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WE LOVE SLUTS edition.

Old thread: >>33283124
Wow thanks for using my picture
OUR picture, comrade.
Anyways if that anon who thinks they saw me can talk me what the person they saw was wearing and when they where seen so I can kill myself if I need too
Can you explain why you wanna kill yourself so badly? But be honest
Don’t do that
Anyways you cut yourself as like a cry for help, right? You should tell your close friends or family idk about it and get help
Even if I did see you why would it matter it’s not like it would affect you in anyway just like how you walk by strangers everyday
I’m fat I’m ugly I’m worthless

uhhhh what else i am fundamentally incapable of being loved because I am so disgustingly shaped. Im misbersble I’ve had an eating disorder for almost 10 years. I’ve been cutting for 5 years and i basically have no reason to stay alive
Thanks anon, and I guess you’re right but I guess it doesn’t feel real when I post these things online and I guess this is a reminder that is real. Anywyas what ethnicity did u guys end up think the person was lol?
Is anyone else in to the tactile feeling you get when running your finger tips over something that changes depths or textures? That's why I enjoy self harm scars
I thought wasian specifically Chinese and white and 2 of my friends said something like latina
No wayyy I am Chinese and white
This is actually crazy omg lol
Hahaha I know quite a few wasian people and I’m wasian myself so I can tell what countries they are from most the time
When I was younger I wanted to kill myself because I never had a family, my father died when I was 1 year old and my mother abandoned me when I was around 9.

I hated having to bother other relatives, not being able to live with my own family, in my own house, etc

I also left school when I was 15, no one really could stop me, people tried to help but I didn't want to hear anything

I was like that, barely going out and socializing for like two years

When I was 18 I realized it was enough, getting depressed because of my situation... I couldn't change it, so I finish school, and now I even work as a teacher, I am able to buy things I like for myself and I feel I improve everyday

Basically what I mean is, I'm sure you can also get out of the cycle you are in currently, you just need to appreciate yourself and realize there area things you can't change, but that's not a reason to give up (:
that so sexy and pathetic add me on dis i wanna see u cute ur horrid body
discord: dexter_fan
Ohhhh yeah fair enough!!
Thank you so much anon!! I’m so glad you are doing better :)
Yeah. You're so ugly. I hope a man never cums inside you and fucks you so hard that you cramp and the bed breaks.
Hey I like fat, go make yourself a chub fetish thread and watch what happens. Fuck around. Always a perv with a big dick or heart out there.
Why does it matter? You're just going to kill yourself no matter what we say or do for you. Not even our cum worship is important to you.
>me me me me me me
What about what others need, you bitch? This is why you're lonely. Because you have a selfish, worthless personality.

I hate you so much. There's great men in these threads that open love and worship your body and want to make love to it and you just ignore them and say this bullshit. You should just jump in front of train, maybe after the splatter, you'll learn some manners and how to appreciate others.
Ermmmm I’m not really sure what you’re talking about but ngl but yes I am ugly?? And ppl finding my phtotos attractive does matter to me and make me feel better but it isn’t enough to fix me
You don't love anyone but yourself. Stop lying to everyone here. That's why you pushed away the love of so many good men. They were willing to pay upwards of $2000 just to make you happy from JUST SEEING YOUR BODY. There are girls in this world that nowhere that amount of good treatment based on their looks. You should learn to be grateful and to appreciate those who value you greatly.
Oh yes I love myself so much so I cut myself and starve myself and vomit till I pass out
these so called good men which get off by seeing me hurt myself???
I think you just want a mentally ill girl you who does mental illness things that you find attractive and once she shows the symptoms of things u can masturbate too you can butt hurt. Guess what I am a person too
This conversation is getting us no where someone tell me where or what to cut
Yes. These men understand that the core of all this cutting shit is you needing a PIV sex orgasm and some love. This means they'd probably stick with you if you got healthy and wanted to stop cutting yourself afterward. You ignore all this though choice fully.

Cut your armpit, you non-love deserving bitch.
To be precise, cut in LOVELESS.

It will describe you perfectly.
Any chance we can get some videos of you puking? It’s one of my favorite kinks and the whole cutting thing is getting too repetitive
Do what he says, Cutterina. Puke all over that beautiful body. I hope you get dehydrated and die today. That's what you want after all. To die.
Idk how I would do that without showing my face so no sorry :(
Symptoms? Literally what? You know these men would spray seed all over and in you in a heartbeat, yet you keep saying that the reason you're cutting is that you're disgustingly shaped. Kys.
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Stop giving excuses please
There’s only so many ways and places you can cut, it’s getting stale
Please, try puking and just use something similar to pic related, you don’t even need to show your mouth
I hate that you are so quick to say no to other suggestions that are not muh cutting, there are hundreds of angles you can use to avoid showing face
carve my initial's into you thigh N.L I want to cum to it
Well I mean this is a cutting thread but I am just about to purge so I’ll see what I can do ig
I hope you disappear forever. I never want to see you again.
so what do you think of carving my initial's into onto ur thighs.
Scroll than ?? Stop responding ??
Shut up faggot.
Please do, really wanna see you puke or even just gagging <3
I tried but I’m not into vomit so I’m not getting it all over me sorry
As much as I love seeing your cute lips please lets stick to cutting
Honestly i came to this thread hoping to mingle with other fucked up cutters like me but this is all guys fetishizing cutting and now i am seeing vomit on this stupid thread.
I think so too dw that anon was made me feel like I had too so I did
I actually really regret posting that image but wtv so is life
Now I just wanna cut a bunch more
Mb gang I didn’t actually want to post it but I did so that’s entirely my fault and I’m sorry
You said it yourself earlier, this is real. Your actions will have consequences. If you keep uploading yourself, someone hateful like the majority on this website, will try to harm you.

You know that you have a problem which is good. You’ve already taken the first step to save yourself. Now you just need to realise that your life is worth living. You say stuff like you’re fat and ugly but you can fix all that easily.
Nearly all lives are worth living and seeing as you’re able to communicate and you’re not incomprehensible, your life is worth living.

Although today is the first time I’ve used this website, I can tell that what everyone says about this website is true. You shouldn’t be getting told to kill yourself because you have some decency. You shouldn’t be told to kill yourself because you won’t have sex with them.
Although it’s unlikely you will listen, please stop using this site and try to get help. I’m sure there is people in your life who you’d be sad to learn that they hurt themselves no matter the reason.
dont throw up at all, you would look better if you were bigger
i only ever did cat scratches but i will mingle with you
Thanks anon, I think I’m having a bit of a flare up (I have bpd) but i started taking my meds again this morning so hopefully I feel better soon.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write this!! I hope y have a good day :)
No problem

If you ever feel sad or have another flare or something idk how BPD works, feel free to ask me for help :P good luck
which meds do you take?
for me the most helpful thing for my mood swings that wasnt stabilizers was seroquel for sleep
I’m on aripiprazole and fluoxetine!! I’ve been on fluoxetine for 5 years now and I don’t rlly think it helps that much but I’ve gotten on aripiprazole in the last year and I think it’s helped a lot :D when I take it at least lol
happy that its working
antidepressants are hit or miss tho, im on vortioxetine and sometimes take sulpiride, they work but i literally cant take or drink anything or i get insane mood swings
Yeah definitely!! I was on sertraline before i was on fluoxetine and it made my mood swings horrribleee but with fluoxetine it makes it real easy to get drunk lol so that’s good

That’s a real shame that they work but only when u don’t drink or take anything
Hey OP, i love your lips, you are very sexy. Even when your lips are covered in vomit (not into vomit) i wanna kiss you. Loved it when you cut your lips yesterday, it was sexy. Will be following your post beautiful. All that being said, even though i enjoy looking at your scars, take care of your health. Will be wating to see more of you
xoxo <3
One more thing, what your name. Like what should i call you?
are you going to a psychologist? doctors told me its the only way to actually cure bpd
also do you ever get that feeling that youre doing better, then idk dont feel comfortable or something and immediately start doing harmful shit again?
Thanks anon! Lmk if u have any requests in terms of cutting :) and I don’t rlly mind what u call me but maybe for a name Kats cool
Yeah I am !! I See two different psychologists one for my eating disorder and the other for my ptsd / bpd.

Yup definitely!! I get that extremely often I feel like I constantly the need to prove im sick enough and anytime I’m doing something that improves my mental health and well-being and just overall doing better I feel the need to immediately be as destructive as possible because I feel like I don’t deserve to get better but also to prove that I actually am sick . It doesn’t rlly make sense when I write it out like this but it’s kinda what’s been ruling my life for the last 9 years lol

Wbu do u see a psychologist?
Let me tell you something. You should not be having “flare ups” this bad if you’re on medication. You need to tell your psychiatrist asap what you have been doing and they can readjust your medication. Life is so much more tolerable when you’re on the appropriate medication and I can tell you that you should not be suffering like this. If you see a therapist you need to be honest and tell them what you have been doing online. If you do not have a therapist you need to get one asap.
i know exactly what you mean by trying to prove you are sick

yeah im actually going today but she doesnt specialize in bpd so im going to some residential treatment made for personality disorders for 2 months
Yes Kats work for me. I been reading about you taking pills, I been on some my self. I used to frel good when im on it but then get depressed afterwards. I slowly soped thaking all meds and now i feel 10 times better. You should try it Kats. Do it slowly.

And for request, i really enjoy seeing your lips
You could maybe show more of your lips. I know you are not into nudity so, if you are cutting lips, i would love to see that.

Take care Kats <3
Hi anon! It’s cus I stopped taking my medication because I felt i didn’t deserve to get better, thank you so much for your words!! I don’t really think I’ll be able to tell my therapist about what I’ve been doing because I feel very ashamed and disgusting. However I’ve started taken my meds again and they do take a little while to kick in espically the fluoxetine but I should be alright :)

Have a nice day/life anon :)
Ooo Goodluck!! I Hope it goes well for you :) you’ve got this!! I’m incredibly proud of you for taking the first steps towards recovery !
>I don’t really think I’ll be able to tell my therapist about what I’ve been doing because I feel very ashamed and disgusting
when that happens to me i write a letter or a text for her. it really helps making it less personal
I tried x_x
Ooo that’s a very good idea I think I’ll give that a try :) thanks anon!!
Heeyyy you tried it, i dint actually think you would do it. Thanks Kats. You looks sexy, wanna kiss those lips right now. You think it will hurt when you eat. Sorry for that.
Nah lip cuts actually heal rlly quick so Dw about it ^o^
>i basically have no reason to stay alive
I want to come inside your pussy.
Is that not reason enough?
If not, can you still come here before you kermit sudoku so I can come inside your pussy after you're dead?
hey guys do you want to play roblox
I see, that's good then. You have very sexy lips. Thanks again form showing it. I will be careful about what i ask of you I future heheh. I don't want you to get any permanent damage on that beautiful body of yours.
Oh the fuck yes.
Chicks with stretch marks are also 10/10.
Boobs and hips ideally, but I've fucked some milfs and the post-pregnancy stretch marks can do it for me, too.
Most of them are self-conscious about bring manhandled in that area, though, so it's basically a in-bed-spooning-before-she-wakes-up sneaky pleasure.
man, y'all are broken
i hope you get over whatever hurt you to this degree
Ofc :3
OMG!!! My skin hurts looking at it >_<
>And ppl finding my phtotos attractive does matter to me and make me feel better but it isn’t enough to fix me
People would probably find you attractive in person as well.
Retarded hornyniggers giving you over-the-top praise on /soc/ doesn't hit remotely as hard as being in the same room and experiencing their delight as they undress you, touch you, taste you, and fuck you.
Feeling a man come inside you and knowing you did it may be enough.
You are definitely not fat.
You just have no self-esteem.
Hey should i be worried if one day you stoped repllying. Starting to feel like you like getting bullied. And hurting your self.
I mean you have any suicidal thoughts?
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Not my thing, but I did save this.
Are you into subby stuff, like being a pet or wearing a collar and leash?
Would you want a man to guide you to a better life?
Ehhhhhhhhh idk about that
btw i think you would look pretty without scars
Okay seriously, stop it with the vomit videos, make your own post...
Nah I probably won’t actually kill myself , and if I stop replying that means my meds kicked in and I’m feeling better probably or it could mean I’ve killed myslef who knows but probably just doing better
There are many ways to self-harm, not just cutting.
Getting drunk and having irresponsible sex with internet strangers, for instance.
Thank you anon :)
I guess that’s true but everyone who is into self harm scars always lives on the otherside of the world
You guys are actually pretty rare most ppl are disgusted by them
Hopefully its the first one. No killing your self, im banning you form doing it. :p
I'm not into SH or the scars, but you seem really prettyy despite them.
Do you ever post more than just scars, like are you into getting your tits applauded too?
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Only one way to be sure.
where do you live?
Ill be honest, i only enjoy something ask long as the other person find it hot. Im not that into cutting, but you are very chill. And I wouldn't mind scars. I would definitely date you.
And, as I've said, a flight from Auckland to NYC is $700.
Are you more fun than stepping on a lego?
I don’t post nudes but I’ll post stuff in my bra and studf and there’s some other stuff in the old threads
Legos pretty fucking cool though I love Lego
You look incredibly hot, despite the scars.
Do you actually go out presenting them like that?
New Zealand x_x
Nonono absolutely not I wouldn’t wanna trigger someone and I’m actually very ashamed of them irl
I definitely won’t wear any low cut tops for a while 0_0
Sweet. When do you want to come?
I’m not into cutting sexually either ngl I just do it for validation on 4chan lil
I was just there a few months ago.
Would have met up with you if I had known, invited you to some.nice dinner and my airbnb.
Literally on the plane rn
With the ticket I bought with the money I totally have!
You got some pics you wanna share of your thighs? Maybe with your sexy hands combined?
Good thing I have the next several days off and can give you my full attention after I pick you up from the airport.
im euro
Here are my thighs rn ^0^
We’ll see u in how ever long it takes for a flight to get from nz to New York :p
Damn those are cut.
But the legs are nice. Missing yoir sexy hands though.
What are you into sexually?
Open them for me, s.v.p.
I’m a virgin lol :p but probably being more submissive :3
Rough and a bit pain wouldn't be bad, it would probably make you more fertile and hornier.
That's why I suggested the collar and leash. Do you like chokers?
I did have a girl I'd been online friends with for a few months randomly ask one day what I would do if I answered a knock on my front door and she was standing there.
We ended up dating for four years.
Yeah there cute :3
Omg lmaoo that’s so cute and cool how did she know ur address lmaoo
So I'm getting you a collar and leash. Any lingerie you got? Show it off. What's your tummy like?
My stomach rn and I don’t have an lingerie lol :p
She'd gone to Japan and I asked her to bring me back a bunch of weird KitKat flavors and something in Engrish. Gave her my address so she could mail it when she got back.
Apparently her flight got diverted and she had a superlong layover and realized she could get a rental car and drive over to drop it off in person and it would be cheaper than a hotel room.
Then you need me to get you some, because that gorgeous fuckbody needs to be wrapped in some sexy shit.
I'm not sure if I could control myself near you, but you wouldn't mind that, right?
Tell me some of your sex fantasies, you'd like to feel some painal?
>doesn't already have a collar and leash
Omgggg that’s so cute!!
I got more than enough money to buy new ones.
I’m not even gonna lie to u I just had to Google what is lmao
That ain't an answer though. lol
At least show me your ass and your arched back.
She ate my KitKats somewhere over the ocean, though. ; _ ;
hey guys do you still want to play roblox and not fuck
:3 pic from yesterday lol
Very sad :>lm
It's fine.
I ate her pussy instead. ^_^
Damn, you really need some hot underwear.
You don't have a sugar daddy to pay you some?
Yummy :P
Nope :> yeah only boring undies for me lol
You could essily get one with your body.
Any man would love to give you creampies.
Do you think you could also try and deepthroat a cock, since purged? Might be that your gag reflex is weaker.
She wore a bunch of bracelets to cover all the scars on her wrists.
She eventually stopped bothering while we were dating because whenever she was laying around near me I'd automatically take them off and absently pet her inner forearms.

It was actually surprisingly depressing meeting her for coffee about a year after we agreed long-distance wasn't working and seeing she'd started wearing them again.
Hmmmm maybe I’m really not sure I think it’s more likely the opposite is true ngl
Would you give it a try though?
Hey Kate, how come you are still a virgin? You interest in M or F?
Awhh it’s nice she felt comfortable enough with you even if ur didn’t last forever. That is a bit depressing anon :( I guess it’s just important remeber that at least ur relationship with her happened even if it didn’t last

Sorry idk how to comfort people I’ve never been in a relationship lol ^_^
Both :3 I’ve been in and our of hospitals and mental institutions mostly for my eating disorder even since I was 13 and I never really even dated anyone I always rejected anyone who asked because I felt like they where too good for me :>
Come here so I can pet your scars.
Yeah :3
I’m omw remeber currently flying over the ocean :3
Well you should really have more selfesteem. You are beautiful. I know ill be luck tonhave you. You ever want to date any one?
You jest, but it could be true if you also want it.
That's the good girl spirit!
After a rough fuck, I also like to give good and extensive aftercare. Cuddling with you and telling you how well you did.
Too bad I didn't see your posts a few months earlier when I wss over there. I would have at least taken you out and have gotten you some fancy underwear, because those grandma briefs ain,t cutting it!
Yeah definitely but I actually really want a relationship but I don’t think it would be good for me ngl
Why not?
I do jest as sadly I am extremely broke :( sorry anon :>
Lmaooo yeah lingere is so expensive and I don’t exactly have a riveting sex life so I don’t see any reason in buying myself some lol
Wouldn't it make yourself feel better wearing nice things?
You should make a wishlist on throne.com
I’d definitely become extremely obsessive and dependent on that person and it’d be even worse if they were someone who encouraged by self destructive behaviours like cutting or b/ping. And if I ever got dumped for whatever reason I genuinely think I’d probaly kill myself and it’s also not fair on the other person to be in a relationship with someone so mentally Ill yknow
I guess that makes sense but I hate my body too much I guess to ever feel good about it no matter what I’m wearing ^o^
Sorry you think that way. But at some point you have to make a choice. Are you really happy right now? Replying to these messages? You shoul try to find someone.
Well, you have a reason to save up.
Let me know when you're ready and we'll figure out the exact schedule.
And then, when you get here, I'll spend more on legos than the cost of your flight.
Do you cut yourself because you don't like your body?
So... no clothes for you around the house when you're here.
Yeah that’s part of the reason ig I’m just so disgusted by my body and my face that I resort to destroying it to feel better
It’s gonna take me a millennium do save considering I don’t have a job but bet :3 see u in a millennium
You are making me feel bad, sorry to hear that. Idk what to say. Where you abused as a child?
You could also ask me to pay for your flight.
Then you stay until YOU buy us the legos.
Nah idk why I’m like this lol
Don’t feel bad I’m fine I’m promise :)
Bet :P
Tell me this , are u happy with ur life right now?
>I’m fine
You're not.
But you're hot.

Then you should wear sexy things and show that off to others, at least get some validation from us.
Thank you for doing it, it was really hot! One of the reasons you aren’t even more ugly is because you usually puke :3
So I think it’s also important to share that aspect, it’s just kinda sad anons get triggered over that kink, but I understand
I just woke up and wanted to see if you did it
It’s really hot you posted it, thank you, princess <3
Also, you should consider doing a Discord or Telegram where you do this instead of 4chan
Would be hot to join and get updated about how fucked up you get every day :3
30 yo trans fem / sissy girl Looking for cruel exposer to transform me into a perfect webslut. Make profiles on any website like twitter and catfish/expose me any way you like. Maybe setting up a video feed in my room. I can buy outfits from Shein if u want to control how i dress. Make me walk outside with a lovense toys etc... open for any hot proposals, ideas or exposure games Kik alissx333 telegram @aliverv
came to this board looking for something else, but I'm rather drunk and have bad fetishes...
cut once before for a dom and regretted it, but not enough to say I'd never do it again :/
>and have bad fetishes
Same. But given your negative feelings on the experience idk if I'd enjoy engaging in that kind of play with you. It's mostly the blood fetish that interests me.
negative feelings are very tempting for me tho >.<
oh, and the intimacy of it. All my fetishes revolve around intimacy desu.

I mean, if you want we can exchange contact info
Intimacy paired with cruelty is great~
I'd prefer you drop your tag, given I'm the stupid one here, but I can drop mine if you prefer
>drop your tag

discord: lordlighthouse
(and since it just came up and I should've clarified a little earlier, I am a dude
hard to keep track of the logistics of advertising rn cause drunk lol lmaooo~ (am really feeling stupid...))
Yeah you absolutely should've clarified that earlier, you made that dude shrivel up
I'm sorry :(
at least I got out of the way in my first two or three messages
>first two or three messages
The absolute irony that it was the 4th post. lmao
But hey, better late than never and you didn't pretend to be a woman by using female anime avatars.
it was the third message in dms
didn't mean to mislead, just forgot that on /soc/ people assume others to be girls for some reason
im mentally retarded and posted in the old thread LOL
so much blood <3
Oh how I'd love to play with you chink. Take a tit shot and hide your nipples with two fingers each.
I tried I just woke up lol :p
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Can you do this?
Btw I didn't mean what I said earlier. I read what you said in this thread about not wanting to become addicted and now I understand.
It’s alg u are forgiven anon :)
I tried it’s very hard to hold the camera so it looks a bit weird
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You're making me want to cum hard.

This one next please.

Make daddy cum.
Obviously hide nipples but I won't get mad if you don't.

(• ◡•)
Please consider puking more on pics or vids, not on this thread but anywhere is okay
I think it's also nice to see and it's not something where you have to show your body again for the 100th time :3
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Do the one hand but sit like this.
Yeah no more puking photos sorry lmao
Here the other one was way tk hard to take a photo of :p
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Raise your hand a little or/and spread your fingers out a little.

I wish I could hold you so much btw. So hot. I love your stomach and curves and you look so good in that bra.

God, so good. Keep it up.
Lucky me got the privilege of cutting for someone...
That’s too close to nudes sorry anon :(
Do you have any hobbies?
It's alright.
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Could you put your underwear back on and do this one while having your face turned away?
why are you against nudes so much?
i just want to know the reasoning behind it
bc she doesn't want to be a absolute whore. Just a little one.
also, she thinks her pussy and tits would distract from her cuts.
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Better pic
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This makes me wanna grin. Either doing it front facing the camera or back facing or both if you have the time.
pain is just a feeling made by your brain. If you were actually focusing on it you would realize it doesn't exist and self harm would become pointless.
low iq mindless behavior. Expected of women, but still disappointing.
I tried :3
Your pussy looks so cute.
Yeah basically what the other anon said but like yknow this is a self harm thread so I would rather people ask me to cut certain things or places rather than asking for nudes
God I want to mate with you so much. I just want to breed the fuck out of you on that stupid shitty carpet.
I hope one day you heal your personal issues so you can take a nice cum shot to the ovaries and be happy.
Awww thank u >_<
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Imagine us doing this but on the floor.
It would be possible for you to cut right inside your belly button?
I tried lol it didn’t really work
Hot :P
Could you cut a smiley face on your ass and do this one with your butt towards the camera?
Have you ever tried cutting around your pussy?
What are those holes?
you should do a bunch of vertical cuts down your belly
I had heart surgery as a baby so it’s something from than I’m not entirely sure
I know someone that has the exact holes because he did surgery to the heart due to some worm or some type of parasite I don't remember though
I want to stick my finger in your heart holes
I tried but u couldn’t rlly see the smiley face so here’s a different angle lol
Still looking for a cutter gf that will let me watch and/or participate in. I'm attracted to the potential intimacy of it, plus a blood kink also linked to the intimacy part of it

discord: lordlighthouse
No joke but what happens if someone sees you like this
I’m currently home alone but if someone did walk in I think I’d kms lol there’s no coming back from that
Do you have a type of fetish and you are doing this to yourself
Nah blood and cutting doesn’t turn me on at all lol, I cut myself for other reasons but like I may as well get some validation out of it at the same time yknow
So basically you want attention?
Can you do the bendy one or try? It's really hot.
God I just want to lick your ass cheek and paint that blood all over it with my tongue. I want to cum.
Yes :3 I am an attention whore also I thought I was home alone and it turns out I wasn’t and my brother walked into my room and I was fully clothed but I had the blade in my head so now hes calling me dad lmfaooo someone kill me
I’m literally an adult I don’t know why they care if I fucking cut myself

I’m so fucked goodbye
I'll miss you. You have my gmail btw.
Rest in Piece
Would you torture your belly button/navel, leave a small hole or cut into it vertically? :3
I mean probably they don't want you to die
Bro, it's over. She's about to get whooped and grounded or punished really bad.
Anyone know any good self harm twitter acc or telegram channels?
It’s fine they’ll probaly just send me to a respite or some sorta ward for like a week or smth they don’t rlly want to deal with me anymore lol :3
Bruh kinda feel bad for you (Probably you are lying but it's not in my place to judge)
Is your brother gone? Can you do the sexy one? This could be the last time you can do this for a while, so might as well end it on a good note.


Also, could you email me when you're gonna post another thread? I might not be here. You don't have to use your real one but a proton temporary one would work.
I want to see your bleeding ass in the above position. It's so hotttttt.
Dang you are thirsty
Are you alive?
I personally found my way out of self harm through sports and the community and people around those circles (dopamine from running = more motivation to keep running = building routines = ... ).
take good care of yourself, take it easy. you have time to do things and think about life, you're still young. bottom line is that you should THINK about things. thinking makes us keep living happy lives.
>Just work on yourself lol
Could get the internet to send you to NYC to build with legos.
>attention seeking behaviour
>gets attention from people who care about her
>annoyed about it
Why not? I actually care about other stuff you do and wanna see you puke, the rest just wanna see your cute body :c
Everything okay with your family kats? Was worried about you
brother you are going to hell and it will not be a short stay
19f. Telegram & discord
gaiamyst. Add me if you wanna watch me cut on call. Mostly doing styros / epis but l've hit beans before ^-^ I can provide pictures too . Got banned from discord last time so trying this again
Forgot to edit this , my new discord is @ gaiamystt
Experienced CIS dom is looking for a new sub.

I will control your life completely in every aspect without any limits. I will own you and play with you as I wish 24/7.

Longterm only. Singles and couples welcome likewise.

KIK: fullforcecis
Why me specifically? Stop being a normie that only enjoys nudes :/
How do I Join make in invite plase.
Lovely! Thanks for the picture little happa slut.

When are you sharing a throwaway account so I can give you attention?
Thank you! Your cuts are lovely but the puking is especially sexy, sincerely this is very special thing that made my day good
Join our self harm server. We need more of your kind!

what body part even is this
Can you cutsign some Chinese character (i would recommend some with great meaning). I would be very appreciated,always want to see them arts.
Thigh you retard
Anyone Ana that wants to share body checks and progress add me
ur ugly and fat and literally no one wants to see your piece of shit body

go attention whore somewhere else u used up com whore
literally NO ON cares u ugly whore , go attention seek in the same com self harm pisscord server u came from u ugly piece of shit and loose some fucking weight ur disgusting
I really really love the girls itt with all my heart
I desperately wish I could talk to you and get to know you, idk something about this makes me feel a lot of things
I have this that I did for my future husband. Would have done it deeper but he told me not to so I'll have to think about that
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Fresh baby cuts on my thigh cuz I love blood :p
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Sheets r ruined...over....
omg please dont hurt yourself for 4chan clout not worth it xo hope that helped
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I already have '4chan clout' I just happen to have a self harm fetish and love showing people
xo hope that helped
Fetish you say?
Yeah cutting myself and licking the blood turns me on but everyone irl thinks it's gross and unsettling i was cursed
That's just looklike gibberish cutting, idk if u serious or not but hey, keep having fun yo
>Disgustingly shaped.
I'm just here out of curiosity, not cranking my hog or anything, but I feel like it's worth stating that, from what you've shown, I do not get what you mean by disgustingly shaped. You posted some photos and at most it looks like you might have a slightly elongated torso? IDK, I'm actively looking for things but I'm not seeing anything noticeable (and if I'm being honest you are genuinely kinda cute).
Hey did you suck all that blood or no , it's not good to wipe all that off so don't waste them . Thanks
add me on discord, destrudoisdead
Dated a chick pretty similar to this some months ago. Everyone told me it was gonna be nightmare but i have quite fond memories of it. She had bipolar and autism, wonder if that combo is the most common one for girls like this.
I did a design, Any girl wants to make this?
i want to start cutting myself but idk how to start as dumb as that sounds. should i get first aid supplies? what should i cut myself with? is this stuff that i just have to experiment with
just don't man...unless you are a hot girl it is the most retarded thing to do. you won't get attention but laughter...
bumping thread
i don't even wanna post pics, just want to hurt for a bit
well how about just hitting yourself?
Need aftercare
Teleguard BPC98VKUA
spank your ass till it's red. you will feel it the entire next day sitting down.
doesn't feel the same, i at least want to see and feel the blood
self harm server

this is kinda pretty. id do it but i dont like posting photos :(
I did find someone to cut for last time and I've been thinking about that everyday since uwu
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pretty wrist cut from last month
If you want I can give you my discord, and I will make you a personal design
LF chick who self harms for validation or whatever you want. Don't care how mentally ill you are or how ugly you think your body is, if you're pale DM on discord
sure, why not :)
Did anyone add u?
LF chick who self harms for validation or whatever you want. Don't care how mentally ill you are or how ugly you think your body is, if you're pale DM on discord dexter_yes
25 / F / Domme / London UK

KIK : Itschnll22

Experienced Domme seeking for a determined submissive kinky guy that willing to undergo into long term ownership basis with me. Inexperienced/Curious are also welcome. Send SFW pic and introduce yourself nicely if you want to get replied.
Advices, support and instructions
Teleguard: BPC98VKUA
See >>33302533

Go get 'em tiger!
"I can fix her"
I find it very arousing
:) discord - anton01857

this is one of the first streams from gaya, really hope she comes back some idiots reported the discord again
Not sure how Discord works, but is it possible that it was automatically deleted or something?
no she told me the last time it was reported, discord removes the server and the account, almost certain they did the same thing again
How would she know it was reported? Discord tells her?
Pretty sure they just automatically detect content and delete it, like similar apps do
Just noticed what happeed to the server. Did she say anything?
she didn't say anything so maybe she just deleted it herself
I talked with her this morning, she told me was going to buy blades, not really sure what happen since
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I just asked her what happened and she blocked me lmao
Which is not surprising, she was acting odd last stream, getting triggered by a joke I made (about making a stream while bathing) while at the same time accepting requests to try on different clothes which have nothing to do with cutting/bruising
Also made a suggestion for she to cut and she said she wasn’t in the mood…
I assume she just started hating me for no reason or just wanted a break, dunno
I messaged with her quite a bit on private and didn’t ask for nudes, so it’s weird she got like that
well from the start didn't want to do sexual stuff, and that's fair, I think some guys were pushing her too much and she broke sadly; so it wasn't a report then :/
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Meh, though she would understand I was making a joke? She genuinely got triggered by that saying she wasn’t a camgirl… like, multiple guys were actually asking for more suggestive poses and for her to take off clothes all the time
not blaming you personally, just think that what made her delete and block people
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I guess, but it’s a bit unrealistic to put links here and expect on one will ask for sexual stuff
Maybe next time add some rules like on Discord servers kek
Val here, i just hope she's okay, and will miss the streams, it was fun.
>hope she's okay
there is a possibility her parents found out
I asked her what happened but still she hasn't replied probably she has stopped for now or her parents found out the blades that she said she bought (idk)
And also she hasn't been online after the server got deleted or probably she just has set her status to invisible
She gas also deleted her telegram server
yea for some reason I really feel they found out, doubt she would just vanish
Didn't she said that they don't care anymore (even though she has told them that she has stopped)
No. she told me hid from them, that's why she was always worried with her clothes to hide the cuts. she has been on the loony bin before when they found out so Im assuming she is there now or going to
Oh yeah i forgot i hope she's ok though
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At the same time, I believe her Discord got disabled as well
Otherwise she would have blocked me there as well lmao
The first one that got disabled is still on my friend list, chat intact, etc
Perhaps some case of burn out and wanted to take a break?
Anyways, I’m going to stop speculating about the life of someone else, don’t wanna get too invasive
At first I was pissed and was just going to share what I recorded and stuff, but meh
I’m gonna keep looking for my own SH virtual submissive <3
Good luck, anons
>Otherwise she would have blocked me there as well lmao
Honestly don't think it was her blocking you but probably a legal guardian imo, i just asked how she was and got blocked too lol
Having her hold the server probably wasn't the best idea in the first place after the first one got deleted. Anyone want to make a new one in hopes she comes back
M23 kik hosarar
Hmu if you want me watch stroking to you :)
I asked her to provide pics of her scars and she immediately sent me unsolicited(ish?) nudes.
Didn't click the server invite she sent since I'm not interested in watching some chick cut herself on VC and the conversation was giving me a pushy/seller vibe.
Checked back after work and she (or discord, though I don't think she had been b& yet at that point since the server invite was still active) had deleted the pics from the chat history.
discord uses AI to figure out if shit is cp or gore or something equally bad, yall just now finding this out or what
>unsolicited(ish?) nudes
Showing full tits and pussy? I have some where she's naked and just drew circles over the private parts
Nope I just don't really use shitcord, but assumed that was pretty much the case
of course not anon, nobody of us uses the thing the entire thread is about for some sub par female, course not
No need to be a smartass, anon
It wasn't like LOOK UPON MY TITS AND PUSSY, AND DESPAIR unsolicited nudes. Technically she WAS showing me pictures of her scars, I guess. The nudity was incidental.
Would pet.
>sub par female
You are out of your mind. She's the hottest girl I have ever seen. Perfect tits, perfect thighs, pretty clothes and hair. And that's before the cutting, which was hot as fuck.
Fuck, anons… now you made me wanna fap to her streams. Gonna be right back after I coom.
Val here again, please be respectful to gaia, i dont think she want her videos on the internet (so please tske it down if possible). What ever shes going through, please give her some time and respect, atleast for all the good times we had. Take care :)
You too soldier o7
Because of people like you she probably stopped
Oh, sorry, anon. For not just watching her videos with a straight face while drinking while and being “based” like you. Fuck off.
If I wanna masturbate while she cuts I don’t see the problem.
If she stopped because people wanted to see her naked or found her hot, it’s not my problem.
sh group
teleguard BPC98VKUA
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>she doesn't want her videos on the internet
>mfw when the attentionwhoring backfires

i fucking told her so...they never listen nor learn.

to all the girlies...you best believe that whatever the fuck you put out there or here on the internet...stays there.
don't believe it? anon doesn't even need to save the pictures you post on here since there are fucking archives that save every single thread.
she deleted the chat on telegram but she was exited that I edited and recorded her streams, she liked the attention.. obviously
I mean when that guy that was basically making fun of her, called her attention whore she said that she was attention seeker(idk if she actually meant it) but she was saying that she wasn't a cam girl
, I mean she probably enjoyed the attention but didn't want to be sexualised
what do you mean??? she send me videos of her walking in panties and moaning in pain, obviously there is a sexual element to it
Out of everything the one you can change permanently is being miserable. Going to a mass regularly or every sunday will help you long term, any activity from week to week you enjoy will do this but you are in need of spiritual restoration currently. And as for being unlovable, r u retarded?? Gods light and love shine with brilliant warmth upon you since birth. It is up to you if you wish to feel it proper or exist in the cold of the world that treats you as if youre no more than dirt.
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cutfags join this serv you can post cut in this serv
I want to kiss your scars and cover your cuts in cutesy colorful little bandaids
Bro what
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Why do white people do this?
Cause CIA and Mossad are brainwashing the white race into self destruction cause blacks and Mexicans are easier to enslave

come do drugs
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push me to do more. i know im pathetic and weak
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tricks my body into releasing serotonin delaying my inevitable suicide
huh, im retarded and dont know what that means
Bro, we only give them attention when they do this because they are girls with bodies we want to have sex with. Get some help, put some clothes on, and get these pics deleted from the archives for the sake of your own dignity and pride.
what's your contact info I want to encourage you to cut yourself even more
icarus.of.athens on discord

realize youre talking to a tranny dont wanna disappoint

ill add anyone in the next like 20 or so miuns while i get drunk
Val if you are still here, were you able to speak with her? Or did she/who had her account access block you too :/
I dont think she would kill it like that, she was having so much fun
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yall are missing out LOL
doing gay shit too?

She was pretty twitchy for the last 30 minutes or so of the last stream, don't know if it was out of boredom or excitement
You still have time bro don't fall into that rabbit hole
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Wtf did you do on your left thigh
that's my girl
Wtf are you doing bro
No, i didn't try to talk to her after that night. If it was her that took everything down, then she need a break, if it was someone else then there is no point in trying to connect with her. So i dint try.
Yeah she hasn't replied i think she probably wanted to stop doing what she was doing
I wasn't expecting to see another aucklander here lol, hi ^_^
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My Mistress' beautiful scars.
I'm not gay, but the parallelness of those cuts is kinda impressive.
the dick kinda ruins the vibe but the scars are still hot
The dick enhances the vibe imho
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alright whores, gross leg hair probably ruins it but have this
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the real product i was trying to make with these cuts
take a cold shower and stop being an attention-whoring faggot. be a man.
wah wah nigger it was for my ex
gimmie ur roblox user :p
what's your contact info
@xyanCyan telegram, ill give you my discord there I guess, dont really want my cuts to be traced
make a throwaway discord or something I don't have tele
what are those wholes on top of ur stomach? they dont look like scars
its ok here, shield.of.longinus
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Thanks for the nice thread
join for self harm
What the fuck dude
Fair enough I think nuked it
What did you do
I think I saw her, or a girl that looked like her walking with her family, asked her about it she didnt say anything. A few hours later stared deleting everything
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sweetie u gotta cut on the diagonal to make the scars heal into the look you want.
Bro what
Where are you from?
self harm server

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Got any room for masochists? I want to give needleplay a go since urethral sounding was fucking amazing, but I don't want to screw up my nerves.

Also, are you retards using sterilised blades? That shit could give you a painfully unfucking, unenjoyable infection if you are not being careful enough.
You sound pretty
open the
I wanna see some bone tho like open that shit up nigger be like the soldiers and shit get some meat on the table
Niggers fucked up stay playing with little knives this shit that's boring as hell give me something to look at at least. bring out the kitchen knife or something post a bathtub pic idk. At least a full body. Maybe I just came at the wrong time or something thought niggers would be going harder than this in 2024. Pigs. CUT YOURSELVES! I WANT BLOOD! GAAAAAAAAAHHHhhh
What kind of pills did you take

I can't stop staring at this... it just looks like it would taste so good. I just wanna suck up all that blood. But if you let it dry like that it would be so satisfying to just like walk around like that for a bit. I can imagine how warm and sticky it feels just as it starts to dry. That sweet metallic tinge... like nectar. wish the cuts were deeper, I love when it's dark red and you can see inside. Plus, it feels so good. I haven't cut myself before but I could imagine how good the throbbing of an open would would feel... And what happens when you like, pour alcohol on it... that sting... and the way it has like a chemical reaction with the outer layer. I also love like running the tips of my fingers over it when it's all dry. like, the roughness of a dried scrape and just raping that shit off. eat humans
imagine how it would feel to just strum all those chords, like, dig your nails in at the top and then drag them down as hard as you can to try to rip all the cuts open and then just keep scratching and scratching and getting so bloody and then ripping your face off
Self harm server


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