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Read the board and site rules first >>17318579

Do not post content of others, do that on >>>/s/

>Cis-fem only
>Timestamp if new
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Old thread: >>33259295
Grate macro
more kebab girl right now
She takes great pics, I just put a shitty MSPaint font on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's a song we can fuck to?

Dare you to put a cookie in your ass and push it right back out
hi please pull on your nips thank you
Also I gotta hand it to you, Taxidermy is a very good album
You're so real for this
So sexy, i love the color of your lips
What you listening to
Looks like the sort of activity you don't need pants for, just saying ;)
none of my songs are suitable for sex desu, but i’d put something like this for a sensual, romantic session, with more softness and less roughness lol https://youtu.be/SqYLNizqxcg?si=r1rmUexnvPPtbGI8
have a cookie friend
thanks:* a bit pale lol
queen adreena album taxidermy
you right, it’s actually pretty hot in them
u welcome
Oh fuck that’s hot
I liked that track a lot, thanks gf, I will put it on the next time I have a sensual, romantic session to you

What's your favorite flavor of cookie?

Let's see a tit slap video...
>you right, it’s actually pretty hot in them
Good girl, and it means far easier access while chilling and jillng.
Those lips would look great around my cock
Can you clip those pussy lips? Do you have more so you can line those lips and clit with them?
I would like a cookie
i don’t eat cookies often but anything that has chocolate, vanilla or cinnamon is good
dun have enoughh
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tornfavoritehoopoe lol
Done and done, baked goods coming your way

They jiggle perfectly, 10/10, no notes
Very nice jiggle. Btw, I will keep pestering you about riding a pillow.
Show us what u can fit in that amazing ass
I'm gonna cum so hard to you <3
Think your pussy deserves equal slaps
Please stick smth in that pussy, anything.
Deodorant, hairbrush, dildo, banana, idc just do it
there was some paint residue apparently so i kept painting my ass lmaoo https://www.redgifs.com/watch/harmonioussprydaddylonglegs
Can we see you kiss that brush handle
Can you please put a finger in your ass? Or better yet 2 in the pink 1 in the stink?
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hi! could you please do something like this?
liek that?
Bump for finger dp
Thank you!
daily piss vid when?
That pussy actually looks extra fucking gorgeous when your lips are splayed like that

Spread those legs, it's time to get eaten the fuck out
Woah that was awesome
yes, but could you spread it a bit lower down so I can see the hole a bit? thanks :)
Could you please do one where you’re using the brush in your pussy while you’re fingering your ass at the same time?
lovely thank you :3
Yep, definitely gonna have a good nut tonight.
I don't think we've seen you do a standing pee. Requesting you stand up and pee like a dude in the toilet with your ass to the camera.
That brush is meant to be in your ass, KG. Put it where it belongs :>
Would love to see you try pushing a bottle (just the slip part) up that lovely ass of yours
And then suck it ;*
i did the brush thing >>33289918 lol
paint brush*
Wrong brush ;) Use the hairbrush.
or did you ID change?
ye im walking outside now
It's so hot to see you suck things. Any chance you got something large and thick that you can try to fuck your mouth with? Like a fat cucumber or aubergine maybe?

You are an absolute cutie btw.
Sounds like a perfect time for more public flashes.
Make a picture of something daring in public? Bonus points for nakedness.
AH man, dont tell us the fun is over? can you ride a bench or something that goes between your legs maybe?
made for repeated cream pies
Do you think we could get a naked 360? your body is goals and id love to see what your legs look like standing <33 You're gorgeous <3
I only come to 4chan for this.
Thats hot mm
Do you like BBC?
Want to do this with KG )^:
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/givingsweetroadrunner adrenaline made me reaaaal creamyyy huh (it’s ovulation day actually lool)
i’ll get carrots tomorrow so i could do with that or a few of em
i didnt want to put my fully naked pussy on that tho D’: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/virtualirritatingatlanticblackgoby
i’ll do tomorrow cus now the lightning will be the worst u ever seen in ur life
cum pick me up from this bench
dead (pinpointing the back of the camera at myself in the dark was hard so it’s weird lol)
You'll get ass splinters doing that.

This girl never wears a bra, I swear, lol.
nop, haven’t worn one in almost 10 years
Does anyone notice?
small boobs so i don’t think it’s very noticeable, especially whilst wearing baggier shirts nor do they really need any support due to the size
You missed one>>33290485
That creaminess just made me cum all over again

You are a fucking superstar

And we love your titties
PS congrats on touching grass, gf
>no latently exhibitionist girl to strip off and roll around in the undergrowth with
didn’t help, still deranged
you already asked me this didn’t you?i answered in some previous thread. all cocks r nice if they’re working lool
Sinister trips!
That anus needs filled.
How warm/cold was that?
Still hoping some day you piss in a glass and drink it ;> Speaking of piss, more outdoors pissing if you get the chance, please.
>didn’t help, still deranged
No better way, KB ^^

lol, brainlet denied.
Dubs and trips in the past half hour, your posts have clearly been blessed, and anyways I would much rather you be as deranged as you truly are

You've done public nudes, public piss, obviously the final frontier is to public cucumber anal fuck and push out...

If you had a sex toy would it be clit stimulation (wand, clit sucker, etc) or penetrative (dildo)? Can I mold my cock, paint it a radioactive green, and slap it onto a suction cup base and have you use it for all your public adventures?
So you would enjoy 8 inches of dark meat?
off to sleep nooow
and dig up sum soil to smear on each other. very romantic:-)
that part of the rail was warm cus it’s some gum shit so it gets warm due to the heat throughout the day, but was pretty uncomfy to do lol
something for the clit as that’s how i get off anyways and i can’t really cum from penetration alone so even if i had a dildo i still would need to stimulate the clit to cum
>that part of the rail was warm cus it’s some gum shit so it gets warm due to the heat throughout the day, but was pretty uncomfy to do lol
Ah, fair. Can imagine it's not the best thing to rub up against :p
>off to sleep nooow
Requesting you pull your panties to the side to show off your anus, and only your anus, for some winks to give a goodnight kiss, please <3
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/nextobesealpinegoat kiss
Sleep tight, I'll join you in there soon

Also yeah clit stim is the good shit
It's like you know me, man
Good girl, kisses for you and your anus <3 Sleep well, KG.
I want to feed kebabs to kebugf
She looks kinda skinny
Hope you slept well! Would definitely lick your morning dew clean
Good girl <3
if possible, would love to see you piss from a bench like that in a similar position.
Can we get a video of you pissing in this position with your pussy spread or pissing in a cup?
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/belatedoutrageousbaldeagle quality got so fucked up ): (prob bc i cut the video to cut out my face but i had to do it) also don’t mind the beat legs, it is unavoidable at work lol
What kind of guys are you into?
Your body is amazing, roughly how much do you weigh? You look so light and easy to toss around
i like the black cat bf type (cus im more of a golden retriever gf personality wise, so i really like that kind of dynamic). so basically a guy that’s sharp, smart, analytical, appears cold and detached to others, but let’s his silly and lovey dovey obsessive side reveal itself with meeee. really need someone that we could be all 3 together - serious when needed, goofy and unhinged in love lmaoo. interest wise nerdy and artsy guys are chef’s kiss. computer science, playing an instrument, painting, sculpting, anime, gaming, going to art museums, some niche band performance, reading (comics/manga/books), being innovative, etc. etc. all good and sexy
i’m around 110lbs/50kg. close to being classified as an anorexic or maybe already am lmaoo
oh shit, dat me
>cut out my face
Honey darling did it hurt when you had to cut out your face

>tfw she's describing me

Have you ever been overweight, or at least significantly heavier than 50kg?
This view but your feet fully in the pic?
you’re hot then
>>tfw she's describing me
call me ;)
and was always pretty skinny/medium, cus the heaviest i was was back in high school, maybe at 16 years old, when i got to 60kg or something like that
definitely would call/text but no contact fagging allowed
yeye im just playing
>call me
Well I followed you home from the park bench and then slid a love note under your door covered in my cum, did you not get it...

oh FUCK did someone else think it was for them...

What are you gonna push outta your ass today, gf?
I'm pent up as fuck and real close. I'd breed you so damn quick rn. Wish I could show you.
Wish I could cum balls deep in that creamy pussy.
You're cringeposting like the Swede at this point.
could you do something like this again, but go mouth to pussy and back a couple times?
No shit, but more than anything I'm impressed by how much you care about other dudes simping in a camwhore thread, broski. There is a girl to look at! Look anywhere but here.
matching 66 dubs maybe you will one day
>tfw she's describing me
you’re not special, 75% of 4chan falls into what she described
yup there's probably a dozen guys in this thread alone that fall into that group while simultaneously being attractive.
Dam, want to be my wife in real life, forever?
I mean literally dude, no fucking shit

certainly a catch 22 of a question. you'll sound like a loser no matter what you answer.

I'd say it's not me though, because I think I definitely appear more happy and social rather than cold.
What is your height?
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tastymutedhumpbackwhale just not sure how to do it properly
> Well I followed you home from the park bench and then slid a love note under your door
unironically that would make me fold lmao
>What are you gonna push outta your ass today, gf?
not sure i’m ready for such stress again, but i can try and rape my ass with a sweet potato
yes and our rings will open up and we will pour a bit of each other’s blood in them to carry it so close forever
i’m 174cm/5’9
i have a vid, but didn’t have enough pee so not sure if it’s even worth uploading
fuck... that pussy looks so tight it would probably hurt my dick to fuck you
Fuck. Why do I wanna lick your feet now
>https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tastymutedhumpbackwhale just not sure how to do it properly
Looks comfy, thank you. Though I actually wanted you to insert part of the pillow kinda like you did with the panties once. I think I mentioned that in an older post, sorry for not making it clear.
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/darkorchidscaredirishsetter yes.
wouldn’t be pleasant, i got some blisters, cus for some reason i procrastinate and refuse to get new shoes for work lmaoo
ok i can try again
>so basically a guy that’s sharp, smart, analytical, appears cold and detached to others, but let’s his silly and lovey dovey obsessive side reveal itself with meeee. really need someone that we could be all 3 together - serious when needed, goofy and unhinged in love lmaoo. interest wise nerdy and artsy guys are chef’s kiss. computer science, playing an instrument, painting, sculpting, anime, gaming, going to art museums, some niche band performance, reading (comics/manga/books), being innovative, etc. etc. all good and sexy

best i can offer is a lazy fucking autistic retard. take it or leave it.
fuck girl, that is some tiny hole. i dont care if i hurt my dick as long as you can withtstand it... you would probably enjoy the pain, right?
neurodivergence is the standard :d and i’m pretty lazy myself
pain is fine somewhere externally, inside my poor pussy not so much
Sounds a bit weird, i dunno
Any way you can do a BJ/facefuck video with full face, but like wearing something on your face? I remember some girls were wearing their panties over their head, or some kind of mask.

Also can you deepthroat?
So no fucking you with my cock wrapped in barbed wire? Amateur hour!

Grind yourself against something fabric that's light colored like bedsheets or part of your pillow, I wanna see the wet spots you leave
I’d love anything similar to the OP imagine que you suck fingers/gag while drooling a bit <3
*where you suck kek
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/pepperydarkslategrayankole can you tell i have sucked dick only once in my life? lmaoo
answer is yes you can that why this is embarrassing as hell im worse at sex than an actual real virgin
Class begins now, the syllabus will take us at least ten semesters

I enjoyed this clip a lot, honestly you'd be doing everything right with the way your lips, mouth and tongue worked that handle. Nobody needs you to do fancy tricks to cum to a good girl sucking him off.
don't worry about it, you can make up for your lack of oral skill by shoving that brush up your ass
>neurodivergence is the standard
there is a chance anon. there's still hope for anon.
>im worse at sex than an actual real virgin
as long as you just lay there and offer your holes willingly you will make some dude very happy one day.
You have such pretty lips, can I request more spit while you suck? <3
what if i bite
What I would do to taste your asshole
Brush where it should be. You able to do some vids buttfucking yourself with it?

Fuck, that was so good, could easily watch a 10 minute version, love your spit and the sounds you make
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/fullunconsciouszeren lmaoo left in the part where it just failed on me and fell out
Jesus I'm in love. piss, anal, feet.
Jesus. How do I marry you? Lol
Good girl <3 a2m next? ;)
Trying to figure out what to request since you pretty much did everything. How about you sitting in a chair bottomless with your legs open?
best part!!! even better if you spread your ass before it drops and try to keep it in for a bit longer
Yeah I'm gonna need some more of this, do you have something else you can use?
stick it in with your ass up and slowly lower your ass until it slides out
You are so good at pleasing everything
Do something dommy
can you lick your feet please?
Omg thank you. Love seeing that.
How come you only did it once?

I would love to train you, turn you into a proper cock slut. <3
Lydia come back ; ;

Would you wanna sell me more privately ? Can drop disc if you would
i’ll do when there’s better lighting
uncanny https://www.redgifs.com/watch/crowdedcheerfulredhead (could have been good but didn’t rlly work lmaoo)
hmm like what
tried doing it with my first bf but i was awkward and lame so felt embarrassed trying again lol and second bf didn’t really mind so here we are
Gf you've done so much A2M these past few days it's actually so fucking hot

Did you already do the sweet potato?
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/crowdedcheerfulredhead i tried but failed :,D but too lazy now might try again sometime
The struggle was even hotter to watch so this wasn't a failure at all.
Post a new pic of your bush please. Wanna see how much progress you made.
You should bend over and let me spank you for shaving!

Maybe a spanking vid is in order?
very sexy
Good girl <3 All you need now is a real cock going balls deep in your ass for some proper a2m, which I wish I could provide but you're not on the same landmass, sadly ;p
You're becoming quite the proficient buttslut, more a2m when you're doing things like this, please ^^

OP. Do you have a preference for cut or uncut?
Be stern and authoritative, and demand that I take all of my clothes off right now
What's the shortest guy you'd date?
do a closeup of asshole like this
Holy fuck girl, that fat potato in your ass looks hot af. So I don't know what you mean by "failed", that was a total success!

The progress you made as a buttslut is also quite impressive honestly.

Next time, please spread your butt after fucking it, to show off your gaping skills.

Also all girls I've been really liked sucking cock, so I hope you can get into it as well. Your future BFs will surely appreciate it, hehe.
i think you did great
can you do one where you gag then open your mouth and drool?
So excited for this to grow back, this time you're gonna go for full 70s porno bush okay?

Loving the high-res detail here, I want an artsy video of you getting a 4K macro closeup zoom of your fingers brushing through the stubble and the lips of your pussy, thanks
Bump for morning Cherry
>that one pubes anon constantly harassing camwhores

Majority of people preferred trimmed or shaved. Deal with it and stop trying to make camwhores feel guilty for it. Or at least keep it in the hairy thread.
>uncanny https://www.redgifs.com/watch/crowdedcheerfulredhead (could have been good but didn’t rlly work lmaoo)

Honestly, you gotta look for big cucumbers (seedless or w/e they call them, usually wrapped in plastic). Those work best, best shape, good size and thickness/length/hardness!

I am pretty sure I am in love with you

You need lube, bb

Lube is your friend
Lube is my friend
Lube is everybody's friend

Think you could put both hairbrush handles in your ass at the same time?
Pro-tip, KG, do not ever reply to this anon, >>33294399
It's a notorious troll and harasser of multiple CWs who will dox and larp as them.
This, the smooth ones, for salad.

Also, lots of lube. And take your time to relax first, prestretch before going for new records.

Honestly your progress is amazing. Keep up the Training. You are a lovely little buttslut.
I third this, those salad cucumbers are probably the best vegetable. Did really appreciate the sweet potato too, great job on that.
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/navyblueenormousschapendoes tried something lol
you can rape and stretch it virtually
nop, both fine
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/neglectedmarveloushorsechestnutleafminer not sure what you wanted but i assumed like a vid or vocaroo soo… except i have 0% seductiveness and charisma, but 100% cringe :D
i guess my height, but i’d make an exception for someone a few centimetres shorter than me if he caught my attention and interest in some other aspects (my first bf was shorter than me actually)
i’ll try shoving at least half of it in next time, but thanks:*
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/austerebrightnabarlek big bush just gets real sweaty
there’s sum pics in previous thread w a cucumber in my ass, but a small one lol
>stretch it virtually
Would stretch and fuck and gape and piss daily if in I could ^^
Moar large insertions and a2m when you can please, KG
can I rape a baby into you
youd be so sexy pregnant
i’d be fatso D’:
Think of how fat and sensitive your tits will get too
ok but its a nice growing belly and tits
youll be all soft and can take creampies every night!
I really wanna suck on your toes while plowing your ass
If you're doing talking please show off and talk about your anus
what should i say about it
i prefer small tatas and eerie skeleton sillhoutte :D (bone fetish? maybe)
I really enjoyed the brushes and buttspread attempt.

I would love to see some more anal fingering (as many as you can take), all kinds of objects and gaping.

Keep up the anal adventures
Describe what your insides feel

Oh also, did you ever try panty stuffing?
Like putting your panties inside your pussy/ ass. It is easier if the panties are wet.
Talk about showing it off, offering it to be used, and stretched, and fucked, and filled with cock, cum, and piss before going a2m and tasting it all ;>
Too bad I caught you after a shower, and all I have on is boxers.
I'll pretend I took it all off for you though.
tell us how long it would take to stretch it and fit a cock. not long is an answer too
Small tities are great and more sensitive which is fun.
>there’s sum pics in previous thread w a cucumber in my ass, but a small one lol
Oh I know, just giving you idea for "objects" you might want to use that are better shaped than sweet potatoes! The big bucks are prolly your best bet!
That was amazing.
You did almost anything but now it's time to deeptroath and gag, don't you think?
could you send me personally some stuff too?
>https://www.redgifs.com/watch/navyblueenormousschapendoes tried something lol
Good girl. Very nice. I'd spank you harder though ;^)

>bush just gets real sweaty
You say that like it's a bad thing! I'd lick the sweat right off of your pussy!
God your body is absolutely perfect I would love to just pick pick you and fill you all night. Do you have any toys you can use? If not can we see you fucking your hairbrush from your POV?
Damn thank you gonna cum to this right now. Can you do ass on soles with something up your butthole and pussy spread pls?
>skeleton sillhoutte

It would be great to actually see you as a silhouette, standing in front of something very bright so your camera only catches your outline.
This triggers my annorexia, but the thought of my brain shrinking makes me know it's stupid. Your brain is mostly fat. You need to eat fat.
Calix, I know you're retired and all, but did you HAVE to delete your redgifs page? Those pee gifs were top tier.
C'mon Kebabgirl, it's the weekend. You can't be working today.
yo kebubgrill

i really liked the public, outdoorsy stuff. Thanks.

also if you are bored and need a photo/vid idea - If you happen to get a plug again then maybe do some cheeky outdoor upskirt flashing with it.

don't get caught
Me too. I started eating less. I don't have enough brains to begin with.
physically, this is 9/10 wife material.
>she disappears just as I start to develop an unhealthy par asocial relationship with her
>No camwhores have posted in any of the threads all day
Also that thing
Is the troll OP a bot? I noticed he's starting to bump non-camwhore threads now.
how is your cute tummy so perfect it’s somehow giving those perky tits competition, it’s not fair to the other girls
Gf will come back today.

A tit pic will start it off.
Morning Cherry bump
Potato vid gave me a huge boner. I wish it went deeper though. That tight anus of yours deserves to be stretched to the limit. Are you open for more experiments with bigger household objects?
Once more for a Cherry bump
The way I see it, after an attractive woman or two have posted enough to get a thread “hot,” then the number of trolls and spergs increases until the thread becomes antagonistic and hostile. As a jani|mod, it’s easier to cool a thread by removing the women than disciplining|banning anon.

So…. Thank you KG and Cherry for driving us crazy. Please come back after your ban.
That's one delicious looking pussy you have there, anon
kek nice. What's that stain on your butt?
I still think about kebabs winking asshole while she cums whenever I'm horny
Conspiracy theorist sperg fuck, go straddle a third rail
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All the RedGifs links are dead now :(

Did anyone mirror them or archive them elsewhere?
thrift stores r crazyyy
Doesn't really fit sadly? Not enough reason to change your skelly figure though, you'll find something that suits right.. the only reason your hand should be behind your back is to tie them so you can be used like the slutty little doll you are
People have fucked in that, my love

Get it.
yeah, ik, just wanted to try, cus looked interesting. that crotchless part tho lol
i’m too embarrassed to buy that in front of the cashier and other customers behind me xdd
Bunch it up and hide it among a couple of band t-shirts, nobody will know...

I fucking love thrifting and do often, what's the scene like where you are?
Crotchless part is the best about it, love for you to be easy access.. why are you shy about getting it? At worst they'll all be jealous wanting to see you wear it as well.. you should get one that fits your thin body perfectly though
<<<cute new panties tho
i live in a small town, so we only have one thrift store and it’s mostly old ladies heaven lol
naa, they’d give me a weird look for sure haha
>tfw not crotchless anymore..
You know you got hips made to breed you, right?
Spread that pussy on that suit please
Cute panties btw
Amazing as usual. Finally I'm online when you post. Open for requests KG?
not at thrift anymore so can only spread in my panties lol
yee, i’m real happy abt them
ye i can do some
Can you slide your fingers inside and spread them again? I want to see inside you
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cute outfit, I fucking love the easy access kind of squeezes your fat pussy. can we see different angles like from behind on all fours/on your stomach. maybe a squat from behind or the pose in this picture?
Same pose without panties please?
Need more of your feet and holes, maybe with some anal play, that's all.
Frontal spreading, squatting on tip toes, ass on soles, whatever you can offer.
Shot from behind bent over on your knees? Holy you’re so fucking hot
my bony ass makes this look funny
your bony ass is so hot, you have fat where it matters though so my crotch wouldn't get bruised with the backshots I'd give you. cute ribs too
as always excuse blisters and dust (not in the mood to sweep the floor now lmaoo)
Let's go on a roadtrip and hit every thrift store we can find in every town until you find the vintage lingerie of your dreams

Lips made to be sucked on and nibbled, fucking hell I'm hard.

You've probably answered this already but how old were you when you lost your virginity?
Fuuuck! Pls continue...be creative.
You're a true blessing, it's so hot getting to inspect every aspect of your body, I'd probably use genealogical equipment to explore your body more..
I'd be so hard I couldn't wait to stretch your tight pussy with my cock
Did we get to see you being double penetrated yet? Maybe your brush in your ass but I'd want something thicker for your pussy
This again without an ass spread please.
>Let's go on a roadtrip and hit every thrift store we can find in every town until you find the vintage lingerie of your dreams
that would be so nice )’: and i was 20 years old
Obligatory A2M video with sloppy drool
>No ass spread, but the anus is still showing
Can't be helped. Bend over and touch your toes please?
How hard would it be to put both hairbrush handles in your ass at the same time?
I'd grab your hair and stuff my fat cock inside that tight little hole
Lovely, slippery holes
Piss in this pose with hairbrush still inside?
Holy fuck, thought you didn't want to do that request only to be hit with a video instead of just a pic.. it's so incredible hot seeing your both holes being fucked so easily yet seeing just how tight you are..
You're gonna end up making me rub one out while at work
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/judiciouscolorfulgentoopenguin first attempt was ok, second made my ass rip again and bleed, it’s hot to me, but not sure if ya’ll want to see blood drops pouring out my ass?
I'd be afraid to buy thrift store underwear, lol
ah no, the panties are random, mom brought them to me from somewhere when she came to visit lol
ah, ok
I love it

But honestly, pain is pretty intimate; it would be far better to be there to inflict and then soothe your pain.
I hope you recorded it.. those two brush are more or less the thickness of my cock and I wouldn't want to stop fucking your ass just because of a single drop of blood.. in fact it's even hotter when you give yourself up for our pleasure..

Post it, everyone clicking the link has been warned
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/puzzledwelllitbrahmanbull ok still leaving the bloody ass vid for those who do like blood, pain, masochism, sadism and would lick off the blood off my ass crack (highest expression of love)
Any day I'd lick it off but it wouldn't stop me from fucking you.. not even a little groan of pain? Seems like you can handle quite a bit and if you suffer for my pleasure that's the highest form of love in return
Don't hurt yourself :^(
I thought flipping you over, getting hard, and fucking you again was the highest form of love!
We want to see bleeding ass, yes, get messy, smear it all over
ass is now well-trained for a shampoo bottle :P
there’s many t b h. anything that is extreme and/or goes beyond what is considered standard/normal :D
it’s ok, i don’t mind it, i got a lot of loose screws in my head
i’d even cut my lovers initials on my genitals with a razor blade but don’t got one )’:
You know my initials??

What's the most erotic pain you've endured?
Well yeah... would have to kiss it better
>i’d even cut my lovers initials on my genitals

Care to be eaten out while you do that? Extra hot if some of your blood rolls down between your labia to let me taste it's real..
It's always a pleasure to be reminded girls like you actually exist
desu, I kind of want women to beat me up and bully me, and strip all of my clothes off in a forest, so I suppose I get it.
<<<my heartooo (gotta paint it now)
well, i have cut out initials of someone i was interested in on my pussy, but we were just talking online, never met. idk why i did that for him, felt extra insane i guess. other than that the sex life that i had is not very interesting, but i guess my ex being gentle and cute during foreplay and then when it came to thrusting in he did it fast and with no warning, which was pretty hot
> Care to be eaten out while you do that? Extra hot if some of your blood rolls down between your labia to let me taste it's real..
yes pls my vampire hubby:’)
requesting a video of you getting under a shower with very cold water, I'd love to see your cute frail form shuddering and struggling to breathe
Did you make the heart? are you an arter?
ye, i just make art as a hobby, i’m an amateur pleb:D
That's cool tho. Amateur art is unfettered creativity.
You fucking masterpiece maker, you

Today looks like such a good day for smearing blood all over yourself, do you have something red? The same paint you'll do the heart with?

>i have cut out initials of someone i was interested in on my pussy

Where exactly on your pussy?
Not promising I won't bite your pussy lips when I get real hungry for you
You deserve to have someone to carve his initials into your body
cant we just say 'no faggot trannies'

this isnt reddit, use real words
dam. this nigga angy
Crotchless part is very nice
>it’s mostly old ladies heaven lol
>the implication of that outfit and nothing but old ladies
Anus <3
Brush where it's meant to be ;>
Bruh, use lots more lube for this, it's not a good idea to cause a fissure like this. Use all the lube if you have to!

No because that fucks up filters. Go away and be a tourist somewhere else.
Does anyone have the gifs posted earlier in the thread? The links are dead now
nice get and lovely anus

goddamn hot, what a perfect fit
Did you make yourself cum?
Guuuurrrrll, please take better care of your angus.

Lube and relaxation are key.

Also please don't let stuff disappear into your anus again. The under pressure might make it impossible for you to get out again.

That being said, I hope we get to see you fuck your ass with a big cucumber one day, like the other anon suggested.
Also a nice big gape after you fucked it loose.
everything was ok on the first go, just fucked up the second time :D
You still taking requests? Still want a standing pic of you bottomless please.
i like this, i like this a lot.
i vote for more thrift store changing room sluttery
Inb4 ID change cuz the router crapped itself.
Don't force things. Use lubes, lots of it if you need to, and work up to larger things. As the other anon mentioned a cucumber, an "english cucumber" type specifically, would be great to see you use on your ass but only when you can do so in a comfortable way that means you can use it for more than just a few insertions and thrusts.
How long are you planning to grow the bush?
It was super hot seeing you take that in your ass.
But just know, buttstuff does not have to hurt.

And we want to see that ass take a lot more objects and cocks, so it is important to take good care of it. <3 <3
>wearing cute shorts and not giving me a proper look
Hottest vid I've ever watched, More of bloody stuff pls :)
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/meatyunderstatedmantisray lmaoo
standing up from the front?
> How long are you planning to grow the bush?
not sure, but i’ll let it grow for now, too lazy to shave atm lol
they actually pretty ugly and dirty
i’ll shove a razor blade up my pussy
Can you try sticking something bigger in your ass? I want to see that tight little thing stretcheddd >:))
Inb4 actual ID change this time?
>not sure, but i’ll let it grow for now, too lazy to shave atm lol
Good to hear, see how long you can keep it to do some bush and butthole content, and lots of anal ofc <3
picked the wrong time as well when i have to use the room light :D
I should have watched this before replying, could have finished the clip with some a2m ;>
Video of you turning around to spread for anus and winks, KG? With also 1 finger in your ass them a2m after?
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/conventionalmarveloussaiga why am i so cringe lmaoo
i like how it slides out, always more of that!
hottest cringe ever
push the brush out like that and then wink?
Call me weird, but I would lick her tight ass even when she cracked it
You're comfy, and built for cuddles.
as you should bby:*
cuddle me to sleep tonite
if i could paint i would paint this.
that is a nice fucking shot. the grain already has a bit of a painty vibe to it.
could be wayyy better in natural lighting but thanks<3
>Standing up from the front
Front and back please.
fucking hot!!! while spreading your ass too please
You are right, I would be blessed to do that for her
Might be a weird request but could you twist the brush in your ass?
Good girl <3
>why am i so cringe lmaoo
Not cringe in the slightest, extremely sexy and very fuckable with all these requests and other posts.
This is what you should be aiming for with any insertions, smooth slides no matter the speed or size.
Would cuddle while buried balls deep in your ass and give you lots of a2m and piss in your ass ;D
fair point BUT you wouldn't get the nice grain effect then.
Please move to Chicago and merry me
>>33309478 front one and then back just that flat front is sexier than a flat back imo :’D (also crooked legs too visible wtf)
you are too cute
thanks sweetheart<3
>thanks sweetheart<3
Thank you for so much anus, and buttstuff, and a2m, and piss <3 If you can try to combine them all like in this vid but with a2m as well ;>
Orrr, if you want to try giving piss drinking a go I'm sure that would be very well "received" ;p
Come get in my stinky bed
>why am i so cringe lmaoo
You are amazing.
A bit ironic, but doing all this cringe and depraved stuff makes you pretty attractive.

I wonder why your ex bfs never used your full slut potential. Did you hide your powerlevel when you were with them?
i bet i stink worse than ur bed rn
i mean online is kind of whatever, i can’t really see anyone’s reaction nor anyone knows who i am personally, so technically i’m not perceived to the fullest, even tho when i watch back on the vids before posting i cringe and feel awkward and embarrassed at times. but yeah when it comes face to face with someone the full neurodivergence hits in and i’m as i said awkward, embarrassed, too self-conscious, aware and focused of my actions, expressions, atmosphere, etc. and keep overthinking that everything i do is stupid, weird, unsexy, wrong, incorrect and i am a retard lmaoo. in conclusion, have i been relaxed, chill, nonchalant ever in my life? no.
Bitch I would fly you out and dump on you like I'm a sheikh
Everyone has their own brand of idiosyncrasies, it can be difficult to take a step back and breathe in situations though, so even when things are fine, and someone tells you things are fine, you may still overthink and worry. All you can really do there is keep going and as the saying goes, "just keep swimming".
P.S. Love how dorky you are, would be lewd and hold hands with. Then fist your ass ;D
Literally don't know when I last changed those sheets, desu.
>in conclusion, have i been relaxed, chill, nonchalant ever in my life? no.
What about when you had a few drinks? Do you not drop your cover a bit?

I feel like when you are in a trusting relationship you usually make yourself more vulnerable to the other person and perhaps would communicate an interest in more kinky experiments.

My ex was very similar to you I would say (actually even looks a lot like you), very cute, shy and innocent IRL, very kinky in private. But unlike you not just online, but also with me. I thought that was super hot. I also think it is super hot that you are such a girl on the outside, and such a kinky perv when posting anonymously online.

If I can give you advice: Consider opening up a little more to your next partner, and see if he does the same. It will make your relationship and love for each other much stronger.
Oh, are you an actual autist? I guess that's why I like you so much. We got that gaydar, you know? You always synch right up when you find another one.
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/grippinggruesomebackswimmer can i do this to ur dick tho is the question
Man, for a second, I really thought you were about to eat a turd :-DDD
Looks good, but I meant can you do this bottomless? Aka, shirt, no panties.
i usually get a brain block and can’t proceed, feel like withdrawing instead of just doing whatever and letting it go D,:
my second bf was a good match, but still didn’t feel 100% safe and secure cus somewhere in my subconscious i knew that he’s actually a sketchy person (he indeed was)
<<<<just one glance at this and u will get everything lmaoo
it rlly looks like that omg
Looks like you’re Russian
I legit love you bro. You're far too based.
I fully just want to like hang out with you in a stinky cave.
>i usually get a brain block and can’t proceed, feel like withdrawing instead of just doing whatever and letting it go D,:
That just takes time and experience to deal with. Generally the best way you can do that is pre-empting those situations by communicating it can/will happen. so when you find yourself feeling like that whomever is with you knows about it and can then try to find what the next step is. Even if that's just cuddling, or talking, or something else. Like buttfucking >:D
Cute ^^
Cuter ;D grab cheeks and spread for anus <3
You and I will never meet, so without appearing to offer useless flattery, may I say that your phrasing and use of language is very appealing.

I am here for your body, make no mistake, but the rest of the package is pretty cool.
>(he indeed was)
welp, better luck next time!

Can you do a video of you on all fours, facing the camera with your ass, and then crawling away slowly? Bonus points if you spread your ass in the beginning.
>that thigh gap

Do you have any high waisted 'granny panties'?
Yes, now from the front please.
i luv you too my little caveman<3
aw, thank you, that’s really sweet:*
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/probabledeadlybats ready at the end lol
Any white granny panties? Vid of you showing them off?
Show us all your panties, for research purposes. Haha.
Merry me
certified femcel panties (i sleep now tho will come back someday :D)
>ready at the end lol
Amazing, thank you!
You also look insane in that pose at the end. If you ever fuck your ass in a pose like that, I will literally cum buckets.
They're just made for easy access now ;)
Perfect for our pencil dicks
That anus is supreme and I love how much you show it off and do things with it ^^
Sleep well, KG, looking forward to when you're next about <3
night night :3
Would you ever do face reveal?
Go away.
She’s not your waifu. She’s our waifu.
KG you’re ass has been violated many times, but I am dying to see your mouth violated, gagging and drooling saliva. Would that ever be possible to see?
Strangely much reminding me of a dildo, did you finish painting it? Honestly think it would give your art a much more personal touch if you were to try and shove it in one of your holes, even if you probably can't get it far in there
Bump for Cherry
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/roughtoughdormouse not even sure what this is lmao idk how to deepthroat/suck and also am terrified of vomit
Why don’t you play with your pussy ?
Hey Kebabgirl! Requesting bottomless ass on soles please.
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/corruptficklemallard have a bit more but vid limit gotta be 1 minute lol
Pee on a pair of panties and wring them on your chest.
how long until you delete these videos?
Amazing body
can we get a pee gif in those white lacey ones? cause those are fucking fantastic.
idk, i post stuff for a few days in a row, then leave them for another few days and then do new stuff so i guess somewhere around a week
how exactly hmm
Anus <3
File: these.jpg (13 KB, 305x366)
13 KB
nay, these floral ones.
Pretty sure this is a 90s cocaine chic fashion magazine cover, gf!
i think it turned out real hot too, especially the tummy, looks so fit :0
drinking to fill da bladder
Definitely one of your best pics yet

Is it me or is your photography getting significantly better with each day you post here?

Pits shots please

Or better yet, stick tongue out towards pits preferably with pit covered in drool or spit
Dubs! I know you don't really need to in that pose as you spread with your cheeks resting on your heels, but could you use a finger and thumb to spread your anus more while like this? >>33311450
>drinking to fill da bladder
If you drink enough water it will be diluted enough you could try drinking some ;)
na, it’s just some picture once in a blue moon (also, that looks more like cum rather than spit lmao)
>drinking to fill da bladder
fuckign love the dedication kek
also this with a bit of lotion on your ass maybe.
Dreaming that's my cum you got there, amazing work

I'll cum on your pits and wash it down with piss

I just came back from a night out dancing, do you wanna go out dancing with me? I'll teach you if you don't know the moves
not sure how i was supposed to do it cus the hand kinda covers the whole asshole
you mean a club or what
A club, sure, I mostly do Latin dance so it's like Latin nights for salsa and bachata and stuff

Mostly right now the dance I want is my tongue dancing against your asshole though
File deleted.
kek, fair. I should have specified your hand would be from above like this pic Westy did last month.
idk how to dance any of these
please do piss drink, you're already so close to do it before
Hell yeah. I like the ones with the purple trim, and the pineapple ones.
I'll teach you, you're good

What's the fattest thing you can force into your ass?
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/monumentalfarawayearthworm not that much for now :D
do you think you could put the brush in your ass and do some squats? then push it out on your knees and or spreading your cheeks
Perfect, both the attempt and your anus ofc <3
Would suggest you keep this request in mind for the future as it's one that can be coupled with a variety of other things at the same time ;)
>not that much for now :D
Drink more, than you can also "drink more" ;D
>not that much for now :D
nghhhhhh, enough to bustanutta. you're a gem
>https://www.redgifs.com/watch/monumentalfarawayearthworm not that much for now :D
Idk if you have said it before but could you list all of your kinks/the other stuff youre into? Very curious to know. (Hoping you like animals)
that’s lemons actually xd
wdym animals?pls don’t hurt animals and leave them alone D’: unless you mean some furry mask and costume shit or pretending to be a dog/cat/etc. then whatever but i’m not into that. i like blood play, wax play, bdsm, bones (?) like nibbling on them lol, public sex but without getting caught, cnc maybe, but not 100% sure about that one, exhibitionism to some extent? (i’m posting pics here lol)
well piss too but that was obvious i guess
Huh synchronicity. I saw a pic of a girl in lemon panties a couple of days ago.
Silly stuff like that sticks with me. I don't know why.
wow so ur cheating on me )’:
I'm sorry. I save all my coom for you, honest.
who will nibble on these tho
Anything for my Queen, ohohoh
Play with them a little and tell me how it feels.
I’m afraid you can break
How flexible are you ?
>bones (?) like nibbling on them lol,
daaa fuuuuuck...well that's a new one kek
me me me, i volunteer.
those nips need a license, sharp enough to cut glass.
Let's get married and revolve around each other. The last thing we see in this world could be our reflection in each other's eyes.
do you happen to have ice-cubes in your freezer? those would go well with those perky nips.
i’m talking about ribs btw:D i like touching them
average i guess, even tho i had the potentional in childhood to train being tall and skinny, but never did. i think my bending over is decent tho (or maybe im clueless once again)
anorexia fetishist lmao
yes pls )’: need me a possessive, obsessive and territorial hubby like me to abandon society with and only care and love each other
i’ll freeze some, cus i’m that kind of european who does not use ice generally lol
It is decent, I agree
Can you put 2 legs behind your head and do a pretzel pose with wide pussy opened ?
Can you do a ass on soles vid and spread your holes while wiggeling your toes? Thad'd be nice
How can I make you cum through words alone? I want you to have a good time too.

Girls in shorts drive me crazy, btw. Want to tear them down and dive in there.
Turn that ass towards the camera and pull the shorts to the side for some peeks at your anus <3
can’t rlly do it haha
i’m having a good time sharing and talking here :D
i try, but kinda hard to wiggle them when my ass is crushing them lmao
That’s a very close try, I love it, almost fulfilled my little dream. Would love to see your ass gettin fucked like that, you’re super hot. Thank you
If you work on your flexibility please text me on KIK - poseylo
You might the one that can fully fulfill my little fantasy
>i’ll shove a razor blade up my pussy

Do it, I'm so hard just reading that hottie
Good girl <3
Same again but hands lower spreading your anus, please >:D

>No contactfagging
https://www.redgifs.com/watch/graveniceshearwater xdd
Socks off please
Can you do this same pose but without the pussy spread and with your knees together?
I’m imagining you’re getting fucked in ads and then cum on your beautiful feet
Damn you did your best wiggle kek. Thank you <3
nvm i had some cus i prob was planning to do it but forgot lol https://www.redgifs.com/watch/prizespringgreenpuffin
>that’s lemons actually xd
>wdym animals?pls don’t hurt animals and leave them alone D’: unless you mean some furry mask and costume shit or pretending to be a dog/cat/etc. then whatever but i’m not into that. i like blood play, wax play, bdsm, bones (?) like nibbling on them lol, public sex but without getting caught, cnc maybe, but not 100% sure about that one, exhibitionism to some extent? (i’m posting pics here lol)
No not hurting animals, im talking like hentai beast stuff or sfm things
Damn hot. Was expecting a video of the action tho honey :)
aaa, no not rlly
Get some fingers in that anus for buttstuff and a2m, KG ;)
Incredibly inviting pose for some buttfucking <3
i wanna make plane noises while closing in on that pussy. "ready for entry tower".
YAY ice cubes. that was a great idea if i say so myself.
hoooot...you could use...the handle of a knife...ya know.
Jeez you are the hottest, babygirl :)
That's so fucking hot. Again please but with your black and purple underwear on
>aaa, no not rlly
Damn, though i would encourage you to look at bad dragon dildo porn
What the fuck why can't you just enjoy the hot girls
That’s a perfect training, and that will make me very hard in your mouth.

To make it even better you can spit the saliva on your boobs and body
>Rosie episöde
You're so hot.
Can you try riding a pillow while rubbing your pussy with one hand and teasing your nipple with the other?
Those panties are perfect! I need to see how your ass looks in those!
Sharpie up pooper pics
>yes pls )’: need me a possessive, obsessive and territorial hubby like me to abandon society with and only care and love each other
Deal, I'm that in spades. Why are you hiding from me?
What a cute round butt

Standing sexo from behind
I would kill to hear how wet your pussy is when you finger yourself fast
I want to punch those until they make a nice cracking music filling my ears.
And then punch your tummy too until you cum just from that <3
One of the hottest piss videos you've done yet. You've done gorgeously.
Can you do this again with more tongue action
That belly needs a baby inside
Ice cubes, in your butt.
Start with one. Sensually chill your clit, your lips, your anus

Then push it in.
Then send another one behind it

Let us hear if, and how, you squirm
fill pussy with spit and push it out
Buy a bunch of sharpies and lets see how many you can fit in each hole.
i have a dream fantasy! you stuff ur pussy with a big kitchen knife ( the handle ) and fuck yourself with it. it would be a dream come true. i hope this comes true...

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