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fellas, post them dawgs
nice dragon bro. whats his name?
I regularly self insert as guilmon
so uhh nice >.>
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Guilmon from Digimon
Any guys that are up for showing their feet on videocall please add me on Discord the_onebehind
I'm assuming boy feet differs from man feet? You are looking for smooth, low/no hair, cute feet rather than wide hairy feet?
I personally like hairy feet, and I don't mind wide but prefer long toes
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Could you take a pic of them flat on the floor?
discord: boea_
M23 kik hosarar

Hmu with your asl and a picture of your soles. Horny as fuck and wanna cum on some cute boyfeet
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crushing my hog
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that's guilmon and he's a new companion of mine!

you'd better stop thennn

and thank you fren for usin me it's funny to see myself up here
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Why stop? Those pics make it even more fun :3
does your dick curve down? fucking wannnnttt
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Welp, since the last thread died as soon as I posted my pics, I'll try again here, contact me on Discord if you wanna see my feet live on call! .anonymouslean (don't forget the dot)
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Here's another one!
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I recently got furloughed and I feel depressed about my shitty resume and career. Hope you guys think my feet are kinda cute
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any love for socked feet here??

oh you know it!
halloween feetsies, cute!
could be some fun to be had here then c;

haha thank you!! I only have two stripey sets :c these and a pink and white pair. I need to invest in more
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Some socks and booty
Damn you’re fine Kik?
oh thank youu! I deleted my kik a while back I sorry
feet server

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Would rub.
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Kik me, mr_pool

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