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What are there no women above the age of 22 on this board?
Talking shit about guys who make whining threads with guys who post in the available threads, AND sucking them off
Try and rephrase that in English honey
can confirm

i am awfully close to being 30
There are.
It's just by 22 they've learned there are no girls on the internet and prefer not to be boring attention whores.
depends on what you want from us
Why are there no european women on the board
They’re on at different hours from you
Sounds like a good problem to have
i think we just dont post much and lurk more. I have less time than when i was younger and cant filter through everyone adding me, so i add people i like
Do they browse at midnight then or something?
They specifically wait for you to get off before they start posting and they make sure to deleted their posts before you get back on
I'm 23 and I don't get as much attention compared to when I was 18. Also I've been here for years and I think I've experienced everything this site has to offer already.
It's because you're post-wall
i'm 34 and at this point all i do on here is shitpost. this site isn't for actually talking to people. everyone here is too messed up
Because most "women" on this board are just catfish looking to troll or Jack off, and they figured 18-21 is the most attractive ages and will bait the most people
marry me?
There are, they're just catfishing as 18 year olds, or the ((women)) who post are just troons

Most girls become full blown normalfags at age 21. That means, they stop liking video games, fun stuff, anime, and all they think about is having sex with men and they just gravitate towards that and forget about 4chan altogether

Women have very little interest in hobbies, which they lose completely by age 21, it´s like a metamorphosis from something closer to a human being, to something that is nothing more than a sex animal seeking sex 24/7

Women lose their interests in hobbies at 21, and therefore they leave 4chan since they have nothing to discuss anymore
Same, it's coming up WAYYY too fast
i’m 22 and here, i just prefer other boards now

if i can stay at home to game n bake bread then sure
wtf no
I'm in my early 30's :)
can i stay at home to game and bake bread with you?
Seek help if you actually think this way
My guy I've been on 4chan since before /soc/ existed, and vidya is still my favourite hobby.

I'm sure there are a shitload of women here that are the same.
Have you been fucked by a fat white dude twice your age?
This made me laugh but also kys
Just offering another experience.

sure but whos gonna go to work then
we sell bread
No, in 2024 /soc/ only has faggots, troons, and simps. There are no biological females, they have all been chased away.
what the fuck is with all the ESL broken English in this thread?

Anyway, it's summer break. High schoolers and college kids are at home with nothing to do, so they check out soc. That's what you're noticing.

Also most of them aren't actually even 18 yet.
I’m happy to provide that lifestyle for the right partner, thefiltermail at yahoo dot com

sounds fun ngl

u sound like a human trafficker
makin dough to make dough
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can we put this on our menu?
it'll be our flagship product
feds can't get you for any crimes involving women that old
Are you implying feds can get you for crimes involving women from 18 to 22?
no but feds can pretend to be 18 and then pretend to be underage
But if they’re pretending to be 18, how could they get you in trouble?
i dunno. i meant more so people are more likely to be "convinced" into doing illegal shit that isnt cp with someone about 18-22
The fuck? What illegal shit is there with a 21 y.o.?
yknow, drugs, terrorism
you know 21 year olds can commit crimes that arent related to cp
i just said the underage thing as an example of like, a set up but i phrased it badly
I'm 35
what's your favourite kind of bread to bake btw
Because time moves only in one direction? tf you mean why
i think maybe he's figured out how to pause time and isn't sharing with the rest of the class
Me too. Congratulations on making it this far, and I hope to see you go even further.
thread was posted on my 23rd birthday, nice try but youll have to be faster than that
I hope I die in my sleep tonight desu
why, what's wrong?
There are but they're extremely avoidant and almost never reveal themselves IME. I'd be happy to be added by older women rather than more illiterate zoomer teens though, they're so fucking boring.
happy birthday, post contact so you can get your reward: having sex with me
asking someone "whats wrong?" on 4chan is like opening a sewer and asking "whats that smell?"
>age of 22
At least you can still find a few.
Imagine still being here as a guy at 42. I don't think I've seen a single 40 womanon post in over a year. The only one I saw last year was a married one if I remember correctly.
hi. any chance you're based in Europe?

snap: Blingtron7000
disc: Kretzu3000

add me if you're in Europe
32/m here
snap: Blingtron7000
disc: Kretzu3000
I was older than 22 when the current 4chan started.
You can never leave.

hmmm, I like sourdough or baguette. now I want bread… :(

how about u

There are, it's just that all the catfishes, sellers and larpers put their age as "18-22" which gives a skewed impression.

How it works here is because there are way more men than women, and because so many of those men are inarticulate coomers and incels, they don't put up their contacts. They lurk, they see if there's anyone here who seems vaguely interesting to talk to, who has more to offer than one word answers, isn't an edgelord, and if they are curious or like the sound of what you're offering they'll contact you. They get to choose, and a lot of manbaby types find that difficult to cope with, which is why you get crybaby threads about them not replying fast enough etc.

The best women I've met off here were all 30+ and they all got in touch with me, not by me desperately sex-pestering them with 100 other dudes whose opening gambits are restricted to sending dick picks and "wot kinks u into?" Better at being lewd, better at non lewd conversation, just all round way better. Way less drama, way more enjoyable. Quite frankly, a lot of the men here are emotionally stunted and immature so they're wise to pick and cho1ose carefully.

Here's an example:

If there's any women in the "older" (30+, but flexible within reason) category lurking in this thread who wants to chat with a educated, articulate and brutishly handsome English guy in his mid 30's, lewd or non lewd, my kik is EroticBingoNight and I give out my discord to people I get on with to keep in touch.

>My hobbies interests are:

Music, playing guitar, hiking, literature, politics, art, antagonising American men on the Internet, history, sport (particularly soccer) and video games (especially retro nostalgia)

If we vibe, we can get lewd. A good vocabulary and vivid imagination > a dull exchange of nude pictures.

Put the effort in OP, be patient, and you'll fund success. Good luck.
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29 yo Christian but I lurk and dont intend to sext or meet anyone so its a moot point to advertise or add

Im still lonely tho
i quite like basic sammich bread to make toasties with, or buns so i can barbecue some burgers. flatbreads are a close third but i don't cook anything that goes with em too often.

> now I want bread… :(
i'm need to make a fresh loaf today, let's make it together? :)
Older girls (30+) are so hot and I want to sleep with one
Chatting sexting or whatever I don't care I just wanna interact
M21 kik - doggonner
Older than me by a tiny margin then.
And yes we've been warned at the start, don't forget that you're here forever.
i am the oldest woman for sure on /soc/ at 32, but i'm a muscle mommy and look younger. i've been on this website since 2006, haven't had sex with a guy in over a year and my lifestyle makes it difficult to meet a suitable partner. my longest relationship was 12 years, from this site actually. born to be a good girl but forced to be a cougar.

You're not even close, sorry.

Made one of my best friends on here. She's 45. We speak every day.
anyways, it doesn’t matter, because i have noticed that men in my age range (i’m 26) are not interested in their peers. the only ones who try to get my attention are 45 year olds and 19 year olds, which both age gaps are obviously very disgusting. where is my 25-30 year old man…..
Oh my God check this faggot in the archives, he's absolutely pathetic. He tries this trick every time:


Only a clinical, desperate narcissist would do this over and over.
>What are there no women above the age of 22 on this board?

75% of male have spontaneous desire

with female is only 15%

with responsive (85% female and 25%) this unoped board wont seduce them into being here.

PS: This dont apply to woman at fertile moment, but this is a specific moment
>it´s like a metamorphosis from something closer to a human being, to something that is nothing more than a sex animal seeking sex 24/7
Responsive desire (85% of woman is like that) proves you are saying bullshit


solid choices

what bread are we making?
Me too please, talk to me too
I’m very certain I can give you whatever you want, not like THIS Anon

no femanon! ignore both of them and give me some tips on how to find non normie men in our age range that don’t drain your energy every time you talk to them and shower
No femnan
femana on
fema onnon please
Don't listen to >>33225941

Come back with Mumbo to skull
There are, but only if you consider mentally ill gay men wearing dresses who call themselves women, women.
teach me how to baguette? i've never made one before c:
>non normie men in our age range
sorrynotsorry hehe
anon ur not in my age range

damn haven’t had the joy yet of breaking open a steamy baguette and putting home made butter on it, its one of the best things. okay np i can teach u :]

hiii where are you from?
HOME MADE BUTTER? i have so much to learn from you, i'm looking forward to this
i'm in western europe, wbu?
Just get cold heavy cream and shake the shit out of it until the milk fat starts to clump together and forms a mass of butter.

its easy exactly like other anon above said, but it tastes really good u can add your own stuff to it like herbs

eekum bokum

blush emoji
ah, i never actually thought of starting with heavy cream instead of milk - thanks for the tip c:

would you like to add me? my discord is .bread.n.butter.
Does lurking help anyhow with this loneliness?
You can lurk, but still note people who seem interesting and contact them.
That's why, despite this place looking like an eternal sausagefest, I've met up with a few local girls through here.

i added you with a throwaway :)
unlike humba i would let you into my wigwam
there are but most of them lurk and don't post
I have like 20 B-K innuendos cocked and loaded ma'am
let's hear your spiciest one and maybe have some furnace fun of our own
Let me into that wigwam to mumbo all over those jiggies ;)

maybe take a dip in that magical pink pool

(this is so corny but also where have you been all my life)
i'm gonna beak bust you until you explode like gobi

(i'm stuck in the stop n swop)
tallon trot your ass over here and let's get up to some mayahem until we're in cloud cuckooland

(it's okay I have the old N64 revision, it can handle it)
i wanna make you go unga bunga and be the only hag1 in your heart

(i have my original copies of bk and tooie and even have some controllers with joysticks that are in good condition!)
I can get jiggywiggy with you being the treasure trove within the cove in my heart

(I restored my favorite atomic purple controller with a steel bowl and new encoders a few years back! I've had my BK copy since i was 4 and tooie since i was 10!)
i want you to stuff me like a taxi pack

(but for real, disc?)
I'll go Mr. Vile on your Yumblies

(here's the friend inv link https://discord.com/invite/z22Y4nXp)
you two are incredibly cute, remember to invite me to the wedding
Im 26 as well turning 27 in a few months, my kik is Hank1997x , just taking my shot, just in casez and yes im fucking desperate to just interact with a female
Long is the road the leads out of hell and up to light
And your hobby is being on /soc/?
im turning 30 this year.. but people my age say im immature :/
femanon (18+), long time lurker here, let's play a game!

Brave enough now, so let's go. Feel like being rated, if you can guess my age+where I'm from (nationality+ethnicity) from my (LIVE) pic you get a prize!

Otherwise, be interesting and not boring, don't send little dickpics and don't just write "hey" thanks. Might even share some secrets with you if you ask me some good quality questions!

MY KIK: foreverxbeautiful
we live in a social matrix where men and male presenting people are the people who pursue while femme and female presenting people typically are pursued and either dont have those instincts to search due to conditioning or are more selective/ tactile in who they reveal themselves to since yeah this is 4 chan and the liklihood of them being a victim even if you are who you say you are is just higher lol

Sidenote to any hypersexual bbw looking for a partner to grow with watching this thread Audhd looking for you specifically here I aint scared to shoot my shot #shootersshoot
>people my age say im immature
i get the same thing sometimes, luckily the 3 people in my friend group that are my age (the rest are all younger) are just as immature as me :')
hey, haven't seen you around at all, hope you're doing alright!
I'm 30 and have been here far too long.
There's plenty of older women here. Most 18-22 females here are catfish because that's widely considered the most "attractive" age range for women, and thus the most likely to sucker in the desperate, lonely losers that populate this board. That's what you're seeing; they make themselves noticeable for a reason. I don't think I've ever met a legitimate woman on this site below the age of 25. Not saying they don't exist, but they blend in with the sea of bullshit.
Assuming you are a female you obviously know that this is all just shitposting and what it is for. /soc/ is counter to the fun.
though ngl it would be nice to meet a femanon who I or we click with.
Once you been an anon for a certain amount of time and your eyes are open to the way life actually works and way people actually think and feel its not really ever gonna be easy to find a partner who is a fucking normie.

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