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lookin' submissive and breedable bro
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>Left weights for 5 months
>Get injured in November playing football
>Stop lifting
I am still too lazy to hit the gym. This picture was 1 week ago.
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You are probably really strong but you need to lose weight if you want definition
Very strong as well, youd could lose some weight slightly but your physique is really great regardless, 7

Im in the opposite position as you two, i actually need to GAIN weight
Very nice build already and I am surprised you're this big at 70kg. If I was 70kg I would look like a starving somali kid.
>Im in the opposite position as you two, i actually need to GAIN weight
I gain muscles and strength very fast but I struggle to loose fat.
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Ngl bruh that's an average dude build, 5.5/10

Looking good, but you'd be surprised how quick gains leave you if you don't train, 8.5/10

Nice athletic frame with the narrow waist and wide shoulders. You have the potential to look amazing, 7/10 now
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Youve got the muscle and strength BECAUSE of the fat/energy to sustain those muscles and allow growth to occur
I grow slowly but dont have any excess bodyfat. I really need to bulk tho, 80-90kg is my goal weight
I haven't trained in 8 months and still the same weight. Gained a little of fat but still have muscles as pic rel.
Just don't rush and don't eat garbage. Health should always be the priority.
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