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Blackpill says that only 8/10+ men are seen as actual human beings by women.

Sub 8 males (and sub 4 women) in contrary are looked at as inferior beings.
Rate yourself on this categories:

>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
>career (income, coolness)
>body (height, penis, muscles)

How are you plannning to improve, if you do? Why?
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
6-7 looks, negative rizz so 4/10
>career (income, coolness)
3, Neetbux + middle class parents
>body (height, penis, muscles)
6'2 puts me at 9, 7.5 inches is 10 I guess and my body is toned so 7. So 8.5/10.
4 (rounded up)
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
solid 6, have decent rizz if im in a nefarious mood
>career (income, coolness)
90k a year, engineer
>body (height, penis, muscles)
5'7", 6.5 inches, twinkcel
how would I calculate this shit?
>attractiveness: 8 in looks, I have a great jaw, eyes and mouth. Good rizz.
>carrer: neet, still with parents
>body: 5'7 (1,73); 7 inches; muscular but averagely, twinkmoder.

I plan on keeping skincare, letting my hair grow, shaving regularly and sleeping well. Also having good posture to not become shorter as time goes by.

If you want tips on looksmaxxing drop your discord. You don't need to post face.
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
Looks are objectively a 4/10 as rated by hunderts of people, charisma is non-existent because I'm a socially anxious neet and haven't talked to a woman since elementary school
>career (income, coolness)
>body (height, penis, muscles)
Average height where I live (6ft), tiny sub 6 incher, extremely poor muscle building genetics (still sub1pl8 bench after many months of gymcelling)
2/10? Idk.

>How are you plannning to improve, if you do? Why?
Planning to enter college soon, get welfare, and continue working out. Unlikely to ever make it though.
literal every man on this website is a sub 5 male. Seen all the ratethreads and sometimes there's acutally indians and middleeasterns rating themselves above 7 :D Pretty hilarious.. backing it up with fake pics of girls
How the fuck are you an engineer if you can't figure out how to average 3 numbers?
there is no defined scale for career, height, muscles.

>looks and rizz
5.5/10 in looks, probably 2 or 3 in rizz at best
money doesn't matter
>height penis and muscles
6'0 7 inch dick and i'm lean so muscles don't matter
overall my SMV is like a 4 or maybe a 5
>how do you plan to improve?
i've been training and practicing NT frauding and rizz and i'm looksmaxxing doing skincare routines and taking pills everyday, in a year i'll be a 6.5/10 and from there i might do surgery to reach my cap at 7/10. might also gymmaxx but muscles don't make a huge difference if you're already lean so it's a low priority for me. if everything works out i'll reach 6.5-7/10 total SMV by the end of next year
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OP your questions and way of measuring SMV sucks ass here's a better scale you can watch and learn from
>7.5 inches is 10
there's no such thing as a perfect 10 in any stat, except height i guess cause 6'6 is the most objectively attractive height
your SMV starts at a 5. if your looks, rizz, or height(5'10 is a 5/10 height) are above or below 5/10 you add or subtract from SMV
don't take looksmaxxing advice from this guy he sounds delusional as fuck. 5'7 and didn't even consider wearing lifts? you're not fit to give people advice sorry boyo
thanks for being honest about your looks, if i saw your face i'd probably tell you what you can do to improve it. and as long as you're lean don't worry too much about muscle, just wear lifts to reach 6'3 and muscle won't matter
true as fuck, i know for a fact everyone except the guy that rated himself a 4 is 2 points below the number they stated in looks
height is literally a static number that can be easily measured
that's wrong because i'm here, but keep believing that
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Ugly as shit, my rizz is being friendly and getting left on read
Attorney but not currently employed
5’9, 7”, 1/2/3/4 but I wither fast with shit genes if I don’t torture the shit out of myself
Overall 2/10, I still keep approaching women anyways because the masochism makes me feel good
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
>career (income, coolness)
>body (height, penis, muscles)
0 (rounded up)
>ugly as shit
you're not ugly, 4.75-5.25/10 (still bad cause average isn't attractive). you're just short and probably autistic, wear 3 inch lifts so you reach 6' and try to look for patterns in what kinda talk gets good responses and what gives bitches the ick. put the trial in your error
damn ninja you got a big boy, shame they'll never see it but if you get a chance to bring it up you should
>overall 2/10
nah you're like a 4 overall, women just never accept guys below a 5
over for mathcels
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
Probably 4/10 face, maybe 5/10 if I really put effort in. Not much rizz unfortunately, pretty average. Overall 5/10
>career (income, coolness)
I make $110k a year which is like $80k now with our shit economy so it doesn't even matter. I suck at my job anyways. At least it's WFH. 6/10 I guess?
>body (height, penis, muscles)
5'5 manlet, 6" penis, no muscles as I'm a skeleton. 2/10 here I'd say

Overall 4/10 rounding down which I think is accurate.

What am I doing to improve? I don't know. It feels like I'm at the bottom of a very deep hole that I can't get out of. I have a decent job and a house but nothing else. Lonely as hell, still a virgin in my 30s. Time is rapidly running out. Honestly I just feel subhuman and like an outsider. Inferior to everyone else. I can't seem to connect with another human being or society in general. It just feels hopeless
>attractiveness (looks, rizz)
7/10 attractiveness in photos, 9/10 in person. 6/10 rizz over text, 10/10 rizz in person

>career (income, coolness)
shitty government job, good benefits but bad pay however high prestige. 6/10

>body (height, penis, muscles)
6'1, 7.5x6.5, athletic in running but nothing else (very good stamina tho)
9/10 gigachad
>How are you plannning to improve, if you do? Why?
>athletic in running but nothing else
You're hovering just above the manlet threshold and are a weak skinny DYEL. You're not a gigachad lmao.

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