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Post your fully hard penis and age if you've never had sex before. Let's see those unused dicks.
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i just posted on /b/ after not posting for a while so i might as well post here too since a virgin thread is up. turning 32 soon, kissless virgin.
both a bit thin but good looking.
post body
5.25" girth is a bit thin? lol damn, high standards around here. well i guess i definitely shouldn't bother posting it again period after this. at least its confirmation i'm average or a bit below. my body is shit too so i'm not posting that.
proportions matter. you take that as a big insult for some reason, just stating what is. yes average would fit, but i guess the fact that you don't want anyone to see your body, but freely show the dick explains why it is a virgin one. show some pride in yourself.
i'm an ugly skinnyfat fuck with a pencil dick. not much to be proud about. thanks for confirming my insecurities though.
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21 year old virgin
never posted in these thread before but I've been told my dick looks good lol
moar of this beauty plx
absolute hog
5.9 inches long
5.5 inches girth
27 years old
yeah that attitude will win the boys over at the bar.
I'm a guy doing dick rates and I have seen tons of chubbies who had decent dicks and zero confidence until I kicked them to do proper pictures and voila, they can actually look decent, despite having shit bodies. presentation is everything and once you get compliments, real honest ones, not just lies, they got just a grain of confidence to see themselves differently and try proper pictures.
just act for yourself like you are hot and see if this feigned confidence might be the key to gain actual confidence and attention and finally love
at 21 you should start stretching that foreskin because the older you get, the less stretchy the skin will be and the vein will eventually constrict iit and you cannot reesolve it then.
would be a shame for a good looking dick like that to be circumcised by some doctor who just wants to get paid and get home.
good skin on your body overall though. beautiful smooth hand and good pubes
i don't understand why i should delude myself into thinking i'm somebody worth dating or fucking when i'm an old ugly dude with an average dick. if good looking young guys with big dicks can't even get laid why should i bother? pointless advice.
ok if you don't plan on finding a companion, procreate or get laid, what's the point on continuing on? Buying more collectible marvel statues that will eventually be given to the state instead of your heirs? Earn money for whom? What do you want to do with that money if you can't buy birthday presents with it for your kid, your lover, or whores? You earn money to eat so you can earn more money to live. what a life anon, what a life
even harvey weinstein got laid, and his dick was diseased and missing the glans.
big harv was rich and famous. he wasn't a regular ass dude. people can be pickier than ever nowadays about who they fuck and nobody wants the older loser virgin with nothing going for him physically or financially. you absolutely need to have tons of positive attributes nowadays as a regular man else you're better off alone, people look right through me like i don't exist and that'll never change. i didn't choose to be completely unfuckable and i can't change immutable physical characteristics about myself that people find attractive in men. you act like it's so easy but you sound completely ignorant to how hard it is nowadays for the bottom 80% of dudes.
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I just thought I'd share my dick here
got more balls than the other anon
shave them though, looks tidier.
and straighten up your body, this way there wont be skin folds and the body hair will do the rest of the touch-up to make you look appealing and interesting to dates. couple that with better resolution and lighting. I'd date you. the chest looks comfy
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How about I post my soft cock just to be different?
29 btw. Can't wait to make wizard status
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26, lowered my standards to try to fuck a fat girl 6 years ago but just got a bj, nothing before or since though
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24, 7 inches bp length' 6.5 inches girth at the thickest (mid shaft)
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>Haven't left the house in 2 years
>It's over
>I'd date you.
Please be a girl in Europe.
It’s easy as someone with the perspective of being a virgin with just about everything going for me. All you need is social confidence, nothing else matters really. Sure you’ll get more attention if you’re rich but even if you’re the best looking dude on Earth, no girl is going to bust down your door. You have to do the work yourself to some extent at least
wish you would have gone a little lower with that photo
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holy shit >>33246992
loose some weight and >>33246605
that is the ugliest cock ive seen in my life
>wish you would have gone a little lower with that photo
What does that mean?

>holy shit >>33246992 (You)
Is that good?
think it would have been cool to see more of your balls and ass
>Please be a girl
where do you think you are?
A man can dream.

I'll consider it.
no it wasn't like that, didn't expect you to do it
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just reached wizardhood this year
God willing I'll join you next year, brother. How easy is it learning to wield the magic?
Do you virgins want to see pussies? Call this 1-718-650-5588
How have you not left the house in years?
Interesting shape. Take a clearer pic please?
>using my phone as a phone
What year is it?
I would slut out and let everyone fuck away their virginity into me in this thread
If you meant this you would've dropped contact info. But now to be taken seriously you must also include a timestamped pic of your pussy with it.
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Oh, there's no pussy here....
You shouldn't have posted this. Keep that thing hidden for the rest of your life.
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I'm 27.
11/10 foreskin
11/10 girth
can you pull back though? the head looks huge
the colors make your dick. maybe it's just the light but the dark brown shaft, then the circ scar leading into the reddish pink with a totally different, much rougher and intricate texture, the sharp size change with the head, this dick looks really pleasurable and visually isn't bad either. But this would seriously be fun to feel. maybe the first guy who could put himself out there with just dick pics to garner attention and dates, because that looks like an experience.
20 year old virgin
What's wrong with it
No, phimosis
stretch it then while you still can.
You look like you have to do a handstand to take a piss
I know this is an incel thread, but dude, seriously, be an incel elsewhere
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35,I just want a woman to love…
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20 yo Virgin who lurks on insta (lurkingbwc554)
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29. turning 30 very soon.
nice proportions, would suck
it does

my favorite thread never fails to deliver
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you flatter me
Show balls please?
This is probably my favorite soc thread I think
Age? Agree it looks good, nicely shaped
Very nice. Was the bj good at least? Fat girls usually suck good I'm told
holy fuck that thing is absurd
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The most I will get is fucking my fleshlight to furry porn
Not exactly a chad or tall but also I'm a hermit anyway
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26...its over
i’d fuck you
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I found another one.

Thank you for the kind words. I think this angle suits me better.
I basically have no balls
Not really a flattering dick pic anon. Why not take a better one? Glans fully uncovered or fully covered?
The presentation is the issue, not the penis
More light, less lube, keep the dick dry for better appearance in pictures. Gotta pump more blood in your glans anon, get that erection to the max, looks a bit deflated ;)
Seriously well done cut from that angle. Looks like modern art. I mean there are natural cuts that follow the organic lines, and then there is yours, it's definitely a look, but not a bad one. It's quite literally special.
why not give your kik? I could go on and on
no shade, but someone with your perfectly trim body and normal clothing style, clean room, has to have some other issues that keep you from getting laid. Too shy? Awkward conversationist?
I'm looking at you and you are seriously attractive with a big uncut dick, glans peeking out, you're at least an 8, so what's your story fren?
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I don't use any lube when I take pictures. I just produce a lot of precum whenever I get hard. As for the glans, there's not much I can do there since I guess my head is a little bit smaller. But I do have one with better light.
Also I have no kik.
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Thanks, and it was kinda mediocre to be honest but she let me cum on her face
need to give you the bj of your life

that's hot as fuck though and you have nice dick

everyone who has posted pics or is going to should also post webms btw
do people like you just like these threads because it's a virgin kink or something? i figured men being virgins turned people off typically.
hard to say, in a way yeah it does turn me quite a lot for that reason but i don't particularly think of myself as having a virgin kink or whatever, i think a big part of it is the crowd is a bit different from the usual dick rate thread and most of the guys here actually have really hot dicks idk
wipe the precum then ;) Believe me, it will look much more professional without the light glaring in the liquid.
sexy pic by the way. come out more of your shell, more body bro, you got nothing to hide
curious how you turned so much whiter though haha, thought you might be mixed when the skin was darker. do you show soft cock?
honestly better desu.
About 6 and a half.
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No, I'm white. The shadows just messed with the other pictures. And I do have a soft one but the quality isn't the best on it. I can post it if you want though. I do have a semi one that I think looks better.
I'll take the softie, looks promising. cut softies are hot
17 cm
It's beautiful. More please?
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Holy shit those veins! kik?
your short frenulum...not causing you any problems i hope? might wanna consider a frenectomy to save the foreskin in the long run
nevertheless 10/10 dick, but shave the balls fren
21 and about 6 inches
I know much, much more goes into it, but damn, how are some of y'all virgins? I'd love to get my hands on a few of these!
let me relieve your blueballz and make your fantasies come true kik ziasky19
I'd be down to explain if you want ;)
girls typically just want to fuck good looking charismatic dudes who make the first move, unless you're an outlier or get lucky as a submissive unattractive or even average looking dude, it's very easy to die a virgin. dying a virgin is probably literally one of the easiest things to accomplish because you absolutely have to approach and pursue women as the man, women absolutely do not want to put in the work to approach a guy unless he's insanely attractive. even then it usually doesn't happen. women are spoiled and coddled and typically like being the ones who put in none of the work and just stand there and reject men or spread their legs for the best ones.
>women absolutely do not want to put in the work to approach a guy
That's absolutely true, can confirm. Sorry, I won't even approach hot guys lol
I guess that means my soft cock wasn't one of the few you wanted to get your hands on then lol
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29, wizardry in two months
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Pm if you wanna see my chubby asian wifes hairy pussy kik: doctorbee69
you should be confident with your dicks at least
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thanks :)
Thanks anon, there's not really a big story why, i've never really been too much of a social person, and i don't put myself in situations where anything could ever happen, and i'm an ugly mf, but i have had offers from the few online friends i've made at least
Gooner1912 on kik. I’ll share my gf with any virgin or small dicked individual
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I wanna suck you off so bad youre perfrect...
f91w gang + cute cock
>i'm an ugly mf
Just had a chat with another guy from here who thought the face might be the issue - turned out to be your standard cute boy-next-door. Bullying or a lack of social interactions, self esteem can really fuck with your perception bro. Trust your self and your gut in many situations, but never when it comes to your face.
Beautiful cocks ... show balls please?
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Okay here it is soft.
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My virginity was taken by a 35 year old milf :3
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sadly can't happen anon, i don't mostly put it down to my face, i'm just bad at talking to people idk
yum! quite a loose cut for an American. must feel lucky having this much skin to play with
At the risk of being a broken record, but I really like your body and dick. Stubbly doesn't even look bad on you, but the more casual trimmed pubes from earlier pics was better.
Really wish the best for you and some day you give yourself that one boost in confidence and talk up your man or woman who will give you what you've been looking for. Just make it last. A hooker won't give you what you really need and will only make you feel more like shit, because the morning after those thoughts come into your head that you never know if the compliments were real or fake.

Also, again, your skin makes me really jealous. It's so even. no spots, no stretch marks, not even a hint of redness on the glans or ingrown hairs from shaving, man you have amazing genes.
Get yourself out there man. Even if you stay passive and just let yourself be seen. Go to spas or beaches where you can show off your body. Do it. Do it.
Yeah it definitely is a plus. The amount of inner skin I have makes stroking feel totally natural without having to worry about lube or anything.
that belongs in textbooks
beautiful peen

u will make people v happy with that
30. Quarter for scale.
Y-you censored a quarter? Are you afraid the FBI might use your dickpic against you for forging currency?
Bet you could restore your foreskin in a year if you wanted to with that headstart.
Light's reflecting off of the quarter lol
I don't get the coin thing. Not only that coins are the most disgusting thing to put on an easily infected part of your body, but also devalues your best bit. But I think quarters are the most valuable coins within the dollar?
No what I would do would be to use a 100 dollar bill and use it as tape measure for the girth. Also shows off the length of the shaft better. And is more valuable. Let old man Franklin kiss your dick. And a 100 dollar bill looks a bit more rich than a random sofa quarter.
Your cock is probably a 200 dollar one. I bet you need two Franklins to cover the full length
Bro, if anything a dollar note let alone a $100 note, is just as dirty if not more so than a coin. Also, it's not like I'm shoving the quarter down my pisshole nor was anyone sucking on it afterwards (thus why I'm here).
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forgot to mention. 26 yo.
Sexy. Why shave?
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here's a older pic with some pubes. I don't know, just shaved once and it felt more aesthetically looking. I've had big pubes for half of my life though
the point was that a large bill looks cooler than a coin. like a ferrari vs a used corolla
smooth balls look much better.
hot body, average good looking dick
small but sexy balls
idk but your built belly and chest turns me on much more desu
what's your story?
heya, thank you, yeah, balls aren't that big but i'm happy with them so there's that

my story is that i've been an introvert and internet rat for half of my life and basically missed out on highschool/college experiences, that + getting depressed. i'm a 7/10 looking guy, 8/10 if i have a good day, i'm active at the gym, i have healthy hobbies, i have a job, i'm just not out there on the dating market and i basically talk to no girls at all.the last female contact that i've had which wasn't from an actual female friend happened almost 2 years ago.
What keeps you from changing that though?
If you are good looking, you should have an easy time getting attention in bars or wherever

also, small balls, big balls, as long as they look good. looks is much more important than actual size of things.
Post more now
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33 year old (mostly gay) wizard here

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