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>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
AR- Arkansas
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida
KY - Kentucky
NC - North Carolina
SC - South Carolina
People in the south don't use the internet except in Florida and Atlanta and they only use snapchat, tiktok or instagram.
See you next dead thread.
>>Physical description
Tall, long reddish wavy hair, shorter red beard, blue eyes, pale, lanky.
Abstract art, writing, music, music videos, game design. Spirituality. Going to the gym and for walks.
>>Looking for
Any girls that want to talk. I have a lot of health issues even though it doesn't look like I do, so it'd be nice to meet someone similar. Or just a weird girl that wants to dance with me.
>>Not looking for
Discord: wait4what1
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You retarded faggot, stop spamming your personal discord link.
The threads keep getting deleted because of your spam
36/m/FL (863)
>Physical description
5'11, blue eyes, greying dirty blonde hair, chubby
Cooking, video games, shooting at the range, playing with my pets
>Looking for
Women 21-39 within my state. I'm willing to travel/host if we mesh well enough
>Not looking for
Discord: chefbigpapa
6’1, 215 lbs, athletic, brown hair and green eyes
I like cooking, lifting an MMA, I’m a student.
Hit me up if you’re a femanon or want to show yours.
Not looking for dudes really.
Telegram@anonanonski, teleguard @ NERFLJEVU. Notifs are off so be patient with me
35 m bi

Fit and professional

Looking for dominant females in the WNC area.

Would love to meet up, make sure we vibe, and see what kind of fun we can have.

Can host.

Kik: bicurwl
Whiteboi looking for other whitebois in SC/NC area or Black King.
Disc: dimbim0602
Any trans girls in atlanta or near by willing to go out on a date sometime?
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>Physical description
hot. weird. weird hot.
>Looking for
down for whatever. my husband can't give me anything that i need and i stopped begging
>Not looking for
e-sex. i'm deprived and don't want rando pixel dick
disc: warholsux
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41 m middle Tennessee

Looking for a jerk off buddy.
Meet up jerk off til we bust go on our way. Also looking for a female that wants to blow me and go. Meet up blow me til i explode and then leave. HMU
Kik is thatdude35m

>Physical description
Skinny, caucasian, brown hair, blue eyes

Love to cook for others, painting regularly, also read in my free time (currently reading Blood Meridian followed by Dracula) I also exercise and I like exploring central florida when I have time

>Looking for
Friends to meet up irl for restuarants, bars, nightclubs etc. People who at least have interests of their own to share, not necessarily ones I listed above. Maybe something long term if I meet the right person

>Not looking for
Anything homosexual, any sort of hookups, boring people who do nothing, people who will never want to do stuff irl
18M FL
looking for subs and bi curious men and girls
kik: deeznutscumballs
>followed by Dracula
Have you read Carmilla? I read that recently and really enjoyed it.
>33 fat female, kinky bi BBW piggy sub
>Interested in all kink related
>Interested to see if there are any other downright depraved sexual deviants in my area to chat etx

Contact is Kik: piggypervsub

NOT lf casual friendly only convos or chat sorry!
20 cisf 407
Sexually deprived chubby ugly loser girl, let me take a picture with ur weeny in my face!!!! For funsies

Cord: whatswrongwiththisgirl
20 f us
>>Physical description
5’3, fake blonde, average build
kino, gore, chan culture
>>Looking for
high iq, high openness, high agency older man that wants marriage and a family
>>Not looking for
jeets, anyone too close in age, anachans
>Physical description
Chubby black dude
RPGs, sci books, manga, anime, football, basketball
>Looking for
Kink convos
>Not looking for
20 F

5'4 brown hair blue eyes

Discord: robintderp
>>33300732 (OP) #
>Physical description
Fit Lightskin with dreads dyed half black half yellow
Games, manga, anime, football, basketball
>Looking for
Car hookup with female
>Not looking for
Dicks, gay or tranny
Disc: jar4143
M 26 NOVA looking to trade
kik anon6942020
disc anon694202
18 trans girl north east arkansas
>Physical description
Curly Brown hair blue eyes 5'9 average body temporarily a boymoder
Dungeons and dragons magic the gathering guilty gear strive overwatch philosophy and literature
>Looking for
A girlfriend
>Not looking for
Men 0 men I don't want to talk to any men
Contact is Counterfactual_nonsense on discord sorry!
I haven't yet, on my list though.
Been on my list for too long plus I'd like to tread the original source before including this stuff in my tabletop games
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South East Discord mostly Tennessee based.

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>Physical description
short, fat, white, brown hair, blue eyes
FFXIV, SoL anime/manga, lifting, cooking, gardening, floating the river
>Looking for
Hanging out irl!! I'm in hermit mode but want to do stuff. Also need a lifting buddy, but that's a long shot.
>Not looking for
Sex, penpals, alphabet people
I usually wait for replies because lurkers from way too far away love hitting me up :l sowwy

I had a pal up near Staunton or somewhere like that whom I met in one of these threads, but I lost his contact info.
We went to a winery last time you came down :'3 so message me on Kik or reply if you're reading this.
Bait. This is just a hentai and chat server.
Actual SE server directory:

4chan Southeast Server: https://discord.gg/7XBeau75k2

Ozy's Server: https://discord.gg/gqE2WWT8d7

Southern Excellence Server: https://discord.gg/cwM7UhDGJQ
>Physical description
6'0, tan, long dark hair, average build
video games, photography, film, traveling, a little bit of cars
>Looking for
people around my age to make friends with, preferably in Georgia so i can make actual irl friends, but southeastern is still ok too. don't really care if we have similar interests or not, as long as you're trying to be friends thats good enough.
>Not looking for
coomers, rudes, server invites, people under 21, gays and trans (sorry, i'm sure most of you are nice i just don't have good experiences with a lot of them though), ghosters
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

>What you're looking for
Biological female slaves, and submissives;
ddlg compatible if you're not a fucking mess, and a planetary mass of attention.. both metaphorically, and physically -- steer clear fucking cows.
You're fuck meat; what the hell do you think I'm looking for?
Video capable sluts to the top of the list.

>What you're not looking for
Idiots that have the personality of plank from ed, edd, & eddy
Minors... I hate that I have to specify this. If I suspect you to be under age, I will require proof of age.
The likelihood of me wanting to *be friends* with any of you is incredibly small, so please either be incredibly talented at keeping me entertained, or just don't, I'm not looking for friends.
If you cannot be bothered to regularly send pictures, or videos I don't want to talk to you.
Paypigs -- LOL.

Mostly play single player however: Armored Core VI, Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, Terraria

Use this fill out the questionnaire (it's a discord server)
I'm tired of having to deal with retards that add me, and either never speak, or the conversation is so dry that I'm choking in real life from it; it's that palpable.
20 f us
>>Physical description
5’3, fake blonde, average build
kino, gore, chan culture
>>Looking for
high iq, high openness, high agency older man that wants marriage and a family
>>Not looking for
jeets, anyone too close in age, anachans, newfags
how do i see you in every fucking thread. its impressive.

I almost wanna bite just for the curiosity. I'm sure he's a swell fellow.
18 f GA
Just a normie. Not into anime or gaming so stop asking.
Just looking for cool or interesting people to talk to. Maybe meet if ur close. Down for whatever.
>not looking for
Creeps and retards. Don't be older than like 25 either
added you on disc
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>Physical description
white, 5'9, brown hair, fit/skinny built
running/gym, cooking, vidya gamessss (mass effect, elden ring, ultrakill, hi-fi rush, ((plays like lliterally most games lol))
>Looking for
a gf, preferably in her 20s and close by
>Not looking for
men lol
his disc is bicmag :)

((this was posted by a femanon friend of his, also if it matters, talking to him feels like talking to one of the guys responsible for ultraviolence, but more contently, if that makes sense sksks))

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