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27 F montreal

>hobbies, interests, whatever
music (mostly metal), vidya, antiques/flea markets, europe, animals

>looking for
irl friendships/ hangouts, go places/explore, casual VC

>not looking for
nsfw, relationships

discord: your.dagger
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I like retro-anime and retro-game, genre wise I touch everything for anime but for games it's rpg, roguelikes and strategy. I like history, cooking, poetry, dyi projects, old internet culture and learning new things. Music wise I prefer baroque music but as long it's good I like. I like arts a lot but beyond poetry I can't draw or sing.
I got my own house despite being a neet.

>looking for
Maybe a relationship with a girl. I don't like people obsessed by sex(I go in the sfw thread for a reason), I'm mostly interested in the bond and the romantic aspect of it. Either one who will help me out with my social problems or one that's fine with me being a husband-at-home type bf.
I'm trying to get over my social anxiety so I'm looking for friends to do irl shit like going to conventions or hiking. I'm a pretty huge nerd, despite being asocial I do enjoy talking a lot and learning new things.

>not looking for
gay guys who don't understand that I'm not attracted toward them, trans is fine if they pass I guess, rude people

I really like retrogaming been on a bit of a gameboy kick lately but I also enjoy consoles and computers. That being said I dont spend a ton of time gaming I like going out and doing stuff too whether that's just driving around listening to music or hiking. I like thrift stores but find them to be such a ripoff now so I stopped going. Just looking to make new friends who wanna play gameboys or whatever else idc.
discord banditkeith777
>interests and hobbies
music, gaming, the gym, computers, tv and movies, outdoors
>Looking for
friends, people to hangout with, chill and VC.
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28 M quebec city/sagnenay

>hobbies, interests, whatever
music, DJing, guns

>looking for
meeting IRL and being pretty good friends. I'm bored as fuck where I live. I dont care about your political affiliations. Just hoping you're not too mentally ill.

>not looking for
platonic friendships

discord: profile_asphalt
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19/m/metro van and GTA
humanities, internet sociology, film
>looking for
gf who can reciprocate me physically or mentally i.e.same interests and I'm a 6'4 east asian that looks like takeshi kaneshiro so maybe relatively tall and east asian too :)
>not looking for
men, older women
31/m/905 Canada
>What you are looking for?
Women, or cucks who want a guy talking to their girl
>What you are not looking for?
>Deal breakers
Don't be a guy and don't be obese. Average is fine, I'm average too.
>A little about yourself
Chill guy looking for online fwb, if we're an hour or two away then maybe some meetups down the road. If you're a cuck, I'm into helping out young couples or first timers so hit me up if you want a guy walking you both through it, shit like that. As for non lewds, I'm into games, documentaries and traveling.
discord is vulcanore
What's everyone paying for an ounce feel like I'm getting fucked in the maritimes at 120
metal, guitars, some gaming, hiking, exploring abandoned places
>looking for
anyone into the above; someone to go exploring with and/or start a band
or a girl who's bored and wants to explore/maybe more
>not looking for
relationships atp, or anyone over 35. don't be obese/be able to walk a bit
pfezof on kik
can move to discord or something after
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Ask& I'll answer. I love answering questions.

F4M 21 sexy horny latina Write me
Snapchat: Userw0lf
Kik: Userw0lf
Telegram: Userw0lf
>What's everyone paying for an ounce
ounce of what

Premium flower is usually going for around $100/oz so $120 isn't crazy.
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Vidya, tech, space, nature, camping, fishing, cars/mechanics
>looking for
Friends, cool places to visit, new place to live
Discord boilednotbaked
28M staying in Buffalo NY for a couple of weeks. Am a brat breaker and would love an F who wants to get used. Tele: AleCordovaa
Hit up the reservations man. 30 bucks an ounce for decent weed is a steal.
27/M/Ontario (east of Toronto, not downtown)
looking for a F or MTF friend with benefits.
discord - hopefulpea
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20 F Halifax

>hobbies, interests, whatever
drawing, go outside(lol), wanna try something nes

>looking for
go places/explore, irl hangouts, people from my town

>not looking for
nsfw, relationships

discord: zitchingrey
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31 M Cape Breton/Nova Scotia

>hobbies, interests, whatever
games, hiking, hanging out

>looking for
people to talk to, friends

>not looking for
gay shit

discord: admangeldust
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23 M Vancouver

>hobbies, interests, whatever
erm down to do anything really but games, movies, working out, exploring

>looking for
lf friend(s) to hangout with around town and play games tgt

>not looking for
old old people (40+)

discord: endless8s
You guys get such cheap guns

22 M Halifax

>hobbies, interests, whatever
cars, history, going out/urban exploration, experimental music (machinegirl, jpegmafia etc.)

>looking for
someone weird/cool to be with, maybe drink/smoke a bit and reminisce about life, long term relationship

>not looking for
short term/one night stands

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35 M, love thicker women, fit women

KIK: ReturnOfTheBoomBap

KW Region
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Discord: rosaliepumping
Kik: Rose_Gooner

wanking over my 23 y/o montreal irl named Rose and need more gooners to join in~ all behind her back. Anyone recognize her?~

my favorite is the guys who save her pics and get really descriptive about her. you can make her your pfp too!

no need to hold back at all, lets have some fun with her pics. I’m building up a big collection of cum tributes for Rosalie to make a compilation of her getting covered. anyone wanna contribute?

for any long term buds, we also have a whole discord server dedicated to her. we seriously love this bitch.

all NON nude
25 / F / Domme / London UK

KIK : Itschnll22

Experienced Domme seeking for a determined submissive kinky guy that willing to undergo into long term ownership basis with me. Inexperienced/Curious are also welcome. Send SFW pic and introduce yourself nicely if you want to get replied.
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22 super super submissive sissy cuck, looking to chat with doms and bulls!

Looking primarily for feargasm. It’s one of my biggest weakness that gets me going like nothing else

A little bit about me is that I’ve been friendzoned by all my crushes over the years, that slowly transitioned me into a sissy Cuck.

Kik Gymliz98
Hi, anyone know any glory holes in or around Oakville, ON.? I want to try playing with a dick that isn't mine. Thanks.

kik mh3121
Who does? Not Canada are you joking
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair. Massive faggot too…(top).
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
I'm hot My kik is: daniela_rui2717
guys this post made me find my wife... who woulda thunk
Nice young lady in Canada.
manga, movies, i recently started getting interested in neuroscience and astrophysics. i am looking for a relationship
>not looking
people who aren’t emotionally intelligent nor uneducated. ddlg lovers
>Priced out of Toronto
>Move to Hamilton
Damn, there's nothing to do here, except bus back to Toronto.
Any guys want to chat about rez sluts?

kik: anonbags
teleguard: ANCJJLMRD
music, some vidya (rarely play these days), hiking/walking, nature (further from the city the better), history, not shying away from nerdy scientific/engineering subjects (i wish i had place for some tools and 3d printer)
>looking for
anyone really as long as we have something to talk about or have interest in meeting up. just please be sane enough (work/life keeps me busy, so may be unresponsive sometimes)
>not looking for
friend collectors, pic collectors, severe mental illnesses
It used to be better honestly, but these days a lot of the fun daytime stuff is super restricted/overpriced to shit and god help you if you're a night person, especially if you don't drink
34M/30F east coast. We are both attractive and not insane. Have kids and normal jobs etc.

Hotwife/cuck couple behind closed doors, but a bit unconventional. Not looking for typical “bulls”. Wife likes virgins, or very inexperienced types. All other stats don’t matter much. Don’t be unhinged or terminally clingy. If you’re on the east coast or visiting this summer, leave a contact! Disc, snap, telegram, or kik
Kik : Itschnll22

Experienced Domme here looking for a nerd virgin sub guy that willing to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL.

I can verify since lot of fake Dommes are here.

im from UK so if you think you can please me IRL. Lets talk about it and meet me at my private dungeon room.
Things here are much better if you know people.
if you're into boardgames or RPGs or shit, just add me on discord: absolutist
I think I fit most of your description. Kik: jtcc1026
big dick
vancouver 604

27 ftm metro Vancouver area

Been hesitant to post because I have a sporadic schedule, I could have time tomorrow, could have time in a few months, if it takes a while to actually meet up I promise I’m not purposefully blowing you off.

Anyway I get really horny sometimes. Been on testosterone a few years. Post top surgery, pre bottom surgery but I really don’t like anything stuck in me. I just want to get sucked off desu. Call me a hypocrite but I really dislike giving oral so I don’t want to reciprocate, but I have a strapon if you’re into that.

If that interests you at all, message me your ASL and also what you’re looking for. I’ve posted in other /soc/ threads about sending nudes so I’d appreciate clarification to avoid any mixup. But also if you wanna see what I want you to suck on feel free to ask.

Kik: scorpionriver
23 M Halifax
Proud owner of a 7.5" bwc

>Non-Sexual Interests
Old Lego themes, vidya, fantasy/sci-fi stuff, nature and walking around in it, honestly happy to chat about most stuff

>Sexual Interests
Breeding, Primal, Cheating/Cucking, Possessiveness, Bit of CNC, probably other stuff, I'm fairly flexible
Btw I'm a dom-leaning switch, if that's relevant

>Looking For
Good conversation with cucks who want to show off their girls and talk about them giving into their base instincts and desires, being corrupted, fucked, bred, and ultimately owned in every way that really matters
Or with women who love the idea of being passionately fucked and impregnated behind their partner's back. Or in front of them. Or even just in general if you just want to talk about the kink

>Not Looking For
People asking me to share pics I've been sent or who will just beg me to trib nonstop. I keep everything private and only show off if I'm enjoying the conversation enough

disc: rsaccountfornow
kik: rsaccountdiscreet
so you wont suck my dick, you wont let me fuck you. sounds like a waste of time.
Holy moly we got 4 now 5 Nova Scotia anons. Thats the most Ive ever seen. Hi, Im just visiting from /x/ an /k/ cause I cant sleep.
sounds like a personal problem
Kik: jhangingg42069

Send girls and I’ll share my collection of petites
Any victoria people?
changed my discord accounts name and disabled the old one:

Young femboy looking for old m for chats.
Honestly kinda cool to see so many local folks
I'ma 25yo virgin from quebec, conventionally attractive and I'd like to lose my virginity.

My kik is miowwwnope if you're interested.
From the prairies and would love to rate and discuss some prairie girls. Totally discreet chat.

Kik scotty2108

drop your telegram & i'll add you there
looking for MM/MF for this weekend
Canadian server

I love when a bot hasn't been updated in a while, and it has an expired link just wasting it's time
Owen sound, Ontario area. Chat with me see where it goes. Will talk about/rate pics
Kik: myfunaccount3
You should probably leave some contact info.
I don't want to post it publicly.
how is anyone supposed to contact you.
you can email me if you want and we can figure something out sneakymess@proton.me
Right here
Disc: hydrated.guy

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