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Any other anons on fet?

Would be cool to follow/friend other anons
Fetlife has been shit for 10 years
I’m enjoying it still, maybe it’s just your local area?
This place works probably in western countries. In mine that's all about predator Doms seeking young females. If you are beginner, you'll end up just browsing through popular, well established male profiles that post pictures from their orgies, where you'll never be invited.
Nta but probably. My local area has always been shit. The ugliest middle aged fat women and fake doms you could find.
Literally the only place I get messages from women. I'm the average ngmi 4chan autist but I get horny women with verified accounts actively seeking me out for hookups because I have a fat ass. I assume this isn't even half the attention women usually get on dating apps but it's overwhelming for me. Too bad I've since left bc I didn't want to continue this lifestyle.
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FetLife is overrun with consent fetishist who, ironically, won't take "No." for an answer if you aren't into their fetish.
I'm on FetLife. I found some very interesting girls there.
99% odds they were findoms looking for money.
>0 matches
Well shit.
If you are the girl in the picture, add me: Axel_the_master
>ovious 4chan filename
She posted in the NORTHEAST MEGALOPOLIS MEETUP thread: >>33261460
I met a guy on there who was later arrested for human trafficking, picrel.
32m bi, 7", kinky. I'm open to adding people on Fet, but would like to chat on Kik first to screen out weirdos. Love poc swaps, chats on what we're into, and just shooting the shit
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Has anyone noticed that every remotely prominent female profile basically just says


Yet their profiles are also filled with them being abused, tortured and humiliated in the most fucked up ways and that they obviously enjoy the attention? What on Earth is that about?

Like does literally every woman on it have BPD? It amazes me that no one ever comments on this. It's probably because so many of the men there are faggot simps who'll do/say literally anything to have sex with them and never call them out on it lmao
A lot of people on FetLife don't have any intention of meeting anyone through FetLife, but use it to keep in touch with people they already know.
That can mean a few things.
>"Have your wife contact me."
>"If you met my standards, I'd have already contacted you."
>"Where I said men, I meant jeets, but the jannies won't let me say that."
I don't really buy this excuse, it's very easy to just set messages/media to "friends only". It's obvious that most of these women are suffering from severe cognitive dissonance
It's been a long time I bothered with FetLife, but I remember it having kind of shit access/audience controls.
So you can't be friends-only AND attention-whore at the same time, thus the attention whoring with the "I DON'T WANT ATTENTION" profile disclaimer.

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