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>go on /soc/
>90% of the threads have a dick as the thumbnail
>check replies
>95% of the replies are gay men or femboys

I'm wondering why this is. any oldfags (or anyone really) can explain or know why?
4chan is a 90% male website
Anyone expecting to meet someone for sex off here is expecting meet a male
That simple
If men can't get sexual attention from women, they'll try to get it anywhere they can
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straggots need to get out, this board exists so I can hit on sexually frustrated cute weirdo socially awkward bisexual boys
Im honestly tired of seeing some of you fool yourselves into believing women browse this place
And also lots of spambots. The root cause is the complete lack of moderation. The "no duplicates" rule gets blatantly ignored as you can see from 20 identical gay dick threads. Men posting dicks in female only camwhore threads. Discord server spam. Obnoxious troons and faggots copypastaing their profile on every single thread. All of these stay up and none ever get cleaned up.

We've discussed possible solutions before. In addition to the obvious, enforcing the rules, other possibilities have been making /soc/ a blue board. You know, back to its original roots, its name was /soc/ial. Also make /lgbt/ orange, so they have a containment board to post their dicks in.

And to newfags, /soc/ was not like this at all in the past. A few years ago, there were plenty of girls posting. Faggots had one thread instead of 20. "Female only" threads also were not infested with troons lying about being female.
Also this

These three posts are it basically
Nah there used to be a lot of femanons on here, think back to like 2010. I met two chicks off soc and banged them, they were actually hot, just a lil socially awk and way too into anime.

The thing is, it was edgy to treat every woman like shit when she showed her tits on here.

When onlyfans happened, those women chose money and simps over random neckbeards insulting them.

End of an era, was glad I was here for the golden age, but it was ruined by the majority like all things usually are.
as an addendum, /b/ got the same way. its all sex now. I used to come here for memes. I think the issue is that india got on the board but thats just my knee jerk racism. We def have an eternal september situation tho
Even as a degen I agree
If you could magically mass ban India from the rest of the internet, you would see an instant improvement
Not that there's never slop posts from other countries but holy shit
Even when I stoop low enough to watch porn I end up just seeing deshi auntie chodi crap and want to eat buckshot it's fucking disgusting
The last time I met a female from /soc/ was in 2018. Now they are simply gone. Only faggots and troons remain.
Yeah I wish
I've been casually browsing soc for at least 10 years. Well before I was legal if I'm being honest. I want to say back in 2010, 2011, there were maybe one or two dick threads a week. The rest were actually about hooking up. I even met up with some people for a LAN party one time. How I'd need a zpack and a full body condom if I never thought about hooking up with one of these guys. Theyre just too gay.That's a sure way to get aids or worse.
Smartphones. Before everyone had one in their pocket 24/7, spending large amounts of time on the internet was niche. The type of people who wanted to be spend hours chatting with each other and shitposting was low. It allowed women to get attention in a (mostly) harmless manner. Sure, like >>33278285 said, femanons had to deal with ribbing and trolling, but it wasn't much compared to the attention. Now anyone can post a picture on instagram, a video on TikTok, or just open up an OF, and they get 10x the attention, and everyone is scrolling constantly to get the dopamine hits
Egirls on 4chan is simply a thing of the past. Hell, even e-celebs and lolcows too I'd say. Almost all the zoomer egirls are on twitter and all the millennial ones who were here in the early 2010s are probably married with kids
Range banning India, russia and 3rd worlders in general would be a massive improvement for all of 4chan
All of Europe honestly
These posts are pathetic.
You can't expect to meet girls here. There are no girls here. No matter it's 2010 or 2024, if a girl browsing here would want to meet you, she would, and if she doesn't you would never know there was a girl around.

On the other hand, it's a nice place to meet trannies, femboys and twinks.
>On the other hand, it's a nice place to meet trannies, femboys and twinks.
The point is that these were not the majority 10 years ago. There were plenty of women on here, ALL camwhore threads always had regulars, and you didn't have to see 20 different discord threads with the same people in them
There are no girls here anymore because faggots and tranny lovers like you angrily chased them away.
10 years ago there also wasn't OF and related types of sites. Those only exploded with Belle Delphine and all the cam, findom and other types of whores moved there. Everything else has become inconsequential to them. So a large amount likely went there. As for the weird femcels that aren't whores, that we're all so desperately searching for, I have no idea where they went. Likely isolated to their interest communities, not meeting up over message boards, but using normie apps like tinder, bumble, hinge and so on. So they all eventually get on the normie chad cock-carousel, or they're still alone and just not searching any more, which would be sad, because how can we find them if they've completely fallen off?
I second that anon's idea to turn /soc/ into a blue board and turn /lgbt/ or something else red, to evict all the coomers, fags and trannies from here and make this just a SFW meetup board.
think about it, if you're a girl looking for a normal relationship, you don't want to spend all day looking at the catalog full of nsfw and degenerate threads. You can't do that at work or college, you can only do that at home and only cause you're a guy that can mentally filter out and ignore those threads. Can't even do it when not alone because how do you explain looking at pics of dicks and fag ass when you're scrolling the catalog.
So if you banned nsfw you'd actually massively improve the gender ratio. There would also be a lot less fags and trannies, as they're usually hypersexual porn addicts coomers, so when they can't get their fix of porn here, they'd go somewhere else.
The current situation is promoting LGBT types of degenerate relationships, hookups, whoring (all types) and porn addiction. The exact opposite of what you want to be doing.
"Weird femcel" checking in
Can confirm, still lonely and stopped looking
Giving up makes me feel sad and alone, continuing makes me feel sad and alone
I'm not even looking for my soul mate or anything, I'd just like friends again, where tf do like minded people even find each other anymore?
If another person says "inrl" it's time to an hero, bcs if I could make meaningful connections inrl I wouldn't be here in the first place
>be newfag
>hmmm /soc/, let's check it out, maybe I can meet fun people
>very first thing you see is picture of a guy spreading his hairy butthole wide open
>close window and never again return
This is the sad state of /soc/ today. How many people, including girls, do you think have been turned off this board forever because it's an ocean of lewd faggotry pics?
Porn addiction is a puritan dog whistle. Go back to Twitter if your puritan pride is being stung.
What /soc/ actually needs is less gooning and coomer behavior.

t. F that was here since the start of /soc/ and doesn't mind the dick window shopping of /soc/, but minds the gooners sliding on her accounts.
I literally addressed OF and the like already. And your weird incel rhetoric of them all fucking Chad is another reason this board is dead these days. 4chan always had some puritan types, but it's completely overrun the place in the last few years. This place used to be extremely agnostic to the point of mocking religion very openly, and now it's largely Christian and everyone is looking for their femcel tradwife
>anon thinks the femanon said she was trans
>t. newfag
who are you quoting
F = trans
Didn't you get the memo
This anon >>33284343 thought that this femanon >>33284063 was trans because she signed her post "t. F" and he's new so he read it as "trans female"

Did I spell it out enough for you?
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you'll laugh now, I came across an advert for a service, what do you think?
They offer to improve your skills in communicating with girls on their AI model, I go in and there's another model, some whore for sexting, that's the "product"
stop gargling his disgusting troon axe wound fag
What are you schizo posting about?
Nobody wants your slop holy shit stfu
Why all of europe?
I am myself gay and femboy or whatever you want to call me and that's the main reason why I barely touch /soc/

Nah it's just that people online are coomers, that's just that
Dating apps.
Even this thread got raided by bots. Sad.

>there aren't enough women
>degens start going gay
>women get scared off
>there are even less women
>more degens start going gay
>more women get scared off
>there are zero women now

The cycle of sissification.

The solution here would be to start spamming all duplicate threads hundreds of posts about duplicates being illegal and all NSFW gay-sissy-tranny eyebleach picture threads with "ew it's gross" posts.

If the moderators continue to do nothing, the threads will eventually die because of the spam and all the degens will go to other places.

If the moderators do start fighting flooding, they will also see the texts, see the problems mentioned there, and maybe for once they will listen and turn /soc/ into a board that is less disgusting to browse.
It's not even about coomers. It's about self-discipline.There's nothing wrong about being a turbocoomer, as long as you don't ruin the fun for other people by spamming everything with gay porn or discord ads or starting your ASL posts with "i'm a sissy cringe faggot, look how sissy and cringe i am".

The irony is - without discipline you will eventually come to the point where you will scare off everybody else (even fellow degens) and be alone in your cooming.
>I'm wondering why this is. any oldfags (or anyone really) can explain or know why?
LGBT is a SFW blue board
4chan was never good.
As a chick, the faggot porn threads are whatever to me (guilty of browsing dick threads myself, I'll admit), it's more of just the sheer number of porn threads in the catalog and how hyper-specific some of them are that makes me sigh sometimes, so something like what >>33284063 said. A lot of those coomer threads feel so unnecessary. It kinda makes it feel like few are interested in the human connection aspect.

That said, I will unfortunately remain here in blind hope of finding 'the one' since this place and its anons have shown some promise and because I refuse to ever touch a dating app not even with a 10ft pole.

I don't know what anyone's doing wrong here. I regularly get women in my dms when I post. Now, keeping them around... that is the challenge. Either I get bored with them or they just ghost me because I said their music sounds like of mice and men and that pisses them off or something gay like that.

It's a numbers game anon. I can confirm that you can make some awesome friendships from time to time here.
>Posts quintessential trooncore
Wait, some girls actually like random dick pictures? I thought only males like it.
There's a difference between looking at dick threads when horny and trying to get to actually know someone and getting sent a dick pic for... whatever reason when it wasn't something that neither of us had been building towards.

Now, I don't cry 'omg men are so vile, they're all perverted monsters' or get offended by a random dick pic, but throwing one out there for no reason is just not gonna do anything for me, especially if I'm not horny. Like, how are you even expecting me to feel? If a guy I'm trying to get to know just sent me one of those when I didn't ask for one it kinda tells me that he's not really interested in taking anything serious/is a gooner or coomer (especially considering the gooner and coomer epidemic on the board) and I'm gonna lose all interest. I'd much rather get to know someone for a little while and if things get spicy during conversation, get asked if I want a dick pic (which I will basically always say yes to).

That's most likely just me though, so regardless, please still don't go sending dick pics no one asked for to a girl you want something serious with be it a friendship or a romantic relationship.
well, it depends, i'm an awfull curious person, it's always fascinating to me to see how ''real' people are build, i'm a big fan of '' CBT'' threads on /fit when ''average''( they are not) guys post their bodies ( and it's alway adorable how they all seems so insecure while being super fit )
just a close up dick pic is boring, but sometime, you get the dick pic and a good chuck of the body and it's way more interesting to see how everything is attached together, at some rare occasion, a full body pic is great and when i'm super lucky, head included
thanks to porn and social media, i feel like everyone is forgetting how imperfect people are and everyone is hiding behind make up, angle and filtrers, i like how '"raw''and ''candid'' the pics are here, even is most of them have no idea how to take flattering pics, don't worry, men in general have no idea how to takes good pictures of themselves

i don't really find it arousing or anything, i just can't get turned on by pics only, i need the sounds of a voice, the smell of a skin, the warmth of hands, all the little thing i just can't find online anyway
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> I refuse to ever touch a dating app not even with a 10ft pole.

Same. Most people use them for either an ego boost, hookups, or a free dinner. Why else would a dating app offer a subscription that gets you more swipes?
Some of the jannies are actually pushing all the gay and tranny shit
>Got banned for "harassment" for calling out a tranny posting in a female only thread, despite the tranny getting his posts deleted for the thread gender rule
>Any time you complain about all the gay shit, the jannie bans you for "complaining about 4chan"
>Dick pics have been left up for hours in female only threads
There is definitely less women, but some women are still around. They just tend to lurk more of the time now or don't announce they are women, and the ones who are active are the same circle of well known entitled whores (chickinclaw, Rin, etc). The rest are bots/catfish.
There was a huge cultural shift around 2015 to start pushing the LGBT issue, especially the troon shit. You even see tranny shit advertising on normie porn sites. I NEVER remember seeing that shit on porn sites growing up. Faggots and troons unironically ruined it.
>inb4 pol

The only way to fix it at this point would be to make /soc/ a blue board and create an alternative board called /hookup/ or something where all the gooners could go. Or maybe have a red version of /LGBT/ where they could meet. Quarantining these people is the only solution at this point. Jannies would be working overtime (without pay) to clean this shit up.
Nice to know some women at least are genuinely trying on here, was starting to lose hope after going through like 7 girls so far. Would have happily talked more in depth with any of them but it was like pulling teeth.
It's even more weird than that. Sellers and spammers get reported yet never get banned, even when they post in completely unrelated threads. It's almost as if they are protected and nurtured for some reason.
>There is definitely less women, but some women are still around.
Where did most of the women go? I'm asking this question over and over, but aside from the usual incel "they are all on onlyfans" bullshit I didn't find an answer yet.
>create an alternative board called /hookup/ or something where all the gooners could go

And ban all NSFW pictures from that board. The picture one man jerks off to is a boner killer to another man. Plus ban or merge all duplicate threads (no more dozens of similar threads about dicks or fatties), and any kind of sellers.
I mean, they're kinda not wrong. A lot of them did start OF's, but they also hang around the usual dating apps.
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don't forget that being on OF doesn't mean you make thousand of bucks from it, most of content creator don't make a living out of it, just like for streamers

but i have to ask you, were there this much girls on soc before or were they transgirls all along ?
There were more girls posting yes. I'm a bit of an oldfag myself, so that one anon that said 2015 is where shit started to hit the fan was kinda correct. I remember college girls were posting regularly, winter break hit and all the girls went home, then suddenly the gays took over.
Online spaces are intentionally subverted, driving out the original people and replacing them
So allegedly, another reason why /soc/ has been getting so many gays is because /lgbt/ keeps telling their people to come here for rates. Add that to the coomers here that are prison gay and we got the situation we're in now.
no he thinks its trans because women dont say puritan dog whistle thats tranny nuspeak retard
Imagine thinking that people can't be women if they use words however they want to on this khmer basket weaving imageboard
>Porn addiction is a puritan dog whistle!!!
>Soc needs less gooning and coomer behavior!!!
Unbelievable intellect here, truly awe inspiring. Over 75% of this board gets used for dudes talking to other dudes because they need to constantly indulge their fantasies. Scroll through literally any dirty telegram, discord, or kik thread and you'll see nothing but men, so hopelessly sunken into the porn-rotted fantasies that they create echo chambers with each other as they post hours after hour for the exact same shit. Kill yourself nigger, try to only speak when your words mean something.
t. Kyle Carrozza posting in prison

Oldfag here. /soc/ and 4chan in general used to have more women, even if it was always heavily male dominated. A lot of posts here mention stuff like lack of moderation, spam, the website being mostly male, but I think these are all missing the mark as they were always true. IMO the main reason is one most people on the site now will never acknowledge because a lot of them are part of the problem and are kind of brainwashed. And it is basically:


Specifically, the 4chan takeover by the right. It was never a progressive website but it used to be a nihilistic, mostly apolitical anonymous shitposting meme factory, which appeals to both men and women.

In the last decade it got a lot more serious, especially with the rise Trump and social media and a gender wars and shit. I think women are more aware of this and basically have no incentive to post here. It was dangerous for them in the past but could still be fun and a lot of women I think just didn't care about the risks. Nowadays, you have nonstop rants about women on the site, incel shooters in mainstream news, a lot of weird violent vibes, and also most regular-tier weird dudes have left 4chan and it's now a backwater of frustrated horny nazis with weird repressed homoerotic daddy issues.

Women posting here is like rolling the dice on getting stalked, hooking up with anyone IRL is a potential rape or homicide, so we're left with a bunch of dudes waving their dicks around.
Reminder that >/pol/ and >/mlp/ were both supposed to be timed containment boards that would be deleted after a while, but that never happened.
Girls dont use the internet.
imagine being so socially retarded that you cant spot an autistic male larping as a woman. denying porn addiction should have been your first red flag that youre not dealing with a woman but a brainrotted coomer tranny. women *can* use whateved words they want but they don't. What is it like living with low IQ?
is anyone supposed to know who that is you terminally online coomer
I have better IQ than you because I don't need to rely on so many buzzwords to get my point across
Guy who was a Cartoon Network animator who got jailed from possession of 600+ CP
as if lmao youre way safer with a /pol/tard than you are with some self proclaimed feminist leftist male. those guys are always creeps that just put on an act to lure women into a false sense of security and then abuse them. you retards dont even live in the real world lmao some fantasy lalaland. youre seriously retarded m8
obviously you dont youre hopelessly naive.
who watches shartoon network anymore? just sọyfags
>safer with a poltard
Stopped reading right there
because youre the exact type of person addressed in the post <):^)
Honestly you're a funny anon, so full of yourself
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>90% of the threads have a dick as the thumbnail
>know why?
OP is a faggot, just like in this thread.
4chan is a tame as hell website, what are you on? We’ve had freaking reddit using boomers on /pol/ and other boards for almost 10 years now. Now X on the other hand…
This. I jumped to Discord after 8 chan was kill and it's been nice. I run a server with 15,000 people along with a couple Anon "friends", don't have to worry about gay jannies and mods from here. Or newfags that will respond to this post with dick-riding sentiments towards this site.
What about /lgbt/? Isn't that also supposed to be a containment board?
Isn't that all the more of a reason to petition for a nsfw /lgbt/?
>we want to be able to post our dicks and butts here
>you are discriminating against us just wanting to be ourselves by not letting us post our dicks and buttholes here
>it is an important part of being lgbt
>please don't force us to go to that hetero board /soc/
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>why is soc gay?
Why not lol? Moot gave you(s) the ability to socialize on this toxic board and all that people post is butthole. This is proof 4chan is gay.
yeah, this is why i mainly stopped coming to /soc/ (femanon), you have to wade through so much shit just to get to one person half worthwhile to talk to
majority of 4chan has always been male. Majority of spaces like this tend to be male dominated due to the nature of the discussions taking place, not just what is being talked about but how it is talked about.

Men are hypersexual compared to women generally, and you can experience this first hand if you see how easy it is to hook up on grindr vs tinder or whatever, and soc is no different really.

party on my dude
It'd be pushing the narrative that gays are nothing but coomers (which is true). Also, are the jannies ever gonna do something about these bots?
If that’s all you want you can just search specifically for the sfw disc threads and ignore pretty much everything else
Yes but it's not supposed to be timed like /pol/ and /mlp/ were
WHEN is this nsfw shit getting banned & cleaned up? You could call this board "LGBT+ meetups, porn & degeneracy" at this point, all the normal people let cause of this shit, including me! Just nuke it all !
Make /soc/ blue. Make /lgbt/ nsfw. It really would be that simple. Everyone would win.
/soc/ went to shit when porn site owners and pornographers came here. In fact, I noticed the board becoming less organic when escorts and amateur porn stars came here LARPing as organic users. You think those two redheads shoving dildos in themselves were organic 4channers? They were brought in from the outside to advertise cam sites. Both were escorts and a rich Jewish user (not trying to sound /pol/) rented them. Maybe the first two years had legit posters. All of them left and fucked off getting married.
As a guy who is interested in the human connection aspect, and wants a girl to stick around for longer than a one-night-sexting, how do we find channers like you?

Are you browsing /soc's discord threads and adding us when we post our user?
Because fags are a disease that always spread to where they are least wanted. Subversion and degeneracy.
>this one time a camwhore advertised on /soc/ and that totally turned the board into the cesspit of faggots and troons it is today
AMEN AMEN THIS 10000000000
I like seeing cock when im horny not randomly
I wanna converse and talk and laugh at memes
If i get in the mood ill send some flirts or try to start a sext
But the just massive amount of guys randomly sending cock first or mid convo puts me off
The board was called social, not cams. The camwhores weren’t mere horny girls. They were escorts brought in.
That's funny, considering that just about the only thing that ever gets removed from /soc/ is mentioning sex for money. The 30 duplicate dick threads, faggots posting dicks on female threads, and troons pretending to be women never get removed. Try making a sugar daddy thread for straight people and you'll see it get removed fast.

But yes blame "escorts" and not the degenerate coomer crossdressing homosexuals for ruining this board.
I’m aware the ones you listed exist to this day. Escorts and amateur porn stars are what greased up the slippery slope.
Well that’s why you should never post in any sexual related threads. Or if you’re a woman honestly better just to add people yourself instead of posting in general just to be safe.
Population of people gets exponentially bigger every year but the societal treatment of women doesn't change that much so the number of guys online grows because of the discouraging atmosphere women experience when interacting online which leads to an excess of WAY more guys than ever but with so few women around they turn to more "progressive" (in the technical sense) alternatives to satisfy their innate want for affection and gratification from their desired types of partner which lends itself either to the plethora of other guys around or the handful of guys who take really easy shots of their shaved thighs or their butt in panties which is just enough to satisfy this inflated ecosystem of men who have been deprived of balanced social interactions. Hence, dickpics and femboys.
I mean, I understand the need for cooming and affection, but I am so repulsed by the thought and sight of a man (me being a man myself) that I would vomit before ever considering the possibility of becoming gay. I'd rather be single and lonely forever or kms than touch a guy. I wouldn't do that though. Fags and trannies deserve the rope for the weakness of mind and body they have displayed, and deserve the ultimate judgement from other people, to be marginalized and excluded from society, lest it turn into a debaucherous satanic child-molesting and child sacrificing (cult of transexualism, puberty blockers aka sterilization drugs aka suicide causation) pedo-accepting basedciety. Which is where we are now, and I hardly think that's good. It's literally harming children by teaching them evil fairytales when they're too young to understand and they trust the adults around them, but they molest and sacrifice them before they can defend themselves. The normalization of LGBTP+ in basedciety is a phenomena of the end-stage of current society and will lead not only to genocide through sterilization but to mass famine and a collapse of western civilization.
fucking word filter got me. s o y c i e t y. which fag mod came up with this word filter?
>I will unfortunately remain here in blind hope of finding 'the one' since this place and its anons have shown some promise
I'm a girl too and honestly it sounds insane to me that you'd be browsing 4chan out of all places to find a guy? You'd have much better luck on discord connecting with guys in communities related to your favourite media or hobbies, and it's easy sniffing out which guys frequent 4chan.
Guy here. I'm not some /pol/ster who wants to take away women's rights or anything.

..ok I admit I sometimes post on /pol/, but mostly just for fun. I sympathize with the person you're responding to because as bad as this may seem, femanons here have shown more potential (albeit not much) than anywhere else nowadays. I keep browsing here because it requires no effort and keep enjoying the occasional fling here. But I have never and will never show nude pictures or say anything perverted, especially unsolicited.
From a guy's perspective I can see the appeal of finding a femanon and meeting up, but on the opposite side the chances that he's a coomer, raging misogynist and a pedo are basically guaranteed. So I'm surprised some femanons even think it's safe to meet a guy from here. Most interactions would be as superficial as dating apps anyways compared to communities where you regularly interact casually.
>Dating apps

I've never had much success on those. But a lot of that is because, and I'm sorry I have to be honest, finding a woman who truly stands out there is almost impossible. Literal cookie cutter carbon copies with nothing special, and most don't respond.

I get what you're saying about being a femonon on this site, and the amount of dick pictures in these threads speak for themselves. But honestly, any time you meet a guy on a date, whether it's from here or anywhere, he always will have one end goal in mind. That doesn't mean he's a creep unless he does other things that make him creepy. But at least guys here can be honest about their intentions, I just wish they'd use more tactful approaches so it wouldn't give the rest of us a bad rap.

Oh well.
I wouldn’t say everyone is only interested in one thing. A lot of people here outside of the blatant nsfw threads are pretty genuine and interested in a bunch of topics when it comes to being friends. When it comes to the opposite sex those interactions usually go well too for me, very innocent on both sides.
You're not wrong. But still, virtually any time a single, heterosexual guy messages a woman that instinct is in the back of their mind to see where things go. That doesn't mean that if nothing sexual develops or happens that he necessarily loses all interest if there's common ground. But the ratio of women vs men I add on this site is like over 100 to 1 for that reason. And most of the time nothing develops when I add a femanon and if they're boring or unresponsive I delete them. But I still talk to several femanons I've formed platonic friendships with even if there's been no romance that came out of it.

But I'll also admit, if they were guys I would have most likely never added them to begin with.
What are you even talking about? What does sexuality have to do with it, you don’t even know what they look like lol
>how do we find channers like you?
Hell if I know, it's not like we group around in a secret non-coomer discord server or website something like that. It's all about luck.
>Are you browsing /soc's discord threads and adding us when we post our user?
Yeah, I used to quite frequently a while ago, and most of those adds ended up in either ghosting, no messages at all from either of us due to no chemistry, or getting blocked out of the blue mid-conversation like after a month of knowing the person. I'm at a point in time where I'm more tired and busy than usual and not really looking for more friends, but still browse in case I see anyone that catches my attention.
Nta but anon, I very well know that if I post in a horny thread I will get dick pics because that's literally the reason I even posted there in the first place. What I and the other anon was probably also talking about was for all those other times we added someone or got added by someone else in a not horny thread, where it's expected to have casual conversation and actually meet people and got sent a dick for no reason.
I find that discord communities are always filled with normies, autists who have melties and sjw underages. Not to mention that I personally find it tough to make friends in a group setting with other randos I don't know. I don't think the polfag issue is all that bad in /soc/ desu, most of them make themselves known in their posts one way or another. And that leaves dating apps, which are... basically their only purpose is hookups which I'm not interested in.

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