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Duolicious is an online dating app, but with uglier women, less realization of romances, and more male competition.

>Duolicious website
>Duolicious Github
>Server status

Relationships formed: 0
Male Suicides caused: 50 and counting
Mediocre Female egos boosted: How many women are here again?
First for hopelessness
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the state of “men” in 2024
man he's so lucky.......
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submit to me moids… muahaha
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i can simp too please plase PLEASE
i would never give you the time of day, you worthless cuckold.
please dom me
i promise you will like me, i would do anything for you
is it not obvious that im a MAN
oh thats me
tell me you wouldnt want her to treat you like a dog
is that supposed to be a problem?
Her bio now explicitly says that she wants a boyfriend who barks for her, which sounds kind of dangerous to me. I'm too vanilla

Should I ask her if she found someone, or is that like admitting I already lost? I'm pretty sure I'm the first guy to get her Discord
If she wanted you she would go out of her way for you. get a clue
i will bark for her 24/7 if she wants me to
If women can filter men by their height, men should have the option to filter women by their cup size
Is this real or a scam? I just want drunk chads/chadettes to talk to on weekends
This site is fucking garbage.
90% of the females are blatant whores, and your chances of getting replies from anyone are close to 0
The world is garbage bro.
can you faggots stop being so racist. i was having a good conversation with a guy and he says
>"uh i dont really want to continue, not because you are ugly but because you are brown"
i am going to kill myself
You're not entitled to white penis
You're too busy hogging it all
Kill yourself shitskin whore
Yeah, Rosie Palms and her five sisters hoarding up all the white men.

I'm sorry for you, it must be awkward and annoying for you

But this was the first thing I thought of after reading that
Is this an actual real app?
Jus made mine. I am retard
Why is 90% of the women on this not using real life pics?
Is that the Australian guy that talks about how he hates women?
no i love women
How do I get nudes out of these retarded girls?
My most recent duolicious experience. Wasn’t even on the app, it was in one of these threads.
Same as on any dating site. Chadfish
Do you smoke meth?
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Can’t relate. White men on the app tell me that they would ruin their entire bloodline for me.

Maybe it’s you desu

t. Brown femanon
>brown femanon
>likes higurashi
It's your bloodline now
the white men in question:
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More like this actually.
So fucking based. We should all strive to be this guy.
technically but there is zero point in even bothering.
I've gotten a few replies but I haven't found any girls particularly interesting. They're all very similar. Apparently most of the guys are extremely similar too putting on alpha fronts or being disgusting simps. Just touch grass and work on your social skills. A lot of these girls are really undateable
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my cuck slaves mog yours
White Power!!
No uk females? FUCK
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you mean you take this seriously?
Funny how many 3/10 chicks in here are laughing about loser guys making lame passes at them, as if they could do any better. delusional
I am going to giggle at the obviously chat gpt generated messages I got sent to me by the random Nigerian prince, yes.
If you're girl "looking for your guts" you're hot af
Isn't that the discord mod copypasta?
This guy is just autistic >>33296321

This guy is shitposting >>33296302

This guy is also shitposting >>33296242

None of them are chatGPT, they're dorks trying to be 'quirky' and 'interesting' to stand out. They've been made to do this kind of shit because every more "normal" tactic they've tried has bombed.
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u don’t want this
this isnt even half of my victims
>3/10 chick
im a man
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What did she mean by this.

You’re absolutely right. It’s a shame that these men are socialized to the point of acting like this.
Duolicious has been pretty ass for me up until recently. A dude in my area asked me out and we’re going on a date on Monday. I hope it goes well.
Wish me luck /duo/
Wishing you luck
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Duo is good for trolling
>can't find any profiles that match his description
Owari da...
Duofaggot has deleted three of my accounts because girls kept reporting me. All I did was send shitposty intros, but apparently they got their knickers in a twist over it
That's not fun. Guess I'm gonna dip. Fuck this simp site.
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My last troll
As soon as the twitter invasion happened he started banning people for racism and "incel posting". It's a rugpull site
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I exist. Just evidently not in your feed lol
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Give me a hint my melanin queen... my Rena tulpa is saying she wants to take you home
this girl is literally a whore btw I know her. she’s from austin
All women are whores
F/22 Who wants a duo with me?
Snapchat: Userw0lf
Telegram: Userw0lf
grim. glad i gave up on this bullshit but stayed for the circus of simp losers and ugly women.
number of clubs went up, but I can't scroll all the way to the right to select all of them.
How long do inactive accounts stay up for
Why do women ask for your discord then after talking a bit there start ghosting you. This has happened multiple times now and idk why. Are they exclusively looking for e boys to buy them nitro?
this just happens everywhere, even irl.
talk for a bit, then ghost.
make it work on older operating systems/browsers. can't see profile pictures and the interface is a bit janky.
I think I know her. She's pretending to be a good girl or some shit but she's the horse pussy chick

Lmao, any brown men on the app? Curious if it's the same thing for you?
Getting real desperate for connection and something real.
go outside, you will kill yourself before you find anything worthwhile on this app
Duodaddy, I currently can't skip people nor can I change my intros to newest first from best match (using mobile Chrome on iOS, it's up to date)
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I’m an /x/ along with an /an/ poster.

There is. An abundance of them at that. I’ve been tempted to put>>33296421
on my bio “I’m only into white men” but I feel like it will rattle the bee’s nest because heaven forbid a woman have dating preferences.

I’m not attracted to brown men so there’s enough to go around.
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I'm either incredibly stupid or you just aren't close enough, can I just drop my discord tag here?
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My duo must be bugged, I only see like 10 women regardless of how I change my filters. I'm 26, M, USA, pic related. I'm a comfy NEET (decently well off, travel and live by myself) and spend most of my time playing OW2 or reading as of late.

discord: lolibeater
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Any way to save something if she only sent you one message? She's really cute, she's local, but I guess I fumbled the follow up
No. stick to ur own kind
Just send another message, try asking about an interest in her profile but don't ask her to just explain it to you because that isn't fun
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Why is everyone on this app so young? I feel weird talking to 20 year old men they keep asking me to be their mommy.
I'm 29 and all I see are like 18-20 girls. Id fuck them I guess but I don't know how interested in them I am otherwise
Is 23 too young for you onee-san
Yes but I'm a tranny sorry anon.
Go for it. I’m at work so don’t expect an add right away tho
So is it weird just to ask her what kinda games she's into?
Woops meant for
It's not a weird question, it's a boring question. It's not fun to just list stuff, and it ends the conversation again with either her list or her asking you for yours and then your list. Ask her a question that allows for you to play off of whatever her response is, regardless of what it is

What about her profile makes you want to talk to her? That's the part you should ask questions about. If she likes specific games, ask questions about those (and not just "why do you like X?")
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can we stop pretending that what you say matters
its about face height resource acquisition etc
if you have those it doesnt matter what you say
and if it matters what you say she doesnt want you anywys

delusion gets us nowhere, people!
Well yes!
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Likewise. I might not answer right away. My tag is icookadapasta
I'm what you would call a WASP. White Autistic Stunning and a Player.
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I mean, is it really racism to want to have a child who looks like you to some extent? Not like it matters, anyway you would have just ghosted him regardless. I was probably the best looking dude on that app when I had an account and after waiting for like 2 weeks I never got a single intro from anyone. Shit's rigged.
Really pretty, likes anime and games, stupid memes. Kind of asked a silly question and did get a response and that was it. So I could pivot to just asking her about gaming interests I guess maybe I fucked up the follow up not leading it enough?

I have terrible time keeping matches conversations going sometimes I've noticed
Might consider it. Getting tired of ugly looking people with even uglier hearts.
i get the sneaking suspicion a lot of them are either minors or men pretending to be minors so they can mess with *cough* certain people. some of them look way too baby-faced and i can’t imagine a profile like that has any good intentions here. i report all of them every single time. fake or not, i don’t care you fucking faggots. keep that shit off duo.
>Really pretty, likes anime and games, stupid memes
This is nothing. 99% of Duo users like anime, games, and memes. And you should be attracted to someone (although I get that a lot of people don't have pics on there so knowing right away is at least confirmation)
>What about her profile makes you want to talk to her
her face
if shes into you enough you can give one word replies and ask shitty questions. have some self respect youre not a fucking performer there to entertain her
i believe in you anon
>her face
if shes into you enough you can give one word replies and ask shitty questions.

you are so real for this, my little puppy.
I miss u why’d u leave me
you wouldnt send feet
So what the hell are people talking about on here
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Non-white here, just put it on your profile. I respect it a lot more when you're honest and not wasting both of our time. Why do you care about someone seething about it, they're not worth the time anyway. Only losers seethe about dating preferences. I don't like black women either.
Send my way all the black and mixed women you're talking to. Be a pal, it's a win-win situation
Show me your clubs or...I don't know, funniest/dumbest combination of clubs you've seen on someones profile.
>Why is everyone on this app so young?
Because I haven't made account yet.
and like to be clear it's like possible she's just not the one and that's fine but bios on most of these are limited and she's local so idk kek. I just saw a pic of her and thought man, she's so damn beautiful vs anyone else on the app, i was super excited i got a response out of her
As you can tell by this thread, 99% of messages don't get a response or die out quickly because most men are just mass messaging girls generic things that don't grab anyone's attention. Any girl you message with "what anime do you like" has gotten that message 10 times this week. Talk to her about her niche interests, and if she doesn't have any listed, figure out what they are. "What's the most recent show you watched and what would you rate it out of 10?" is a far more interesting question on the same topic, if you truly have nothing else to go on
It’s not funny, everyone here in Southern California has “Fortnite” or some variation of in their clubs. Not one person who doesn’t. Fuck, even I do.
That's not really what's happening at all. She'll reply to the most generic message possible if she thinks you're attractive or likes something about profile. Don't kill yourselves trying to come up with the most epic, quirky intros possible. Either she's interested and replies or she doesn't and you're ghosted/skipped. It's not that complicated.
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A lot of people also seem to think that asking question is the only thing you should do. There are nuances, comments to make about the things they said, and something about you related to it. It helps keep the conversation flowing while you learn more about each other.
I don't understand why people message/respond if they're not capable of basic conversational skills, especially so when they're not even trying. Do you want to know me? Do you want me to know you? Can we try? I've never felt so alone until I used this app. Is anybody real?
At no point did I say it had to be epic or quirky, just that it has to allow conversation to flow back and forth

Also we have got to stop using "ghosting" so liberally. A conversation dying out isn't ghosting someone. Ghosting is disappearing out of someone's life that you know, not when a girl on an app stops messaging you after a day

This is also a good point! No one wants to feel like they're in an interrogation session either, and I know I find it overwhelming when someone puts 3 or 4 questions in a message. Duo has definitely highlighted that most people on here can't handle a conversation, which isn't entirely surprising given the demographic, but it's far worse than I imagined
I was just embellishing a bit, my point is that people here get too hung up on intros. Look at it this way, when you meet some new in person, do you sit there thinking to yourself for 20 minutes trying to come up with the most perfect thing possible? No, you go up to them and say "hi" or "what's up" if you're normal. Then you start a conversation and build chemistry (or lack thereof) from there. Just goes to show how fucked internet dating has made us because we all feel like we have to be absolutely flawless in every interaction or we have no chance at building relationships. It's disgusting to think about how much it dehumanizes people.
When I meet someone new in person, it isn't someone that I have zero connection to who has given me a guide of themselves, which is what happens on a dating website. The approaches have to be different. Ignoring everything someone has given you as a conversation starter is going to get you ignored
I'll protect you, my swarthy sweeties....unless a Becky gets me, so act fast!
only MY clubs are objectively funny
no i won't show you them
Why do you type like a gay man. I don’t know maybe it’s just the baby blue and the stars.
yeah, i just changed it to that before I posted. I figured the stars were nice for bullet points, and I like blue :(
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Was talking to a girl and she seemed to really like talking to me and a even said so. She even browsed /x/. Went to sleep, woke up and asked for discord and the convo got moved to archives a few minutes later. Can't find her with my alt. I wish you knew If someone's account got deleted or just skipped you.

Emily if you're reading this and still want to talk fine me pls
>u would dine on organic doggy food
Get a hint, dumbass. I’m done with you. You’re just not up to par for me. I’m not wasting away my good years on a loser like you. You can send me money or shower me with gifts if you want attention, incel.
Emily please, I thought you found me intresting
How much you wanna bet that this isn’t actually Emily
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"I'm told Im very sweet. Ontologically a goofball. I'm mostly sane and somewhat bright. INFP Aquarius drowning in my fee fees. Smoker of tabbacy buy not the wacky tabbacy.

Into Vidya, cartoons, anime, ttrpg (This is duo so duh) and I actually browse 4chan. I like going on walks and smelling flowers and grabbing bugs. Hiking and geocaching sound like a good time to me, I will make you wear sunscreen and drink normal water however. Maybe have you eat a flower.

Huge Romantic, daydream of pretty places with killer aesthetics. A date in the forest at night looking at the moon is a better time than grabbing a drink for me. Very shy at first but if you dont punch me in the face when we meet I open up into a charming something I think. Would prefer people in my general region so I can kiss someone. Local friends are fine too. Currently in my anxiety arc. Talk over discord if we get along here."

Please rate my bio.
if you are a woman it’s cringe but you eill get matches.
If you are a guy nobody, and i mean nobody will read that shit and you eill post here in about a week complaining about your experiende
How do I make it less cringe?
delete every single word. holy shit. at least attempt to sound like a human being. there is not a single word of that which is salvageable so i can't really get more detailed with advice, having nothing to build on
i signed up for this app, got 3 possible matches within a 300km radius, one of which was too ugly to consider, the others didn't have pictures.
I'm not exactly a catch myself but if i wanted a bpd whore i'd just come here instead.
Maybe asking the duolicious general on /soc/ for advice wasnt a great idea.
>not a single word is salvageable
>reads similarly to about 90% of bios on duolicious, if not more interesting

I think this general is actually braindead. I had posted a bio after just changing it, and half of the replies said “you’re cute” and the other half said “kill yourself.” I actually got more replies on Duo after changing it to what it was that I posted in that general. You guys are retarded and this poster is just fine. Go get em, tiger!

It wasn’t, these guys are fucking stupid.
post your profile
it reads like a school essay trying to reach a word minimum
i'm sure its an accurate reflection of your faggoty personality. I'd start with becoming less of a faggot.
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I double texted her. The new convo was good at the start, then just died. She stopped replying again after an hour.I just asked her if she's studying or working after she asked me and I replied

I can't double text her with a new topic every time I want to talk to her. Worst thing is that next time she would probably reply and stop again mid-convo. She seems to like my interests for the first 30 seconds
i know that feel bro
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Has any dudes here ever gotten an intro at all? I'm eu so it's over to begin with. I don't have issues getting responses but never have i gotten someone interested in my profile. Not that my profile is any good. pic related is my bio lol
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my most successful chat so far. I have been doing the same intro for every girl over and over again. It works out, i have gotten the contacts of a few girls however no vidya gf material yet.
>How do i make it less cringe
Honestly I think you should start over.

Putting a long essay in a dating bio just makes you look unhinged and desperate, and I’m just going to tell you now, women usually make their decision on whether or not to message you in like 3 seconds, so writing something like that is not helping you.
Keep it concise and get to the things you think are important about you/what you’re looking for. You should not be using words like “ontologically” for example
I think your bio is totally fine. I don't know why people are telling you not to write long bios, in my experience it works just fine and makes you stand out from all the people out there with a few words of vague shitposting.
i've gotten two far but thats over months and months but i haven't sent anyone an intro
I'll send you an intro if it makes you feel better bro (I'm a guy)
>makes you stand out from all the people out there with a few words of vague shitposting.
physical attractiveness is a lot better at that than long boring cringey bios written by some derpy 14 year old bookworm
How is that related with the discussion? If you have IRL pics I don't think bio matters as much anyway.
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>If you have IRL pics I don't think bio matters as much anyway
This pic always makes me laugh because it's four conversations that go absolutely nowhere with women who don't actually seem particularly invested and this is the best they could post out of the 100+ they definitely had to make this to begin with to prove their point about Chad™
the point is that women on dating apps dont give a fuck about your personality
your shitty "original" messages wont make her want to talk to you
people keep talking about how you need to be interesting yet chad the child rapist gives the dryest replies in the world
if you want to actually date someone do it irl
All the people I have in the 90+% rating thingy are people I'm not even remotely interested in and majority of the 70-80% ones are the best sounding people. Time to start doing my questions again see if I can just bump those numbers up
Yeah and the women give dry replies too. These conversations are going nowhere. Women absolutely care about personality, just sounds like they don't care for yours

I don't give a second thought to match percentage because the system to calculate it is flawed. Don't stress too much
>Women absolutely care about personality, just sounds like they don't care for yours
lol yeah im sure people on apps made for hooking up and having ons care about which anime you like
>Women absolutely care about personality
clueless virgin detected
seriously how do you people make it past puberty
and as ive said before
>if you want to actually date someone do it irl
Duo isn't that though so why is it relevant. I also guarantee you that none of the conversations in your gotcha pic would have led to hooking up either. They would have fizzled out very soon because there's absolutely nothing happening between them

I'm a woman and I'm not a virgin but sure

Why are you including me on your schizo replies to yourself
>I'm a woman
>women care about personality
oh so you’re just a liar
carry on
what is duo for if not edating?
>I'm a woman and I'm not a virgin but sure
nice sis!!! how much hrt do you take?
>what is Duo for
gathering orbiters/selling nudes obviously.
Great contribution!

Dating ≠ hooking up/ons. Stop moving the goalposts
afaik edating is just sending nudes and talking to each other about random shit for 2 weeks then moving on
>Stop moving the goalposts
please post your profile, i want to know what unhinged buzzword femcels look like
Clearly you don't know much
thank you for your insight
>please post your profile
just set your filter to 30+ and look for the most insufferable cunt you can find
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Apparently if you send enough women intros on this app they will make a group chat with their friends with your name and make fun of you for the next 4 days.

Nice app faggots
based woman
she looks like a dog herself
lmao I don't look anywhere near as good as most guys on here but the only leash in my vicinity would be tied around this cunts neck
if you're a brown woman id be surprised because your type doesn't really care about brown men.
and what the other poster said, most of these women aren't into brown dudes. from my experience however when someone is, she's usually white.
staying away from brown women has just made my life easier
its more fun and humiliating when they arent that hot
It's not easy getting my personality across with a small bio buy I tried.

I like being a faggot. It's who I am.

Will men like it?
What's so based about making fun of me
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sometimes I wonder why a vocal minority deems itself the foremost voice in romantic affairs
and then i remember that I don't have to actually engage
i like that the girls keep tabs on you
i hope someone recommends me to a friend
>most of these women aren't into brown dudes
Then who the hell are they into, aliens? I’m pretty sure 80% of the guys on there and itt are White
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They're into bunnies.
Are you the guy sending the purposely cringe opener with the fist emojis?
you have been larping here for over a month now and it is no longer funny or charming its just weird and desperate, give it a rest
This. Guy has been avatarfagging in these threads all day for over a month now, giving "advice" to people despite being what seems like a genuine incel and clearly not having much success on duo. I can't tell if he's just some normie tourist or genuinely autistic and retarded
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It is surprising that you have zero self awareness considering the size of your brain tumor being already larger than your brain. I hope Kamilla gets elected and America starts ww3 because of girlbossing.
>Will men like it?
Sure if you’re a woman since the only relevant factor is your vagina. Maybe if you’re a man and they are a faggot.
it was never at any point funny or charming.
i think your bio is cute if you're a girl. I can't comment on how gay people would think about it if you're a guy, sorry.
Because women offer nothing else. Can't hold conversations, can't think introspectively, can't create. If you try to do anything with them that doesn't boil down to showing off their appearance, they get bored and walk away. Men only value a woman's beauty because it's the only thing women value about themselves.
>implying the outside world is any better
Speak for yourself. I always try to ask the girls I message something about their profile that's more niche or offbeat. I get maybe one reply out of every 30 intros I send. And of those, the girls put zero effort into the conversation so it ends up talking to a brick wall. I ask questions, offer input about myself relative to those questions, give dozens of springboards for them to build the conversation on, and without fail the reply is something to the effect of "yeah totally" or "I dunno lol" or "it's cool".
>no I will not date you, I am highly particular about the men I date. Oops you made a slight grammatical mistake in your reply, I have written you off entirely as a human being.
>oh my Exes? Chad, Brad, Thad, Tad, and Tyrone all were such jerks. Beat me, cheated on me repeatedly, constantly insulted me. I don't know why I keep going back to them every time they get out on parole
I'm talking about beauty in men but go off, king.
you forgot
>i watched attack on titan, im such a nerd lol
it is for me
Not all of us are Chads. The guys here ended up here because it was the least painful place to be. They're the guys who grew up social outcasts, and couldn't find any sense of belonging in their community. They found the only community who would accept them in a Kazakh big wave surfing forum.
Then I would probably suggest changing the demographic of who you're speaking with since they don't seem to connect with you

If I disliked men 10% of how much you seem to dislike women, I wouldn't spend any time trying to talk to them. It's truly insane
That's all women. Duolicious was supposed to be the 'change of demographic' from the dozen other dating apps and forums and social meetups I've used for 15 years. All the hobbies and interests are window dressing to women, performative bullshit they do to one-up other women. No substance, which is why they end up being as shallow as they are when engaged intellectually.

I don't hate women, I'm disappointed with them. All my life I was told women are no different than men and that they're fully capable of the same level of insight and introspection and reason of a man, yet all of my lifetime of experience has been women instead living up to every single stereotype I was told was "outdated sexist drivel". I was told that women despised how men of old were all boorish and incapable of accommodating a woman's emotions, yet when I to be the man women said they wanted I was spurned in favour of the men women said they hated. How precisely am I supposed to respond to such developments?
It's always the guy's fault. Even when he's attractive and interesting, if the girls he's speaking with are uncommunicative and uninterested, it's HIS fault for speaking to the wrong demographic.
If you have been dating women for 15+ years and they're all the same and have no substance, can't hold conversations, have no hobbies, etc, again, my question is why keep trying? I genuinely don't get it

He can't do anything about women not responding to him. What he can do is change his approach. Would you rather my advice be "just keep doing the same thing and magically expect change"?
i love women in general and have more female friends than male
just because i make fun of some of them doesnt mean i hate all women
>I genuinely don't get it
its this thing called having a libido
do you never just want to have sex no matter what the guy is like as a person?
But it obviously isn't just about libido. Duolicious is definitely not being promoted as a hookup app. I would guess that a large majority is either there for a laugh or for dating. Why spend hours messaging women on Duo if it's just to get your dick wet? You'd instantly have better optics if you used Tinder
>without fail the reply is something to the effect of "yeah totally" or "I dunno lol" or "it's cool"

That just means they're not attracted to you.
>Would you rather my advice be "just keep doing the same thing and magically expect change"?
As opposed to "changing the demographic" and magically expecting things to change?
Actually I suppose if he changed his demographic from women to men things might change, so maybe you're right in a way.
I thought it was very cute and honestly had a smile on my face reading it. I can see it being cringe to some, but you sound like a very fun person. And just for I guess some critique so it's not just me inflating your ego I do feel your first paragraph is the weakest one, not sure exactly what I'd change about it but potentially the tabbacy lines those didn't do it for me, on the other hand the hiking sentence is perfect.
And since we don't know your gender I read it assuming you were a guy but if you are a girl or anything in between I'd feel the same way.
Communicating, not dating. Women won't date me.
>why do you keep trying
Because I want nothing more than to be wrong. Because I foolishly believe "this" girl will be different.

Even girls I've had sex with were like that.
>"straight woman" on profile
>bio and clubs say femboy
why would you do this
I feel like a retarded brain dead child repeatedly running into wall with his trolley hoping to get into Platform 9¾ to ride the hogwarts express in Kings Cross Station while on this app.
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havent been on this app since the big twitter boom a couple months ago. didn't really have any success then. is it better or worse now?
Pretty shit, from what ive seen half the new “women” were just indian catfishes. Ive seen a “sherry” pop up 4 times with different job titles.

The app has improved. The people? Not so much. There is verification now so if you only talk to people who went through the verification process, you might at least increase the odds of talking to a real person and not a catfish or scammer.
why won't they date you?
but girls will have sex with you instead?
So no women have wanted to date you in the 15 years you've been using dating apps, and you want me to believe it's that all women are the same deep down and you can't manage to find a single one with something worth saying? This is pure art
why do you let your bad experiences define your future, anon? Raise your standards and you'll stop having this problem.
If men didn't walk cock-first all the time, you'd be able to set a standard for behavior, but that isn't how humans operate is it?
It was a long time ago, and I don't get it either.
Prove me wrong
The moids have it rough.
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Anyone got any movie/tv show/ documentary recommendations that are on Netflix?

Going on a date in a few hours with a cute guy off /duo/ :3. We’re going to get dinner and ice cream then cuddle on my couch while watching Netflix flicks.
Well, I did it. After like 80 intros I finally found a guy I genuinely connected with, we've been talking on discord and telegram pretty much nonstop ever since day one, it was like we immediately clicked. He's cute and cool and funny and very interesting and I think I'm legit falling in love with him, he's also very sweet and bashful and we love sharing our interests with each other, we both want to truly get to know one another, I love it. Hopefully we can continue becoming closer with time! He's from a neighboring country and will come visit mine in a couple of months so we're already planning to meet up to go and eat pizza, I'm so excited! I kinda don't want to use the site anymore lol, I already got what I wanted.
will you top or bottom?
watch narcos, it probably sucks for dates but its a good show
>he's cute and funny
anon you need to stop before you get arrested
Lmaoo didn't realize what I did there. Well, he IS younger than me, but I really don't care.
depresso blogpost time

Well lads, I wanted to be one of the success stories coming out of this app, but like everything nice and good in my life, i've found a way to ruin it. I broke the trust of the girl I love and hurt her severely. She was the most perfect person i've ever met, for the first time in my life I actually looked forward to being alive for a reason other than video games or anime. The worst part isn't even the fact that we're not together anymore, it's the fact she is in pain and I can't support her(because it's my fault, duh). She is probably convinced i'm a monster and I can't fault her in the slightest. I've never felt so much regret in my life.

I guess this is the part where i'm supposed to move on, but I really can't. There's no room in my heart for someone else, I still love her. I've become a husk of a person, I haven't enjoyed anything in weeks. All I do now is wallow in self-loathing, hating how I can even feel this shitty when she is the victim. Even now, my only hope is that she'll magically come back online on discord. Why would she not remove me? Why would she not delete the account? What if she comes back? i feel like i could wait a lifetime for a chance to repair this. I'm pathetic.

Remember friends, always think through your actions. I wouldn't really describe myself as a terrible person despite this, but that didn't stop me from doing something terrible. Just remember to always use your brain. One pointless lie, no matter the "justification", can tear away the foundation of your relationship, and not everyone gets a second chance. I'm sure this is common sense for most of you, but i'm an inexperienced retard traumatized by my own actions.

ok thanks for reading. i thought venting would make me feel a tiny bit better, but it didn't :)
Mind telling the room what you actually did John.
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gl, hope it works out
a combination of things centered around one incident, any real elaboration would reveal too much. my biggest sin was lying.
i'm not here to air anything out besides my emotions anonymously, there is no nuance to this.
I changed my pic and a girl said I'm good looking, I'm happy :)
Kinda funny that only /soc/ women come here with success stories and /soc/ men only come here with failure stories.
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>Forgot I had a catfish account before going on vacation from multiple countries
>Comeback to hundreds of messages
Lol, hate to see it
Are there any 18+ women on 4chan, I've been added by a lot of cunny for some reason. Cute girls add me here

that's very unfortunate, try to be less of a nigger in the future

was a long time ago they had sex with you? "this" girl, so you think you at least met a girl now that is going to prove you wrong? i do hope so for you, anon. and i agree you might need to raise your standards.

in those 15 years you surely must have met *some* women that were able to hold intellectual conversations? i'd have to agree, if not, it would be pure art
Having high standards would just limit my options further, stop being foolish. Soul mates don't exist, love is a series of compromises.
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is this the number one femdom dating app on the market
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>Send guy a nice photo of a rose from my garden
>He replies telling me he'd like to eat my ass
at least tell me my rose is pretty!!!!
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What a romantic
your rose is so pretty. it reminds me of the bed i'd fuck you in on valentines day
well, good luck to you then. you will most likely attract the wrong type of girls, no wonder you only met shallow women in your whole life. i might be whitepilled, but soulmates definitely do exist. it is just tough to find that one person, but not impossible.
>complimenting something cutesy
That is a modern woman ick, don't get mad at him, for being conditioned to respond appropriately
it might be beneficial if you would include your profile or be somewhat findable. not much to go off like that and no point in adding you if values are not aligned at all.
It was a really really nice rose too...
Putting u in the cupboard until u settle down
>attracting women
I'm flattered you think so highly of me to think I an even capable of that.
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Please ignore them, m'lady. I’m sure the rose was beautiful, only surpassed in splendor by the likes of yourself *tips fedora*
I would never EVER imply that I have s*xual feelings toward you even though you’re a woman because I know that what really matters is on the inside :)

Care to join me for a game of dungeons and dragons and a charcuterie board? ;D
yes mommy please lock me in the cupboard
but you have to admit it was a good one first
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I’m a submissive bio girl lol.

the guy is 6’2 so he towers over me lol
What’s that show about? Any recommendations are welcome.
He should've said he'd make your coochie prolapse to match how the rose looks :3
>cant look people up thru google lens anymore
what the fuck?
you'll never be forgiven. slit your wrists.
about what kind of things did you lie?
so sorry to hear that, anon. but lying was not the smartest move, indeed. it must've been something big you lied about.
expose him sis
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Insufferable faggots in this thread are so scared of being "cringe" they can only attract whores that are as vapid as they are. If they can even do that.
I don't know him, I just think he should die.
women aren’t attracted to anything you say, they’re attracted to looks height iq reslurce acquisition etc

but if ur ugly/average(same difference) then you will make things a lottt harder on yourself by saying dumb shit. a gi that might have “settled” for you now wonm’t
Such a depressing way to live. So glad I grew out of this.
you cant grow out of reality.
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idek how to be cringe.
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my duolicious experience is radio silence, no matter if I message first or wait for a girl to add me. It's to the point where the algorithm either purposefully hides my account, there are no humans and all bots or I am simply that undesirable.
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>profile catches my eye
>everything about her seems amazing
>itching to send her an intro
>"Doesn't want kids"
Every time.
ngl that's fucking funny (even if tarded)
A person can have spontaneous desire or responsive one.
Woman is 85% responsive, rest is spontaneous.
Man is 25% responsive, the rest is spontaneous.

A person can want
1-Casual sex

To a responsive person want 1 the person need to be wooed into wanting it every single time it will happen (or be at fertile period).

An not installed app wont activate woman responsive desire, so those womans at the app will want.

Spontaneous desire person at the app will want.
X-Casual sex

Beauty can only woo spontaneous desire people into sex, this chad is only wooing spontaneous desire people.

I supose they are minority because 85% of woman are spontaneous .

Thats why dating apps is so hard for men, with 75% spontaneous desire, those guys that dont want a relationship can still join the app wanting X (casual sex), that the majority of woman wont care about. So they need to flirt with woman that want A (relationship) and woo them into casual sex.
This also means less womans because with responsive desire if you dont want relationship you want nothing (or friendship)
Speak for yourself man. Im not hesitant to show women my 800+ word futa cock sucking fanfic even though they hate me for it
The avatarfagging does at least make it easy to filter his IDs.
Also this site is full of e whores and e simps who give them money. Cant believe I was oblivious
chad fucked your “responsive” crush last night bro
what is this stupid fucking theory
she responded to his ultimate pickup line
>"wyd" and a pic of his abs
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Just got back from meeting up with him. He was so lovely. Had boba and ice cream while cuddling on my bed and watching anime. We ended up kissing a lot too
He will be coming back on Sunday for date #2.
Thanks Duodaddy!
Hi! I’m the guy she met up with. We definitely did a little more than kiss ;D

I had a lot of fun! This girl is my third fav I met off this app
Am I weird for enjoying talking to afab enbies or agenders more than interacting with "regular" women on duolicious
No you’re not lol. Quit your larping you freak
Yes you are lol. Continue your storytelling you freak
every single profile i find just one line that puts me off
should i just cast a huge net and text everyone?
>should i just cast a huge net and text everyone?
if you're already dismissing them, why not
Ive harassed everyone on this app with my intro that is single and not TOO normie looking, because obviously stacy wont be able to tell satire from serious
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>vibe really well with a girl
>she texts back a lot and doesnt leave you on delivered, is generally nice and doesnt mind your retardation
>also happens to be underage

Every fucking time.
Maaaaan the clubs count being increased in nice but holy fk I lost all my old combos and that makes me miffed. IT DIDN'T HAVE TO HAPPEN LIKE THAT.
happy for you anon
whats the issue?
I bet you wish you had something like this >>33305087 don't you? I agree with the other poster, you should kill yourself.
People like you getting girls over considerate guys like myself is bullshit.
I can't be bothered with children it's a chore. I want a mature woman to tell me what to do.
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Well I've run out of people locally to talk to on this one lol
Just wait like a few years take her on cute dates that’s not illegal!
What you want isn't a wife, but a mother. Go fuck a single mother. Or become a lolcow and join the abdl comunity.
Who's gonna stop you?
As a woman with "doesn't want kids" in my profile, I could change my mind if finances allow, and my partner is responsible. So many guys want a kid but can barely support themselves.

Maybe message her and find out
Got the first intro ever
Has to be a dude catfishing, am I right frens?

Is it good to insist a second time to get a convo with her on Discord? (I'm not counting the successful intro on Duo)
I want to know more about her

The last time we talked was Friday. She still updates her bio, so it seems she hasn't found another decent guy. At least I perceived some interest at the beginning (even when she thought I was a girl, she was the one who asked me for my Discord)
Yea, happened to me. He's pretty chill though.
Sorry it is me. Now that I'm back from vacation I can continue catfishing, giving you all false-hope; hoping you will delete your account, and leave reducing the competition.

I would also like to add I'm glad I didn't meet a girl off duo, because I wouldn't have been able to have a fun time with the local-girls on vacation. But she would've had a fun vacation.
when was the intro sent
i almost never send an intro, but if i find a profile interesting enough, i will. i have done it twice (in two months)
>chad fucked your “responsive” crush last night bro
>what is this stupid fucking theory

Here is how people works. I will explain to you and why "woman" are different from man.

Everything have 2 desires "I want to do it" and "I am having a good time doing it". Both can be true, both can be false or just one can be false.

With responsive desire the desire "I want to do it" is always false (excluding fertile period for woman) and can't be changed by itself to true, it must be changed to true by a man doing stuff to make it true, this is unrelated to how good the sex would be if made.

PS: This only happen with sex

Low vs high libido is another thing, it equivalent of "how good is a experience of drinking good wine is to me"

This is why married people (unless both have spontaneous desire) dont have sex everyday, you must every single time woo the desire "I want to make sex with you" to be yes, no matter if the desire "I would have an extremelly good time doing that sex that will happen if I just say yes".

Not only that, responsive desire people, can't even know exactly why they work the way their work and create excuses for the way they work, thinking thats why.
Some responsive desire said "do you believe people make sex all the time after getting married? Woman do all kind of jobs after work at home that a man is not doing and so because of it get tired."
This explanation is bullshit of course, If a man work X hours at work, and a woman work X hours at work and Y hours at home and because of that is not at the mood to make sex, the solution is simple. Arrive at home and do NOTHING and tell the husband to do those Y hours of work at time for her. Then she will be able to do it, of course she wont agree with that and complain with the guy proposing that, because thats not the problem, its responsive desire.
Girl's will be like:
>Where are all the good men at?
and write shit like this as their bio, I feel like I received second-hand mental illness from reading this whole thing.

Responsive desire people life is hell and the worse part, because how it works they wont feel it and be able to complain. Unless the partner complain about lack of sex.

Thats why its always the man (well always the spontenous desire one), that try to seduce the girl, the "I want to do sex" desire is always no (excluding fertile period) and she wont nothing to chase it.

Its nothing about this "man must be masculine and chase" bullshit, "I am afraid of seeing as a slut" or whateaver.

The only way to a responsive person doing the move, is if you do the entire thing needed to activate their responsive desire people and she decides to do the first move, after you activate it.

I am spontaneous desire guy that is shy as fuck, was able to do that 3 times at least, while doing nothing (excluding taking care of my appearence) to woo the girl into it. One was married, second had a children and third was very ugly, so nothing happened during 3 times.

>>chad fucked your “responsive” crush last night bro
I would never have a responsive desire girl as girlfriend, its too much illogical for me, I would do all kinds of things for a girl thats not the point, but this kind of nonsensical thing is too much for me.

>she responded to his ultimate pickup line
>"wyd" and a pic of his abs
beauty alone is not enough to activate responsive desire of someone.

How many more times are you going to post this profile and tell us you hate women exactly?
Actually, I love woman, but this one not particularly. Nice projection though, who hurt you?

PS: To womans reading that, you can change your desire to spontaneous by using testosterone. You can fix a problem doing that.
Dont know if it works with males.

An sports doctor talked about that, a gymbro gave testo to his girl and she said something about looking at constructors workers and finding them hot (but doing nothing), like a spontenous desire person.
An gym girl talked about using it and feeling like a man (spontaneous desire)
I'm not reading all that gibberish, I just wanted to let you know you're retarded if you think women don't get randomly horny all the time. Sometimes I'm almost late to work because I know it'll be nagging at me all day if I don't take care of it. And I'm single, so.
I traded igs with her. no car, she didn't wanna hang out at the goth nights (that were in my city), insisted there was nothing to do near her. she only wanted me to pick her up, bring her here (hour away), part ways so she could stay up all night with her friends, then take her home, and when I said no she said I was manipulating her lol
>>Where are all the good men at?
But she’s literally writing out her version of good men.
I can't be attracted to them. Yeah cunny pill but that's only good in media or whatever but something about them is off-putting
It's not fun talking to the minor who's still in school and you have a job and you have to explain why you can't text them all the time. Idk they just piss me off after some time. It's happened to me 4 times and it's never been a good experience. If it were an older woman and slit my throat if she asked
Pic rel
>and slit
I'd slit*
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>see cute girl
>look into profile
>"racists, bigots and nazis dont bother messaging me!"
Dude, get a male friend instead if you want to briefly talk to people.
But most of all, do you want a dead marriage than? Do you want to be the man who works the entire day and then briefly recaps at the dinner table and then goes to his man cave. Relationships requires good communication, due to your dishonesty you don't tell them that you have a job and thus can't talk constantly.

And what the fuck are you even talking about? Are you implying that everyone younger than you doesn't know what a job is?

I can't believe these people are serious

Why would you date a child and wait for her 18 as if it were some kind of investment to fuck her? wtf
Idk bro I have some issues. I can't seem to take them seriously. Ik it's stupid. I don't wanna talk about it right now, they're probably watching

You're here forever. Never forget
Call me crazy but I'm now unironically convinced that there are no real women anywhere near central europe on this app, just very elaborate catfishes
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The app may have been very promising at first, but right now there' only people who derive some sick pleasure from inventing persons and deceiving poor nerds. They don't even do it for money, they just get a kick out of lying.
oxdox2336 on discord is an elaborate catfish larping as a woman with a cuck fetish. almost certainly a dude with a cuck fetish.
i just got called a pig by a woman
Youre a pig

An now by a man
you have spontaneous desire


anyway spontaneous desire girls are the best
Anon have you actually tried writing women that interest you rather than shitpost to them en masse? I can see why they roasted you
You think the guy who made this ever just snoops into the chatlogs and has a giggle?
No, Im scared of doing that. I need my irony satire keanu reeves chungus persona layer to feel safe
Can't no access
I tried but no responses, exact same thing as normal dating apps. Already working on weight loss but makes me see I’m gonna need a lot of plastic surgery before I even attempt dating… such is life. Dating as an ogre male is brutal.
kekd and based
time heals all but it’s a painfully slow recovery. typing out all your thoughts as you did there helps tremendously if you have no friends. (this IS 4chan). ignore all the spiteful faggots here with no sense of camaraderie.
genuinely what helped me is treating this like a numbers game and a creative writing exercise.
It's like a game, you see the shit on a girl's profile and stretch your brain to think of what she could respond to and how she could respond to it. Honestly sometimes I get bored and just say shit, that's fun too.
Maintaining conversations is kinda hard though, because I get bored too
Appreciate advice but I’ve tried that in the past, convos are a 2 way street and it seems like they want to be entertained at all times like they’re a retarded child that I have to make clap like a seal every minute or they lose interest, THAT bores me to tears the times I did get convos trying that.
How does duo verify age? Will I have to show drivers license?
Is this worth trying for a guy in his late 30s? I don't mind if she is younger but I can't imagine that many girls in their 20s would be interested in a guy who is 10+ years older.
Yeah maybe if you’re wealthy. If not I wouldn’t bother
Hmmm, maybe I should try having subtle hints in my profile that I'm open to being a sugar daddy. Or would that get me banned.

The website uses a two way filter for age. This means if you can see someone it's because they set the age range high enough that they wanted to see people of your age. If they didn't you simply wouldn't be able to see them.

Not saying you should be going after girls half your age, but hey, if the girl is ok with older men then she is ok with them.

That being said, it's pretty obvious a lot of people on the website lie about their age. There is no way half of all the girls using it are actually 18. Just statistically that is highly improbable.
no then you’ll attract paywhores
i can confirm that last bit. i know a few girls that are in their early to mid 20’s but claim they’re 18 on there instead.
why would you ever pay a dumbass from duolicious a single penny if she’s openly with you just for the money? at that point you’re better off blowing it all on camgirls. it’s not like you’ll meet either one in person, but the latter is infinitely better.
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> double texted the girl on Discord again after she stopped replying after trying to talk to her a second time
> new convo going well
> she starts yapping about her interests and even gives me recommendations
> she just stopped and the convo is dead again after 1 hour, just like the last time

Is this normal? This is the second time this has happened. She doesn't even reply dry, she seems interested in me taking her recommendations. She had in her Duo bio that she wants someone to bark for her. Is she doing this because she actually wants me to try and try again?
Nigga these girls want attention, they don't want anyone. They just wanna use you and ghost.
that good man is a negative feedback loop.
I hope she finds someone.
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let's see them score cards thus far
bruh i can't even get any girls to reply much less hold a conversation. App is completely dead. and i even have a proper profile!
Kekw based
Leave (this) site
rookie numbers
baby you got something in your nooose, sniffing that K, did you feel the hooolee
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Just found this answer in her bio, so it seems she's ok with me trying again like a fool

I'll try some of her recommendations (she actually recomended me good games I really want to try) and talk her again. I'll take this as exposition therapy, because if this is her plan, sadly I'm falling for it

God forgive me
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Got a notification that I got a response in the middle of the night and by the time I checked it the person was deleted
I know I'm good looking and am fit.
First few conversation always goes nice, then I usually get ghosted or only answer every 24 hours...
Only thing I have going against me is that I'm more of a normie than most guys here... Probably.
Still, hope it works out for ya man, just don't get too attached as it'll probably hurt.
Not deleted, they skipped you
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I see
I'm convinced these are the owner of duo shilling his site and are fake. They pop up at least once per thread and are formulaic and recognizable.
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I might have doomed my account by being rude to catfishes again.
What do you mean? Doomed how?
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I’m convinced that Anyone who refuses to show selfies to you before “getting to know you” is ugly and/or fat and they know it.
I am sticking y by this theory because it hasn’t failed me so far.

>but it’s not all about looks!!
It does. No amount of cope will change this fact.

I agree and it's why I wish there was a button to filter out everyone with an anime picture. It's also not just that they're probably fat or ugly. More importantly, it shows they're likely not actually that serious about dating in the first place. Therefore: "getting to know them" is basically a waste of time that will ultimately lead nowhere.
>Is ugly
This site was advertised to me as the place for weird and offputting loser women to gather+people who are into that and I'm here to be exactly that


Anyone with an AI edited pictures or anime pictures gets automatically skipped. Idrc if that means my options are limited. Can't be an even semi-serious person if you're not willing to be upfront with pictures. im not talking to fucking goku for 3 days just to find out you look like the pope.

you can easily slightly censor or block off identifiable parts of your face.

Can we force answering options for kids/have kids and stuff? Add better education filters?
And put the race filters in two-way. If someone isn't interested in my race, don't show them to me :)
If you are serious about dating in the first place and not wasting time then this is not the app for you.
A body type filter would be good too, honestly.
I'm not tying my face to app originating from 4chan when I work at school. I can swap face only in private on some other platform.

censor your face or cut it off, it's not this hard. some of you have the brain of a toddler desu.


this makes 0 sense. it's a dating app lol. it's just an app for autist. doesn't mean we can't have something to make it work and boost member count.
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When did I say posting it on the app? I’m saying you shouldn’t be afraid of sending someone a photo of you after even a tiny bit of chatter. Even better like what >>33311879 said, you can just post a photo of yourself with identifying information blocked out.
Looks are important and it’s better to rip the bandaid off and get it over with vs wasting everyone’s time if you’re not going to find each other attractive.

>”All they care about is Chad/Stacy/etc!!”
False. If you touch grass and look around you will find plenty of less than ideal looking people in relationships(yes including fat people.)

It’s all about taking care of yourself.

Get in the shower to wash your ass, take care of your hair, brush your teeth and learn to dress yourself.
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>texting all day every day in the span of a few days
>suddenly get ghosted or "This person isn't available right now. This often means their account is inactivate or was been deleted."

Why even bother texting me so much if you're just going to disappear or pass me without warning??
I don't think you understand the great irony in telling someone who's using the app properly that it's not for them. In reality, the people who it's literally not the app for is anime display pic havers who are treating it like Discord or Twitter.
You're a twittard. It was literally all meme pfps before that asshole on twitter posted about us.
lol half the anime people literally link their twitter in their bio. no one with face pics is doing that shit.
Thinking about remaking my account, is the tourist flood over?
or they give you a discord and never fucking respond afterwards
time wasting retards
>Just don't be a cryptic manipulative BPDemon
This is all women have to do to find a man, why are they utterly incapable of even this?
Still waiting to hear back from Ren, SkibidiSneed, or Nina.
Still waiting to hear back from https://archived.moe/soc/thread/33126786/#33127593
why do so many manlets complain when you don’t respond to their messages within an hour?
They get excited, and are maybe used to hyperfocusing, so they want to spend a lot of time and energy at the start, rather than spread it over time. Making them feel frustration being forced to wait in the unknown, not knowing if they should move to the next thing, or keep waiting, in case they need to fall into hypefixation again.
That and/or entitlement i guess.
That's a lot of yapping to hide the fact most people like talking in real time, not with a 1/2 hour delay. You typed so much and I can only see bullshit on your post.

And delayed messages is so fucking retarded I hate when people do that. And it's not exclusive to duolicious, people that pretend they're busy for 1 hour to look like they're "not that interested" are fucking retarded fags.

In duolicious tho, women probably take long af to reply because they're not interested and/or have more people to reply to.
They probably suspect you're ignoring them. If you're online and not replying, it's a possible sign you're not prioritising them. It depends on how far into a relationship you are. If you're not, it's not good. They might have nothing better to do, or are the obsessive type. I don't think it's usual for men to complain about not replying if you're busy doing something else though. If you have general politeness to say you're going off to do x now, and you'll talk later, it's not a problem. If you don't say anything and just leave in the middle of a conversation, that's not polite and will obviously lead the other person to think what happened, if they said something wrong, if you ghosted them. Personally I have lots of work and projects to do IRL so have little time for meaningless chat, especially in the summer when I'm outside all day. Winter is different, being stuck inside makes you lonely and I have time to chat. Still, politness is key, say when you're going away and what you're doing, so that they know you're not ignoring them.
Getting annoyed for no response within an hour is stupid yeah. They probably just desperately crave attention. Or hyperfixation like the other poster said.

I only get annoyed if someone is responding to me once every 2 days, then it feels pointless because I'm looking for more back and forth convos throughout the day. But this feels more like exchanging letters..


>And delayed messages is so fucking retarded I hate when people do that. And it's not exclusive to duolicious, people that pretend they're busy for 1 hour to look like they're "not that interested" are fucking retarded fags.

It is really dumb, I just respond whenever I see someone's message and whenever I want. It might be right after their message is sent if by chance I notice it then, or it might be in a few hours.

>In duolicious tho, women probably take long af to reply because they're not interested and/or have more people to reply to.

I always find it so stupid when a girl "tries to reply to everyone". If you're getting 100s of intros, then just respond to the people you find most interesting and can actually spend time getting to know. Responding to everyone is just half assing everybody. I'd rather not get a response than get some half assed responses every 2 days.
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Why do women who are clearly interested in me skip me when I don't reply within an hour? Seriously this was 1 hour ago
I dont think the problem was with preference. Rather what they do when it is not met? reading comprehension is hard, i get it. You'll get there champ!
This app was a mistake, should have just jerked off, listened to one more kiss by vangelis and went to sleep
i know that feel bro, literally the only reason i'm not writing my suicide note right now is because i promised someone that i wouldn't kill myself.
okay that's a bit of an exaggeration, but i think feeling nothing would be preferable to crushing loneliness sometimes
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Hello everyone, I used to post here because I was unsure about a girl's feelings towards me and well now it has been a few months into our relationship, we got to meet for the first time ever and it was the best thing ever, we laughed, we held hands and kissed. We had small arguments from time to time but that's also part of a relationship, what matters is going through good and bad times together. Either way I'm writing this to let you know that even though you might feel like giving up there's always someone there for you, it's lots of works and sometimes you might feel like nothing good will ever come but trust me, it will come if you keep trying.

Anyways if anyone ever thinks that this app is shit and it has never led to anything good at least I can confirm that 1 couple was born from this buggy app, and it's still going strong. Best of luck to you all out there!
simple yet based takes, i agree with you anon

typing a bunch of slop yet again. you're not addressing anything i said and your reply has nothing to do with your first post even.
please think twice before typing a bunch of gibberish and revaluate your mental health, you have serious issues
words to hard for you to comprehend :C poor baby
yeah for sure, definitely not the fact that you're mentally incapable of writing a cohesive sentence to the end
Whatever let's you sleep at night bud!
I just deleted my account because so many men demand I give them each hour of my day
I should kill myself
Happy for you, probably better than being told you have to be polite, or else you get unnecessary hate...
>lots of men like me very much
>I won't be with any of them if I can't be with all of them
>I'd rather be alone and ignore all of them than pick just one so that I can give him enough attention like a partner deserves
It is what it is man
Why are you mad I have a life and go outside and cant be on my phone all day
More like
>I am a human being, capable of only taking on so much of others emotions
> So many men are horny, most of them don't even care about considering me as a person
> Get overwhelmed, and so you leave....

Anon, its time to discover empathy 2024.
Thank you I actually did find someone normal who has a life but we try to communicate its very refreshing
2024 has so far only proven that nobody is entitled to empathy

It's literally most of the trash men on duolicious. Don't stress it.

Do your filters, block anyone who annoys you. Ignore the kissless virgin dudes on this thread
I literally didn't say that you had to be on your phone all day. I said the opposite, that even I don't have the time for that either, further up the thread.. Why are you lying?

Nothing I said goes against having empathy for others. Do you have any idea what men go through getting rejected by women, stringed along, used, while they talk to other guys behind your back? maybe YOU need some empathy and understanding? I'm trying to help you by telling you something, which was to just pick one guy and stick with him, don't drop him the first moment he hows any attachment or emotions? Then if we don't show any emotions, you accuse us of being too cold. You're literally never happy because the problem is with you, not the men.
Girls don't owe men anything, just like how men don't girls anything.
Does it suck this happens? Yeah. But do I really care? No.
Which you should stop caring about it too. When (puts on joker makeup) society decays due to this era of culture, you as a man are already the perfect gender to be on top. So enjoy the hedonism while it's fresh my friend, stop looking to "date" and look more into getting your peepee touched.
Don't worry it's not JUST this app, it's people in general.
I want a conversation, I don't care if you're a guy or girl, fuck I'm even willing to talk to a tranny at this point. I just want to be able to talk to someone, who isn't brain-rotted.
I've gotten 3 adds so far since trying it out and gotten no response from any of them.
Why the fuck would you catfish people? I don't use this word often but you're as bad as that goth cunt you complained about.
I don't understand why accept friend requests or w/e if they're not going to talk.
Which word? Bad? Goth?
Toxic. It's like a serial rapist complaining that women don't trust men. Yeah no shit people are getting mentally ill when it's gaslighting and manipilation in just every asprct of your life. Ironically thay goth cunt got her wish and kept this psycopth away from her messages.
You didn't use the word toxic tho. Are you good?
???? You asked which word, i gave you the answer.
I also don't understand if people are shy or just give up on trying to socialise but that happens to me often.
sometimes I literally accept fr, send 1st message and they still don't reply...
if you wanna talk my disc is michael_1984_
friend collectors perhaps or they want you to be like their court jester
even when they are online they just ignore you
You called me a catfish?? Huh? Explain to me how I am catfishing, or are you like every other retard here.
oh shit, I don't even remember writing this, oh well must be all the drugs my physician prescribed me, for my "mental health" ;3
You're still a shitbag asshole demanding a level of uprightness that you yourself don't even try to have. I'd tell you to off yourself but this prison planet was probably made for sociopaths like you.
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Cry more bitch ass nigger!
How does it feel knowing that you are just as much of a human thrash as that goth you were complaining about? You're just as mentally ill as her.
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Makes me feel good man. Let's go detestable humans!! Whoo!!!! We're numbah waaaaaan!!!!!!! And there ain't nuttin' you can do 'bout it. We'll rule the world.
You see this is the funny part about all of this, looking at your posts, you clearly dislike the current state of affairs, but besides the big world influencers, nobody does as much harm to society in general as someone like you. So keep pretending to be a retard posting this childish garbage, keep acting like a sociopath treating others like tools, but know that in the end, when you find yourself miserable and alone and just "want someone to chat" your only choices will be other sociopaths like you.
Been thinking about doing a believable male Chad catfish profile to farm nudes for the boys. What do you guys (men) think?
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Why would I want that? I can search for porn by myself

I want to be loved
>tfw no femcel gf
anyone else wish they could kill the girls on this app?
something about these sluts sets me off even more than normal tinder whores
Calm down buddy
if you were attractive she would have thought that was hilarious and wanted your discord
I removed my face from my profile, too many women are recognizing my Reddit speech and making fun of it. I would show them if they asked tho probably
are you guys doing long distance?
Hi anon, iam a man, dick and balls and all.
I know it may seem crazy to you, but you can acctually identify your own feelings, and think about how you want to convey them to other people, before doing it.
That is the problem most people have with men. When we get emotional, we have no skills of critical thinking about the emotions, so we just talk about what the other person did, not about what our needs are.
Like here, you talk about how being rejected feels, rather than talking about how loneliness feels. I know it's a crazy concept that feelings are a way your body and mind communicates your needs to you, and they are not always right, sometimes shitbags like you cover up hard to deal feelings with anger.... cause anger puts you in a position of power.
Women at a group level want men to be expressive with their emotions.... just not accusatory. They also want us to have basic skills of identifying the emotion and the need it is tied to, rather than talking about what other people did that brought it on. Or even worse, bottle it up and only bring it up in an emotional explosion where all the feelings are mixed up, and its hard to tell what's what.
Work on yourself....you are the problem.
Source: 4year relationship and a wide variety of genders among friends.
hope this helps. xoxo
Nice based and true love pilled dating app faggots, ahahah

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