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>hair growth drugs
not even once
normally once a day, more when the girlfriend's on the rag, to the point of needing bandages on my dick with certain drugs
>page 9
Well then, it appears this thread may have threatened some sort of narrative...

>fapping in template

what does masturbation have to do with the hair on your head?

drugs mentioned twice in your post over the word hair idk anon based on your entire thread that's only got you in it I rate you junkie/10
>what does masturbation have to do with the hair on your head?
did you just start using 4chan yesterday?
>drugs mentioned twice
one of those was in the context of a non-psychoactive prescription, karen. post your hair (if you got any).
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This hair is cruelty, it needs tio be brus hed ideally twice a day. It would otherwise end in knots and spliss. Still its better than the hair loss "men" are suffering from. I am 29 but a starchild.
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You look great for 41 anon.

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A better picture when I'm not fresh of a 13 hours shift.
i'm digging those dark rock star curls, anon. only thing missing from that pic is an electric guitar in your hands. 7/10, turn up the volume on that hair and i could see that number going up. it needs to stand out more!
... daaaaamn. i was not expecting to get mogged this hard, much less by post 7. solid 10/10, don't change a thing!
>You look great for 41 anon.
oh, dude, thank you! reading that, at my age, on this harsh board, coming from a guy with those good looks... yep, i'm gonna be holding onto this happy feeling for a long time.
you look like a 27 year old meth addict. i refuse to believe that you are any older than that & that you arent on meth
that's a strong word, anon ;)
>i refuse to believe that you are any older than 27
my parents had a "car phone", my favorite christmas gift was a sony talkboy, and if i ever get alzheimer's i will forget my own damn name long before i forget the konami code. i hope you are as satisfied with my answer as i am flattered by how young you think i am. now post your hair.
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I hate my hair i always want to shave it off. Ur hair looks thin on top mr. Op but the ends look good
I think u should avoid brushing ur hair that might b why its frizzy desu
Serious "Joe Dirt" vibe, no?

IDK if he's an "addict"...more like just uses it constantly because when he fails to he suffers a host of psychophysical stressors he cannot abide and so needs to re-supply, 24/7/365.25...so, not "addicted". Find another word meaning "dependent on a substance to the point you perceive your very life depends on you having it, so you continue despite it causing massive personal problems"...a word for that.
Op's girlfriend here. Op had cut my hair, and I'm giving this thread a tomboy bump.
You look like you need to return your videotapes
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25, dads side of the family is all bald men, moms side gives me hope.
Holy shit anon, looks great. I want my future boyfriend to have hair like yours.
the camera can't focus when you're that close, babe.
i think it's cute, kinda reminds me of phoebe from ghostbusters: afterlife. r8 8 m8.
interesting how all the critics itt won't post hair. care for a drink, anon? picrel. sauce: doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61462-6
fuck, another 10/10? my dick can only take so much!
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the patrick bateman comment is spot on
i want you as my hubby…
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shower? never heard of it
messy, random, asymmetrical, flat in some spots while poofy in other spots. 4/10, do something before it gets matted.
long, simple, practical. 9/10, reminds me a bit of my own hair.
the top of your head looks like my pubes. i know for a fact nobody can run their hands through your hair without yanking your scalp off, next.
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0/10, no scalp and you made me break my neck
there’s a scalp under there somewhere
why is the top of your head cropped?
do you look like picrel?
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it’s not cropped that’s just how i took the pic :p
Medieval peasant phenotype, balding but not terrible for 40
>that’s just how i took the pic
you're worse at taking selfies than my girlfriend
haha, thank you. i'm not convinced that i'm balding, it looks like i always remember it being. i've always had a wide part and a lot of forehead real estate. i'm definitely graying bit by bit, that much is certain, but i'm actually looking forward to my future silver mane.
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No, it would only cause even worse spliss and knots. I need to brush it daily, ideally twice a day and apply oil to make it halfway bearable.
nice hair desu. strong carhartt vibes
if i was actually trying to take a selfie i would agree with u but that was just for the hair
very very pretty hair very shiny 10/10

curly hair is SICK!!! 10/10

10/10 everyone

My highlights grew out from a year ago, now it looks horrible but whatever
noooo i hate curly hair its too hard to manage
de-tangle it when its wet with product and air dry it. brushing curly hair especially dry is frizz city
31, no hair growth drugs, no transplants. sorry it's not the best quality picture, took it on a potato phone
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5/10 + 1 for the face
333/10 trips of cuteness checked
4/10, that style is a bit overdone. saw it on gay dudes who looked your age ~10-15 years ago.
impressive length, show front
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27,My hair seems to be too long
Don't mind the suspiciously large hands
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I don’t really comb my hair

10/10 SICK HAIR!
best itt
Thanks, I grew it myself ;)
no... way...
Way. Btw feel free to add me on disc if you want on disc at whitexzombie
my account is soft banned til tomorrow so i can't send dms or friend requests.. my account is beetlebugyy, so if you want you can send a friend request to me and I'll accept it the second i can
All good. Added you
10/10 because i cant understand the gender
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nice beardline bro

Scary in a cute way

confused, but impressive hair

Justin Timberlake is queeving right now
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Why tf did you turn it 4dump?
Nice hair too btw

Im not gay or anything... but god damn.
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Opinions on my haircut? I don't like it, it's too short.

Hi Jesus
You should become an aryan warrior and save the white race instead of playing fucking zelda. Your looks are too perfect to be lost.
what does my hair have to do with justin timberlake
Hello deciple.
Would thou require wine?

It might be a tight cut, it suits your skull.
Something something sexy back.
Its really not that hard to crack.

Rating would be 8/10 but its too short for my personal liking, but them layers and waves are hard to ignore. Cherish them waves.
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>hair growth drugs
Not as much anymore, maybe once or twice a week.
thank you for bumping my thread, i've been a bit busy
How about having some humility before you post here again you self-absorbed sand monkey. You look like a 50 year old jewish woman.
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Why do you basically have an empty room with two closets with mirrors on both sides?

sure practical reason would be so can look how your ass and hair looks on the other side.

but personally i think you just want to talk to "you" in the 7th timeline and you cant convince me otherwise.
You’re in good luck anon, male pattern baldness comes from your moms side of the family genetically. I’m the same way, dads side have receding hairlines (not bald though) while moms side (including my 80 year old grandpa) still have full heads of thick hair. You actually look a lot like me as well just with much longer hair. Mines a little above the shoulders
only aryan god itt is this guy right here
discord now faggot please i beg
that is typically where faggots congregate.
thanks bro
cute as a button, 10/10
>Don't mind the suspiciously large hands
i hope you play piano, those fingers are gonna make my girl jealous lol
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wheres ur hair
dis nigga have no hair
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Here's my hair, its long over due for a trim and its a pain to take care of xd

Oh my god you hair looks so silky and nice. share your secret!!!!
Soooo cute!!!! your room is so cute too omg
You look like you live in a very ghetto ass apartment.

Future shooter vibes

Kewl guy

How are you eyes so un even? Did you have a stroke?


Actually good looking guy

Good looking but you have autism


Ur ghey

Seriously you are a creepy Tucker. Idk why but you scare the shit out of me
Hey you tee the one with the nice fat juicy ass right? What was your Kik again?
As someone with a hair fetish this thread was a major disappointment.
I automatically swipe left on tinder when I see this hairstyle
I know my hair isn’t working right now, give advice pls
You’re cute with it like that though
Not sure what to say here, it’s not bad but it’s no hair but I guess it works if you can grow a small Afro thatd look good probably
I think it works for you man but also maybe just try a regular short cut you particularly like
It’s not bad I usually assume girls like this kinda cut
Not bad, I dig it man
Girls surely compliment your hair when they hit on you not bad either my man >>33246946
Gorgeous, it’s very nice on you like that
>You look like you live in a very ghetto ass apartment.
nailed it! poor but happy, not much else to say.

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