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>about yourself
>race you're interested in
>looking for
>not looking for
If you're a cute brown girl looking for a white daddy add me on discord: PirloCampari
was just looking for this thread
25/M/US - New York

>about yourself
I'm black, 5'5, culture nerd. Love games, anime, manga, comcis, and pop-culture. Defiantly can read (but can't spell for the life of me), draw, code, just about any activity really. While I am not much of a conversationalist I will match the energy of any conversation to the best of my abilities.

>race you're interested in
Mostly interested in White girls and Asians, but any girl would do.

>looking for
A girlfriend. Or anything really. Whether its an online relationship or one we take to the stars. Someone to have conversations with or even just goon out with if that is what you want. The only hard no's for NSFW are stuff like scat or something. While I'm not interested in black girls, mostly the ghetto attitude. Though I'll probably get over it if we click and what not.

>not looking for
Men, trans, the like. Black girls or ghetto attitude also, but that's not a hard pass. (Having a phat ass or huge tits would probably help ;) )

Discord: nickbeneleven
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>about me
Im 5'5" yes lol
Male bi OF model, I was born extremely poor, I am now attending a top 20 university. I ride a sportbike that goes 150mph, I like to try new things and meet new people. High functioning autism but I can socialize amazingly well on 1-2 drinks.
I enjoy literature, art and the outdoors.

>what I'm interested in
Anyone who has drive and passion but hates the system or has been cast out of the power structure.
When I graduate I am going to buy land and farm, or a sailboat and adventure, or start a newspaper, it will be hard and dirty peasant work for a decade or more. You must be ok with that.

>Not looking for
upper caste whites and Asians, unless you want to become working class

insta: motogphimbo
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
26 M UK
>about yourself
White, skinny but bit toned, kinda nerdy. I like visually interesting things, so I'm into photography. Also like gaming, music (from hip-hop to Clairo), programming, hiking.
>race you're interested in
Any, they're all great
>looking for
Someone who does something cute and interesting, and would like to show it. Fashion and outfits, cosplay, dancing, etc.
Late 20s British white woman who finds non white men hot.
Kik: Charlottema25
26 M Chicago IL
kik - ChitownGuy2025
Interested in F
>about yourself
188cm, white, allegedly handsome, spend most of my free time gaming or playing music. Introverted so not gonna lay it all out here lol
>race you're interested in
If you're cute I don't give a fuck
>looking for
F for serious long-term relationship, any age (18+ obv) or body type
>not looking for
Discord: atwahr
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26/M/Ohio - straight
>>about yourself
White, 6' 3" tall, skinny, brown hair and blue eyes. I will send pictures shortly after you add me.
I work full-time and live on my own. Main hobbies include: firearms, paleontology, military history, collecting old things, history in general, hiking, target shooting, literature, writing, horror and scifi genres for media, occasional PC games, etc etc etc.
>>race you're interested in
All except black... probably.
>>looking for
I will interrogate you with many questions, but my standards are as follows: don't be severely mentally ill, obese, chronically online (especially this stupid website), or someone who lacks goals/hobbies in life. Looking for someone who is intelligent, self-aware, and financially responsible/understanding the concept of "live within your means."
>>not looking for
See above.
Discord: jmb4723
black women are the finest women to walk this earth. that's a fact.

t. white guy
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22 Half-Japanese Femboy US
>about yourself
Half-japanese half white british, work in finance. Like to hike read and play tennis, work out (p active) also big into cooking / fashion
5'11 145 lbs, pretty toned
>race you're interested in
BWC haha
>looking for
see above
such a disgustingly american thread. we have:

the nigger incel
the affirmative action college case
the white incel
the unemployed leech shitskin in sweden
another american incel
>about yourself
Hey there, how are you doing? Thanks for stopping by to read my post.

Little about me nonsexually. I'm a nerdy sort who enjoys games, reading and writing, music, cooking, hiking, and my big thing is movies. Mainly a horror fan but I'll watch anything that isn't a romantic comedy. I also am getting into magnet fishing and blacksmithing, which is exciting. I am very much a night person, work nights and everything at a hospital. I will talk about anything and everything, and I love to nerd out about topics and learn new things, so don't be afraid to ask, and don't be afraid to tell me about hobbies of yours either.

Sexually speaking, I am hypersexual, which means my libido is cranked to an 11 constantly. I am mainly looking for a long-term friend with benefits, I need the connection. My only rule for sex is that you enjoy yourself as much as I do. Sex is supposed to be a relaxing, fun experience for both parties. If it's not, then what is the point of doing it?

SC: Haddenfield
>race you're interested in
Asian or African
>looking for
Mainly a friend with benefits. Someone I can have fun with in and outside the bedroom.
>not looking for
Sugar babies, scammers
SC: Haddenfield
Don't forget the classic

>the ugly europoor loser who quotes everyone with his opinions no one asked for
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>Sexual Interests
Oh gosh a lot I’m a switch so like oral sex cream pies cheating cucking cuckqueen bnwo bbc Bwc race play the list goes on
>Looking For
Someone to make me cum dumb and stress free sending me porn pretending it’s us as we chat
>Not Looking For
Racists degrades
Discord is brainwashedbunny
22, M, Germany

1,87m black haired half sicilian, half german. I Love history, geography, walking outside and weed. I do no other drugs though except nicotine

>looking for
arab or asian, maybe black girl with an interest in long term dating if this doesnt sound too impertinent

>not looking for
people who have a penis,
endless horny people,
obese women

hieronymus21 (discord)
Anything other than Kik? Late 20s M Non-white here.
22 M NYC



No idea

No Idea

28 / WM / IL-USA
>about yourself
passionate. open-minded. easy going and laid back. understanding. creative. introverted. sarcastic and ironic. I love music, animals, theology, languages, and learning new things.
>race you're interested in
black queens and latina dreams
>looking for
a chill woman that want a genuine connection. someone with hobbies and goals. a woman that is respectful and can have fun. preferably in their 20's.
>not looking for
dudes. trans people. underage
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>third world spic thinks the usa is richer than europe
yep, american thread
m, east azn, and many other good things!

>looking for
white girls who are
+ ironically or actually racist
+ into amwf raceplay :3
+ into azn guys

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White guy who's only ever gone after white girls
Just looking for a change of pace I guess

discord: lordlighthouse
>about yourself
6'0, 160 pounds hispanic (white+native+black), often get told i look a lil younger. I like drawing, graphic design, vintage imagery. Maybe should get news hobbies.
>race you're interested in
Anyone is ok tho i generally tend to do better with white girls and not so well with asians
>looking for
someone to have fun with after a stressful day of work. It's good if you're very submissive and kinky
>not looking for
people who add and don't say anything
21 / M / NYC, USA

>About You
Caucasian, brown eyes, short brown hair, nice jawline. I’ve been told by other women that I’m handsome and that I’m hung. I have an average build with some slight muscle. My fashion is usually alternative but I don’t dress stupid.

I like to perform my instruments. I also create art. I enjoy studying Asian languages and traveling to Asia. I play many video games and do other nerdy stuff.

>Looking For
A monogamous relationship with a BBW or SSBBW. I will date any age that is 18+ (I’m okay with dating a millennial). And I’m attracted to all races but I do have a soft spot for East-Asian and Latina/Brazilian women. I especially love foreign women since I am interested in other cultures and languages. It’s also a plus if you’re nerdy but you don’t have to be.

>Not Looking for
Men, trans, fwb, poly, hookups

>Contact Info (Discord)
Whats your full discord tag? Says it needs the 4 numbers.
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24 / M kinda twinkish looking / EU (Wanna move to USA)
>about me
Im pretty curious, openminded and honest, if u dont share those traits please skip me as we probably wont get along.
Mostly into nerdy stuff and nature. I can be pretty random, blunt and I believe I have ADHD.
>looking for
Any race trans or cis gf from USA. (Pls no bpd lol)
BIG PLUS if ur masochistic or sadomasochistic.
Feel free to hmu even if u have weird/degenerate needs/desires (sexual or not) as Im quite flexible so I dont rly mind those kinds of things.
>not looking for
Online only.
Discord: aurelian4

Lol. Fair enough. Though I'm not really an incel, I'll take what I can get.
dude what the fuck is this response.

don't say "fair enough". If I was a girl and I saw this sub message I def wouldn't add you. lmfao. insane. Dude called you the n word and an incel and you went "fair enough, ur right bro"

i gotta get out of here.
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Bump round 2
>Sexual Interests
Oh gosh a lot I’m a switch so like oral sex cream pies cheating cucking cuckqueen bnwo bbc Bwc race play the list goes on
>Looking For
Someone to make me cum dumb and stress free sending me porn pretending it’s us as we chat
>Not Looking For
Racists degrades
Discord is brainwashedbunny
Bro. Lol
Everyday for how many years has it been kfyiu posting?
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added you
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18f, pennsylvania
>about yourself
neet female that just goons all day... i have no use
>race you're interested in
all except white desu
>looking for

>not looking for
normiezz or meaniez
>contact on telegram
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22m, L O N D O N

>about yourself
amateur mma fighter, starting a business, weird fucked up guy! 6'2"! 8inch cock! turkish! 110kg bench press! (holy shit hes strong)

>races you're interested in
all im not racist

>looking for
big booty suffocate me and then i switch and fuck you!

>not looking for
nothing i just want to fuck and get dirty as fuck im fresh outta relationship

discord: @kara.boga
>>about yourself
Black dude, into video games, anime/manga, football and basketball. Moved to a new place and now i know nobody out here
>>race you're interested in
All of em
>>looking for
Honestly just looking for good conversation but i'm open
>>not looking for
Males, Trans, someone who can't hold a conversation
discord: seyi
Wrong contact?
I'm just gonna write this on a whim but

I'm 22m ny

I am a white guy. Socially awkward, but charming (at least I hope?) lol. I like to be reassured a lot, and I like a lot of attention. I can be clingy as well. I want to make a bunch of money and then retire early. I don't have much conventionally good going for me atm. I masturbate a lot and watch youtube. Um, a bit mentally ill like probably depressed, anxious, and mildly autistic.

I like "asian-looking" women.

Basically I just would like a relationship with someone who has "eye love bands" or something that looks similar to "aegyo sal." I like a lot of affection, but it needs to be a very slow burn or I'll get scared. You have to be 18+. I'm willing to give anyone a shot who thinks we'll click. I am looking for cisgender women.

I am not looking for minors, trans people, or men.

Discord is:

27 M US
>about yourself
White, 6'. Work in IT. Love books, manga, video games, movies, anime, sports, all that jazz. Autistic, but you already guessed that.
>race you're interested in
Any outside my own! Honestly, darker is better. Bonus points for South Asian girls with cute accents.
>looking for
Something fun and flirty! Nothing too serious off the bat. I'd like to talk to someone with similar interests and have conversations throughout the day.
>not looking for
Bigots, impatient people
Discord: snydercut
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>about yourself
Just a real simple, guy, who enjoys watching sitcoms,playing old video games, shit posting and geekin.Oh, and I'm black and 5'7, if that matters.
>race you're interested in
All of them
>looking for
Girlfriend/boyfriend maybe? Just people to talk to, I guess.
>not looking for
people really into raceplay, I guess.

You can't deny the truth, my boy.
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I’m actually a racist 30 year old guy and I’m going to keep my location secret for now
But sometimes I think black girls are kinda cute, but yes I will probably think of you as a lesser being!
Hit me up if you’re interested pic related is me!
I have snap/telegram if interested
About me:
6’4 white blue eyed person, who likes the idea of getting a black girl pregnant but I never would.
My brother married a philipina and my other brother married a Mexican, and I cannot ruin the last chance my bloodline has of staying pure by knocking up a black chick
I work as a waiter in my spare time, and a mover. I also gamble a lot at casinos
Sometimes I do drugs usually not though
Newlysingle2669 on kik 29 m ohio

Lol. Like I should actually care how another guy responds and calls me online. Though I did want to see what the replay chain would be. If that is enough to turn people away, ain't that working in my favor?

Regardless though, thnx for the tip, and it probably would help heal all our brain rot if we got out of here.
33, m, new england

>about yourself

tall, white, strong. interested in bad movies, literature, cooking, and crafts. i have a way with words that people seem to enjoy. I'm not a complicated man.

>race you're interested in
I've got Latina fever.. it's terminal

>looking for
a cute and quirky woman whom I can shit talk random passerbys with. an anime nerd would be excellent as I'd love to cosplay together

>not looking for

trauma dumping, one-sided conversation, dealing with cartel associated relatives, someone who won't play into my bad jokes, menudo, i cannot stand the soups broth or the band.


26 m, 6’2 athletic white guy with a 9 inch cock

Looking for women who fetishize white men/like to be fetishized by white men

I really want to pick your brain and learn how you got into it

discord doemoe62920
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Me and my fiance have decided to try something new. I made her a kik account and shell be open to flirting and talking to other guys while im at work. Ill get to see and read the messages when im back. Im not expecting anything but im curious to see the results.

Her kik: LuckyLucy443

Name: Lucy
Occupation: Student & waitress
Age: 23
Status: engaged
Consent: granted
Catfish or not him
20, M, gay, UK - kind and loving top seeking fem
>about yourself
Hello, I’m a strong masculine top from County Durham seeking a femme-leaning bottom who needs to be taken care of and looked after. I value honesty, kindness and just being a good person. I pride myself on Honesty, integrity and honour above all else.
my interests are
Military - I'm an absolute huge Military enthusiast. I’m interested in all the vehicles, the weapons, the stories. Everything about it is so interesting. I go to military reenactment shows.
Culture - I’m fascinated by other cultures and peoples and seeing both the differences as well as the similarity to our culture. I often link this with my dream to see different parts of the world. I’d say my interest stems once again from my Father and the conflict zones around the world he fought in as well as the stories he told me. Like how he found the morning prayer in Iraq to be soothing.
Travelling - I love seeing new places and meeting new people. I like to take in new surroundings, be it a village in my county or abroad in somewhere like Germany.
Film - I love films. I like most films
Art - I love some art but not all. I’m not a big fan of abstract or performance art compared to more classic pieces.
I don’t want to give myself away completely so I’ll keep some secrets till we talk. I also want to know your passions and dreams as well as interests.
>race you're interested in/looking for
You must be:
-Fem (Femboy, Sissy etc.)
-You can be any ethnicity or race
-Cute (I already bet you are )
-Around my age (20)
-Have to be in Great Britain
-Not Overweight
Not a must but I love it when you have cutesy hobbies like painting or gardening.
>Not looking for
-Tops or switches
-LDR outside of the GB (It really won’t work due to me having to stay in country and look out for my disabled sister)

If you’re looking for a kind, caring, and reliable top, please hit me up in my DM’s. My discord is tommcuk
Kek really? Guess an 18 year old neet that goons all day and looks like that was too good to be true
Why do you have a can of raid right next to your toothpaste
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I had some ants there, but if you look closely you can also see my cleaning spray and razor
If my ID change, it’s still me
Yall have been larping and posting this guys photos on here for years, look at that old ass iphone. When was this photo stolen? 2019?
I'm a 24 M from Canada. White, 6'1, strong and muscular, slightly racist.

Looking for brown girls who want to chat about whatever, and have some fun too. Long distance is okay! Please be prepared to send pics, I can send mine right awah

my discord is stencil2993
Kik : Itschnll22

Experienced Domme here looking for a nerd virgin sub guy that willing to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL.

I can verify since lot of fake Dommes are here.

im from UK so if you think you can please me IRL. Lets talk about it and meet me at my private dungeon room.

29 Bio Female Canada


I;m working from home this week and feel really lonely. Looking for a nice guy or girl to chat with, no edgelords or racists please!

I like literature, poetry, art, old music, etc, etc.
doesn't work?
sorry, try now!
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26 / M / New Jersey

>>about yourself
I'm a NEET who is a writer of Fantasy, Slice of Life, and Sci-Fi Light Novels in the making. I know how to keep myself clean and my house tidy. I take care of my appearance and I know how to cook a little bit, still learning. I enjoy fast food joints so we can always go out and eat.
I get NEETBux, SNAP, and GA so I can buy things I want within a budget and we won't go hungry if you don't mind me being a jobless Nerd.

Yes I'm a nerd who likes Anime, Manga, Manhua, Manwha, and most of all Videogames. I also take interest in going to the gym and working out, Bowling, Cycling, Dog Walking, and talking about politics and/or philosophy.

I'm an introvert but mostly stoic. But I'm kind hearted, sweet and respectful and always willing to listen to your problems. Keep in mind that I am politically incorrect but I keep an open mind.

My Health Issues are: Sickle Cell Anemia, Aspergers, Clinical Depression

>>race you're interested in
I'm interested in Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Filipino, and any race of Asian Descent. I'm also Okay with white girls

>>looking for
A partner I can even consider a friend! Who can share problems with each other through thick and thin. Someone who is diverse in thinking and has a unique aspect on life in general. GOTHS, EMOS, PUNKS, I like them all

You can be fat, you can be ugly, you can be thin, you can be muscly, I don't judge appearances just as long as you're not OBESE or a KAREN

MUST BE WILLING TO DO LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS WITH EXPECTATIONS TO MEET ONE DAY. Must be willing or looking forward to possible marriage proposal and/or Kids

>>not looking for
BLACK WOMEN, they're too intense and scare me sometime.
RATCHET WOMEN, too ghetto
TOO FREE SPIRITED WOMEN: women who have high standards, they're pricks and never appreciate the good in life

discord: Closet Possum
reddit: TheClosetPossum

PS: Plz be of Asian Descent, I REALLY WANT a Asian GF
hey you're almost exactly what I'm looking for. wanna chat sometime on Discord? My post is above
34 m USA

I'm Greek so I'm white I guess.

Looking for a female homewrecker to chat with. My girlfriend doesn't satisfy me anymore sexually or emotionally so I'm pretty much done with the relationship. Looking for a girl who doesn't mind stealing the cum and attention of another woman's man.

Preferably a Black, Indian, Asian or Latina homewrecker.

Kik: Gekas13
Disc: titi_henry14
Yeah, clearly, no way a woman would call herself a "female that just goons"
That’s actually me lol
That’s an older photo, I just lost my hair
19 male usa (west coast)
>about yourself
i’m a 5’11 165lbs white guy with green or blue eyes depending on who you ask and medium length blonde hair and glasses. i’m mostly an introvert and only really like spending time with people i like. i’m not in school but i do work. i play a lot of video games, play guitar, write, read, etc. i honestly only go outside for food or work and thats abt it.
>race you're interested in
primarily east asian girls. open to middle eastern or maybe african.
>looking for
someone who shares interests with me and that i can overall get along with. i’d prefer if your closer to my age but if we click i don’t really mind if there is a gap (to some extent atleast). as long as you’re into anime, music, video games, and any form of fictional nerd shit we will get along pretty will. especially if you have a bit of a competitive streak and have strong opinions about random niche things.
>not looking for
people who randomly ghost for hours at a time. we are both on soc neither of us is doing fuck all else. obv if you’re working or something that’s fine but ykwim.
disc: pariah_solomn
bump this shit up
don't think you did? lmao

29m from the DRC living in Europe.

I fuck racist girls raw and then dip, sharing stories and pics/vids with you guys, doing it for the community.

If you're interested hit me up on kik: josephkilongo

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