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previous >>33241907

If you check at least TWO of these post here with your tag and a small description
>low-functioning autists and other debilitating mental disorders
>NEETS and shut-ins
>friendless (0 friends) people
>into SH or guro and adjacent content
>in a complicated life situation
>talentless, unskilled, boring

not allowed
>thirsty simps only looking for a nursing female, women solely looking for orbiters or to sell content
>bored normies who think pretending to be a schizo or bpd or autist is hype
>doesn't check at least two of the criteria above
>people with a savior complex
>"high-functioning autist", you're not a special cookie, move elsewhere
>too egoistical to admit being a loser

Don't hesitate to signal it if you see one of the above(larper and wannabe autists) and talk to them, this is a place for people equally unfortunate in life to meet each other
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shxizo shut in
not female! lol
but i like some cute nd weird stuff
will attempt to communicart (maybe)
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23m autistic, bipolar hikki neet loser
i like anime, vidya, jerking off and throwing weights around. looking for whoever wants to watch stuff together or watch me stream some random ps1 rpg to them while we hang out and have a good time. lewd stuff is also okay but am straight and have some very specific fetishes. mutual clinginess would be ideal. i wanna have a sense of connection with someone, something to look forward to each day. if that sounds like your thing, disc is galaxyrobo
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Im severely mentally ill and chronically empty. probably on the verge of killing myself. I dissociate constantly and can barely tell whats real. I was abused a lot throughout my life by people I trusted now I feel like I have no worth. I just need someone to talk to, I have no friends anymore

First time posting here, I’m 26, I’m really lonely since I lost my job and am currently searching for any kind of interaction, I would like to have someone to talk to about whatever, I don’t judge, I know it’s hard out there.
But I have a cat that I love a lot, I like anime, film, and music.
I’m mexican and worked in the oilfield down here in New Mexico/Texas
I would really like to just listen to your problems and you to listen to mine

Discord: Pvto or pvto0004
Don’t really know how it works
I might make you listen to country music with me and maybe I might act like your daddy or older brother but I hope you do better
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Looking for a cute NEET girl or autistic girl to have hot sex with. I'm decently well off and have my own place, I'm a NEET myself. If you're interested, my Discord is below.

Discord: lolibeater
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21m I'm not just lonely I'm repulsive my family barely likes me they think I'm a fat failure and that I'm not doing enough I'm never an option to begin with I have 2 or 3 genuine Friends that think of me kinda
khhv that was never in a relationship ever the only time I thought I meant something to someone was from 2021 to late 2023 in which I always liked them and adorned them till I find out I was just a friend that she contacted only in time of need until she found her chad
I'm replaceable and yeah it doesn't even matter if I post here no one will add me lol
but I gotta try right?
I'm filled with hate and envy of people who are together until all that hate eats me and I realize the lonely fuck I am I lash on my close ones and it hurts to see me hurt them

i just want to talk to someone, doesn't matter what about

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Male, 20s.

I have lost the only good thing that ever happened to me.

I am utterly worthless, stupid, hideous, pathetic, full of self hatred, and I have no discernible ambition or anything that really drives me forward as an individual existence.
I don’t have a future and I never experience joy.

I have never been desired by a woman in my entire life. I have never been liked. Never had a girl smile at me. Never had one want to be near me.

My growth and overall development were stunted by poor health during the critical growth periods which added onto my already subhuman genetics to make even more of a monster out of me.

I would like to burn off my face or at least cover it in bandages and tell people that I had an accident

tag is imuglymomadmitit
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closeted ftm
depressed, anxious, obsessive-compulsive, autistic, schizoaffective
im a complete loser with nothing to do during the day. im trying to find hobbies but im so depressed that nothings really fun. im chubby but working on it. my stepdad is incredibly transphobic and im closeted because i dont wsnt to cause another divorce.
im interested in industrial metal, html/css (learning), doom, resident evil 7, jay and silent bob, adult swim, dan vs, true crime, postal
im just looking for someone to talk to, i have pretty much zero friends
im not looking for nsfw or transphobes. dont try to turn me "normal."
>disc : headskott
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just want to talk to some people today. college student, cynical, likely autist, still haven't made the friends that i'm expected to. i think friends are not necessary for existence but i have fun talking to people on here so why not
music/art, psychology, cats, religion, stories (millions of books and films i have yet not seen), farming
i used to like walking around but it's been like 40C recently
surrealism + things that remind me of my childhood are particular favorites
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join if you're clinically insane and on drugs
26 M USA/Illinois

No friends, getting laid off from my job, self harm(trying to get better about it). IDK, I hope there's someone out there that can just relate to this stuff, someone who isn't too judgemental. I love books and movies/tv. I play video games, but not as frequently. I also walk around my neighborhood a lot, but it's really all just solitary activities. I'm not a very interesting person, so keep that in mind, but also know that I don't care if you're boring.

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>describe yourself
semi-NEET bipolar shutin himbo savant, I'm kind of a retard but I'm very verbal and high energy often genuinely kind and curious about other people!
I like making music drawing getting /fit/ shitposting watching movies reading occult and esoteric shit. I get attached quickly I also like guro and weird stuff like that

>looking for
People I can talk to I will probably get attached to you very quickly if youre nice or act extremely cold for no reason
People who need emotional support (I have a big brother complex)
People who have no self respect
Other gooners
Tell me your favourite anime or some shit like that!

>not looking for
Ill tell you later
>contact info (discord, kik...)
discord is umfiend
burping the thred
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25/male/somewhere in Europe
>about you
fucking-everything-up champion, a very unpleasant individual, bum and idler
talks about nothing, shitposting, pointless debates, obscure aesthetics, daydreaming, mental illnesses, whining and bantering too ofc
>your mental illness
ocd, ANXIETY DISORDER, hypochondria, insomnia, depression, abulia, some neurological ailments
>looking for
shoulders to cry on, fellow losers, people who wanna get disappointed, pretty girls with a fetish for losers won't go amiss as well
>not looking for
boring and nontalkative ppl(guys, do you really send requests just to be silent? that's fucking great)
Discord: turdus_sibilus
>I am a
Young german male.
lego, drawing, making jewelry, age gaps/pedophilia writing and most importantly Heinrich Himmler
>sexual interests
My sexual and romantic interest in women is pretty standard. As for men, it's far more complex and fluid. I'm attracted to women of any age, but I also feel a strange sort of romantic attraction to guys over 30.
>details about my sfw interests
I always loved lego, especially ninjago. Recently I also started really liking lego city. I have a decent collection of smaller sets, just what I can get away with convincing my parents to buy for me. I started developing my art and writing more after my interest in Heinrich Himmler sparked and I'd love to show you how he inspired my art. He's my muse. Most people tell me they like my art, especially my journal pages where I combine my Sütterlin handwriting with drawings, stickers and pictures in nice little collages.
I do agree with the Herr Reichsführer on most subject matters but unfortunately I do not life in the 1930s so there's not much for me to do about it. This world is rotten to me, I don't plan on making a change.
>looking for
Anyone who can hold a somewhat valuable conversation. I do like detailed messaging. I've been busy lately so I may not always have time. I wish to find friends, interesting people or maybe even someone like-minded
>not looking for
the pure horny
>which of the thread requirements do I check off?
I'm a autist with a extreme obsession with Heinrich Himmler. I'm actually pretty decent socially because of my unmatched kindness and but my obsession sometimes gets in the way of things. I always grew up knowing about everything already. I wrote smut in second grade and loved researching topics like beastiality on my little 3ds
Telegram: OnkelMachmut
Discord: Anhimmler
forgot to attach my pic. This is me
cant you just make a fucking server or anything
truth is no one randomly adds some fuckers from 4chan and entering a space is infinitely easier
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20m east coast

not fat, high anxiety very depresssed very bitchy cluster c shit, i like movies music books and lame shit like that,

looking for girls who are white, crazy, who cut, want to die, superiority complex, not fat, if you smoke thats hot, i will literally obsess over you if you give me any attention, you just need to be cool and dramatic.

not looking fats, hello kitty girls, bitches who want money, browns, men obviously, severe autists

discord is .sladger
20 f us

bpd neet looking to get lovebombed, develop a mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family

newfags need not apply

hi female owned. come say hi pls
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for unhinged people only
Nah navigating a server is too much, I’d rather leave an A/S/L post and go about my day until I get responses that I can have a conversation with.
You should bulk up a bit. Good luck vro.
jt would be such a miserable idea considering some trolls who dwell here, but not bad not bad
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redlettermedia film nerd vinesauce gamer and oneyplays smiling friends enjoyer type of individual... if you think this kind of description is "cringe" then I'm sorry but I'm just being honest about what I am

looking for someone who's willing to chat with a deranged crazy person (me) and isn't gonna get bored and leave or cease to respond

just someone who might vibe with me or otherwise is patient and empathetic and kind enough to make me feel 1% less isolated and strange

Kik: NewLifeForYou2

30m provider

Looking for young white men preferably 18-24. I run a successful business but hiring regular employees is a real PITA so I prefer this method. You come give me your labor, I pay for all of your expenses. Located in Pennsylvania. Some sex expected. It's basically a more involved personal assistant gig. Prefer if you have a drivers license and a car but that isn't necessary

looking for a long term bf <3 catfishing as what you'd like and i'll be you're very own long distance catfish girlfriend! i will do my best to make it realistic as possible and I can be anyone you'd like! come try it!
m, east azn, and many other good things!

>looking for
white girls who are
+ ironically or actually racist
+ unhinged
+ into amwf raceplay :3
+ into azn guys


scene enthusiast gore lover stimulant enthusiast

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i dont need to say this again. we're retarded just get in here
out of school
narcissistic autist
no friends
frum south new jersey

no men plz thanx
dis: poliosurvivor231
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Californian BPD Transgender NEET with 0 friends irl in a very complicated life situation with no real talents.


Major gamer (lots of street fighter, tekken, elden ring)
SH, gore, drug, COM friendly
Active VC'r
Chornically online
Weekend Underground Raver
Unironic Fedposter

>in search of

Money for more piercings and drugs
Bad people
Christian judeo haters
Active Voice Calls
Hotties (dicks only sorry vaginalcels)
Telegram chats, Session chats, Discord servers

Contact: discord - xulav
19 F

unhinged ana-chan seeking equally paranoid people to mutually rant to

reposting this from another thread

i am catfishing people as a girl and have a small following on twitter with people willing to pay for stuff. i need a girl who is willing to help me take pics and stuff and we'll split the difference. i'm gay so i have 0 intention of seeking anything other than making money together

you gotta have tits tho. reply with your discord or email me at

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Active chat full of weirdos, losers, incels,

21M, Earth

I have autism & braindamage. I don't really give a fuck about it, it makes me who I am.

Most of my life recently consists of me coding server plugins for source engine games. I do this as a hobby & passion. I'm trying to create custom gamemodes with it & will probably keep going until I create the most perfect thing ever. Game dev is so beautiful to me I cannot describe it with any words.

Other than that I play some videogames sometimes & enjoying learning new things.

I'm just looking for someone to be friends with & enjoy talking to while I go insane from not being able to function like an adult.

Discord: swag_swag
I've been trying for years... I managed to gain about 3kgs after years of force feeding myself until I'm nauseous everyday
and then I lost those lousy 3kgs (and more. I think I lost about 7 kgs in total) to sickness.

Since then I've just kind of accepted it... I have a small frame and can't really gain weight efficiently.

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Does checking off anything in the not allowed forbid posting even if I checked off multiple in the other list
because idk drawing a line about 'high functioning' autists feels more like you're trying to be a special cookie saying others aren't pantsshitting enough more than anyone coming in trying to brag about being autistic. we all know its not a good thing theres nothing to be proud of its more like something you say to try and assure norms that 'w-wait i swear im not the drooling retard stereotype autismspeaks would have you think i am so they can get you to allow them to abuse your child!'
19f shut-in with 0 friends

looking for female friends, i was a frustrated femcel NEET till i met my husband, now i just stay at home and buy figures while he works. i feel a disconnect, because my job is to be a stay at home wife, and while i do enjoy that, i still feel like a femcel NEET at heart and like i have a hard time relating to others and making friends. I wish i had just one friend, but i feel like anyone i've met isn't really that interested in talking to me. i like talking on the phone a lot, i have tons of free time. if you are a lonely/desperate femanon, pls dont hesitate to add me so we can talk all day.

males pls don't add me, and another disclaimer, i don't get along with people who aren't racist and who support trans ideology. as long as you aren't a deranged SJW libtard or a male, i am more than happy to accept anyone as a friend.

discord- fourteen.words
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incels, femcels, and lolcows:
welcome to the most unhinged loser filled server on discord.
This person is not these things but is abusive.
20 f us

bpd neet looking for an instant connection that develops into a mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family

newfags need not apply

Faggots on this website wear autism like a badge and normies are doing it as well
You're either autistic or you're not, simple as. You don't need to be a special snowflake and pretend to be autistic as an excuse for having a shitty personality.
basically what i was saying yes
op gives 'only I get to say im autistic, my special badge!' energy but reality is there's no such thing as a high functioning autist just an autist better at lying to themselves and others about their problems.
Just a girl into games and uh c.ai, I read a lot of manga. I don't really go out or shower...
Looking for people to talk to, not anything fancy, maybe to play some games from time to time.
Not looking for any gooners or anything sexual
Dsc: breadwithleaf
actually autism is a spectrum with some being very affected and some being less so, this has been a well known fact for like 30 years or more.

You're not smart or holding up a standard or anything. You're just angry and antisocial.
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I need woman who actually shocks me. Add me I'm bored and please do actually have something to say wither you are nervous or not doesn't concern me
i clicked for yoshitoshi ABe's work, i haven't really posted here before, and it' is making me nervous for some reason.

I'm not insane or unhinged but I am a shut-in NEET. I haven't had friends for maybe three or four years now, but I've never had anyone in general, not at home, in real life, or online, except my pet. I'm a twenty year old woman. I like reading, and archiving a lot of stuff. I have 900 gigabytes of video games on my computer, mostly older ones, I mostly use my PC to emulate games or draw and code, I write about video games that I really like. I don't think I'm actually autistic, I have reasons for being the way that I am. I don't know what else to write about here, I should be asleep. I want to talk to someone about everything we can think of, but mostly about video games.

Good to see an Abe fan, do you like Murata too?

also, 900G is fucking insane, I have a similar horder autistic mentality but I don't really know how to archive my stuff, can you help with that? I'm specially interested in archiving all NDS games and a lot of cartoons.

powertobelieve on discord.
34 M

I'm actually in a happy committed relationship but my current situation leaves me in a strange spot until I move overseas. I'm open to be added by anyone, but I've always had an easier time talking to women.

Would be happy if you have an interest that you love to chat about. Comiserating is likely to happen.

I do not give out games or random presents. Favorite types of games tend to be shooters, rpg's, or chatting about retro shit.

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discord destrudoisdead
I have bulimia, ptsd and depression
I love reading manga !! My favs r one piece, bleach, haikyu, blue lock, lotl, csm, blue period and Vinland saga:3

I’m a cutter and have sh scars basically all over my thighs, chest, and some on my syomach and arms mainly cat scratches and Styros a couple beans scars too

disc: applejacklvr.
homeless unemployed addict in debt running out the clock spending all my free time playing fighting games before I jump in front of a train or something

discord dog_paste
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your new unhinged loser gf? owo
discord: eskitten
Hey does anyone wanna be like obsessive weird yandere attached but not attached but also obsessed but actually just chill

you know like "I totally have BPD, but I'm one of the GOOD ONES" type energy? Something like that?

I'm male. And in my 30s. Please be advised.


not in college, khhv,
im insane and will cling to you until you ghost me

>cord: not_pops101
Why are you opposed to having non-loser friends? Wouldn't they be nice to talk to and give you inspiration?
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i don't have any friends and i'm sick of being alone. i work full time and having no social outlet to fall back on is getting to be extremely draining so i'd like to make a friend before i can't take the monotony anymore. don't add me if you're in a relationship, or if you are just don't talk to me about it ever.

wandering soul aimlessly drifting from place to place completely lost and alone without a purpose in the universe or any reason to exist

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>describe yourself
Pretty normal loser, a big autist so i can talk about most things at a decent degree

>looking for
People who want to be heard about whatever they want or need another loser to talk about stuff

>not looking for

Dishonest people, i won't judge anything so please don't filter yourself
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Forgot my disc:

36/f/united states

0 real life friends, fuck basically 0 online friends either. Not a NEET, but haven't left home in months.

Someone to talk to would be cool. I'm fat & ugly & generally just a degenerate sack of shit so not a good candidate for lewdness.

>> Discord: limusaurus
18/mtf/Canada I like comp sci, anime and being a bit of a shutin apart from normal life things. I'm around 1.5 years on hrt and I have one (1) irl friend.
A server usually has an owner.
There will be a hierarchy, there will be power dynamics.
Much better to have the egalitarian approach you get on 4chinz and add people one-on-one.
Once you add enough enough people you can just make a small group chat on Discord.
Group chats also have owners, but since they're smaller than servers you can just add all the people on there and make a new group chat with them if the owner turns out to be a dick.
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tgirl us
im looking for a boyfriend who likes to vc and loves anime
im mainly into 2005-2016 animes and visual novels but i watch the new stuff aswell
we can also play games together
i can get very clingy and obsessive
disc is puddingkitty
>Wouldn't they be nice to talk to and give you inspiration?
No, we would just be envious of them.
We're crabs and we want everyone to stay in the bucket with us. Don't you ever dare to leave us.
>introduces herself
>leaves no contact info
Many such cases.
>married woman
>"Hello, fellow femcels! I'm also a femcel!"
Many such cases.
>i'm gay
There was no need to point that out.
I could tell from the rest of your post.
Looks like you don't wanna be orbiter-free though.
>when all the flags are red
>east azn
Not gonna make it.
Isn't it okay to try to purchase sex slaves on 4chan?
Shouldn't he buy an ad?
*Is it
>female owned
Then why would I want to join?
19 Femboy Dumfries Scotland

Looking for a local ish hardcore stalker to meet regularly.
I’m looking to base this stalking off of a flashing kink.

Looking for 30+ aggressive kinky, controlling creep types that are into public kinks

My personal kinks are flashing, public humiliation, breathplay, blindfolding, Tied, and rp kinks like robbery, kidnap, and gang.

About me: 6ft tall sissy who loves to dress up, brown hair to my neck, long legs and ok ass. Sensitive nipples and bum and love kissing

Message me and let me know your interests in this, your goals and techniques, and your kinks to know what you’ll want me to do.

For now, love Paige

Kik: KittenBabyy69

holy shit retard it's not that hard to put all your schizoposts in one message
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26/M/Eastern EU
I've always been uncomfortable talking with people, but felt at peace communicating with animals, due to this and some ostracisation I've grown more and more estranged from humans, growing more silent.
I have little empathy for human life, I simply watch people from the side and I see them littering and disrespect wildlife, hunting or fishing for sport.
A while ago I tried reasoning with them, but I have given up on it since.
Humans can be unpredictable when you tell them something they don't like, better to catch them off guard to prevent them from reacting at all, ever.
They are loud, they have fun, as if no one is watching, but I am. And I want to make them as silent as me. And if I can't do it right away, I will remember, where they were and where they went, follow them, if needed. And I will remember, for months, for years, every sin.
I feel my rational faculties slipping, my thoughts are and more filled with static.

I used to draw, I used to take more photos of nature, but it becomes less and less enjoyable to do anything alone, besides what I already do.

Nice blog. Larp. Yikers cringe.

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A month after turning 18, I found myself isolating from the world around me. I started hating my peers and refused to engage in conversation with anyone except people online.
I'm on my longest streak yet, 2 weeks have elapsed since I've last went out with a friend. I leave my house seldom, only to resupply on nessecities (i.e. snacks and drinks).
I have a massive ego, one that is irrationally inflated, and is shaky at best. I believe myself to be at the top of humanity.

getting to know people! philosophy and psychology; pets

>looking for
other people! it doesn't really matter how you're like, be as weird or selfish as you want. i just want to talk to interesting people.

discord: krakcone
i talk to demons and do black magick

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i'm a dork im posting on 4 chan need i say more
We have like a bunch of women in this server i really don't like please please please join crazy people because this is super bad. This is not a joke...
Join read rules but theres like nothing to conform to here we kinda just sit around play video games and sometimes a guy will stream the lego movie.
Also if you you're a woman do expected to be bullied but don't be gaytarded and you can stay too I guess.
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25m into sh and guro / cutting, couple hobbies, neet, if you cut or are into guro etc... add me i dont rlly feel like typing a lot please dont be normie faggot tranny retarded is ok.
disc: jaspurkas
I just post knee-jerk reactions as I read each message.
Can't be bothered to format all my mouth-breathing remarks neatly into a single post.
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ummmm hi….
come join and say hi pls
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Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Normalise reporting server posts for advertisement/begging
34/MtF/Southern US
>Mental Illnesses
Bipolar schizoaffective(diagnosed), bpd probably
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Lain, flcl
>Describe Yourself
5’6”, brown, blue, 160lb, tad belly from being overweight when a kid
>Looking for
Controlling, dominate, perverts, gaslighters, abusive - crazy and into edgy stuff - preferably men
>not looking for
People who think they can save me
>Discord tag

If you like scares and gore face currently fucked up
>autist better at lying to themselves and others about their problems.
that's simply not an autist anymore
>2 weeks have elapsed since I've last went out with a friend
>I found myself isolating from the world around me
pick one, normie
23/M/Midwest US/Neet and shut-in, friendless to the extreme, severe anxiety disorder

Complete loser dude, too anxious to leave house for more than doctor or therapy appointments. Have trouble talking to people online, convinced something is causing people not to respond to me more than once. Have zero friends, haven’t spoken to someone my age since high school. Currently on SSDI, had to stop working due to getting bullied at work due to my anxiety. Have very low self esteem, am overweight. Suffer from acute schizophrenia and severe lapses of insomnia. Looking for female companionship in life. Should also mention I’ve been addicted to pornography since I was 6.

Discord: atlas8658
Kik: fellafromomaha
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20 year old autistic male NEET, into SH and guro, underweight, in a complicated life situation (severe depression, unstable personality disorder and some diagnosis I forgot).

Into technology, open-source software, TempleOS, datahoarding

something besides kik please
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>Contact info
east coast
>Favorite Book
political books, manga such as one piece, and jjk, and more
>Favorite Movie
any anime desu, watch lot of romance and shit i tend to watch big and sad stuff, dune 2, marvel, goodfellas, godfather, classic western.
>Favorite Music
tyler the creator, kayne and playboy carti
introvert, semi shutin but forced to work to survive in this fucking system, but hey at least i got money to buy shit
>What are you looking for?
friend, weebs, neets, female,male, losers, gamers, Maybe a relationship but idk
>Who do you want to add you?
people that wanna be friends, femalels, femboy, male. we can be gooning friend if you ask tho
>Who don't you want to add you?
dry ass people, fucking people that don't listen or dont wanna talk
>Mainstream Anime I Watch
Naruto, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Sword Art Online, Death Note
>NEET/Weeb Anime Recommendations
Welcome to the NHK, ReLIFE, Watamote, The Tatami Galaxy, March Comes in Like a Lion, Hyouka, Non Non Biyori, Bocchi the Rock!, My Roommate is a Cat, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei

i want to learn all about you. i would love to discuss our dreams and futures, and to hear everything you're interested in! i have a lot of free time and i want to spend it with people, it really is helping my depression now that i've been more social. i just got out of a loveless relationship with no friends, and i want to fill my days with love and friends.

I love art! in every form, paintings, film, television, novels, even video games! i'm getting back into reading in the last few months too.

>looking for
new friends!
>not looking for
dry texters, half-hearted people
34 m USA

Looking for a female homewrecker to chat with. My girlfriend doesn't satisfy me anymore sexually or emotionally so I'm pretty much done with the relationship. Looking for a girl who doesn't mind stealing the cum and attention of another woman's man.

Disc: titi_henry14
>friendless (0 friends)
>talentless, unskilled, boring

Tick aaand tick
disc: coralcanal
Im a degenerate loser with no life or job, all I do is jerk off constantly, anyone wanna chat about being fucked up gooner losers? DM Open to all

Telegram: GoonFuel1
Discord: HotFlair
Kik: NewLifeForYou2

Looking for a young white man as a live in personal assistant / maid / fwb. I will pay for everything: housing, transportation, entertainment, phone, computer, food, etc. Some sex stuff expected but nothing crazy. Basically looking for a servant. Located in Pennsylvania but again, I will pay for your relocation.

>describe yourself
I'm a skinny depressed NEET with autism. Also don't like going outside much.
Spend a lot of my time online, watching videos, or masturbating to the idea of being bullied. Wanna someday get a Hitachi wand so I can just rot in bed and vibe.
videogames like roblox or overwatch. Maybe valrant. I don't give a shit abt music so don't ask what I'm into, I like everything. I also don't mind voice calls! I don't mind peoples ages.
No I don't own pets, but yes I like animals.
>not looking for
ppl who add and don't write anything, ppl who are super duper friendly (feels a bit fake maybe idk), West Coast Americans (ur time zone is to big) pls no racists (I'm part asian) and pls no political yappers, I'm not into arguing or debating, I'm conflict avoidant so I will just end up ignoring you.
oops forgot my disc

do you want to see pictures of my dead cat (when he was alive) and talk about human behaviour? i dont mind if you goon while we chat i am not bigoted
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bumping myself. still need girl willing to catfish :^)
20 f us

bpd neet jewish american princess looking for a high iq, high openness, high agency man to form a mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family

newfags need not apply

Looking for a nasty owner to take control of my life all behind my GFs back

> turn me into whatever you want, sissy cuck etc

24 FTM
Autistic schizo loser with no job and no friends
Looking for people to just chat shit with, maybe game together

Discord tag is braigybraig
no thank you
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All you mentally ill lonely losers who fit in nowhere come here, i literally just made it
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplaying.

Kik: totally_completely
Were you the guy on /pol/ complaining about how the vaccine fucked u up?
20 f us

bpd neet jewish american princess looking for a high iq, high openness, high agency man to form a mutual obsession that leads to marriage and a family

newfags need not apply

You keep having to post, you should describe what you don't want in more detail

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