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I finally “just shaved it”
Do I pull it off /soc/
If you’re receding or buzzed! Show it off in this thread!
You don’t need hair to be sexy !
Soft eyebrows clean them up but yeah it works
You want me to trim my eyebrows?
Leave your eyebrows. You look really handsome bald. Brave of you to try it too :)

Opinion of a girl fyi
Question, should I go the “full massive beard” route, maybe start wearing overalls and get jacked?
I’ve seen a lot of like bald dudes looking like that, I’m just wondering if I should go that route
Hard to say with one pic honestly. Or pics of what style you mean. I think you look great as you are
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Looks great dude, tho this is coming from another dude that shaves, it's a bit of a pain to keep it tidy and sometimes when I shave I get babyface, but normally I love it
Ok, here’s another
I have a job interview today so im going to dress nice
Should I wear a hat to the interview? Is that something that’s accepted professionally?
I don't think hats in interviews are considered acceptable anywhere
Welcome, brother
It is easier to look baby faced, with less hair
But at least our eyes stand out more
We may need to do more physical fitness to decrease baby face
Yeah don't wear a hat. What's your discord? Saves me spamming here haha
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Anyone can add me, I don’t give a fuck
But don’t expect me to simp for anyone or try to date anyone
And if you ask me for a nude I’m going to block you
You have very similar brow to me that’s crazy
It's almost like we're both human, post a pic, let's see the similarities
Where are all my bald brothers at?
hurr, brur
NGL suits you mate

OP isn't a fag or a tranny for once
Handsome lad
Your head has the perfect shape for pulling it off. When I tried it I looked like a skinhead.
I was always worried it looked like a thumb
Where da bald brothers at
no just keep it clean, your mustache could be shorter and it would still look good
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What age is this acceptable?
Stardate 41153.7
Imo 35+
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Is this ever acceptable? Maybe for Halloween as a pirate?
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What’s up tonight /soc/
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I miss my hair bros
I really do
Well what can we do
I used to have great hair bros…
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Bald for 10 years, said fuck it and grew it out, nobody says anything to me about it.
Someday I will have your confidence
We're all gonna make it, brah.
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Hats are a useful tool
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Honest gay opinion: You look striking and sexy with the bald head, but with your hair you were a completely different vibe and stunningly handsome, brotherly, looked kinder. The bald look is a bit more aggressively attractive. kinda the guy that goes rough and sensual vs previously the romantic guy who gives amazing hugs and picks up his kids from football practice making the moms swoon.
both versions are hot on the same level, but with completely different vibes and characteristics. should have no problem dating, but will attract a different crowd
If you wear rectangular or panto glasses, you would be the generic video game reviewer. so don't do that. ditch the hat. you are a grown man and unless you go to seaworld and want to prevent sunstrike, don't wear it.
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No hat?
We become jaded to time
I was a brash 23 year old in that photo on a date with a 34 year old single mom
No I’m 30 and single, as we just become older and our tolerance for bullshit lessens
That’s why maybe I’m not as happy as I used to be
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MY he shine down upon all of us
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And this kind of glasses?
First thing on a date with you would be me taking off your hat man. It honestly takes away from your sex appeal. Yes your hair is gone, but a bit of old fabric and a visor wont change that. And you're not like Tim Pool who looks like a cancer patient if he takes off his beanie.
You always have to think of it like that: In bed you wont be able to wear it. So your partner should be attracted to you without it as well.
I would crop the beard a bit shorter though, otherwise it fucks with your headshape, considering your hair is gone. A neat thick stubble.
How's your other body hair btw? Lots of early balding men get ridiculous back hair and upper arms?
Shape is fine, but they are too big on you. Also shades doesn't matter the shape. But normal spectacles with either thin rims, rectangles or pantos just have a bad association with a certain type
pic related: a bunch of just german video game youtubers/journalists. four of them are even on the same channel and genuinely look identical.
Hikock45 here, together today with my son, who is usually behind the camera. And in this video, HE will show you the new Moss shotgun

shave. all around. Who told you that beard would suit you? You have good facial features obscured by that scary looking thing. The 1800s are over. You are wasting potential man
Your eyes are insane btw. I have only ever seen irisis this huge on one other guy, seenthroughglass, a youtuber. You need to pass on those genes
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I think this look is either three things
1. King fu instructor 2. Death metal band member/musician
3. Basement dwelling incel shooter
Those are all pretty cool things to be though, so it’s a close spot
Do I want to look like these guys?
At least a couple of them are decent looking
Are they all bald under there?
Hm. I don't know all of them, but you can see most are balding. I know middle row, second from the right pretty well. Simon Krätschmer. He had the weirdest form of alopecia for a while where he had some random spots on his head entirely bald, but they grew back. And, goofy as he may look, he did marry a fashion model while also being the absolute king of the German incel scene. Charisma and good facial expressions, especially with his dog eyes, do make a big difference.
You definitely don't want to look like a Cleetus or Steven Seagal though. Long hair only works if you got the volume to support it. Look at the Trump shooter. He had thin long hair and it looked shit. Nobody wants to go buzzed or bald, but it is better than looking like a legit pedo with greasy long hair
I don’t think this looks that bad
There better be a super smart brain under there though
It's not that it looks bad per se, but pic related >>33304011 shows that you are basically a meme. Wojak doesn't look bad, buuuut would you want to look like a meme?
*6/10 White bald guy*
4chan: aww u cutie patootie go get her <3

*6/10 Black bald guy*
Does everything have to be about race with you? Go back to /pol/, racist scum
You called it, I'm a death metal musician hahaha.
See above. Thanks for the advice but I do just fine and plan on growing this monster for another 5-6 years. Believe it or not, girls still like me. Don't live your life worried about wasted potential or what you used to have, do what brings you joy instead and build for the future.
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Mirin trips
I like death metal. I listen to cannibal corpse uninronically
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If you want to add me on discord@Lotusisalie
Bald muscley men are hot
Kik me if you are one: throwmeawayxx1
>cannibal corpse
Now that's a name I haven't heard in over a decade lol. Reminds me of high school when we had exchange students from Finland and one family pulled a Karen and said they didn't want to host anymore, because their student listened to Cannibal Corpse and the Karen printed out a picture of the band with the babies as lanterns in the morgue...mind you, that was around 2010 or so, so neatly printed out and showed around class because the kid was scared about who might be his roommate for a week.
why no kik?
that's not bald btw. that's just shaven. Suits your headshape though. You look like the generic cool guy in a Iraq war movie that everyone loves because he jokes around in the barracks and then steps on an IED and has his legs blown off so the main character has an epiphany and breaks down.
No shade, you are absolutely hot, but that is where Leftist Hollywood would cast you as.
10/10 would ask out only to get rejected by.
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I haven’t done a push-up in ages
You look good though
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Death metal is fun with lyrics like this who wouldn’t love it!
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I went to see them when I was like 16 and got a shirt with rusty knives on the sleeves and someone at the DMV tried calling the police on me lmfao

Working on A retro DM album now under the moniker Back Alley Abortionist. Might make an anime slam shokusu-zame album too. If anyone's looking for Some good new DM check out Restrictor Plate and Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship.

Here's one of me with hair from back in the day.
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That’s pretty cool man, you don’t see that with kids these days
Possibly some hip hop culture these days
I remember when I was a freshman in 2008, some kids wore spikes and slayer vests at my highschool
After that, everyone got into deadmau5 once those kids graduated and dubstep became popular
And even though rave culture is the opposite of death metal and thrash, it still had more soul then whatever kids like these days
I’m 30 now, I honestly don’t know what they like. LOL
It’s funny to think the movements we thought were “lame” like scene/emo had more soul then what’s cool today
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I feel like I just refused to grow out of it. I made a synthwave record in 2017 because of those trends and agree with you, the internet made every subculture famous then irrelevant. I've never been one to bring others down or gatekeep but giving lessons over the years I've noticed that there aren't any young people on fire about any kind of music anymore sending me deep cuts for them to learn, they just pull up their Spotify Playlist and say "uhh what do I like?"

Hated emo trend when I was growing up but now I'm fucking nostalgic for it. Weird how times change you.
Well besides dropping a couple thousand to get a transplant in Turkey or Mexico?
Not much else
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I could get on finasteride and minoxidil
And MAYBE get my hair back to this level, but there will be a cringe amount of “obvious cope” going
But I could MAYBE get it back here
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There is another way

Or just tell them you have cancer, then you get sympathy and "brave" "omg I love it"
finasteride renders you permanently infertile though. It is claimed to only be temporary, but I saw a documentary and it entirely fucks men up. You get patchy hair, but to what end, if you can't reproduce and have zero libido?

can you recreate the pic with the same shirt and pants, but with your current look? That would be the best comparison
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I’m so lucky that I can feel good with a bald head. My hair was sooo shitty, and I kept it for far too long ..
But the real question is, are there any women who are under 25 who are okay with the bald look? Nobody wants to settle for older single moms.
If you’re tall, jacked, and have a life together, women don’t care
You bet your ASS
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Ahh, I know that feeling
Of course, sometimes I think I look like a skinhead or a Nazi walking without a cap
But, is looking tough a bad thing ?
You look good, welcome to the club
Who would turn down pic related

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