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I know there's already a adopt a NEET thread but that one is filled with too many people wanting to be better, where's the thread for all the NEETs who are into being slobs as a lifestyle/kink and are looking for providers? The more degenerate the better

>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
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>Contact info
east coast
>Favorite Book
political books, manga such as one piece, and jjk, and more
>Favorite Movie
any anime desu, watch lot of romance and shit i tend to watch big and sad stuff, dune 2, marvel, goodfellas, godfather, classic western.
>Favorite Music
tyler the creator, kayne and playboy carti
introvert, semi shutin but forced to work to survive in this fucking system, but hey at least i got money to buy shit
>What are you looking for?
friend, weebs, neets, female,male, losers, gamers, Maybe a relationship but idk
>Who do you want to add you?
people that wanna be friends, femalels, femboy, male.
>Who don't you want to add you?
dry ass people, fucking people that don't listen or dont wanna talk
>Mainstream Anime I Watch
Naruto, Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Sword Art Online, Death Note
>NEET/Weeb Anime Recommendations
Welcome to the NHK, ReLIFE, Watamote, The Tatami Galaxy, March Comes in Like a Lion, Hyouka, Non Non Biyori, Bocchi the Rock!, My Roommate is a Cat, Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
im like a neet with a job. i know that doesnt make sense

28, m, aussie
>about me
I'm actually sort of rich - not like "buy a mansion" rich, but got more than i need
terminally online, like cats, fap too much, untidy as fuck
games, programming (and combined - hacking games), scifi/fantasy but kind of addicted to fanfiction and other amateur stuff a lot more than proper novels.
>looking for
idk someone to bond with closely that i dont have to hide my ways from.
>not looking for
i guess people only in it for me doubloons
uhhhhh you first, but ill just message people in this thread if i see someone im interested in
Good thread, where the girl slobs at?
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>about me
WFH engineer. Provider. I live like a NEET, but I am not a NEET!
Gaming, tech, gardening, programming, anime, language learning!
>looking for
Cute NEET girl to provide, care for, and lewd either IRL or online! I have a fair amount of disposable income.
>not looking for
Trans, men, underage, sellers, people that just want my money/resources without providing some mild value of their own (even if it's just companionship)
npdp_gdev (excuse the burner)
25M provider canada
>about me
Work from home self employed, got my own lil creative business so have some free time to hang around and do stuff. Happy to share more in private
Art, music, movies and games. Pretty open minded guy and love hearing about others favourite of any of the above. I know it sounds cheesy but genuinely love sharing people’s passion and getting into new music, film, anime and games
>looking for
A NEET girl, femboy or mtf to let them indulge in their neet/slob habits but also get to know them and form an actual bond with, play games and maybe a relationship if we click. While I don’t partake in the neet/slob traditions (not bathing, pissbottles, and harder stuff) i genuinely find it hot/cute when folks do.
>not looking for
No findom bullshit, no folks over 30’s, no time wasters and no marvel or disney fans (seriously hate that basic shit)
purple_jam10 on disc

I know im a bit of a weirdo but aside from my odd interest i’m pretty chill
Join our dating server

shill server, avoid.
good server, lots of insane boys, and ewhores, join
All these shill server advertisements are so annoying in any threads like this but thanks for bumping the thread lmao
sevr gets aggressivley shilled and is about as tame as sunday church
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It's all fun and games until you realize what female discharge actually smells like when it's up in your face. Cured my "uhh I like degen slobs so much hnng" mental illness right away.
Weak, you just need to be strong willed, had it happen to me a few times and while it isn’t super pleasant that’s part of the deal
I forgot to put on deodorant somehow at a mosh pit rave alone as a woman im killing myself
....the smell after would be like intoxicating in a good way
Why kill yourself when there’s plenty of people who would be more than happy to take a whiff
post sweaty pits
I need this
i’m not really a provider but i’d like to happily rot together with a slob girl, can i still post here?
Doesn’t really say you can’t post here if you aren’t a provider
do you like horror manga?
>about me
shy, quiet, nerdy guy. i am employed so not a neet myself at the moment. i have brown hair and am around 5’7.
i really like anime, video games, a variety of mostly heavy or dark music genres, and taking walks outside. i want to eventually make a living off of creating art of some sort.
>looking for
a cute shut in girl who shares my interests and maybe understands me better than most
>not looking for
men, mean people, ghosters, all that stuff
lolifloofer on discord
No, I am terrible with horror stuff.
eat the pancake mix anon
Bumping to keep the slob dream alive
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I'm looking to live with a NEET girl. I can provide, I've been a NEET more or less since 2011 (only a few months not in that time period), so I've got a lot of experience. I've watched 1000+ anime, I've tried hundreds of drugs (not a drug addict, bored of that), I've travelled to several countries, I've put in 10k+ hours into an MMO, to say I'm a pro at escapism would be an understatement, I'm in the 99 percentile for that for sure. It'd be nice to have a NEET girl live with me, I've got so much free time (and free money) to waste. I'm pretty chill and laidback.

I'm 26, male, I live in the USA. 6'3 with A10 eyes, pic related is me. It doesn't matter where you live at in the USA, so long as you're 18+ and can hang out with me IRL (ideally live with me in my apartment). In my apartment, I have a nice comfy bed, a 60 inch TV, 2 computers that can run any game out there. I live in a very walkable area, there's like 20 restaurants within walkable distance and random shops, a nice downtown area.

I'm kind of bored of life, not depressed, just bored, not much going on, I'd like to go do something with a cute girl. Go and travel somewhere (Europe, Asia, I dunno, anywhere), have hot kinky sex, laze around all day holding each other, do something. My Discord is attached below.

discord: lolibeater
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hii let me be your loser gf? owo
discord: eskitten
Any female fat submissive slobs here?
>700 members
Yeah sure.
>OF tranny
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That's me. I want pic related, that's all I want, a simple life with a cute girl that cosplays a lot that'll LIVE with me and do random things with me. I've been added by several underage women or trannies, let me rephrase this A BIOLOGICAL WOMAN that is 18+ that is in the USA that can actually come and live with me.
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Surprisingly hard to find random women that want to spend all day relaxing in the AC, eating ramen, cosplaying and not working. You'd think there'd be more. Do cute girls like working mundane jobs????

Instead you have really obvious mid OF whores that are trying to milk random simps out of money with 0 intention of being with them. Nobody is falling for that.
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i'm a bpd transgirl neet and i need another bpd transgirl neet
19 Femboy Dumfries Scotland

Looking for a local ish hardcore stalker to meet regularly.
I’m looking to base this stalking off of a flashing kink.

Looking for 30+ aggressive kinky, controlling creep types that are into public kinks

My personal kinks are flashing, public humiliation, breathplay, blindfolding, Tied, and rp kinks like robbery, kidnap, and gang.

About me: 6ft tall sissy who loves to dress up, brown hair to my neck, long legs and ok ass. Sensitive nipples and bum and love kissing

Message me and let me know your interests in this, your goals and techniques, and your kinks to know what you’ll want me to do.

For now, love Paige

Kik: KittenBabyy69
There really aren’t many girls here nowadays

The ones who are still here are the same mentally ill, BPD attentionwhoring e-girls who have been here for the last decade and have no intention of meeting anyone.
that's more a marker of her overall health than anything else.
27/F/Southeast US
>about me
Chubby, awkward, shy, NEET who cries who too much and craves attention but also absolutely hates it. Feels like I'm too far gone and I indulge in a lot of self-pity. I want to be different, but I feel stuck.
gaming, writing, rping, anime and tv, cosplaying, ttprgs, ccgs, warhammer 40k
>looking for
Not really sure, some kind of interaction I guess
>not looking for
Pushy people
Naaaah not yet, talk to me here a little first
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>about me
5’8, usually around 160-180 lbs, AuDHD, IBS, 12 piercings, 3 tats, been told I’m quite pretty and my body’s nice, I usually describe myself as a sub top, brown hair, grey eyes, white, idk lol I’m hypersexual and my kinks are various and weird
Gaming, movies, books, collecting, music, Yugioh, horror, art, fashion, shopping/thrifting
>looking for
Nice folks (especially a new mommy/daddy<3) who like that I’m both pretty and gross and are into me because of it<3
>not looking for
Assholes, people who just wanna trade nudes, etc
Discord: chloechloechloe69
Snapchat: chloedraculina

Lmk you’re from this thread when I add you back cuz my memory sucks sometimes lol
>I want to be different, but I feel stuck.
Do you think you're capable of change in the right situation, or is this who you inherently are?
I honestly feel like I could, it would just be a ton of work and currently, I feel drained and exhausted and have to fight to do even basic shit.
what sort of vidya and tv do you like? also what's your favourite 40k faction?
It would be, one of the hardest steps is getting out of the 'drained and exhausted' cycle in the first place.

Need to make changes to feel recovered and energised, need more energy to make those changes. It's a tricky one.
What cosplays have you done?
Currently I'm watching HotD, just watched Shogun a week or so ago. I also like throwing on shit like Bob's Burgers, Family Guy, South Park or similar stuff just to have something on. I'm playing Elden Ring because I want the dlc but never really played it after I bought it. I usually like RPGs or mmos. It's basic, but I love Space Marines and CSMs the most., especially Bood Angels and Night Lords.

Yeah, and that's the issue. At the moment I don't see any of that happening, but I can hope and keep working at it, even slowly.

I've done quite a few but my favorites were Hinata, Tsunade, Sailor Mars, and Rangiku.
I have to go back to Shogun! It was so good but idk why i stopped haha
Had some days off and watched almost all of the star wars tv shows i missed. Not proud but it was kinda fun. HotD also waiting for the last episodes!
And the cosplayers looks very good! Hope you looked very beautiful cosplaying them! I think you cant show any pics, right?
What anime are you into, and is there anything coming up you're excited for?
Would you move to Canada for the right lad?
Imo you should make a throwaway so most of the replies in this thread in a few days arent just you going back and forth with guys asking you shit
check this out
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Embrace it anon, you know he can give you all the attention and gifts you want

27 MtF California
>about me
Borderline homeless but entertain myself through Discord and 4chan
Retro gaming (I can't afford modern gaming), socializing, movies/tv/anime, drinking and drugs, writing, gooning
>looking for
Someone who doesn't mind giving me like five bucks for a drunken night together or buying me a controller if they want to game with me or enjoy watching my streams.
>not looking for
Someone who is going to harass or SWAT me or anything like that (it's happened to me a lot)
Discord tag: chamomile1234
>about me
I'm 24 yrs old living in a small town in Texas, I haven't moved for as much as I remember. Unfortunately due to the 2008 crisis we became poor and we didn't save money because we didn't know the tsunami that was about to hit us

In turn to that my father pretty much left us, there wasn't a strong argument with my mother he just pieced out, my mother had to work and fight her entire life and even literally suck dick for money

Growing up I grew decentralized and really really socially anxious, the world hasn't been nice to me and I've got PTSD thanks to that though I'm really kind to people but that might just be because I'm Autistic

In turn I became a NEET, I have zero ambition to work (I did work for 2 years but went as well as you'd expect) I've accepted that I'll survive with mom's money and that's okay for now. My only saving grace is selling a piece of land we own but that's complicated

I've also become a porn addict, I love talking with other neets and gooners. It's so much that due to my mom's nature I even imagine her getting plowed

Gaming, huge into retro and old tech, books like 1984 dystopian, hiking

>Looking for
This is where I ask for help, I'm basically asking for a father figure to guide me through. I had one for one night we voice chatted and it felt nice. You can also be a porn addict I don't mind

I'm also looking for a psychiatrist, I don't want a normie psychiatrist because I don't have the courage to say everything there

Also looking for a Femanon presumably older to tell me if I'm weird for looking out for myself

Slob thread stay alive I need you
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>about me
Hihi I’m a neet girl(been one for 2years) who plays a lot of games im looking A mutual obsession is someone who spoils me and loves me for me always willing to call and chat. I get super clingy sometimes. only willing to stay with me and only me. someone kind of the opposite of me. sweet to me and mean to others lol and I don't want a strictly sexual relationship they gross me out

Uh anime fashion music chat with meh and find out

>not looking for

Discord sleepygirl0078
You sound nice, added
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Yes Sir
Here I am.
But I'm also a degenerate drug addict & listen to show tunes...
I don't know which is worse?
Kik bunz007
>about me
I've been a pathetic neet since I graduated highschool.
gaming, anime, computers, anything indoors
>looking for
slob women to be depressed with
>not looking for
men, positivity

Discord by any chance?
26 M UK
>about me
Slobby NEET who spends all day playing games and jerking off.
Gaming, eating, writing.
>looking for
>not looking for
Boring people.
Discord: lazy_neet_god
Join my discord server

>about me
I take some time to get warmed up to you but im pretty funny once I figure out that I can be edgy and say offensive shit and generally say whatever to make us laugh, Im pretty level headed but I do have my own problems, Ive had a problem with cutting that Im trying to hold down and its been going well, noones perfect
I like to play games on PC and in VR, collecting rap and vaporwave CDs or vinyls or tapes, trying to make music myself, love to cook but cleaning not so much maybe you can help w that and love to voice chat and do like idk nothing or watch stuff or u watch me do stuff
>looking for
a girl thats in Europe thats eventually willing to move in with me, I have my own apartment and I got a real good job so I got the stability for both of us, just be a goober gremlin sitting around the house ready to have fun whenever im back, wants to be obsessed with me as Im obsessed about them and wants to do whatever with me
>not looking for
bitches with egos and abusive/manipulative mentality, not obsessively religious, wants to be combative and argue all the time
discord - severhead
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are you a slob? send me your money $esketamines

discord: kittenzy
wanna see me naked too?
join here
Risking sharing pics of my ex that you could expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

I'm horny and not the smartest, so pretty gullible and easy to manipulate so please go easy on me when it comes to giving her info or sharing too much

>Not looking for roleplaying

Kik: totally_completely
Username doesn't work

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