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Old one just died, so here we go again!
>physical description
>looking for
>not looking for
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>asl - 27 southern California near Tustin
>physical description - almost a midget, fat.
>interests/hobbies - vtubers, vocaloid, PC gaming such as fear and hunger, holocure, Toontown rewriten, story of seasons. weebshit such as anime and manga and j-pop.

>looking for - a boyfriend, irl friends, people to voice chat when I can't meet up.
>not looking for - e-drama or trolls. I just want to flirt with the opposite sex.
>contact - chickenclaw3

not a catfish not a trans woman, not replying to further shit stirring by internet trolls.

I only accept anime profile pics and Vidya game profile pics
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los angeles
some anime & gaming, reading, music, movies, going out
>Looking for
ppl to game with
also cute femboy/mtf/ftm to spoil with toys & outfits
>Not looking for
not feminine
disc spicybubblywater
Anyone have any San Diego-based discord servers?
>asl 39 male 707
>physical description husky. I am 6'2" big ex manual worker, now office worker.
>interests/hobbies whores
>looking for Girls that like to be double teamed, or some dude that can meet in the Santa Rosa area and double team a with me. People that want to talk about it.
>not looking for anything else and flakes.
>contact Kik. Gregp2099
29 m Los Angeles (818) and Santa Barbara (850)
>physical description
5'10" Hispanic, 27.3 BMI, sad eyes, rounded cheeks, messy hair
Listening to music, going to concerts, attending conventions and flea markets, playing guitar, reading, watching movies, thrift shopping. I'm finishing up a bachelor's degree atm, so not too much free time, but I get around.
>looking for
a friend to share music / movies / memes with, and/or hang out with in person depending on distance. I can drive, so pretty flexible with that. If you drink and/or get high, sweet, but if not, that's no problem.
also open to just listening to someone vent about their problems or childhood or whatever else. I'm not a therapist or anything, but I know it can be hard to talk to the people around you.
I seem to do best with female friends for whatever reason, but while that is a preference, it's definitely not a requirement.
>not looking for
Romance. I have a gf and entirely too much baggage as it is anyway.
discord jojiblue
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32/MtF/NorCal bay area

>physical description
Short, passable, tanned.

Devoid of anything right now, other than studying, binge watching stuff. Occasional run/jog. Bit unhinged right now for any of my old hobbies, as I've destroyed my life pretty decently over some dumb men and self-deprecating nature.

>looking for
People to talk to via text or mostly VC. Mostly looking to waste time talking about whatever, all day & all night. Not looking for irl meetups of any kind in the immediate future, maybe in next few weeks will be ok.

>not looking for
Sexpests, those who've added me/I've removed in the past, relationships (at least immediate future).

disc: linguist.
Dont fucking add chickn... shes actual trash and not worth your time. She is looking for a harem of guys (simps) when shes in the deep negatives looks wise. You'd be better off dating an actual chicken than chickn...
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21f Atherton

super skinny with long black hair? get told I look like that one goth woman from breaking bad even though I dont think so

sewing, sketching, coffee, also started getting into anime recently and would love recommendations from weebs

looking for
>just looking for 20-25 yo people to occasionally talk to who share my interests. dont really want to meet up with anyone atm so dont add if ur one of those people

>not looking for
please no weird people or boomers. if you get mad about me not responding just dont add in the first place
ugh forgot again...discord is saviiasa
M24 CenCal
>physical description
Short, Hispanic, long hair, glasses, piercings, look like I want to kms
Severe workaholic but in my off time I’ll drink, read, collect vinyl, and game
>looking for
Chill people near my age to chat with or if you’re local get a drink with
>not looking for
Horny from the get go, old people
Discord fresnobody73
i need to know this
Avoid, this is a known catfish. Tranny posing as a bio f.
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29/M/Bay Area

>physical description
just under 6ft, black hair brown eyes, on the chubbier side but i work out

all i really do is work, sleep, eat, gym, and enjoy my hobbies... which are nothing special, but they're mine.

pc games (i spend too much on steam sales)
read visual novels (very slowly)
watch videos (anime, well written tv, video essays, twitch streams)
listen to music (pop, punk, hardcore, metal, indie, etc.)

>looking for
connection. preferably locals to chat with

>not looking for
men (unless you are very cool)

discord: int.value
i may not be on discord all the time, be patient
Snap/kik: britishdeath
Looking for someone to talk to maybe more idk
Sent again, actually accept it this time
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m 26 f 22
looking for OC bull
So Cal only.
send pics and stats

hung and open minded preferred. if you can get her rugs even better.

kik benlyo5
sc artminor64
meth goblin who sleeps too late and wakes up too late
i play a shit ton of tf2, go to the gym daily
looking for someone to do to gym together
disc: lostincause
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>physical description
Average Southeast Asian guy on a hard path to lose the small weight gained from vacation/traveling.
I drink too much coffee and play fighting games in the morning.
I like Japanese stuff, wanna go back to Japan.
I indulge in a obscure anime/manga once in a blue moon.
I poorly try to do music/photography sometimes.
I hate summer.
Same shit, nothing's changed.
>looking for
Innocent online friendships, maybe potential IRL/hangout if we vibe and near eachother.
>not looking for
The usual- lewd, drugs, fucked up, obsessive, mentally ill, /pol/. I may be hikikomori but I'm normie.
discord: palcico
18f ie (909)
chubby short hispanic
interests: i try to play geetar (i suck) a lot of rock, the frights, arctics, csh, pink floyd, duster but i listen to everything ngl as cliche that sounds
looking for:
anything?, someone to hang out w, i love going to shows but hate going alone, along with i cant drive </3, mayb fall in lub or sm
not looking for: creeps
reply with ur discord:p
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I don’t know why people don’t use their photos, lol
30 years old, 6’4, employed as a waiter
805 area Santa Barbara Ventura Oxnard , ucsb people hit me up
Not sure what I’m looking for, but if you’re a girl it’s not friendship
If you’re a guy and wanna be friends hit me up if you wanna chat about MMA or poker or sports or cats
Am straight
Have telegram and snap if interested reply and I’ll give it to you
18 / m / LA
>physical description
5'7 brown hair, fit
i play a lot of vidya of all variety, been trying to get into retro games/collecting them. My favorite games are mario odessey and elden ring. I also want to get more into fighting games so anyone who plays those those and wants to help out that would be awesome
>looking for
literally anoyone who wants to talk be friends whatever, I dont care really
discord: bigshi77er
discord: runfromthehorizon
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31 m yay area
>Physical description
auburn hair, brown eyes, 5'11", average body comp with some muscle, medium-longer legs, clean shaven or a shadow, sensitive to UV
Welding, machining, cad software, PC gaming, cargo bikes, fixing bicycles, traveling (hostels), acoustic guitar, drawing patters, metal sculpture
PC games I play and am looking for people to play with:
Deep Rock Galactic, V Rising, Vermintide, Terraria
>Looking for
Gaming friends online, friends IRL, nothing sexual
>Not looking for
fash, conservatives, Christians or religious people, military people
discord: gryphon_feather
kik: gryphdogy
32/m/Norwalk, Artesia, around-ish area
>physical description
Asian guy, 5'6" 140lb, dry spell for a while and is way too horny.
>looking for
A couple I can come watch have sex/RP cuck me while I goon.
Or a female for a quickie.
>not looking for
kik: tek_blue ...Please say you are from the cali thread on /soc/
>fall in lub

Fuck I hate young people.
Asl > 28 m Northwest LA (valley)

Physical desc > 6 foot 3, broad shouldered, chubby. Salt and pepper curly hair, freckles, glasses. Multicolored eyes.

Interests/hobbies> nerdy metalhead basically. Love gaming, exploring new places, and concerts.

Looking for > Chill female to get to know, potentially form a relationship/casual thing with. Love nerdy gals but open to everyone. Not super picky, more of a personality attracted person. Cis-f or trans f are cool with me :)

Not looking for > anybody male presenting desu.

Contact> disc. TheGlassReaper
Tall lean white
Play RPGs, rhythm games, Round1
Casual/Hookups, arcade friends
Not gay so no guys unless you’re into Round1
Disc fauxtale7 (not my main)

Best place for fighting games is a local tourney in person, look around online
Fuck, fauxtale7
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ASL: 20-something,man,san diego
Desc: kind of short, somewhat muscular, it isn't really your business.
Interests: mechanic work, reading books on practical stuff, exercising, driving around, pretending to not watch anime
I'm largely looking for friends, male or female, to watch divegrass with. More generally, I also enjoy walking around and shooting the shit. If you like LAN parties I go to those as well.
I'm not looking for the obnoxious internet type, so no transexuals or "weebs" beacuse I've dealt with enough of them.
My tox ID is:
I go by Tanpopo on Rizon and you can find me in #4chan if I'm not banned
Discord server for californians
Watch out for this one
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22 M, LA 818/323 area.
>Physical description
5'10 and fairly slim, blonde. Look kinda twinkish I guess, lmao?
I'm a dork. I like comics and animation (worldwide, not just US+JP), film, and games, and can go into autistic rambles about anything if that's your thing; primarily revolving around various mecha, cute cartoon animals, 2000s emo nonsense, and tech stuff. Ask for more specifics if you're interested :b
>What you're looking for
Ppl to ACTUALLY go out with, or just hang out together in person instead of over the computer. I wanna go out to places, like arcades, or maybe someone could take me to a concert or club? I've never been to the latter.
Anywho I'm openminded and have a positive attitude, so hoping for someone who is too lol. Anyone's fine, though girls are preferred just bc my friendgroup is a bit of a sausage party anywho lol.
>Not looking for
Opening with "Show ass?" - I've tried emotionless hookups before, I never enjoyed it at all. I guess I'm open to FwB's, but not actively searching it.
Smokers/drug users, political-obsessives, and generally just grouchy or shitty attitudes.
finsuir on Disc
Ryiie5 on Kik
If you have another app, drop your tag and I'll see if I can add you!
Holy shit are you rich or something?

If you don't mind talking I'm >>33306861
We might have some of the same internet knowledge, IDK.
been coming on 4chan since I was 13
Met cool peeps
Beck, Kitten, Zee, NoName, I dunno where there all at but I hope there doing good!
physical description: athletic, tall
interests/hobbies: gym, surf
looking for: girls
not looking for: hookups
discord: saltyofficial
>ASL - 31, male, Sacramento
>Physical Description - 6'1, 200lbs, bald (by choice), mixed race (Black and White)
>Interests - Programming/game dev, writing, motorcycles, cooking, music (80s metal, underground hip-hop, classic R&B), video games, movies.
>Looking For - A texting buddy, FWB (cis female or trans), friendship.
>Not Looking For - LTR
>Contact - SC: brownd916
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36 / FtM / Los angelos

>>physical description
chubby alternative geek

weed, festivals, concerts, techno undergrounds, comic/anime conventions, gaming, beach

>>looking for
strictly friends (preferably queer) in my area to go do anything listed above

>>not looking for
anything sexual, I have a boyfriend, please be respectful

insta: @mooseh.moose
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20s m ca
>physical desc
>interests / hobbies
Lookism, looksmaxxing, looks theory, editing, working out.
>looking for
>not looking for
20/m/bay area by Oakland
5'7 east Asian, overweight(barely), long hair
Music(metal, rock, pop, dark country), Tetris, mtg, cats
Looking for
People who have or like cats(I will send a lot of cat memes)
Not looking for
People who don't like cats
God you're fucked in the head
what'd they do?
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>physical description
Average guy I think.
Manga, coding, reading, redwoods, killing time
>looking for
Someone in the 707 area close to my age

>not looking for
I can't read

>not looking for
people over 27
i once dated a girl from California, never again.
ahhhh ): was about to add cause we have similar interest but i am 29/f, too bad ig.

watch anon change his virgin tune rq
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30 / m / San Diego
>physical description
if you squint, vaguely like toby maguire. white with black hair that people ask me if I dye it.
rock climbing, bird watching, walks around parks, extensive knowledge of good coffee in the area.
>looking for
got out of a relationship a few weeks ago. some light flirting would be nice but nothing more at the moment. short hair a mega plus, TrueAnon clips a double-plus
>not looking for
cis men, emotionally stunted adults
@doubleDobin on Telegram
have to ask!
looking for:
white guys to date ;)
not looking for
creepy guys
leave your contact here and a description
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anyone in LA ever tried those sex workers on Figueroa Street? Is it worth it? t. 21 y/o khv
34/m/ Riverside
>physical description
White 6"0 180. I do gym twice to 3 times a week black hair hazel eyes and a beard.
Hiking, Gaming Nature, Star Gazing, movies, concerts and stand up. Board games. Anime/Manga
>looking for
Hang outs. dates, Going out to movies. making more friends basically.
>not looking for
People who ghost. make low effort conversation. >contact
Discord Hawooda

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