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Why do I struggle so much with dating
Yes my body I bizarre but I’m 6’
Isn’t that enough? Should i roid ot I’d it over
Tired of being a sexless freak
Rate me?
Damn bro that body is bizarre I’m sorry it’s a no
Either stop eating, lift, or kill yourself. Those are your only three options. Choose wisely.
Do exercise and better yourself?
I already lost 30lbs, I do lift. Since 2022. And suicide is for women and trans>>33278245
ive been lifting since December 2022, I’m 6’ 166lbs.
Bro is built like a One Piece character
It’s probably a hormonal issue, which in that case, roiding might actually fix. But I mean like HRT roiding (with test, of course), and not just hopping on some insane cycle. Your doctor might be able to help you actually.
So it’s best to just accept girls won’t ever find me sexually attractive and cut my losses?
I just want to be at peace
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its time to lose weight and start lifting heavy objects, your body is awful
also you have klinefelters disease
Join our fitness server for advice.


Telegram chat with gore and SH: https://t.me/+vzfEI-vqUjM0MjA0
He lifts and his arms look as so, but my hypothesis is underlying, undiagnosed hormonal issues which klinefelters would make sense
It’s time to reroll
Excuse me? Bro just ask your doctor to help you with your marfans it ain’t that hard
no offense man but this is the uncanny valley ver. of dad bod.
anyone with dad bod can find someone (i should know) but this is an inverse cursed version.

sorry to lay it on so thick but i am stoned as SIN rn so i'm gonna be really real with ya ok?
I don’t think it’s marfans they are usually thin and much taller lol >>33278289
go ahead man, I don’t take much offence, I’ve never met anyone as built as fucked as I am so yea
bro i'm sorry, fucked up what nature did to you
B ump
Screenshotted for later use. Thanks for the laugh, OhPee
Are you sure you don't have klinefelters disease?
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You’re one of the most breedable men I’ve ever seen. You have klinefelters and are probably infertile.
Either get on hormones from your doctor, reroll as a tranny or Kys.
Three things:

Exercise more

Eat healthier

Don't kill yourself

You're welcome.
Man I appreciate your advice but I’ve literally been dieting and working out since 2022
My body does not change, granted I look slightly better losing 30lbs..
My body just does not want to gain muscle, I don’t eat fast food and avoid fizzy drink shit
I think TRT may be my last resort
you def have some medical problem, this looks extremely unnatural. go to the doctor
First of all get your proteins in. At least 1g per 1kg of body weight. If you can do 1,5g or even 2 it is better.

Furthermore eat at least maintanance kcal. If you want to build up 200-400kcal + if you wanna loose fat 200-400kcal.

Hit the gym hard and I mean HARD. Do not stop until your 1-3 reps short of muscle failure. I mean muscle failure not your mind.

If you need further advice hit me up on kik
Those are some wide hips, your make a hot tranny.
I'm build like you, just less disgusting. My body fat percentage is 10% and still have a pretty big belly. Maybe intestinal problems or something, i dont really care anymore
I'm going to pray for you.
There's no way your diet is working if you look like this after 2 years
When baby due?
Cushing’s syndrome?
Holy fuck it's Roger the alien
Focus on upper body, traps, dents, etc to widen your torso...you unfortunately have birthing hips. Skipping leg day will actually help you in this case. Otherwise you look normal enough.
Dudes got a body like
he looks like he has klinefelter's

the hips, lack of body hair, tall and lanky, female fat distribution...

you could go either way honestly, test or estrogen
You look pregnant
Bro built like a pregnant dog
Can you just answer instead of the snide comments guys
Final bump..
your body is not great anon but you can focus on other stuff, once you show them your charm they'll love you for that and then love all the rest about you. do you have a dressed up picture?
Your body is just one of the factors that might attract romantic partners. SOME of your struggles are going to come from not having a great body but if you have anything going for you in other areas then you won't struggle as much. Some women you like aren't going to give you a chance because you don't have their ideal body type, you just need to find women who either like your body type or don't care about body type at all. You have to think about what gives you a competitive edge.

Think about it like stats in a video game. If you were put in a room with 100 random men, which of your stats would be in the top 10%?

For me, I'm a VERY good chess player, I'm funny, and I have a lot of money. If I were looking for a partner again (I've been happily married for almost 10 years) I would use those 3 things to attract a mate. People won't be attracted to you in general if they can't remember anything special about you. Think about how people describe people.

"You know, Joe? The guy with the big red beard and the skull tattoo?"

"You know Maria, the goth chick with the cat purse?"

"You know Sam, the one with the pet alligator?"

You've got to differentiate yourself, preferably through things you're either better at or are better by societal standards. Your body isn't anything special and the proportions are a little weird, but that will only affect you if it's the most unique thing about you.

What I'm saying is make yourself more unique. Get a bunch of tattoos, get an exotic pet, buy a motorcycle, learn Italian, move into an old church-- do SOMETHING that makes you more unique than your body does and it won't matter anymore.
Do you mean like clothed or dressed like a tranny lmao

This is sweet anon
LOL i meant clothed just to see what you're wearing on a normal day but yeah no true need
Bro you need to see a doctor you have birthing hips
I don't believe you're working out
Some people are just that genetically fucked dude. Unfortunately getting in a run and pushing weight around doesn’t help everybody the same way it might help you or me. Especially if this guy didn’t do any sort of activity while he was young. Hell even guys who quit playing football after high school and went on to drinking beers daily got better bodies. Hormones play a huge role and if they’ve been fucked from the get go, there’s not much working out is going to help you with. It’s time he gets on TRT.
I don’t blame you. I’ve been working out for nearly 6 months and my gut is only slightly smaller. It’s hopeless atp>>33293607
man you get it
Raised by single mum and her partner (also a woman)
Anytime shit got hard they pulled me out of sports, basically spent my formative years on PC and eating shit
Now I’m eternally playing catch up
It’s not like I’m not thryint __ I’ve lost nearly 40 lbs in a couple years and look the same bros
fucking magic gourd lookin ass
You belong in our incel server

It's very easy to blame everything on genetics or your T levels. I don't you know anything about lifting or have put in any real effort. Most people just fuck around at the gym and wouldn't be able to make
a decent program with a gun to their head
Looks like kleinfelter syndrome desu
The dude has an extra x chromosome, his body is basically a enuch, but he still has his ( poorly functioning ) balls and cock. Hes producing little to no test, and extra estrogen, thats why hes got tits and. Birthing hips. Gym aint gonna do shit. If they caught it as a child they would have given him massive doses of T and he would look mostly normal. But the damage is done. Congrats on the height tho, lack of T does make men taller.
What if he had an extra y chromosome?
Wow someone with a brain
Dude has an extra chromosome
Fuck outta here telling him he can outlift his dna retards
Not even Athlean X could save this guy dude. Take it from someone whose whole life revolves around this shit, some people win and some people lose the genetic lottery. Everyone likes to think that just because you’re 5’6 or because your face is 5/10, you lost, but the reality is that the real losers of the lottery are people like this guy. At least some 5’4 guy can become a super huge meatball man, but in this guy’s case, his body is quite actively working against him. Conditions like Klinefelter’s, Marfan’s, etc. affect the way that hormones send messages to different parts of the body, which is what the body’s stress responses involved in lifting, such as hypertrophy and Wolff’s Law, depend on to even happen. His body doesn’t respond to these loads like you or I’s, and until he addresses this root issue, it never will.
Absolutely brutal
You make it sound like his only option is suicide
But don’t do that OP, just find some nice copes. I’d completely forget about sex / dating at this point ngl
You have trouble dating people because you're posting nudes on an online forum and don't see the issue with that. You have low self confidence and have the figure of a lava lamp. Your only hope is to find some land whale willing to put up with your low testosterone.
I’m wearing shorts in the photo buddy
Jacobs syndrome, basically a regular guy but dumber and more aggressive
What if he gets on HRT now? Would that at least help him bulk up?
can we get a side profile lul
>Yes my body I bizarre but I’m 6’
Your lack of clue and head full of fucking naive preconceptions may be more offputting in social situations than you think.
How do I know that? Because you do believe that you being 6' is really important. You mention no other traits, just the two about your body and you genuinely think that's the main reason you struggle.

If it's not a shitpost/slide thread, you need to realize that if you're charming, engaging and attractive enough, your height won't matter outside some really weird extremes. That's why unlike what dejected degens claim, if you'll go outside you'll find shitloads of guys have girlfriends/wives no matter their height.
So it's likely your other traits as well. Yes, your body is off-putting, in this pic you look like some tranny who got pregnant. Good you're working on changing that. But it's likely also other traits, what you expect, how do you approach people, whether you represent what they look for. Hell, the problem may be even the people you go for - for example, if you are interested in someone simply sexy, yet single, you can be confident those people have plenty of others who share your interest. Big competition for their attention may make them spoiled and afford to pick whoever intersts them the most at first glance, without giving others much of a chance.
Umm, more like fucking based syndrome
Dude you sound so fucking dreadful to be around holy shit. No no I get that what you’re saying is pretty true, it’s just the way you say it. God it irritates me. I bet your voice sounds annoying too.
Doesn't fucking matter.
You can have all kind of assumptions about me but I managed and found enough people who care about me and think differently than you. On top of that, this thread not about me, so you in particular being annoyed is really beside the point. Suck it up and move on, you seem like a kind of ass I wouldn't want to hang out with either.
Let’s go get a beer.
Holy shit man. Hit the gym.
Submissive and quite breedable.
Nigga built like Roger from American Dad
let me hold your hand papas, you need to go get medical help. it seems like you have a gut issue or hormonal issue. this is abnormal in a medical sense even more so than a physical sense. you need to go get it checked out probably with an endo <3
Could you upload more pics of your body?
Wholesome af I’ve never had a girl be nice yo me
Hot asf bro
Probably reroll
Or do steroids and hope for the best
Wow you’re 166 lbs with that much fat on you? You’re still young at least? Looks like a really bad diet with bad genetics for fat distribution. At least you’re tall. If I were you, I would mostly just focus on losing weight with a diet. Count calories, cut carbs, make sure your testosterone levels are good by eating enough healthy fats, peanuts, cashews, walnuts, almonds. When the gut shrinks down to a small paunch, then you can focus on bulking up and building muscle. You look like you need to start from square one with building muscle. Basic pushups with correct form, basic pull ups or lat pulldowns. Just 3 sets each of chest, shoulders, arms; only on Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Cant believe fags here are falling for the most common pearanon picture. /soc/ is ngmi
the fact that you think this isneven negotiable is sad
honestly yeah :(
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Akhenaten looking mofo
Who cares? I haven’t posted on fit for just under 2 years. I don’t shit it up, I stay here. Stop whining

I deserve love, I didn’t ask to be born with xxy, why should I be cut out of the gene pool for something not in my control
bruh do you shave your body or are you just that unfortunate? Hairy guys can usually get away with being moderately overweight so long as their arms are jacked. The lack of hair and how pale you are gives a very sickly vibe. take these steps
1. start lifting paying close attention to your pecs, shoulders, bis and tris, and also do some time on a treadmill, set it to the highest incline and do like 45-1hr at a time waking, not running.

2. Get some sun, you need to tan up. not saying you need to go full Libyan but at least get to a peach complexion

3. stop shaving if you are, if you're naturally like that, well I'd be maybe looking into some sort of trt or something
You should get back at the world by stealing everyone's Christmas presents.
don’t go to prison anon…
am in med school, came here to say this
1. I’m naturally hairless, I don’t even have pubes at 26
2. I do try to walk at least 9k a day but appreciate it
3. I don’t shave at all, just can’t grow hair
you need to get some muscle in those goddamn arms. They look like twigs on a very thick trunk. try steroids also why are your nipples so far apart?
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He's Grinchmaxxing
I’d kms ngl bro.
Holy shit what the hell
Maybe if you stopped being a disgusting pig things would change. Embrace the ozempic pill.
op looks don't matter
I'm a fat ugly bald dude with a small dick and bad teeth and I get pussy because it's all about being secure and confident
more than once I've approached a girl and she reacted like an ogre was flirting with her
I smile, shrug, say "suit yourself" like she was a silly cunt, and went on my way
eventually one of her friends likes the confidence, peels off to talk to me, and I fucked her
you don't have to like how you look and you definitely don't want to pretend that you don't look the way you do, but accept it and learn to deal with it
nothing makes a woman less interested in a man than if he comes across as a sadsack
be funny, be fun, be creative, there are many other things to be besides attractive and it all works
how do you think ugly fucks get hot wives?
im fucking dying, the replies are so funny
thanks for the thread grinch
I saw in one of the comments you have significant weight loss, excellent job with how far you've come already! How heavy do you lift proportionate to your 1rm?
I saw that you exercise but still can't get rid of your stomach... your image was honestly shocking to see. It looks like a tumor or something? Has it always been like this? Otherwise maybe go speak with a doctor... if it's fat you can probably get lipo and a tummy tuck or something.

You don't have to change anything about your body if you don't want to, but I can understand not feeling at home in your body like that. I don't think exercise alone will fix it.

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