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This is not intended to be a meat-market hook-up thread.

Try to have provisional meetup plans that could work with ANYONE who you match.

DO NOT post your personal details in the thread. Just your location and/or your contact.

DO NOT expect to share personal details if you match with someone and start talking. AGAIN, you should try to make plans that could work with anyone, so you don't need to know these details.

How to play:
1. Post your location.
2. If you see your location posted, reply with a contact.
3. If you see a contact for your location posted, get in touch and make plans to meetup.
4. Follow through.
5. (Optional) Post pics from the meetup.

Let's fucking go.
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Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania.
Bellingham WA
Riga, LV
sadly these never work
> Calgary Alberta Canada
Amsterdam, there have to be cute little twinks here somewhere.
Same. Post contact. Can meet as soon as tonight.

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