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Are you also 27+ years old and have nothing to do on a Friday night? Let's chat!
Rate pics, share memes, or discuss when your back started hurting :)
Let's get to know the older generation on 4chan
Are you bored and online on a Friday night, Anon?
Are you also over the age of 29 and lonely?
Wish you had more like-minded people to chat with or maybe you want to meet people with a completely different perspective than you?
Then look no further than our server!
We are a lively, welcoming bunch of characters with lots of different channels to offer with interesting conversations/voice chats!
We have tradies, artists, gymbros, autists, chill folk, an abundance of memes, and even a handful of women
Don't be shy, come say hi: https://discord.gg/n46mVnqu
yooo they're streaming the first season of Smiling Friends in vc
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Have a bump, it's been an enjoyable place.
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Rate my dinner

I would take a bowl but there is room for improvement.
That looks great. Have you made it before?
Yeah, I usually garnish this dish with green onions and pair it with sliced bell peppers and green beans in garlic and sesame oil, but I haven't been to the store in a while to re-up on my veggies :c
Yes! It's my Firecracker chicken, very easy to make but a little spicy :B
Looks good. Would eat and possibly want seconds.
May I ask the 27+ year old guys what your minimum age is for a romantic partner? As a 33 y/o heterosexual guy I don't see myself being able to date anyone under 25. Women that age just seem too fucked by social media to bother dealing with.
As an 18 F watching boomer guys like you get angry is kinda really funny to me desu
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu

I'm 34. I'm poly so that might make my advice unsuitable for you.

You can't date someone more than 10 years younger than you and expect them to have the same frames of reference as you, nor can you date someone 10 years younger than you in hopes of reliving what life was like for you 10 years ago.

People that much younger than you have had a different upbringing in a totally different world and here's the really important bit: That's not something for them to apologise for. Being compatible with you is not mandatory, just move on.

I'm currently dating a mid 20s and an early 30s and meme culture has mellowed out the difference in upbringing between all of us, any younger and there would be more friction. Yea things like DDLG exist and it's lots of fun, but keep that casual, or at least as good friends.
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African (DRC) guy in Europe here (Netherlands)

I fuck racist white girls I find on tinder, take pics and maybe vids and then dip.

Definitely don't mind sharing other pics of girls I've fucked over the years either, doing my part for the community.

So hit me up if you're interested, my kik is: josephkilongo
Bi girl here, I prefer older guys and younger girls but to answer your question: 18yo 1day
Maybe I would think twice if it's a cis girl that age, since they tend to be more resentful and it could be problematic, but overall I'm a nice person and I'm not scared of those age gaps, I don't understand why people is so focused on it lately; girls are obsessed about bragging about it and males are obsessed over trying to be moral fags and judging everybody not dating somebody their age
Like others might have said, I would strongly prefer a woman younger than me, but no younger than 10 years below my age (am currently 31, so she'd have to be 21 minimum).
>Women that age just seem too fucked by social media to bother dealing with.
That's everyone, not just women. But honestly, men don't really do themselves any favors. Look at any thread on /soc/ featuring a femanon posting her body. It's simp central in there, worshipping her like a fucking goddess.
>hobbies, interests, whatever
Cycling, electronics, BJJ, outdoors, cooking, honestly so many interests we will find one in common. I'm 5'11, white, a little fat but decent looking. I work from home so socialization is sometimes hard, which is why i'm on here.
>looking for
Too many normies in my life and online dating sucks, looking for a biological female to talk to and get to know
>not looking for
people with severe mental health issues, I'm not cut out for crazy
>minimum age is for a romantic partner?
18, but that's mostly down to availability. i'd prefer a 30 yo girl (that's still almost a 20 year age gap). i'm unwilling to date single mothers, and there are very few women age 30 who are single and childless. i have to be willing to include younger girls just to have a decent pool to choose from.
>about me
I am interested in learning about many kinds of people from different places. Really just looking for someone to talk my ear off about basically anything. I'm interested in what your interested in and have loads of time to chat and share.
>looking for
Chatty friends
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I'm 35m and at this point I only really fuck 18-22yo. Yes they are dumb but there is no substitute for young tits, pussy and ass. They like it too bc I'm hot and give them lots of attention and male validation

zoomer babies ik you're lurking this thread, disc diocles9696
bumping for this server, it's actually kinda chill
>bc I'm hot
>posts mid ass reddit physique
get a gym membership and come back in 5 years retard
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34 now and married. Finding a gf was ironically what got me out of my slump. Never had enough motivation to get fit for myself or to increase my chances in dating, but now I am obsessed with obtaining her ideal body and staying healthy for as many years as possible. Joints had just started becoming a painful issue when I hit 30 but now i stretch constantly and feel better than I ever have every day.
post body
bumping for more oldheads
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Your pic inspires me to lift. Thanks wish you both a wonderful life
LMFAO the delusion on this board is incredible
You look like you've never lifted a day in your life lol
What is the delusion exactly? All i did was call >>33284669 pathetic because he's a turbo-dyel calling himself hot and chasing children, then posted body when the bitch requested it
>Biological Female and 25+ prefer if you are older than me (not because of a weird mommy kink thing ((gross)) so if you're into that please don't message me). Please be in the midwest.
>I prefer a virtuous personality to looks. I am not really picky if you are short or tall or whatever. I like when you get excited about your favorite hobbies or sharing obscure facts about your interests. Wanting to spend time going out or even staying in. Sleeping outside or on the road at a cheap motel.
>If you look a little weird or have a limp i think that's kinda cute.
>don't be; obese, lazy, whiny, immature, short with me.
>Your interests; Art history, art teacher, learning about art, literature, nature, fashion, tangerines, the color green or blue.

>27/m/heart of midwest
>5'12" slimfat, sorta bony, soft hair
>I am shy, kind, caring, a very good listener. It takes awhile for me to warm up and gwt to know people and feel comfortable around them.
>Interests; observing, roaming, exploring, film, walking(night or day), art history, music (90's 00's indie), some co-op gaming (rpgs roguelike/lites).
>I know it is lame, but all I do is go to work or sleep in. But, i am working on that, maybe we can work on it together?
Love to hear it, WAGMI brother
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If any cool girls want to chat, my discord is negan20. I'm from the US east coast. I'm 6'3, I know girls don't like to talk to men under 6'2.

On Friday nights I watch On Patrol Live and play video games. I'm playing Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, replaying the Mass Effect series, Marvel's Midnight Suns and replaying Rise of the Tomb Raider.
I'm 47 and my GF is 33. I wouldn't date anyone younger than 28, maybe 25 for casual sex. Around that age mental maturity, life experience, and lack of sexual experience gets in the way.
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I'm 29 going on 30, I don't count 18 out of my options.
I have co-workers (~22-26 y.o.) who gave me shit for dating a 20 yo girl, but........who the fuck else am I supposed to date?
I date whoever likes me, which isn't much. It's not my fault supply and demand is skewed like this.
31 M east coast US

Sex and porn addict that's managed to find some balance in life. Working a high stress and high income job now

>Looking for
Women for casual chat, lewd or not

>Not looking for
men, VC

Afternoon fellow old people!

I'm in my 30s and still have no fucking clue what's going in :)
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I have no fucking clue what's going on. Ever. All I know is that I miss 20 years ago.

Sup mah Millennials?
Are you me?
35 M [still not use to being middle aged]
Looking to chat or share nudz.
Interested in Women or Trans.

Kik maybethisuser
Snap [msg me your snap, I suck at using it desu...]
How is this thread on page 10 after only 3 hours, are people really spam posting in bad threads. I don't see any other thread worthwhile.
>>Cage the Elephant (Cigarette Daydream is my favorite)
>>magic leaf friendly
bumping for oldfags
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Legal to date As for long term romantic partner, it depends on maturity level + where they are in life.
34 m utah

Degenerate musician who likes to tell jokes, give unsolicited advice, and play fighting games. I am working on a videogame, love to lift weights and sometimes I get drunk and fedpost. I've been on this goddamn site way too long. If we lewd, I'm hung and fairly fit. I have a big brother streak. I like history, literature, conspiracy theories, old anime, jrpgs, retrogames, metal music, synthwave (made some a long time ago too) I work in sales so I'll keep you entertained. I've been here forever.

>looking for
A retard to mentor. People to play vidya with, funny people, friends

47 and still dating? Man...
don't judge, man. we're all at different places in life, with different circumstances leading us here. for me, it was a divorce + disability. nothing like being a depressed broke 40 something to scare away all potential female candidates.
i quit telling people im single, i say im retired. if "single" it means still looking.
I have a poster of this in my room
why the fuck are you niggers so goddamn judgmental, just like the wretched normies that drove us to this shit hole to begin with

anyone else just get WORSE with age? I feel stupider than when I was a teenager. Loneliness is doing stupid shit to my brain, and every passing year my morals just degrade further.
woah, you're gorgeous! do you have snap, Discord, or Kik?
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Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Brudda I feel you so hard.
link broken, try this one instead:
Looks tasty
>Chill folk
>Nothing but screeching lefties and regular retards
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well THOSE people certainly aren't the chill folk, just keep looking
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im 26 years old and can never seem to find friends. im not looking for anyone to flirt with just someone to talk to. this is a small server with ppl around my age group as well. pls join (:

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