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i guess id be categorized as a 21 yr old cluster b ethot lol i love negative xp tho, i have a shirt
100 gecs > sewerslvt
They both suck shit.
my boyfriend assumed i was all of these descriptions when we first met.
shoudl i kill myself?
of course
Vaxx: Injected
Faggotry: Joined
Cervix: Smashed
Brain: Lobotomized
iud: inserted
I laughed but you should be hung and have your entrails devoured by dogs for being a whore
Some retard sat down and actually made this picture.
Autism is truly fascinating in a sad way.
Wojaks and their posters have been retarded ever since they leaked out of this site.
is it bad that this is my type? literally ideal gf here
Hit too close to home huh?

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