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a thread for people who are also into any science, e.g. disciples from pure math to civil engineering, or individual topics like number theory and relativity

>Looking for
>Not looking for
okay fag let’s go

24m usa/eu
biology pharmacology medicine drug abuse classic literature underground music, illustration
>looking for
type a
med/grad students
fucking autistic retards
faggots and weirdos
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Scientist Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
Synthetic chemistry specifically drug synthesis and super base chemistry. I have near encyclopedic of illicit and licit drug pharmacology and effects, and a lot of their syntheses, boy I love drugs, although I seldomly do them.
>Looking for
Someone to nerdy to me :) I love science and chemistry, maybe get lewd with and or meet up irl, or just talk to, we can't all be winners.

I like cute girls in cute outfits, skinny and petite girls with glasses are my favorite.
>Not looking for
Anyone too too crazy, or someone wanting to put it in my butt

(I'm not racist I swear I just thought the numbers were funny)
bros are you everyone who's into science on this board? it's so over for us, not even a girl
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25, m, portland, or!

please add me if you are interested in playing (learning) go, tea, or writing poetry; if you want to watch movies or listen to music on stream; or if you want to discuss fashion, buddhism, bonsai, or art more generally.

alternatively, generally intense and interesting people with niche interests, especially but not solely academic ones. i lean towards the humanities but i'm relatively proficient with hard sciences too -- i enjoy things like formal logic, cellular automata, and lambda calculus.

alternatively (again!), if you like people who infodump, that's practically all i do.

>not looking for
underage, "i forgot why i added you", boring people

28/FtM/US (est)

Therapy/counseling theory, mental health, interpersonal dynamics. I know this is niche and only kind of science, but whatever.

>Looking for
People who are curious or knowledgeable about this area, people who want to infodump about their adjacent field or interest. This is /soc/, so I'm also open to people who want to fuck their therapist and cis men who want to trauma-dump on someone with a pussy.

girls, reveal yourselves!~

>only kind of science
it's perfectly appropriate for this thread, if it was strictly about science disciplines only two anons on the entire site could probably post here, which i guess it could still make for a wonderful gay relationship
30s/m/eastern USA, straight

astronomy, quantum physics, pharmacology, chemistry and others. those are interests, not expertises! don't know anything about regular physics or computer science/programming but interested in learning. I also like FOSS, crypto, investing, politics, self-improvement, languages and linguistics,,

>Looking for:
ideally, friends to meet in person. idm listening to you sperg about your interests. I am slow with responding so please be patient!

>Not looking for:
VC and ghosts. if you have no problem with bailing on conversations if you get mildly annoyed or bored, please find someone else to talk to

animal.senses2@protonmail.com or a privacy messenger if you want
finance isn't stem lmao
> 20/fuck off/Alberta
> aeronautics, sadly i only have a degree in psychology
> people who like and know about planes
> the people who read the S part of ASL

Tell that to all the physics and Chem E PhDs in finance
waste of time to try talking to them
> talks about hobbies
> calls me catfish
what? You can catfish about hobbies now? Anyways thanks for filtering your dumb nigger brain out of my dms.
Einsteinian relativity is a gay hoax
Yo just came by to say that science is for faggots and pussies with small jawlines.
i chuckled
i like it
then why are you posting on this website litanon
literally every single step required to post is possible because science
it's all research done by very smart people, i wish i was like them
anon is saving the thread
Holy cringerony
You are so clearly an idiot, haha!
No, most of these, possibly all - are wannabes. They'll all tell you they are sigma, as well. And it's easily demonstrable - I could expose any of them within 3 queries. So I'm laughing. You know how you know someone is serious? When they're serious. Myself? Serious. Serious enough that everything I have, my house, vehicles, etc. comes from my expertise. If it's not your career...you are dabbling. Another piece of evidence that I'm not as well faking, is I'm not looking for a damn thing. I don't want to chat, mingle, or cohabitate with ANYONE. Not a team player. And I'm weird. Nobody would last 30 days with me. That's rather been developed by design. Now to you point, absolutely it's fucking over. Duh. And? Fuck it. You don't know my age, but if you're sharp, you know my cohort. Which gen am I? If you don't know by now...well, it doesn't matter because yeah, is over. The likelihood any of you will see 2030 is remote enough to earn the descriptor "well nigh impossible". If that concerns you, if you care...buddy, I can't help you. Nor want to! Fuck it.
cease your retarded self-aggrandizing wanking on an anonymous horse mane braiding website
i want to be smarter and find a topic that can be my specialty :( can anyone help become autistically smart (im diagnosed with autism but i have the dumb kind)
my telegram is sohappysokind, i can give you my discord when we chat if youd prefer to talk there!
no you dont deserve my STEM cunny
im in STEM field (electrical engineering at a company) but im also learning some physics and computer science on the side.

if anyone wants to work on some CS projects together and learn with me please reply
if someone's a wannabe that's actually trying to learn these topics then i believe there's nothing wrong with that
it's not sunshine and roses, you cant expect everyone to be a postdoc
you need plenty luck before that can happen, and luck shouldn't not be a major part of someone's personality
explain yourself!
>shouldn't not be
meant should not be
better not trigger the logic bros
Join my freedom of speech server. We want more diverse people in

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MtF/18/England (south west)


Mentally ill boymoder (8 months hrt), history of abuse, anorexia nervosa recoveree, chronically lonely, severely autistic and anxious.

>>hobbies, interests, whatever

Vidya (dayz, titanfall 2, battlefield 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, plus loads more), science (medicine, pharma and chem with a dabble of nuclear physics), linux fuckery, gardening, hiking, rats (picrel is my girlie) and the British Empire (God save the king and so forth).

>>looking for

Friends, maybe a boyfriend, anything to quell chronic social isolation.

>>not looking for

Mean people


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21M, Earth

Video game development, science, electronics, chemistry, physics (I have a degree in this), fringe science, /x/.

>Looking for
Fellow autists to talk about our STEM related special interests or maybe even learn / do a project together or something.

>Not looking for
Trannies, faggots, other subhumans.

henlo frens
18 M India
Love sci-fi. Love vulcans. Trekkie. Planning to get a CS degree soon (top 20 college in India). Often started technical books (I thought it was cool) but left it mid way. (Very passionate to learn technical stuff). Into learning hacking. Wish to understand tech as deeply as a 30+ xp veteran. Love to learn abt rockets and other cool machines. Want to do some insane technical shit (example: playing tetris on our dorm building using the room lights).I am often ambitious, like i once wanted to make a self driving car using the camera of of my phone, using machine learning. But only got as far as being able to detect cars in simulations. (Didnt know how to connect it to the car controlls). Can talk about pretty much anything (no gore, scat or filthy stuff)
>looking for
Friends. Smart peeps (others can join too) who wish to do cool things on a world scale (sometime in the future). Possibly a gf...
>not looking for
Non ambitious ppl
>Genetics major
>Enjoy anime, movies, reading, languages, math, science, martial arts, lifting

>Looking for
Chill ppl

>Not looking for
Racists obv

discord: orgro_guy_99
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math, philosophy, biology, medicine, cs and vidya
>Looking for
people my age and my level to learn with(I am both ignorant and retarded) maybe reading books together via vc or sharing our thoughts and shit like that
>Not looking for
old people, sensitive retards especially lgpt shitheads, and indians
hello there :>
did you seriously just slap “scientist” so you could spam this thread too with your shitty personal ad?
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to the rescue of this unrecoverable thread
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Male early 30s. Virgin by choice.

>Looking for
Girl who is open-minded. Bit of an idealist.
I appreciate weirdness and risk-taking.

>About me
More than meets the eye.
We can vc later.

Tag: noir.entropy

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