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full body pic
Use the existing rate threads, you've been posting to the board for years and know this by now.
>you HAVE to post in the 399 post rate thread that will literally go into archive mode the second you post
sometimes u gotta play fast and loose dawg
21 mtf drop discord
7/10, 20?
You’re hot as fuck what’s the discord
elongated oval face
protruding eyes
jewish nose
unusually big lowerlip
receding jawline
small chin
uncanny smile
very wide hip with a large gap
inexistant breasts like filled with air and covered by a large bra while the actual boob is small flat and and lacks volume
large waist undesirable
slender hands and very poor skin
3.5/10 I'm being generous here
age 18-21
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6 good face but the fit screams mentally ill

Posting here because the other thread is dead as a Mfer
nah dawg you down dirty
how is having large hips and slender hands bad? how is my skin “very bad” i just have a single pimple? also i measured recently and i have a 27.5” waist and 37.5” hips which is a ratio of 7.3(repeating) which is within the ideal w/hr for women, it’s just a baggy shiry. everything else i agree with and i would say i’m a 3, but some of the things you’re saying are unreasonable.
not bad eh south Slavic/Mediterranean Dinard
you do NOT pass/10
you will never be a woman/10
this is not a girl
6/10 18-21 turkish or balkanic
You have that "sits at the back of the room during an anime club meet up" look
Your whole vibe is super cute and I love your hair and smile...

Kik is goldendawn2020
Its because those features dont look good on men, you fucking moron.
>he actually did the math on his hips
Your hips look like shit because, once again, you are male, and even if you read a blog or some shit about "ideal female features" to compare yourself to, it wouldnt matter, because your body will never be the same as a womans. A 7.3 hip ratio might be ideal for your average 5'2 girl, but not for some lanky ass troon like you. Wake up, faggot.
ure far from having the ideal waist to hips ratio, femboy
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
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oh, i thought you were genuinely motivated by lookism and objectivity but you have bias. sad.
i think they’re pretty good it’s more obvious if i have a midriff
okay bro i don’t care lol
Please just get it over with and either transition or kys, anyone hating this hard is coping
I’d use them as a pillow. 8/10
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18-20, 6/10

22, 5/10
Fucking love the midriff.
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Easily 10/10 I always wished I looked like that, and 23?

7,6/10, 22?

7,3/10, no idea but I'm gonna go with 25 you look around my sister's age
22, 5/10
18, 7/10
25, 5/10
Post tits already
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you look like a child but those honkers betray 8/10 18
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21 mtf, cute
20 hot white girl
You look like you've been crying your eyes out bro, you alright? I'd give you a bro hug if I could.
You're like an 8/10. I think more chicks would see that if you groomed yourself better. That, and kept your chin up, whatever you're down in the dumps about.
Very adorable, and nice trips. Would love to chill by the trees with you and bump music.
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5.5/10, 21

6.5/10, 19

7/10, 22

6/10, 18

5/10, 23

5.5/10, 27

5.5/10, 18
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6.5/10 and I guess 21-22
7/10 20-22 maybe?
8/10 24 nice flag
6.5/10 you could either be 18 or 25
6/10 26 big nice eyes
6/10 28 beard man
ayyy lmao
what's going on with your lower lip, why is it so big?
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5/10, 20
8/10, 22
10/10, 27
6/10, 18
6/10, 19
7/10, 25
8/10, 28-30?
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My turn, guess my age
i want to put my penis in your vagina (asshole)
6/10, 17
8.5/10 - I'm going to guess 20
8/10, 26.
noo >•<
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7/10, 22
7/10, 20
8/10, 19
8.5/10, 25

Everyone in the last thread said I looked like a kid so heres another picture to see if it still applies. Hoping thats not the case.
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6, 18-25

Why am I always the hottest in these threads
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You do look quite childlike, but cute. Hard to rate that. 18?
>>33281302 >>33281305 21 now or smt the estrogen is rly paying off 8
>>33281350 30 1
>>33281423 ar ar rooo 9 going to have to stalk these threads now bc of u
>>33281596 23 4
>>33281615 30 3
>>33282058 40 1
>>33282451 30 2 (at least u r white)
>>33282479 19 8
>>33282577 1
>>33282603 20 but looks 40 bc of meth 3
you look latinx/10
>she likes gundam
I NEED you
>“I need you”
>looks like this >>33282029
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6/10 26
6/10 24
6/10 25
5/10 26
6.5/10 24
4/10 26
6.5/10 22
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7/10. 21
7/10 26
6/10 23
7. 22
7. 20
8 27
6. 22
5 24
5 25
6 28
7 21
7. 23
7 25
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Body pic
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is it over
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6/10, 28.
4/10, 21
4/10, 29
7/10, 32
7/10, 19
5/10, 21
6/10, 29
4/10, 24
5/10, 21
3/10, 33
5/10, 28
Mel, you are extremely beautiful.
Are you a real woman?
What do you look like o.o
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Please be brutally honest, I want to know why nobody was ever interested in me.
5/10, 25
6.5/10, 19
7.5/10, 24
6/10, 21 really like your eyes.
4/10, 26
4/10, 28
3/10, 19
4/10, 27
3/10, 25
6/10, 31
6/10, 23
6/10, 18
6/10, 26
3/10, 23
5.5/10, 24
3/10, 28
6.5/10, 26
4/10, 27
3/10, 28
5/10, 30
4.5/10, 27
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would rape
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7/10, 20?
6/10 nice hair
No king, it isn't. Go to the gym you'll be fine
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rate and guess, please!
new to this
7.5/10 easily, for me, closer to a 9 because I really like your nose. I wouldn't suspect you're trans if it weren't for this being /soc/, and most people who say they would immediately clock it are liars.
I really like you/10. 22.
7/10 25
9 if not too big. 8 if big because face is excellent. 27
4/10. Probably need to work on similar shit to me.
7/10 29
4/10 22. What you're lacking changes quick. Very pretty eyes. High potential, just need a year or two of work.
7/10 20
Asian guys with your look end up very attractive once ripped. Your eyes are pretty, but not in a way girls wouldn't like.
4 with big potential. features and composition of a 9 desu, I like you. 30.
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9/10, you are stunning. 23?
7/10, you look like a skinnier version of Corey from Pawn Stars (rip) i'm gonna guess 25
6/10, you aren't unattractive but you/re a little scary looking. 32
8/10 wrinkles? you look 20 to me! The cute aesthetic is working for you. Use facial sunscreen every day if you're worried about wrinkles
5/10 you're just average to me. 27
would beg you for feet pics
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5/10, pretty cute. Your skin looks so soft now. Also cute tits if I may say so.
7/10, 19yr, beautiful and kissable face
6/10, 24
chadlite, mid 20s
Are you wearing a lock as a chain? Anyways, 5/10, 18, the make-up looks excessive to me personally
6/10, 28
4/10, 18 at most, looks jewish
4/10, 20, autistic pothead
3/10, very unfortunate features
5.5/10, 22
obviously extremely attractive. Not older than 20
6/10 cool beard and eyes, early 30s
3/10 sorry but you look like you have down syndrome. No nicer way to put it
5.5/10, 21, nice jacket and chain though
You look like you're being held hostage. The background, the t-shirt and the hair also scream autism. Not sure how to rate properly.
6/10, 25 (but 0/10 for the hat)
3.5/10, the make-up is actually scary
4/10, early 40s
lose weight
your head shape looks relatively big, but it gets evened out by your eyes. You aren't particularily ugly or particularily handsome. Just average, pretty much.
rate others first and take proper pictures
4/10 your face is a bit ugly If I'm being honest
4.5 - 5/10, 24, would look a lot better with longer hair and without the piercings and tattoos imo
0 for the inflated ratings. “Women” need to stop doing this crap,
0/10 gives off chomo vibes
mental illness/10
Get the picture?
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7 24
3 22
7 28
It's your cheeks
8 20
4 19
4 32
5 18
2 19
5 26
5 34
9 20
8 19
2 18
4 28
8 25
4 18
8 24
5 26
4 21
2 25
3 29
6 27 maybe your interests for age, wardrobe, location
7 34
2 29
2 27
4 24
3 20
5 28
4 22
You rated me to highly as for skinnier Corey lol. Btw nice thighs 9/10, 19
You would be 10/10 if you was a bit chubbier.
not blurry intentionally my camera has a crack over it
23, 5/10 (mayb higher irl bcuz of lens distortion idk)
25, 8/10
22, 9/10 srbija !!
19, 6/10
27, 8/10
34, 4/10
18, 6/10
31, 3/10>>33282058
28, 4/10
26, 8/10
24, 6-7/10
20, 8/10
32, 5/10
24, 6/10
22, 7.5/10
32, 5/10
19, 9/10
21, 5/10
34, 6/10
27, 5/10
20, 9/10
30, 6.5/10
23, 7/10
27, 8/10 wish mirin that jawline
21, 7/10
22, 8/10 u look like u kill things with rocks tho
33, 4/10
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fuck it I'll rate some more and throw in a different photo (ignore the fucked up bangs)
Just plain average. Maybe try a different haircut. 4/10, 22
Fit but you look unapproachable, a little off-putting. 5/10, 28
Honestly this is a really bad photo. And your hair isn't helping your case. 3/10, 32
I worded that wrong, I think you're a better-looking and slimmer Corey, you just have a strong resemblance lol
6.5/10 you look a little feminine but i kinda like that
3/10, honestly just lose a little weight and i guarantee your face will slim up and look more toned. 30
4/10, take better photos. You do have nice eyes though so that goes a long way. 26
ok no but seriously. Let's take some better photos y'all. I can barely see your face. 3/10, 28
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>>33282479 8 - 20y/o
>>33282512 7.5 - 29y/o
>>33282574 7 - 23 y/o
>>33282577 7 21 - y/o
>>33282603 7.5 - 25 y/o
>>33282692 7 19 - y/o
>>33283290 7 - idk age
>>33283667 7.5 - 26 y/o
>>33283735 7.5 - 27 y/o nice smile
>>33283932 7 - 29 y/o
>>33284232 7 - not over at all
>>33284640 7.5 - 28 y/o
>>33285931 8 - 24 y/o
>>33287393 8 - 27 y/o decent groom
>>33288031 7.5 - 29 y/o
>>33289630 8.5 - 25 y/o
>>33289680 7/8 without mustache - 27
>>33290625 8.5 - 29 y/o
I’m surprised that you rate twice any other dudes lower than me, I’m start thinking that I was too critical to my appearance
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>>33281302 7.5 24 nice hair and figure
>>33281350 8.0 21 I like your makeup
>>33281369 8.0 24 cool gauges
>>33281555 6.0 19 love your hair
>>33281596 5.0 20 nice eyes
>>33281615 6.5 25 well groomed, cool tattoo
>>33281752 4.0 26 post a better pic
>>33282029 6.0 19 good hair
>>33282056 4.0 26 beanie fits your style
>>33282058 3.0 23 post with glasses on
>>33282137 6.0 28 hair styled nicely, would look better if you smiled imo
>>33282451 6.5 25 good jawline and nose
>>33282479 7.0 22 bangs and piercings suit you
>>33282512 4.0 26 would look better if you went to a barber
>>33282574 4.5 22 would look better with hair styled
>>33282577 7.0 23 could use better fit/hair
>>33282603 5.0 26 cool hair, questionable posture
>>33282692 6.0 21 post with better fit/no hat
>>33283290 6.5 20 nice facial features, remove bandana
>>33283667 4.0 20 unflattering pic, nice hair
>>33283735 5.5 24 nice hair and smile, bad shirt
>>33283932 7.0 30 hard to tell from pics, nice physique
>>33284232 3.0 25 working out, better haircut and maybe diff glasses would add a ton
>>33284640 7.0 27 if you lost weight you'd look like tom hardy
>>33285931 6.0 25 cool cosplay, post ooc
>>33287393 7.5 26 nice eyes, well groomed
>>33288031 8.0 32 well groomed, bad shirt, would look better if you smiled
>>33288227 9.0 29 great jawline/cheekbones
>>33288287 5.0 24 nice smile, losing weight would help
>>33288335 5.0 23 nice features, need a better hair routine
>>33289606 7.5 24 everything in this pic besides your face needs to change, if nothing else get a haircut
>>33289630 8.0 22 nice glasses and hair, thighs are a bonus
>>33289680 7.0 24 agree with trying a diff haircut
>>33290319 4.0 21 don't like the chin stubble, might look better if you smiled
>>33290393 6.0 26 hard to tell from pic, you should grow your hair out a little longer
>>33290522 5.0 20 nice hair, bad pic
>>33290590 7.5 19 hard to see from pic
>>33290625 8.5 22 good eyebrows, great hair
>>33290763 5.5 32 nice eyes, put glasses on
6.5 24
7.5 22
8 22
28 6
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am i complete fuck ugly?
i need actual critique.
fair complexion and facial hair.
but nose kinda bad.
Gives off major Chomo vibes
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I'd like to play fast and loose with you, dawg.

Very pleasant features, but unfortunately I know a very retarded retard who looks just like you, and it's a huge turn off.

Your beard is weak in a way that growing it longer won't help.


Class clown build.

Underrated, absolutely killer lower half in every regard, please marry me.

Has huge sleeper potential, just try out some bloder looks.


I like your head, I wanna see you with all different kinds of hairstyles.
I also rate people highly, and I have a bigger dick than you (and I have a pretty small dick). It's crazy how humans evolved to find humans attractive, unless they're like your parents, who evolved to find reptilians attractive before finding each other.
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Rate me and this is my twitter account https://x.com/koror23?t=ghGgm-Rh1EzAEmLKyLxdfg&s=09
>>33290522 sc: adinmaccabee
what’s ur insta i don’t have snap
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6 25
5 30
5 33
6 25
6 20
5 29
5 22
6 23
4 31
6 30
4 28
4 29
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6/10 You look above average
7.5/10 definitely youre cute
6.5/10 Youre not bad looking.
-/10 I feel like youre too young, Though I could be wrong and you can just have a baby face.
4/10, not my type
5/10 but +2 if youre dwarf pilled
bro you look creepy 2/10
4/10, you look below average
3/10 23
6/10 26
6/10 24 You look fine
5/10 29. You are as average as they come, Not as an insult just youre not bad or good looking.
3/10 30
5/10 but I feel like with less make up youll look prettier. 22
7/10 30 ,You just look hygienic compared to others I've seen here.
3/10 23 Youre face isnt bad but you are fat and its not working.
5/10 33 You look russian.
5/10 30 You have bad facial harmony.
6/10 25 , you look friendly and approachable
6/10 18 Girls like long hair usually so thats a plus.
definitely a 6-7/10 at age 26 . You have a good jaw line.
6/10 28 You definitely look dedicated and youre head has a good shape for bald.
8/10 18
7/10 21 You seem friendly
7/10 23 Youre built like a tank.
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Do I look better with facial heir
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Or w/ out
8/ 22 wow
5/33 pedo?
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Here is a better pick
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And a better pick unshaven.

Sorry for taking so many posts
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9/10 I really like your face, you're really cute. You have a really nice hips and waist, drooling over here lol. I guess you're around 20... Probably 21

What about me, people?
Oh, you're the girl who posted her nudes here! You look like a traditional perfect Greek woman. Cesar would obsess over u but for modern standards you are mid.
Join our rate and freedom of speech server

If you actually think you're out of my league though, you're deluded. None of the men you aim for will ever actually appreciate you. To them, you're just that ugly bitch they use for a fuck when their missus bores them.

It's a shame girls are biologically locked into aiming up. It really just makes things broken and ridiculous.
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Ok been a few days, ill rate again. His a more clearer picture of me.

5, 30
5.5, 28
7.5, 25
7, 26
7.5, 24
4, 29
4.5, 24
You have good features but eye area (especially the bags) drags you down a bit. Potentially 6.5 if you fix that somehow
6, 27
Objectively a 6 but im not a fan of your style so 5 ish to me, 28
7.5, 32
When I dont click your pic you look like a hobo zoomed out but zoomed in you actually have beautiful skin and eyes plus groomed hair. Nice. Viking vibes
5, 30
Objectively a 7, 25
Love your style so 7.5 to me
Blurry pic but I think a 6-6.5, 23
5.5, 23
Nose and jaw kinda defined
5.5, 33
Not a fan of the wife beater, expression, ungroomed hair so drags you down to a 4.5
5, 29
Killer bod tho nice
5, 27
Potentially higher if better hair
7.5, 23
8 for me cuz style
7, 30
7, 34
5.5, 28
6.5, 32
6.5-7, 25
Really clean face
6, 22
Interesting style
10, 21
God Amongst Men
Tinder catfish vibe 17-18
Never used shower, 25-27
Silent classmate which one day bring guitar case, 15-16
Oblivion nord, 28-30
Boomer Mr.Beast, 35-38
Look like you drink a lot of energy drinks and work on gas station, 28-29
Tiktok zoomer who watch sigma and looxmaxxing clips, 17-18
Mix of Escobar and reddit moderator, 30-32
Stock picture model, 24-25
Same effect, you look like police is looking for you, 22-23
Humanitarian student, 18-19
>>33293344 aidanoakes
You asian murrican?
Nah, I aint
bro what are you yapping about. I'm not trying to fuck you, I've been fucking the same man for years and I think if i was too ugly for him he would've dumped me a while ago. I'm sorry my photo hurt your ego, but for future reference you can just rate me a 2/10 and move on instead of making up weird, sad fantasies in your head
>Stock picture model
appreciate it ma'am

7/10 I feel like you can definitely send a better photo though. 26
Sounds like youre mad about not getting pussy.
Sucks to suck faggot.
Big head slim shoulders, go to the gym
Ears stick out a lot but you dress nice
Kinda heavy looking but at least your consistent
There hasn’t been anything behind those eyes in a long time
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Haven’t done one of these before, so I don’t know where I stand
7/10, and your photography is 10/10
You look like a convicted criminal either way. Beard is barely noticeable.
your smile is so cute lol
I take back whatever rating I gave you earlier, you're actually fat and ugly, 2/10
Mid 30s troon
Early 20s BPD
Mid 20s struggling with depression
Early 20s raped at a young age
18 or 19 molested by a family member
20 black with visible mouth crust
22 slightly skinnier female mexican andy
27, troon
25, rapes women after drugging them
30, troon or heavy drug use




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do I look old 0.0
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No, I gotta agree, she's genuinely kinda hot.
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I drew the shirt on because it seemed indecent to not have one on
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Only rating a few people in here.

8/10, you pass, the fuckers here just only jack it to supermodels, 22-23.
6.5/10, you look really aggressive but I have a feeling that was intentional, and I like your general vibe, really unsure about age here though.
9/10, you're really cute, 19-20.
7.5/10, not super into facial hair but you look pretty handsome, 20.
7.5/10, you're hot but you look kind of like you killed someone, 20-21.
7/10, you're cute though, 19.
10/10 Jesus Christ you're hot, 19-20.

My turn! Sorry my hair isn't that visible.
Nope, DW.
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Decided to take a second pic. Half of my face isn't visible but I think it looks cool.
Eh why not do like 1 or 2 more.
8/10, you don't have a whole lot going on but you have a cute haircut, maybe 18.
7/10, again, not really into facial hair, but you dress nice, and I like your earrings, 22 maybe?>>33295625
7.5/10? A little unsure, I like your glasses and hair, unsure about age but probably 20-21.
i have curtains just like that
mine are whales
You look like absolute shit
LMFAO you wish you were as hot as me.
Nah i mog you to the moon and back ngl, gonna let you drown in your delusions tho cause if you wake up to reality you might kys LMAO
JFL you didn't rate anyone anything below a 7, dude they're not gonna let you hit you weasel looking mf, you just stroked their egos while they get irl validation, stay simping faggot
Bro unironically said mog.

Also I did rate one below 7, I just don't have the time to talk about people who don't stand out to me.
damn you're like one of the spergs that's not even funny to lolcow just ridiculously retarded, funny how the only people that stood out to you were foids or foid pretenders, just go back to your tranny hugbox disctroon server, no one wants you here
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4/10 34
5/10 19
6/10 23
7/10 25
5/10 34
5/10 32
6/10 26
5/10 31
3/10 19
2/10 20
8/10 25
8/10 26
9/10 29
5/10 30
4/10 35
5/10 19
6/10 20
8/10 26
3/10 27
9/10 20
7/10 30
4/10 24
4/10 26
7/10 35
4/10 17??
If you're so hot then post your face. Until then I'm imagining you as an unwashed incel hog sitting at his keyboard typing one chip-dust coated finger at a time.
What's funny is you just described yourself JFLLL the jokes write themselves
Nuh uh. I described you. Prove me wrong, hog.
rubbed at least 2 nuts out to your face before replying to you
well unlike you I'm not so easily baitable, sm shit you could tell about you just through your life and the fact you're on this board but i won't bother, scurry off subhuman
LMFAO you can't "mog" me. Self conscious ass motherfucker.
Man any person here mogs you, me posting my face is like me flaunting wealth to a starving african child, pointless and heartless, so I'd rather not, I'm showing mercy to you subhuman, appreciate this moment
You keep saying subhuman like that's some sort of hard hitting insult. I called you a hog. That's worse. I'm owning you and you don't want to admit it.
thats crazy but u didnt rate ..
>it thinks we're in a playground insults battle
Son, you lost life with that face, life owned you.
Nah, I won. Also use quotes properly, newfag.
You're a delusional ugly troon thingy, all i can say is thanks for making me laugh, though the funniest thing is watching you ride your high horse till you kys when reality hits you JFLLL, I'm sleeping like a baby after this, thanks for letting me destroy you.
>Gets destroyed.
>"Thanks for letting me destroy you."
You didn't even pick out a specific thing to make me feel bad over. That's how I can tell you're jealous. Also, if I'm trans then what's my assigned sex? surely you can clock me. Surely you actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
Fat ugly 56% mystery meat abomination
Neither mad nor incorrect. They aim too high and then wonder why they're of second rate value to the dickheads they aim for. Seen it happen so many times. The only consolation I get is watching them cry and scream about men when they get used, abused, lied to and dumped. Dumb whores.
Bitch, you nearly look like a man. If you think I'm average, you're definitely too ugly for him, and he definitely fucks hotter bitches when he gets bored of you.

Seriously, women have no self awareness at all.
3 at best. Literally has the jawline of a man, freaky fingers, ripples, bad posture, general look of a self harming, non-binary thing. Absolutely gross.

Admittedly I'm not Brad Pit, I get laid only occasionally, but they're never as manish looking as you.
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6 and 23
8 and 20
6 and 18, too much makeup gurly
4.5 and 28
4 and 23
4 and 26
4 and 24
6 and 31
9 and 29 wow
4 and 14
4 and 33
4 and 35
6 and 33
3 and 30
6 and 28
6.5 and 31
Fat 6, maybe 27
Definition of a 5. 28
6 handsome. 31
6.5 and 14.
9 and 30
8 and 29
Better without. 5 and 28
4 and 31
4 and 22
Learn to rate, 3 and 33
9/10 and 21. Heart stopped for a few hours. Dick is pretty firm rn desu.
Lotta makeup
5 and 15
6 and 25
Omg Tom Yorke 8, 39
8, 23 cute
6 I like your style
5 25
No r8?
7/10, beautiful green eyes I believe you're like 21
Only if you give me sloppy toppy
6/10 face
10/10 tits
8/10 overall
Age 19
You the one with the dyke haircut, tranny
What did she do to you and why do you keep posting her?
LOL brb gonna go cry over my sharp jawline and wipe my tears with my "freaky fingers"

Starting to think you either want me to have a dick or you're upset because I have a better jawline than you. Either way cope

this is not your photo. If she posted this she would choose a different photo, likely a normal selfie and not a cropped group photo. But she's a 7.5/10
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I love how happy you look! Great smile :) 26?

Super cute, that beard and hair look soft and great on you! Guessing 31

Holy crap so pretty, another beautiful smile!! 24?

Kind of a silly expression lol but I dig it. Love the nose ring, and the ginger hair is to die for! 19?

Love how shiny your hair is, you must take really good care of it! Giggled at the pouty face, 22?
jesus christ the amount of trolls with pics of some girls insta are insaneeeee.. some of them dont even bother to change the screenname lmaoo

oh well lets do some objective rates and call out some fakes, help out the newfags

these are obviously fake you fucking morons


fake and trashy
ugly type of asian, guessing south east asian.
4-5 pajeets just cant win
5 looks like you glued on a gag moustache
hair is good, beard could be good
is this a troll? objectively goodlooking. are you going for long beard?
not sure if tranny or bullied girl who never learned how to apply makeup. wtf is this
8 looks quite psychotic though.
7 could trailertrash-max and get yourself a trumplovin, shootin hillbilly gf with big tits
zuckerbergs bastard child
looks chill, you should style your hair
not sure if biological female or tranny, if tranny you kinda pass if female.. sorry
good smile 7
this is the type of meme pics that leftists use to make fun of the right
why are your eyes so fucking dilated? What you on?
fake, sorry newfags
short haircut would suit you better
hit the gym, you got potential
dont come to school tomorrow-fit
hair is nice just gotta grow into the face
indian girl with a fucking padlock around the neck. see this is how you know that its a real girl posting on 4chan. gotta have that mentally unstable vibe
here we can look at the filename, a obvious fake and will not provide any sort of proof
wow same filename as the fake biofemale. This really activates my neurons.
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3, 34
5, 26
3, 21
Shit pic can’t rate, 25
7 if you, 28
6, 23
6, 19
Gay as fuck
7 but please eat more. 29
3, 25
5, 20
4, 34
I mean yeah I'm gay we're literally rating men. And women, but there's more men here than women.
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>>33281596 10/10
Damn you look like my dad if he was jewish and had shittier bones and skin
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I'm just gonna guess peoples ages bc I want to know how old I look But honestly I'm pretty bad at guessing ages myself
both these pics are too blurry man
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u look very autistic 6/10
nice try troon 0/10
arragonmaxxing 7/10
u look very stupid but in like a rlly cute way its hard to explain it 9/10
flouride stare 5/10
big fan of the beard 7/10
u have to be 18 to post on here buddy
angloid phenotype 5/10
its ober 3/10
prime male 10/10
pawg but somehow not fat in the face u can't trick me 4/10
u look friendly 6/10
mogger but need thicker neck 8/10
u have potential 5/10
absolute unit 10/10
u look 14 7/10
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+body pic
man WHAT????
proof or gtfo fucking indians i swear
She is with my ex
4/10, 31
7/10 jacked tho
kashmiri mogger
8/10, 32, scary tho, also i think the beard helps to hide some of that jaw asymmetry
face tats are gross
8/10 but u look a little gay
lose like 50lbs asap your bones don’t look terrible
7/10 features but very asymmetrical and a drug addict
7/10 22 french phenotype
8 if you get contacts + rhinoplasty + longer hair to cover that weird jut in your face
9/10 swede light triad tho big forehead maybe get some kind of fringe
mogged the thread esp if you’re over 5’11
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how do i quickly get ~40k$ to fix face in country with average annual income of 15k$

8 look pretty envy ur thick hair 23-24yo?
i kneel
7 29
u are being intentional
either its me being retarded or eyes too wide

im tired
>4-5 pajeets just cant win
Lol Im white
>eat more
I just had mouth surgery but I’m trying
uhh should we tell him guys?
was going crazy when i took this didnt even realize it
shit just sneaks up on you sometimes, on you and grows in you
Grow inside me pls
>lose like 50lbs asap your bones don’t look terrible
I don't want to take advice from someone who's grading on bone structure. I have been meaning to lose a little weight but not 50 pounds, I don't want to get carried off by the wind.
this guy just mogged the whole thread i aint gon lie
totally a chadlite
How do you deal with wanting bangs but also not letting it harass your eyes or having a silly part?
Cut them at just the right length and measure them every day to make sure they stay at that length.
Gay sex
have you tried not being ugly?
really nice hair imo!
Years back they woulda put freaks like you guys in a circus. Subhuman levels of ugly.

Your face pisses me off so fucking much
im not pretty to earn 40k$ through gay sex quick enough to not catch aids do i go start gofundme and pray rich 1rd world americans take pity on me and give me lots of money
i have a silly part
im genuinely crazy
Your face is beautiful. Model
How am I looking today?
like a hotter version of jacksepticeye
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What surgeries do i need
Rhinoplasty and forheadsmallerplasty
A lot. Your eyebrow ridges are about to burst out of your fucking head, mate.
You need to go outside more and improve your posture. Things about your face follow. You have masculine features, you might not shape up too bad if you lose the bedroom dweller look. I lost that look in a few years by skating, working out, gardening and doing yoga.
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I went through a fleeting phase of being too mentally healthy to consistently post in these threads but im back now pls fuck my shit up i implore you
Most attractive person in the thread, do you keep your fifth finger pickled in a jar or were you born like that
Threw his 300lb wife across the room at mach speed after england lost the euros. Resulting tremor caused the cupboard to fly open. Vintage Sports Direct mug hit the floor. Shattered instantly. Decades of history gone in an instant. English institution literally smashed before his eyes. Tears welling up. Probably actually Russian or some shit
Runs youtube video essay channel making 4 hour videos videos entitled shit like 'The Ruin and Decay of Littlest Pet Shop'
Ok im actually gonna do the age guess thing instead of just flippantly treating this like an assumption thread to avoid actually assigning a numerical score to anyone. You look like 15 max take that how you will
Is looksmaxxing a psyop by the cosmetic surgery industry it genuinely never occurred to me that that might be the case until this moment. Do they have like a huge pervasive lobby in the US or something can someone research this for me
6/10 22 more attractive than me
8/10 20 more attractive than me
8/10 18-19 more attractive than me
4-5/10 24 more attractive than me
6/10 18 more attractive than me
4/10 23 more attractive than me
4/10 25 more attractive than me
6.5/10 22 more attractive than me
4/10 27 more attractive than me
5-6/10 20 more attractive than me
8/10 20 more attractive than me
I'm 18 but hey at least I could probably pull a pedo if I wanted.
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Ok fuck it, I need to know if being ugly is the problem with my love life right now
Hair is definitely not on point but maybe that's for the better
And yes my mirror was dirty as fuck I've since cleaned it
noo pic
people often say I'm almasih aldajjal cuz of my right eye being weak and me always closing it in the sun
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Rate to get rated guis
4 n 20
7 n 20
8 n 20 (why is everyone 20)>>33298048
5.5 n 24
8.5 n 26
5 n 22
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Pls, no bully
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Got rly sick anc couldnt eat and drink for a while
You look comically masculine
You look comically masculine and stoned
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Do I look like shit anons
Yeah you do
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Please… stop posting your face
You look good just don't go on 4chan for moral support
thanks anon, I won't
Beaner faggot kys, god i can't imagine living in your body for one second, cause i would immediately grab the nearest sharpest object and stab my neck until I'm dead to rid the world of such a genetically inferior specimen, so disgusting you don't even deserve an eloquent well crafted hate post, just kys
I want to put it in your bussy while I like your armpits
You kinda look like Milana Vayntrub but swarthy
I'll say 20
Hm. Not bad. You pass. I totally would ram your bussy if given the chance.
As for age. 27
Hard to tell if boy or girl, but regardless TOTALLY FUCKING WOULD
I'd say 24
And your jawline and nails look hot
This place is making me develop a kink for trans girls...
You look 26 btw
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can I ascend?
Kek was not expecting to see what looks like a stereotypical Chad on this website
As for age, chads look ageless. like you stopped aging at 30
Hard to tell if guy or girl with the chest
But art hoe aesthetic looks great on you
If the only think you've got going for you is the color of your skin then IDK what to tell you lol. Megachud.
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This person swindler
And you are?
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rate others you ugly FUCKS
4.5 get better hair
5 fix hair
8 you're hot
7 hot others night rate higher just not my thang
>>33307887 (You)

She a scam artist. She a burn you for a measly ass $17
She had to change her whole appearance lmao
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I dont like the decile scale so just going off vibes. Ill rate the instagram women too cause no one would lie on the internet
Would avoid because you look mean and annoying; age 23
You look easily angered and aging out of a hoe phase; age 26
You have a really cool face, i think u should shave your head and go for the slick look, keep ur edges clean; age 26
Kinda fobby and dirty looking and you think youre cooler than you are so it comes off cringe. maybe tone up, the baby fat makes you look too young; age 25
Conventionally super hot. you look like a eurobeat DJ with a cool accent and insane dick. but scary; age 27
I think this is just a really bad photo of you.. raise the focal length by zooming in, n turn to the side a little. you actually have a really nice face and jaw but your middle-part curtain bangs are killing the potential. try a more modern edgy short style; age 28
Beyond the conventional attractivenesss you look really unique and eye-catching. A lot of depth in the eyes and you just look like someone with an interesting personality. Hair could be longer and i'd try to style it "upwards" to balance out your shorter face; age 24
I feel like ive seen you before..? you look like a funny person, maybe outwardly sarcastic but sweet and dependable at heart. for some reason the pube chinstrap beard actually works for you, like its like a signature thing; age 29
Its your eyebrows. You look decent and the messy hair and stubble is fine, but if you had cleaner and thicker brows it would look more intentional. it can really change your visual "personality"; age 32
23 6/10
looking good 40 6/10
36 5/10
21 6/10
24 7/10 It would look better if you cut your hair a little more
25 7/10
Idk why you are hating, lmao
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my side...
everyone goth and metalhead here is 10/10
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7.5/10. There's a WWII movie from the late '60s with Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood called "Where Eagles Dare". You're a dead ringer for the SS Major in the movie.
5.5/10. No offense but you look a little like a male Greta Thunberg.
8/10. You look like a Finnish Chris Hemsworth.
4.5/10. Not a great picture bro. You look quite young so maybe you'll lose some of the baby fat in your cheeks.
7/10. You look like a friend I knew. You look good but would be better with a shorter hairstyle.
7/10. You look good and the short hair suits you.
6.5/10. You have strong Iberian features and you look like a fan of Indie Rock music.
You remind me of my German high school buddy, but I'm like 80% sure yore not him. Your name starts with L?
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you lowkey mog sean o pry, you just need thicker eyebrows.
you look like you were bullied, it wasnt your fault. You look adorable.
How did you know this..?
cause the likelihood of someone on 4chan being bullied for whatever reason in the past is very high
No not german
you look like the tough girl in The 8 Show
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its just visually very obvious, but still you are super cute and super adorable.
I would bully you even more just for this response
I had a huge crush on you when I was 15 lol
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7.5/10. Cute, but I'm curious what you'd look like without the beard.

8/10. Yes, you may ascend lol. age: 21?

8.5/10. Your eyes are amazing! age: 27?

>>33296884. Super cute. age: 22?

Don't mind the messy background. I was in my parents' store
are these mugshots? How about relaxing those face muscles big guy
below-average, chubby asian woman who probably exclusively fucks below-average scrawny white guys. pathetic. go lose some weight.
Fuck you lol.

You're just mad that no girl would sleep with you
ive fucked enough chinese and filipina whores to know exactly what im talking about. worst thing is you cant even deny it, since you know its 100% true. now go hit the gym and think about what ive said.
Guys on this board will really insult/ignore women for no reason but simp over men and trannies. cant compete with that, its joever
Jesus fucking Christ you faggots are ugly.
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kinda cute, would let you suck my and enjoy it
looks like a bro
great hair
mexican goth zoomer
either mexican or asian
you look like you earn big money
that haircut looks weird on you, a buzz one would look much better
a real femcel
another real femcel but very cute. Can you post some fun pictures?
Will be interesting to see what you guys think..
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Thanks! I Think you look really cute too. You look a little bit like a girl I used to go out with. Normally I'm clean shaven and my hair is slicked back, but some old Japanese guy said I looked like a young Steven Seagal so I thought I'd change things a little.
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handsome young lady
Rough 32.
Both exceptionally cute, 9/10
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9.5/10 27
Plain but pretty 23
put a fucking top on, you look disgusting.
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Spot on
Thank you, plain tired
Rating server

Sus link
you can't even do a convincing fake? The fuck did you do? Paste a note over some year 2000 emo chicks face? Gotta be double digit iq to believe this. Godspeed coomer scammer
how am i
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Sure why not?
Looking good bro!
Why out of all people my picture is fake to you o.o’
idk ig this is starting to get funny to me
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horrible pic but i have nothing else that's recent
You couldn’t just take a new one?
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Send ur rate to my disc - polskadusza
kill yourself.

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