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other one has gone to shit, so leaving this here as another option. if you’re black and on /soc/ you can use this thread to find other black folks.

nonblack folk, i know y’all are gonna do this anyway but please don’t message anyone in this thread with romantic/sexual intent, there are other threads for this purpose. ((:

be nice, dont cause any shit for no reason.


> asl
> bio
> looking for
> not looking for
> contact
Tfw not allowed to flirt with black anon cuties
there’s an interracial dating thread
You'll take your race stats and like them, get on the other thread.
no, it’s turned into filth
You just don't want to make friends.
how did you come to that conclusion? lol

for the record i have posted there, but all i’ve gotten are thirsty folks who aren’t even black-
I'm not going to post here like I did in the other one as I didn't even want to post there but I just wanted to say that this is a good idea. It would be based to have a /blackanon/ general on /soc/ regularly, like that other anon said. Perhaps Black anons can regularly post this and have a daily or weekly /blackanon/ thread. It would be a good idea for Black anons looking to make Black friends, to find Black bfs, Black gfs without all the BWC bullshit, toxic wignat seething and porn spam being spammed over and over. Bump.
yeah, it’s annoying. thank you for your honesty.
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Posted in the old one but on some rs I lowkey don't see the point of this. I doubt there's a large black population on 4chan and I def doubt any actionable part of that population is on /soc/ and willing to post. Only reason I'm posting is because I've been bored to the point of near insanity recently.

>> asl
pic rel. 22 Male NYC
>> bio
I've just entered NEEtdom and I'm killing time thru /soc/ and discord shenanigans. Black, Caribbean background.
>> looking for
fun&frens&maybe lewds
>> not looking for
>> contact
disc. ghastlyghts
fucked up tag
correct one is
there’s more than you think and i kinda see why they don’t post, she removed me as a friend on another platform but there was a fem blackanon who was so sweet, i wish i could find her again :((
added you! and i do this all of the time
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> asl
> bio
its ya boi tyrese from da 678 we luh dem peaches n snobunnies ya erd?
> looking for
cutie wit a big ol booty ya kno wat im sayin fr?
> not looking for
hoe as bitches or anyone who has a name that ends with eesha quanda or sum otha bs im out here lookin fo ma queen
> contact
you’ve gotta be trolling LMAO
i don’t think this is the thread for you but i hope you find what you’re looking for
> M/33/Texas
> I work at Nasa, Hooper, love anime and gaming, Tall, getting into MTG/Skate bording and learning new languages.
>lF: Gaming and anime buddies, interesting people.
> Discord: king_hubi
I decided to post my Discord here - VibrantCelestial
Looking for friends, interesting people, nothing romantic atm.
do you mind dropping your a/s/l as well just so people would know?
hun, your friend requests are disabled.
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thread owner but i’ll post anyway

ditzy midget chick who fidgets about most of the time and won’t stop talking once there’s something she’s interested in.
i’m into:
anime + manga (mecha • mahou shoujo)

>looking for
someone who she could talk to when she’s not busy, and those who have the same interests as she does-! she will not be able to get to anyone, disabling friend reqs when this happens.

>not looking for
horndogs lol

discord: kimagurefascinate
Sure, 26/M/USA
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your requests are disabled too lol
Sorry about that, changed my settings
So sorry about that my friend requests are enabled again
Ty for letting me know
Hispanic anon here just chilling
for what?
trying to see if I can make friends here.
there is a thread for brown men if that helps, i made this specifically for black folks in mind, i hope you won’t take this the wrong way. ;-;
Dead thread, don't bother.
doesn’t hurt to try lol.
>Overbearing gatekeeper OP derails his own thread.
her, i don’t exactly see how i’m being overbearing. ‘-‘

is it _really_ that big ‘o deal?
~~hope that worked~~
there we go. ^^
damn, that’s embarrassing.

Bumping in the hopes I can find another halfie or someone who like thrash metal and sushi
>its okay to be racist if youre black
wow and people wonder why people even Africans are growing tired of you blacks in the west
>muh BWC is offended, muhfugga
When people post rate threads and trash black anons who post or skip over them entirely to rate other nonblack posters, you people don't say shit.

When people post discord usernames and then say their likes and dislikes and their dislikes/"not looking for" always says "no blacks/nonwhites," you people don't say a motherfucking word.

When people post about how they prefer blacks in the interracial generals, you people get mad and say all types of foul shit to them because Asian pussy or BWC isn't the focal point for that person.

So, naturally, when all the Blacks here, seeing how people don't want to be around them, have so much contempt for them and have all this fucking animosity toward them, say to themselves "okay, these whites/mexicans/asians/hapas don't like us and don't want us in their spaces so lets do our own thing," then you want to get mad because now they are being exclusive. On top of that, you want to call them racist as if 90% of the shit here isn't explicitly anti-Black, including against "even Africans."

The fucking cognitive dissonance here is baffling.
Shut up timmy/brownoid/insect
> 26/m/south US
> Bio
Jack of many trades, master of none, looking to be the master of one of them (at least). I like to keep busy, always learning something new to dive into. Professionally, I work with computers. Outside of that, I'm constantly looking for things to do that's not in front of a screen. I also enjoy reading books, listening to music, and playing and watching certain sports.
> Looking for:
Friends, not necessarily interested in the same things I'm interested in. I love learning new things, and I hope you are too. If you're adventurous, daring, brave, not afraid to try new things then we'd get along. I'm looking for personality, not necessarily interests.

>not looking for

>waaahhhhh wahhhhhhh
Cry harder, faggot.
i'm a west and central african from london. i like reading, vidya and working out. i can be shy and soft spoken so sorry about that in advance. unfortunately i'm not that interesting but i am an amazing listener and make good company. sorry if i end up just streaming overwatch to you
>looking for
people to talk to and vc with.
>not looking for
non black people and meanies
I sent you a message and you like never replied lmao.
i was making tea and i left discord open on my pc. when i came back you unadded and deleted your messages.. .

thats a good feel when the trash takes itself out
sorry i unadded u a few days ago, u seem like a nice person but ur not what im looking for ATM T.T, i hope u find the black anon ur looking for

hey don't apologise. i completely understand! you're not going to be everyone's type and that's fine. i hope you find someone too!
that's the norm
>when the trash takes itself out
The fuck?
Yeah, I added this chick on the 22nd and unadded like a few days later. The way she made it seem like is like all this shit happened within less than 30 minutes.
>When people post rate threads and trash black anons who post or skip over them entirely to rate other nonblack posters, you people don't say shit.
>When people post discord usernames and then say their likes and dislikes and their dislikes/"not looking for" always says "no blacks/nonwhites," you people don't say a motherfucking word.

Do you think people are entitled to a rate or to being someone's preference?
>Do you think people are entitled to a rate or to being someone's preference?
Stop being dumb. There is a distinct difference between preferences and not wanting to rate someone (which I can respect, 100%) and the fucking constant anti-black sentiment on the board. They don't make servers and say "sorry no east asians" or "not looking for white people/asian people" or use racial slurs against any other group on here at the levels they do the blacks. The question I have for you is why do people like you and >>33232162 want to get hypocritically upset at a black only thread.

99% of the board is yours so why is one black thread a problem?
>There is a distinct difference between preferences and not wanting to rate someone (which I can respect, 100%) and the fucking constant anti-black sentiment on the board.
That's what I'm saying, you're mixing up the two. When you say "you people" you're projecting everything you're mad about on this board onto non-blacks and shit's embarrassing.

>99% of the board is yours so why is one black thread a problem?
"People are mean to me on /soc/" isn't "/soc/ is for whites", anon. I don't care about you being on the board or not, I think it's dumb to try to make an exclusive thread and then get mad when people prod you and make fun of it.
ye i've seen her do the same to a bunch of other people over like 10 different accounts in the last few weeks so don't sweat it man you did nothing wrong
I just don't like when people try to falsify shit on me and then the nerve to try to put me on blast on /soc/, like I got hyper clingy and impatient instantaneously in a short period of time, like what the fuck. And of course, that enabled some beta simp fuck that wants to fuck her to talk shit about me.

I naturally unadded after a few days because she didn't respond and I didn't want to keep messaging her when she wasn't replying. I was like "wtf, it's been three days. did I say something that pissed her off? did she ghost me? what's going on here"
>i was making some tea and I was gone for like a few minutes to an hour and i left it open and you left and..
That's not what the fuck happened but lmao
>"People are mean to me on /soc/" isn't "/soc/ is for whites", anon.
Knowing how /soc/ gets down, this is probably a catfish and/or troon too, anon. You never know with these people.

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