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No retarded infighting over religion or excessive racebaiting plz
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
Kebabland F 20s
>about me
Just your average introvert
Pilates, yoga, visual arts, cinematography, anime(yea im a weeb loser), hyperpop and pop music
>looking for
Frens. If u r in same city we could meetup!!
>not looking for
Romance. Anyone older than 26
Picrel is my keychain ^-^
Make Israel Wasrael
Ravioligivemetheformuoli, USA M25
>about me
Injured from warehouse job waiting for check. Grass friendly. Have emotional support animal named Cuddles.
Anime (when I have time), vidya, a wide array of music, movies, instruments, journaling, long periods of peacefulness & solace.
>looking for
Friendly conversation. Gaming friends.
>not looking for
Romance. Horny jail. Anyone older than 32
Disc commanderwelfare

>favorite vidya are survival games like Don’t Starve Together, haven and hearth, or story based games like the Halo series (CE-Reach) or persona series.

Currently playing through FE:3H (Golden Deer)
funny thing? (as a lebanese arab Christian) wont happen kys, also fuck Islam am yisrael chai
>>as a Lebanese Arab Christian
Sure thing shlomo...
My life revolves around working, studying, and helping my family but right now, since it's a summer break I have a lot of time to kill.
An electrical engineering and English literature student (not smart tho) and I also work as a technician in an oil company.
Arab guy, 6'1 meduim length brown hair, brown eyes and tanned skin (I don't see myself as being handsome).
I looooove to exercise, weight lifting, kickboxing, sometimes I jog down the neighborhood at night, I draw (mostly anime sketches) and I read occasionally if a book held me by the first ten pages, I grew up playing video games but rn I only play a few ones on my pc (Tekken 8 for example) I don't go out often because I grew distant with my highschool friends.
I spent 5 months studying German but I eventually dropped it, I wanted to learn Russian so I can understand what my half Ukrainian cousins are saying but I've been too lazy, anyways I speak English and Arabic.
>>Looking for
A connection. it's been a while since I've been in a relationship, it would be nice if I've met someone I can bond with. I like people close to my age (19-24)
>>not looking for
People with mental health issues, uninteresting, promiscuous people, people with no hobbies or any ambitions, weirdos
does central asia count?
join our /MENA/ server

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