuddle buddies, and more
discord: OliveFrog
23m in seattle
looking for shrooms! :]
43/M/Western WA here. Interested in women that aren't gauged, inked and smoking weed like its air. I know there is one of you still left in this moss covered open air hotbox
36 m Salem OR

all the nerd shit. video games (mostly rpg's / crafting survival). anything science related; tech, physics, astronomy, biology. any sci-fi or fantasy media. anime (black lagoon is peak). the occasional trip into the cascades for camping or snowboarding. rock/metal music.

>looking for
chill like minded ppl. open to w/e may come

>not looking for
dude's seeking dick. politically radicalized ppl. broke ass hoes looking for a free place to stay.

discord: lordtulac
any spokane niggas
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37 mtf Seattle WA
What do you think?
Stoner buddies? Tennis/badminton/pickle-ball? Soccer? Modern tradwife?
Guys unless they're femmy AF

I don't drive, but I have my own apartment on cap hill...Not trying to go to Pride, but would be down for a date night that weekend.
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30M, nonbinary, fat cock, bug ass, otter/looking to be a wolf/bear and looking for the same. Finances are messy, but I'm experienced and skillful. I want to ride roller coasters, make better use of my art skills, and become a sex slave to a muscular wolf man who can help me get in the best shape. Gay. I am one of a kind and currently unhoused living in my car. I have family and friends but do my own thing, would like to live a long sexy life with someone who's not a fat piece of shit, very versatile. Currently in NW WA but no ties really. I like small towns, nice places, big garden and self sufficiency. I study mycology, botany, art, not afraid to get dirty, love dirt bikes, more into slightly older. I do qigong, cook, clean, etc. Mature high energy relationship ideal.
whoops, KIk: Himbosaur
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24, m, portland, or!

please add me if you are interested in playing (learning) go, tea, or writing poetry; if you want to watch movies or listen to music on stream; or if you want to discuss fashion, buddhism, bonsai, or art more generally.

alternatively, generally intense and interesting people with niche interests, especially but not solely academic ones. i lean towards the humanities but i'm relatively proficient with hard sciences too -- i enjoy things like formal logic, cellular automata, and lambda calculus.

alternatively (again!), if you like people who infodump, that's practically all i do.

>not looking for
underage, "i forgot why i added you"

M 31 PDX

Sharing pics of my bitch. Looking for someone to meet with and double cock/cum tribute her

Kik mcnuttyxxx
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big nerd but can act normal
just lookin for some lovin
discord: roadkillyxd
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Tech, video games (currently: LoL, Baldur's Gate 3), animals, working out. I'm a former NEET that's now normal so I can talk about that =]

>looking for
MDMA/Psilocybin plug. I have THC to share. Also looking for friends that would be interested in attending nearby events/raves. I'll be at Beyond Wonderland and Pride, for example. I have a car so we could carpool too.

>not looking for

discord: usedoggoeffect
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29/F Bellingham

Looking for a girlfriend in town, it's a bit maddening. No troons or men pls. Nothing personal, I just have too many men in my life. I wanna go out and have fun, rant and rave about silly shit. I'm so alooone, boooooo.

Discord: moodyangel5178 (ignore, just my throw away Discord I've used)
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks
>Contacts (Discord)
Gothic trap here ~

I’m 26, and I live in Portland Oregon :)
I’m 5,6” and 110lbs with really really long curly brown hair ~ Im super thin and I’m very cute and I pass very easily, tho I don’t care what pronouns you use it makes no difference to me lmao

Im super into all forms of art; music, fashion, literature, video games, 2d and 3d art , comic books(especially DC) , food, photography, hentai, sports, films, and I also love nature and being outdoors, I like fishing and camping, I like hiking too ! Nature trails are always rad, but my favorite thing to do is swim <3 I love the beach and the pool :3 also a huge fan of hot tubs hahaha I look really nice in a bikini ~

Snapchat: Theultimatedesp
Discord: princessblackfire
41 /M/Vancouver
looking for a fwb type of situation women, trans or fem men ok
kik RMR4980
24/F/Seattle area

>about me
4'11" bisexual fit girl who loves horseback riding, weeb crap, weird porn, and shooting the shit with people online.

>Looking for
Anons (from WA) interested in showcasing their exes/gfs/wives and letting me rate their cocks

>Not Looking for
Anons over 30/not from WA state/fat/overly hairy slobs/never had a gf

Disc: JaneLikesCranes
24m/Euguene-Corvalis Area

I’m traveling to town soon and I should be there for a while! I love to cook, hike, and love to explore new areas! I’m excited to see the beaches and dunes. I love video games, reading, and nerdy physics stuff. I’m a bit of a country boy.

I’m looking for a fem person to show me around and to cuddle with on the weekends.

Discord - nero059071

Might be a long shot but I'm looking to hang out with other Idahoans. Always looking to meet new friends so hit me up on discord:
Username = tedflexzynski5812
19 m portland
>about me
guitarist, gamer, into some weeb shit, reading, vinyl etc. pretty hedonistic and impulsive. hypersexual aswell.
>looking for
anyone within 30 minutes of me who is just as horny and mentally fucked as me. prefer women or androgynous people above all.
>not looking for
cis men, esp no one who thinks being gay counts as some great like taboo thing. anyone who identifies as a beta, alpha, whatever ur cringe asf
contact: disc, gaia24k
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Sorry excuse of a thread, where are you people!!

19/M/Olympia area

>About me
I game roguelikes/lites, RPGs, LOL and Siege (only with buddies) Professional Fallout gatekeeper/
I make music, though am admittedly a bit burnt out with my given palette of sound available. Practiced pianist with plenty of rust, and total guitar newbie.
Uni student on summer break, studying electrical engineering.

>Looking for
Anyone under the sun, as long as you can be conversed with and take your time before ya get weird in my DMs. Big plus if you speak in full sentences with good punctuation!

19/m/portland;surrounding areas
>looking for
Like minded people, other isolated types, the suicidal, loners, and people who have very to little experience living, who have a thirst for experiences and newer memories, who are willing. As I am like that.
Show me your colors and I'll show you mine.
I'd like some lasting or temporary relationship I can spend with over the coming summer.
>not looking for
People who just want to fuck.
I can conversate, but if you can't hold it or start it, don't bother.
Serious inquiries only, Disocrd:crushbutterfly
25m looking for Seattle area femboys to chat with lol
Kik leef564
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A while ago I met a cute transboy from Portland on here, we got talking over kik and then stopped. If you're reading this hit me up again, my kik is the same (tigardbusiness).
34m Salem, looking for discreet F

Kik or snap jcbtith12
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke people, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

>Discord: spengler84.
U mean a delusional woman pretending to be a male
30s guy near Seattle. Looking for anyone local to breastfeed me or if anyone is into breeding in public. If you are no local, I would still love to see your tits.

Kik: whatisanamebutt
theres got to be one at the starbucks you work at
Unfortunately that's an old pic, I work for a tech company these days. Starbucks definitely had a lot of cute, shy people though

big fan of video games and manhwas. I've done a fair bit of painting in the past (even though they suck), and I enjoy writing short stories (since I don't have the patience for long ones). Also a big fan of not appropriately distributing effort

>looking for
Other male-liking males in the Seattle area, ideally. Or anyone who's into males, really. I am not explicitly looking for something sexual or romantic. In fact that might be lower on the list than finding a good friend would be. So really, I'm looking for nearly anyone, as long as they're willing to have a fun conversation!

>not looking for
Really i just like talking to new people. I guess I'm not looking to get drunk or high with anyone. Aside from that, give me your best shot

Note: Replies may be slow. Please be patient!
I ment exclusively. i am retarded
28M in Portland
Looking for the sluts, women preferred. Even just to chat and talk kinks or what not but primarily interested in hookups.
Alt guy, pierced, I’d say strong features but you can decide.
Tele: @nomeaningpdx
20something "F"(nb) in Seattle area. Awkward freak who's pretending to be human.

drawing, vidya (allegedly), cartoons, anime, thrifting, occasional raving, getting high/drinking sometimes, weird porn

>looking for
Homies. A chance to chat, get out and maybe meet up, but be okay with the fact that I'm disabled and sometimes limited by that. I get along best with queers or queer-ish. Usually attracted to feminine/androgynous

>not looking for
Hiking, hookups, /pol/fags, dick pics (unless they're in cute lingerie)

>Discord: doberdoodle
Reply times might be slow.
JHC, am I the only straight man left in the WA/OR/ID region? Every goddamn PNW thread is all faggot weebs and troons. Can't any of you do anything besides get stoned and rekt by 101 flavors of social anxiety? I thought marijuana makes you relaxed lmao TF are you all so socially anxious about?!
You're not lonely because other people smoke weed, are gay, or have anxiety. You're alone because you're a miserable, bitter old cunt. And time is running out for you, you're going to die completely alone.
Because the weather’s shit 85% of the year and rent/housing prices are fucking retarded.

The gay/trans thing is based solely on the fact you’re less likely to be shot for it here. Take a hint, dipshit.
>reee you’re all so triggered!!!

i recommend you close your computer and seek help for your severe mental illness
move to Memphis, dude, you'll like the cheap rent and you'll be surrounded by people who look at the world like you (niggers)
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>looking for:
In my area, romantic relationship
>not looking for:
losers, pedos, creeps
fgc, tranime, 2hu, tf2, dick (:3), legos

20m bellingham
down to chat maybe meet up
i like philopsophy, history, used to play a lot of video games, now only sometimes.
no gays. not to be rude, we just wouldnt get along.
kek didnt put user for 20m/bellingham
dc: slerking
>am I the only straight man left in the WA/OR/ID
Why would I advertise that?
I already have plenty of male friends.
Feels like that some days, doesn't it anon?
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Have you seen this thread? Its all troons and twinks? Even several months ago women would post on here, yes straight penis-free women that were looking for men
33, M, Olympia area

Into weightlifting, reading, programming, cooking, tennis

>Looking for
Females with minimal baggage (yes, I know where I am) who want to explore the pnw

>Not looking for

Disc: papasmurf
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19 Female Single
Natural Filipina

Kik/Telegram: asianatural6
Snapchat: goddessperky
False. I've been in about 7 or 8 of these PNW threads, and it's always 98% dudes, gays, or trannies and then 2 girls that only want to hang out with other girls or camwhores looking for new suckers...plus a FtM here and there looking for cock. Yet, I keep coming back for some reason.
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26m Portland

>Physical Description
slim/muscular redhead. somewhere on the twink/twunk spectrum. im a cutie patooti bruh

making tunes, reading comics, banging u in the butt, thrifting, hiking, gaming, etc

>Looking for
a regular fwb 23-36. attracted to femininity and androgyny ie. cis women, trans women, femmes, twinks, and anything in-between. im exclusively a top, so prepare thine hindquarters

>Not looking for
clingy people. hookups. im not gonna bang a stranger. who knows where uve been

Disc: kill_ed_sheeran
Idaho is a big state you know.
>Even several months ago women would post on here
lmao, imagine actually believing this.
why would an afab woman post in this shithole for a man when there are entire platforms that cater to finding women dates with the normie men that spend the most time or money on searching? the reasons all boil down to "they're not what they seem" in some way or another (not afab or are legit insane or both, probably)
you're in a fringe space complaining about the fringe element.
this whole site is basically "long-range nerdy misanthrope grindr"
anyone going to Beyond Wonderland this weekend?
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>About you
im a neet, college dropout, stoner loser
vidya(apex legends, mw3, bo3 zombies, helldiver's 2, halo, fps in general), manga, books, movies, vc, sharing memes, vc, vibing
>Looking for
friends to game/vc with, chat
>Not looking for
24 mtf in Seattle for today and tomorrow
>about me
Puppygirl that’s currently boymoding on my trip. Near downtown.
>looking for
Mainly T4T, ppl for me to hookup with before I leave. I haven’t cum all week. Mainly looking to give head and be bullied, ask for kinks.
Discord: lavenderblue99
Looking fr new menbers fr a cult, initiation into tjis cult is to give me 20,000 doller. cult goals is to buy a peace uv land and build a private village. all members gain perment ancess 2 this cummunity. wee wil prepair 4 the cuming apoclipse, and raise bes for profit and home denfense.

sers inqueeries onlee

drop ur email nao :D:D
this shitpost is my dream except without the cult or financial initiation T_T i just want to be a misanthropic hermit, together, alone, with friends
I am in Washington.
discord: lyrkaos
me 2 fren, onlee problem is, needz muney to obtain pryvat land.
looking for new members for my rival cult. we only charge 19000 for initiation. we offer all the same bennies, but we'll also have go-carts and an infinity pool
41m Vancouver Washington. Looking for a chill women to do shit with. Discord Dustinem
24/m/ NW WA
Basically a chubby, hairy guy that isn’t having luck with women or life in general at the moment desu

I enjoy fishing, hiking, shooting, video games etc
I’d like to make some new friends and be more social. Not really looking for anything romantic or sexual
Also there’s this which I don’t have any experience with but figured I’d add it because this seems like the place I guess:
Have a fantasy of a real man, preferably older, coming and feminizing me, turning me into his perfect sissy toy, making me submit and give up control for his pleasure.

Send me Hypnos, captions, tell me how you’d train and transform me, whatever you want

Kik: throwmeaway73
f19, seattle
interests: shopping/thrifting, gaming, scrolling 4chan, tiktok, insta whatever i’m just a doomscroller
odd request incoming:
i’m going to be upfront. this is a long shot and a rather.. strange request.. but if anyone knows of any raghouses (recycled textile facilities) in WA, or if you know a guy who knows a guy, please add me. lord knows what i would do.
angelicprettiest on discord.
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24 M Seattle
>Physical description
6ft, half white half japanese, black curly hair, not obese (~165lb, usually work out a few times a week)
Drawing, been doing for a few years, mostly anime type stuff but like to draw irl stuff too. Not good at it since lack of time but getting (very slowly) better
Programming some small side projects, cooking, working out
Besides that just the usual anime+manga+video games
>Looking for
A girl around my age who's into similar stuff, prefer in the area but fine long distance.
>Not looking for
trans girls, ghosters, super politically obsessed people.
discord: detecb
25 M Oly area
>Physical description
5'10 skinny fuck, longer hair than I'd like
Science, I am incredibly into science. Music, and drugs, although I very rarely take them
>Looking for
A girl or (passing) trap around my age willing to hook up or hang out
>Not looking for
Anything too serious right now, just got out of a terrible breakup
discord: godbackwards1488
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28 m marysville WA
chubby nerd into anime, biking, robots/super robo, cooking and baking, vidya, board games, reading sci fi and fantasy.
Looking for someone to hang out with, sexual style or not either works. easily down for fwb, cuddling, gaming together, just hangin, whatever works.
1pumpchamp discord
Added you, one of my dad's side hustles was to source vintage clothing for a raghouse in Tacoma.
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22 M Katowice, Poland
>Physical description
6'0 160lbs Layne Staley if he was a retired eastern european ironworker and a recovering alcoholic
music, hiking, history, religion, art in general, cooking, gardening and landscaping, smoking 3 packs of cigs daily
>Looking for
anybody from Portland area that's preferably a part of or knows anything about it's current underground rock/generally alternative music scene
and somebody that may work in landscaping/gardening/green terrain maintenance/anything related in the area
I'm thinking of moving there in a 2-3 years time for reasons
>Not looking for
anything other than that
discord: _____menda
sounds cute
I want girl friends that aren't complete normies. I'm not terribly weird but I feel too weird for my friends sometimes.
I like biking (a lot), 3d printing, playing banjo. Uhh.. basically any physical or creative activity. I also have a cute dog. I have a mech eng background but work in software now. Down to play overwatch and talk about boys :3
>1488 in username
>into science

race science?
Nah I just put the haha so funny haha numbers at the end of the user to secure it. I know we're in the white nationalist capital of the country but I never particularly wanted to join that club.

I much prefer the hard sciences with lots of lab work :^)

Looking for femme guys/tgirls to get to know and fuck around with. Weebs/nerds are a plus
Discord Raikou6820
Gothic trap princess from Portland ~
Im 5.6” and 100lbs and Im into all kinds of music, art and video games :)
Looking for cool friends and people to play games with :)

Add me on :
Snapchat; Princessboombxx
Discord: princessblackfire
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24/M/Eastern WA
>About me
Femboy, Weeb, Warhammer nerd, gun collector.
Im a shitposter, kinda flirty, and really awkward. enjoy ranting about all kinds of stuff and honestly im pretty good at keeping convos going if they get dry.
I do crave attention so i might dm you often, but i also get distracted and forget to respond (I swear im not ignoring you)
>Looking for
I want to meet a girl like pippa desu, just a smelly femcel whose into weird internet drama and schizo shit.
If saya or tcoaal are your aesthetics im into you.
Mostly just wanna VC and stream stuff.
>Not looking for
Trans girls, or men... I dont want to be a dick but... god damn i get alot of those hitting on me.
Discord: angel_of_baal
hi see u soon
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Publib kik

24 year old
Turbo fag
bro just typed out a captcha
Kik: daniela_rui2717
how is it even possible that there's no one outside of seattle or portland that isn't some kind of sex fiend
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Looking for female third or female presenting m34 f36 married kik/telegram is leonkinadey north Idaho
>Looking for female third
Bummer. It's rare anyone is on here from nothern ID.
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37 MTF Seattle Cap hill
L4 other trans girl gamer/stoners
Not looking for men of any type
WreckMyShit on any platform...but realistically discord
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Good idea...if I've blocked you before...don't ask why...just show me your face quickly and live in the moment. I'm not here to explain my life choices, I'm here for cuddles and makeouts. If I blocked you, I don't like you...simple as that.
It is the act of a child to not use their words and communicate that they aren't interested in further contact but instead just wordlessly block a person. Even if you've had experience with pushy people, you can default to such a message and muting them. Blocking is a protective fallback that has shitty sloppy implementations in a lot of places so that you are doing far more than just keeping a person from messaging you.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA No no no no no...It's the act of a child to not understand when you're not desired. For someone who talked to me for a day to insert themselves back into my DMs because they were that desperate for an explanation need to go to therapy like an adult.
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Pretty hair
>go to therapy like an adult
Therapy is for losers you ugly freak lmao
25 M Oly area
>Physical description
5'10 skinny fuck, longer hair than I'd like
Science, I'm a scientist and I specialize in the world of drugs, both licit and illicit, although I seldomly do them. I am pretty interested in music and play guitar and bass, but I listen to exclusively lo-fi house music made by russians in the artic circle
>Looking for
A girl or (passing) trap around willing to hook up or hang out, or even just talk, feeling a little lonely
>Not looking for
Anyone too crazy, and straight up guys who want to put it in my ass
discord: arealdoctor1943

I changed my handle so consider this a bump to my original post
See. Childish behavior from people other than me...it's wild how badly ya'all project.
Hey thanks! Your post sounds fun, dm me maybe we can be friends.
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35/Straight male/ Bellevue WA
Newly single and ready to make new connections and meet some new people. Kik @ floplife or discord @ nwj8554
>37 MTF
>Telling others they need therapy
>Calling others childish
You're right. Your childish behavior while accusing others of projecting is pretty wild.
He named himself Caliope. stupid ass name
you need therapy you non passing fucktard
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29 m-ish Seattle

>about me
im into anime kinda and watch a few things a season, just started learning guitar. i play some video games really casually. i like cooking and eating out a lot.

>what are you looking for
not sure i have a lot of anxiety meeting people irl, but i'd like to people to chat with for a while to get comfortable, friends, maybe more

discord: meowzerus (alt i dont check it all the time)
>bot account thinks we can’t tell
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i fell asleep after posting an im a little nervous to accept more than one at a time
The whole PNW is a cesspit of fag and troon degeneracy. Look at all these 'straight' guys in here also down to bang a women OR a trap! Its still gay AF. At least fags can be honest with themselves and sleep with men
it's not though
it's only like that in portland and somewhat eugene and salem

everywhere else is very normal
i just don't understand why the normal people never do ANYTHING online
i see lots of normal people posting from every other state but never from oregon, as if there's some unknown factor keeping them from doing so
Isn't Oregon mostly hicksville outside of Portland, though? I always got the impression that the further you get from the coast the more banjo things get.
Read that post again and this time actually try to understand what it's saying.
very much so, but all of those people have access to the internet and do use it
need a husky guy to degrade me and jerk to my gf (we’re both cougs)
sc: richardunn27
kim: richdunn20
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24 mtf top
Seattle area
I'm a very busy person but in my downtime I like to hang out with friends, cook nice meals, go to parks, visit Seattle, play games (video and board), and I've been wanting to get into more creative stuff like painting. I'm fairly cute.
Not rly into men so please don't add me expecting to not get unfriended!
My discord is ribbonsmoke it's an alt so I may be slow to reply sometimes
nta, not even a hick, but the rest of Oregon probably doesn't post because the people in Portland give enough secondhand embarrassment to feel weird posting here at all. I occasionally poke my head in these threads to see if anyone is in my area to game and talk but I never see it.
M20 BWC bi
Olympia WA area
Looking for locals to hookup, getting bored of ppl I’m meeting
Idgaf if you think I’m another hornball in this thread
Kik: shuldale
i want to go to wild waves or out on a boat so bad this summer
portland must be turned to ash inshallah
Anyone interested in folk punk/horror folk in Seattle?
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still looking btw
20 m oregon
>ab me
white, thin, bleached blond, green eyes
>looking for
cute girl (18-30) (trans is fine if u pass)
bonus if u have piercings
bonus if u can cut me
>not looking for
under 18
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real (actual)
Yeah I don't bother because the majority of posters are from Portland, Seattle, somewhere near those two, or they're just looking to get their dick sucked/suck a dick. There's no point to actually care.
No it’s not. It just skews that way because normal people who aren’t sick in the head are too busy enjoying life and the abundant grass touching opportunities to be bothered posting personal ads on a board filled with faggots such as the ones found in this thread.
I'm interested in folk punk. And near Seattle. And play banjo can we start a band??
With that jawline you’re not “trapping” anyone lel
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22 yrs old | Female | UK

I love to expose myself here. I'm up for naughty stuffs like sext, joi, sph, gfe and camshow FT , hmu

Telegram @ lilyfreak
Kik @ preciousasiann
naughty wild and freak girl that can squirt Kik: ziasky19
26M Seattle
>>about me
Big weeb who enjoys running, making things and just talking way too much
>>what are you looking for
Looking to pass time and deal with boredom, spamming discord with random anime pics i find cute
discord: lackofjokes
anyone near seattle want to let me come hang out with them today? my plans got cancelled last minute and i'm really sad about it. i can bring beer or food or other stuff please please please please please i'm normal.
beer!!!!!!! anime, video games, being really bad at art but making it anyway.
I added you
Damn, I've been listening to this for some time.

kik seq12358
late 20s male seattle

>about me
normalish guy looking for friends in the area. Really don't konw anyone here despite living in the area for like a year and a half
weightlifting, hiking, tech stuff, reading

discord tojo0786
are you retarded?
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Looking for NL anons to share pics of bbw gf with. Open to other ideas you have with her. In Seattle

Kik breakingthotties
38 m SweetHome Or.
Looking for female to hook up with. Its been years.
music, schizo(or not?) conspiracies, nutrition, exercise, being outside, travelling, DIY projects, Christianity
>looking for
Buddies but a stable provider man who wants kids one day would be nice too...
>not looking for
misogynists, trannies, long distance relationship, hookups, super busy people (im really needy), retarded "male manipulators"
discord: ildico396
20 trans guy portland
local weirdos. possibly maybe a hookup or fwb thing. sub/bottom
kik memtomm
Bi bwc looking for fun, locals only
Kik lazi564
i might be delusional but theres no ex boyfriend
Added you
thanks for letting everybody know.
25 bi m
St helens oregon
Kik : travisforyah
44 sissy seattle needs traininng.

Wife doesn't know... eeek... corrupt me..abcxx

discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
Bi bwc looking for fun, locals only
Kik lazi564
23/f/southern OR

LF friends to shoot the shit like going outdoors, listening to music, and gaming (ttrpgs, tcg, or vidya)

NLF that gay shit or a relationship

dis: trashysovl
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Anyone else going to bass canyon in August? I'm going with an AFAB friend I met on here. Would be cool to meet up with more fellow reformed-degens. Just please be normal!
>local 3 day bass festival on my lady's birthday
>mfw 400 bucks per ticket
join my server if you want to sext // need a lewd egirlfriend :p mainly looking for someone in oregon..
discord: eskitten
Won't timestamp, probably some fag catfish

Yeah... I got 2x GA + Standard Camping for $850 from someone off an app and I'm hoping I forget the pain to my wallet by then and that it doesn't turn out to be a scam.
Do you have to ask? If they refuse to verify themselves it's an obvious catfish.
20/M(bi)/Seattle, WA
>about me
6 foot tall skinny twink with longish hair
Kinda irrelevant, but just ask if you're curious, i suppose.
>looking for
Honestly, im just absurdly horny and looking for guys to blow. Im not particularly picky as long as you arent like, a slob. or a scatfag. If you're in the area and you wanna get your dick sucked, or do any other assorted gay stuff, message me
KIK: lamedriver
Post another invite link
the weather isn't even close to 'shit' in the PNW
Join our strictly PNW server with organized meetups

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looking for other fucked up 'depressed' loners or those whom apparently are suicidal who've got nothing going on for their lives who are down to do whatever or give genuine company for a change
discord is gloomdolll
>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

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Hahaha pick a struggle
I’m a petite gothic trap looking for cool friends and interesting conversations (responding cuz I got a new snap)

Add me on snap:

Or on discord:
bump. still searching
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20F Oregon (Portland area)

Interests: Art, animation, movies, games, animals, memes. We can talk about anything really. I have an edgy and weird sense of humor so I get along well with people like that. I tend to ask a lot of questions sometimes if I want to get to know you. I am currently in school. It’s hard talking to other women on her since many seem burnt out from talking but I figured I’d give it a shot.

>Looking for
Female friends in or near Oregon

>Not looking for
Men, MTF

26 / M / Beaverton

Interested in just meeting people and interviewing them about their lives and their dreams. Love to hear whatever wisdom they are willing to share. Quite willing to take anyone out to good food places.

DC: ihc1996
Browsing tru all the post makes me suicidal, holy shit bros.
Methinks that's why they are so keen for opioids and weed out here. They want to be cheerful degenerates.
Between Portland and hood river, looking to start a board game, lan, tabletop group. Will gm if tabletop. Already got one other. Bonus if down to play the board game Portland occupied zone.
That's an interesting description since that's almost all wilderness. One of the small towns on the two highways going through there?
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21/Tranfem/Tacoma, WA
>about me
5'6 with ginger hair, dark blue eyes
vidya, reading, drawing, manga, YouTube, handheld gaming
>looking for
Someone to love and probably become obsessed with. I'll play videogames with you and be intimate with you. Ideally, I find someone who is a top cause I don't really like topping. If you're a loser you're my type.
>not looking for
a quick fuck, or some asshole to block me outta nowhere

discord: bungirlthumpheaven
any females (female) want to form a girl gang where we look at mushrooms in the forest and scrounge for cash?
Dumb repost:

24/F/Seattle area

>about me
4'11" bisexual fit girl who loves horseback riding, weeb crap, weird porn, and shooting the shit with people online.

>Looking for
Anons (from WA) interested in exhibitionism of their exes/gfs/wives/friends

>Not Looking for
Anons that aren't from WA state or that have never been in a relationship

Disc: JaneLikesCranes
(Longtime WA residents only please)
Aw man, I want to forage for mushrooms but I'm male (male).
Sucks dude unless you got bitches on deck idk what to tell you. I’m trying to drive to the densest forest, smoke blunts, and find some goddamn opium poppies to die on. In 2006 it would’ve been like shooting fish in a barrel, so many punk girls to link up and die a slow death with. Sad state of woman affairs these days
>About me
Andro genderfuck, hot in girlmode and boymode. I'm really into music mostly post-hardcore, I play guitar and sing, I'm a homebody and I like to comfymax and eat snacks but I can be lured out of my cave to do things. Ask me abt my other hobbies and autistic interests
>Looking for
Pretty girl who will let me hit cause I'm silly and cute and will hold my hand and kiss me and marry me
>Not looking for
Cis men, period. Also not looking for long distance but shoot your shot ig

Sent a request as my partner and I are real but we don't do online only
I'm white. She's asian. We'd have to vet you in person but if we liked you a lot would go down. Friend request sent.
gay guy looking for gay relationships
Also going to Bass. Solo camping in GA and arriving Thursday night. I'm 30, generally queer (AMAB NB), don't party hard but do bring a bunch of test kits! Very chill. Would also be down for a plug for (real) molly.

Disc: freshfission
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18 M Renton WA
>about me
got out of school recently and am working on getting my GED,
my sexuality is pansexual (open to everyone, depends on our connection)
i'm a fan of a few animes (Eva, soul eater, undead unluck)
i play games, draw, and like relaxing while listening to music
i smoke weed pretty regularly
>looking for?
idk, preferably a few friends, maybe more
discord: someonethatshigh
hiii mostly pnw server. come make new friends :3
27 / m / u district

fell for a girl who got me to cut off all my people, got me hooked on blues and eventually fet, stole all my money, ghosted after i got mad she was cheating and she found someone with a better life to ruin

interests: literally anything but "righteous dopefiend" lifestyle bullshit. probably not politics either but i'll take any convo i can get

not really looking for sex / dating / intimacy, need sober friends (weed, booze, mdma, etc. is all okay literally anything that isn't clear or fent / blues idgaf about) so i can figure out how to be normal again

just need a pal to talk to
20/ftm preop on t/dt seattle
tgirls and sometimes chasers are my weakness
just now rebounding 1yr after breaking up w a dude id dated for half a decade lol.
down for hookups but id rather hang out and smoke first. Or have that be the first intention. havent ever done that so its kinda scary haha. whatevers clever

kik is dullscyth333
Why do you say that?
spot on. We're also looking for possible hookup/drug(weed/shroom/lsd) friends. We're not looking for a plug necessarily rather I prefer to be generous with what we have.
PS: Is it oldfagging to miss older captchas over this current one? Maybe it just hates my devices or I'm blind but it can eat a dick
Contact info??
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Damn, wish it was the 60s and you were my secretary.
WildZ50 on telegram, or drop your own whatever else
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*BLUSHES* thank you sweetie

howdy hansom.
how you doin' baby girl?
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Divine and I want a sub to accept my feminine energy.
no luck finding such a sub?
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Whats happening at bass canyon?
word on the street is that they playing bass out there
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Hopefully some kandi gifting and synchronized molly rolling, but at the very least 3 uninterrupted days of amazing music and vibes at one of the most gorgeous venues in the world. I'm treating it as my reward for working my ass of for the next month.
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>Favorite sub-genre

>Physical description
White, 5'11, dirty-blonde hair, some tattoos on my arm, glasses, blue eyes. I dress like a typical metal head in all black.
>Looking for
A biological woman to date in Oregon who (preferably goth) is loving/caring/compassionate/snuggly. I can be very clingy, so I need someone who is dependable and attentive. I do well with people who have a fucked up sense of humor (or at least tolerate off-color statements, (I make them all the time).
>Not looking for
Men of any kind, full stop. I cannot stress this enough,this might sound hypocritical, but if you're MtF also, I won't be interested at all. People who smoke cigs/vape/weed. Dog owners cuz i hate dogs, taller than me, outspoken leftoids, weird fetishists, Blacks and Mexicans/muslims, gun owners, woke nuggets, delusional religionist’s, unshaven armpits (poor hygiene in general), fat chicks

I am a depressed loser with no friends. nobody even adds me from my posts except to bully me n make fun of but i can't find a better place for trying to meet people. this place sucks but so does everywhere else. and making friends as an adult irl is impossible. People are just fuckin horrible to each other.

so i am throwing my wish into the void

please give me a cool local friend who will talk to me n take me places to go do fun things or a girlfriend…please

Charlie0070 isn't working anymore.
why did you bump my post. thats strange and peculiar
Sent a friend req on discord, 31/MtF/PDX here!
19M portland
>abt me
im 5’11 medium length blonde hair, glasses 165 lbs, i present as a normal member of society but im more or less a degen. spend most of my time playing video games, reading manga and books, watching anime or weird porn, etc. classic nerd shit.
>looking for
fwb maybe a relationship but ehh. i’m pan so ur sex and gender mean little to me but my sexual attraction strays torwards fem. in short if ur a masculine person ima need to get to know you before i fuck you. would love to have someone to play video games and talk to abt random and weird shit. be impulsive and do random shit.

>not looking for
idk just don’t be aggressively racist or morbidly obese and idrc

kik: viz_solomn
you get my disc if i like you
Are there just no women in the PNW or what.
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pretty much
33, M, 6'4", in the Portland area. Fun and easy to get along with. Into skateboarding, snowboarding, cars, and music. Looking for a fwb.
My snapchat is Rad_McGnarly
Discord is SK8PDX420

Ripped STEM enthusiast here. Looking for clingy autistic gf.

sadly no
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top.)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
Trans women are women
welll sort of

>Describe yourself and your interests.
kinda nerdy (somewhat autistic), will sperg abt fallout & wh40k, 5'3, petite, gymrat, looves shooting (will sperg abt it), and far too interested in listening to guys explain stuff to me <3

>Looking for
friends, maybe more

>Not looking for
trans. fuck off.

leave disc tag + smth abt yourself and if i like u i will add
Forgot to add that I'm in to fitness, hiking, gardening, skateboarding, video games, going to shows in Seattle, summoning the fourth Reich, etc. Hit me up, I'll talk about anything.
i will sperg about theology or the holocaust
Disc: perry4486

Love fallout and nerdy autistic infodumps, I cycle a lot, I'm an illustrator and I want to draw things you tell me about
currently learning wushu
Nerdy (sprinkle of the tism?) and passionate about weird/trippy rabbit holes (not the Holocaust). And willing to listen to you sperg about fallout lore.

Disc: northern.lites
33/M/Straight/Seattle area

>looking for
more people to hang with, maybe more

tabletop games, tcgs, gym, hiking, goin to local events and group activities. Do a lot of random stuff.

>Not looking for
gay stuff, horny shit

Discord: Dedikong

DM me about warhammer
nice try CIA honeypot

ask me about my cunt

Discord: Graburble
This is a truly grim post. Very sad at the amount of guys who are responding to this post earnestly, including 33 year old men. there's more to life than pussy, fellas
Met a trans woman 20 years ago and she opened my eyes to femininity. Was into trans porn, married a cis woman, then discovered sissy hypno 5 years ago and that sent me down a rabbit hole... Became hypersexual and obsessed with sissies. At first wanting to fuck one, but gradually cock became more appealing and started to become more subby. The more hypno I watched the more girly I wanted to become. Started imaginign wanting to be the girl. This led me to wearig wife's clothes and panties. Down the rabbit hole I go. 2 years ago started eating my won cum, and getting turned on by guys. Now I do this daily. Really want to go deeper and meet like minded people to help me. <33

Discord: littlerainbowcakeya1
that's fucking terrible, gah damn
That Anon is definitely a born and bred Worrrshingtonian. I thank God every day I was born in a normal part of the country. Is there something in the 150+ rain days annually and gray skies from October to fucking May that make men troon out and embrace faggotry? Must be.
Anon if (you) were any fruitier than you already are you'd be on sale in a wooden crate at some farmer's market
28/M/Seattle area
6'2", Bearish, dad bod?

I'm just here to fuck anyone that looks fem in the ass, don't care about gender or genitals.

Kik: dimestorefilth

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