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No whining so the jannies don't remove it edition
girl named anna with a star as her discord username who lived like 25mins from me

we hit it off well over 3~ days and then you unadded me at random. can't say I didn't expect it (with how much you seemed to get stalked), but would be glad to get back in contact with you
is chara still around
i sexted with a girl on discord from here who said that was her name a couple months back but then she randomly blocked me. rip
retards itt doxxing or soft doxxing likely contributing to good users avoiding this place, not like it was ever a valid option so nothing was lost but still dumb
Ana-Wuleska/Sylvia. I know you won't see this, but if you do. I need to know the truth. I'll do anything for it.

I have her but she doesn't respond
what's her tag
doesn't work
i think its shutthefuckupdude , shes gotten really weird after i did a video call with her and had to do something real quick, got really fucking self conscious after and has gotten an overall negative aura after, tried guilt tripping me that i didnt like the way she looked when i was just busy, has gotten really fucking weird and sent me one of you retards shirtless in the guise of "normal conversation" which i found disgusting. tried to make it seem like it was my fault when i genuinely wasnt the one downspiraling this time and just violently told her to fuck off and i think that actually did alot of harm
Robotchan_ she was a french prostitute who did a shit ton of drugs but for whatever reason we had the best convos, deleted her discord one day out of the blue, and mostly I just hope she is okay and not dead
Added someone on here called "pillowfighting", we were kicking it off really well for a few days and now it's been about 2 months since I've heard from them.
The whole group of people who did the anime filter nudes in the AI app. Where did everyone go? That was fun! Bring it back
Do any of you know a girl called Rainmaker?
bump 4 interest
Those got infested with weirdos by the end but there were def some good conversations in those threads a few months ago
Piper arrondale.
Still jerk off occasionaly to the pics you sent me.
I think these threads would get nuked a lot less if people were encouraged to use a template and people actually left their contact information. Stop vague posting. Include this shit in the op so it at least attempts to look like any other thread on this board

>about you
>about who you are looking for without doxxing them
>how they can get back in touch
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Anyone know of a girl who went by either of these names?
Apparently she was a vtuber lying about her age and other details about her life. Her posts said she was 20 / f. She likes reading, cooking and baking, music both listening and making it, and she seems lonely. Also she sleeps a lot. She doesn't like trannies, gay guys, or bi guys. Both of these accounts seem like throwaways

If you have any info on her or have any screenshots, my tag is exothernal
how autistic you gotta be to make a collage like this
he's obsessed with a vtuber, doesn't that answer the question
Add me back idiot who cares
many girls here are lying about basic facts including age
don't be a retarded autist you don't have to call her on it unless she's committing a serious crime or smth
This is basically just a more direct version of r9k's letter thread.
She lied about not being underaged
Damn. You too huh?
Have you considered killing yourself? If not, you definitely should. I'm sure you can get a loicense for that over there in jolly old england
could anyone send them add?
it keeps saying that their id is wrong
so if someone knows them I would be happy if they could send their id
I stumbled upon this ai that is supposed to play a girl in The quality is very good, although there is a lot to work on
I can save you
Fucking coward
Kek its probably because he wanted to give you fatties hope and crush your dreams. Kinda based ngl. Maybe you should go lose some weight butterball, maybe then you'll find a partner

Clean it up, janny!
drop contact i will record your (you) through phone
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Hope youre doing well Elikka.
it's probably a dude that wants to talk to straight guys
Ellika* lol
I miss sending you turtle pictures and pretty scenery pics. I miss the way you speak and think; especially your voice. I wish I could hear you one more time. I love you.
guy named “rekay”, was rlly cool :( i think he would go on /fit/
Courtesy bump for the folks whose posts weren't deleted yet.
> Join our female-only community. No males allowed

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if this is who I think, you chose to be cruel. you chose to let your emotions get the best of you and to lash out. you don't love me, you loved a specific type of attention I couldn't consistently give.
please let yourself heal, go sit outside, watch the rain, eat some strawberries. and know that you can't heal alone. its messy, but you need to stop cutting people off and pushing people away if you want to grow.

good luck, but not with me.

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