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>About you
>Looking for
>Not looking for
/g/: DOS, ZXS, Amiga, C64, MSX, PC-98
/mu/: EDM, Hip Hop, Punk, Jazz, Industrial, Nu Metal
/fa/: Nautical, Goth, Visual Kei, Rivethead, Y2K, Shibuya-kei
/int/: French, Dutch, Catalan, Norwegian, Galician, Scots Gaelic
/a/co/: Iyashikei, Mecha, Mahou Shoujo, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Furry
>Looking For
26 to 46 years old. Mature. Caring, loving, and affectionate. Nerdy, geeky, or dorky (cis, trans, or nb) whom I can share and relate mutual interests with. Neuro typical or neuro divergent, who can accept that I am legally autistic, have bipolar disorder, ADHD, and OCD. I don't expect you to like each thing that I do, or to have passion about each thing I follow,
just like I don't expect you to give up your interests and passions when you start seeing each other. But being able to relate and talk to each other about what we care about is an important thing. I come from an abusive child hood and had a rough upbringing as an immigrant
I am okay with being able to share and work through our issues together, but I don't want to have love built around trauma bonds / dumps
>Not Looking For
Calls. Kids, ever. Single parents. Poor hygiene. Gross, weird, or BDSM kinks. Polygamy. Neck beard, facial hair, or hairy men. Drugs, guns, edgy, or horny. I have been working over the years to leave the US and move near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway. Please nobody outside those regions
My other relations did not work out, because my last partners did not want to move away from their country, and leave their friends and family behind. I respect that, but I am very serious about moving abroad, this is non negotiable
I can accept your height, weight, belief, race, and gender, but I am not staying or going anywhere else. If you just don't see yourself in the future living near Spain, Belgium, Scotland, or Norway, I am not right for you. I can learn Italian, German, Irish, Welsh, Finnish, or Icelandic if needed
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24, Male, Switzerland
>hobbies, interests, whatever
-Video games
-Furry stuff
-Long ass, intimate discussions where I can't keep track of the time
-Probably some other stuff too
>looking for
Friends, people to talk to i guess, see if it even works between us, if you're into racing games that's a plus
>not looking for
I don't know, I'm pretty much open to most people, I prefer filtering down the road if that makes any sense
>SFW thread
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rodents, AI, beta minecraft, babybel cheese, anime, random chats
>looking for
Random chats
>not looking for
explicit chats
this is not a discord specific thread, since a lot of people don't use discord or prefer other methods of contact
20s, Femboy, West Coast of USA
>About you
Cute, east Asian, femboy, loves cute things, lolita fashion, anime, art, photography, cooking, toys, other various male brained hobbies like guns and military history, etc. Politically moderate, gets along with both sides but don't be stupid.
>Looking for
Friends, mostly women/fems (cis and trans are both welcome), men can add me but don't be a creep
>Not looking for
Sexual things, dating, people who don't talk/aren't respectful
Discord: mak0t0isaguy_44612

Kik: MakotoIsAGuy
19f US

looking for female friends, as i do not have a single friend, even online. i was a frustrated femcel NEET till i met my husband, now i just stay at home and buy figures while he works. i feel a disconnect, because my job is to be a stay at home wife, and while i do enjoy that, i still feel like a femcel NEET at heart and like i have a hard time relating to others and making friends both online and irl. I wish i had just one friend, but i feel like anyone i've met isn't really that interested in talking to me. i like talking on the phone a lot, i have tons of free time. if you are a lonely/desperate femanon, pls dont hesitate to add me so we can talk all day.

males pls don't add me, and another disclaimer, i don't get along with people who aren't racist and people who support trans ideology. as long as you aren't a deranged SJW libtard or a male, i am more than happy to accept anyone as a friend.

discord- fourteen.words
email- yanfei@cock.li
IRC- tomoko on Rizon
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>About you
i love computer technology, psychological, intellectual and sometimes romantic anime, manga, visual novels, hentai, gore, schizo obsessions like aliens, reptilians, psychology about murderers and human behavior, tulpamancy
>Looking for
preferably females who want to check out my cool personal blog or listen to how i spent 500 euros on coom accessories since august 2023
>Not looking for
the anon that goes by the name neetpill
Can talk and shit post about:
/vr/, /a/, /co/, /mu/, /toy/, or /fa/
>Looking For
Someone else online that wants to know, learn, study, or teach:
Galician, Scots Leid, Irish, Welsh, Breton, Asturian, Scottish Gaelic, Doric, Shetlandic, Glaswegian, Dundonian, Orcadian, Ulster Scots, or Edinburgensian
>Not Looking For
Server, video, voice, horny, lewd, or porn
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>about you
super into music! mostly been listening to emo, midwest emo, epunk, soundcloud shit (stuff like lil soda boi, capoxxo, shed theory, tr1st4n, bladee, dethtech, marjorie sinclair, + way more) and more but those are the main stuff atm! been playing lots of overwatch lately but not really into many other multiplayer games (mostly play single player stuff). also love horror & weird films! sometimes i draw badly too
>looking for
friends!!! friends within my age range that are into similar stuff (into similar music preferred) :DD ppl that don't take themselves too seriously
>not looking for
overly serious ppl that don't like to be silly, anything sexual or romantic, people way older than me or way younger
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>about me
i'm fucking retarded but i think it also makes me more fun desu. into persona, rhythm games, cute anime shit
>looking for
frens, vc in free time. someone to talk to especially when i'm at work
>not looking for
>>About you
looks cute, with long hair, alone
photos, music, movies, games
>>Looking for
girl from u.k to talk about culture, music and ect
>>Not looking for
males and trannies
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>About you
midtier neet girl that loves old/early/obscure animanga, vidya, etc. i code shit sites
>Looking for
frens male or female, ppl who wanna join edgy telegram group chat, coders, programmers, etc. people to play SDV with, VCs
>Not looking for
lgbt, non white, idiots, old men, GAY MEN, FEMBOYS
anime/manga/vns, listening to music, obscure internet videos and stuff, some literature.
>looking for
just someone to chat with w/ similar vibes
>not looking for
e-dating, gooners
>About you
very paranoid very sleepy very kind friendly happiness
>Looking for
people to talk about their interests, especially if theyre abnormal or niche
>Not looking for
im not picky!
disc: sleepyheadnaps

im just a bit of a loser getting his life together after a rough relationship! ive been feeling depressed lately and talking to people helps the most. id love to talk about anything youre interested in! music, games, movies. if im unfamiliar infodump on me!
DOS, C64, ZXS, PC-98, MSX, NES, SG-1000, AST, Amiga, SMS, PCE, SMD, SNES
>Looking For
Bit Music, Chiptune, Sequencer & Tracker, FM Synthesis, Midi, Doskpop
>Not Looking For
>captcha prompt
>not accepting friends
alright then.
dead girl x.x
ur brains o.o
>interesting fact about yourself
i like decomposing <:{
>looking for
my soul v.v
>not looking for
Desperation is a stinky perfume
>About you
generic 4chan autist
I listen to shitty music and I like video games
never made friends during high school and my life was a mess after that so I never made any long lasting friendships.
>Looking for
or just send me cool music
>Not looking for
who cares
>About you
Anime, retro gaming, cosplay, drawing, board games, horror, sanrio, manwha/manga, fashion
>Looking for
I want to meet fellow fem anons...I have too much time atm and no friends :( just wanna chat and have fun
>Not looking for
anything sexual, just pure friendly pls!!
disc: pompomdashite
>About you
Gaming : MILSIM EA FC horror games MC ,drawing, horror, fashion
>Looking for
It's a holiday why should one spend it alone eh come feel comfy in my server too
>Not looking for
anything sexual, just pure friendly, add then ghost say something lad
disc: hannibaalbarca2.0
>About you
ancient languages and histories enjoyer
short twink, blond hair
mildly autistic but not very
believe in god but not a christian fundamentalist
>Looking for
fun servers with interesting people and discussions
edating (cis women only)
>Not looking for
excessively degenerate people or servers, a little is fine
discord: thvisi
Bros I think I overcame my social anxiety
>Moved to new area
>goes to small church in a small town of about 2500
>Guy invites me to a young people dinner
>Says there will be 13 some guys some girls
>Gets there
>5 girls, no guys
>We hit it off, I was a little nervous at first but loosened up. Had some good laughs and a good time
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>About you
Extraordinarily pretentious. AI. Love writing and lyricism, I tend to write more edgy things. I consume a copious amount of anime and other media. I play strategy games and Roblox mostly. I work or study or exercise most days, so responses may not be the most readily available. Usually free from 10PM-12AM.

My favorite animes/mangas are: Jujutsu Kaisen, Shamo, Yankee Juku e Iku, JJBA P4, P7, P8, Ichi the Killer.

My favorite musicians to listen to right now are: Grimes, Bjork, Kanye + Kendrick, King Von, Beach Boys.

I generally like mainstream shows like the Sopranos, The Wire, Trailer Park Boys ETC. My favorite movie currently is Ex Machina.
>Looking for
Anyone to chat with. No racists please thank you.
>Not looking for
Freaks and anything sexual or romantic. If you can’t expand on your thoughts or talk intricately, theres no point in adding.
>about you
I like comp sci, anime and being a bit of a shutin apart from normal life things. I'm around 1.5 years on hrt and I have one (1) irl friend
>looking for
Anyone who finds my about me interesting
>not looking for
idk, just dont be weird
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I'm reviving this dead thread lol xd
>About you
Gamerboy, completely racist + retarded. I live a mostly quiet life (borderline neet) and I have a few friends that I play map games with.
>Looking for
Other gamers on they PC. I like to vc. If you have something interesting to say, dm me and I will pretend I am not excited to talk to you.
>Not looking for
Oiled up grimey boys, ethots, coal posters
Respect for those who brave the depths of /soc/ to find this post.
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
19/M/Metro van and GTA
>About you
history philosophy film music blah blah blah everybody says this shit just add me lole we'll have a good convo
>Looking for
friends and maybe an east asian gf (im east asian too)
>Not looking for
>Contact: bluest4116
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oh yeah errrr obligatory cool picture to put alongside your post that I forgot here
man how you in both metro van and GTA nigga
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Still in school but I'll start applying for universities next year, not looking forward to it though. Checking out weird stuff online while mentally preparing for entrance exams.
/x/,/trv/,/ck/,/vg/. Reading creepy pasta and watching hard sci-fi recommendations. Trying out tons of old games and occasional MMOs.
I'm planning on doing a trip to Korea and Japan next summer.
>Looking for
Discord/TG communities, weird things found on the internet. Hard SciFi movie recommendations. Places to see in Korea or Japan.
>Not looking for
Relationships, gooners, edge
Discord: mmmlem_
TG: @izzzy_mm
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Hi! I'm going to be attending uni this year and would like people to make frens with online. Currently I play Squad, War Thunder, and Mordhau along with other MP games, and would like people to game with. I am mentally ill so don't add me if you don't like people who are similar to schizos or autistic. Regardless I'll carry you :)
>Looking for
Discord, friends to game and VC with, people to talk to that are interesting. Bonus points if you want to teach me your language because I love learning.
>Not looking for
Coomers, relationships, NSFW of any sort. No porn, no fetishism. Don't try.
tag doesn't work
19f northeast us
i’m a lesbian, studying compsci, interested in aviation, drawing (picrel is my art), linux, learning mandarin chinese and russian. interested in learning about guns/military stuff but havent had the attention span to really research anything myself. left-leaning but don’t care about politics
>looking for
frens, possibly irl meetups if you’re nearby. any gender or identity or whatever as long as you’re not a dick, ideally around my age
>not looking for
edaters, normies, political bs
discord: 27proxy
hai milky :>
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>girl from u.k
Why you want this if from Russia
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First time using this
>About You
Super autistic that likes to draw. I like to play Roblox, Minecraft, Overwatch, Fortnite, basically playing whatever I want. I like hyperpop and any type of music (except country, that needs to burn)
>Looking for
People who like to have fun!!! I like people who I can vibe with and enjoy or chaotic energy together :)
>n\Not looking for
People who are too serious, Sexual and Romantic shit, anyone who is a GENUINE weirdo. (Funny that im on 4Chan saying this lol)
Twitter: Makaryv8
Insta: Makaryv8
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>">n\Not looking for"
Oh my fucking god. How did I fuck up?

i want to learn all about you. i would love to discuss our dreams and futures, and to hear everything you're interested in! i have a lot of free time and i want to spend it with people, it really is helping my depression now that i've been more social. i just got out of a loveless relationship with no friends, and i want to fill my days with love and friends.

I love art! in every form, paintings, film, television, novels, even video games! i'm getting back into reading in the last few months too.

>looking for
new friends!
>not looking for
dry texters, half-hearted people
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>About you
i'm off work and mainly bored desu. my main interests are gacha games, rhythm vidya, computer hardware, weebshit
>Looking for
frens hopefully

>Not looking for
lewd, that's retarded

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>About you
summer time! i got a lot of interests;

writing, art, worldbuilding, music theory, piano, video games (indie games and those with good story, automation and simulation games too), modding, TTRPGs, physics in fiction, programming and computer science, high fantasy, animation, mythology, poetry.

>Looking for

>Not looking for
elf apologists

22 UK Transgirl
Just an attention whore desu down for whatever just wanna talk to people and not be bored lmao whatever you wanna do I don’t mind :00

Anyone can message I’ll always message back ! :3

disc: maackenzie_
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I be commuting
see >>33306861
I don't get why people here are describing themselves sexually but saying that they are not looking for anything sexual
Oh well, tried before on the other SFW thread, so will try it here too because why not

> 25 / Bi M / Brazil (RJ)

> interests
Videogames, big into retro and indie stuff, fav genres being: Fps, 3d Platformers and Hack n slashes/beat em ups.
Movies, my favorite types being horror and gory action shit, also into anime and manga, although i didn't watch nor read that much of them.

> interesting fact about yourself
Uh, i don't know, would being in a poly relationship be considered an interesting fact? or that i have a shelf with a bunch of comics, manga and books that i still haven't read.

> looking for
A friend! I'm not really good at starting conversations, so i ask for a bit of a patience at first, looking for mainly people from Brazil, but anyone is welcome to add me. may be open to something else besides friendship if it goes there.

> Not looking for
Mean people i guess?

Disc: raz451
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i'm a fujoshi.
okay for real though, i like to draw a lot and play video games when i'm not
i dabble a bit in vocaloid, SFM, programming, and animation. i'm classy and a lady with manners, okay... (fingers crossed behind back)
>looking for
girls who i can play games with
>not looking for
anything nsfw
vulgaroldman on discord
>About me
Just a 5'2 130lbs silly brain rotted guy :3, really into films, TV, and horror related content! Stop asking me if I'm a femboy >:3
All types of games/Music/History/Traveling/Hiking/Shows/brainrot memes
>Looking for
Really just looking for other silly friends :3 who are interested in what I am or someone to talk to! I can go on and on about games/films/TV shows I've watched!!
>Not looking for
People messaging to be horny. And people like 10 years older than me.
Discord: hanako0001
>About you
just a general geek looking for people to chat / play games w/
I'm a major weeb + metalhead and love retro games and anything web related so like flash games, virtual worlds, niche rpg maker games whatever
I'm trying to teach myself drums if anyone wants to chat abt that
>Looking for
gaming + chatting buddy
preferably in my age range (18-22)
sex doesn't matter
>Not looking for
anything nsfw
discord: sargentspacebear
32/M/Canada BC
Bi Women, long term relationships, gaming, Anime, Gardening, Camping
You'll find out if we like you
>Looking For
Wife(30) and I are looking for a third person (bi woman) to add to our relationship. We are only looking for genuine long term connections with the intention of being life partners.
>Not Looking For
>Discord Tag
MiHoYo games, anime, 80s/90s tech, vocaloids/utauloids
>Looking for
frens, I hope, maybe vc when i have free time
>Not looking for

>Looking for
Gaming on Roblox, I have a games list of other games I play but I mostly wanna play Roblox and MC.

>Not looking for
If you don't game, 25+, lurkers,

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bump be my friend please
Bumping! And add me :3
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>About you
I am married and am absolutely not interested in anything other than friendship. I'm mainly looking for female friends, but males are okay as long as you're not a creep. Please only 25+
I like talking about pretty much anything! My special interest is arachnids and bugs (I have 5 tarantulas and a giant centipede if you wanna see) but I also like the usual stuff (vidya, anime, music, crafty stuff, reading, etc.)
also i am kinda racist and I hate troons so if that bothers you don't add
>Looking for
Wholesome friends to pass time with
>Not looking for
Trannies, femboys, niggers
Telegram: @box_ghost
>About you
Half-jap fresh graduate out of uni, doing my masters degree in international relations. Presently a teacher for minor units in world literature, logic and critical thinking and world history. I bike, hike and read almost on the daily so leg day streak has never been broken. Hobbies include the obvious otaku shit (anime, manga, LNs and VNs), games usually of the strategy and city builder kind though I dabble in some coop fps like No More Room in Hell and L4D2. I used to shoot on the range on the regular but that kind of stopped, and if isn't obvious I'm a polsci graduate.
I'm a staunch monarchist, I hate troons and I'm racist towards chinese people of the mainland variety.
>Looking for
Friends or people to chat/talk with on the regular/semi-regularly and maybe to play games (would be incentivized if you're an otaku as well)
>Not looking for
trannies, retards, faggots
kaiserkrieger on discord and on telegram
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24/M/raised in USA studying in UK

>About you
Hiya, I do random stuff - read comics (variety of stuff, not so much manga or superhero stuff - I respect the superhero stuff, grew up with it, just not my thing at the moment), random fiction, random history stuff. Movies are cool, again all over the place with that. I jog, am looking into starting to practice asanas/yoga. Talk to friends.

>Looking for
Friends to talk to who are girls

>Not looking for

discord: Graham77#5143
18 f
furry drawer alien fearer
looking for amazing friends
not looking for alien imposters
discord is fluttersign
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>About me
I'm described as cute and nice. Extroverted Introvert, means I can hang out and talk with people normally but I have to spend a certain time with them but I can also approach strangers. I didn't had any real friends for a long time. My Childhood Friend group aka The Boys drifted apart after COVID and since then I'm kind of a friendless loser (or the substitute friend).
If anyone's into it my personality type is INFP.
Reading (goes from Mangas to any other book), History, travelling the world (currently planning to travel solo through Japan), Anime, watching and doing Sport and getting /fit/, playing the piano and gaming
>Looking for
People close to my age (18-22) for a nice talk on a daily base, Gender doesn't matters. And also some frens.
> Not looking for
Trolls, Bigots, Edgelords any anything like that and People who ghost immediately (if you don't wanna chat just say it ffs)
I'm rarely on 4chan, I mostly lurk on /soc/, so I'll just link my Discord below
Discord: nudelking
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Early 20s/F/Europe
>About you
I like Minecraft, going outside, skincare, cats, silly memes. I look very boyish, and dress that way
>Looking for
Friends, girls would be nice
>Not looking for
Perverts, sex crazy people. Not nice people
>about me
autistic failed normie. i like to analyze the world around me to figure out what makes everything tick. i like social psychology a lot for that reason because people are so complex yet fascinating to know. i feel like i am an outsider looking in most of the time which probably led me to that point. i blend in okay with other people irl, but when it comes to people knowing me deeper they often don't understand me, and the friendships fall apart because of that inherent disconnect. i struggle to even fit in the "weird" online circles because i'm not different enough. i don't know where i fit in. i'm best with individuals one-on-one.
>looking for
i figure i would like to rant to somebody or two about my issues as they come along. like a support group. i can do the same for you, too. i have a lot and i am self-aware about them but a lot of them i don't even know where to begin to fix them. i'm okay with m or f.
>not looking for
coomers, ppl looking for a romantic relationship, those who can't keep up a conversation and provide nothing towards it, ppl who expect to talk daily
bye_goodhello on discord
>About you
Into rhythm vidya and vns o:
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Discord: rinne393939
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bump!!! please msg!
>i struggle to even fit in the "weird" online circles because i'm not different enough
I'm in the same boat and will probably have some input on your problems; I've been working through the different problems the "lifestyle" brings about. I also enjoy talking about not-so-heavy stuff.

If you want to install Tox my ID is E6C0B4B29BE21DDD46DC7C6603F917D280763AFE1D24BBDB7DC1DC5AD630055DB1A944C66132
and I'm on irc.rizon.net in #4chan. Look for Tanpopo.
>inb4 readvertisment
21 m eastern europe

>Looking for
People to watch movies/anime with me over dc. I stay up late so I'll find time to watch even if you are american.
I'll get a nitro for higher quality streams if we click.
I'm mostly a fan of psychological works, but I'm down to watch anything except for comedies.

>Fun fact about me
I've seen 4 people die just this month (I am not joking)

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26 Male South Africa
About me:
I live in the bush with a huge amount of biodiversity. I'm trying to get into conservation as well. Since I live fairly isolated I'd like to keep some online contacts to engage with my on some of my interests. In my daily life I am passionate about taking care of my plants and crops, I refill my birdbath daily as well as a water pit for the buck that come visit me. I do photography as a hobby, both wildlife and macro. Currently studying mycology and entomology. So if you happen to be really into lichens, please contact me :)

Interests: Ecology, Mycology, Entomology, Photography, Diving, Fitness, Agriculture and Botany, Metal, psychedelic rock and horror movies/games.

Looking for: Voice chat, people I can send my photos to for feedback, people who share my interests
I'm pretty open about my life and would prefer it if you are as well.

Discord: Fasciasca
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23/male/south america
I'm a chronically online hikkiNEET looking for internet friends. I'm into /vr/ as well as some modern vidya, music (mainly metalcore, post-hardcore and electronic), drawing, animation and movies <2010. I also have other interests so ask me about them.
>looking for
Chill people who'd like to chat about anything.
>not looking for
Rude people. One word replies. VC.
How can someone be both EU and Oceania.
This must be some 4th dimension shit. Hyperborean.
Vidya, Anime, Cooking, Snowboarding, Drugs, Hiking and other outdoorsy shit.
>Looking for
Peeps to game/chat with long term
>Not looking for
Don't add and not say shit
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22/M/Russia (Moscow)
I have lifelong crippling social anxiety that I'm trying to overcome. I have zero social life. I'm not autistic, I just get extremely self-conscious when talking to people, including anonymous conversations with strangers on the internet, but I'll try my best. My self-esteem doesn't exist, I despise myself and automatically view all other people as superior to me. I won't whine about how my life sucks though, I dislike that, I'm just giving you an accurate picture of myself. As for the thing I do, I'm a university student.
I have some knowledge in a vast variety of topics.
I guess self-improvement? Not in a cringe kind of way, there are just a lot of areas of my life that I need to work on. I am very ambitious but my mental state obviously interferes with implementation.
>looking for
A friend. Would be extra cool if we're able to meet up in person
>not looking for
No restrictions here, we can talk about whatever you want. I must say that I don't play videogames, sorry if you're looking for that.
24 years incarnated into this body. white man. residing in america.

I work out and meditate and increase my knowledge and that's about it besides what's mentioned below. I'm homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, etc etc but it's not my entire personality.

interested in body cleansing, conspiracies, spirituality, and the occult. I also watch (kino) movies and anime and play videogames.

might help you with any health issues you may have at my own discretion.

looking for women. no minors. no mass adders.

will discuss anything in my interests and beyond. we'll see where things go.

if you're mentally ill be upfront with it. fake women (trannies) and fags are unacceptable.

disc is jailbreaker
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gay, vers, twunk/jock
I'm a physics student and enjoy math, anime, manga, yaoi, sports, gym, mystery series, romance novels, gaming
>looking for
hot guys, twinks, jocks
stem friends
conversations about either my or your interests, sharing hobbies
either nsfw or sfw are cool
>not looking for
annoying, boring, untalkative people who think a convo = passively answering my questions
those who can't/don't introduce themselves after adding or say why they added me
24, m, portland, or!

please add me if you are interested in playing (learning) go, tea, or writing poetry; if you want to watch movies or listen to music on stream; or if you want to discuss fashion, buddhism, bonsai, or art more generally.

alternatively, generally intense and interesting people with niche interests, especially but not solely academic ones. i lean towards the humanities but i'm relatively proficient with hard sciences too -- i enjoy things like formal logic, cellular automata, and lambda calculus.

alternatively (again!), if you like people who infodump, that's practically all i do.

>not looking for
underage, "i forgot why i added you"

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hi I'm going to be taking MDMA soon, either tomorrow or tuesday after work lol. I'd really like it if someone would keep me company, perhaps over vc but text is fine too. not looking for anything nsfw, would like to listen to any music recommendations you have though

31 M us
>About you
i like cars and boring stuff
>Looking for
>Not looking for
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>About me
I'm employed, I'm off Friday & Saturday. When I'm off work, sometimes I draw & browse stuff on Pinterest. I really do enjoy watching EWU & JCS on YouTube. I don't voice chat but if I'm comfortable enough I can try to speak
>Looking for
Women to be friends with. I'm currently feeling depressed of always being the side friend. Most of my female friends don't really have similar interests as me so I always spent my time alone in my room. It would be cool to have a girl best friend often playing games together & share each other what's on our mind lately. Don't feel shy to reach out, I'm a bit desperate.
>My interests
- Anime like Madoka Magica, NANA & Jigoku Shoujo
- Body horror movies, sometimes snuff
- Drawing
- My Little Pony
- Rhythm games (Muse Dash, PJSEKAI, D4DJ)
>The type of songs i listen to
- Vocaloid (Pinocchio-P & 静壊Seikai)
- Shoegaze (Sadness, An Autumn for Crippled Children & My Dead Girlfriend)
- Breakcore (Usedcvnt, Harmful Logic, Rory in early 20s & Goreshit)
- Witchhouse/ Dark EDM? (Pastel Ghost, Sidewalks and Skeletons, Yuele & Zhaeni)
There are other games I have installed but never played often which are Overwatch, Stardew Valley, Left4Dead2, Paladins, Splatoon 2/3, Roblox & Minecraft. On Roblox I like playing DTI & RoBeats.
>Not looking for
Males to be friends with. I used to don't mind befriending men but I really need a woman to be friends with, to feel like I have a best friend. Also, i'm not interested in befriending w/ a transwoman
Pinterest: @hardcorelice
Telegram: @returded
TikTok: @user158426844
Discord: @farting_juice
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27/M/US East
>About you
Goofy Ass, Friendly Dude. I enjoy talking to people of all sorts.
>Looking for
People to Chat/Play with mostly. I mostly play Fighting Games and Roguelikes like The Binding of Isaac but have given pretty much every Genre a fair shake. Big into culinary arts and baking. Used to draw a lot in the past but not so much now. My interests are all over the place so just ask if you wanna know anything in particular.
>Not looking for
Just be chill. I don't really ask a lot.
bruhmomentooo on discord

looking for friends
im really invested into fashion typically japanese fashion lol im also a neet if that u need to know that
im not looking for horndogs

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rrroooarrrr roooorrrrr roooaarr growls at you

Lazy loner who likes art of creativity, story and going through life. Cried/laugh/rage the loudest. Let the scream be a sign my pain senses is nulled and my insanity will take care of me.
I'm interested in your story stranger be it simple and or complex. Truth or fiction state it and don't lie to me.
Not interested in rambles/pointless talks/relationship, nsfw.
Szhemoreio (at sign) tutanota (dot) com

>Main Interests & Hobbies
History – mostly modern, particularly interested in revolutions
Politics – anarchist who hates idpol
Programming – increasingly interested in Linux and FOSS
Retro video games – particularly old Nintendo/Sega ones and PC sim. games

>Other Interests & Hobbies
Model building
Working out

>Physical Appearance
White, above average height with slim build. People say my face is attractive but you’d have to judge

>Looking For
Women interested in chatting
>Not Looking For
Men or transwomen

>About you
I have zero friends, low self esteem, and am kind of retarded. NEET'D for 5 years but starting university in the fall.
I like video games, handhelds, anime, prehistoric animals. I'm trying to pick up reading for the 5th time. Interested in electronics but don't know where to start.
>Looking for
Someone to chat, vent, talk about their hobbies, game or watch anime/youtube/documentaries with. Practice conversational and writing skills, vc or text okay.
>Not looking for
People with high expectations, politics
Contact is discord username
>About you
I am a full time artist who loves horror films but none of my friends do. I consume anywhere from 1-5 horror films a day and I see movies like antrum and am cucked from having a conversation about it with anyone( no I won’t get a reddit).like every reddit post I see talks about how it’s a film about beliefs but I’m pretty sure it’s a film about the superpositions if two Simultaneous realities but please prove me wrong. I prefer films like lake mungo,the vvitch,vhs2,bubba hotep rob zombie poppy sort of films because I find them soulful but I will really watch anything ( yeah I will watch shit like aug underground but really how compelling is just some weird dudes doing gross shit for 80 min ) I also like tool and gwar ect. egoist. I have seen every episode of cannon Star Trek at least three times ( ds9> og>tng>ent>lower decks>voy)
>Looking for
People who trust their own opinions over people who watch those weird cuck movie breakdowns on YouTube. People who will discuss and recommend good horror. I am pretty good at a wide range of visual mediums and teach professionally so potentially collaboration also
>Not looking for
Dudes tying to have sex with me I truly can not stress this enuff. People who aren’t willing to try films because of an IMDb losers opinion people without their own convictions people who are delicate

>Contact: theegoanditsthrone@proton.me

cool bakery owner
i think im relatively normal, i just am a fujo
nothing worse than that!111

@nightstalkergirlfriend on diskcord
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>I like reading books and watching nature docs, I enjoy learning about new things and I also have an orange tabby named pumpkin
>I'm looking for friends to talk too even if we don't share the same stuff
>I'm not looking for sexual stuff
dc - ilovebriecheese
bot post. No 19 year old owns a bakery
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30 f Canada

Currently enrolled in culinary school full time, decided on a career change after a boring stint in academia. I’m interested in food, travel, skincare, literature, neuroscience, history, politics, literature, fashion etc.

I’m just looking for cool people to chat with. We don’t need to share similar interests, just don’t be a total freak and receptive to conversation and I’m sure we’ll get along.

Discord marchionessofmadness_02977
19 f kentucky

Honestly just want more female friends especially weeb or jfashion girls I'd love to find friends to go to conventions to
I cosplay, play gacha games, collect cute things, and I also like nature so I do touch grass!!
Looking for the kind of person you can just talk to for a bit everyday or more

no men or trans please

discord is breakfastnuggets
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19/M/USA, SC

>About you
I enjoy playing and writing music, cooking, swimming, lifting weights, and playing vidya.

>Looking for
Anyone who shares my interests or is intrigued by them

>Not looking for
Gooners, transgenders, none of that freakazoid stuff


Discord: nordvulk
Snapchat: zsast
can someone please talk to me
18 f USA
Bored, kinda normie, looking for cool or interesting people to chat with, maybe meet if ur close. I won't pretend like I have interests, I just do whatever, hangin with friends, internet, etc. I'm just coming here cuz bored and to see what's out there.
>not looking for
Creeps, weirdos, pervs, right wingers (I'm leftist) over 25, people who's only interest is anime and gaming.
vidya (survival horror, platformers, fromsoft stuff + way more), weeb shit, lifting, film, lost media, horror, spooky /x/ type shit, sonic, silent hill, old internet culture, general tech stuff like pc building and soft modding consoles, travel
>looking for
people to shoot the shit with, im always down to watch stuff be it anime, films or random yt videos. i like streaming games to ppl. pls dont be offended if i don't add back, i try to only add a few people at a time
>not looking for
mass adders, doomers, low effort, edating, nsfw, 1 week old accounts
21 boymoder UK
Very lonely. I like philosophy, art, and STEM.
21 m slovakia

>About you
I like horror and psychological media, movies anime books etc
Lost media, true crime, supernatural cases

>Looking for
cool people
maybe meetups if youre cool

>Not looking for

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>Looking for
I'd like to find people who want to do everything together: work together (make indie games), vacation together, live together. The ones who don't want to be just co-workers or business partners or "friends" each with their own separate lives. The ones who have a request for a VERY close trusting relationship.

>Not looking for
People who just want to have fun together and/or make money together, while remaining strangers to each other.

That's a nice goal and all but why should anyone put that much trust into you when you didn't even give personal information?
Sure, it takes time to build a close relationship and you have to go through a lot together. That level of trust does not come out of nowhere.

I'm primarily trying to find people with similar experiences/problems, values, views on relationships and work. The rest is secondary.

I wish I could meet someone who would say: "Oh, that's EXACTLY what I've been thinking about for years".
yes, but that deep of a relationship is the product of a good relationship, not the intention of making it deep. What you're doing will only get you a farce of a deep relationship.
I see your point, but if a person doesn't have a need for a close relationship INITIALLY, no matter how much time and effort you put into it, they will always remain a stranger (I've tried this many times). That's why I ask people about their views and values first.
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>About me
looser hikkikomori with a little sprinkle of bpd
>looking for
Anyone willing to ruin my life
just please ruin it
>Not looking for
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Reposting cause im dumb and forgot to add contact info
>About me
looser hikkikomori with a little sprinkle of bpd
>looking for
Anyone willing to ruin my life
just please ruin it
>Not looking for
Discord: blahaj_enjoyer123
I want to add you but I only use discord
I only use telegram, sorry!
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18m switzerland

working out, hiking, reading, music & vidya (just ask), drugs

>interesting fact about yourself
i'm a left handed sysadmin

>looking for
friends to play vidya and talk with (vc) after work and maybe something more

>not looking for

Is it Abu searching for mocha or what
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>About you
i like cooking & baking. i collect dolls, books, dvds, figurines, childrens toys & perfumes. i am autistic, i like dsbm and a lot of different types of music. i’m interested in lots and lots of different animals, i mainly really like sea animals but reptiles are super cool too, my favorite movie is requiem for a dream and my favorite show is courage the cowardly dog, i wanna be a poet or an author one day or even a doll maker….!!!!
>Looking for
friends, someone to talk to someone i can relate to!!!
>Not looking for
>About you
i larp as a musician and mostly make xtc covers lol. recorded a basedjak parody of its no game by bowie recently, thats pretty notable. pretty much stuck neeting despite trying to get out of this state. following the example of captain beefheart or something idfk. i play few instruments, little under 2 years now (im semi competent at playing and production now). i read books. i watch moving pictures. media consumption. gaming. mostly music (i can yap like chatgpt if you prompt me). consooom
>Looking for
random chats i guess
>Not looking for
shamking on discord
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i believe im pretty nerdy ,, i love playing video games and drawing . i also love music and im always listening to a song no matter where i may be . i have a crazy obsession with hatsune miku and i collect figures of her !! :p
>looking for
friends !!!!! :)
>not looking for
any kind of NSFW , creeps , meany
>asl 19/M/USA >bio shut in mallgoth metalhead, fav music generes slam/brutal,death metal, goregrind and nu metal and mostly underground stuff. i like horror/slasher movies, i play both bass and gituar
>looking for
mutuals or probably some nerdy loser gf (I fw huge glasses and bangs btw)
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan., do not add me if you are a male.
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21/female & 18/female
both wanting to use irc more so show us some cool active channels & what server to use
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>About you
strange person
>Looking for
genuine human connection i.e. vis a vis friendship
>Not looking for
much else
Do not add this person.
bro got manipulated
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>about me
Right-wing, but I'm friendly and don't judge
>looking for
People to observe happenings with, and talk about anime (be into cgdct/yuri at least)
>not looking for
Nobody in particular, as long as we get along
nhyn7 on Telegram
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23, Man, Europe

>About you
I eat raw meat, lift heavy sets and run until my body gives out. Also working long shifts as a medic while learning latin in the OR

>Looking for

>Not looking for

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I really like making costumes and chill electronic music. I dont work right now but I go to a lot of conventions and game events. i like lots of electronic music and indie stuff. For video games I play modern warfare 3, blops cold war, and splatoon. i like camping and hiking and outdoor trails and stuff. Oh and I drive a truck and i love coffee and tabletop games. im a lesbian.
>looking for
femanon friends
>not looking for
politics especially far left or far right. ppl who hate the usa cuz the whining is annoying

im a lesbian dont add me if you're a guy and just looking for a gf

if you have a new account or no icon i will block you sry, no more alts.
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i like language learning, math, dolls, video games(rpgs/visual novels/rythm games mainly although I have a passing interest in most stuff), cgdct, vocaloid/classical/hardcore electronic dance music, unix oses, cd collecting, desktop design, eroge, and general weeb shit(vtubers, idol stuff, vns, games, jfashion, jcore, etc) + too much stuff to put here lol
>looking for
people with simular interests that want to bond over them, im not good at small talk at all please keep that in mind sorry
>not looking for
minors, chasers, prudish people, people who expect vc often off the bat, extremely racist/transphobic people(including people that self deprecate)
matrix: strawberry:converser.eu
pm for irc/xmpp/slsk/whatever
31 M US

>Describe Yourself
really cool attractive chill guy

cooking, being outside, ancient history, working with my hands, lifting weights, gardening, writing music, listening to music, anything creative really

>Looking for
enjoyable conversation, don't really care what about

>Not looking for
trannies, BPD girls, degenerates, anime gamers who don't know life outside of their room, career NEETS, etc



animanga, /jp/, /cgl/, gacha vidya, cute weebshiiiiet. i’m a simple girl
>looking for

otaku frens
>not looking for

lewd desu

>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. Before you jump to support me, im generally ok most of time in regards to dealing with my mental health, so im okay to talk about it. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, lewd, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
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>About you
Wanting to experience social media.
Whitetrash, bipolar, eating disorder, khhv, recovery, 187cm/85kg, baking, positive vibes, gardening, raising my puppy (my family has lots of animals), classic cars, obsessive, seeking understanding through others lived experiences
>Looking for
Twitter mutuals
>Not looking for
Gamers, coomers, racists, religion, fandoms or pushy conversionists
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, eccentric weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, no friend collectors
> discord: @m4i23
>>not looking for
21/M/Canada East

vidya games, coding, music (alt/indie/pop/rock), binge watching, being bored...

>looking for
Nothing specific, casual convos/friends, irl or online.

>not looking for
sexual advances from men lol

This dumb bitch instantly assumed I was a guy and blocked me. Avoid. Total insufferable cunt.
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>About you
You friendly neighborhood nerd that wants to make some friends

>Looking for
People from 20 to 40 years old that want to chat about games, music, movies, any interesting hobbies

>Not looking for
Gooners that want to exchange porn, I'm open to nsfw stuff but not from the beginning lol

SC on image
kaigan_dori on disc
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destrudoisdead m/20s/usa
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>About you
A lonely shutin otaku who struggles making friends. I haven't had much success on here but I'm not sure where else to find people to talk to. My interests are anime/manga, VNs, video games, music (shoegaze), films, saving cute pics of fanart, BJD and kigurumi.
>Looking for
Someone to befriend and hopefully be long-term friends with.
Ideally you have similar interests and are willing to watch anime/films with me. I've mostly been mostly playing JRPGs games lately so would also love to play some co-op games with someone.
>Not looking for
People from wildly different timezones
Anyone who don't share my interests
Mean, hateful and overly lewd people
20 / f / us

>About you
i rarely every swipe on people or accept friend requests but im bored and drunk rn so I made a alt acc on insta. tryin to learn guitrar, someone teach me how to fish, dont get on my nerves

>Looking for
ion know anything

>Not looking for
dumbasses who show dick, stop it

insta - keira.bxbbybrat

I use insta because I can actually accept who i want and you can only message me if i folow you first. OBVIOUSLY AN ALT ACC btw

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animanga, visual novels, rpgs, cats, gacha games
>Iooking for
people to have nice conversations with, maybe even be friends with
>not looking for
no lewd pls
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paranoid messed up i abuse drugs and make myself further detached from reality lol i'm so lonelynplease talk to me

what if i am a male but i have a simple question to ask related to the stay at home wife thing? cuz im going thru a similar situation with woman friend that has agreed to be a stay at home wifemom. i dont want to make you uncomfortable and talk for very long. i know you dont want guys to talk to. i understand
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Twenties / EU

>About you
My life right now feels static. I try to go out every once in a while but im mostly an indoors person. Im easy to get along with,i promise. As long you are passionate about it i enjoy listening and if i can engaging about anything, i like talking with people about common interests the most though.

My biggest interests are games and technology,upgraded my pc recently. Im into other things like anime,music,cooking just not as much. My kind of games are elden ring, fallout, yakuza, counter strike, pokemon, borderlands , FF7

>Looking for
Those rare people who have a genuine desire to become online friends and will put effort into it so its not the usual shallow friendship you find here.

>Not looking for
Anything thats not above. Women. Borderline/rude/unfriendly people. NSFW

Dont add me if you hope im from X country you're from,only looking for online friends.

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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you.

shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

20 F Europe
I am a neet. I play games! Chat with me about random stuff! I read, and I'm so excited to meet new people.
Looking for cool people
Not looking for degenerates and perverts.
Tag- bloblobloblob_
new account advertising servers avoid
This guy introduced himself by sending an ugly dick pic, then started crying when I called it small

nope wrong person retard. you sent me a server after 2 messages talking about how cozy and nice the people were. should i post dms?
Returning college student looking for gaming/chat friends
I have a lot of different games, mostly realistic shooters but a wider library outside of that too.
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>about me
i love anime and talking about anime and sharing anime
>looking for
looking for someone who likes anime
>not looking for
not looking for someone who doesnt like anime (yuck!)

>About you
cats => people
>Looking for
anons to spam cats and moe gifs at. anons into cs and math. anons into gore, sh, necro; etc. Also scenecore and people to study with

people into /k/ ig
>Not looking for
niggers and moralfags hahhaha
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Forgot image, also
>Not looking for
lewd/romantic but I am a male on 4ch so kek
>about you
i like networks + solving network issues, otw + learning bash when im bored, i \<3 asking cs questions, sh, mild gore also when im bored, i dont play games except for the occasional genshin
>looking for
friends and the effectively enlightened
>not looking for
Vote her out
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>About you
gaming pc/handhelds anime
anything Japan genshin/ZZZ
>Looking for
Ppl to text about games and tech
>Not looking for
erp goon sesh
>Discord Tag
33, male, keeping my location confidential (sorry) but I'm at an EU timezone.
>About you
lonely, friendly, private, likes to chat with people a lot, somewhat timid, introverted (but i can get more fun when i get to know people better), kind, relaxed, usually tired
>Looking For
Somebody nice and friendly to just chill with. I'm lonely and play a lot of random games so I'd appreciate the company. Would play co op games with you too (anything other than shooters).
I have a job and thus am not available all day, but I usually reply relatively fast when I can.
Please don't be intimidated by my age (I know I'm old), I don't mind chatting with younger or older people at all.
>Not Looking for
Anybody mean, rude or judgmental - just don't add me if you're prone to being that. Don't add me if you're underage please, but anyone 18+ is totally fine.
>Games play
I play visual novels and RPGs mostly, I love mystery games. Open to recommendations and to anything really.
does anyone want to be friends with me and my boyfriend we play overwatch apex deadlock dota abd we are COOL
im F we r both from australia

You banned me!!!
I have been told I respond too much with too much enthusiasm so if u like passionate people hmu

I really love film and talking about movies! tell me your favorites and what you’ve seen recently! I am also a graduate student getting my master’s in literature. love art too! :3

just looking for people with similar interests, as most of my irl friends do not share these

please nothing sexual. I am not interested in men sexually or romantically but happy to befriend them

my kik is lovelyally2
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someone made a post about me and clearly it's not me please dont talk about it. i just wanna vc someone and talk for a bit
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*m18 lithuania, vilnius
*enjoy art and music. listen to screamo stuff, breakcore. play the guitar n' keys a bit. sometimes record the stuff i make. I also draw/paint. like games but im not a huge gamer (cruelty squad's my beloved to add). jogging is cool. like anime and films i guess. Damn im super lonely. Idfk what happened but i changed for worse - im suddenly very quiet and shy now, but i do like discussing stuff and crap (artsy-shizo-"thats-the-meaning-of-life" typo shit etc)
*wanna meet someone and be friends with more or less my age (regardless of gender). maybe someone to work with on some project. But really, just someone to casually chat, hangout and get along well
*would preferably like to see someone locally or atleast from neighboring countries irl. I guess you can message me regardless of that. dont be a ghoster tho. shoo

mah dc: Radiokopf

(just remembered ill be traveling places so i might not be so active in the next 1-2 weeks, so i might not respond in a day.)
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horror movies, music, sdvx, also I’ve been playing zenless zone zero lately
>Iooking for
frens, anons that play zenless zone zero
>not looking for
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PC vidya, anime, music
>looking for
Bio F to chill/converse with
>not looking for
Men. Under the age of 21, severely mentally ill, immature, non-US based

I am by all metrics a pretty normal person. I graduated college, have a job, and behave like an adult. Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere and would rather meet people on 4chan than Reddit. I will not sperg out if we just don’t vibe.
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>About me
I tried to saw my hand off, went through 11 tendons, 2 bones and I'm still regrowing the muscle. I burnt and electrocuted myself before failing to ply off my teeth. I like animanga but hobbies took a halt since I'm homeless and still in a hospital. I mostly play FGO or OSRS if I'm not hanging out with other patients.

>Looking for
Anyone cute to spend time with irl or online friends

>Not looking for
Dunno, beggars can't be choosers

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Videogames, Gundam Kits, Conspiracy Theories (Anything Wendigoon might cover), Guns, Hiking, Camping, cooking and manga/anime

>>Looking for
New friends to chat with. Gamings also Gucci. Shitpost swapin. To learn about new people and places.
Daily chats and genuine human connections.

>>Not looking for
Anything sexual from men. Skitzos or meanies, Hard core druggies. Sellers, Friend Collectors

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>About you
i like rhythm games and making unlistenable electronic music, drawing, and playing piano
>Looking for
kind internet friends to talk to throughout the day
>Not looking for
i don't want to have deep conversations or talk to people that are contagiously depressed or talk to anyone obnoxious/abrasive
>Contact: (discord)
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f21 uk
>About you
chronically online. i really like electronic music, collecting figurines and cute things, making friends with clay, old games consoles/technology, visual novels/otome games, bugs, mold, riddles, being silly !
>Looking for
friends, pure hearted people, people who are chronically online and want to idle. preferably people from uk.
>Not looking for
romance or sex, trickery, deception, evil people, manipulators, BORING NORMIES
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21/M/Montreal area

Cars, drawing, vidya (don't play much these days), looking to go to the gym soon so having someone to go with would be cash

>Looking for
Meeting IRL and making friends, potentially more if you are a woman (girls being in these threads lmao). I'm not very picky so long as you're not a complete basket case fuck up. I should mention I'm straight, so gays don't hit on me.

>Not looking for
Platonic relationships

Discord: micksurname
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First time on /soc/ but i'll give this shit a try.
>About you
I like Anime (favorite is Code Geass), Vidya, History, Psychology (I'm self-taught in that regard but I have checked and I know stuff its not retardation), both the sicences and the arts but i'm not mutch good at either, Skyrim modding (not the coomer kind), collecting anime figures (not the coomer kind I like sculpture) and memes and funny hahas. I'm old school 4chan so I can laugh at anything. I can tolerate almost anyone. I'm also learning Japanese. I know a bit of everything but not mutch of anything. I'm also starting to dabble in PLAMO atm and I want to branch out into painting and or sculpting.
>Looking for
People to talk to and/or to play vidya with. I'm more interested in talking to females since I've never really had any (non-trans female) friends and I want to try that. I'm also interested in someone who speaks Chinese because in my group of friends from discord we always make jokes about how we have people from all over the world but no-one who can speak Chinese and translate memes to us. That said I welcome anyone with open arms, be it chud, commie, furry, wierdo, normie, neet, don't care.
>Not looking for:
People who won't shut up about politics, a bit is funny but get a life, I just want to grill. People who require immediate responses and or constant attention, I'm not your nanny buy yourself a cat.
Discord: octavius04
It's an alt so it may take a while for me to respond.
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GMT timezone
>About you
I am a carefree, calm young man that is stuck in a business where there isn't much opportunity to meet new people, so I'm always looking around for new communities and individuals to meet

Once work is finished I'll often waltz around my small seaside tourism town for a spell, reading in cafes or finding nice things to snap with my old film camera (I like the grainy glossy photos). By the time I get home and finished weights/cooking/cleaning I'll spend the last few hours of the day reading romance manga, WWII history, trying to get better watercolour painting or repairing old wristwatches for fun. On weekends where I have a little more time I'll try beach fishing, spoon carving, hiking and coastal rowing.

>Looking for
I'm very very lonely and I'm really just looking for someone who is in the same boat as me; socially anxious and inexperienced with talking, but also has a zest for life and a love of nature, history and cultures. I think my only downside is a complete lack of interest in music
Forgot to add: no minors. I've had enough tard wrangling for a lifetime sorry.
19 M EU
ive tried to quit using this site to find people multiple times but crippling loneliness always brings me back here.
im extremely irritable nowadays, no energy, im just an unpleasent person in general.
i cut off most of my friends because im probably annoying to them and i hate feeling like a burden, i seldom talk to the people i live with.
my days are spent rotting in my room because i have summer break from university.
i whine a lot(just read this post lol) but i still want to find friends because social interactions slightly ameliorate my mood.
i do programming all day, specifically low level and embedded(im writing a kernel for risc-v atm), i try to read every day, mostly maths and physics.
im majoring in electrical engineering but thats sort of a side interest. i cook sometimes. i have a lot of interests besides these but im pretty boring and uninteresting.
i also started playing hearts of iron 4 again after years so maybe we can play together.
if you are racist, animal abuser, other kind of subhuman then dont add me
discord: uafeuraera
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carefree, schizoid, nice, clueless, I adjust myself to people I talk to, I like being silly tho
probably depressed but I dont care,
basic 4chan/nerd shit,I like some chess too, used to do sports and outdoors stuff ,exploring nearby forests, but it changed to doomscrolling
I spent free time at home pretty much most of the time doing various internet activities
I have big collection of anime art/pictures gathered thru the years
>looking for
adult schizo/neet girls that match the vibe, maybe friends, online olny
>not looking for
underage and below 20, sex, irl
23/Male/Pennsylvania, United States
>>About you
I am someone who likes to try new things and learn new things. I like to talk and spend time doing meaningful things. I speak Russian.
>>Looking for
I am looking for a nice girl to get to know. I am also looking for friends to talk to. If you speak Russian, I would like to hold conversations with you.
>>Not looking for
People who can't hold a conversation.
Telegram: @Copoka83
Would like someone too talk to

please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
Please be polite about my ptsd

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Hi /soc/ I'm looking for a friend with Noa patlabor energy (m or f)!
I've been masking 24/7 for years now and I'm becoming BORING I need some help getting back to my retard self!
Hoping to find an anon I can become good friends with that is fine if I need to be offline for a few days for my dumb job or w/e.

>About you
mousy guy with seemingly permanent sunburn on nose and cheeks.
Christian but I'm not going to judge you for w/e
Like some anime/manga and vidya especially retro anime and vidya
I like other stuff like reading and programming but if those aren't your thing that's OK
>Looking for
Nice goofy friend that wants to do a variety of things (I get bored sticking to one thing for too long).
If close can hang out IRL eventually.
If far would be willing to VC and set up cool shit on computer like emulator netplay or objection.lol or watching anime for fun times etc (dw I can help you w/ setup)
18+ but desu my favorite anons tend to be a little older, probably because they've been on 4chan for longer
>Not looking for
people scared of being cringe (we're not in high school anymore dumbASS), dude weed lmaos, jelqGODs
I made a throwaway disc because it seems like you all don't like email too much.
I might not add you back tonight because I'll be sleeping but I'll make sure to get to you! Goodnight!
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21f, uk
I've posted here a decent amount and rarely do I yield results. I'll admit it's my fault, I have the opposite problem to most people here. Rather than being clingy, I'm avoidant and suffer from self-isolation. It makes me feel extra lonely that only I seem to be this way? I wish I could feel the pain or being attached rather than the pain of being unable to connect and feeling I have to disappear when I do connect with someone. Anyway, if we've spoke before, please feel free to add me again and we can try again. I really do want to get better. I'm a good friend at heart, but I've always been inclined to avoid others and go about things alone. I had close friends as a teen but lost them due to my bad home life draining my energy and I vanished. After that, bad things happened that have just degraded my social skills. But I can talk, I have empathy, I can be charming even. I just freeze up around strangers, some protective instinct, I don't know.

I don't work or study *currently*. I figured I'd say that. I'm figuring my life out. I fill up my free time with trying to and failing to play the guitar, I'm learning art fundamentals (and hpefully how to draw animals and botanical life), I'm reading LOTR (fuck Tom Bombadil, wtf was that chapter), I like to research random things (on a Van Gogh streak), I love fashion, I love the outdoors too. I recently got back from a trip to Germany so feel free to ask me about that and encourage my German skills (not even A1 yet, ha). Oh, I'm learning to cook well too.
>music i like
The Smiths, Flower Face, David Bowie, Taylor Swift (went to the eras tour twice!!), Sidewalks and Skeletons, Deathbyromy, Lana Del Rey, MARINA, mostly indie/indie rock and dark edm stuff
>movies i like
Gremlins, Roman Holiday, Scarface, Lady and the Tramp, Scream, horror in general
>not looking for
people who ONLY play video games and watch anime, weebs, left wing ppl, lgbt, romance or anything sexual please

>About you
Real life dad, fit, like sports and being healthy. interested in other people's lives

>Looking for
F to chat with and have a long term online friendship.

>Not looking for

Kik wdymnow
I feel like an alien trying to mimic human movements and mannerisms. My morals are shaky at best and I feed off other peoples behavior. There is no me, only someone I liked. I'll probably hate you for any tiny reason even if we hit things off. Death whispers to me daily. You don't wanna be with me either now or later. Just kidding I'm just shy and autistic please take my virginity I live in Montreal
new user

Funny and nice, really into art especially music and film. Big horror junkie. I love learning things

Nobody under 25 add me

Discord - zyklonbzombie
She will remove you if you go AFK for any reason. Be fucking careful, UK bros.
maybe try actually having a fucking conversation with the people you add next time, lazy and boring nobody on here puts any amount of effort into talking
Are you whingeing that I blocked you for being a vindictive bitch? You're part of the reason why so many expats are British. Fix your shit and apologise to God.
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what about this interaction paints me as vindictive? you added me and then ghosted like many do on soc, so i unadded, then you started bitching about me in the thread. grow up. i dont want boring friend collectors who hardly speak.
he seems like a dick
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>About you

>Looking for
Lgbt friends, brainrot memes, chat that'll go nowhere

>Not looking for
Non lgbt, 25+, alts, doesn't post tag at all

44 m Armenian guy in the south USA. Looking for chats with friendly folks during work. I text back quickly and often unless work gets busy. Kik: locochixa
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rhythm games, digital design, anime, gacha vidya, l4d2
>looking for
ppl to chat with, friends, maybe people to play l4d2 with
>not looking for
You don't exactly make yourself sound like someone worth anyone's time
i can only second what he says. Didn't even see that she added me, she just sent a message and deleted. Seriously, wtf is the point of that?
i don't recommend adding >>33355865 unless you love wasting time
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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

and you were absolutely right.
25 M Youngstown Ohio
>About you
Chill guy, pretty laid back most of the time. Very nerdy all the time. I love gaming, studied film in college and do video work for my job currently. Love painting, hiking, etc.
>Looking for
Women to be friends with. I'd prefer local but that's not necessary. I'd also prefer to video chat, but that's not necessary either.
>Not looking for
Discord: rehmisme
hi. imma send you a request on discord. i'm also into poetry and i'm looking for people to talk about it with. add if interested
hi. imma add u on discord if you add ur username. mainly interested in poetry and literature.
tried adding but ur username is is apparently not correct
I am 22,m, I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. im not going to beat around the bush, this is what i want from posting on 4chan., do not add me if you are a male.
why not
this made me laugh thanks.

>About you
Real life dad, fit, like sports and being healthy. interested in other people's lives

>Looking for
F to chat with and have a long term online friendship.

>Not looking for

Kik wdymnow
>>33321051 you didn't add me back yet :[
>About you
add me and find out :P
>Looking for
5’10+ respectful, funny, masculine men that will make me laugh :3
>Not looking for
dark people, troonies, faggots (including bi), manlets, non-virgins
>Add me and find out
So why should he add you
m 18
about me:
trying to learn new skills, rubiks cube solved few days ago , play some games lifting, generally open

Looking for:
friends to talk or play with chat playing scribble io

29, M, Brazil
>Looking for
Conversation, venting, debating, sharing personal experiences
>Not looking for
Anything else
lifetourist2000 on Telegram
34/M/Canada (East Coast)

>About you/Interests
Nerd looking to find some interesting people to chill with online.
Anime (especially older stuff), Berserk, Outlaw Star, Yoshiaki Kawajiri and Kon Satoshi films, Gurren Lagann, Nichijou, Azumanga Daioh, but I also like modern anime.
gaming, Japanese culture, horror movies, v-tubers.
As far as gaming goes I'm mostly into fighting games, Street Fighter 6.
I do play other genres as well.

>Looking for
People with similar interests, people in their mid-20s or older.

>Discord tag

A silly man who can be pretty difficult to get along with. I would like to make more friends I can talk to regularly. I like all sorts of games and cartoons/anime. I wanna get into wood working and gardening when I'm more mentally well. I read and write but not as much as I would like to. I have autistic fixations on certain fictional characters. Dwarf Fortress is my favorite game, close second is Rimworld. I don't really have any IRL friends or relationships and don't want to atm. I like asking people about their interests and projects and would love to see what your up to. I like Vtubers and wanna stream someday, but I'm not mentally well enough to pursue that at the moment. I have a very open mind with music and like sharing songs with people. I hope you'r day is going well.

Discord: dylaniskindastrange
22/Male/South Carolina
>Looking for
I am looking for a girl to manipulate and make mine. i am extremely self sufficient, and have plenty of money for the both of us. also something long term/forever.
>Not looking for
men, lol.
reading, music, working out, meditation and sometimes gaming.
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reply for friendship
it doesn't work
You don't exist, friendo.
>About you
I like to draw sometimes and esp like tiktok brainrot humor
>Looking for
friends who like tt brainrot just as much and talk to consistently like normal people do
>Not looking for
creepy ppl
my discord: zzzz_flipside I am an actual real person
forgot to add but I also REALLY REALLY REALLY love c.ai so we can talk about that too :)

>About me
am into walking, anime, musiccc, movies, most shows, being a top tier autist

>Looking for
Cool people to talk to and a cute boy to spoil me and date :3

>Not looking for
Time wasters or lame people!

this is a literal man in his 30's catfishing
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>About you
Stupid autistic retard cripple (picrel) grew up chronically online due to disability reasons. Cringe, minecraft lover, wanna be artist, meme aficionado, cwc and sonic enjoyer, the top, cringe again. I think I’m pretty cool and nice and awesome
>Looking for
Friends, I would prefer to talk to other girls, I doubt it though
>Not looking for
Sex stuff, yuck
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33/m/East USA


Vtuber, anime, weeb!! Cooking and exercise!! Writing!
Mato Seihei!!

My fav Manga is Mato Seihei no Slave.
Recently finished Gundam the Witch from Mercury and started Sousou no Frieren.

I've been playing a lot of Roboquest as of recent!
I really enjoy lore and worldbuilding and story telling.

Vtubers, both JPand English, Indie and Corpo!

>Looking for
Weeby otaku friends who share similar interests. Calm relaxed people.

>not looking for
Uooh stinky,
big fat dookie head
Also no gay stuff or insta-coomer discussions.

>contact Dis:
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if your gonna talk like this nigger your probably in need of some serious shit or just being put in a hospital under supervision from sharp objects
-Blue collar married dude. I love gaming, movies, warhammer, and my wife.
Looking for-
Friends, literally just shoot me a message. I love to listen!
Not looking for-
NSFW and I will never show you my wife.
Kik: secretfella0420
18/M/EU - Poland
>about me
I'm looking for compliments
kino, ludo, cooking, larping
>Latest favorite album/film/book
E by Ecco2k
>looking for
anyone, compliments, fellow attention starved people
>not looking for
Mean people, chuds
>About you
Im kinda cute with a boyish face and features, i love talking to people and i will do very stupid things when i am not talking to someone c: I ALSO REALLY LIKE PLANTING
>Looking for
Im looking for someone to talk to a lot, someone to spend my time and have a real friendship and not the shallow one day stuff you see a lot here, im also looking for a kind of mother figure/big sister type of thing without making it weird or anything like that, ive just been feeling like garbage lately and someone to cheer me up would be nice
>Not looking for
Gay people, something way too lewd

>About you

I picked up a pretty uneventful 9 to 5 job lately and want to meet new people to talk to during and outside of working hours.

I like to play games and have too many for my own good, having some people to play with outside of working hours would be cool as well.
I'm not picky in what we play.

People who start conversations are great, I'll listen to whatever you have to say. If you're on the less talkative side that's okay too, just tell me where you found me and try to show me you want to actually be friends.

Some of my interests are Pokemon, animals, hiking, art, and writing, though I have a lot beyond that. If you want to talk about music, I'm probably not going to be a very good conversation partner sorry.

>Looking for
friends who like to share their interests, or just fun to talk to. people to play games with

>Not looking for
anything you would find outside of the SFW thread

fanper (Discord)
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>interests, hobbies
lifting, hiking, poetry, foraging, mysticism&psychology, philosophy, crafting stuff, gardening, brewing, psychedelic rock, neofolk, romanticism&symbolism, perennial philosophy, cooking
>what you're looking for
whatever, interesting convos
>what you aren't looking for
freshly 18/M/US
i like anime, shows, movies, music i work out etc etc i like anything plstalk to me PLS PLS PLS
>>looking for
anyone to talk to
>>Not looking for
federal agents
adrenaline junkie, genuinely cannot live without it, love sports, music, gym and games (nothing specific, i own a whole goddamn plethora of games)
literally just people to talk to (voice chat or text chat, dont care) male, female, trans, dgaf, you dont even have to be into above ^^ (we would prolly get along a lot better tho if you are)
fucking freaks, please have an ounce of social intelligence and common sense
contact .credence_
holy fuck im stupid sry
>Self deprecating teen
Dried my pussy right up thank you
Fuck off harlot, this is the sfw thread
Let's not pretend all of these males are betas who know their only way into a woman is through the non threatening long game
fucking shame, we're the only two people in ky and i'm a guy
oh well
Nah, that's just the way it is on this site. Chicks here only want a day of entertainment and playing the non-threatening long game is the only way to make friends with women on this godforsaken site for any period of time longer than a minute
24f euro
>About you
Im currently unemployed
>Looking for
Interesting people to talk to
>Not looking for
Horny people
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ddr, classic cars, anime, manga, gacha vidya, the persona games, god's lonely programmer
>Lookin for
>Not lookin for
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23m uk
>About you
im a producer and make a shit ton of music, play a gazillion games and usually enjoy dedicating some time to get better at them, fascinated by surreal/trippy stuff, watch a crazy amount of movies and tv, enjoy martial arts and used to animate goofy 2d fight choreography in flash 8, and generally pretty terminally online or terminally asleep these days
>Looking for
interesting people, people that might want to game regularly, connections, laid back and or enthusiastic conversation
>Not looking for
politics, people who are unfriendly towards occasional slow replies (just as my sleep schedule and general wellbeing needs a bit of improvement lately)
tombstone_ on discord
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Philadelphia Pennsylvania

>Looking for
cool friends with interests in art/music/humanities; image exchange; premeds/medfags; local musicians/artists

>Not looking for
Lewd, retards

tag: photorefractive
22/F/South America

>About you
i like draw, crochet, vidya, books, /lit/, /k/, /i/ i dunno what else to say 'bout me

>Looking for
frens of vc with people who speak spanish

>Not looking for
NSFW, romance, dating

>Contact: lung.cancer
>About you
I like art and my cat
>Looking for
People to talk to. Dirty talk.
>Not looking for
Snap theexistenceofem
Insta theexistanceofemily
Can I post my number? I don’t have discord or kik
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Would like someone too talk to

please note I do spam
I am clingy
I don't like chuds or commies. yet have pretty radical views myself
I Have ptsd
sometimes trauma dumping is an issue for me
I don't like toxic people as I have my own problems
Please be polite about my ptsd


(extra points if you wanna hear a conversation with a crazy person i just had)
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>About you
i like drawing, piercings, art. piano, baking and cooking, music, bla bla whatever
>Looking for
someone to talk to me while i am supersuper fucked up on dxm ( rn )
>Not looking for
vanillapies on discord
Wouldn't recommend posting your number unless you want to be harassed for the rest of time. Just get discord, it's easy, I'll add you when you post your discord
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18/F/TX (I would like to relocate to Europe in the near future)
>About you
enma ai lover. lesbian, i like anime from the 90s-2000s, i dont often read mangas because many animes I like don’t have a manga source material. i like figure collecting and chatting about figure prices. I am a vocaloid fan since 2016 let’s chat about our favorite songs/vocaloid characters. as well, i am interested in jpop-idol culture. i am happy to talk on text or vc, but id like to be comfortable first. i do not like political talk, please no arguments. I try to talk to communicate and be level headed
>Looking for
i am looking for another bio fem to talk too because I sadly I didn’t click with many in the past. id like to talk about my interests mentioned
>Not looking for
mtf, male, normies, women who ‘pretend’ to like my interests..
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ah yes, im very self deprecating because i forgot to throw in my discord tag and playfully called myself an idiot for doing so, lol....
thank you for telling me to dodge such a bullet in the first place
please, you and your dry ass pussy, stay away from me, rofl
Literally seething rn, how can any woman respect you if you don't even respect your dignity

Made temp #

Send pics. Let’s talk
No results searching for your insta? Also is that number on WhatsApp or what, international texts are expensive
I changed my insta. My bad
It’s existenceofem
We can talk there if it’s easier
Actually based
29, m, Middle East
>About you
They gave me a lottery ticket for local equivalent of Christmas and I won 100 shekels but threw it in trash anyway because I hate lottery
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Absence of god
V cute Emily, but my insta is me and I prefer more anonymous forms of contact on 4chan, hope you find someone nice to talk dirty with!
Damn for real, did you speak to them?
20s f
>About you
i work full time but when im home i like having ppl to chat w. lately im really into animal crossing new leaf again, and cute adult coloring books
>Looking for
fun convos, friendship !
>Not looking for
creeps, weirdos, nsfw, meanies !!!
disc is puppie333
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25 (:) M (:) EU

>About you
not very interesting mass of meat,I spew nonsence when I find it and send it to you :)

>Looking for

>Not looking for
ghosting,pleasantries,los Trollen

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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, eccentric weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, no friend collectors
> repost
> discord: @m4i23
Thank you, in a way I was trying to help him lol
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>About you
Attentive, love talking with people for long periods of time. Into gaming (souls games, TCGs, mobas, Blizzard games), learning Japanese (not super good at it), programming, gardening, collecting retro tech, collecting instruments I barely play, being online constantly.
>Looking for
Bio F. No, not to date (I won't count it out, but not the goal), I just have trouble speaking to women and would like to make friends with some and work on that. People who are interested in learning more about me as much as I am about them, we don't have to have the same hobbies either, love learning about other people's interests as long as they have something to say about it. Preferably 24+
>Not looking for
Ghosters (unfriend me if you don't wanna talk), easily offended people, humorless people, single word responders, people who don't think a conversation is equal effort on both sides, men unless you really feel like our vibes match up
Discord: murglegurgle
23/f/wa state US
>About you
I'm a recovering neet now college student, but I have a lot of free time. I'm getting into fitness and running, and I like videogames and drawing. I like to learn about health and medicine.
>Looking for
Women to chat with, id like to VC/play games/watch movies together. I've never had friends before, not even growing up and don't have much social skills so it'd be nice to talk to someone who is understanding of that or maybe has a similar background.
>Not looking for
Not looking for men but besides that I'm pretty open to anything
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23, M, California USA
Gym, (You can also ask me advice on lifting)
Gacha Games(Honkai SR, FGO),
Video Games (Soulsborne, Visual Novels, Fighting Games,) Edgy Humor
JP Art (Yoshitaka Amano, Wada Arco are my faves)
Turtles (Anything to do with Turtles)
In general just want to talk to people about my hobbies.
>Not Looking For
Sexting, Anything sexual related, you send a pic of your PP and Vag, I'm blocking.
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-spirituality(et all)
-Video games
-divination n magic n shit

>Looking for
Cool people with similar interests and tastes who I can explore cool topics with.

>Not looking for
People who are grievously mentally ill.

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23/M/US MA
/out/ /a/ /fit/ I can speak DE and JP, Into hiking, gym, watching anime, reading, church, music (nightcore, classic rock, hard rock, kanye, eurodance, nu-metal, jazz)
>Looking for
Whoever wants to be friends, down for chatting and maybe irl meetups
>Not looking for
Fags, troons
discord: raptorvenom
>about me
Trying to get better, started to workout and stuff. Chronically online. I like schizo posting lol, cats, gaming, ryan gosling mentality, radiohead. Not mentally ill or neet
>looking for
Kinda bored so looking to someone to chat with I guess. Maybe friend :)
>not looking for
Creeps, lewd, guys that add every female
Not looking
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>qott: what is your passion? your main interest?
I like having fun and feeling comfy by being surrounded with things and people i like :3
19/M/Bi-ish(i like femme people more, especially mtf. Sometimes think of crossdressing, have pretty long hair and im a bit pretty :3)
maths, programming, music, electronics, music(metal, rock, rap, trap), fashion, japanese aesthetic(sounds corny but i like y2k japanese stuff especially deah note, naruto,dmc and ffx), rogue lites
>favourite snacks
dr. pepper and lays bbq chips (very yummy)
>looking for
FRENS! femme looking people(guys too, but twinky and around my age tranny looking i guess)
to talk to endlessly and get flirty and freaky maybe(I like doing it for fun, don't plan anything serious)
>not looking for
weird people and boring people and especially DO NOT be a ghoster!!!
>contact: poly335 on discord
>About you
im an engineering student, i like maths, physics, programming, etc. i like cooking, hopefully i can start going to the gym again soon. i have other interests too but too much to list. im an introvert. i can come across as weird sometimes. i adore animals
>Looking for
nice people to talk to throughout the day
>Not looking for
racists, animal haters, etc
>ASL - 28 F US
>About you - music, politics, true crime/horror, drawing, reading, working out, language learning, etc
>Looking for - long term connections
>Not looking for - short term connections
>Contact: royaldom6
you on?

>I won't pretend like I have interests
>not looking for
beggars can't be choosers
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I'm a writer who never writes and an artist who never draws; the eternal idea guy. My current stagnant project is about a man who dresses as a pirate finding a mermaid in his septic tank and going on a quest to free her into the ocean.
I do grunt work for an AI safety team. With my online history, this is like a domestic terrorist being recruited into the Navy SEALS. I got TF2 auto-balanced IRL.
I have a passing interest in computers and built my first desktop this year. I got two SSD's and use them to run Linux twice, allowing me to become a burden to the IT department of any company I work for.
I like video games, but mostly only in concept. If you ever wanted to torture an autistic man, make him min-max an RPG character and tell him every choice he makes in-game should perfectly represent him as a person. I've taken the healthier approach, choosing to contort my identity and self-image around my Smash Bros main instead.
I try not to have many hobbies because I don’t want to get too good at anything. If you ever have to get up on a stage, people start introducing you as things like “the best there ever was” or “the king.” Meanwhile, I just prefer to go by my given name.
>Looking for
Life is changing and my current friend group is slowly drifting apart. Usually I'm fine being in my own head, but I like having the option of reaching out to someone. Sometimes life is like being in a depleted toilet stall and needing to ask a stranger for a courtesy roll.
We'll get along if you are a bit stunted, maybe even a little repugnant, but not so bad your family whispers openly to each other about poisoning you at dinner; The happy medium
>Not Looking For
Just don't be an unendearing mess or an outright malignant person. I don't really judge much, you could be something really crazy like a Chinaman for all I care. I just don't want to join a discourse is all. I'm old, tired, and just want to grill.
Bubbly, effeminate, wagie completely content with a life of mediocrity.
>Looking for
Any Forever Alones here wanna get drunk with me and complain about how lonely we are without being toxic incels about it? I need a friend who I can mutually vent with about our lack of intimacy. C'mon, it'll be like that scene in Hell Boy 2 with the Barry Manilow song.

I like music, sports, anime, art and games!!

i'll try to write some cool lyrics or stories for you haha, and listen to music together.
>Looking for
People to talk to about my and their hobbies, like music and art and such

>Not looking for
sellers, fakes, etc. just be your self and genuine.

>Discord Tag
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>Looking for:
A fellow autist? A nice, funny one. :)
Literally just want someone to talk to on a regular basis. I'd enjoy being in vc while doing other stuff. Watch movies when we have time. Read books together. Looking for someone lonely, I guess.

>Not looking for:
People over 25ish/who can't assimilate to zoomers. If you text like my dad, I'd rather not talk to you. Stupid people, neets, feminine men.

>About me:
Uni student, have a part-time job.
Fairly autistic. Easily overstimulated, so I barely talk to people outside of work. Very particular about the way I/others think. I really enjoy understanding the way people reason, but I can get fixated on it during arguments. I like listening to others talk.
Not lazy, just exhausted from work, so all of my hobbies are no more.

where is the contact?
19 f
looking for weird guys
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>about you
lonely and bad socializer
>looking for
online friends
>not looking for
romance/ sexual things
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>About you
6ft, olive skinned, curly hair, dadbuilt, I work out and I’m currently in college. Into gothic literature, art, music, and visual media. I love to text frequently. I’m learning Spanish.

>Looking for
A girl as antisocial as me or just asocial. Lets just take it slow and get to know each other. Maybe just be friends. Hopefully into the same shit. Let me read to you college literature i have to read and/or converse about it. Watch me play games. Lets watch things together on piracy sites and YouTube. Talk to me about topics or listen to me talk of subjects.

>Not looking for

men, promiscuity, alt-left, transgender, genderqueer, bpd, low functioning autists.

Discord: gask
its annoying how men on this board only want female friends :/

i understand that you can have preferences in friends but I know that most of you retards just want a gf despite this being a sfw friend thread
19/F/prefer not to mention
I like working out, physics especially the working of weapons, among other things, I will start drawing and I want to be able to draw like kim Jung gi but right now I only doodle little retarded shit, I like skincare too. I like talking about whatever. I mostly like to talk to people whining rant and yap a lot about anything. They can send me long paragraphs about their day and I will 100% enjoy it.
Im looking for someone who only wants to online friends only and I would prefer if the person is very clingy and texts and talks a lot and I want the person to be very comfortable from the start and talk about whatever interests them openly. Can be male or female but no trannies
Discord: shitterfitter
Insta : c00c.department (pfp is of a cat wearing sunglasses and albert wesker)
I would prefer insta to disc because discord is very slow for me
Forgive me for the retarded English, im high
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>not looking for
sexual stuff if you are pushy/leghumper dont add me, not really wanting to date either

>looking for
i guess someone who draws fat stuff like me.(my fat art might be squicky, i likereally fat girls, fat girls with small tits/belly heavy and cellulite in my art
i like lolcows and bedrotting. slice of life conversation and ranting about pet peeves is what i like. casual conversation buddy
maybe vc or watching something at some point? i say a lot of cusses and slurs cause its funny
someone who likes seeing awful stuff. not like gore or anything (i mean maybe industrial accidents but other things tend to make me squeamish, idk why i can handle human hamburegr meat but not stabbing.)
awful as in, gross lolcows, weirdo fetish posts (i find gooner captions really funny) deviantart schizos
love to gossip about random things
for the slur things i dont really care what you are if we get along. i dont play much games but i like valve adjacent games and stuff, some shit on roblox like animal simulators (cringe yes.)
i also like fighting games but itll take me a bit to boot fightcade

>about me
(music taste
i like older music mostly but also indrustrial, industrial metal, shitcore, SOME metal, numetal, relaxing songs too. 2000-2010s nostalgiaslop
browses kiwi and lolcow too much and 4chan
sometiems i go outside
most time is spent at home, in my messy hovel half awake at all times
can talk to me late usually , have a hard time sleeping recently or wake up really early
disc: semsari.mp4
>Looking for
Biological girls who can answer some important questions
massive pedophile creep, hard avoid
Stop it I'm going to blush with all this flattering

>Looking for
crazy/lonely women who want to speak to someone temporarily without expectations of making a lasting connection. Im just bored and the crazies are like crack to me. tell me why you are the way you are

>Not looking for
underage people, trannies


>About you
I'm autistic (workaholic variant) and live for my special interests. Finished my Bsc earlier this year and now I'm a NEET. Although I'm actively trying to make it as becoming financially independent has been a hyperfixation of mine for a long time.

My special interests are modding Half-Life multiplayer games, game dev and researching paranormal things online.

>looking for
People to be autistic with, or who share a passion for game dev / Source engine game modding. It's really just my life goal to create the best games and mods in the entire universe. I really hope to find somebody to share knowledge ideas, and grind together with.

>not looking for
Doomers who don't want to make it.


ASL? Age is damn important here, same with your gender/sex.
You're gaslighting me right away. That's like a way to fuck with somebody mentally. If you hate us so much, why even post lol. It's kinda degrading, over something so stupid. Like you don't see any value at all in even a single one of us. That's what it looks like. The reason women do this so much. I have a few theories. They can't help gaslighting us, because they were told that were all rapists and that black men are sweeter to them. I think a lot of it is programmed. They're taught to gaslight, to make themselves unappealing. Although the image definitely suggests some type of spam content is going on. We can never really know what the ultimate weapon is doing.
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18/Male/U.S. West Coast

>About You
desu, I feel like I have no hobbies and lack true passions but if I had to say. it is mostly browsing /r9k/, /his/ and a few other boards. I like learning about cultures/history/religion/et cetera. I'm trying to get new hobbies like cooking and drawing. I don't really play videogames (will boot up anything my shitty laptop can handle for you) or watch/listen to media/music (will also listen to/watch anything with you) but I am terminally online/addicted to scrolling 4chan and other social media. I also love talking, but that's not really a hobby is it? I also like WATCHING soccer/basketball, but I know most anons hate that shit kek.

I'm kinda shy and sad/jaded mostly but I can still actually communicate. I'm not autistic nor do I have social anxiety. I guess I'm kinda self hating, anxious, (about life in general) agreeable, good-faith, a bit immature, and considerate (maybe???) if I had to describe my personality

>Looking for
i only have 1 friend on discord and no IRL friends so someone similar hopefully? Someone who doesn't have to split their attention a lot. (not saying you can't have any other friends)

I don't care about your ethnicity/gender/religion/sexuality/age really, and I hope you feel the same.

>Not looking for
political discussions, I hate debating in general too. I would probably feel uncomfortable too if you mentioned how much you hate minorities

not looking for a shallower/more acquaintance-like relationship, I genuinely want for us to care about each other very much (platonically ofc)

Meet ups until we become close and you live close to me. I also don't particularly want to do VC either (because I have a speech impediment) but maybe...

My discord is lefa9 and I don't have anything else besides an email which I don't really want to share
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Movies, music, playing games, reading, writing
>looking for
A friend who can talk to me, i have depression, anxiety, ocd and an abusive mother, i just want to make some good friends, i’m kind, sweet and i respect others and treat them like i want to be treated
>not looking for
Calls or any kinky people i just want friends that’s all
>contact info
Discord: mirmse
>ASL: 27FSan Antonio
>About you: needy, clingy BPD girl
>Looking for:
Consistently available
>Not looking for:
Fat people
>Contact: lucifers.little.lady
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sweet young lady


i enjoy listening to music i don't have a lot of interests.. or many hobbies my favorite animes are elfen lied, code geass, lucky star, nana and scums wish +peach girl

>looking for

someone to talk to vc with guys or girls i just want someone that can make me feel less lonely and i would like to do the same i'm a lonely girl and extremely attention deprived I don't go out that much and tend to stay inside a lot i have plenty of free time i don't go to school or have a job. i can be clingy at times i am open and honest whenever i am asked questions its hard for me to hold conversations sometimes but i’ll try my best!

>not looking
for dickpics, men with girlfriends,fatties also people who have a lot of friends. +gooners


>telegram username
30/M/Canada and sometimes Spain

I enjoy reading, painting, hiking, camping, video games, and more! I'm an engineer and a military vet.
>Looking for
Chill people to talk to
>Not looking for
Rude people and shitposters
Disc: .johnthejohn
i tried to add you but it says your account is not accepting friend requests, i really like brie cheese too btw
cryptids, paranormal, aliens, true crime, vidya, anime, fishing and so on.
>looking for
not busy people to be frens with to watch anime and play vidya
>not looking for
lgbt horny people etc.
discord: mancalledcold
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meant to attach image
Poster is using someone else's tag.
>About you

Autistic loner. Fascinated by: filmmaking, writing, Jungian psychology, geopolitics, wars (especially the upcoming one), Gen Z nostalgia, mental health, anime, and learning about other cultures. My friends would describe me someone as honest, thoughtful, and a good listener--but I'm also a bit awkward and sad.

Interested in working in the film industry, publishing my own book, and mountain climbing in the United States. I have dreams and I haven't just given up on them yet.
>Looking for
Anyone, really. I don't mind chill discussion but I appreciate deep talks. I'm looking for a genuine friend that will stick around. I'm fine with voice chatting too.
>Not looking for
BPD, Nazis, Coomers
>sweet young lady
massive flags

>About you/hobbies/interests
Uni student, junior year. The hobby that I've been most invested in as of late is making electronic music. I only started making things a year and a half ago or so, but I have been pretty consistently practicing and trying new things, and I'm happy with my progression. I try my best to not take it seriously.
Also a gamer, more occasionally as of late. When I do get in the groove, I've been playing Synthetik, Star Sector and Stalker Chernobyl. Almost through the latter game of the list!
I intend to start reading tomorrow. I have a book that I bought on a high school teacher's suggestion that I have yet to read.
I've also been drawing a bit more lately. I have a scuff style that I enjoy. Mostly do it to design my bandcamp page and album arts (my dork ass :D)
As a description of me, I'm a 6'3 lanky white dude. I'm rather avoidant and nihilistic, but am working away from that mindset, working through my brain and such. Don't know if I'm making much progress, but righting the mindset will take plenty of time, despite how quickly it seems I'm going.

>Looking for
Anyone. I like weird folk.

>Not looking for

>DC tag

The image I drew in pen then took a picture of and edited in photoshop.
>About you
I'm terminally online but I go outside. I enjoy anime firearms, outdoors and stuff.
>Looking for
Friends my age around my area. I wanna go to beach or hike or somethin.
>Not looking for
Sexual intercourse. Drug use
stechkinaps on Discord
>about you
im bad with introductions uhhh, i have a pretty dark sense of humor and i take ages to warm up to ppl to be funny around them, i love listening to people and pay attention to small gestures like willing to listen and have interest in the other persons thoughts, i like to share my life with the other person so whether its calling often after work, playing pc games together or streaming it to you, watching stuff anime youtube whatever else, listening to music together, im not a political person at all. i like serious topics, talking shit, sending memes, small talk, i like talking about the most random shit ever and im very easy going
>looking for
some sort of female friend that would like to do the above things w me, im not really too demanding
>not looking for
ppl that dont wanna put the effort in, most people here talk to you for a few hours in the first day then go ghost, and ok i get it, we dont all click its rly a numbers game but damn put some effort in, ppl with egos and abusive ppl dont add me
I work full time and I spend pretty much every hour I'm awake listening to music so I'm down to trade music or just give recommendations
I love movies and tv shows and video games
>looking for
chill people to text with in my free time, trade memes, share music and shittalk with
>not looking for
>I spend pretty much every hour I'm awake listening to music
kek the ultimate CONS00MER
19f aus
>about you
i trap interesting creatures and people in jars and study them in the sunlight and feed them little snacks, either with news or music in the background. and i always try and learn new things
>looking for
add me if you like visual novels or rpgmaker stuff or animals or trains
hopefully someone on my wavelength :D
boring people
creepy people
sad people
and please dont show me ur penis..
discord: .semilanceata.
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>About you
Trying to get out more. Play some games, work a lot, listen to a ton of music.
Photography, tech, reading, animals, hiking, exploring.
>Looking for
Friends for chill chat/games/whatever, up for IRL if you're not insane :^D
>Not looking for
/pol/ types, insane people
22 M NYC

I am nobody.


Not nothing.

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rhythm games, genshin impact, going to the arcade, going on walks at night.
>Looking for
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1.28 MB GIF
Technology, Anime/Manga, Retro games, Music
>Looking For
Friends. Someone to talk.
>Not Looking For
I'm open to everyone
26/M/Hong Kong
>About you
Never posted on /soc/ before but I moved from the UK to here for my PhD last week and I could really do with some human contact. Ideally over text because I'm shy and it's far too hot to leave the house at the moment.
I'd say I'm a pretty run-of-the-mill anon with the kind of interests that go with that.
>Looking for
Ideally someone that lives in Hong Kong, or just someone in a similar timezone. Extra points if you like vidya/anime/film/gunpla. That sort of thing. Extra extra points if you like the old Rick Gervais XFM show.
>Not looking for
Someone that just wants to jerk off
> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, eccentric weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect, no friend collectors
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> discord: @tempolution
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>Looking for
crazy/lonely women who want to speak to someone temporarily without expectations of making a lasting connection, down for whatever but more or less wanna indulge in some chaos
>Not looking for
underage people.

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24/Male/Midwest US
>Looking For
A woman to love and spend my life with, and friends as well.
>About Me
I'm a Caucasian male who is a 5'7 and a tad overweight with a very noticeable acne problem. I am a shy person and have some severe social anxiety, and am up late into the night with insomnia. I try to be humorous and lighthearted through out my day and try my very best not to get moody and jittery. I dream of having a fulfilling relationship one day with a woman who shares my interests and unique life perspective.
Interested in Guitars and love playing them, sing a bit too. I go out occasionally and play music for tips as well. Into collecting films on DVD and music on CD and Vinyl, into several film and music genres. Love The Kinks, Nirvana, Frank Zappa, DEVO, David Bowie, The Beatles, Meat Puppets and Megadeth. Favorite film is Return of the Jedi and favorite album is Rubber Soul. I also collect Retro console and computer games with my top game being the original Star Wars Battlefront 2.
>Not Looking For
People who do not respond, or people who respond once and never again. Unfriend or block me at that point please don't just leave me sitting there. Men as lovers, appreciate it but I'm a straight dude, welcome to have you as a buddy though. Girls way older than me, I can make some things work but if you're in your late forties I don't think we can have a fully committed relationship, could be friends though.

Discord: tag is atlas8658

Note: My phone regularly uninstalls apps without telling, so if I don't see you right away it probably means my phone is being pretty retarded
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Hi :D

I am a nerdy white girl who wants ppl to play games with and vc! I play normieslop like val but I also have a huge ass steam library so add me and we can compare what games we have :) BONUS POINTS IF U LIKE ANIME. I will tell u more abt me and hobbies n stuff in dm
I don't rly like men like that btw so you can add me but I won't fuck you :P no long gamers i will kill u

anyway i will try my best in convos but I am flakey so if I dont respond give me abit and if I still dont answer than i dont want to talk to u its usually not personal :( i will be selective in my adds and try not to add more than like 5 ppl at a time so be patient faggots

i look forward to talking to u guys!

tag: _lessthanthree_
>About You
Loner irl, sociable online. Likes history, ancient religion, etc. trying to get into literature.
>Looking for
Cool friends, previous chat buddies (kik angellz or something like that)
>Not looking for
Dating or sex
Kik is kammomil

I'm a 12000 year old eldritch horror from hell (19, f, Europe)

>about me
I'm very much an indoorsy kind of person. I like to play vidya, watch a bit of anime etc
Also, although I'm not very good at it, I enjoy coming sometimes.
(I also like to do nail art as a hobby)

>Looking for
I'm not the most social person, so I can get kind of lonely sometimes. I guess I was looking for someone nice who'd like to chat and keep me company sometimes.
If you like vidya or anime or anything like that I'm sure we'll get along and have lots to talk about! I also don't mind chatting with people that are a bit older, if you so happen to be.

>not looking for
Idk.. lol
I don't have many requirements.. just be nice, don't be *tooo* crazy etc

Disc is Moonbit22
I meant cooking! not coming..

did you change your tag? cant add you
telling me you aren't looking for anything romantic is like the stupidest shit humanly possible. im just too lazy to collect you.
you're a bucktoothed whore. i'm going to stealth add.
I'm confused about what in my post could you feel the way..
you had me at under 25. hair color? this one replies here, that means shes been trained better.
Hair colour?
*slaps you across the face as hard as i possibly can* i'm sorry, i dont know why i did that. it will be a fist next time if you talk up. i'm not like the guys you see on twitch. i'm more refined.
so what hobbies do you participate in. just like totally 100% honest, my main question is if you're aware of the methadone crisis effecting chads who you sleep with
requests are off
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>ASL: 24, m, USA
>About you: I like to think I'm just an average guy. I like cute things, anime, vtubers, gacha, video games, reading/writing, and ttrpgs. I like to learn about parapsychology, mysticism, divination, and generally other people. I'd love to share some crazy dreams with other anons! I like to drink so maybe we could have a drinking vc.
>Looking for: anyone is welcome generally speaking except those who have no actual interest in conversation. I'm okay with just talking once/twice or talking long-term.
>Not looking for: people who don't wanna talk or express themselves.
>Contact: deccarist
I turned 20 today, Bio F.

I have borderline personality disorder which makes it very hard to make and keep friends.

There's a lot going on with me but if you don't mind trying feel free to add me.

My discord: agrangerz
I'm a virgin guy 25 who is scared and shy of women because of lack of interaction but I rly think yall are beautiful and special ppl... I want to kinds practice to get past the sacredness ect but its hard but i want to try :/ I feel brave now and

blehmeh._ disc
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>About you
I have literally zero friends, both offline and online. I sincerely do not know how to interact with people, so I might present - as some have said, "like a robot". My hobbies and interests include reading, writing, philosophy (particularly the Eastern and Chinese varieties), studying the dictionary, browsing Wikipedia, noise music and, to some lesser extent, [spoiler]wrestling[/spoiler], roller derby and acoustics. I don't consume a substantial amount of television, but within this scarcity I have especially found great enjoyment while watching My Little Pony and K-On!; they're endearingly girlish and youthful and I love it.

>Looking for
Explosive femininity. A friend whom I can indiscriminately embrace and vise versa. People who will engage me for the sake of my erudition - perhaps a reading partner? Someone who info-dumps various subjects of interest to me would be nice, I think.

>Not looking for
NSFW content. I'm not particular about your age/ethnicity/sex/gender/religion as long as you aren't a malignant BPDemon or whatever.

I'd prefer email over anything else, really. It allows me to fully articulate my thoughts before I impart communication. But if you really prefer instant messaging, well... you should be able to shoot me a message at @u8dmr on Matrix. Let me know if you can't.
Sorry 4 grammar desu
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>About you
i try to be nice and make friends with everyone. i dont succeed, but i think its a nice gesture. i've been sneezing up blood all day and feel lonely.
>Looking for
anyone to talk to. i like being able to call, and maybe even play games.
videogames, music, tcw, anatomy, reading, and movies.
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vocaloid enjoyer
>looking for
just someone to chat about vocaloid
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
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mid 20s/m/US
I listen to weeb music, lift weights, roon and work on creative projects. Amateur game dev primarily but I play games sometimes too, usually Pokemon and stuff but also want to get into the Tales series next
>looking for
Just people to talk to. Been told I’m good at socializing over text at least, don’t mind talking to whoever for the most part and tend to ramble about a bunch of different subjects when prompted
>not looking for
Your shitty server invites, troons
23, almost 24. USA

>About you
a bit weird, a bit strange. typical weeb archetype. horror and sci-fi fan. clingy, i like talking a lot, like a lot a lot. i form attachments really easily. usually high-energy. i enjoy technology and aliens.

>Looking for
people like me. gender doesn't matter. age is whatever, just be an adult and don't be like 55 or something.

>Not looking for
edgy edgelords who scream slurs. no thanks. just looking for chill and silly peoples

>about you
I like math (I am a mathematician) and chess. Temporarily a neet. Depressed and a little bit autistic.
>looking for
People to chat with, if you like math or want to play chess that'd be great, not necessary but will be harder to talk about stuff otherwise.
A relationship or a cuddle-buddy is also good, just be from my country if you want that, I don't like long distance relationships. I don't hold out much hope for this, haven't seen anyone local here.
>not looking for
Name doesn't work
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32/m/Western Russia

Feeding stray and wild animals, teaching kids, working, driving it faster than 80 mph on the morning highway, studying and discussing biology/theology/medicine.

I'm here if you need someone to trust to. All sorts of interactions are welcome.

you should post your top 5 horror movies and top 5 sci-fi movies
doesn't have to be in order
>cibbo matto
Extra sugar, extra salt
Extra oil and MSG!
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Late 20s/F
>Looking for
I'm looking for an email pen pal, preferably 25+ years old. I like honest and calm people, creative hobbies are appreciated but not a must. It'd be nice just talking about mundane daily life things or exchanging media recommendations. I used to be a huge weeb back in the day and there's still a good amount of Japanese media I enjoy but I'm mostly pretty disenchanted with it all. I play a lot of games and love talking about anything bideo related though I avoid multiplayer titles because I'm too socially anxious.
If you enjoy cooking please feel free to share recipes, I'm trying to get better at it. I used to wear EGL fashion in the past and while I don't keep up with it much anymore I still love the aesthetic. Currently trying to leave the house more and go explore nature, maybe we could motivate each other if you're in the same boat.
Fair warning, I dislike social media and don't keep up with what's popular nor can I really relate to being a well-adjusted normie so please bear with me.
If anything in my post sounds appealing to you or you've been looking for an online pen pal too then please feel free to contact me even if we don't share the same exact interests. I enjoy hearing people talk about their passions, hobbies or experience even if they're different from my own, I'm mainly just looking for someone who also likes this form of slower-paced communication.
>Not looking for
Anything romantic or sexual, troons.
25/M/Massachusetts, America
>Music you like
Immortal, Windir, Darkthrone, Demolition Hammer, Death. Just pretty much thrash, death, and black metal. I also listen to cheesy new wave music too when I'm really depressed
>Lookin for
IDK people to chat with? I don't expect to find anyone though
>Not lookin for
>Gamer tags
>Other things you might find important to list
I like to collect manga, music, and anime figures, I'm tall, I'm suicidal and own two guns.

>Looking for


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>about you
i love music so much. i like a lot of genres but my favorites are skramz, midwest emo, and a lot of artists on soundcloud (deermonney, g0r3, ratrace, nosgov, delcada, capoxxo, crucifyapril, etc). i really enjoy horror films and anything related. some of my favorite movies are lilya 4-ever, christiane f., coraline, and the nightmare before christmas. also i play a lot of cs2 ^_^
>looking for
frends who are nice and genuinely share similar interests, and could possibly play cs2 with me!!!
>not looking for
meanies, sexpests, anything romantic, anyone who takes things too seriously
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25 f eu
looking for female friends dont add me if you're a guy
into horror, psychology, arthouse movies, you can talk to me about your husbandos/ships (especially if they're m/m) so we can gush, i like anime and manga, some games but honestly not many.
i like occultism too, fashion, make-up, reading tarot... a lot of things and can get into any interest you have too, feel free to rant bc im very curious about stuff and a good listener and love to gossip lol

my tag is tamahimesama
No luck on either discord or telegram. I did find a kaiserkrieger on kik. Is that you?
you're an attention seeking bitch and your chop probably smells like eggroll grease.
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You sound like an interesting guy. I sent you a request in Discord. I’m BNJS595. I am kinda in the same boat as you man. I got put out in the middle of nowhere (central USA) for my job too. But the nature and peace of it makes it worthwhile. I’d love to know more about what that ecosystem is like. Hmu.
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>About you
Currently my life is a bit unstructured, so I have much time left to waste away and maybe chat. I like watching movies and looking at furry art. Would also like to read more and play some games soon: Journey to the End of the Night (Celine), Silent Hill and Wagner. It's just very hard to concentrate for me at the moment...
>Looking for
Finding friends would be nice, but I know that it's hard. Maybe we could have a nice chat? If you weren't lonely, you likely wouldn't be here!
>Not looking for
Sexual stuff, /pol/ stuff, romance, females or trans (sorry, just not interested in friendship with those)

>About you
I like games, anime, and manga as well as other stuff.
>Looking for
anything ig
>Not looking for
>Contact: aiya6969
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
>About you
introverted, but not shy. i like trying new things purely for the sake of the experience so i have lived a strange life thus far. i'm a very curious person so my interests change a lot, but right now i love animation and history.
>Looking for
mainly, someone that is talkitive and will go off on tangents. i'm not here to judge you, i do not care if you have murdered, raped and eaten your entire family - just be fun to talk too.
>Not looking for
i am not attracted to men, so do not add me with that expectation
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36f SA

ex-neet wagie drifting further and further from social parts of life

i like technology, art, music, vidya (FF, Genshin Impact, TFT) and very open to new things. i’ve been called a good listener by a lot of people, but i’m terrible at making up conversation and i’m sorry about that — i do better in group settings(multiple people) but i am trying to improve at one on one conversations

im looking for a fren, to vc/shitpost/whatever

id like to play vidya together occasionally, but i usually don’t have the time

not looking for any romance or degeneracy

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24/M/NA/Bi. I spent most of my time making music, poetry, playing league or studying. Need someone to watch anime and shit. I am cold by default but I can be flirty and a bit of a tease if I find you interesting, so don't add if too shy or sensitive. Don't add if too mentally ill and don't expect romance. Conversation without obligations.

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>Looking for
Space Marine 2 bros
>Not looking for
Anything else
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Faggy server for freins:3
28, Male, eu
FEED ME FRIENDS! I'm lonely and need some bomb ass frends. I wasn't born in eu though, so racists be gone!
programming, anime, retro games, writing, cheesy sci-fi, rock
>looking for
frens with common interests
>not looking for
coomers, neets, underage, people not in eu
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just a quick reminder that you are nakey as all hell under your clothes

24 m south asia
>About me
Just a lonely dude with very basic interests. Most of my days pretty much go by with me slogging at work, coming back and either playing vidya or watching anime.
>Lookin for
I'm okay with anyone that's chill, but I really prefer women or trans women.
>Not lookin for
Assholes and people that never bother initiating conversations.
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people who want to build meaningful relationships or connect
> I have a pretty cool server I'll invite you to if you ask
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyezwhitehair
32 m
>About you
come and ask
>Looking for
>Not looking for
i doubt anyone cares but I changed my discord username so it's outdated
what's the new one
deleted discord sorry
Not accepting requests
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m, east asian, many other good things!

>looking for
white girls who are:
+ somewhat smart or hardworking
+ into east asian guys
+ maybe into amwf raceplay

plenty, but i want new ones from you!

dude, it looks like he wants to run out of Russia
*I am also from Russia just passing by*
I sincerely apologize to the individual who contacted me on Matrix. I'm still interested in discussion!!!
this a sfw friend making thread faggot
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I need frens please add me :)
discord: mancalledcold
>About you
I work full-time. I read visual novels, create art, rock climb, skate, and daydream maladaptively. I like a wide variety of electronic music, but hard/industrial techno the most. Interested in making music someday. I consider body modifications and personality + mood disorders all special interests. I don't follow animanga anymore but can have in-depth conversations about it (I watched a lot).
>Looking for
Female friends 18+. We don't need to have overlapping interests, just talking about life is ok
>Not looking for
Romance, NSFW, males unless you are extremely interested in one of the listed interests
29, male, Uruguay
Videogames, movies and hanging out
>Looking for
Cute girl to be friends with
>Not looking for
Males of trans folk
Just reply and we'll see
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>About you
21 in college, would love to talk about my major if we become comfortable.
>Looking for
friends to play rhythm games with, i'm pretty ass but i'd like to have more friends to play with. Big fan of gachashit like genshin impact, proseka, d4dj. I like vc if you wanna play like minecraft or genshin together.
>Not looking for
absolutely not looking for anything romantic or sexual in nature, I have a girlfriend see picrel
>discord tag
>describe yourself
really generic 4chan interests lol. I like to watch moe anime, I play lots of minecraft and gacha, and watch random youtube videos. I don't mind vc as long as we click over text, otherwise I can be kinda awkward... I genuinely dont have any friends and I'm not very good at socializing due to being shut in my room since I was a preteen, but I will try my best.
>looking for
>not looking for
sexual stuff, anything romantic, etc
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Looking for people who play Pal World been getting boring playing by myself and my friends generally dont play the same games as me or other similar cross platform games. Big plus if you are a female but both genders are ok as long as you have basic manners

Made a throwaway so my actual account doesn’t get spamposted with 18/f adverts or penis

>discord: 4changaming
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>looking for
valorant friends, i wanna get back into it. if you wanna play comp im diamond 3 i think.
>not looking for
despicable evil abhorrent people, gooners, politics, relationships
18, M, Poland
>>About you
Cinephile, Metal listener, I can talk to you regardless of your ethnicity, political stance, sexual orientation.
>>Looking for
People of all worldviews, all backgrounds
>>Not looking for
23/M/south america
>About you
I like working out, cooking, games and i want to get into fishing
>Looking for
Im open to anything, i just want to chat, no matter the topic
kik: Eon9000 (i dont know how to use discord)
SA as in South Africa or South America?
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>Body traits
5'11, 175 pounds, white, baby-faced
>Personality traits
I love to talk, and i'm extremely lonely. I love codepenancy, it's been my coping skill since I was little. I will talk to you for every waking second and obsess about you nonstop. I literally can't help it. I can be shy or very excitable, but i try to be very positive. I have a slew of depression and anxiety issues, I'm a bit of a wreck. I want to learn everything about you!!

i work full time but i can always text, near 24/7
shitty kids mmos, collecting plushies I don't need, love listening to music of all genres.

>About your life and goals
working a dead-end job with no friends, but my goal is to find someone to love on and live with forever. I'm willing to move for an LDR and I've done it before.

>What you're looking for
Female (cis or trans), pretty face. not concerned about much else but that you're willing to let me dote on you and please don't mess with my head!

>Looking for
Someone who reads books. I want to discuss books with another person. Preferably someone who reads at least a book every week or two.
>About you
I read mainly fiction/litfic, but I also dabble plenty into sci-fi and fantasy, with some nonfiction, memoirs, and horror here and there too. I’m currently in a book club which I love, but I’d really appreciate having a friend I can discuss books with 1 on 1, talk to each other about what we’re reading, maybe do a buddy read, etc. :)
I also have other basic hobbies like video games (Ffxiv especially lately!), crochet, drawing, baking, manga, and so on. Of course we wouldn’t only talk about books, so sharing a hobby would be great!
>Not looking for
NSFW, romance, sexist, racist, and cruel people. People who think they’re some sort of holier than thou genius megabrain for exclusively reading books that are over 100 years old. People who only read about philosophy and religion.
Drop your discord along with a little about yourself :D
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weirdo, huge weeb, ironically racist
Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>DISCORD @notarappist
18m North East USA

>About Me
I’m a college student studying poli-sci

I’m into retro gaming, cooking, MCR, The Smiths, film, photography, and kicking homeless men

>Looking For
Someone my age to #chat with and be #friends with

>Not Looking for
Rapists, elderly men, any weird gay stuff involving penises, etc
Discord: trapstarsupreme
History, sci-fi and poetry

Tag: 10445399
Was your own penis circumcised?
>About you
Into artistic stuff and making things with my hands, movies, music, travel, some games.
>Looking for
New friends. We can share interests or not, let’s make a connection.
>Not looking for
NSFW anything. Hateful people.
19 m europe
>About you
im currently in uni studying engineering, my interests are maths, physics, electronics, programming and just other tech/science stuff, i like cooking but im not good at it, i play video games sometimes, i like reading but i have trouble finishing books, i want to get into gardening
>Looking for
nice people to talk to throughout the day
>Not looking for
mean people
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>Looking for
Any girls looking to chat of anything and play games. I don´t do VC
>Not looking for
Men, trans.
Games, Drawing, Manga
>Discord tag
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6'4 INTJ 140IQ 1200ELO BMI 17 E1 White/Indo-European

I am interested in talking about; Genetics/Phrenology, Shoegaze/New Wave/Indie, or Philosophy. Academically. Especially if you read. I have ideas I need to pontificate on.
I also like classical artworks.

Don't add me if you're low IQ or unattractive and dysgenic.

Early 30s/m/us, California
>About you
I have a lot of nerd hobbies. Video games, the science behind cooking, sometimes anime/manga, and reading short stories. 80% sure I'm autistic, 100% sure I'm neurodivergent. If I like you, I will remember everything you tell me and you''ll probably be weirded out. That makes for great christmas gifts though.
>Looking for
Someone to spend time with so that my life isn't just working and going home.
>Not looking for
Anyone younger than 24. I don't think we'd get along, but you can try.
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>weirdo, huge weeb, Interested in anime & manga, VNs, film, video games and sewing cosplays
>people who can hold conversations, similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships and connections
>no queers
>discord @notarappist
>high IQ person intelligently thinks as an intellectual a good place to find and talk to other high IQ individuals is on this site of all places
fucking cinema
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I already posted somehwere else but this thread seems nicer so here I go
29 guy in japan right now
I like music I play guitar and stuff, really into outdoors stuff camping hiking etc I travel to national parks every year, cars/motorcycle, anime and weeb stuff (yuru camp pls), video games final fantasy is one of my favorites I'm really looking forward to playing FF XVI now that its on PC, tech stuff networking and computers / electronics/microelectronics, passionate about anything diy, guns and tactical junk, drinking, I just got a cool tattoo, wicca stuff, photography, science and physics things, sad music, fashion stuff, food, comfy things, idk
I have many cool pics to share of adventures
>Looking for
other guitar playing, gun owning, motorcycle riding, tech enthusiast, outdoor adventurists or anyone that might share something in common, I have a very wide range of interests I think
just someone genuine and fun
>Not looking for
alts / throwaways
>Discord tag
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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
>About you
Chill programmer, almost all day busy but can find some time to chat.
- Programming and software in general (
- Cars (Both new and retro)
- TV Shows (BB, BCS, Narco, Silicon Valley and others)
- Music (Mostly rock and house but have almost every genre)
>Looking for
Preferably femanon, but open to any sex or gender. Just be nice and no big age gap (19-27 is ok)
>Not looking for
Nazis, fascist, gooners, lewd
matrix: @samsepi0l.c:matrix.org
telegram: @samsepi0l_c
discord: @samsepi0l.c
If none of the above works, drop your contact will find a way to contact you.
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26 M UK
Programmer and tech startup founder even though I hate computers and the internet and would rather all spend my time in nature. I like to travel and live in different countries. Probably a bit adhd but that's just my opinion. Favourite movie is Rounders. Favourite music is the Wolf Song sang by Jonna Jinton

>Looking for
Decent people. I don't mind if you are weird so long as you aren't aggressive or combative. Prefer talking to females but appreciate male friends just as much, so either way

>Not looking for
People who are overly flaky, people with a lot of ego, anything to do with trans or gays, dishonest or evil people

Discord: spix14.
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19/f/north eu
>About you
Feeling lost lately, been into writing poetry. I’m fond of the ocean, expensive things, intoxication, having fun and being myself(?) and Kate Moss
>Looking for
People that make me laugh, enjoy culture and are patient
>Not looking for
Degenerates, comically ugly/fat people (sorry for being superficial), die hard anime watchers
discord @thankgodformentalillness
Superfriend chat
Join the autism
unadds you when she can't refute your points. wouldn't reccomend; she's a snowflake.

>About you
sober, old anime/games, music, fitness, life, metal/punk

>Looking for
Whatever u wanna talk about within reason

>Not looking for
pls don't be crazy, no dick pics, no demands to be online 24/7

who cares ugly
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>about you
Weeb that enjoys all sorts of Japanese media, particularly retro games and manga.
>looking for
Someone to watch seasonal anime and play games with. I'm perfectly fine with lewd or a bit of flirting if we click. Just talking a bunch about our interests would be great.
>not looking for
Overly masculine guys
18 f
Looking for Cool, funny, chill, interesting people. Maybe some server recs. Idk I'm bored and high
Not looking for retards, racists, incels, e-dating, lewd,

Disc: bluedawn0481
u apparently
i just HATE people like U
u think u have a right? oh wow u wouldnt recommend anyone talk to her ok wowwww well MAYBE just maybe has it ever occurred to u that SOME people do not give a fak
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29, transfem, USA
>hobbies, interests, whatever
PC Gamer (risk of rain 2, smash bros, LoL, morrowind), philosophy/history, language study, walking through nature, coffee dates, snuggling
>looking for
new friends, perhaps someone to flirt with, hopefully someone else into cutesy girly stuff. i need more feminine energy in my life. men are welcome too, if they're nice and don't look like reddit moderators.
>not looking for
reddit moderator phenotype.
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>About you
I'm a somewhat educated hillbilly turned urban hermit. I am a Slav with an ounce of hubris. My favourite music includes metal, bass, and death grips. I figured out i'm a schizoid type. Been told i am neurotic. I blame it on the post-communist society.
Lore too short.
>Looking for
Seeking fellow strugglers to grind skills and experience life with. Bonus points if you enjoy art and collect/organize stuff - don't coonsoom so much, but have interesting ideas/vocabulary. I suppose these aren't hard requirements.
>Not looking for
Homo Californicus, and most of the associated types.
>Tranquility [@matrix.org]
25, m, portland or

add for: tea, poetry, buddhism, playing go, bonsai, collaborating on music (especially neofolk / martial industrial)

especially if you'd like to write / share your poetry with me. i am also a practicing occultist but we probably won't get along if you're a neopagan / satanist (i will laugh at you)

don't add if: underage / high schooler / teenager, /pol/, romance / sex

discord: hogna_vulpina
What's up with all of the Matrix contactfagging lately? How come these posts all have the same format? I swear nobody posted about matrix before this sudden boom. Weird.
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22 M USA
vidya, music, history, (some) philosophy etc. just ask if you wanna know more.
>looking for
cool people to chat with. ideally anyone with similar interests but im not all that picky as long as you are cool.
>not looking for
horny retards. debates. everything else is fine.
28 M USA
>About you
loser neet sitting in front of a computer dissociating all day. heisei otaku. idols, anime/manga, video games, music etc. i enjoy camping/hiking but haven't had a chance in years. i am lonely but sometimes its really hard for me to want to connect but i need to or im going to go insane. generally positive world outlook and politics otherwise. i like rabbits.
>looking for
penpals, chats, just connection in general. video games maybe???
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i want someone in au to play dota/ow with!!!!
i am australian and have no australian friends!!!!
> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
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I've barely seen 2 fags using matrix here. I posted mine because my friend has been shilling Discord more at random and last week he succumbed to corpo fuckover because he relied on their platform too much. That and a matrix thread ~3 months ago inspired me post my tag.

I haven't noticed any posts of "same format", unless you're vaguelly refering to people generally being more verbose and ditching overused descriptors.(Gamer, neet, into animanga, film, sewing, aso.) As for the boom itself my guess is it's because of that one security company's fuck-up, along with other minor mishaps in the tech industry.
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I am 21 years old, female. I'm not looking for a long term friendship. I simply want a kind empathetic voice. Someone who will listen to my sad past and care. That last part is important, empathy and being genuine is a must. My heart breaks just a little more each time someone pretends my childhood is a story, like some netflix slop to consume and discard when the story is over. I am more than willing to be your kind ear too. Just please don't use everything I say to talk about yourself, please care about me more than as a vessel for you to talk about yourself. I'm too shy to put an add, please reply with yours if you care. Drink water, go on a walk, count the birds and appreciate the weather.
24, and if you care to try, you'll get to learn everything else about me soon enough
>about me
I'm an utter self-centered asshole
>looking for
and will spend entire days whining to you about mundane shit without even taking a break
>not looking for
but do not even humor talking about yourself, because I just don't care
now if you desperately need to have sex with me then throw your tag my way, cause I certainly don't want to have mine sitting here in this dump
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26 / Male / Mexico

> About me
I wrote this thing out of order so I think I already wrote to much. I'll try to write the next parts as short as I can.

Average guy all things considered.

Notable things:

- I think a lot (Not necessarily intelligent thinking).
- I spend a lot of time inside my room.
- I always try to thing about different perspectives.
- I listen more than I speak but I speak too much if given a chance. I think this can be really bad.
- My sense of humor is defective (Jokes about dark or inappropriate subjects, or just plain old fart jokes.)
- I have a very limited emotional vocabulary (Don't know how to convey my emotions)

> Interests
- I like all the things inside the weeb / geek / 4chan annon starter pack (minus the whole /pol/ side of 4chan)
- I love to think about hypothetical scenarios
- I love to learn how stuff works
- I love storytelling and analyzing stories
- I love gaming (Retro, Indie stuff and Emulation)

> Looking for
Someone to talk to about our life's and is willing to say it, and listen, like it is, no matter if that may hurt, we can work through hurt.

Someone that is exited to share their passions. Someone that is willing to recognize the negative parts of life exist and that they aren't our enemies but that doesn't mean that we must always dwell on them or romanticize them.

> Not looking for
A perfect friend or partner. I know this one is weird.

I'm not looking for some what that at the first sign that a persone is not what they wanted they cut off all ties. It's ok feeling like this, but I just ask that you talk to me, or anyone for that matter, about what made you feel like cutting all ties was the next step.

> Handle
shut the fuck you did you not read my post
go whine somewhere else
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>About you
European anon living in Japan. I like internet stuff.
My hobbies are mainly vidya:
- Currently playing: Deadlock, Deep Rock Galactic, SM64 COOP
- Few of my favorite games are: TF2, FFTA, Majoras Mask, Tropico 4

- I started recently and I want to learn how to draw properly.

- I once lifted 150kg DL and 130kg squat but I want to get new PRs.

and programming these days.
- I work in software so I like tech.

I also like the following but I do not spend as much time as during my 20s looking out for new stuff.
- ATHF, XRA, Lupin the Third series, Warau Salesman, etc
- Gatacca, Tetsuo the Ironman, Stalker (1979) , REC, Days of Glory
- breakcore, dnb, rock, heavy, mostly but I like music from all genres
- Machine Girl, Pendulum, Fear Factory, Deftones, Daft Punk, Fantastic Plastic Machine, Goreshit, Kid606

I was diagnosed with ADHD recently but I think I got the hang of it. I could give some tips if you struggle with it.

>Looking for
Friendly anons. Chill conversations, whatever comes to mind. No need for immediate back and forth.

>Not looking for
Lewd stuff, romantic relationships, people asking only for Japan advice, RP, Larpers, rude people

If I do not reply instantly, I am not ignoring you, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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25m portland oregon.

i posted earlier but my mood has changed drastically and i'm fairly more desperate for human interaction now.

i'm into tea, writing + reading poetry, modern art, kendo (japanese fencing), esoterica, folk music, bonsai, among other things.

i am unfortunately very intense and can get easily attached so here is a fair warning.

no /pol/, underage, etc.

discord: hogna_vulpina
hiii i'm 23 female from chile, i like vns, vtuber, vidya, movies and music. i'm mildly a loser neet and have no friends, but i'm pretty calm. i'm looking for friends to talk, ideally people with the same interests but it's ok if u don't, we can play games or do anything. my discord is: smallmice


and in case anyone's wondering who this unpleasant & obnoxious weirdo is it's hogna_vulpina. hard to have a conversation with him, if you're not a weeb who speaks japanese he'll remove you! (probably some mental issues going on?)

0.5/10 convo, would not recommend
i read too, lets discuss about books!
He's just a normal hipster Portland fag. You're just a normal 18 year old fag. Mental issues are a given around these parts, absolutely nothing new.
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artificial intelligence, vidya, scenecore, vocaloid
>not looking for
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What's up with the Mexican phone number?
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>About you
I'm terminally online but I go outside. I enjoy anime, firearms, outdoors and stuff.
>Looking for
Friends my age around my area. I wanna go to beach or hike or somethin.
>Not looking for
Sexual intercourse. Drug use
stechkinaps on Discord
22 M NYC
No one.
Not nothing.
25 F
Disc: caarrott
Looking for frens and people to join my server ~!
24/Male/East Coast.
Reading, philosophy, spirituality, working-out, and conspiracies
>looking for
Cute girlfriend to manipulate.
Tags don't work.
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22 Europe Male

>About you
Huge fashion guru. i'll send you my fits. I'll ask for your fits. I'll help you improve your fits if you want to. Love everything fashion related.
I'm extremely extroverted so if you don't ignore me it'll be easy for you to talk with me

>Looking for
People into fashion
People who wanna get into fashion
Whatever goes

>Not looking for
Never talk

F 25 PA
I'm looking for friends to get to know, online or irl. Preferably other females, if your a dude I will most likely ignore you. I'm a total introvert but also an open book. Love rants and deep convos...Most days I'm doom scrolling tik tok, listening to podcasts or looking for new movies to watch.
Discord: pinklemonade222
Snap: deftonesbabey
Gacha, weebshit, photography, j-rpgs, edm
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Are you still on this thread? I'd love to talk about rodents! I'm marielovesbunnies_62462 on discord. It wouldn't let me add you
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>about you
I have a lot of interests like fountain pens, watches, boots, audio, reptiles, guitar and so on.
>looking for
people that are interesting, I like woman so there is that.
>not looking for.
People with insane politics, Nazism, communism, monarchism.
discord: .hastor
28, M, USA

>About me
I love music, mostly alternative/hardcore and its subgenres. My favorite artists right now are superheaven, modern color, and jawbreaker. I’m also an avid reader, mostly fiction, and I love traveling. I don’t play much video games anymore but I have been playing dayz almost religiously lately. I also play guitar/keyboard but haven’t been very inspired lately.

>Looking for
Just some casual conversation outside of the social bubble I’m in, someone to play dayz with

>Not looking for
Anything creepy/sexual,

Discord: averageamphibian
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>About you
I love to sew, paint and sculpt. I am in school to become a mammographer, currently getting my x-ray license. I make dolls and listen to metal, yacht rock and folk music. I'm in a LDR with my wonderful fiance whom I love very very much.
I collect cute things. Old fabric, miku figures, ceramic figurines, stuffed animals, and tiny wooden shelves. I teach Sunday school to wonderful young people every week, and can't wait to have children of my own in the next couple of years. I have two hamsters (housed separately) and would like to eventually have several rabbits
Picrel is my favorite wall
>Looking for
Female friends who like similar things
>Not looking for
Men who want relationships, 'trans'es
marielovesbunnies_62462 on discord
19, M, Russia
>About you
I'm tall, curly and cute hikky boy from Russia. I'm interested in visual novels, games, anime and other stuff. A standard set of hobbies for any geek. I don’t want to list all my interests, but they are very, very extensive.

I also know a lot of Russian groups, and everything there is to know about my country, including I know Russians very well and can help in studying it~~ I live in a small town, so don’t expect beautiful views from Moscow, aww~
>Looking for
I'm looking for friends for permanent or temporary communication on any topic in Russian and English, games in discord and anything else you want from me, I'm happy to do anything. I'm waiting for absolutely everyone.
and my mental state is sometimes not very good, sorry about that.
Discord: Dickrey

See you!!!
>About you
piano, guitar player, enjoyer of literature, horror movies
>Looking for
people who enjoy similar
>Not looking for
Hysterical women (many have added me)
disc: hitchhikers.ghost
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>About myself
29 M Pensioned NEET
Invertebrates, aquariums, plants, gaming, computers, psychedelics, outdoor, spirituality, science, space, biology, evolution, history, nature
>Music: 90s Goa Trance Industrial Dark Ambient Folk Metal Bhajans
Movies/Shows Surreal, Horror, SciFi, Documentaries, Mindfuck/trip movies and series
Vermin/Darktide, AOE II, Warframe, Mass Effect, Battlefield
Long curly hair, androgynous feminine body, 170 cm, 68 KG, enduring legs, no body hair
Diagnosed asperger autism, weird, eccentric, abstract, alien
Contract killer, night stalker, wood elf (outside)
gay dresses, nude (at home)

>Looking for
Likeminded contacts from the proximity and potentially a partner for at least "FWB" (exclusive). Preferably NEETs who also don't have a life and no money
but discipline and endurance to archieve their goals. I can need someone to help me with garden and construction work and we could also do long hikes, drink
or dose together in the dark night forest. I am prepared to house someone, theoretically you could live with me temporarily, give each other motivation, cook
and workout together. I have incredible little money but managed to still become well furnitured at least, but my apartment is very remote which means you
have to be able walk long distances with me. The nature is incredible.

If there is physical attraction we may build up an intimate "FWB", cuddle, fall asleep (naked) in each others arms, shower together, mutual massages, with
lots of kissing, touching and showing affection. I'm not asexual but not into hookups. I'm mostly into cute androgynous / feminine males but would consider
a female if they were mentally matching, try to turn me 'straight'. Finding a lifetime partner will always be my priority, but is unlikely, as my lifestyle
and goals are most unusual.

Be from Europe in any case if you actually plan to ever meet me.

endzeitromantik @ emailn . eu
i'm terrible at conversations, so please try putting a bit of effort
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>About you
I just want to go back in time when life had that nice magical enchanted feeling
when I didnt have to worry about anything cause all was sorted
But im now autistic and want to see myself become the greatest I can be or kill myself idk yet
>Looking for
Lithuanians or people nearby
>Not looking for
>or kill myself idk yet
imagine thinking anybody wants to talk to somebody like this
shut up faggot
>Last Id digits says GAy
well that's very accurate desu
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>Looking for
People that are into urban exploration and wanna exchange locations and/or explore together. (:
Also trading homegrown if interested.
>Not looking for
Beefy baseball boys
dc: wawawawawawajaja
username doesn't work
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Is this thread any good?

Male, pic is me, USA
Gym, weight lifting, training.
Video games, just started Trails into Reverie. Playing Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Borderlands 2, Troubleshooter, Marvel's Midnight Suns, I think that's it. I mostly like jrpg shit right now.
TV and some anime.
>Looking for
Female friends. You can chat with me about anything. Everyone says I'm the nicest guy in the Western Hemisphere.
>Not looking for
subhumans, people who want to s3xt, s3llers, catfishers, underage.
Discord: negan20
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> ASL:
27, man, Australia
> About:
6ft, good build. Work as a programmer in various spheres, lots of freedom but online social in the gaps comes in handy. Classically masculine personality, stoic, self assured, paternal, etc. Hypermotivated on certain things and upward oriented. Huge fan of aesthetics, spirituality and leadership, will go on many rants and tangents. Gymrat not long ago but travel and work keeping me busy.
> Interests:
Spirituality of many kinds, finance, gym/fitness/food, narrative, family, programming, bit of gaming, politics but pretty tired re modern noise, pretty varied music tastes from 1960-present, law, probably a bunch others. Love talking about various social phenomena. Enjoy talking about religion, but arguing gets lame.
> What you're looking for:
Pretty much anyone coole to just hang out and chat with about something interesting. Mostly interested in talking to girls than guys lately. If you lead an aesthetic life well have a grand ol' time.
> Not looking for:
nonwhite, degenerate(troon, fag, turbo coomer, druggo, other), mental disorder, turbo depressed, people who have gross souls, politically obsessed.
> Contact:
discord: rocksteady97
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Early 20s, M, US
Typical anime and vidya stuff. Recently finished s1 of k-on and s3 of the slime isekai. I like SoL, fantasy, and adventure primarily, but I've watched anime of all genres. For video games, it's mostly rpgs or gatcha (hsr currently), but I'll try any casual multiplayer stuff if it looks fun. Music is another hobby of mine, I write and play, but I mostly just enjoy talking about and sharing music with others, not so much talking about the creation/artistic side of it.
>Looking for
People with similar interests to chat with throughout the day. Even if we don't share a lot in common, I don't mind listening to you ramble about your interests, learning about people is pretty cool desu. Even casual small talk is alright. People to play games with would be neat as well, like I said before, I'll consider most multiplayer stuff as long as it's easy enough to get into. Open to vc if we click eventually. Wouldn't mind watching stuff in vc, whether that be games or movies, etc.
>Not looking for
The typical weird stuff. Extremely introverted people. 30+
Discord: gravivivi
mid 20s m us
Lonely somewhat autistic wagie
I can carry a conversation but not maintain a friendship
Utterly ruined by a decade of imageboard
Philosophy, literature, fitness, descriptive politics and IR, hiking, self-sufficiency/diy/bushcraft, mysticism
>looking for
a good conversation
maybe even a friend
>not looking for
discord, gaming, ideologues
teleguard 4MK7KGUP5

I'm interested, hmu
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>looking for
a friendship with a girl who has a lot of free time and has at least some of these traits:
pseudo-intellectual, judgemental, somewhat private or quiet, likes psychology or philosophy
ideally you like the idea of being given a small amount of money sometimes
and live within a few hours of eu timezones

psychology student (counselling), currently reading thus spoke zarathustra, listen to music a lot & trying to learn how to draw
currently at war with a roommate
tall/skinny/pale/dark hair
interested in psychotic mental illnesses and eating disorders
lmao nigga just put M you fucking snowflake
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Male 30

Looking for someone to talk philosophy, letterboxd movies, deep chats at night

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> 23/male/Germany
> anime larper, weirdo
> animanga, VNs, vidya, sewing, film, reading
> looking for friends with similar interests, lonely people, meaningful relationships
> No friend collectors or queers
> discord: @blueeyedmeteorboy
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>About you
bad and fast typer expect lots of typos
trying to get into anime + vns + programming but i dunno where to start :(
into other jp stuff like os-tan, ukagaka, nijiura maids... surface level stuff!
paranoid... diagnosed with a psychotic subtype of depression
mentally ill but i dont let it get in the way of our friendship! i tend to hide it, but im mentioning it in case you dont want to befriend someone like me
>Looking for
friendship! preferably someone into anime/vns/programming
>Not looking for
sex ill cry
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it has been a little over 2 months since this post and i'm still getting adds over it, so i would like for others to know i am no longer adding people nor accepting adds. thanks for those who became my friends and to those who didn't but i still chatted with, and sorry to those i accidentally ghosted since you guys deserve better.
that's a cool ending at least
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gym, schizoposting, shitposting, music, memes, esoteric shit.
>Looking for
idk people that are interesting i suppose.
>Not looking for
minors, idk what else just don't annoy me
furry, autistic, socially awkward, i get overwhelmed and i shut down sometimes, english is not my first language, also i am gay
>forgot user
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fun, cheerful, outgoing, friendly schizophrenic internet archwizard looking for new friends to widen my social horizons and enrich my (and your!) social life
vidya, programming, music (mostly electronic), spirituality, internet culture & aesthetics, gym, psychology, politics, history, nature & more!
>looking for
men & women under 30 that match the vibe or wanna have fun on the internet with me and my wizard clique
>not looking for
easily offended, tranny, retard, ugly (I won't verify the last one)
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Gabriel Knight, Maniac Mansion, Panel de Pon, Eastern Mind, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Puzzle Fighter II, Ristar, Toonstruck, Illusion of Gaia, Kirby's Dream Course, Alien Soldier
>Looking For
Retro Games
>Not Looking For
Video/Voice Call
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26 m western us
Married, father, leftist, software engineer. Spend most of my time working from home and helping with childcare. Used to game more, but pretty casual these days. Recently into the One Piece TCG. Reads way too much manga.
>>Looking for
As well adjusted people as possible to find on this website to chat with throughout the day when I've got downtime at work. Maybe just sit in vc all day. I'm open to playing games, exchanging manga/anime/music/book recs etc. Also happy to talk about tech and potentially help people learn to code. Other parents with infants/toddlers.
>>Not looking for
Racists, transphobes, homophobes, etc. Any hint of romance/flirting/nsfw, I'm asexual and happily married.
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shut the fuck up faggot you're a walking caricature
go back to plebbit
wait nvm you're so cool I want to be like you!
maybe try being a person first
在成人之前 真想先成為自己 type shit. good song good band.
I had Chinese soup for lunch and dinner, it was good
Local shop that had good hot and sour soup closed down years ago and eveywhere else here sucks its doomed.
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what the FUCK
I swear to God restaurant owners always selfishly close because "muh debts" but they never ask the customers
what a fucked up world
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>About you
I love animals a lot, so I spend a lot of my time with my pets or wild animals that like me. I like sharing music, I like art, models. Reading, Gaming a lot n watching shows.
>Looking for
Real Friends, show me your pets, music you like, art you like or draw, anything you're passionate about and I'll probably want to learn more about you n share things about myself as well.
I'd like to play games or watch shows as well, raft, dbd, league, anything we have in common or wanna try.
>Not looking for
People above 30 or below 20, No bigots or coomers
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have this
18 / f / europe
>About you
I like a lot of modern nerdy stuff. I also like books and crochet. Sweets are amazing too.
>Looking for
Someone to be my friend. We dont have to have a lot in common. I wont mind anything sexual either.
>Not looking for
Disc: comfy.catsy
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intel4004266160 on twt
f18, central/eastern europe, looking for friends : ) i want to start streaming a little to help with my depression.. will stream walks on the countryside and drawing. i like those two things and knitting, crystal castles, old technology, compsci videos... i play skyrim and HL but i dont think ill stream that yet. i want to save princess dulcinea....
Don't have twt do you use anything else
got discord? also someone from east europe, would be happy to chat
slovak or czech?
no, think south-east
no, think south-east
Severe mental issues meaning superiority complex and one way yap session
>about you
Your lonely but friendly internet anon, that doesnt have any real friend irl.
Its hard to make friends post 30 as it is, but its even more difficult when dealing with actual diagnosed depression that paints your world in grey colors sometimes. Before you jump to support me, im generally ok most of time in regards to dealing with my mental health, so im okay to talk about it. In reality, I only have colleagues as "people i know" and see daily, but non of them is someone i condider w close friend that knows me well, and someone who i can rely on when needed.
Cars and motorsport, electronic music, movies, cooking, history, geo-politics, science, sci-fi, books.
>looking for
An online friend i can talk with on a daily basis and be open about any subject, without the fear of being judged.
We can share our interests, daily life struggles, past stories, hopes for the future, talk about current events or just rant to each other.
Im genuinely open to any topic/idea you have in mind (sfw/nsfw, lewd, unpopular or controversial opinions) as long as we can have a respectful conversation like two adults that dont have to necessarily agree with each other, but hopefully will be able have a proper discussion - so dont be afraid to challenge me.
>not looking for
Friend collectors who add and never respond, sellers and most importantly, people who cant hold a conversation.
22/M caucasian
Life is grey
in a love/hate relationship with sum languages (adinoki tho)
masha got trapped inside odessa

lookin for: tg friends
>telegram friends

Contact: @Labeler

may be afk like snappin a lot
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>About you
I'm a bit of a loner with some mental health issues, but I'm working very hard at resolving those things.
I love to be outside in nature with my dog. I love hiking, camping and just wandering around.
I like to read, history, watch movies and listen to music.
In my free time I also like to mess around with computers and play some games.
>Looking for
Meeting and learning about people, chill conversations, sharing hobbies and interests, and maybe we can share some pictures of our pets.
I would prefer to chat with people over or close to 30, or at least be mature and capable of having an actual conversation.
>Not looking for
Hateful people, bigots of any kind, dating
Discord: denoal6
Added u
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20/US(West Coast)
> Interests
sci-fi novels/media, reading, spending time outdoors, music (black metal, post punk, goth, indie, jazz, rock, and questionable pop), crafts, cooking, baking, STEM
> Looking For... can be mutually exclusive
nerds, people who are passionate about their interests, people who can go off vibes, people who can be formal/serious and playful, friends...?
> Not Looking For
nsfw, questionable people, one word answers, people whose only hobbies are anime and gaming, ect (i'll let you know)
> Discord
hi soc i hate you im back fuck anyway,,, im working on assignments and would like someone to talk to to keep me on my computer bc i have adhd im unmedicated and cant sit still

i like creative people which just means anyone who makes art as a hobby, a good sense of humor, anime girls, alfred hitchcock movies, fashion & vintage clothes & doing my hair,,, im casually into photography, always listening to music; lou reed, elliott smith, anything neil halstead comes up with. i play guitar a tiny little but mostly sing; id like to learn drums; i collect antiques; i’m eighteen if thats not obvious by now… i hate this board i almost refuse to mention my gender in posts but i always hold out hope another girl will message bc i want female friendship; i have been thru many harrowing things bc of this site but i live on and sometimes really like the people i find here; i find soc can be fun and simple sometimes when u thoroughly avoid the crazies
i have the tendency to talk too much euuurghh im learning how to hold conversations i havea social job but i like the simplicity of talking over the internet

pls add me if:
you are a girl surfing thru incel posts (i promise im not a larper) and wanta girl friend bc friendship is magic… if you really like music/make music/play any instruments, if you want someone to game with(i am very humble when it comes tomy gamingskills;not confident in them), if you play roblox lol

i haven’t sought a friend on here in some time, started realizing it’s a board (site) for degens and weirdos who the majority of don’t know how to socialize or manage themselves; enough with the gay stuff tho heres my DNI: most males, gooners, coomers, doomers, pol, anyone over 26, also LOL players die

here'smy EMAIL to add me glassesarmycoat@proton.me
you can just send your discord username or if u feel like it id enjoy a little self introduction :] maybe an annoying way to add someone but im not posting my user or making an alt fuck that
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Photography, nighttime car rides, reading, cooking, math, knitting, anime, some light gaming in my spare time.

>Looking for
Open to anyone honestly, very curious to learn about other people.

>Not looking for
Anything nsfw.

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23, male, europe

animanga, lots of vidya, film and reading, barely any VNs, I'm into vkei and breakcore, i cosplay but don't ask for pics because I don't,

>looking for
similar interests, people willing to have full on conversations, lonely and desperate people, meaningful connections and friendships

no queers, no blacks and browns, if you think we don't vibe just remove and move on

sent u my discord. I like gaming and mlp and alot of other stuff on ur list but those are the main 2.

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