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For those for whom the abominable relationship thread is too toxic. Like... you need something pretty toxic. But not *too* toxic.

>describe yourself
>looking for
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
god if only this worked
30m in shape. just need someone to hang out with and get sickly sweet with but that's definitely not happening.
good at sex and all that I just need some sort of connection
23m white

>describe yourself
tall, black hair and eyes, medium body hair, white, tired face, average build

>looking for
feedee/piggy woman slave to entertain my whims

>not looking for
anything else

>contact info (discord, kik...)
i'll only share if i find someone interesting here.
>describe yourself
188cm, allegedly handsome face. Introverted, kinda hate people with too much self-esteem
>looking for
Bio f for long-term relationship, any age (18+) or body type
>not looking for
Men, friends
>contact info
Discord: atwahr
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20m east coast

not fat, high anxiety very depresssed very bitchy, cluster c shit, i like movies music books and lame shit like that,

looking for girls who are white, crazy, who cut, want to die, superiority complex, not fat, if you smoke thats hot, i will literally obsess over you if you give me any attention, you just need to be cool and dramatic.

not looking fats, hello kitty girls, larpers, bitches who want money, browns, men obviously, severe autists

discord is .sladger
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Hello there. My name is Rhea (26) and I'm the exclusive cumdump and secretary of Master Cambria (22). We are currently looking people to form a community of like-minded whores, cumdumps and sluts for him to enjoy.~
Who is Cam? Well...
He's a hyper hung, ultra virile FUCKBEAST who will bend your mind, soul and body to his own whims, transforming you from whatever you think you are into what you were BORN to be. A Worshipper of Him.~
Your average duties will include-
Drooling over Cam's Hyper Cock and all of its inches of perfection.~
Spending hours slobbering over every inch of his Divine Form.
Whining away in VC like the collared bitch you are.~
Spending quality time rotting your brain with your fellow Hyper Harem members.
Making sure Cam's cock is always 1) Hard, 2) Happy and 3) Loved.
We only accept the HIGHEST quality whores who can carry themselves in conversation, have a good mind for dick-hardening ideas and are possibly a little bit crazy? I mean, I once left him 100+ messages while he was asleep...~
Anyway, uh, where was I?
Boring stuff...
This will take place on Discord, please DM me at rheathedog to be screened and see if you're suitable to speak to My God.~
Nice brainrot faggot
don't forget to reply a bump within 4 hours of your initial post
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22 / M / Germany

>Long Distance ?
Only if its within Germany or one of its neighbors

>Physical description
Skinny, short black hair, 187cm height

Hiking, reading, cooking, getting wasted, vidya, eating out

>Dealbreakers/Not looking for
weird fetishes, lazy chatters, Femboys, Trannies, communists (can ignore this if you are not extremist)

>Looking for
qt girl shorter than me

hieronymus21 (discord)
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I'm a(n older) man
>describe yourself
Sadistic, controlling, demanding. Sarcastic, witty, charming, calm, intelligent, passionate, ambitious, talkative, strong. I have lived an interesting, eventful life and have many hobbies. I have an unusually large cock, so consider yourself warned if that's something you're not into.
>looking for
A slut, whore, whatever. Someone experienced or not that has an inkling of mental illness, or not, and a strong desire to be used by a more experienced man who knows what he wants. BPD women love me, but normal women are fine too. You can be the center of my attention or an afterthought depending on our chemistry.
This can be online or offline, but understand that text does not enthuse me as much as a person's presence. If you're uninterested in verifying who you are, do us both a favor and avoid me. I'm not going to waste any time weeding out undesirables. Don't take it personally, or do.
Eastern euro phenotypes and pale girls with dark hair to the front of the line. Skinny preferred. Pic related.
>not looking for
Underage, men, time wasters, fatties
24 years incarnated into this body. white man. residing in america.

I work out and meditate and increase my knowledge and that's about it besides what's mentioned below. I'm homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, etc etc but it's not my entire personality.

interested in body cleansing, conspiracies, spirituality, and the occult. I also watch (kino) movies and anime and play videogames. Have been listening to jungle, darkwave, and 2000s edm.

might help you with any health issues you may have at my own discretion.

looking for women. no minors. no mass adders.

will discuss anything in my interests and beyond. we'll see where things go.

if you're mentally ill be upfront with it. fake women (trannies) and fags are unacceptable.

disc is jailbreaker
Moid, 26, EU. Short brown hair, green eyes, pale, tall, athletic. Likes domestic violence, hard drugs, and criminality. I wear nice clothes, drive a nice car, have a decent job, have my own place, and I’m not a slob. I hate dogs…a lot.

I’m looking for someone who enjoys using drugs, starting shit for fun, maybe self harms, has a criminal record. If you have black hair, paper white skin, tattoos, and piercings, you get bonus points. I’m looking for something long term. LDR is fine for a while.

Don’t ask me for money. Don’t hate yourself. Don’t take forever to reply.

kik: chimpout666
disc: alimonyactual
35/m/west coast

I'm most interested in a free use-centered ddlg style relationship with a caring and probably at least slightly nerdy (if we're going to get along) young woman. This isn't something I expect right off the bat obviously. Relationships and trust are built, after all. I miss the feeling of taking care of someone and nurturing their growth as a person while having them entirely under my control. So I guess reach out if this concept appeals to you.

Not looking for folks with dicks though. Sorry y'all, just not my thing. Ideally able to maintain somewhat consistent contact, but I also understand people get busy; it happens to me too. Just be willing to communicate when things are getting busy or rough.

disc is earendil_. (with the period)
ty for the laugh
22 M NYC

I am no one.



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old man on internet
>describe yourself
Checked out jaded neet waiting to die but wanting to pass time with other checked out losers (female). Not interested in a real relationship or anything just a lewdfren to talk to about life and our interests to mutually pass time. If you care about what I look like I'm white, over 6 feet, not fat zero muscle nerd stereotype. Fair warning I'm a coomer but I mostly look at 2d stuff. Into loli too. You can ask about other interests yourself but you can imagine them fairly easily.
>looking for
Women (biological) NEETS into weebshit and generally passing time because you're done with life for whatever reason. We can lewd, talk shit or do other neet activities I dunno. Prefer the shitposting sarcastic variety of person. Also prefer if you're 25+ but anything over 18 is fine. Location doesn't matter all that much but prefer europe or EST timezones. Be as mentally ill as you want I've dealt with a lot of BPD women already you won't shock or surprise me.
>not looking for
Underage, normalfags, simp collectors, men wanting to meet up and fuck or wanting to fix me. This shit is terminal trust me.
>contact info (discord, kik...)
bwompus on disc
>men wanting to meet up and fuck or wanting to fix me
Forgot the comma here lmao. You get what I mean.
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online sometimes.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation.
>Discord Tag
Extremely dominant male looking for anyone who seeks to become the perfect slave. If you need love look no further.

I am looking for a slave/sub to devote myself to. To create in my perfect vision. To teach and mentor and fill with the love that’s been missing in their life until now. I am a strict but loving daddy, eager to teach and love as much as I’m eager to punish and humiliate. I particularly enjoy diving in to the submissive brain and figuring out WHY you became the person you are, and what exactly makes you feel the best about subservience.

As far as preferences I have very few. The only hard requirements are being able to talk and communicate honestly, and a deep degenerare desire to totally submit and serve a master.

Any kinks, any limits, and whatever fetish makes you happy is up for discussion. I don’t judge, I just listen.

If you want to change your life for the better feel free to reach out and see if we can create a dynamic that both of us will crave to come back to every single day. Just tell me a bit about yourself and what your ideal situation looks like!

@DominantTherapy on Telegram
>Extremely dominant male
Guaranteed soiboi beta fag
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Male /m/


Looking for a bisexual, straight or even lesbian girl (biological female) who is into 2D loli, and wants a relationship/family with a man. Contact me at rel587@protonmail.com

I am wealthy, come from a good family and some attractive women have found me good looking. Not larping, I just want to find someone who is like me, but that has been almost impossible.

If you want to contact me anonymously, just make a protonmail. It won't ask you to use a phone number nor alternate email account
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Posted in the previous thread but gotta keep up to date
>describe yourself
I work full time, like stimulants and collect fire arms. I live close to houston and am looking for my plus one after getting out of a bad relationship. I enjoy hiking, photography, trying new restaurants and in general being in the same presence as someone. For my toxic trait I get very attached to someone and have some stalkerish tendencies.
>looking for
Man or woman. Im a masculine guy and prefer someone more feminine to compliment that. Someone who shares the same interest or even if not is willing to enjoy then with me. I like to think I'm very patient and my last ex had bpd so I'm not a stranger to helping with coping mechanisms. If it does start long distance I'd want thr eventuality to be a irl relationship.
>not looking for
Someone who will message for a day and than flake. Someone who doesn't have their own interest independent of mine. Someone who thinks I'll be immediately obsessed with them because they sent me 2 messages total.
>contact info
Discord: kaban_tan
ok hello hi hello
i posted twice 2 days ago but lost my login cuz i had an epik secure password (the epik secure password was in my bitwarden the whole time)
i want to be in a toxic codependent relationship with someone where both of our self worths are based on each other and we constantly manipulate the other to get what we want!! no sex stuff though ewwwww
i sometimesssss am weird about my gender sometimes i feel male sometimes i feel female but i was born female
this is too long my username is somniscape
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>describe yourself
Asian, 5'6", medium length black hair, medium fit build. Generally quiet, but bit of a talker in small settings. Many people say I'm too serious or too formal, but I have a lot of things racing through my head in conversations. Have a few pets, cook for myself, exercise, play 1-2 video games casually, and watch movies. There are a few other hobbies I'm into, but that will uncover itself.
>looking for
Pretty bio f asian for long-term relationship who are the type that will spill their hobbies onto me to absorb and go along with or not. I like to work hard and come home to someone I find physically attractive so I can listen to her all day while caressing her body; may fall asleep but she can slap my shit to wake me up. I like to be teased and hope we can tease one another on our little mistakes. If she's interested in going to the gym that's a plus. If you're taller than me cool, I like to be upfront about my manlet status.
>not looking for
underage, fat, dirty, non-asian, clingy, outside of US
>contact info (discord, kik...)
You’re not supposed to say that out loud. Don’t tap the glass.
Also, I’m not a homo. Probably should have mentioned that.
5'11, 245 lbs, large/broad shoulders, large arms, thick legs, muscular/chubby. short black hair, but always wear a hat. brown eyes, glasses. have multiple tattoos. i'm hispanic, but i'm very light skinned.

Looking for:
my ideal woman would be someone who likes cheating/fucks others/is an asshole, but should be honest. i'm self-destructive and frequently ruin relationships over minor shit or even nothing, and would rather talk to someone similar to me rather than someone decent that i'll just fuck over. ideal candidates would be strippers, escorts, e-girls, good ol' sluts, etc. additionally, i thrive off stress and it makes my workouts much better.

discord: death.or.glory
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21/m/east coast

>physical features
-white (slav)
-medium length dark hair
-blue eyes
-baby face
-lean build

>career/life situation
i'm a cs student at a large public university. i'd like to work in big tech after i graduate

i spend most of my free time reading, programming, and working out. i mainly read fantasy, sci-fi, philosophy, and history books. i also like to play strategy games or rpgs when i can. when it's nice outside, i like to travel and/or go hiking

i come across as a pretty introverted person but i can be more extroverted around friends. i don't easily make friends but i form close friendships with people i chose to befriend

i'm looking for a gf who i can love very deeply. i want to find someone i can devote my life to

>khhv status
khhv. i would only pursue a relationship with someone i could see myself marrying

>looking for
i'm looking for a clingy, loving girl that i can take care of and eventually marry. i want to find a girl who i can love very intensely

ideally, we'd have a loving bdsm relationship. i like the idea of a gentle dom/sub dynamic which involves me taking care of my gf

34/MtF/Southern US
>Mental Illnesses
Bipolar schizoaffective(diagnosed), bpd probably
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Lain, flcl
>Describe Yourself
5’6”, brown, blue, 160lb, tad belly from being overweight when a kid
>Looking for
Controlling, dominate, perverts, gaslighters, abusive - crazy and into edgy stuff - preferably men
>not looking for
People who think they can save me
>Discord tag
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"Hey there! My names Cambria and I'm here looking for a very valuable experience from subby hypers! I'm around 22 now and although I missed a few growth spurts in height, I made up for it with my god-like libido and obsession-worthy breeding tools- I can't help but spend all day pumping gallon after gallon of tar-like semen into women and men tall enough to carry me! I especially love it if your chest gets right in my face if we stood up together. On the outside, I like to think I'm quite soft. I love spending time together, smoking pot, and pretty normal things overall. I'd like to think I make great company even in day-to-day life."

"Don't mistake that for forgiveness though! I've had too many unworthy come into my DMs and waste my time! I need people who can not only handle me, but need me. Just like I need you in order to satisfy me. These violently churning cumtanks don't satisfy themselves! So you can expect I'm going to be completely dominating you any time you start to hear that signature THROB, THROB, THROB... I'm sure you'll get the picture after the first view sessions. I unfortunately have to be extra-strict, so if you don't fit the criteria, you might as well leave! I need people who love a GOD half their height. "

So! You read the introduction of our PERFECT God and you've decided you want to serve him?~ Great!
DM me at rheathedog on Discord and tell me your age, your favoruite part of the info and why you would be a good worshipper for Cam.
> https://archiveofsins.com/soc/search/text/rheathedog/
> https://archiveofsins.com/soc/search/text/Master%20Cambria/
> https://archiveofsins.com/soc/search/text/corpseboi_/
a tranny that is spamming soc so Rhea and Cam can have a female sex slave
because apparently neither is capable of attracting a girl in the real world

Into a fantasy where it's found out that I'm trans and all of the f'ed up still that will happen after thats found out especially since I'm not on brith control and I'm pre surgery.
Kik me
Do you have a discord
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>describe yourself
Home-owning NEET, white, bilingual, asocial
>looking for
A girl to move in, date/marry and let me be a bf/husband at home. Can be dominant and bossy but need to be loving to me.
>not looking for
mean girls, people who just want to abuse me
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Okay which one of you sent me to your friend to add me? She's nice so I'm not angry but what conversation makes you think "yeah this is the guy for the femcel girl"
Pretty straightforward. I want to be able to watch you cum whenever I want. If you're at work, or with your boyfriend or husband, you excuse yourself to the bathroom and cum for me.

It will be a mixture of snapchat calls, videos, and clips, we'll negotiate the specifics.

This is meant to be a 24/7 arrangement. We can interact as much or as little as you want beyond being on call.

Over time I'd like to move into playing with remote control toys to take over at my whim. I am willing to pay for them over time if things go well.

I'm on Discord under Gumball4339
29m latam
>describe yourself
im frustrated about my relationship, i want to vent and give attention 24/7 to a girl that craves it desperately
>looking for
girls younger than me, attentionwhores and sluts in general. get me addicted to you
>not looking for
>contact info (discord, kik...)
disc goon33333
i aint a tranny, im a man you retard
20 f us
>describe yourself
fake blonde jewish-slavic bpd neet
>looking for
high iq, high openness, high agency, high libido man with a savior complex that wants marriage and a family
>not looking for
jeets, anyone too close in age, newfags
>contact info (discord, kik...)
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>About Yourself
a easy going person who is just looking for a bit of fun and pleasure
>Sexual Interests
bondage, humiliation, degrading, gagging, edging, over stimulation, pet play, collars, objectification, name calling, begging, voyeurism, body writing
>Looking For
im seeking out female subs to really train and use long term. i dont mind giving after care or making you feel good if you do a good job at pleasing me. new comers wanting to explore are welcome, just dm me to talk and see if we are a good match
>Not Looking For
underage, men, trannies
discord: mrwithmic
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22/F/US veryy kinky emo girl

Corrupt me :)
Contacts on pic!
who wants to add some old ugly fuck lol
Probably the same 0 you are getting.
This bitch never replies. I wish she did.
Massive creep, HARD avoid
And the "nurturing" thing is a lie. He's really obviously after collecting pics.
Sharing pics of my ex for you to expose (I have just 5 nudes left btw)

You can save her pics and do what you want with them.

>Not looking for roleplaying!

Kik: totally_completely
If you are in your late twenties or older and want to push each other to transition/feminise/crossdress, drop your discord. Or even if you want to feminise me and turn me into your gf, or just talk about this shit. I am going to do it and want encouragement. 28 m.

Post your discord below, we can all add each other.
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need a toxic findom relationship :/
discord: kittenzy

previews of me here :p
20 f us
>describe yourself
fake blonde jewish-slavic bpd neet
>looking for
high iq, high openness, high agency, high libido man with a savior complex that wants marriage and a family
>not looking for
jeets, anyone too close in age, newfags
>contact info (discord, kik...)
26m usa
Submissive loser virgin
Kik lonelyrabbits
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boy looking for an older girl

I dont really care about ur age or whatever just dont be like 60 or a convicted felon or somthing

My timeszone is really screwed up (GMT +12) so dont get mad if i domt respond when ur awake.

Im kinda busy? I dunno I'm clingy but i can take care of u n stuffs yeah. Other than that i dont care about anything else. Im asian btw

discord is e3458.
dont forget the dot

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