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ITT: Got a question for the opposite gender? Ask away!

Previous thread: >>33224659
Turning 40 soon and been experiencing ED for years, made worse by a medication I'm on. How do you feel about a guy sometimes needing Viagra? Or a guy needing to masturbate to get things going? Every time I've had an issue I've still enthusiastically participated in sex, my mouth and hands still work, and I can usually get it up by jerking off. One woman I was with was absolutely insulted by it, though. She stayed with me for a while because she came like a bomb when I ate her out but she eventually lost interest because I wasn't getting hard enough easily enough.
This question isnt really for just girls but everyone here, do you ever even find people to connect with on here? I feel like every girl or even guys sometimes that i talk to from here will stop talking after like the first day or two days in, is it me? Or are people just normally like that
Women, are you more into men who have a couple "red flags"? I have a friend who's like this, but she's also a freak overall.
I feel like this is the case for all online dating/relationships/meeting. I have never maintained contact with someone I met online for more than about a month.
Females, how do women develop a straight shota kink?
Not a woman, but if I had to guess, years of unrecognized baby fever and loneliness.
I've met a few and dated one but what you're describing is the norm.
If with "here" you mean 4chan in general and not just /soc/, then yeah I've had some people who I've talked to for months.
Some others I have talked to for years.
Unfortunately, recently I had to nuke my discord for reasons I don't want to get into.
I'm thinking of not adding people from here anymore though, I think finding somebody more stable as a partner is more likely on reddit.
Feel free to call me a normie if you want.
I should have added I'm a guy and only rarely add people from 4chan, basically only if I assume it's gonna lead to at least a friendship.
How the hell do you find people on reddit
Honestly I feel like that's a problem. If it's something that happens once in a while, then it's more whatever, but a huge part of the way I connect with sex is by feeling the guy being aroused, and if it's not there, then it's just like, don't do me any favors, forget it.
there are subreddits dedicated to personals ads & meet ups.
I'm actually in a discord voice channel with 2 people I met on here right now actually. 2 are playing Elden Ring and the other 2 of us are watching.

It's all a numbers game though. I didn't get this from my first attempt at making friends online. I've been trying for years so 2 out of 500+ people isn't that great. Both parties have to actually put the effort and communication in and at least for me I won't do that unless we share a repeatable activity like gaming.
As the other Anon said, there plenty of dedicated dating/hookup subreddits. Some even for certain regions and interests, similar to the threads /soc/ has.
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>How do you feel about a guy sometimes needing Viagra?
ED is just a part of aging.

>do you ever even find people to connect with on here?
I've had similar experiences. Honestly, the thread I have found the most long-term friendships on is the chart threads, but they've shown down to a crawl and it's the same people over and over these days.

>Women, are you more into men who have a couple "red flags"?
It would depend what they are, but generally, no. I can look past some bad habits and traits, but I will not put up with toxicity.

>Females, how do women develop a straight shota kink?
I agree with the other anon. I think it's the inverse of a MILF fetish. Instead of wanting this older, more mature, experienced partner that knows what they want and can show you the ropes, you want this cute, inexperienced partner that you can mould (not groom, per se) and is obsessed with and dependent on you. Like you want to feel like a parent and sex symbol simultaneously. I'm more interested in why men like lolis, as they're lacking in secondary sexual characteristics that men are supposed to be attracted to.
>It would depend what they are, but generally, no. I can look past some bad habits and traits, but I will not put up with toxicity.
Thank you, anon. I notice you said "put up with," so them being a selling point is out of the question.

>I'm more interested in why men like lolis, as they're lacking in secondary sexual characteristics that men are supposed to be attracted to.
To me it's about the "not supposed to" part. If everyone tomorrow decided that it's okay and normal, it would be boring.
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I have so many stupid questions for women:

1) can you tell the difference between a cock with or without condom? Why do (a lot of women) prefer no condom? Surely a condom means less mess??

2) how do you feel about male (heterosexual) prostitutes?

3) do women take pride in making men cum? Is giving pleasure to your (male) partner important to you at all?

4) does precum bother you? I leak a lot and worry it might affect my service (i am a male escort)
>can you tell the difference between a cock with or without condom? Why do (a lot of women) prefer no condom? Surely a condom means less mess??
honestly, not much, but the thing with raw is that you don't have to care about the awkward moment you have to stop whatever you were doing and have to put on the damned condom, it's not about sensation, it's more about not pausing the action
and if i wanna be totally honest, putting a condom has the huge benefit of not having to deal with leaking semen after sex, sure it's a staple in porn and hentai, but in real life, it just ruins your panties

> how do you feel about male (heterosexual) prostitutes?
that they would be making much more money if they were gay prostitute ? I guess they are mosly working for older women and couple where the husband has a cuck fetish and want to see his wife getting railed by a hot stud no string attached ( and when he's still in control because: he pays for it, so he's actually the boss)

> do women take pride in making men cum? Is giving pleasure to your (male) partner important to you at all?
of course it's important, nothing is sweeter to my ears than the sound of a dude panting and moaning '' oh fuck, oh god'' and i'm actually jealous how easy it is to make a dude cum, women are way harder to please

>) does precum bother you? I leak a lot and worry it might affect my service (i am a male escort)
in a regular relationship, not at all, precum is also here to be a natural lube
BUT as a professionnal, you should be extra cautious about any bodyfluids, that's how you catch stds and you can't trust anyone about this
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Why would a woman want a male friend?
>1) can you tell the difference between a cock with or without condom? Why do (a lot of women) prefer no condom? Surely a condom means less mess??
Yes. It's like having way too much lube almost. You feel the pressure but there's no friction and you can tell it's a different texture. I'm not bothered by the mess.

>2) how do you feel about male (heterosexual) prostitutes?
I'm not spending money on that but go for it.

>3) do women take pride in making men cum? Is giving pleasure to your (male) partner important to you at all?
Of course

>4) does precum bother you? I leak a lot and worry it might affect my service (i am a male escort)
relationship benefits without relationship obligations
Some hobbies are much more likely to be inhabited by men, so it only makes sense to have male friends from that hobby.
Same goes the other way around too ofc.
i happend to have a lot of '' nerdy hobbies''( on 4chan, who would have guessed ?) where male are the dominant demographic and i want friend to partake hobbies.

i don't especially look for male friends, they are just ...here
It wouldn't bother me at all but I'm into older guys and I'm more interested in intimacy than having sex in some prescribed way.
It's been a long time since I met anyone on 4chan I thought was worth knowing. Agree with the other anon that Reddit seems to be a lot better for making friends based on shared interests.
>1) can you tell the difference between a cock with or without condom? Why do (a lot of women) prefer no condom? Surely a condom means less mess??
Condoms feel a little weird. The texture is slightly unpleasant.
>2) how do you feel about male (heterosexual) prostitutes?
I wish male escorts were more common so I could hire one but I live in a little backwater shithole & the ones I found online in the next biggest city are all gay.
>3) do women take pride in making men cum? Is giving pleasure to your (male) partner important to you at all?
Tbh not really but orgasm denial and chastity are things I like. It's hotter if he doesn't cum.
>4) does precum bother you? I leak a lot and worry it might affect my service (i am a male escort)
I don't think anyone would care.
>into older guys
>live in a little backwater shithole
almost propositioned you until i read this:
>orgasm denial and chastity are things I like
i mean, you do you, but i'll have none of that
It's a part of life, and everyone is different. I've had some experience with it, as an ex bf was on meds that made it hard for him. Personally, I'm okay as long as it isn't every single time that I'm not getting fucked.

It's pretty hard, I've been on both ends of it.

Not at all. We all have flaws and shortcomings, and I can deal with those, but huge red flags a mile away is bad news and I steer clear.

1. Yes, I think it's more prominent for the guy, but I can definitely tell. No rubber is much more intimate for me, and I hate buying condoms or stopping the foreplay to go find one. That said, a guy wearing one here and there is hot to me.

2. Don't really feel much about them desu. I wouldn't hire one, but pretty much the same way I feel about female prostitutes. That's their thing, and I wish them luck and safety.

3. I take a lot of pride in it! I want the pleasure to be close to equal, but I'm fine if it's a little more towards him. I've been with a number of guys who came decently quick usually, one guy I dated would often tell me he was ready to cum after just a few thrusts. I found it so fucking hot, especially the noises he'd make and how he would sound as he was trying not to cum too fast but couldn't help it. Made me feel good that I was helping him feel that good.

4. It does not. I think precum is hot as well, especially if it is a lot and it gets smeared all around.

As some others have said, a lot of the things I'm into aren't usually ones with a ton of women around. I know everyone is different, but I legit feel I can be just friends with a guy, and I grew up with mostly boys so I like a lot of rough stuff and playing sports, kind of a tomboy in some ways. I like to feel like one of the guys and prove myself as much as I can.
How many of you have ended up in relationships or have had feelings with a male friend?
Vice versa as well
How do I get over this doomer mentality that I’ll be alone forever? I don’t want to be this way forever
Another voca song request time
I don’t think I’m getting better but I’m having fun
personal question, what is your body count?
Question to males. How do you end when you have sex with condom? Do you cum inside girl with a condom on your penis or when you are about to cum, you pull out, take condom off and then cum on body part/whatever? What's the most common end for you when you have protected sex?
Don't listen to the other anon, therapy is scam unless it's basic exposure therapy to get you used to object of your irrational fears, which in the past was called simply growing balls and facing your fears.
Go run or exercise until your limbs start to hurt. Physical stress releases chem responsible for good mood in your brain. If you aren't against it, go get a hooker since intensive sex can be tiring as well, especially if you can go few times in a row, and you get some actual touch which also helps.
Tested and confirmed, whenever I fall into this pathetic state of not wanting to do anything but also feeling bored at the same time, thinking nothing matters and there is no point, I do several sets of shit like push-ups, squats, curl-ups etc until ithurts and I'm all sweaty, I get a shower to wash of disgusting, sticky sweat and next day I feel much better and fresh. Also if you are warmed up you takecolder showers easier which apparently are good too.

Definitely inside. It's main reason for existence of condoms after all. Not to mention I like to imagine there is no condom and I'm knocking girl up as I find breeding extremely hot. I'd ask for breeding themed dirtytalk if I didn't think that would make me look weird and like someone who will try to secretly slip condom off. Wish I had wife to actually make family with. Also I like to kind of semi-collapse on a girl's back after cumming inside and hug/lick or kiss around neck area/whisper dirty things to her ear or whatever depending on situation and person.
Cumming on girl's back is also okay but less intimate and if you're using condom, meaning cumleak isn't a thing, it just makes hassle for girl to wipe it off which isn't nice thing to do to other person unless it's the thing she's into, for example because "marking" like that is hot.
Seconding therapy. If not that, find somewhere to socialise and push those thoughts to the back while you're there. Either you'll find someone down the line or you'll come out more confident and healthier from it; you shouldn't go in trying to find someone, people can tell and it puts them off.
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Femanons, what would you do if you found out your husband took an NSFW pic of you and shared it on /b/ (with your head hidden/censored)?
Would you just divorce them ASAP?
Not a woman, but:
Learn that if you truly hate yourself, then you deserve the suffering you feel. That it is all pointless, nothing matters, so you get to decide what's important and what matters.
Nihilism is faggy and uninteresting.
Stop thinking that life should be happy, or you deserve to be happy. Why should you be happy? Have you earned it? Or do you just expect that everything should be about you and for you? Do you really, really think you're so important?
Make your own world, find shit to be happy about. Stop being a pathetic little faggot and be a man for once.
You aren't the main character. Grow up, take charge.
Either this, or commit suicide. Yes, these are your options.
Source: I'm you.
How do I find a good woman? One that isn't a freeuse whore? Tinder ect isn't cutting it.
Where are those that I could dedicate my entire being to, but is worth being wholly dedicated to?
>ready to cum after just a few thrusts. I found it so fucking hot.
Sounds like you'd love that anon that asked for a gf to condition him to cum prematurely to trap him in the relationship.
2 i'd say ? i can't be in a relationship with someone i can't spend time with like a friend

and for the vice versa, in a relationship straight away ? none, but my case is very unusual since i've never used any dating site, never needed it, and sometime, i feel like missed out something everyone went through in my generation,it's not that i regret not using it, but more like, i can"t relate to people who did and their struggle with love and shit

but i'm really repulsed by hook up culture, i absolutly cannot be physically intimate with someone i don't know a bit
This is probably some of the best shit I've read all month.
I'm proud of you.
Girls, how would you feel if the guy you were dating told you he was a virgin? Would that change if he was a bit older(I'm 29)?

For context, I'm about as normal as someone from 4chan can be expected to be. Shower daily, not a total sperg and all that. Personally I'm comfortable with it, but I know not everyone shares that sentiment.
I would be pissed if he did this without permission. Maybe not divorce worthy but definitely sleep in the couch for several weeks worthy.
>I'm proud of you
You don't need to be.
I’m 25 F and have not had any long term female friends since high school. Even when socialising, women do not approach me unless they’re flirting with me or hooking up with me.
In workplace and classes I’m alienated by girls but will shit talk for my entire shift to male colleagues.
Even when it comes to picking doctors, psychologists, teachers/trainers - I pick the male options.
I simply connect better with men, I don’t know what the issue is apart from being autistic. All of my relationships have started from long term male friendships but I have also maintained friendships that are strictly platonic, even though I would sleep with them given the chance.
My hobbies are also male dominated but I don’t believe that’s the main reason I seek male friends. Maybe I’m just traumatised from 12 years of girls-only school. The short term female friends I’ve had end up becoming overly sexual with me whilst being completely void of connection in conversation and boring.
How much does being short actually affect attractiveness for men?
Fuck off.
Stop asking the same trite and generic questions.
Of course I don't. But I am.
It's good to read this sort of stuff. Rejecting the modern whore mindeset.
My first post.

Fish the sand out of your urethra.
>My first post.
Utterly irrelevant, you ask the same braindead trash all you mongoloids ask.

I hope she turns into what you hate just to spite you.
Whats it like having a stick so far up your ass you can taste the splinters?
You don't understand, it's not the person that matters.
I hope every woman turns into what you hate.
That's okay, I'd just adapt to it
Jesus Christ, will y'all just fuck already?
Unfortunately for him, I'm straight and don't have a shit fetish
Divorce and contact the police about the revenge porn. Make sure his family knows what he did. Take away all parental rights he would have.
The type of woman you idealize would never settle for you. A woman with self respect would not tolerate someone who spends all day on a porn website trash talking other people.
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Every time.
You're absolutely right, which is why I haven't been on 4chan in... well, this year at least.
so the nuclear option
that's nice, i guess,? but you don't have to be proud of me, i honeslty feels like i'm humblebragging sometimes when i say shit like that,
just remember that dating scene is neither absolute nor mandatory, internet is an echo chamber and this place is probably the worst one
but why do you think all women are whore ? you know any of thoses women or to you see stuff on social media ? you know that's mostly lies and fake for engagement and bait ?

>I hope she turns into what you hate just to spite you.
turning into a whore ? good lord no, i'm inconfortable if someone sit too close from me, and i'm the kind of person who wears sweatpants and animé tshirt at the gym, and anyway who the fuck would pay me for that ?

guess i'm not a women with self respect then lulz
It's a good thing to brag about! I have seen women brag about much, much worse.
And you're right, it very much is an echo chamber. What we see the worst of the worst, it get pushed to the front so it's all we see, we then assume that it's the norm.
I'm very liberal with the word whore and I'm not even using that word properly> I don't think all women are whores... I wouldn't even say that MOST women are whores. What I'm really saying that I'm trying to avoid promiscuous women. But as time goes on, it really does get more difficult.

If you really are a woman, never change.
Get off the SSRI's if you want a working dick. They're for faggots anyway
It's happened for sure, just a few times though. It's not fun, but in my case the friends were married/dating someone, and I'm not gonna put any kind of wedge in their relationship, so I just kept it all inside and ignored it for the most part.

6 right now.

Haha, I think it would certainly be fun to force someone to keep blowing too soon, don't want to trap anyone but the fantasy is kind of a turn on.
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>can you tell the difference between a cock with or without condom?
Yes, but it's not a notable difference. I don't like going bareback. I've had the vaccine, but that doesn't protect from all strains of HPV.

>how do you feel about male (heterosexual) prostitutes?
I doubt most of them can make it on women alone. Most male escorts have to take male clients as well.

>3) do women take pride in making men cum? Is giving pleasure to your (male) partner important to you at all?
Yes, I think most people pride themselves on their skill as a lover. My ex has ADHD and it was incredibly demoralizing when I couldn't make him cum. Often, I would continue past the point of me being satisfied to make sure he got off.

>4) does precum bother you? I leak a lot and worry it might affect my service (i am a male escort)
No, it's just seminal fluid and I doubt you produce enough to make a mess.

>Why would a woman want a male friend?
Men are entertaining and make for really good friends. People are put off by guys wanting to fuck their female friends and think that's the only reason they are friends with them, but it's really just men willing to accept it if you put it out there.

>what would you do if you found out your husband took an NSFW pic of you and shared it on /b/ (with your head hidden/censored)?
That's why I don't take pictures, but yes. Irreconcilable.

>Girls, how would you feel if the guy you were dating told you he was a virgin?
I wouldn't care. We all go at our own pace and I won't judge him unless he neurotic about it. Desperation is not an attractive quality.
does attractiveness impact how much a guy likes a girl? even if they have a 10/10 personality, will you like her less or even be interested in getting to know her any further bc shes ugly?

what stands out the most when you meet a girl and what makes you interested in getting to know her?
Of course attractiveness plays a role, but it's not a deal breaker unless you're hideously deformed or obese or something.
Generally her appearance is the first thing I notice, particularly with regard to grooming, style, and hygiene. As long as her appearance isn't a complete turn-off, i.e. because she dresses and grooms herself like a butch lesbian or looks like the Michelin Man, then I'll strike up a conversation and notice other things, like her smile, the way she stands or holds herself, the sound of her voice, whether or not she makes eye contact with me. And as our conversation goes on I pay attention to her interests, her goals in life, and her intelligence.
>does attractiveness impact how much a guy likes a girl? even if they have a 10/10 personality, will you like her less or even be interested in getting to know her any further bc shes ugly?
Personally, not really. Physical attractiveness is low on my priority scale.
>what stands out the most when you meet a girl and what makes you interested in getting to know her?
Sense of humor is one of the first thing that tends to catch my eye. If she can make me smile, there's a good chance I'll be interested in learning more.
>force someone to keep blowing too soon
nta but fuuuuuuuuuck

>I wouldn't care.
Seems you're one of the rare ones. Pretty sure at least two girls lost interest in the last 6 months after I told them. Better off I guess, but it's still demoralizing.

It has an impact, but it's not a make it or break thing. Tbh, I usually find most girls at least kinda cute, very few are genuinely ugly.
>does attractiveness impact how much a guy likes a girl?
initially, yes. if you're too ugly, it's a non-starter. nothing will ever happen between us. for the most part, as long as you meet or exceed a "minimum required level of physical attraction", then it's good to go and i'll be checking to see if our personalities and goals are combatible after that point. if you're in an extremely niche category of what i find to be smoking hot, i'll make the effort and hit on you, even if that means making a cold approach.
Sometimes I liked to see just how fast I could make my partner cum. It would be fun to know how much of it was me versus how much of it was him, but I'd try and keep track of how long it had been in my head, and try and beat that time next time.
I bet you'd have a lot of fun with me :P
I bet I would. How fast do you normally bust?
I'm a virgin, but when I fap not too fast I don't think. Maybe 5-15 mins depending how fast I'm going?
Oh yeah, that time would drop down realllly low
I bet you couldn't get me to cum in less than 20 minutes.
so like, 3 minutes then?
I'm extremely confident I could

I'd say like 90 seconds, maybe even less
>maybe even less
hmmmm. Maybe the first time, but seeing how quickly you could get me to cum again would be where the real fun is ;)
I doubt it. When I'm trying to make myself cum as fast as I can it takes a minimum of 15-20 minutes, and that's when I start out hard. I used to regularly edge myself for several hours, multiple times per week.
The first time for sure, and that would definitely be the benchmark to beat lol

Do you use toys?
I've used toys before, but not usually. The toys typically didn't help a lot.
I see. I still feel pretty good about my chances, 20 minutes is a lot of time to make something happen.
>the benchmark to beat
If only this was IRL and we could see how quick it'd actually be lol
You're fun tho. Have a good one, friend.
What would be your strategy?
It's fun to think about for sure, you have a good one too!

Probably spend a few minutes blowing you, making a lot of eye contact, deepthroating. Then I'd ride you as hard as I could raw, and that's usually what does it.
I've done basically exactly that with two different women on several different occasions, and each encounter lasted at least an hour. Never came in any of them, except for one time after we were done fucking we did some mutual masturbation and I managed to cum after about 10 minutes of that.
Identify the things you don't like about your life and change them.

I don't have sex with condoms.

This is a pretty significant betrayal. That said, he's your husband, and if that means anything to you, then I'd recommend a confrontation and a conversation. See if there's anything to be salvaged. If nothing else, I'd be curious as to the "why" of it. He might be very proud of you and legitimately (and stupidly) think because your face isn't in it, no harm done. He might be a sex addict or have some psychological shit going on that you may or may not be inclined to help him with. I don't know you or him. I don't know how I'd react in an equivalent situation. Where's your head at? What are you feeling? Are you just looking for permission to do what you already know you want to do, or are you still undecided?

Is that a "reasons men are opting-out of marriage en masse" lighting round... or?

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

Not as much as being tall helps you.


If we're talking about relationship material, I have a minimum attractiveness threshold, and anything above that certainly helps, but attractiveness ranks fairly low, over all. If my interest in a girl is purely recreational then it's fittingly enough, the opposite; I have a maximum insufferability threshold, but beyond that how she looks and fucks is literally all that matters.
>I don't have sex with condoms.
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I'm really stupid, but I'll ask here. Both genders can answer, but mainly femanons.
I'm the dude that fucked a girl in the back of his car last week. She hasn't unadded me on snap or unmatched me on Hinge, where we met. She still responds to my snaps and chats on snap. The thing is, when we met, I called her beautiful and she told me she "feels herself getting shy when I call her that". I don't know what that means. But I called her pretty last night on snap in reference to fireworks. Saying she'd be prettier than any fireworks. She simply responded with "oh x". I know x means a kiss, but also like, was she just shy that I said that or did she not like it?
If she's still taking then she's still into you in some form or another. She could just have self image issues and you complimenting her on her looks is like "triggering" that, as much as I hate that fucking term. Maybe try bringing it up with her. Communication helps, Anon.
M or F
What's your body count?
Are you proud of that number?
Do you wish you had more or less?
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bros, I was just sitting in a tik tok and saw a video ad for this site with ai model girls, I thought it was gonna be bullshit as usual, but even I'm fucked with it
Females, why can't you be slutty but also affectionate, warm, cuddly, and emotionally intimate? Why do women either have to be slutty but coldhearted hypercompetitive chadsexual bitches who are only slutty with the best men, or alternatively affectionate and caring but very nonsexual? Would it really be that unbearable to be sexual with unattractive men and remain sexual decades into the relationship? Why do dead bedrooms need to be the fate of non chads?
This is exactly my case. Too much masturbation reshaped my mind to the point, where cumming is very hard to achieve. I would have a real hard time if I were aware that girl is somewhat into counting how fast does it take me to cum with her. I'd probably panic and be angry to myself that I can't show her how much I'm into her by cumming how fast she wants. There's way too much pressure in society for men to ejaculate each time we have sex. Until you know someone well, a lot people will struggle to feel good enough to finish.
It would be nice to have something I suppose but I know it never began
Both genders,
Are you religious?
Tfw cursed with high libido as a man
Goal is triple digits
Being slutty means you can easily attract whatever guy you want as long as you’re at least somewhat hot/cute. Girls who want a ltr are not slutty because being slutty and relationship oriented is an oxymoron
No, shocking right
>6 right now.
If condom sex would be excluded, would that still be 6?
M. No. I'd say it's because I'd never voluntarily restrict myself, but even permissive religions are hard to take seriously.
>M or F
>What's your body count?
More than 200, but less than 300... I think.
>Are you proud of that number?
My emotions are conflicted, but pride is definitely in the mix.
>Do you wish you had more or less?
Neither. I'm fine with the path I walked to become who I am today; nobody gets a perfect run on life. If I had to pick one I'd say less, because while a third of that number were 8s, 9s, and even a few 10s, the majority consists of 5.5s and 6s I only fucked because I was hard and they were easy. I legitimately don't remember the majority of women I've had sex with, and while I'm not ashamed of that, I also have to acknowledge the only reason my body count is so high is because of a fucked up quest for validation. These days I'm much more selective with who I'll bring to bed, and I'm not terribly interested in casual sex anymore.


There's not as much of a divide between those groups as you think.

>it never began
So get started; what's stopping you?

I only talk to God when I need a favor, and I only pray when I ain't got a prayer.
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Kind of?
I'd only want it to go up if it was from a genuine connection and not just a hook up

pic related, after going away from it and a long hard fought road back
A question for the women. I'm 19 and I've been with this amazing girl I met for a bit now. Sadly I think she may be losing interest or seeing someone else behind my back (not very sure about the last one) is there any specific way I can know for sure?
self esteem issues and body image problem i'd say, some people just can't handle compliment and being called cute, some of them would even get angry at you and call you a liar or tell no it's not nice to make fun of them,

she doesn't seems to be too deep into self loathing, you can keep on telling her she's pretty and cute if you really mean it, because that's how you feel and it's good to communicate about it
just remember that the '' all girls likes to be told they are pretty'' is not always true and it's not gonna be an easy way to get brownie points with her
>either 0 or tripple digits
well, we might be into the asshole of the internet, but at least it's always interressing out there
No but being born and raised as a roman catholic will always haunt me until i die
>always interressing out there
You don't get to this Peruvian llama trading site by being normal.
I'll bring it up to her next time I see her, I guess.
Yeah, she's not calling me a liar. I guess I just didn't get what she meant when she said me calling her beautiful made her feel shy. But I do like her and think she's cute.
>that image
Unfathomably based.

I'm not a girl but in my experience you never want to ignore your gut. Something is likely amiss. What makes you think she's losing interest/getting barebacked by someone else?
I kinda have a thing for virgin guys so I think it would be hot, so long as he's not judgemental about me not being one

I'm assuming body means any sexual contact so 15
No I feel kinda indifferent
I mean I still want to have sex with people so I guess I want more. Only with close friends or people who I care about though.
No, I have no mental illnesses.
>inb4 triggered christcucks
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>No, I have no mental illnesses
Also it takes far more conviction, not to mention hubris, and one might even argue delusion, to be an atheist than it does to believe in a higher power.
>>inb4 triggered christcucks
This. Even at my most anti-religion/anti-Christianity I still thought atheists were the dumbest mother fuckers
I wouldn't mind adding some more it's been a while.
>Like you want to feel like a parent and sex symbol simultaneously.
Interesting, I’ve been under the impression that most women into ss are actually into shotadom.
Did all penises feel the same?
Were all with condoms?
How many were from hookups and how many were from dating?
I wish it was higher
Atheist. Used to be agnostic until I actually read the Bible.
If you could totally remake who you are as a person, who would you become? Both mental and physical traits.
>What's your body count?
>Are you proud of that number?
No. But I'm not ashamed either. Just frustrated
>Do you wish you had more or less?
Don't really care about the amount. I want to fuck. But there aren't many people I want to fuck, who also want to fuck me.
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>If you could totally remake who you are as a person, who would you become?
Goku but with my facial features sprinkled in
Warren Buffet levels of stock trading
I wish women were real.
I wish sex wasn't a psyop.
Technically all hookups to start but I dated a few of the number
>does attractiveness impact how much a guy likes a girl?
Of course. For example being fat is often as much of a death sentence in dating as being single mother is. Pudgy faces take a lot out of attractiveness and are worse than being chubby with pretty face, but it's usually tied to generally being fat so it's not like its its own category. Personally I also don't like tattoos and while I accepted the fact that it's getting harder and harder to find someone without this trash on her body, I can stand it if she's good otherwise and it's just 1 or 2 small tats. Shit like sleeves is prison trash tier.

>what stands out the most when you meet a girl
What exactly do you mean?
>and what makes you interested in getting to know her?
Depending on the goal, either similarity in values, lifegoals, lifestyle and how comfy is she to be around if it's relationship, or whether she's passable looks-wise and sexually open if it's just sex.

No idea exactly but probably around 30
Not really, I find it sign of failure in finding stable relationship. Nothing to be proud of if you aren't some sort of swinger.
I don't lament over past. And until I find girl I'll make my wife it'll probably keep increasing as I'm cynical about such stuff and have no intention of becoming martyr for some idea of purity, especially that I lost it like 10-11 years ago.

In terms of believing in any specific religion - no.
In terms of having religious instinct and subconciously picking idol as replacement to satisfy this instinct, nature to be specific - most likely.
I've thought about religions for a while and it's a topic I could give whole lecture on how I see religion as phenomen, but that's too long for 2k limit posts. Maybe later on PC as writing such lengthy stuff on phone isn't comfy at all.
>Used to be agnostic until I actually read the Bible
There are other religions, paths of spirituality. I'm not the biggest fan of organized religion myself, and my relationship with God is very personal. Agnostic is "I don't know" which, you know what? Fair. Atheist is "I am certain that nowhere in this incomprehensibly vast universe, or any dimension of existence, is anything greater than myself." Atheism is the Coldsteel the Hedgehog of mindsets.

Don't let the off-putting aspects of Abrahamic dogma close your mind (and soul) off to what might be.

Mentally I'd be far less anxious and critical of myself. Physically... I dunno, gimme an inch or two of height?

>being fat is often as much of a death sentence in dating as being a single mother is
Depending on how gigantic we're talking, it can get close. There are definitely levels of obesity that can equal, or even exceed single motherhood in being a dealbreaker. In most cases, however, a girl can lose the weight... there's no getting around the fact that being with a single mom is essentially retroactively cucking one's self. Which is why men with options don't do it.

Go finish the families you started, ladies. Also, tell your friends to be a bit more selective about who, and under what circumstances, they'll allow to knock them up. Here, I'll get you started: does he have a neck tattoo? Not him.

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