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Only post in this thread if you find me attractive (no homo)
Hey, you're the op of the eye thread. Your lips are very uniquely shaped, very masculine bone structure as well. So curious to see you in a different hairstyle, yet somehow a buzzcut suits you well.
You look good. I don't have anything specific thing to say except you shouldn't need compliments. You look like a handsome guy.
You want some attention, more like. Lmfao.
You look like an average Germanic white guy. But you also look like you work out so congratulations.
You look like a default model for a character customization in a video game. Not to say that it's bad it just means you have that look.
I think the best way to describe myself is "the design is very human"
there's not much to say really. you have a very default male look. nothing of note
very basic looking white guy. you kind of look like you beat women but not to the degree where i'd assume you do but like i wouldn't be surprised if i found out you did. you know what i mean.
Does this imply you kinda expect every man to beat women?
You look really similar to my college boyfriend but with a shaved head, kinda scared youre him lol. did you used to have brown curly hair. Anyway you look kind. sensitive eyes
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>brown curly hair
Yes. But I never went to college
I find you quite affiligent
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Do I look like skinhead now
where you from? i want to have sex with you.
Germany. (Don't worry, I'm not german)
You look like a mildly experienced guy in the army in the 1st pic and a drummer that does all the heavy lifting in some popular band in the 2nd one.
That mustache is pretty weak tho.
Half-German? I'd say your ancestry is Slavic, or eastern european i suppose.
I'm slavic but live in germany
You look like someone thatd rape a woman but feel bad about it hours later
bizarre compliment
I think you looked better with lon hair
No, homo
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God damn ot I went from this (picrel) to this
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I mean to this
You look focused and your skin is radiant
Now no homo let's see how u look naked. To see the proportions and size
you look like my ex
loser weirdo freak!
Hey. I wasn't the one to rip your ass apart. Don't let it out on me.
No homo but no. The dick is big and strong, btw
bretty hansom
Shave everything
You look fine but with 1 iota of hair you'll look like shit
Have you tried singing this in public?
Ps. you're a normal looking faggot.
youre average and i want to punch your lights out
Your eye color is beautiful
try therapy

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