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>Your age and location
>How often do you get added by women?
>Age and location of the women that add you
>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
>What threads do you post in?
>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?

I'm not asking for advice on how to talk to people. I'm good with that part, I just never get added

Also no incel bitching and moaning. Blah blah no one cares retard
i got added by a bunch of women when i said i recently broke up with my gf and wanted to vent.
Do you think it's the fact that you had a girlfriend that or the fact that that kind of post suggests emotional openness that was attractive?
Because I've never had a gf but I'm a pretty emotionally open guy, so if it's the latter maybe advertising that more could work in my favor
>Your age and location
25, southern US

>How often do you get added by women?
every time i make a post giving contact info

>Age and location of the women that add you
mostly around my age, all over the world but thankfully mostly american girls

>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
i seem to attract bpdemons, femcel autists, and repressed dommy mommys

>What threads do you post in?
ideal partner thread/ideal bf meme thread or mental illness thread

>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
quite long, i talk about both, im extremely open about my problems but also mention positive things about me. i just use the template thing but if im posting somewhere else i just use pictures i took recently like flowers or something
i have a ton of hobbies and i can talk forever

>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
i think they like how cute my face and hair are and even though im a cripple im not short and im strong so i guess i have alot going for me other than being a neet
which doesnt seem to be a problem thankfully
Thanks for the response anon
You honestly sound really similar to me

Do you post your face as picrel? Also I have to ask how tall are you lol
Also do you think my age is the issue? I'm 19, almost 20
I don't know what the metrics look like but my theory is that the userbase here has dwindled to where it's a waste of time now.

I can still get girls from here but I'm 6'2 and good looking which is the exact caveat. I can just get girls from regular dating apps and don't have to pray that they're located nearby as is the case here.

I still browse here every once in a while seeing if there's a diamond in the rough girl who hasn't been ran through but no such luck.
For me it’s the opposite. Cant get anything on dating apps for whatever reason even when I have everything going my way.
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Thanks for philosophizing about the state of soc and rambling about how much of a Chad you are

Are you just too cool to answer the questions in the post?

>Mid 30's, male from the UK

>Depends how frequently I come on here, which in turn depends on my circumstances. But pretty often, there's plenty of women lurking. Just put your details in a thread of your choice, make some effort and not just "I'm gooning hard need a cute girl to come watch me nut" and you'll get adds.

>Varied. Usually a little older. Nearly always in English speaking countries, but occasionally get a South American or Eastern European in there for variety.

>Again, varied, but the most common denominator is women who are fed up of dealing with inarticulate losers, people who speak exclusively in Andrew Tate speak and go on on about being Alpha, amatuer psychologists being edgy, guys who scream and drop their spaghetti if they don't reply for longer than 3 minutes and if they don't immediately send pics of boobs. Men who can't sext or use their imaginations because they've rotted their brain with anime and porn. There's lots of guys here, but it gets tiring having to spend energy and effort adding these particular guys and then within 10 mins they've called you a Godless succubus used-goods whore because you're 27 and have had sex outside of wedlock with more than 2 sexual partners.

>I try and avoid the generic discord/kik/snap etc threads, too many low-effort posts, bots and scams. Occasionally you might see an Actually Existing Woman in there and that's cool but it's better to find a specific thread that suits your interest, kink etc and then make some effort on the post to actually appear interesting.

>My posts are long because I want to filter out people who are inarticulate and have poor literacy. I also want to put some effort in because it distinguishes you from the low effort posts that most guys here add. And also because I appreciate talking to people who have shared hobbies, intellectual interests, things to say beyond just "wot kinks u into?" back and forth tedium. And because sexting is better with people who can back up their filth with a vivid prose style and strong vocabulary.

>I talk in specific detail what I'm interested in, or what the thread is about, I type in full sentences with reasonably good grammar and vocabulary. I try to show that whilst I'm down to be lewd and descend into the gutter that I also appreciate someone who can crack a joke, or have something interesting to say beyond just filthiness. I show that I'm educated, literate, sociable and not frightened of talking to women, nor desperately trying to compensate for feelings of inadequacy by being a jerk, nor needy and demanding. I also very early tell every person that adds me that I won't pester them for pics or nudes, that they can send as much or as little as they want, and that I value the ability to hold a good conversation over seeing tits. After all, there's no shortage of boobs on the internet if that's what I wanna see. I generally only enjoy seeing nude pics if I've built some level of connection, however meagre, with the person I'm talking too.

You can add me on kik via EroticBingoNight, if we get on wanna keep in touch I'll give you my discord there.
Wow, thanks for giving such a thorough response! I'm gonna take notes and try to integrate your advice into my future posts

Thanks again
Also do you think the fact that I'm young (19) is causing women to write me off? My posts are usually lengthy and I'd like to think I'm reasonably articulate, but maybe no one is getting past the first line with my ASL

I think your being young means you're a bit less patient and prone to being frustrated if you don't get immediate replies and results. It's fine.

Sometimes I'll put half a dozen well thought out and considered posts and get nothing. Then I'll put one out and 4 girls all replying to it. It's quite hit and miss.

The time of day and date of the week also matter. Friday and Saturday nights US-time tend to be quite productive.

Find the more specific threads. Ask yourself "are any lurking girls likely to want to click on this thread?"

I've made long-term female friends on here, people I've kept in touch with long after we've seen each other's bits. It can happen.

If it's any consolation, it's more difficult for the girls. The ration of M to F might be 10:1 or more, but a big chunk of those guys are gay and another chunk of those guys are about as unappealing as a septic heamorroid. Plus, the number of people posting "this is my ex add me to share pics girls have sent you" puts them off too. You only have to get chatting to some of them to see how frustrated the whole process can be become even for women with the ratio in their favour, and if you do behave like a grown up they're in all liklihood going to be grateful to you for it.

Good luck

>I think your being young means you're a bit less patient and prone to being frustrated if you don't get immediate replies and results. It's fine.
This is true

I haven't got added once so far, so I'm just a bit anxious that there's something fundamentally wrong with my posts, and that I'm sort of spinning my wheels. Hearing how hit or miss it is makes me feel a bit better though

Was there anything that your more successful posts had in common? Or was their success pure chance

Thanks again for the detailed responses
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if i'm going to be completely honest with you yeah i think its partially your age but there is jack shit you can do about that
i'm 5'10 and blonde if thats anything

women fetishize mens age to the point of it being core to most of their desires or personalities and refuse to even consider a man their age when they're in their late teens and early 20s in the majority of cases unless theyre like at least 2-3 years older. its gross

and yeah i have posted face before but not often
pic is flowers a girl bought me one time when we met up
post face itt please
>but there is jack shit you can do about that
I can think of a solution
In all seriousness though, I think I'll try lying just to see if anyone adds me
well good luck with that, any kind of relationship you form based on lies won't last, especially one like that
women love gays, just be gay dude
No I wouldn't accept any of the requests. I just want to test my hypothesis. I wouldn't actually try to build a serious relationship on a foundation of lies

Also dude please do post face itt
I'm curious lol
this isnt far from the truth lots of people think im homo and i guess im sort of more like a homo than most men but i have typical masculine interests and i hate men
>Your age and location
31, USA

>How often do you get added by women?
I get at least one for every thread I post contact info in. Maybe two if I'm lucky.

>Age and location of the women that add you
Always in their 20s, from 21 to 28. Never gotten anything younger (thankfully) or older. To be honest, that's generally the age range I'm looking for in a woman, so I'm content with that.

>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
I rarely get to know them enough to answer this, because most women just ghost after a day or two. The few that haven't, they were definitely autists/femcels, and I have a feeling at least one of them was a tranny larping as a woman.

>What threads do you post in?
It'd be easier to say what threads I DON'T post in, those being the lewd/sex focused ones, along with ones that are way to broad/generalized like the Discord threads. So I'm usually posting in places like Ideal BF/GF, Wholesome Dating, etc. Sex is nowhere near a focus for me, I just want companionship. Someone I can talk to all night about my passions and also play video games with.

>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
Short, sweet, and to the point. I make no attempt to hide what I actually am or what hobbies I'm into.

>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
Considering the majority of them ghost me after a day, fuck if I know. I have all my relevant information out in the open, yet more often than not they're expecting me to carry the conversations despite them adding/approaching me.

My personality is feminine in a lot of ways too
Girls that I talk to usually describe my personality as cute and bubbly (lol). Most of my hobbies are stereotypically masculine though
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>how often add
usually get 1 or 2 when i post, which is admittedly not frequently
>al of women
usually range from 18 to 28, typically from europe or north america
>which women
mostly femcels, autists, sometimes a bpdemon, sometimes a junkie (instantly kick to the kerb), rarely a normie
>where post
discord friend finder, dating threads like the "ideal bf/gf post yourself" ones, nothing lewd or sexual
>what posts like
usually short and to the point, matter-of-factly state dealbreaker stuff like how i'm a sped (autism), dislike homosexuals etc etc but i don't jabber about it, usually i just use either a pic the thread asked for or one i find interesting/funny
>what interests women adding
it's an even split between girls who just want to be friends, girls who want romance, and girls who just want to goon (i'm fine with all but the third kind)

of course, the majority of the time when i get adds she either never responds or we have a great conversation then never speak again
sometimes it lasts tho, met my best friend of 2 years on soc
lol fag

Okay you're close to my age so I'm really curious about how you're doing this

Can you share one of your posts?

Also how are you pulling 28 year old women? Do you just have god tier rizz?

Seriously I need answers man
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honestly i think the main reason is that they think i'm interesting or enthused about my interests
can't share my posts cause i don't even remember when my last one was, got gf from it tho, but picrel is the last image i used in a post yourself thread (tag omitted)
idk on the 28 year old woman thing, i think there are just a lot of lonely late 20s women in the non sexual threads so that's why i get a broader age range
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Nothing a British person says will ever hurt me because I know they all look like picrel
+ reddit spacing WILL repel all worthwhile women

Wait are we insulting each other or being friendly I'm confused lol
Wait is this for real? I thought is was just easier to read
thankfully i was one of the 3 people born in England in the past century who was not cursed with the Innsmouth Look
srsly i always get really positive reactions when i post face (no i will not do it here), honestly i think it's kept women talking to me when they otherwise wouldn't
halo effect type thing
sort of real, depends on the type of person reading it

I hope I'm attractive enough to get this effect too. I got asked out a couple times in high school so I'm not a complete ogre
Quite a while back I managed to get some decent adds but lately I'm trying again and haven't been having luck. Only added by one alleged girl and she did the typical thing of barely being responsive or literate.

Imo the key is to have something interesting to just get some attention, cause women on here are all scrolling past post after post looking for one that is different in any way. An unusual kink, hobby, anything really. Just something that isn't constantly being said like how lonely and horny you are.
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Too bad, you almost got me.
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This is why girls don't like me
Nah they don't like you cause your ads aren't interesting
I’ve been coming here for more than 10 years.
I used to get added by women quite frequently (including also from r9k). I even met my ex gf from here with whom i lost my first kiss to and we were together for like two years. Unfortunately it was very LDR and we only met twice but it was amazing

The last few years seem to have dried up though and i basically never get added. Maybe it’s because i’m too old now or because all the girls from back then are long gone and the newer generation doesn’t come to places like this, i don’t know. But i do know that soc isn’t what it was. It seems to be a lot slower now and has less people in general. I think everyone just switched to circlejerking and attentionwhoring on discord servers, something that wasn’t a thing back then.
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not joking i had a girlfriend for 2 years because my "ideal bf" image had colorful text
she chose mine because it was colorful, she said
and another one came all the way across the country just to see me and fuck said the same thing
girls love colors

she drew me a few times, heres a simple cute one
closest youre getting to my face
Guys I got another chance to post it I'm not gonna fuck it up this time
>>Your age and location
Currently mid-40s. Northeast US.
>>How often do you get added by women?
Often enough, I guess?
>>Age and location of the women that add you
Early 20s. Usually within a couple hours drive.
>>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
Suicidal fembots.
>>What threads do you post in?
Localized threads (Northeast, state specific) or otherwise specifically geared towards getting together IRL (mandatory meetup)
>>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
Most of the time I've stuck to the template for "my post", but continued to interact with the thread. It's the other replies that pique their interest.
>>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
We had a lengthy discussion about physics/math that morphed into talking about college experiences and then life in general. Met up after two years of being online friends. LDR for your years. She posted an attention whoring thread and doxxed herself.
Another saw a post in a State thread talking about looking at foreclosed/distressed real estate and the intrusive thoughts about finding junkie girls squatting the properties from time to time. She apparently liked the idea of getting raped in an abandoned derelict house so much she looked higher in the thread to find my contact info. She lived about an hour away. Dated a little over three years.
Third was, from my perspective, through a Mandatory Meetup thread, but she eventually confessed she had been "stalking" me for several years, since she was 16.

For the most part, I haven't particularly cared that ZOMG GIRL. It's more that the conversations have been interesting to want to keep talking to them and one thing leads to another on a long enough timeline.

Thanks for the response bro but you didn't really respond to the questions I asked :/
Thanks anon, I'll try using a more colorful pic. So far I've only used bog standard anime stuff
here you go, its this guy
this is the reason so many people complain they cant get bitches anymore
all of the women our age are sleeping with 40+ men with careers absolutely ruining any chance she would have ever having a normal relationship with a man while simultaneously making her entirely undesireable
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>How often do you get added by women?
very rarely, mostly because my posts are kinda specific with what im looking for
>Age and location of the women that add you
21-30+, usually in the USA but I've been added by women from all over the world.
>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
all of the above
>What threads do you post in?
sfw discord threads and gaming thread
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
some share same interests and want to genuinely be friends, and the rest think im an easy target/simp/paypig/desperate for affection or something like that and want to get free shit from me (spoiler: im not)

there are some women on here that are cool and normal and probably dateable, but they're pretty fucking rare to find... so you'll be sifting through a lot of shit people to find that one gem (or just something that isn't shit)
Thanks anon

And how old are you?
Nah. I suppose it depends what you consider "a normal relationship with a man", but the ones I still talk to or occasionally check on are doing pretty well from what I gather.
I anything, dating me served as their waypoint FROM hooking up with random internet assholes TO "a normal relationship with a man".
Maybe that excludes you from ever having a chance, but, going by your last sentence, you think those grapes are probably sour anyway.
(NOTE: They're delicious.)
>Your age and location
27, no.
>How often do you get added by women?
maybe 2-4x a month
>Age and location of the women that add you
any, lol. Met young 20s from USA, 30s from Europe, etc
>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
BPDemons, autists, normies
>What threads do you post in?
Casual SFW
>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
Long, filtering out dumbasses and weirdos
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
That I seem relatively normal and tame
you're horribly mistaken, i genuinely love whores and sluts and always make good friends with them. your warped, weird perspective of a 20~ year old woman being in any kind of "normal' relationship with a man literally double her age is a poison on our entire society
I barely post or browse this board but I have got added by a few womens. Like 5-6 I think.
>Your age and location
20M New England
>How often do you get added by women?
This is difficult to say because again I post very sporadically but certainly its not a high success rate
>Age and location of the women that add you
All within a few years of my age, none were remotely close to me
>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
I only really talked in depth with two. Both were quite mentally ill with a lot of trauma. One was actually really cool and well adjusted considering what they had been thru, making progress in life n shiet, the other was crazy and retarded yet somehow also boring and a complete shut in nonfunctional hikkineet. The former initially added me for e-sex purposes (I posted my benis), she was actually incredibly attractive but we just became friends fr. the other had an unhealthy obsession with me, I did not feel the same way at all but
kept her around for quite some time because it was validating. pathetic behavior to be honest. I just didn't click with any of the other ones mainly they were dry and boring
>What threads do you post in?
All adds have been from me posting my face or benis
>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
Really just pictures of my face/benis with no description
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
My physical attributes
>Really just pictures of my face/benis with no description

Alright bro how big is it
I'm not suggesting that a 10-15-20-25 year age gap is going to be "a normal relationship", I'm pointing out that AFTER I have dated them for a few years, most have gone from being those "whores and sluts" you "genuinely love" to THEN having "a normal relationship".
I'm sure it's very upsetting to you that 22-23 year old 4chan cumdumpsters are no longer willing to be "whores and sluts" for you in exchange for your "genuine love" after dating me, but that sounds like a personal problem.
Well I only got 1 (bio female) add from my cock, many more from fags and trannies though. It is 7.5x5, probably below average for self reported penis size on this board LOL
You simply have to master the art of the frauded dick pic
Even then it's really just luck. what type of woman is going to be browsing crusty dick pics looking for a man to add?
What's funny is that I actually posted a Hentai cock tribute of Marie from splatoon (hovering my penis over a chromebook laptop displaying a pornographic cartoon image) which likely gives off a female repellant gooner aura
I genuinely don't add men who reddit space

No, idiot, it's that women in their mid 20s who are broken enough to be looking for men in their mid 40s are never going to be fixed by that relationship and are just going to have to heal from yet another trauma once they process it years later
No need to answer anything else
Thanks for the response

While I've got you here, can I get you take on the age issue? Is the fact that I'm 19 holding me back? Or is it something else
Haha I was just asking out of curiosity. I'm not into sending dick pics
FYI reddit spacing
is this

the reddit spacing you are referring to was a meme created to bait newfags like you into outing themselves as tourists. lurk more
i really don't even know what the hell you're trying to convey, because it makes so many assumptions that it invents a person who isnt me and has problems that i dont have, explained in bizzare ways that i can't relate to
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Stop fighting!!
I can't tell if you're an abusive older man telling on yourself, or an abusive woman trying to blame men for your own bad choices.
Luckily, whatever the case, most people aren't like you.
insinuating she's abusive for pointing out your highly one-sided, strange relationships likely did psychological damage to the people unfortunate enough to value themselves so little as to get with a man twice their age? dude you drip manipulation so much you can't even keep it in your pants in a fucking thread in front of other people lmfao dude we arent cornered with you like them, get real and shut the fuck up
>the supreme whores-and-sluts-genuine-lover condescends to lecture others
It seems like you want to be able to blame it on your age. I have zero information about the quality of your posts, so I don't know why women aren't adding you

No it's not. Reddit requires you to press enter twice to create a new line, so redditors press enter twice after the post number out of habit, creating reddit spacing

It's funny how those who have objectivity don't fall for his shit and his immediate reaction to attempting to blame them instead
>get added
Every woman I've talked to long-term from here, I was the one who messaged her. That's the way it works on apps and in real life, why do you think it would be any different here?
>It seems like you want to be able to blame it on your age
Thanks for the observation. Now would you care to answer the question I asked?
I mention that I'm 6'8" and I get a few adds regardless of the thread I'm posting in or what I say.

>I'm not 6'8", I keep undersized props around me in case we videocall
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>miniature ruler for when they ask for cock measurements
Why aren't we all miniaturemaxxing
that is how it started, I found some smaller scale soda cans that I used for dick pics.
>these poor mid-twenties literal children won't process what happened until years later :(((
Are women adults and equals or not, lmfao
Sounds like you know an awful lot about reddit and how redditors act, maybe you should go back there?
She was 24 and 364 days, YOU SICK FUCK.
Made a post being honest about things wrong with me and got 4 adds, only kept talking to one of them long-term. One sent me nudes after a psychological test, one wasted my time, one did drugs on call
What were the things wrong with you? Like which mental illnesses?
Your question is useless because I have zero data. I can't say whether or not age is a factor in people adding you when I have no idea what your posts look like or what threads you're posting in

Do you not understand how trauma works? It can happen to anyone, regardless of age. A 22 year old woman who is seeking out a relationship with a man twice her age is already broken or she wouldn't be looking for men twice her age. She is going to be taken advantage of in those scenarios. Power dynamics can exist between two adults. I'm not calling anyone a child, but great way to try to downplay my argument
- 27, north Rockies, valley town
- at least twice a week during the summer and not at all during the cold months
- college age bracket like 18-23 all either sporty or femcel builds
-you don't find these women on 4chan
-list my hobbies and interests, nothing special, use hinge mostly
-they're all on vacation in my town so it's easy to do hookups and hard to find someone to stay. I live behind a bar so I'm usually there after work and I'm easy to talk to. Most girls are on vacation away from the people (their boyfriends) who are "stressing them out".
>Your age and location
23 male Texas

>How often do you get added by women?
i met up with 5 chicks so far on this website. 3 of them actually ended up with dates and sleeping with each other. one became a friend before she left to the service and the other was LDR that ended up becoming my current long term gf im planning on marrying soon

>Age and location of the women that add you
oldest 27 was in my city another was 21 when we first talked also in my city. 2 18 year olds who were like local , 1/2 - 1 hour away . and my current gf i met on here is 20 and shes from canada

>What kind of women add you? (bpdemons, femcels, autists, normies, chudettes, dommy mommies)
only one of them was an actual BPD demon. her macbook broke and she was bitching and crying to me about it. and i told her to take it to the apple store and she started sending me really bad self harm videos and i told her i didnt want to talk to her for the day if she was doing that. 20 minutes later got an assload of nudes from randomly. thank god i got out of that. besides that usually they were all normie, just a slight bit of being quirky from the chicks ive met

>What threads do you post in?
havent posted in 4chan in a while . i did the adopt a neet years ago and texas threads. but the thing is i only posted like a couple months and it was hit or miss.

>What are your posts like (long vs short, focus on hobbies vs personality, open about your issues vs focus on your positive traits, what pic do you use, etc.)
my posts were just honest and truthful about what i was looking for. i made it clear on the texas thread im looking for dates , talked about myself and my career. i never post a pic until i get into messages. i never ever bother making anything sexual related or any denigratory views on anything. never made mentioned on requirements a female needs to make or i talk too much over myself in my post. just made it clear and simple and what i have to offer , girls add me and shit happens .
ran out of characters
on the adopt a neet server , well same shit. just talked about myself a little and how i can be a good provider and what i have to offer . my posts were basically short and simple and i just kept it to where its like im inviting them to talk to me? i dont know else to say it i wish i had a screenshot from the AAN server to show what i put. but i just made it where my post is interesting and if the chick is interested, she should hit me up . but i wasnt outright saying that she should.

>What do you say that interests the women adding you
this is the most important part when it comes to picking women up on here. people just like me. i dont mean in a romanitic way. i mean as in that im extrovert , im funny as fuck to were i get flooded with requests on multiplayer games with voice chat ,i have a good paying job and im already set for life someone my age. im just fully set as a grown ass man and i make damn sure i show it to chicks and they like that shit from how i carry myself . but i wouldnt want to say that is the main reason why . its the fact that i can talk to women for more than 5 minutes without sounding like a weirdo. i do the 30/70 rule. 30% of me complimenting, giving feedback and just making sure they laugh their asses off. 70% of the talking should be them talking about themselves because we all know women just love talking about themselves.

you want to pick up chicks on 4chan OP? i suggest you start making yourself stick out from all the loser chumps here . im good looking and i have money so its easy as fuck for me. i cant say for you man but looks is going to be the main thing in your favor for this shit. after that its pretty much just knowing how to talk to chicks and reeling them in once you get chatting up. getting girls is still easier irl then it is on here in my opinion
>Your age and location
>How often do you get added by women?
it's about 50/50 male-to-female friend reqs whenever i post my tag
>Age and location of the women that add you
>What kind of women add you?
regular internet users/mentally unwell/human
>What threads do you post in?
any that looks cute/fun, i mostly shitpost on ideal gf/bf or anything that seems novel
>What are your posts like
whatever i feel like atm
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
no idea, i usually ask people why my post would interest them and they usually reply with generic answers a la 'you seemed (insert arbitrary adjective here)'
to add:
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
i don't think it's really that deep; a lot of people are here because they're just bored. just have fun fun while posting and talking2 people
>A 22 year old woman who is seeking out a relationship with a man twice her age is already broken or she wouldn't be looking for men twice her age.
Does not follow.
>She is going to be taken advantage of in those scenarios.
Does not follow.

The various horrible evil wicked mean bad nasty scenarios where the younger person would be "taken advantage of" are often exactly the same things that would happen with an "age appropriate" partner.
>Power dynamics can exist between two adults.
Sure. A mature adult who remains cognizant of power imbalances can try to mitigate their effects rather than exploit them to "take advantage".
The role age (and, relatedly, age gaps) plays in that would be that, all else being equal, an older partner is LESS likely to "take advantage".
Thus why a 22 year old woman, who has perhaps had some bad experiences, might be looking for men twice her age.
Probably the weirdest IRL interaction I've had with a stranger from 4chan involved meeting up with a chick "for lunch".
She's pretty cute, but I'm down to go our separate ways within the first 30 seconds. She, for whatever reason, still wants to go get the agreed upon food. She points out there's a Chipotle in the little shopping center where we met, so we walk over to that.
I'm politely and agreeably zoned out, so I don't remember the details of the conversation, but the next bit I do remember is getting a few steps away from the cashier after paying, planning to head to a table, and her turning towards me to say "Okay. I'll suck your dick in the car, but probably not more than that."
Apparently, she was testing me by ordering extra guacamole or some shit, and since I wasn't paying attention I passed.
I tell her that's a bit weird and would prefer to decline her kind offer.
The car radio is on, but otherwise we sit and eat in silence.
Finish, collect trash and throw it in the can behind the passenger seat. Make eye contact as we sip our drinks.
A little awkward okay-now-what moment where I hope she takes the hint to get out of my car and go back to her life.
Instead she asks if it would be okay if she sucks my dick "anyways".
I laugh and tell tell her "No.", joke that I'm pretty sure my mom always told me you have to wait 40 minutes after eating. She stares blankly at me. Add "...or maybe that was before going swimming." She picks up it's a joke and seems to genuinely laugh. I like the way she looks when she smiles.
Tell her I'd rather eat her pussy anyway, and ask if she'd like me to drop her off next to her car or something.
Suddenly serious expression, she says she walked, actually, it's not far, I could drive her home.
All business turn-by-turn instructions later, I pull into the indicated driveway and stop.
She begins the motion to get out, but stops slightly leaned forward with her hand on the lever to open the door and stares at her feet.
This moment stretches out.
Put the car in reverse.
"Okay." she says.
"Okay. You can eat my pussy."
She looks up at me. "If you want."
Smiles slightly, which falters, then gets out of the car.
In retrospect, I'm not sure if she expected me to park and follow her, but once she was clear, I was already in reverse so I backed out and drove away.

A couple weeks later, since this place is frequently small geographically/socially clustered communities, start talking with another girl who claims to be friends with her and talks mad shit about, oooooh, she didn't mention she has a boyfriend did she, oooooh.
Second girl then proceeds to try to blow up their social circle with this drama about the first girl talking to dudes on the internet and cheating, which backfires when the first girl points out she was clearly doing the same thing, resulting in the second girl's boyfriend (oooooooh nah, she actually did mention him and I dropped the idea of second girl and I meeting up) dumping her.
I know all this because second girl hit me up again and asked if my offer to come over and cuddle was still open, and then got blackout drunk and told me her life story.
Holy fucking slop of a make up story.
Nigga go back to your containment gooner thread
I'm pretty sure the made up gooner slop story would have ended with a marathon threesome blowbang with both girls, then air 69 and spray diarrhea everywhere... rather than nothing happening.
Cool story about NOT hooking up with girls from 4chan due to being too much of an socially retarded weirdo, bro.
Next time be sure to end it with "and then I found five dollars" so something marginally interesting happens.

Real story actually went:
>"Please suck my cock"
>Girl is clearly disgusted
>"I'll buy you whatever you want!!
>She accepts it, free food
>She's afraid of him
>Attempts grooming somewhere along the day, gets fucking beaten
>Friend gets involved to roast the faganon
>Anon goes home and jerks off thinking of all his CHAD accomplishments
>Posts on 4chan while getting toped by his dom femboy cus "FEMBOYS AREN'T GAYY"
>Real story actually went:
Nah. Went down more-or-less as told. Or at least it was honestly perceived more-or-less as told and probably not too far off. Internal world of a high functioning sperg.
>greentect gay humiliation fantasy
Get back to YOUR gooner containment thread, nwod.
You didn't even find five dollars, either.
Work on it. Fuck.
Question for guys that add (bio) women:

I'm a woman and I have never added a guy, but I do appreciate the effort that goes into pursuing

Do guys who pursue prefer to be ignored if a girl isn't interested or told exactly why the girl isn't interested? I've been going through text posts and email, so the reason has not been looks.
Depends. I'd appreciate the honesty, but (also guessing here) most guys probably wouldn't.
This nigga typing walls of fantasy made text wouldn't have the looks OR confidance to get a girl to come up to him and ASK HIM to suck his dick.
Like most troon degenerates, their porn brain has affected their logical thinking.
Yeah, IN THE POSSIBLE OUTCOME anon is good looking, has charm and confidence, and gets girls to beg to fuck him, the story could be true. On a .001% chance or something tho.
Much likely he's just porn brained and baiting.

No point even debating, it's clear how unreal it is.
case by case, but i'm pretty sure most people would rather the latter than being ghosted
why do human relations unrelated to understanding concepts and systems seem so platitudinal and transactional : (
>Do guys who pursue prefer to be ignored if a girl isn't interested or told exactly why the girl isn't interested?
Being told they aren't interested is preferable to being left to shout into the void until you figure it out for yourself, but I doubt being told exactly why would be constructive.
I.e., the exact reason YOU aren't interested might be the exact reason someone else IS interested. It's not useful information.
If someone asks for a reason, though, providing the answer is nice, but that might get you into a postmortem metadiscussion with someone you're already not interested in talking to.
Rent free.
Trips of holy truth.
We're made out of meat.
We do meat things.
I'd prefer you tell me what the issue was. That way I know what I can improve on
You don't necessarily have to say exactly why you aren't interested, just that you aren't interested. To me at least it's not that important. Normally I'm able to tell that shit isn't really working out/there's no interest from the other party, and then I end it. If you were to feign interest to be 'nice' and then ghost out of nowhere because you eventually got tired of it, then that would probably the worst thing you could do
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im not answeing all that so tldr
>What kind of women add you?
dom girls
>What threads do you post in?
ideal gf/bf post yourself template thread rarely
>What are your posts like
dom girl bait
>What do you say that interests the women adding you?
how cute i am!!~!~!1!!
Every single woman that I ever talked to from this shithole was a waste of time. None of them have anything to say, but they expect you to constantly entertain them, and then they delete you when you fail to lead the entire conversation by yourself.
Ok, so what's your tag, let's see how many add you

Also, do good looks even matter if you're not a "military goth edgy" fuck. Don't mean to sound pretentious but I'm good looking yet still get very dry responses after a while ...
Thanks for the response
Are you a femboy? Asking because I'm not, so I'm wondering if this strategy would still work for me
Femboy is vague depends you ask
andro twink really desu
My tag changes, I'm not gonna get myself archive snooped by weirdos!!! And I'm not looking now anyway
Unless, you're asking cause you're interested...~? Oh anon you flatter me :3
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I get tons of matches on dating apps...
... some of them have penises...
... and the others have dishonest intentions.
i've had 4 women add me from here over the last 8 years that i've edated

only one was worthwhile, god she was so hot funny and cute (and not mentally ill, just slightly autistic)

i miss her every day
>Unless, you're asking cause you're interested...~? Oh anon you flatter me :3
Yeah I wanted to get your tag to be added, but I guess you're not interested >:3
What happened? Did you send a pic of yourself?
story pls!

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