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Self harm thread :3

did some very light cat scratches >_
I love women who self harm
I love u too anon :3
Light scratch-like cuts, thigh gap, panties, chef's kiss
Lets see more of you
Thank uuuu
I used to have a bigger thigh gap but than I was sent to a ed resdential facility and they made me fat 0-0
Here’s an old pic lol O_o
My old thigh gap which I miss ever so much >_<
Dw I’m trying to get back down and even lower
Why do you do this?
Do what?? Cut myself ? Starve myself ? Or be an attention whore ? Cus i hate myself ofc O_o
What were you at your lowest
45kgs so not very low but my gw is 27kgs :3
lol those Ed recovery centres sound miserable , I hope you avoid them Anon
Thank you sm anon they really are miserable places 0_o
throbbing at the thought of licking your cuts
Fuck why am I so attracted to fucked up chicks :(. I Just want to have you here.
You poor thing i hope youre mental health gets bettter
Thank you sm anon ur so sweet
awww :)
Show ribs
thank u <3
My ribs aren’t really visible anymore and I don’t have any cuts on them yet :(
Here tho ig 0_o
Join our pro SH discord server instead

Can you do a pic with no panties?
show feet :3
Doing all these things wont make you hate yourself less, it just makes things worse
Fr if you want to stop hating urself you have to self destruct the version of you right now so that u can build on a new ground
Terrible advice, sending prayers asap
Nah you just dont understand it its the best advice anyone can give
If you destroy the old self then youre free being empty is the best way to be when starting a new life
You’re right but I can’t possibly hate myself more than I already do know :3
Post shower :3
Thank you for the advice but I don’t think it’s possible for me to get better :)
I’d date you at the weight. How tall are you? American?
I’m 5’5 and no sorry I’m from New Zealand :(
Cool, date me instead
don't be silly! you can get better! :3
Want to move? I’m 6’4
Nah, thats just throwing away any chance at a better life
Youd be surprised at how deep the spiral can go, the fact you can take pics and post to 4chan means you still have things you could lose.
Why not get attention from healthy social interactions at the least?
Thank you so much this genuinely made me tear up a tad
not her but like when you're this far it's hard to get the validation you need from places that aren't 4ch
I cant do this i cant do that wee wee why do you doubt yourself when you probably didnt even properly try you have to understand that nothing changes if nothing changes and that nobody is coming to save you you have to do it yourself
from one mentally ill gal to another I love you :3
We love our mentally ill gals
Although you’re right I’m not the worst I’ve ever been currently I think if it ever got even a little bit closer to that bad I would kill my self. I can post pics because the people who reply even if it’s people with weird fetishes making me feel better about myself even if it’s fleeting

Thats fair, but I feel like there has to be some kind of positive avenue to depend on the chanz less and more so on irl connections
I love u too and ur an amazing person thank you so much :3
Its not throwing away chance at better life bcs no better life will come if you keep yourself tied to your past instead you should throw the past out the window and look infront of you
Personally I would rather prefer you dont post pics, I'm sure it does feel good to receive attention from people who fetishize this stuff, but cant you see how that's not really supportive of you and could just lead to more hurt down the line?
Exactly :)
I love the combination of flat tits and ribs while you lay on your back.. can you provide at all?
A better life only comes when you learn from the past and decide to make better, healthier choices in the present. Becoming an hero isnt looking forward, its ending any and all futures.
It is not my intention to trigger people into self harming if that is what you are saying. That’s why I purposefully chose a place like 4chan where people are a lot more desensitised to these kinds of things. It is not my intention to promote or encourage self harm even if it might seem that way it’s more to create a safe space for people to vent about there feelings
Thanks anon I get that ur trying to help and I definitely can see where u are coming from. Thank you for sharing ur opinion :)
bet :3
Im sorry but it seems you misunderstood me; my point was that I can see why you would post pics like these to 4chan and I can see how it would feel validating, but ultimately deriving your attention from a place like this would encourage you to hurt yourself more and make you more miserable. The people who enjoy and encourage this sort of behavior only thrive from your self hatred and have no interest in alleviating it.
Obviously you have to learn from the past but keeping yourself locked to it aint gonna help thats why u gotta leave it be and i really dont know what you mean by ending all futures
youre welcome, i dont know where you are in the world but i hope you have a good day and a yummy breakfast
Bro just let her do what she wants to do, you're talking like women can't make a choice of their own. Drop it already
I think i misunderstood your original comment
of course they can make choices you goober, but men and women both should be dissuaded from self harm
I meant that fhe first step to self improvement is destroying your old lazy doubtful self
Ah ok, I thought you were implying an hero'ing
I totally understand where you are coming from!! I think for me it’s one of the only things I can do that will make me feel better about myself even if it’s very short term benefit for long term damage. I’m aware it isn’t rational but I guess I’m like addicted to the validation or something I don’t really know
thank you so much I hope u have a good day as well :)
Ok but can we come to the point where you post your tits?
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brother that is meanie behavior
Preferably where your tits have cuts
skinny and mentally ill?
you'd be the perfect rape slave. I bet you'd even appreciate the fucked up attention
Also lose some weight you’re fat as fuck add me on kik uhohims so I can help you out and if you don’t have one make one
Can you write Lucifer on your legs, honey? Maybe it will help you
This is my first time cutting on my tits and it’s harder than I expected and no I will not be taking my bra off
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filthy comments above
More cuts
Cmon don’t be a pussy those are unattractive are you even trying?
Looks like cat scratches, why won't you take off your bra? You seem to have nice tits and if you enjoy the attention you should try to give something back and not make this all about what you want
Please cut Lucifer's name into your body, miss. I'm sure he will bless you with what you want. I will stop posting in the thread but I hope you do what I told you. I only want the best for you.
It’s too hard to cut deep it’s a weird angle
take it off. you might be slightly less worthless naked
I’ll try I guess o_O
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First time I've been back on this website in years. Husband of 12 yrs has been having multiple affairs with a netorare fetish and is now wanting to avoid me after I confronted him. Even when I told him that he can be poly and have as many girlfriend as he wants. What he has done is fap to the idea of me desiring the cocks of other men, and degenerating into a slut.

I've gone from a quiet, independent, stoic autist into a clingy wreck with separation anxiety. Every passing moment he clearly doesn't want me around, hurts. It hurts so much. And manifesting that emotional pain into physical damage has been cathartic. These are a few days old but yeah.
Please cut Lucifer into your left tit. I want you to feel like the biggest piece of shit, lady.
I’m worthless either way ^_^
post body for our entertainment. it's what he would want
That’s horrible I’m so sorry anon. You deserve so much better and someone who values and cherishes you. I really hope you feel better soon and feel free to vent more if you would like :)
Go ahead and add me on Kik I’ll fulfill his wishes for you
you're not completely worthless as long as you can be used as a cumdump. find your purpose
Tranny troll larp.

These are just trannies jacking off. I can tell this is all scripted. Fuck all of this. Fuck soc.
Doesn't have to be deep, just more. You got nice tits and seeing blood dripping down them would be so hot.
Just because they don’t want to write some gay ass shit like Lucifer on her tits? Lmao kys
First off it’s not scripted second off it’s not porn either
I used to before I got married. Usually with some shock factors like worms and dead rabbits (i hunt). Can't be assed nowadays. Old anyway. 32.

Thank you. I'm still trying to work through it with him because I am a loser and told him I would never leave him. He may be hurting too as well with the guilt.
You have my condolences, you dont deserve that
gain some weight and someone might fuck you
She’s perfect
Tranny shills.
Kys Tranny.
Not dripping but I did a few more cutz
>I used to before I got married
I guess I see why the worthless cuck married you
You could be worth to jack off to, just show us your tits already
See? That wasn’t so hard was it? Try cutting your tummy next
post ass
you guys are gross and mean people
getting hotter. do you enjoy being beaten during sex?
Now that's hot. Good job. I'd love to creampie a cutslut like you.
He’s right try cutting your ass too, leave no part unmarked
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Fuck u simp. I'ma terrorize this thread and ruin your jack off session with spongebob memes.

Anons always win. Not larper shills.
These surface level ones are nice because they sting (and the stinging feels good) but you don't need to go through a lot of hassle to make sure the wounds don't get infected. No need for stitches or butterfly closures.
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awa I wish I could talk to you and be there for you or something girlie..
I’m a virgin
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I like the idea of being dominated raped and killed. But my fetishes relating to that are very specific. Really into cannibalism and macro/micro vore especially. I'm sure that will turn most people off. Husband pretended to be into it to reel me in I guess.
why? you don't deserve to be. let someone use you and you'll find validation in it. it's not like you can feel any filthier already.
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do you get off by cutting yourself?
Cmon don’t be shy start carving into your stomach too
Can you also cut your pubic mound? Always loved seeing cute there.
post body so I can see if you'd be worth raping. and how much meat is on your bones
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nuuu girlie it's bad for you!!
I did a little
How do you feel about the idea of being impaled? And tell me more about how you romanticize with cannibalism
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I estimate it will take me 3 hours to add 360 posts. I will destroy this thread.
I’m too insecure about how fat I am to have someone see me completely naked hence why I will not be taking my underwear off sorry
Do you want someone to send this stuff to everyday?
When was the last time you got into a shootout?
god I want to tie you to a post and punch you until you vomit
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these pictures make me feel sad
come to sydney and let me fix u lol hehe :3
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Built for creampies.
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just a tit. sorry. and im not young anymore. dont look good.
Cmon show both of them it’s not a complete meal without the other
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You onlyfans retard tranny whores suck.
this other young lady though, she has a nice body.
Aww such a good girl aren’t you? So proud of you
Aww thank you :)
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post one where you drool on it with your tongue in the pic
ass next
Tranny larpers. I notice it isn't even real blood. The marks are too flat and the red is too faint.

Your larp has failed.
Me rn
if you're old and unloved then you'll enjoy the rape more. at least someone wants you.
she does! I'd definitely rather rape her, especially since she's a virgin.
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Erm what the flip yes it is real blood and no I’m not trans why the fuck would I fake cut myself
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Trannies and real bitches both love attention.
>I'd definitely rather rape her, especially since she's a virgin.
Honestly id go after her myself as well. Just concerned about age, as this stuff usually occurs to those below 18.
I feel bad u have to see this here have a photo of a cute kitty instead
You must be quite new to 4chan. A genuine warm welcome.
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you're 32 and still doing it. whores will do anything for attention at any age.

want to hold her down for me to use?
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me rn
“Erm what the flip?”? Uh oh how old are you?
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You wanna hold down a tranny kek in front of 'her' cuck husband.
>you're 32 and still doing it.
Of course, it is more rare in older ladies but looking at OP she has potential to be a lot younger.
>want to hold her down for me to use?
Yes. But with my teeth.
18 I turn 19 in September ^_^
girlie please stop.. I love you.. you matter..
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Show ID obviously censor the sensitive parts
nice kitty
have this photo of catgirl max stirner
if you manage to stop her struggling I'll rape your ass afterwards. won't that make you feel pretty?
never seen a more retarded nigga fr
Your positive energy combined with your fucked up brain, makes you awesome to me. I wish I could talk to you more
Really nice body too. Even prettier with all the red
Ignore him it’s funnier when he tried to bother us and we just don’t react
Idk who that is but cool ^_^ here is a round chicken
perfect age for life changing trauma
I've put her pics into my scanner and found stuff in the archives of a similar girl. Y'all won't believe me though so Ima keep spamming spongebob memes til this thread dies.
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drop the archived thread then
To be honest, Id feel disgusted and violated. The husband would like that, but the man is too busy playing final fantasy 14 catfishing a bunch of trannies for 12 hours a day.
Girl what I would like to see this similar girl o_0 as far as I’m aware I’m real do u want me to post a time stamp or smth
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woah, nice cock bro
We want to see it, stop acting hard to get just lay yourself out for us already, you're nothing more than a piece of meat
At this point it would really just be compensating all the yapping
That and the ID I mentioned
good. want me to video it for him to jerk off to?
Timestamp with tits out yes. You know the rules
I'd rape you too, would be fun taking turns just filling your pussy up with cum.
lol why tf did you marry him
does he at least earn a lot
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Half-assed for real, your tits is the only place where it's OK for you to have some fat.. stop being a bitch and be the slut we all want you to be
you're pretty lucky to have tits like that when you're thin. post them before they're gone.
I want to see them dripping with blood. Can you imagine how hot you would look?
I don't know. Was asexual and not interested in relationships of any kind, even when approached by plenty of men. But this one played the right cards I suppose and took my virginity when i was age 22, and manipulated me into becoming obsessed over him. Both of us are losers who don't earn much.
That’s not me my tits are smaller and I have a scar down my chest
RIP, thought this had potential turns out it was another idoleducator scam
Genuinely braindead, the birthmark isn't there... how do you function being this handicapped?
Yeah I was wondering wtf that bullet hole was but to be fair that thread was from 2 years ago that scar could’ve taken place in between those years
You want me to be a slut but I don’t want to be a slut so too bad
Well done. What kind of pain are you in anyway, if you don't mind me asking. I understand it is self hatred, but there are always events and thoughts that lead up to that.
I had heart surgery as a baby lol that’s what the big white scar down my chest is as well
I don't want to give you a choice
Oh well now that that’s over, take off your panties
girlie do you wanna chat in private? I'm a girl, same age and pretty depresso but ily and these guys are fetishist creeps
post your cuts too then. everyone can be fetishized equally here
take up his offer then, you obviously dont have much to lose. go have some fun with a different guy. youre not that old anyway
>these guys are fetishist creeps
I mean, this is exactly what she wanted. Otherwise why post on this website.
You aren't even a girl.
Add me too baby Kik? Disc?
Thanks for the offer but I’m okay I promise :) ily too <33>>33275562
Post a nice pic then, let's see you too.
honestly, I just might. Even just being here and posting a single picture is a tiny bit of fun and comfort I haven't had in a long time.
Add me on Kik baby
dude cum in a bowl of cereal and eat it. while you're in post nut clarity apologise to me. creep.
Nah I’d rather you gobble down my hot cum I’m not into that babe, also she don’t want you bitch lol
Don't really care if you think you are okay or not (because clearly you aren't, and you are going to continue telling others you aren't for another layer of sympathy), I'm just interested in stories. Love? Loss? A dragon otherkin longing for the days of being a dragon again?
>I'm okay
posting on /soc/ but whatever get well soon girl
post more then, show us what he will be missing
I hope your husband finds this thread, kills you, and any children you may have.
meh. maybe..
>she don't want you
yeah I've realised..
Funny because her husband WANTS her to fuck other dudes so he wouldn’t kill her you dumbass troglodyte
Yeah I’m actaully a dragon in a humans body how did u know
too fat lol
You're already being an attention whore, all we're asking for is for you to give something back
nah sorry. tired. maybe another time in another place.
Post what you got too, you're probably hot as well... so don't deny us the pleasure.
These chicks are both larpers.
I hope your daughter gets raped and killed or forcibly raped by her brother while being held at gunpoint then I hope the stranger tells him to eat her in front of you before shooting you in the head.
someone will like it.
besides, don't you want to be objectified and threatened just like the thin girl?
Yeah I’m being an attention whore not a regular whore
Post more, you'd make a good cumslut.
Your fucked up brain makes you hotter than the other chick actually, no matter your age. Wanna talk about fucked up things?
Please baby… throughout our interactions I’ve seen the beauty that radiates through your posts I… I… I have fallen in love with you, do not be hard on me for I am only doing this out of love and we’ve known each other for 10 years… please accept my feelings and return them 10 fold…
if you change your mind send me some pics discord: attentionwhore123
I'd rather you imagine me. better off wanting more than being full I say
only by girls. I don't like men
known me half my life huh.. you're like a my god daddy then?
I’m the same age as you and that cutting girl lmao
I hope you get HIV and they will have to chop off one or multiple of your limbs, and you will no longer be able to attention whore on this site bc you will be ugly.
I’m already fucking ugly try again
lol. if you were a girl id probably talk to you.
I never said I was a guy did I?
I imagine you as the most breedable girl I know, begging to be bred and creampied.
>already ugly
Not yet. You'll see soon how many worthwhile men want to fuck amputated crippled fat HIV whore.
no but girls don't really talk the way you do mostly.. maybe a non binary mf
wouldn't mind the latter.
Well thanks for the compliment I guess but I don’t leave the house so thanks for ur well wishes ig
I don't care what you like. you should be good entertainment for everyone
We’re in 4chan I don’t think woman rules count here
It only takes one chad with HIV to fuck you off tinder.
And I wouldn't mind filling you up. a good pussy deserves to be constantly stuffed.
I deal with BFRB'S, Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors. Not technically "self-harm" because I dont do it with the intent to hurt myself, but it does result in sores and wounds and redness nonetheless. I've been dealing with it for over 15 years now. My face is fine, I was able to curb not picking at it like 6 years ago. I also wass never really prone to face acne. These days its mostly my arms and my back. Arms have been a chronic issue since the beginning. Luckily I'm freckled, most of the time my scars jusy blend in with all the other spots. My back gives me trouble though. I can't actually see it, so I'll just feel around amd pick something that feels satisfying. I usually end up doing way more damage than I need to.

My head hair is also fine. I would only ever pull white wiry hairs but i keep my hair short now.and I don't feel triggered to pull them. Same goes for the curtains downstairs, though sometimes I get lazy and I have to relearn my lesson the hard way by spending hours yanking on them at night. No it's not a sex thing. It's just a really annoying compulsion. Doing it brings temporary satisfaction for me but it doesn't last. Lol it's not even a cute or hot or sexy way to self harm, truly the worst of all self harm types.
Oh so your tits are ugly and that's why you won't show them?
I’m not on tinder or any dating site because the idea of sex repulses me but cool
That must be how you got that gorgeous pale complexion that contrasts beautifully with your red cuts
meh. if u verify ur a girl somehow with this thread I'll drop my session id so we can talk
If sex repulsed you, you wouldn't be showing off your tits and legs.

try again.
Can one of the fucked up trauma girls talk to me? I don't care at all about your looks or age. Just your brain interests me

Disc curiousbrains
retard you can not like sex but still get sexual feelings
The thought of another person seeing me entirely naked repulses me especially for all different kinds of angles not so much sex itself so I guess I kinda said the wrong thing but still
that's why rape is better for you. so you don't have a choice but to be filled.
Not my tits my entire body
omllll we're like twinning girls I wanna go shopping and stuff with you.. it's joever why are all the nice girls on 4chan
Get on Duolicious and limit your range to NZ only so I can find you and add you then charm you into inviting me to your house so I can hold you all night long to stop you from cutting yourself and posting pictures of it to 4chan.
Damn, seeing you from every angle would be the dream tho. I love inspecting girls while naked from every angle.
Thanks girl :3
Girl still trying desperately to get her to scissor her lmao
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Shut up simp
You are already more than halfway naked lmao? u think the rest is special? we can easily get the rest off with photo-editors and post the shit on b. It will basically be the same as exposing ur real naked tits. go fuck urself.
Lmaoooo let’s go shopping together and just talk about random shit :3
yeah real she isn't giving into the rapey dudes either (which is good tbf)
lol gtfo dude she aint gonna carve shit into her tits for you
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fuck urself simp.

it's red marker shit anyway so her doing it would be meaningless.
basic needs for girlies amirite
Well congratulations you did it you accomplished your goal
For reallll >_<
yeah dw I fuck myself every night anyway...
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ofc u do trannie.
why do it yourself when you can have a man take it from you?
I know I need other girls to give me attention otherwise I will die
haven't found a man that's better than any girl.
Oh wait you're 18 nvm. Don't bother getting on duo
bc most men don't wanna fuck an axe wound.
only one way to find out
what are you gonna do, fly over here and fuck me? yeah nah
depends where you live. might not need to fly.
also you definitely want a man to rape you, you just don't want to admit it gets you wet
I would, just to use you as a cumdump for a week.
Well you have no problem showing the rest of your body so what's the big deal, you're just not making sense but that's kinda expected
I like the whole idea of being raped I just hate the whole man part. the penis is fine just hair and muscles and masculinity.. ew
I'm fine with that if it's just my mouth and body
She thinks she is somehow pure despite showing us her tits and legs.
too bad there's nothing you could do about it. having a wet cunt means you're made for breeding.
maybe one day we will meet seperate of this thread in a store or something and be friends..
Or she is just larping and trying to keep us begging for more. My advice is ignore her. There's plenty of naked whores on this site who will do fun stuff you want and not play stupid games.
Have you ever gotten deepthroated then? And why not your pussy? Like forcefully deepthroating you and then raping you, while you beg me not to cum inside you would be a big turn on.
bruh. I'm wet cause I'm touching myself u dummy. I wanna be raped by a chick not some ugly dude
lol where
I'm a virgin and yeah that sounds kinda hot
I don't care what you want. it makes it hotter if you fight back and cry and scream
you're a stupid fat ugly lesbian.
you don't want me to enjoy it? why don't you keep these fantasies to yourself if you know I'm not going to enjoy it
I'm gonna cry I'm so sad that insult describes me so well /s
get off this thread and tell someone that cares
Yeah, having a dripping wet, virgin pussy makes you even more creampieable. Like, holding you down, thrusting inside, while you beg me not to fill you up and just cumming inside you, making a nice cocktail of cum, blood and your pussy juices.
Show these fuckers your slampig body, whore. Let us see how much attention you get then and how much they want to creampie and fuck you compared to the other girls here.
I want you to enjoy it against your will. I want you to fight back and try to stop me because you know it feels so much better than you want it to. you're a lesbian, a man forcing you shouldn't make you feel so good, right?
Yes I would like that a lot your so nice :3
ughh this is such rapey man stuff but I can't stop grinding my pussy anyway
I really don't care about her body, lol. If I like it, it'll turn me on, so...
The wetter you get the more I'd eat you out.
Ehhh I’m not pure but I’m not entirely a slut yet anyways I’m not showingy body im showing my self harm it just so happens my self harm is on my body yknow
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>Grinding my pussy
You should do more cuts. I wanted you to do some cuts on your pubic mound, always a turn on to cut there.
You are a complete whore now. If I showed this to a nice man, he'd refuse to marry you. You are the same as a slut whose had sex with numerous men in terms of market value.
Please elaborate how?
grind away, whore. tell me how much you hate it while you willingly read it and touch yourself. you definitely don't want a strong man holding you down and forcing his cock into you.
I hope one day you can appreciate how beautiful and valuable you are.
You've shown and flirted with random men on the internet about your breasts and your legs. Anything you might show him's impact is reduced to nothing bc of that. Doesn't matter if you wore a bra for us or panties - we can take those off with editors. You have nothing really to offer him except your hymen and first time and that woe will only last so long. Your chastity is 100% gone bc of what you did in this thread here.

You are forever a whore for life.
Thanks anon :)
Ehhhhh I don’t really agree but sure I’m still not taking my bra off >_<
I never asked you to? I'm telling you how it is. You will never get a nice man to commit you if he knows your true worth - what you did here today, yesterday, and probably in the coming days.

He will see you as a whore on the same level as used goods. Once you lose your virginity, you will be below low value.
lmfao, never seen anyone so brainrotted
You haven't even shown you're a woman, your cunt would do the trick too
chill out there andrew tate. go back to romania where you belong lmfao.
I mean it. I can’t explain why but your scarring there, not the cuts you’re doing, it’s very fascinating. Alluring even. Sorry if you have any starkly different feelings about it
You'll never get your perfect virgin tradwife slave either so, at least shes self aware not an insufferable moralfag like yourself.
>Oh no a woman shown her leg on the internet, what a filthy whore, im going back to spamming the shrimp dick thread like the alpha male i am, shes gonna be so jealous no quality man like myself will want her
>like 5 actual pictures and then memes and retards fighting
Every time.
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hot :)
I know that this will likely have no effect on you OP, but you deserve better than this. Reading this thread has made me feel very sad and sorry for you, despite the fact that I'm not aware of the intricacies of your struggle. But I am certain in saying that it can get better and there are people who love you and will continue to love you despite your efforts to devalue yourself. I'm also going through very difficult times, and I also have the urge to harm and discredit myself, but I fight it off the best I can because I know that I'm worth something, just like you undoubtebly are as well. I hope that my words can connect to you on some level, and you can perhaps reconsider what you're doing. I sincerely wish you the best.
i think i remember you posting in one of the CW threads, someone cracked a joke about it looking like you'd been shot in the chest or something
Sometimes when I’m really sad I remember what he called me and I write it down so I don’t forget ;-;
Do you share your discord? Or maybe make a server?
im too scared if i cut my boobs they'd scar really badly :(

those cuts r so pretty tho ur gorgeous xx
Thats really sad i hope you can forget about him soon so that you get better
Some of those words are marks of pride, things you should feel good about. Just because he didn't recognise it as such or felt threatened that's not your fault.
Wear them like medals.
you people are such faggots
Oh no, baby. You're not a waste. I have a thing for blood, yes, but not like this.
The next time you carve yourself, tell yourself the opposite. How you're gold, beautiful, and faithful. Because that's what you are. If I were there, I would kiss every inch of those pretty legs and thighs to show you just how beautiful you are.
Join our discord server full of self harmers and mentally ill people. This will be your new home


Telegram chat with gore and SH: https://t.me/+vzfEI-vqUjM0MjA0

—no verify
—low moderation
—semi-toxic af
—verified egirls get admin
—giga boosted
—est. july 2024
—dank emojis & stickers
—frequent tv/film/music streams
—we have schizos, goth/alt, egirls, incels, femcels, addicts, stoners, weebs, ravers, insomniacs and perfectly sane people
—game, listen to music, talk in vc to make frens
—leveling system to filter true psychotics
—custom boost perks/VIP access
—free nitro/weed giveaways

(looking for mods)

heyaaa 18f here i love self harm and gore

my discord is: "sillllay" send me some when i add so i know where you added me from <3
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me on june 27
did it scar?
How about all of you go see a psychiatrist? There are better, safer, and more effective methods of emotional regulation.
Uncensor those tits, your body deserves the full attention
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for now, yes. there were only 3. the top/biggest one, which was the first and not even that big, has been kinda itchy and sore lately. the bottom one, which was the last, is also still visible but not sore or itchy. the middle one is invisible now. they weren’t deep at all, and i’m sure they’ll disappear eventually. my neck cuts never leave lasting scars for some reason, all my visible scars are on my legs.
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what made you do it?
>my neck cuts never leave lasting scars
i think thats because it heals faster. if you kept opening them they would leave scars
was full of anxiety and pain over a lost relationship. usually i cut myself to relieve overwhelming emotional pain and/or ground myself from dissociation, but it didn’t help at all this time for some reason, it actually filled me with terror and made me dissociate worse lol. oh well.
damn... i only ever cut myself on my wrist and not deep at all, cant imagine what its like to bleed from your neck
how long were you together?
have you ever been raped?
it’s hard to say “officially” since it was a fucked up situation for a long time, but we’d been very close since soon after we met in 2020, so ~4 years.
Maybe your body is telling you that what youre doing is fucking stupid and it wont fix your mental health go see a proffesional instead
would be good for your situation to submit as a toy for another man
id probably cut myself too if that happened to me, being abandoned is one of my biggest fears
sometimes you feel so bad that causing yourself physical pain is the only way to cope
been dealing with professionals since i was 10 years old, i’m 22 now. i was in the mental hospital for 4 months in 2022. all they’ve ever done was medicate me, which never helped. tried at least 15 different psych meds over the years. i don’t cut myself often, only at the most unbearable times, and it is almost always an instant relief, a wave of calm and serenity that nothing else has ever provided me. god forbid it didn’t help this one time.
No its not the only way to cope you think that cuz you dont know any other way to cope and if u really want to physically hurt yourself go on a long run go to thd gym or whatever make your body ache but in a good way u wont cuz ur too weak
you dont get it, for me its the stinging and the mental release i get from it. I usually only make one cut and sting my nails or a knife inside. when youre that low you dont even have the energy to get out of bed let alone outside
Meds will never help you
Nah u think u dont have the strenght to do it you choose to cut yourself bcs its faster youre just weak for choosing the easier option
i’m aware. most of the time i didn’t have a choice and would’ve chose not to be on them. i have also tried psychedelics, healing my gut microbiome, cardio, meditation, spending more time out in nature. some of those have helped slightly, but not significantly enough for my situation. i do want to get into weightlifting, but i have physical barriers as well. however i am working on it. i’m currently in the middle of a drastic change i made in an attempt to better my life. don’t act like a smartass when you don’t know shit about the person you’re talking to.
they helped me, they didnt heal me but they at least made me more stable so i could seek help
the doctors dont want to give me the strong stuff since i have an "addictive personality"
did they give you a diagnosis or did they just throw meds at you randomly and hope something works?
Good job for actually trying to change a try is always of value most people cut themselves without ever trying anything else and no i wont stop acting like a smartass acting like a smartass gets people to open to you quickly
They helped you but they didnt fix you thats what i mean when i say meds dont help
i was diagnosed with MDD, SAD (as in social anxiety, not seasonal affective), and OCD when i was 10. GAD when i was 13. Schizotypal PD in the hospital. OCD is my most severe and debilitating issue, and is what caused me to be hospitalized in 2022.
24 m usa destrudoisdead on discord add me
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tfw no gf that gave up and lets me cheat on her and abuse her
Does anyone wanna watch me cut on discord ? Reply with ur tag and I’ll add u
Oh also 20 f or something
Sure, Prufrock1.
Like a live stream or some shit?

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Old picture, i feel like one was pretty deep and needed stitches because it kept opening up but it healed eventually lol
I've been desperate for a gf who cuts again. I was too young and concerned with getting them to stop when they were all over me back in the day.
I won't specifically encourage(unless you're into that? idk), but I want to really "experience" that with you if you'll let me

Discord: lordlighthouse
is this pic from when they were fresh? if so you're full of shit if you think any of these needed stitches lmfao
wdym by "experience"?
Like, I guess watch or have her share pics/vids with me? Previously the girls I'd known who did it kept it mostly private.

Also, I guess in the spirit of honesty, I've recently realized I've got a blood fetish. That might have something to do with it.
They are 4 days old in the picture. I got a fever from these and they kept on bleeding and wouldn't stop, i was really scared lol
did you dress them, aftercare etc..? maybe i just have an op immune system, but i feel like it's pretty easy to not get infections
I washed it with water because it bled so much but nothing else other than that. It hurt a lot though which was the point technically. But it would start bleeding if i walked or folded my knees. I did get an infection scare but fortunately it was just plasma not puss. It's great that you have good immune system thats an amazing power to have in this day and age, take care of yourself anon<33
vaseline is your best friend for wound care, although if your immune system isn't the best you should probably spring for neosporin. after you stop the initial bleeding, slather it on generously & then cover with a non-stick gauze patch and your dressings of choice for the fastest & safest healing. even if it pulls and starts to bleed again, it should be as minimal as possible. keep it clean, keep it moist, keep it covered. take care of yourself xx
u dont need stitches if its not at fat or gaping open (which usually means u hit fat bc there’s barely gape at dermis)
if u want to close these just use steri stips at home. plus idk where u live but honestly most doctors are lazy and just use staples instead of sutures which is terrible. they irritate your skin and make the healing process so much more disgusting.
who is this beauty?
also, Milky from aus, if ur still out there i miss seeing u cut ur tits
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some fasica
Hi , I'm Ivan, Italian. Do you feel like knowing each other? I like you, special snowflake ;) npd , looking for somebody willing to improve and help me feel like a man ;). Ego boost for me are like cocaine. So ... even thought we might be distant the right words might maybe make you important enough to me. Important enough to spend some time for... you :):

Npd so i care about loooks
Character, who you really are, despite eveyrything is something i like to know , so if you have a nice pair of tits let's talk about your dreams ;) i have some good mirroring capabilities so write me if you want to teach me to copycat someone personality ;) freud is a cool mf
You're disgusting and you need to stop.
Some days are better than others but there aren’t really any good days .
The guy that called me all these words was my ex of like 5 years and he died last year and now I have no way to tell him how much I hate him, and how much I loved him and how much I hated myself for loving him.
A few days later :3 gonna do a few more on my tits and thighs I think
wanna chat on discord?

Thank you sm :) I’m jusy did very light cat scratches so hopefully they won’t scar much if at all ^_^
This gets me bricked up for whatever reason. Can you post tummy again?
The ones on my tummy are very light but surve
Your scars are very hot I’d love to chat either on kik or telegram, kik truexnew and telegram two2new
There's no greater show of affection, loyalty or obedience than carving my words into your skin. If you like the thought of being made to burn, cut and otherwise use your body as a canvas then we might need to talk. I've pasted in my last ad below:

34 year old male top, living on a small island around the UK.

I've been doing this for nearly 2 decades now, I'm experienced more with IRL than I am online which is my biggest flaw as I can't stand the fantastical larping, but when you move to the middle of nowhere you either adapt or get very very bored.
As for gender I do not care what you have between your legs, I much prefer to fuck with your mind more than anything else. I generally prefer fem presenting people but I have a real soft spot for FTM boys with a daddy kink, detransitioning is not something I want to do to you.

My aims are to basically help you become the best version of yourself you can be, by doing this I shall alleviate my own boredom. I'm post kink in that I prefer to just use whatever I think is best to get what I want from you, my limits are shockingly few and I'm very much a "means justify the ends" sort of person, regardless of whether I personally find the means to be abhorrent. If you are unable to appear fem or otherwise bore me I will expect my continued time and attention to be compensated, I value my time and do not waste it easily.

I'm keeping this short because realistically half of you reading this, through no fault of your own, are not going to be suitable.
Message me and we can sort the wheat from the chaff.

Discord is the best way to contact me:
Make sure to put a heart on your other thigh
Done :3
cute cameltoe
Very cute, keep up the good work
STOP being a toy, no one cares abt u here, everyone here wants nudes, no one gives any damn fck abt your emotions, so its better you focus on your life & take care of your mental health & body. TAKE CARE 8)
If any of you wanna and me on Kik
M 21
Don’t worry I know they don’t care and I’ve also made it clear I will not be myself without underwear but thank you for ur concern !! Take care as well :)
*post myself without underwear mb :(
That's fine but keep us updated with the new cuts
Vid? This shit is interesting as hell.
Should carve /soc on your tits
Mostly I just wanted to see your pretty body desu thanks :3 very cute
Idk about carving soc cus it’d be upside so very hard but it’s not letting upload the video :(
Try redgifs
I know it's not really thread related but could you post your feet? Soles? Please n thank you
Came here to jerk off, but now I wanna see what they will do next lol, but definitely wanna a gif of you cutting your tits. And also question why do it?
Here idk if this is what u meant but I tried ^_^
Definitely need to sharpen that knife lol
It’s sharp enough it’s just weird angle to cut downwards :( and it’s the only sharp object I have :3 but I’ll try a bit more
You nailed it, also didn't know tits were so much harder to cut all in all it's a lot more fun seeing it in video
Tbh what are you willing to cut? Just tits or have you done your pussy? Tbh interested in this now
Did I see you on Reddit as well? You have the same stomach scar.
Aaa thank you I tried again as well :3 https://www.redgifs.com/watch/enormousconsciousangwantibo
No I’ve never posted on reddit but it’s a heart surgery scar so they’re not that rare :3
So what made you wanna cut? Also tits are Hella tuffer then I thought
I’ve been cutting for 6 years now (since I was 12 lol) and idk it’s just a way for me to cope ig? My cutting gets worse when my bulimia gets better
How hard do you think it would be to mark yourself with another heart on your chest?
Can you show those juicy thighs again?
*Chef kiss* desu chick's cutting are some how the best ones. Definitely should carve whore into your leg lol
have you ever cut your ass? i imagine the logistics of that would be pretty complicated
Quite hard , I might give it a try later but I definitely won’t be able to film at the same time >_<
No I haven’t and yeah that sounds really difficult ^_^
If you can please do!
Anyone vaginal cut
No worries I rather you take your time making it than recording it, you can always show us pics of your work after you are done
I tried but it’s very light :(
omg :( literally same im in the middle of a bp relapse as my self harm is finally all healed up… r u mayhaps a bpd girlie too
Much appreciated, you made this a very interesting night and I hope you don't get discouraged from posting here
Omg yes i am !! Bpd girlies rise!!! That really sucks I hope ur able to heal one day Bcs u deserve too <33 I’m the opposite rn lol I have b/ped in a while but I’ve began cutting again :3
All good :) may I ask what you find interesting about sh just out of curiosity lol
no way… ur literally so me frfr

and same for u, these disorders/addictions are soso painful n nobody deserves it </3 stay silly and i wish u the best !! ^^
You might disagree with me but I think your body looks nice and seeing you make a red mess of it is fun especially the videos and you made some nice light cuts
Please keep going, this is some amazing content. I'm a little sad that you won't drop the bra and cut around your nipples, but I guess such is life.
Thank u so much anon!! I wish you the best as well :) you’ve got this!!!
Omg if these cuts don’t completely heal and leave scars that look like stretch marks I will actually kms
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>aftermath of a bad session, the butterfly closures wouldnt work so i had to tape myself back together

diagnosed bpd here in recovery, its been a while since i cut and i hope i dont fall back into it, the scars are so fucking embarrassing and hiding them sucks
i hope you all get better too, this is such the wrong way to get attention
LOVE!! you have any other pics?
love the pattern of these, gorgeous work<33
they look lovely.. i've been there before with the tape, haha
>this is such the wrong way to get attention
that beeing said, post more of that fuzzy muffin.
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yeah i have a handful of these ahaha ^^
fuck that's intense, have you ever cut into the muscle? i'd be worried about permanent damage ngl
no, ive never cut past fascia. its sooo painful. and yeah i was also worried about permanent damage. didn't wanna go too hard that deep and possibly fuck up my arm’s mobility for life

muscle is apparently Excruciating to cut into though
>muscle is apparently Excruciating to cut into
well yeah i could believe it hahahaha
i'd love to see how those super deep ones scar if you don't mind
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this is what it looks like now after 2ish months ^^
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to be fair this one scarred a bit badly since they were stapled together 2 days after the cut. idk what the doctor was thinking but whatever.

the circled scar was a fasica one too but it healed soo nicely because the doc used sutures lol. the other scars look worse but they were only down to shallow fat
im fucking dumb i used the image without the circle and am spamming but its the rightmost one
oof not the staples
you go to the ER every time? what country are you from
i always go to urgent care first, but for the arm one they just sent me directly to the er lol. didnt wanna bother with it. i’d already been to the clinic a lot tbf

i’m in canada!
socialized healthcare moment. in the US these would cost you tens of thousands lol
oh yeah i’m def grateful i’m not going into debt cuz of this lol. tho tbf i do prefer to heal stuff on my own, whenever i get a doctor to check it out it’s forced ahaha. i hate staples with a passion
Got a Kik?
Hmu thecollector369
Join our mental illness server you freaks. We also have a telegram where you can post sh and gore

this deserves more love.
I know I shouldn't say this cuz it kinda makes me feel bad but god damm thats hot
If you cut and want somone to love you message me.

Kik goldendawn2020
Kek, cat was trying to save you
Classic hindsighted women
unironically how do you even cut so deep i force my hand so much and I can only cut so much with the paper cutter...do you use surgical blades or do you slice the same wound repeatedly? I'm asking out of curiosity
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19f . Telegram @ gaiamyst . Add me if you wanna watch me cut on call . Mostly doing styros / epis but I’ve hit beans before and might try to attempt again ^-^ Might make a discord Too so reply with your tag and I'll add you ! I can provide pictures too
Made a discord just now by the same user as the telegram ^^
>I can provide pictures too
In the thread or the discord?
we have a matching heart on thigh scar :3
nice bush
i multiswipe and it hurts like a BITCH. all the blades i used were always dull too </3
oop different ID because i’m using data i think but it is me lol
Lmao yeah I love my cat sm
Discord !
why not share in the thread too and bump it?
Yeahhhhhhhh common me mistake I probably won’t do any more on my chest for this reason but I’ll do more on my thighs :3
Have you done your arms recently?
I dont rlly cut on my arms cus i like wearing short sleeves but I did these super duper light ones a couple days ago
Twinsss :33
Those are healing nicely, hopefully the ones on your chest will do the same
Yhank you smm!! I Hope so too :)
How are you doing today op?
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I'd just like to thank the OP for this thread. Met some great cutters from it <3
I want a cutter gf so fucking bad.
Get in line
Silly dress in girls clothing and cut yourself
Not to good I had a Physio appointment cus i fucked up my jaw from bulimia and I had to take off my jumper and my dad saw the cutz on my arms and is now threatening to take away all of the sharp objects in the hosue >_< I want to move out so bad cus im almost 19 and still living with my parents but my parents think I’m too mentally unstable :>

Wbu anon?
Why? Genuine question as a girl who cutz? Do u find it attractive?
I'm surprised your dad came in with you. Don't most people go in by themselves at that age?
Yeah basically. Maybe cause I know it's so wrong and I like it cause of that? And I find the scars cute and I know like most people don't.
>my dad saw the cutz on my arms and is now threatening to take away all of the sharp objects in the hosue
That's rough getting caught red handed like that, when my little sister tried cutting for the first time her dad caught her withing the week too and we had a very awkward family dinner but she was a champ about it and listened to our worries
If you're 18, and they haven't had you adjudicated mentally incompetent, you are an adult and can make adult choices about your own adult life.
Find a nice 4chan boy and move in with him. It's a lovely, less visible, more socially acceptable form of self-harm.
nta, but for me I'm just looking to "experience" after trying to block it out with the girls that did it in my past. There's also a slight kink aspect related to it too, but it's more than just that.
Dad needs to be there so she's too intimidated to talk about the diddling.
I don't mind girls who cut for themselves, but I had one ex who did it for attention and that was annoying/exhausting.

I was still a young and dumb kid at the time. Too much of a savior complex. I mean, I still do, but I'm also much more aware of my sadistic side now so
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Captain Enable-a-Hoe.
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kek I'm stealing this
I don’t have a drivers lisence because basically when I was 16 because of my eating disorder I wasn’t medically stable enough and I haven’t tried again ever since, I’m not really medically stable now either. He didn’t actually come into the appointment with me but rather say in waiting room :>
Hmmm well I’m broke fat ugly and mentally ill I don’t think I’ll have much luck in the romance area ngl
I See , well i guess I find it reassuring that there are people out there who aren’t absolutely disgusted by self harm scars. My mum has been telling me for years if I don’t stop cutting I’ll be covered in ugly scars and no one will want me, but I don’t think any one will want me anyway ngl
Oops this is still op I’m just on data rn :>
>I’ll have much luck in the romance area
You don't seem fat or ugly from the pics you've posted.
I'm willing to give it a shot if you are.
my discord: lordlighthouse
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It’s really hot seeing cute girls do this kinda stuff, in all my years of sexting with sub girls on the internet I only found one that cut herself for me

It was hot when she also took pictures with the blood on her tongue

Even though I have blackmailed tons of girls so I could use them until I got bored, I never asked them to cut, it just seems boring if they never did it or it’s not something they have ever done

Sometimes I would see a girl with scars on her arms, and would ask if she would be into making more cuts for me, but it never went far since they didn’t take it too well

At most what I asked those girls I blackmailed where for them to puke for me, I would cum while they did it on videocall - after that I would just think about how fucked up I was

If any weird girls wanna talk add me :3

Discord is alivenotswans
Do you have an opening between your legs evolved over untold generations to feel as good as possible to thrust my cock inside?
>with the blood on her tongue
It's really fucking great, ain't it? I'm desperate to see *my* blood on a girl's lips tho. Seems like it'd be so fucking hot.
This is an ugly old actual pedo btw
Ahhh I hope ur sisters doing better now :> so far my dad only knows about the tiny little cutz on my arms so hopefully he doesn’t find out about the rest x_x
Could be hot I guess, I’m more into spit/drool than blood to be honest, but mixing those two could be hot af
I’m not really hiding how fucked up I am, so yeah kek
Admitting to be a pedo is crazy work icl
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>so yeah
actually neck yourself
He's really fucking ugly too kek
He's probably just a feminist pedo, not a real one.
Oh no he's a REAL pedo, trust me. Guy's a freak
The fucks a feminist pedo kek :>
I bet he makes you wetter than all the other guys in this thread too.
Anyone wanna spin up a bait account and lure him into a meetup so we can perform the ritual?
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I think you are confusing myself with someone else, this is the first time I post around here lol
Well, most girls that are into being subs never care when I tell them my age, one of them even has a vibrator I control while we call
Someone attracted to sexually mature women who are younger than the feminist calling you a pedo.
>so far my dad only knows about the tiny little cutz on my arms
Time to not use any cleavage or loose clothing until the chest cuts heal, also lil sis is doing great nowadays
Nice attempt at saving face but I know who you are, you are extremely obvious. You openly admitted and bragged to having CP of toddlers to preteens
I’m glad ur little sister is doing good!! Yup :( which is sad cus i don’t rlly like tops that go write up to the neck they feel suffocating I prefer scoop neck but I’ll have to cope x_x
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I’m waiting
Someone’s living rent free in your head - If I really said that I wouldn’t mind admitting it, it’s not like I have anything to prove
Just seems funny you are 100% sure I’m someone you have encountered before kek
Actually it’s not too bad most of mine aren’t too low cut so they don’t show actually yayyyy :)
I mean u basically admitted to being a pedo so why are u trying to save face now kek :>
Safe as long as dad doesn't have a keen eye, want to show off more of your tops instead of cutting today?
It’s not that, I’m just curious about who you are talking about - I don’t mind admitting I have have sexted with girls/women of all ages, when they are older than me it’s also really hot, just sad it rarely happens
you look cute :3
Please fucking stop this shit, Jake. Please. You are a biological man.
God, there is no way you aren't either heartbreakingly cute or just outright gorgeous.
You are in love with a tranny.
any proof?
Stop being a simp, she could easily have a mid/ugly face
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1. 'She' refuses to show us her breasts and pussy despite showing us everything else.
Look at the line. Looks the same as this.

I was gonna bring up more but I think this is enough.
This is one of fav tops but it’s super low cut so it’s a no :(
WAIT U THINK MY BOOBS ARE NICE ENOUGH THATBIVE HAD A BOOB IMPLANT??? Thank u omg but sadly the lines from heart surgery :>
Looking good op and those chest cuts are still looking sick but yea can't wear those for a while
I’ve already admitted to be fuckinf hideous try again :>
If i was to get a boob job I would at least become a size c or d who would chose to be a b kek
This is a weak line desu. I get it, but it's weak.
Thanks anon :)
Honestly, between what you've posted and the other anons, my curiosity is running wild. I'm having a hard time believing this. Is there any way you could show me? I promise I wont post here because that'd be fucking gay
So far the white one is my favorite, very inviting to tease your cuts
I’m not really trying to offend you, just telling that anon to be more realistic kek
Oh Dw im not offended im aware of my ugliness :3
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The image I put is for transgender breast implants. Also, the hypersexual larp fetishism that trannies usually have is something coming from her. When I said line, I'm talking about the diagonal skin compression line in the middle of her chest.
Whatever tranny. Give us your documents or fuck off bc you've been busted.
how ugly are you, princess?
You sound so fucking desperate and corny LMAOOOOO
>so fucking desperate
Nah, my curiosity is just too damn peaked now
Think of the ugliest person u know and make them 10 times uglier boom it’s me :3
See what I mean? She's selling it too damn much.
Translation: She's a man.
fuck, I wanna see u cut yourself while u say you are ugly, a piece of shit, etc <3
Another black top :3
Oops I forgot to attach the inage
What's your worst facial feature, uggo?
Probably all of it but especially my face shape I have a very round face and I have like odd moles but not enough to be cute freckles
Omg and my nose :> I need a nose job asap
These tops are very fashionable for something you would use around the house op, this top is my new favorite, cute lips too
Would you be willing to post a headshot with your facial features blurred out so we can see this shape?
No idea what the rest of your face looks like but that's an extremely cute bottom third, very kissable lips
These tops are mostly ones I use when I go out every once in a blue moon to drink with my friends at gigs and such :>
That makes more sense, I was starting to imagine what kind of fancy shit you would wear to go out if those tops were your comfortable cloths
On an unrelated note I want to see that bottom lip bleed but that will get you caught 100%
Thank u anon :3
Here is an attempt
I might try the inside of my lip cus apparently it actually heals super quick I’ll post it here if I do :3
You got this op
Btw what's the post limit?, you should make a new thread op this one could die anytime
>especially my face shape I have a very round face
>face isn't round
>nice angles
Nwod, you's trollin'.
Let's see the nose, you lying motherfucker.
When the counters at the bottom go italic, the limit has been exceeded.
does that show for 4chanx too?
I wish I had a button nose so bad bro
Wait so the limit has been exceeded? Oh well
Can't let it die op
U should do small cuts on your tongue for being so ugly and deformed :3 would be hot
Okay done I made a new one and I cut my lip on it a little !!
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You can put your butt on my nose any time, bb.
New thread: >>33283124
I understand why you slice n dice, I did the same to myself and went deep. People here love the deep shit or just love you because you are a woman. Assuming you aren't underage please seek services. To be trapped in a bonfire is unbelievably painful.
looking for a self harm gf that will show me her cuts. I will love you if we talk for a week( just a disclaimer )
discord: dexter_fan

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