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G'day fellow goyim, post a/s/l, interests and other deets

30/m/4740 reporting in
Hey, 25/F/NSW

Imma just say it. I was led on by a brown guy in Western Sydney and now everyone else I meet feels so boring. Msg me if:

>You come from a low income family
>Arab/Asian/I guess white -- NO Indians
>Points if you have tatts
>Aren't a huge bum/degenerate
>Aren't offended easily
>Older than me, but not disgustingly older
>Willing to start something SERIOUS

I'm in NSW but willing to move if we talk for awhile and get on well. I like esotericism, photography, writing and listening to music from all over the world. I'm quite reserved at first ngl.


Discord is Veneriano
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Melb bicurious, looking for first bottom experience. Kik femfun55
discord: daexros
Super Average, a lot of pc gaming (MMO's mostly), anime, mtg.
looking for girls to chat/game/hangout with, bonus if you're willing to lead conversation a bit.
What's your ethnicity?
looking to talk to girls, looking for friends with benefits but friends is fine.
6'4 white guy. according to my scale i am "muscular overweight"
into games, movies, shows, some music, weight lifting, hiking.
live by myself, work from home.

i've not had much luck with girls from /soc/ and am at my limit with the bullshit.
discord: mvff
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30/m/4740 reporting in again. I forgot to add onto my original post my Discord and Nintendo Switch friend code if anyone wants to add me - would love to play old school games in multiplayer online via NSO


NSO friend code:

Keen to play games like Super Mario Kart, Mario Kart 64, Streets of Rage 2, Donkey Kong Country series, Super Puyo Puyo 2, Kirby's Dream Land 3, River City Ransom, Double Dragon, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Fire Emblem and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Four Swords.
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heyyy I'm a slightly autistic trans girl!
video games i like are lol, dota and osrs
I love fantasy books and mangas like lotr, malazan book of the fallen, berserk, claymore and hunter x hunter
my favourite animals are raccoons and seals :3
just had a surgery on my right shoulder and my left wrist is fractured from a motorbike accident so I can't type easily, so I'd prefer to VC if that's ok
>looking for
frens to talk with and keep me company while I'm stuck at home recovering ;n;
>not looking for
mean or rude ppl
disc: cancer6071
How about NZ? Auckland is closer to Sydney than Perth is.
burn the coal pay the toll
That is already clear enough
>>Points if you have tatts
>>Aren't a huge bum/degenerate
We have a contradiction here.
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poorly socialised weirdo boy girl thing that wants some people to hang out with after work sometimes either irl or rotting in discord
>looking for
nice people to talk to after im done with work, irl maybe if i think you are cool and wont shiv me
>not looking for
fuckwits, sex
bad news bro, you will never be a woman ):
bro i know it
alright, have a nice day :)
the girl who will fulfill your fantasies and relieve that blueballz is here i can do anything i dont have limit and i can squirt
KIK: ziasky19
wudufolc add me im from syd im bored
not for sex stuff though
Then fucking off yourself now and save us the long slow death you will subject the public to
Heyo, 25/M/Qld here

Interests: games (rts, moba and arpg), fantasy and scifi books/comics, and outdoorsy stuff like hiking/camping/fishing.

Looking for: frens to talk to, I'm lonely
Open to fwb/hookups but be clear if that's what you're after

Disc: snufflingmuffin
Don't die austhread
Anyone still talking to her?
m 27 WA
alrightatbest on snap
actually i like to think gods gift to the world thank you very much (delusional)
I know you are delusional thats a given
yes why
Cause she just randomly unfriended me after going dark for a while
22 M Brisbane
Tight bubble butt sub slut ready to serve and please anyone
Also love showing off so more than happy to just share my big cock and smooth ass

Looking for ftm or mtf to chat with and maybe hookup if we click

Discord: horndogboi
Hey m20 Adelaide
8 inches
Kik jonjon790
Snap tom.jones720
Anyone from Melbourne been to Wet on Wellington?

Curious first timer here I wanna know what to expect
probably because you were boring idk bruh
Imma back up my boy from this post >>33254953

NZ has low border restrictions and we can fly without really any problem and stay permanently. Its also the same distance away as Perth, but that apparently still counts.
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Calling all Perth people. Feel free to add. Down for most things. Including a good sesh

disc: aceeleo
No you cant, you still have a limit and need to get a visa. You cant just come to our country from froopy land and stay here just for the lols
Also she's stopped talking
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It takes 1 google search. You get this visa at the border. Permanent residents have to apply for something called a NZeTA first which isnt hard at all. Australian citizens can go without the NZeTA
>you still have a limit and need to get a visa
Fucking read next time Gustavo
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Cant tell if you're trolling or just retarded. Good job. Visa sure which takes 15 minutes when you arrive at a NZ airport and you never have to think about it again if you stay there. Limit? (Pic related) What limit? It also says indefinite stay once you have the visa. What am I missing here.
What’s the least woke city/area in Australia?
As far as major cities go
Brisbane if you want the Right wing type of non woke
Perth if you want a more centrist type of non woke
hello. just letting you know, lettuce goes in the fridge, not the underside of the bathroom drawer.
thank me later.
seeking sugar babies
kik - k9a4b
Want to see if anyone knows this butterface perth girl
kik: anongg24
I love cross dressing, cute anime girls, and cosplay
>looking for
People to be frens and/or get sucked off by me in cosplay. (please be from brisbane or close by!)
>not looking for
People without anime girl profile pics.
People not from brisbane.
Darwin they are to busy beating their wives and avoiding abos to deal with that shit.
aussie server
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20/m/melbourne, australia
I'm born on a blue moon so I have a great excuse to be retarded and stupid.
INTP and bisexual and I watch Sleep Deprived if it means anything to you.
Video games I enjoy are csgo, PZ, lethal company, minecraft and Star Wars TCS. I'd kill for 5v5 comps on militia or assault. Or the EA Star Wars Battlefront on PS4.
As a suburban white boy I am rich enough to enjoy expensive tech hobbies. I enjoy game dev, linux (relatively new have only used CiscoIOS before), home networking and reviving weird old laptops. I also have started dabbling in DIY carpentry with my grandpa.
I also enjoy camping and drinking and and hiking and driving and am in the process of acquiring my handgun license!!! I read too, am reading the Dune Encyclopedia (lasgun and spacing guild obsession atm but before it was axolotl tanks (WTF!!!)) and A Game of Ice and Fire. No you can't borrow it.
>looking for
Frens around my age to hang out with and play games. I don't bite but I do drool.
>not looking for
Don't be super old (24+ fuck you) or be an eshay I guess. I don't mix well with 90% of people but the only way we will know if we're compatible is if we talk.
discord: popbob_minecraft
Depends on what night you’re going. I’ve heard recently that the bi night has been overrun by Indian guys that intrude on couples and girls without any consent
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Extremely bored
wat doin
Hi friend hihihi
22 year old Latina. I seek to experience new sensations. Write me ;)
Snapchat: Kimberlysex1
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not much of note besides ocd/adhd and my unhealthy fixation on english medieval history
>looking for
literally anything
>not looking for
disc; southernsupremesucker
Looking for a FEMALE in BRISBANE who wants to be used and abused by a 9 inch cock. I haven't cum in a while and I just need someone to deal with that. Looking for an ongoing thing.
Discord is pleasestopitnow
19 m syd, anyone ride moterbike or scooter and wanna go for a ride? matrix is larsklein
M 24
Horny mofo from Melbourne with a lot of kinks. Switch who leans dominant and particularly loves cnc, anal, piss among other things
Femanons hmu
Disc: _raskol_
Hello fren whoever you are
37 M Hunter Valley


open to chat about anything really

any decent Aus discord servers? would be cool to connecting to chat, game (when able, I have been v busy and not motivated to game lately) and share memes and general dread of being alive desu lol
every aus discord server is filled with children, avoid like the plague
yes i am realising that :///

Any Ausfag here good with making servers? maybe could get one going
would if i knew how desu, probably better off posting your tag and curating a list of people you think are cool

Message if:

>You're an honest, true-blue biofem
>You're not retarded
>Boner's Points if you haven't sullied your lily-white skin with tattoos
>Have more going for you than just a vagina

I'm a busy man. I probably won't have time to respond to your messages, but I figure I should give even the detritus on 4chan a shot. I need someone willing to lick the cum from my navel at 3a.m. after I wake in a horny and confused mess. I'm a busy man and I need all hands on deck as it were where cleanup is concerned.

If you're the jealous type then don't bother; if you can't handle dating a 10 then you frankly don't deserve one. If your onlyfans isn't earning 6 figures or more then don't bother messaging me. If your onlyfans is earning 6 figures or more, then don't bother messaging me; I'm not buying, but I'm proud of you honey.

If your inane ramblings about your day include more than 10 irrelevant side-characters, then I'll recommend you several books on how to tell a concise story. If you don't learn from your mistakes, then I will drop you. I have no time for dribblers, dilly-dalliers, dabblers, dilettantes, or ditzes. Do not message me if you insist on keeping updated with "the news". Do not message me if you browse reddit. If you almost exclusively use tumblr I'll probably fuck your brains out.

Kik is JoeTrowel

Don't bother messaging me.
Do you proof read this bs before posting?
Joe selfsuck over here
No, generally the first draft is perfect and requires no further editing. I understand any incredulity on your end, but I'm just better than you is all.
fake australian
> I'm just better than you is all.
Not a huge achievement. get over yourself.
Admitting that you're a loser isn't the big "own" that you think it is. Be better.

P.S. The first letter after a full stop should be a capital.
The "big own" was getting you to respond enough to expose your rotten attitude. Job done, I'm off for a Milo and a late night apple. have fun being a spellcheck Chad and selfsucking yourself cross-eyed.
A: Its a bot
B: You are retarded
C: Who the fuck would add such an obvious scam?
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28/ m / vic
anyone wanna get beer some time?
disc: dpopicus

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