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welcome to the Massachusetts meetup thread
make sure to use format
>Looking for
>Not looking for
any non massholes will get obliterated
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hockey, lego, exercise, reading/studying, cooking, vidya
>Looking for
friends to make and hang out with, gaming people
>Not looking for
trannies or fat losers
19/M/South Shore

History, outdoors, grilling/cooking, biology

>Looking for
brown femcel girl that wants colonizer king

>Not looking for
Trannies and fat losers x2

discord: marty.robbins
20f bos
oddities & the occult
>looking for
females and friendly spirits
>not looking for
males and malicious spirits

disc: loonkiller
you lurking faggots, post your shit here
>>33292649 ok

In Maine for the year until I finish school here, worst mistake of my life. It is pretty though.
22M Bangor area right now, originally from the cape.
Outside: Hiking, gardening, volunteerwork.
Inside: Weird and wild vidya and other artsy media, anime, cooking, worldbuilding. A lot of my time nowadays is absorbed by work and study as I'm trying to into cybersecurity and finish up undergrad.
>Looking for:
Motivation to do shit again and/or get back into my hobbies. Also friends with similar interests that want to do shit.
>Not looking for
Horny dudes and addicts.
lmao forgot
Early 30s F
Gonna get right to the point. Looking for some weird shit. Any men close in age in western ma who have an interest in fisting a woman should leave contact. Don't have discord.
discord is brickfizz, lets talk about my irls
>about me
I am interested in learning about many kinds of people from different places. Really just looking for someone to talk my ear off about basically anything. I'm interested in what your interested in and have loads of time to chat and share.
>looking for
Chatty friends
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Guy in his 30s here looking for a qt girl to buy cute things for in exchange for sitting in my lap and pretending I am funnier than I really am.

Discord is Iskyndar
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28/M/Eastern MA

6'4", materially prosperous, well endowed, extremely autistic.

Looking for someone feminine and nearby to be friends with benefits, or maybe even a serious long term romantic partner if we get along really well.
Transgirls, femboys, twinks, and biofems are all welcome.
I can be a bit shy, but I think I'll have a lot to offer when we get to know each other :3

My discord username is .______._.__
looking for people to chat w. interested in new and strange ideas. I like ancient greece
discord: pindar.hymner
down to talk about irl girls we've fucked/stroked to, especially if you fuck asian girls
Kik is halfandwhol
Snap is the.palace

29, m, central mass can drive

kys disgusting degenerate faggots go look on grindr/tinder
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i like playing video games and drawing alot, i also love nature
>Looking for
frens to talk to on a day to day basis
>Not looking for
relationships, hookups
10 inch cock looking for sizequeens or curious girls. kik animalspeople
Sir it is far more appropriate to look for a man who wants to fist me on here. Have you seen the state of this place?
i like my fair share of vidya but i really like my job and exercising and being outside and walking around
>looking for
girls for dating, guys for friends
>not looking for
serial killers, also i will not date mtf
disc: nermalposter
M27 add my snap clintonsboy135
M26 in western MA
snap is yaboiflubby
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6ft tall/ 6in /White
Anime and manga: mecha (all of gundam, eva), attack on titan, naruto, chainsaw man, sgt. Frog, lupin the 3rd
Movies: many, although there’s been a drop of quality in recent productions. A few favorites (Bridge on the River Kwai, The Dark Knight, Jurassic Park)
Music: anything goes except country. Recently, I've seen live: Depeche Mode, Maneskin, Madonna, Disturbed, Rammstein, Phish.
STEM (I am a doctor), finance, American and European politics
DND (prefer Pathfinder), both GM and player
Biking, weightlifting when not injured
Videogames: switch and PC, I play mainly JRPGs, TTRPGs but also action such as Ace Combat, Armored Core and some co-op multiplayer (Monster Hunter)
>looking for
Anything from friendship to horny chats to a serious relationship. Being feminine is a plus but not necessary.

>disc: 88stardestroyer
25/F/South Shore
anime, occult, history and gaming
>Looking for
friends, people to talk to
>Not looking for
>disc PrimeHackingKitties
Always wanted to try this Tralalaik
Snap is vintagelunchbox
I'm a married dude, 33, have a house and live on the North Shore
I spend most of my days working from home, doing play by post roleplay/playing video in my spare time, and then on weekends I do date shit with my wife
my old college friends live far away and they're all potheads/drinkers, and I only use tobacco (ciggies, cigars, and pipe tobacco) and stopped drinking altogether this year so I have few avenues to hang out
I'm fucking bored most of the time and I'm looking for friends, people to talk to about weird shit with, share retarded memes, and maybe play some vidya with
I also collect vinyls (mostly indie rock, British punk, and Japanese psychedelic rock) and I have some cute pets
really I'm just looking for people to talk to so I don't feel so lonely, since my wife works a lot and I'm usually by myself
b, t
anime, some manga, games like apex legends, black ops 3, and civ 6, 4chan, hiking, trying to make peace with the world and myself,
>Looking for
friends, ppl to play games with, someone to suffer with
>Not looking for
mean people, coomers, men, people not around my age
What's your contact brother?
But then Id get obliterated....Im a newhamshire-ite thst just visits mass regularly...
32, femboy, north shore
Books, music, cooking, trying new restaurants, and obviously dressing cute when I get the chance to
>Looking for
Fun/dirty chats, friends, maybe a jerk off buddy if we really clicked :)
>Not looking for
discord: km_heart
25M south shore. Jerk bud? Have double teamed girls with my friend before. Kik tango6711
26 m
Kik anom601
Trading Waltham irls and gooning
Not looking for anything else

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